Eng 111 mid term study guide

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Which of the following figures of speech is a simile?

'm blind as a bat without my glasses.

A generalization is best defined in which of the following statements?

A broad statement about a topic.

If you are writing a paragraph about a controversial topic and want to present convincing evidence before stating your position on the issue, you should place your topic sentence where?

At the end of the paragraph!

The type of pre-writing in which you record unorganized lists of words or phrases rather than sentences is known as:

Brain storming

Our text says your examples must be relevant, representative, accurate, and specific. Which statement best defines each of these terms? Examples must support the thesis, give a realistic take on events, be truthful, and provide vivid, interesting details Examples must be somewhat related to the thesis, tell about something that actually happened, and shouldn't be general Examples should be anything taken from research because the teacher said to put some in, should represent something somebody said somewhere, you can make up whatever you want, and can be wide ranging, covering lots of material at once. Examples must be interesting, can be unusual, should be mostly true, and should cover as much ground as possible

Examples must support the thesis, give a realistic take on events, be truthful, and provide vivid, interesting details, usually about a single incident that happened to an individual person.

Denotation refers to the emotions associated with words; therefore, the denotation of a word can vary depending the audience that hears it.


Good thesis statements make an announcement regarding their topic.


Thesis statements may be placed anywhere in an essay, or it is an equally good idea to leave them out altogether.


Writing is a single act of getting words down on paper.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good evidence you may use to support a thesis statement?

It describes an exceptional situation - Exceptional situations aren't good evidence because they don't happen very often; therefore, they don't represent the common situations most of your readers will experience as truth.

Which of the following statements does not describe a characteristic of an effective thesis?

It is overly general

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective paragraph?

It mentions more than one idea that develops the topic

One important difference to remember when choosing between popular and scholarly sources is

Popular sources are less likely to have expert information than scholarly sources

Which of the following is NOT a good way to organize examples in an illustration paper?

Random Organization!

Which of the following elements should not be included in a thesis statement?

Refutation of opposing points Explanation - Occasionally a thesis will state "my opponent is wrong," but making a refutation requires a detailed explanation of why the opponent is wrong, which won't fit in a thesis statement. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

When choosing examples for an expert audience, you are free to assume they know the definitions of technical terms and keep explanations of basic concepts to a minimum.


Academic essays usually avoid the first person and second person points of view. Choose the sentence from the list below that is in the third person point of view.

The nurses completed their clinical's. (third person the and their)

Which of the following is a device you can use to increase a paragraph's coherence?


Before beginning to write, it may be useful to do some preliminary research on your topic.


Formal outlines use Roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numbers, lowercase letters, and indentation to indicate levels of importance.


When you use least-to-most order, you arrange your supporting details moving gradually from least to most important, familiar, or interesting.


When your audience is your instructor, make sure you write clearly and reasonably, providing evidence from appropriate sources and treating alternative views fairly.


Writing well often takes more time than you expected, so you should start writing assignments early


It is important to remain open to criticism and new ideas when you work with a peer review partner.


Peer reviewers should offer both praise and polite criticism, not just one or the other.


Topic sentences in an essay must explain the thesis or demonstrate why the thesis is believable or correct.


When participating in peer review, it is useful to offer your reviewer specific questions or guidelines.


Sentence structures that are varied will help keep your reader's attention.


Pick the statement that does NOT demonstrate parallelism with the others listed below.

Unity is desirable ( unity is a noun)

Which of the listed points you should consider when you are deciding how to reach your audience? Answer E. !

Your readers can't observe what you're writing about b. Your readers probably don't know everything you know c. Your readers may not respond to issues the same way you do d. Your readers may not share your opinions or values e. All of the listed items are points to consider in reaching your audience - Answer!!

Which of the following is NOT a useful technique for revision? - ANSWER B!

a. Asking classmates to read and comment on your paper b. All of the listed techniques are useful for revision ANSWER!! c. Giving yourself plenty of time between drafting and revising d. Reading a printed out copy e. Reading a printed out copy

Choose only one answer-- the best answer (read all options before making a selection): To get the most out of a writing conference with your instructor, you should: answer C.

a. Be prepared with questions b. Bring recently marked and current essays with you to your conference c. All of the listed answers will help you benefit from your instructor conferences - Answer!! d. Review recently marked papers so you will have comments fresh in your mind e. Revise while suggestions are fresh in your mind

Which is NOT a question that will help you evaluate your introduction, conclusion, and title? - ANSWER C!!

a. Does your conclusion draw your essay to a satisfactory close? b. Does your title accurately reflect the content of your essay? c. Does each body paragraph have a clear topic sentence that supports the thesis? ANSWER!!! d. Does your conclusion reinforce your thesis statement? e. Does your conclusion follow logically from the introduction?

Which is NOT a guideline for keeping sentences concise? - ANSWER C!!!!

a. Eliminate repetition of ideas b. Eliminate unnecessary words at the beginning of sentences c. Use formal expressions such as "In light of the fact that" ANSWER!!! - Consider "In light of the fact that" in the following sentence: In light of the fact that classes are cancelled, I won't be going to school today. Now compare it to Since classes are cancelled, I won't be going to school today. The meaning is obvious and is the same in both, but the second sentence uses 5 fewer words to communicate the same idea and is less dull. Strive to eliminate wordiness from your writing whenever possible. d. Eliminate unnecessary adverbs such as "really" e. Avoid wordy expressions

Which of the following is NOT a function of illustration? - ANSWER D!!

a. It clarifies abstract terms b. It clarifies unfamiliar topics c. It clarifies difficult concepts d. It uses dialogue to convey action and detail ANSWER !!!!

Our textbook recommends using spatial order in all of the following types of essay except: - answer B!

a. Narrative b. Descriptive - Answer!! c. Our textbook doesn't say it's common to use spatial order in any of those types of essays d. Classification e. Division

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy for composing a conclusion? - Answer D!

a. Offer a suggestion or recommendation b. Conclude with a fact that emphasizes your thesis c. Remind readers of the relevance of the issue d. Restate the thesis sentence - ANSWER!! e. Discuss broader implications

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy for composing an introduction? - Answer B!!

a. Provide a little-known fact or shocking statistic b. Announce your topic - Answer!! c. Ask a provocative or disturbing question d. Describe a hypothetical situation e. Use a story or example that is relevant to your thesis

Choose the topic sentence that is the most focused from the options below. ANSWER A!!

a. Soft skills such as time management, reliability, and creative thinking can make students more successful in college. ANSWER!! - This topic is still possibly a bit too broad, but is better than the other choices because at least "soft skills" has been narrowed down into three areas for focused discussion. It also narrows down the population to be examined (college students), two characteristics which make this sentence the most focused of the listed options. b. Cultural messages delivered by the media can be confusing. c. Modern life doesn't offer any privacy anymore. d. The effects of bullying are detrimental to young people. e. Choosing a suitable partner to marry can make a happier home environment.

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