EMER180 Technical Rescue

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In the case of a 10-foot trench, the soil column exerts an outward force at the base of ____ pounds per square foot. The outward force increases with the depth of the trench, with soil blocks at the bottom of the soil column theoretically tending to become compressed and bulge outward.


More than _______ vehicles in the United States use propane gas, most of which have spark-ignition engines that can operate on either propane or gasoline.


OSHA statistics show that ____ percent of victims of incidents in these areas had no confined-space training. In addition, the infrequency of confined-space situations encountered means that responders often have very little experience on which rescue teams can base their decisions.


When the federal OSHA Permit-Required Confined Space Final Standard was adopted in 1993, statistics indicated that ___ percent of all industrial organizations were planning to depend on the local fire department for rescue operations; unfortunately, at that time, only ___ percent of fire departments were trained in confined-space rescue.


The federal OSHA Permit-Required Confined Space regulation states that a hazardous atmosphere is present when flammable gas, vapor, or mist is present in excess of ___ percent of its lower flammable limits.


Because there is a high potential for other building utilities to be disrupted and a chance for a secondary collapse, responders should initially position their response vehicles at least ___ feet away from the collapse area.


It is important for rescuers and other responders to make sure that they park their response vehicles at least ___ feet away from the open trench to avoid becoming superimposed loads, and that unnecessary response vehicles be shut down to minimize their vibration effects.


More than ___ distinct soil types exist, but no soil can be called entirely safe for creating vertical trenches.


Soil is extremely heavy, weighing approximately ___ pounds per cubic foot (depending on the moisture content and other factors).


As a rule of thumb, the touchdown area for the helicopter should be a minimum of ___ ft × ____ ft.


NFPA ____ establishes the job performance requirements (JPRs) needed for responders to perform technician level rescue skills.


Regardless of the situation, responders must understand the importance of conducting a good scene survey and ensuring appropriate apparatus placement. Apparatus placement should be ___-___ feet upwind or uphill when possible.


NFPA ____, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer, lists the minimum knowledge, duties, and responsibilities of fire department safety officers.


NFPA ____ establishes organizational requirements to operate safely and effectively at rope rescue emergencies.


NFPA ____ establishes organizational requirements to operate safely and effectively at structural collapse emergencies. Specifically, this standard identifies the requirements for risk and hazard assessment, written procedures, safety protocols, personal protective equipment (PPE), establishing operational response level, and resource considerations.


NFPA ______ definition of "wilderness" is as "an uncultivated, uninhabited, and natural area usually, but not necessarily, far from human civilization and trappings."


Moving an unconscious victim even __ to __ inches vertically out of the water can be an almost impossible task.


According to OSHA, failure to test atmospheres and properly ventilate is responsible for ___ percent of preventable accidents.


OSHA requires the spoil pile to be placed a minimum of __ feet away from the edge of the open trench.


The search and rescue area is the area within a ___ foot radius of the vehicle or machinery.


PPE includes a minimum of a PFD for any responder who works from a boat, enters the water, works from bridges or structures over the water, or works on shore within ___ feet of the water.


Currently, more than ______ confined-space entries occur each day, carried out by construction workers, industrial plant operators, painters, electricians, welders, utility company personnel, and public works employees. There is no way to determine how many unauthorized or accidental entries occur every day by mischievous, adventuresome, or unlucky individuals.


The general area around a rope rescue scene is considered the entire area within _____ feet of the event. The size of this general area may be enlarged for incident management purposes as required by the IC.


Specialized rescue vehicles are commonly classified into ___ categories.


Some aspects of the technical rescue field have been in existence as an organized effort for hundreds—if not thousands—of years. In what year did Roman law establish regulations (rules, ordinances, or laws) requiring that assistance be provided to shipwrecked seamen?

46 B.C.E.

Throw bags typically contain ___ to ___ feet of buoyant rope.


Various safety organizations, including the National Safety Council (NSC) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), have published statistics over the years stating that anywhere from ___ percent to more than ___ percent of confined-space deaths result from secondary entries by personnel attempting to rescue the initial entrants into the space.


High-angle rope rescue victims may be suffering from traumatic injuries and/or other medical emergencies. ________ capabilities are required to treat fall victims effectively once they are moved to a safe location.


_____ victims should be removed from the immediate incident location and moved away so that they do not see the aftermath of the incident.


_____________ rely(s) on filtration to remove particulates, gases, or vapors from the atmosphere.

Air-purifying respirators

Because of how it is designed, the Incident Command System (ICS) can be used equally well at all types of incidents, including nonemergency events, such as public gatherings. It should be used for everyday operations as well as major incidents; regular use of the system enhances rescue responders' familiarity with the standard procedures and terminology. This is known as:

All-Risk and All-Hazard System.

In SAR, a mnemonic commonly used is LAST. Which is not included in this mnemonic?


_________ can be created by natural or human-made causative factors such as ground movement from earthquakes, high wind damage from tornadoes, or terrorist bombings that damage multiple building.

Approach hazards

__________ techniques attempt to draw the subject toward a desired location where rescuers are waiting.


Patient assessment methods and patient treatment must always follow the medical protocols established by the ___________, which in turn must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

The organization, office, or individual responsible for approving equipment, materials, installation, or a procedure is known as:

Authority Having jurisdiction (AHJ).

Another specific circumstance in which a(n) _____ level responder may effect a non-entry rescue would be a close horizontal retrieval scenario, such as a person located inside a tank, tunnel, or pipe with a horizontal opening.


Responders at the ______ level should not consider making an entry into a confined space to initiate a rescue. At this level of training, the responder is not adequately prepared and equipped to perform an entry-type rescue safely and effectively.


_________ responders are not properly trained to operate rope rescue equipment.

Awareness Level

___________ is the first level of rescue training provided to all responders, which emphasizes recognizing hazards, securing the scene, and calling for appropriate assistance. There is no actual use of rescue skills at this level.

Awareness Level

_____________ responders, and in some cases even responders at the operations level, should not consider making an entry into a water rescue to initiate a rescue.


A __________ is a method of protecting workers from cave-ins by excavating the side of a trench excavation to form one or a series of horizontal levels or steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between levels.

Benching System

_________ is a tool application in which rescuers drill a hole into the rock, stone, or piece of concrete that needs to be removed.


____________, which were originally used for recreational surfing, can be used in virtually any type of water, including swiftwater.

Boogie Boards

A(n) _______ can be hydraulically or electrically driven and consist of a telescoping beam that can be rotated 360 degrees.


________ should be durable, at least ankle high, broken in, waterproof, and breathable.


Oxygen levels within the confined space can become fatally low in a _____ period of time.


A(n) _____________ is a compressed air system used for refilling SCBA bottles and/or regulating for direct supply to supplied-air respirators.

Cascade system

Common injuries and medical complications observed at building collapse events include fractures, respiratory distress, ______, compartment syndrome, and crush syndrome.


____________ is a means of safely traveling down a fixed rope with the use of a descent control device. This rescue technique may be required in confined-space enclosures such as storage tanks, tunnels, or process vessels.


_______ is designed to be elastic and will stretch when it is loaded.

Dynamic rope

_____________ resources are required so rescue teams can hand off patients for treatment and transport to medical facilities once the victims are retrieved utilizing rope rescue skills and equipment.


An organization established by the U.S. Congress that provides form and structure to interstate mutual aid is:

Emergency Management Assistance Compact

_________ is a type of victim entrapment that may occur when a liquid product or a granular solid product flows into or moves within a confined space and then surrounds and/or buries a victim.


________ is a condition in which a victim is trapped by debris, soil, or other material and is unable to extricate himself or herself.


_________________ is a condition in which a victim is trapped by debris, soil, or other material and is unable to perform self-extrication.


___________refers to a condition in which a victim is trapped by debris, soil, or other material and is unable to extricate himself or herself.


To ensure that the rescue operation is as safe and efficient as possible, you must choose the proper _________ and be skilled in its use.


A(n) ________ is any human-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression made in an earth surface that is wider than it is deep.


________ refers to actions taken by responders to remove a victim from an entrapment at a building collapse.


________ is a system comprising rope hardware and software that is used to protect workers from falling from an elevated position.

Fall Protection

Rescue personnel should take advantage of training offered by _____ equipment sales, heavy equipment vendors, industry facilities, and other outside sources.


Attempts were made by the U.S. Congress in 1950 to create a national response capability with the passage of the _____________.

Federal Civil Defense Act

The __________ chief tracks payroll information, investigates and processes claims of damage or injury to equipment or personnel, and maintains records of money spent.


The FEMA USAR building and structure marking system has several purposes. In the case of widespread damage to a neighborhood, such as may occur after an earthquake or hurricane, the marking system identifies buildings and locations within a ________.

Geographical Area

A(n) ________ environment contains an atmospheric concentration of any toxic, corrosive, or asphyxiant substance that poses an immediate threat to life or could cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects.

Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)

An ICS ensures that everyone involved in the incident is following the same overall plan. This plan may be developed by the IC alone on smaller incidents or in collaboration with all agencies involved in larger incidents. This best describes a(n):

Incident Action Plan

Incident management personnel are responsible for strategic and tactical management of the confined-space emergency response. One of these responsibilities is the development of a(n) ________, which identifies the overall control objectives for the emergency.

Incident Action Plan

The ________ covers issues such as the assignment of personnel to various management positions responsible for plan implementation.

Incident Action Plan

A(n) __________ is a written plan that provides a comprehensive infection control system to maximize protection against communicable diseases.

Infection control plan

___________ is a term used to describe differences in the current speed and force in different parts of a stream or channel.

Laminar Flow

The __________ can be more useful in some cases than a PLS. It might be identified as the subject's car parked at the trailhead, a campsite, a backpack abandoned in the woods, the subject's signature in a summit log book, or similar information.

Last known point (LKP)

Uncontrolled incident scenes pose serious threats to everyone at the site. __________ should be requested to control crowds and traffic and to establish perimeter control.

Law enforcement

___________ is an effective way of efficiently regulating body temperature.

Layering Clothing

Which position is the IC's point of contact for outside agencies and coordinates information and resources between cooperating and assisting agencies?

Liaison Officer

__________ is used solely for supporting people. It must be used whenever a rope is needed to support a person, whether during training or during firefighting, rescue, or other emergency operations.

Life safety rope

_____________ rescue vehicles are equipped for basic rescue tasks, so they typically carry only hand tools and basic extrication and medical care equipment.


_________ buildings are primarily constructed of wood frame. They are typically one to four stories in height.


An emerging threat to divers is the _______, which has multiple fins tipped with poisonous spines.


Although __________ may be the most time-consuming part of the SAR process, accessing, stabilizing, and transporting the victim are just as critical.

Locating the Victim

Large-scale structural collapse events often have a long duration. In these situations, _______ support resources are required for sustaining long-term rescue operations.


The coordination and organization of ________ become increasingly difficult if the SAR event lasts more than 24 hours and outside resources start arriving. This section is responsible for identifying and maintaining staging areas.


________ rope rescue operations are situations where the slope of the ground over which the rescuers are working is less than 45 degrees.


____________ are essential for any rescue boat operating in ocean, marine, or tidal waters.

Marine Radios

A system that creates a leverage force using levers, pulleys, or gearing and is described in terms of a ratio of output force to input force is known as a:

Mechanical Advantage System

Industrial settings may also necessitate that rescue workers use rope rescue __________________ and descent control techniques to move victims from dangerous environments.

Mechanical Advantage Systems

Other than those tasks specifically assigned to the command staff, all activities at an incident can be relegated to one of four major ICS sections. Each section can be headed by a section chief or by the IC personally, depending on the size and complexity of the incident. Which is not one of the four major sections?

Medical Support

______________ rescue vehicles are designed to handle most rescue situations likely to be encountered by the responding department.


As more resources become available and the span of control increases, the ________ section may add new positions to coordinate the actions of specialized teams.


__________ is the level that allows for limited entry into a confined space with very few hazards and in such a way that a person could enter with self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with no obstructions, and where the victim can be seen from the entryway of the confined space. This level team should have a minimum of four team members.

Operations Level

When working in or around vehicle or machinery incidents, responders must remember the importance of conducting a thorough scene assessment, which includes selection of the appropriate _______ to perform the tasks.


___________ refers to the process of preparing a victim for movement as a unit, often accomplished with a long spine board or similar device.


Police, sheriffs, or other law enforcement agencies are needed at building collapse incidents to help establish ________, perform site security, control traffic flow, and maintain force protection for emergency responders.

Perimeter Control

A ________ is an area where rescuers can trap fingers, hands, feet, or legs and is a part of the scene or incident size-up activity.

Pinch Point

The _________ section is responsible for incident planning. These duties include developing the IAP, collecting and evaluating incident situation status, displaying support information on the event, and tracking overall resources.


The Command Staff consist of all except the:

Planning Officer.

____________ tools are operated by compressed air, which can be supplied from air compressors, SCBA cylinders, cascade systems, or vehicle-mounted compressors.

Pneumatic powered

The __________ is determined by information gathered from someone who actually saw the person and can identify that location on a map.

Point Last Seen (PLS)

These are typically considered administrative in nature and may or may not have emergency incident applications.


Mission success may be hindered by SAR personnel who slow the response due to their _____________.

Poor Physical Condition

___________ buildings may be one or more stories and consist of individual building components such as walls, floors, columns, and beams that are premade at a factory and then assembled on site.


________ is/are constructed of a metal sheave (wheel) mounted on a bearing or metal bushing, and can be aluminum or steel bodied with a steel axis.


Often used in mine and underwater rescue, positive-pressure __________ are long-duration units that recirculate the user's exhaled breath.


________ is the removal of a body from a trapped location to a location where it can be examined and identified.


These are developed by various government or government-authorized organizations. As such, these carry the force of law.


________ involves the moving of live victims to a safer environment. When it is unknown whether a victim is alive, the operation should proceed as such.


If the rescue will involve moving the victim over water, the victim should be placed in/on a _____ whenever possible.

Rescue PFD

In general, water rescue procedures call for ______________.

Rescue first, then medical care

A protective device to provide safe breathing air to a user in a hostile or dangerous atmosphere is known as:

Respiratory protection

____________ are a larger, two-person version of a boogie board.

River Boards

Which Act established our national USAR system?

Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act

__________ is rigid, mechanical auxiliary equipment that can include, but is not limited to, anchor plates, carabiners, and mechanical ascent control devices.

Rope Hardware

A situation where rescuing an injured or trapped patient requires rope rescue equipment and techniques is known as a:

Rope Rescue Incident

A __________ is a constructed system consisting of rope rescue equipment and an appropriate anchor system intended for use in the rescue of a subject.

Rope Rescue System

__________ comprises flexible fabric components of rope rescue equipment; it includes rope, accessory cordage, webbing, anchor straps, and harnesses.

Rope Software

New technology is allowing for use of a GPS-map real-time interface, which means that incident commanders can watch __________ as they move across the landscape.

SAR Teams

_________________ units are similar to SCBA in their function; unlike with SCBA, however, their regulators are designed to work in an underwater environment, which is characterized by increased pressures.


A small-diameter packaging device such as a _________ stretcher might be required for use inside a sewer, narrow tunnel, or building collapse void.


A type of knot used to secure the ends of ropes to prevent them from coming untied is known as a:


Having a _________ present at the incident will ensure a safe work environment for operations.

Safety Officer

Upon their arrival, trained rope rescue teams should perform a ___________ to further identify hazards, establish more effective fall protection for the personnel who need to operate near the edge, and ensure the use of proper personal protective gear.

Scene Assessment

________ is an absolute necessity in protecting responders from individuals who might attempt to enter into the emergency site.

Scene Control

_________ operations involve a combination of detective work, in gathering information about the potential victims; analysis work, in scrutinizing known and unknown victim location information; speculation about potential victim locations within various search environments; and the use of search tools, equipment, and tactics.


Passive tactics include attraction, containment, and investigation. These search techniques do not involve physically entering the ___________.

Search Area

________ can be controlled or eliminated by cutting back with hydraulic shears, a reciprocating saw, or another metal tool. They can also be controlled or eliminated by applying half hose covers, duct tape, or canvas.

Sharp Edges

___________ used by rescue services is typically made of wood or metal and may be commercially made. It is placed against the wall of a trench to stabilize it.


A(n) _________ is a structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in, thereby protecting workers within the structure.


_______ refers to the tools and equipment used to support damaged buildings and damaged structural members, thereby stabilizing the area involved and helping to avoid further collapse.


Before attempting to rescue occupants or moving a damaged hybrid vehicle, for example, rescuers ________ don full protective equipment to protect against the hazards posed by the vehicle's heat and its nickel metal hydride batteries, which produce toxic fumes when they are burned, including oxides of nickel, cobalt, aluminum, manganese, lanthanum, cerium, neodymium, and praseodymium.


A __________ is a trench protection system that uses inclined excavating to form sides that incline away from the excavation so as to prevent a cave-in; the angle of the incline required to prevent a cave-in varies with factors such as soil type, environmental conditions of exposure, and application of surcharge loads.

Sloping Systems

_______________ vehicles are quite common. As mentioned earlier, many organizations have engines, ladder trucks, and vans that carry a limited amount of technical rescue equipment while also supporting fire scene and rescue operations.


_______ soil refers to natural mineral matter that, when excavated, has vertical sides that remain stable when exposed to a lack of support.

Stable Rock

All ignition sources must be eliminated, if possible, without additional exposure or risk, and all apparatus and other vehicles must remain in the ______ upwind beyond the isolation zone.

Staging Area

These are typically developed to provide guidance on the performance of processes, products, individuals, or organizations.


These may take on the force of law when they are viewed as a generally accepted practice.


Each fire department's or rescue squad's ________ should address the levels of response and indicate what positions will be staffed based on the complexity of the incident.

Standards Operating Procedures (SOP)

When applied to emergency services, these serve to ensure that you and your organization are properly equipped, trained, and organized to perform the services rendered in a safe and expeditious manner.

Standards and Regulations

________ are porous objects that let water through but trap people, boats, gear, and debris.


In __________, breathing air is supplied by an air line from either a compressor or stored-air (bottle) system located outside the work area.

Supplied-air respirator/breathing apparatus

A __________ load is any weight in the proximity of the trench or excavation that increases the site's instability or the likelihood of collapse.


_________ result from the presence of unstable debris piles, loose and uneven rubble, and sharp materials at a collapse event.

Surface Hazards

_________ are the victims of a structural collapse who may be found on top of the collapse debris pile or along the perimeter of a collapsed building by the initial responders. These victims are generally not trapped or are only lightly trapped by loose rubble and can easily be accessed and removed to safety.

Surface Victims

__________ are items designed to assist rescuers and victims with floatation, vision, breathing, or propulsion.

Swim Aids

A(n) ________ is a type of excavation that is narrow in relation to its width. In general, its depth is greater than its width, but the width is not greater than 15 feet.


A ________ search uses hasty teams and they should be a highly mobile, well-trained, physically fit, and self-sufficient unit consisting of 2-4 personnel. This team searches the most likely locations where the subject or clues might be found.

Type 1

Active tactics include all methods used inside the search area to locate the search subject or object. There are three general types of active search tactics; which is not one of the three?

Type 2: quick method search

_______ soil refers to cohesive soils and cemented soils such as clay, silty clay, sandy clay, and hardpan.

Type A

_______ soil refers to cohesive soil with less compressive strength than Type A soils, such as angular gravel, silt, and silt loam.

Type B

Sandy soils, sandy loam, and gravel soils, submerged soils, or soils where water is freely flowing from the trench walls are categorized as:

Type C

____________ statistics show that a majority of water victims had no water rescue training.

U.S. Coast Guard

_________________ is the area where human-made improvements intermix with wildland.

Wildland-urban interface

Nonbailing rafts are based on __________-era amphibious assault boats.

World War II

The emergency response system should include ______ procedures to request agency resources and resources that will respond through mutual aid agreements, contracts with private-sector companies, and any memoranda of agreement with regional, state, or federal assets.


Size-up at a vehicle and machinery incident should not include which of the following evaluations:

a written incident action plan.

This system ensures that only qualified rescuers who have been given specific assignments are operating within the area where the rescue is taking place. By using the _____________ and working within the ICS, an IC can track the resources at the scene, hand out the proper assignments, and ensure that every person at the scene operates safely.

accountability system

A good landing zone will also be large enough that it includes a(n) ______ and departure zone.


All rescuers who are required to work within ___ feet of an edge where they could suffer a fall should be connected to some type of fall protection device for their own protection.


A(n) ________ is the separation of a mass of soil or rock material from the side of an excavation or trench, or the loss of soil from under a trench shield or support system; the sudden movement of this material into the excavation, either by falling or sliding, occurs in sufficient quantity that it could entrap, bury, or otherwise injure and immobilize a person.


_______ typically occur(s) either from a shearing of one or both trench side walls, a slough in collapse of the trench belly, the failure of the trench lip, or a spoil-pile slide.


__________ such as Wilderness First Responder and Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician are strongly suggested for at least one member on each field team


Water Recovery_________________ often causes more problems than it solves, including an increase in liability for the incident commander (IC), boat-based rescuers, and the boat owner/operator who may participate in the rescue attempt.

Commandeering boats

_____________ communications equipment is necessary to maintain full-time effective communications between the entry team and the rescue team support personnel who are operating outside the space.


A space large enough and so configured that a person can enter and perform assigned work, that has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (e.g., tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits), and that is not designed for continuous human occupancy, is the definition of a:

Confined Space

________________ techniques are employed to keep the search area as small as possible and possibly intercept the missing person as he or she is trying to find his or her way to safety.


SAR personnel should wear reflective stripping and bright colors when possible. _______ clothing should be avoided.


________ operation is the use of heavy digging equipment to dig a parallel trench or a hole to create a void.


_____________ have a sharp edge designed to sever an object. They range from tools placed in the pockets of turnout coats to larger tools that must be carried to where they are needed.

Cutting tools

A _________ is a piece of equipment designed to provide vertical lifting capabilities at a point away from a rescue vehicle. It consists of a single pole that attaches to a rescue vehicle, with stabilizing cables being attached to the vehicle on either side.

Gin pole

The _________ search method is a basic search technique that involves positioning responders around a collapse site to serve as listeners.

Hailing System

__________ are the simplest and sometimes most effective tools rescuers carry.

Hand tools

When buildings fail and collapse, void spaces are created and victims may be located in them. These void spaces are classified into one of five categories. Which is not one of the five?


A _________ is a quick response team that searches the areas where the missing person is most likely to be.

Hasty Team

___________ are materials or substances that pose an unreasonable risk of damage or injury to persons, property, or the environment if not properly controlled during handling, storage, manufacture, processing, packaging, use and disposal, or transportation.

Hazardous Materials

When working vehicle incidents involving new vehicle designs and engineering changes, responders must realize that some safety equipment designed to protect the vehicle driver and passengers may actually create additional _____ for the rescuers.


______________ rescue vehicles are, by definition, the most heavily equipped vehicles in the rescue vehicle class. They are designed to handle almost any rescue incident that the responding organization might encounter.


_________ buildings are made of a concrete frame and can range from 1 to 13 stories in height. Some of these buildings are built with URM infill walls.

Heavy floor

_________ buildings are primarily characterized by URM walls, tilt-up concrete walls, steel or concrete frames with masonry infill walls, and other low-rise designs that incorporate concrete and/or masonry walls.

Heavy wall

__________ can be used to perform initial reconnaissance of an impacted area after a disaster situation, or to help locate a person lost in a wilderness setting.


________ rope rescue operations include situations in which rope is used to support the rescuers' load and the slope of the surface where rescuers are operating exceeds 45 degrees.


____________ is water moving in a circular motion, parallel with the river's surface. This flow is most commonly found in eddies at the river's edge or immediately downstream of obstacles that penetrate the water's surface.

Horizontal helical

_____________ generators use the vehicle's engine to drive the generator by means of a shaft (similar to a fire pump) or belt (similar to a vehicle alternator).


The directory document should also include a(n) _______ noting equipment and other resources available. These resources could include additional services such as rental agreements and methods of reimbursement for those rentals.

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Rescuers are often exposed to hazards they cannot see, taste, smell, or hear. To deal with this situation, they rely on specialized ______________ to enhance their senses and to identify hazards before they become a danger.

Monitoring and detection equipment

_______________ need to keep their eyes open for signs that the missing person may have crossed the road or trail.

Moving patrols

Which NFPA Standard outlines the minimum job performance requirements for personnel who perform the following technical rescue operations/duties: rope rescue, confined space rescue, vehicle and machinery rescue, surface water rescue, wilderness rescue, mine and tunnel rescue, and cave rescue?

NFPA 1006

Which NFPA Standard states that at a minimum, all technical search and rescue organizations shall meet the awareness level for each type of search and rescue incident for which the AHJ has identified a potential hazard?

NFPA 1670

Which NFPA standard is designed to assist organizations in developing a technical rescue capability in their community?

NFPA 1670

The Incident Command System used by an organization must meet the requirements of:

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

This management plan allows responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines to work together more efficiently during the response to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism. Utilization of this plan allows for a standardized approach to incident management; standard command and management structures; and emphasis on preparedness, mutual aid, and resource management.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Many response organizations perform __________ within their response areas on a regular basis to determine their vulnerability to various technical rescue events.

Needs Assessment

The goal of ventilation is to ensure a(n) _______ environment for both rescuers and victims; to meet this goal, ventilation activities should not create an airborne combustible dust hazard.


Carbon monoxide is ______ naturally in a confined space. It results from a process or is introduced into the space from the outside.

Not Created

This agency issues regulations that are intended to create a safer working environment for U.S. residents. These standards are currently in place for general, maritime, construction, and agriculture industries. In general, this federal agency is responsible for enforcement of its standards across private industry.


____________ includes the use of mechanical search equipment; that is, visual, thermal, seismic, and acoustic devices used to locate victims who are trapped within a collapsed structure.

Technical search

____________ is the level that allows responders to be directly involved in the rescue operation itself, including difficult and hazardous confined-space entries. Training includes use of specialized equipment, care of victims during rescue, and management of the incident and all personnel at the scene. This level team should have a minimum of six team members.

Technician Level

A boat ________ uses a highline stretched at 90 degrees across a stream.

Telfer System

When possible, rescuers should operate within ________ of incident command, the rescue group officer, and one another.

The line of sight

One of the best ways to locate victims in the water is to use a __________, like the ones typically used by fire departments.

Thermal Imaging Camera

In a properly run ICS, each person working at an incident has only one direct supervisor. All orders and assignments come directly from that supervisor, and all reports are made to the same supervisor. This supervisor then reports to his or her own supervisor, and so on up the chain of command. This is known as:

Unity of Command.

PFDs used for water rescue should meet the U.S. Coast Guard's PFD standards. Type III work vests are suitable for most water rescue work. Type ___ rescue PFDs with a quick-release tether are a good choice for swiftwater rescue and for marine rescues outside the surf zone.


A(n) ________ uses two ropes attached to a boat or raft's upstream end, where the rescuers control one rope from each river bank.


____________ is typically one of two types. The first type of flow, a hydraulic, occurs perpendicular to the laminar flow. Hydraulics are formed at the bottom of water flowing over a relatively short, shallow drop such as a low-head dam (a small dam that creates a hydraulic) or a smooth, wide river ledge.

Vertical helical

The ____________ system is a method used and applied in closer proximity to where a victim is actually trapped. Whereas the search marking system will be placed on the outside of a structure and will identify the total number of live or dead victims within the building, this marking system is placed next to the actual internal or external location of each victim.

Victim Location Marking

_________________ refer(s) to all aspects of an incident involving one or more victims: identifying hazards to which a victim may be exposed, accessing a victim, performing triage of multiple victims, assessing patient injuries, stabilizing victim injuries, interacting with victims, and moving and transferring victims requiring technical rescue assistance.

Victim Management

A ____________ is defined as a water emergency that meets the water rescue definition, plus has one or more of the following characteristics: the victim is known to be dead, has been trapped underwater for more than 90 minutes, or is trapped in water from which there is no reasonably safe way to accomplish a rescue.

Water recovery

The first level of rescue training provided to all responders, which emphasizes recognizing hazards, securing the scene, and calling for appropriate assistance is known as:

awareness level.

Rescuers must know that they can get out of the hazard zone from a different direction than they entered in case a __________ eliminates the possibility of exiting from their initial entry point.


A __________ is a group of personnel working without apparatus and led by a leader or boss.


Significant soft-tissue injuries, fractures, severe blood loss, and respiratory distress due to pressure on the patient's chest is a potentially serious medical situation known as:

crush syndrome.

Which is established to divide an incident into physical or geographical areas of operation?


Because of the variety of technical rescue situations that fire fighters, EMS personnel, and rescue teams may face, all responding personnel must be cognizant of potential approach _______ while responding to an event.


It is extremely important that responders take enough time to evaluate ______ properly prior to initiating patient care.


ICS must support communication up and down the chain of command at every level. Messages must move efficiently throughout the system. This consideration is especially important because it ensures that control objectives established by the command staff are effectively implemented by task-level resources. This is also necessary so that outcomes produced by these task-level units are reported back up the chain of command, allowing progress toward incident goals to be measured as the incident unfolds. This best describes:

integrated communications

The primary objective for each rescue, transfer, and patient removal is to complete the process as safely and efficiently as possible while _____________.

limiting further injury to the patient

The __________ regulation addresses the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment for situations in which starting the machines or equipment unexpectedly or releasing their stored energy could result in injury or death to employees and rescue personnel.


Communications, medical support to incident personnel, food for incident personnel, supplies, facilities, and ground support are all under which section?


Not all components of an ICS need to be utilized at every incident—only what is appropriate given the incident's nature and size. Additional components can be added or eliminated as needed as the incident unfolds. Some components are used on almost every incident, whereas others apply to only the largest and most complex situations. This is known as:

modular organization

Confined-space emergencies typically result in patients being exposed to a(n) _______________ within the confined space.

oxygen-deficient or toxic atmosphere

Victim removal techniques used by water-rescue teams include ________ (using lengths of rope, webbing, or netting to roll a victim from the water's surface into a small boat), rescue davits, hull doors, or dive platforms to assist victims from the water into a boat.


A ________ search (often referred to as a hasty search) involves a deployment of search resources that will initiate a rapid search of an area that is thought likely to contain survivors.


A standard system of assigning and tracking the resources involved in the incident is of critical importance to ensuring an efficient and safe operation. At small-scale incidents, units and personnel usually respond directly to the scene and receive their assignments there. At large-scale incidents, units are often dispatched to a staging area, rather than going directly to the incident scene. Some units are assigned upon arrival, whereas others may be held in reserve, ready to be assigned if needed. This is best known as:

resource management

Facility __________ are a valuable resource in providing training to rescue personnel as it pertains to the equipment, and in explaining emergency procedures for controlling associated energy sources.

safety managers

A ________ search is a slower, more methodical, and detailed search of a rescue environment to ensure that no victims were overlooked during the initial search operation.


Which is established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation?


Upon arrival at the scene, rescuers should perform an adequate ______ that includes a comprehensive hazard and risk assessment. This assessment helps identify the hazards that rescuers will be exposed to, the hazards that victims must be protected from, the level of personal protection required, and the safety procedures that must be implemented.


In most situations, one person can effectively supervise only three to seven people (with five being the optimal number). In the ICS setting, the incident commander (IC) communicates with and receives information from a maximum of five people, rather than assuming responsibility for the assignment of all personnel at the scene. Individual managers of personnel and resources within ICS also work within this same system. The actual span of control will depend on the complexity of the incident and the nature of the work being performed. This is known as:

span of control.

After the determination is made that there is a need for a specific technical rescue capability, the next step in the process is the level of response analysis. This is used to decide which level of service will be provided. Based on an evaluation of the information obtained from the hazard, organizational, and risk/benefit analysis, a three-level system is used to determine the level of response. Which is not used to determine the level of response?


A __________ is a group of five units of the same type working on a common task or function.

strike team

A __________ is a group of up to five single resources of any type.

task force

Which management structure is based on business management principles and provides a standard approach and structure to managing operations? Its use ensures that operations are smoothly coordinated, safe, and effective, especially when multiple agencies must work together.

the Incident Command System (ICS)

Although determination of the jurisdiction in charge is rarely a problem for a structure fire, larger-scale incidents may cross geographic or statutory boundaries. Which of those listed below clearly defines which agency will be in charge of each incident?

the Incident Commander

The process of sorting victims based on the severity of their injuries and medical needs is known as:


Which of those listed below are often used in multijurisdictional or multiagency incident management? It allows agencies with different legal, geographic, and functional responsibilities to coordinate, plan, and interact effectively. It allows multiple agency representatives to make command decisions, instead of a single incident commander making all decisions on scene.

unified command

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