English: My Name is Margaret

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Examples of Imagery

"Cheshire cat", "tamed snakes", "cupid bows", "impish elf"

Examples of vivid details

"Old specked face" and "different types of glasses"

Example of humor in My Name is Margaret

"Old speckled face" (paragraph 40) At expense of Mrs. Cullinan

Examples of sarcasm

"She's a peach"

Importance of dialogue

-Miss Glory speaks more formally, whereas Margaret speaks more colloquially -Miss Glory is more submissive, as she comes from a background of slavery

Miss Glory vs Margaret

-Mrs. Cullinan tried to change both girls' names (Hallelujah -> Miss Glory & Margaret -> Mary) -Miss Glory comes from background of slavery, so the tradition of subservience continues in her, whereas Margaret finds back when her name is changed


A difficult or perplexing situation or problem


A method of weaving with thread or yarn


A poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas


Absurd; ridiculous

Example of allusions in My Name is Margaret

Alice in Wonderland: -"My pity for Mrs. Cullinan preceded me... like the Cheshire cat's smile" (paragraph 11) -"Alice in Wonderland house" (paragraph 7) Slavery

Effect of vivid details

Another way to create a negative image of her mistress


Inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous

The Importance of Name

It gives one their identity and to not call someone by their name, is incredibly disrespectful and it puts the white woman on a pedestal over the black woman

Black girls learn to set the table and cook...

had to be learned elsewhere -> possibly at a white family's house


Background of slavery informs many events of the story


Broken pieces






Exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement, especially among a group of people.


Filled with small bags containing perfumed powder or herbs

Point of view of My Name is Margaret

First point of view -story comes across as believable and credible, as a child narrator is too naive to lie -versimilitude


Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.


Something new


State of not being able to produce offspring; infertility


The act or process of making a kind of knotted lace of cotton or linen thread


The appearance of being true or real

Examples of Contrast

The white and black girls' preparation for adulthood Miss Glory vs Margaret

Effect of Imagery

Uses imagery to create negative image of her mistress

Mrs. Viola Cullinan's housekeeping style... The narrator views this style as...

Was very exact, organized, and precise and even obsessive; things always had a specific place to go The narrator thinks this style is inhuman, superfluous, and unnecessary


Young woman making debut in high society


a deep covered dish from which soup is served.

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