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Majorie Sandors define the uncanny?

- Experiences that have uncanny effect - When something that should have remained hidden has come out in the open - When we feel as if something primitive has occurred in a modern and secular context - When we feel uncertainty as to whether we have encountered a human or an automation - when the inanimate appears animate. Or when something animate appears inanimate - when something familiar happens in an unfamiliar context - Sandors finds that many uncanny stories take place in dwellings, "above all, it seeks out half neglected spea to inhabit. - The uncanny is nothing if no idosyneratic. It happens to one person at a time, isolates the person, heightening the terror. - Uncanny stories strip away the armor of families, overview language

Discuss the tenets of magical realism as discussed in the introductory reading by young and Holloman?

- Magical realism is a category of fiction that can be distinguished from traditional realistic/naturalistic fiction on the one hand, and from recognized categories of the fantastic: ghost story, science fiction, gothic novel, and fairy tale." - Magical realism is a "hybrid that somehow manages to combine the "truthful" and the "verifiable" aspects of realism with "magical" effects we associate with myth, folktale, tall story, and .... our childhood self" - Qualities of a Magic Realism narrative: - "Familiar oppositions - life and death waking and sleeping, child and adult, civilized and "savage" are much at home in this genre, though not necessarily with their differences resolved" - Normal notions about time, place, identity, matter, and the like are challenged, suspended, and lured away from certitude" - There must be irreducible element, something that cannot be explained by logic, familiar knowledge, or received belief - Two fundamental patterns in Magical Realism narratives - The story that offers on fantastic premise and then adheres to logic and natural law... in such stories, the "magical" comes first and the "realism" ensures - A second possibility is a story which begins naturally and with familiar events and details and then moves toward the extraordinary

What are the five tenets of magical realism?

- Magical realist novel or story will be rooted in our world an in reality as we know it - compared to fantasy: In these instances these settings are not our world (star Wars) - In contrast Magical Realism story could begin anywhere on earth like, LSU - The characters will be confronted with supernatural events that are outside of their norm - Unlike psychological realism ( where we need to question the reality/mental health of the character) in magical realism, we are suppose to accept that the magical events are indeed taking place - The magical elements will be presented very early in the story. This is essential, the reader must be aware of the story's context early on to create and maintain what Gardner calls "vivid and continuous" dream like state - The magical elements will most often underscore some greater theme inherit in the work: cultural, historical, philosophical truths etc. Though these stories and are ment to expose important themes.

The Country Doctor magical realism

- The allegory is the symbolist quality of the people and the actions to represent an idea or generalization about life. - The magic realism elements include the sudden appearance of horses and the groom, the personification of the horses, the sudden inclusion of a choir, and the doctor's overall lack of agency in the nightmarish world

The Bucket Rider magical realism

- The parable is designed to teach us a lesson about society - The magic realism element is the protagonist's ability to somehow ride a bucket like a magic carpet. He glides above the paths, bouncing in the air sometimes as high as the rooftops on the steep slopes on his way down to the coal dealer. - The world of the bucket rider, as Kafka describes it, is a fallen world tempered by alienation, insensitivity, and rejection. -

What are the tenets of psychological realism

- off shoot of literary realism - occurs during the rise of psychology. Freud's psychoanalysis - who believed that probing the unconscoius mind said a lot about true identity of the person - writers probe the minds of the character - Motive over plot. What causes a character to do something rather than what he does. Interior life over external actions - often has a perceivable theme linked to a critique of society

Explain belief language

- readers and characters must negotiate with the magical events with their own belief language - each culture has its own pre-existing belief language - each member of that community is not supposed to steer away from their belief language. Sometimes it can be hard to stay in a particular belief language, when crossing cultures

What are the four tenets of literary realism we discussed in class?

1. Renders reality closely and in comprehensive detail 2. character is more important then action and plot; complete ethical choices are often the subject 3. Events will usually be plausible, realistic novels avoid the sensational elements 4. Diction is natural, not heightened or poetic; tone may be cosmetic, satiric, or mater-of-fact.

What are the nine tenets of "the gothic" in literature

1. setting most often includes large, drafty old houses 2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense tha tis enhanced by plot which seeks to discover the secrets lying within the supernaturally charged environment 3. ghostly legend, unexplainable occurrence, or story about a horrible death or murder that took place 4. omens foreshadowing 5. tales include highly charged emotional states like, terror, insanity, anger, obsessive love 6. super natural events 7. damsels in distress 8. Words and phrases crafted to envoke images of gloom and doom 9. Romantic themes often involve the death of a man or woman

- An occurrence at owl creek bridge

Ambrose Bierce-


Anton Chekhov-

The yellow wallpaper

Charlotte Perkins Gilman-

- The masque of the Red death

Edgar allen Poe-

What is the difference between fantasy and Magical Realism

Fantasy isn't set in our own world

What is Coleridge's theory of "suspension of disbelief?"

Fiction is not a lie if the reader chooses to believe in the story. a reader must be willing to have a "suspension of disbelief" for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith

bucket rider and Country doctor

Franz Kafka

How does Maggie Ann Bowers explain the "Magical" of Magical Realism?

In magical realism "magic" refers to any extra ordinary occurrence and particularly to anything spiritual or unaccountable by rational science. does not include magic show magic

haunting olivia

Karen Russel-


Kate Bernheimer-

How does Maggie Ann Bowers explain the "realism" of Magic Realism?

Magical realism relies upon realism but only so that it can stretch what is acceptable as real to its limits. It is therefore related to realism but is a narrative mode distinct from it.

Haunting of hill house

Shirley Jackson-

Johnny panic and the bible of dreams

Sylvia Plath-

What is Gardner's theory of "vivid and continuous?"

The write does not have to lie they can have a dream like state. if the effect of the dream is to be powerful, the dream must be "vivid and continuous"

- The great frost

Virginia Woolf

The adventure of the german student

Washington Irving-

- Old Mrs J

Yoko Ogawa

What is the definition of Uncanny

as the class of frightening things that leads us back to what is known and familiar

What is the uncanny valley

the uncanny valley is the point when something becomes too familiar that people get very uncomfortable. Robots that are too human like

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