English Test 2

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post hoc reasoning

A logical fallacy that involves looking back at two events that occurred in chronological sequence and wrongly assuming that the first event caused the second.

Difference between process and cause and effect essays

A process essay explains how to do something or how something happened. A cause and effect essay explains why something happened .It focuses on the relationships between actions, motivations, or attitudes and the consequences which follow.

Define synthesis

A synthesis is a written discussion that draws on one or more sources. It follows that your ability to write syntheses depends on your ability to infer relationships among sources - essays, articles, fiction, and also nonwritten sources, such as lectures, interviews, observations.

affect vs effect

Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change.

What is an analogy in compare and contrast?

An analogy is a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar. Metaphors and similes are tools used to draw an analogy. Therefore, analogy is more extensive and elaborate than either a simile or a metaphor.

argumentive essay

An argumentative essay outlines a viewpoint and offers reasons to support the view


CRAAP is an acronym for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.

10 steps writing a synthesis

Consider your purpose in writing. Read the topic assignment carefully. Select and carefully read your sources, according to your purpose. Re-read the sources, mentally summarizing each. Identify those aspects or parts of your sources that will help you in fulfilling your purpose. When rereading, label or underline the passages for main ideas, key terms, and any details you want to use in the synthesis. Formulate a thesis. Your thesis is the main idea that you want to present in your synthesis. It must be expressed as a complete sentence and include a statement of the topic and your assertion about that topic. Sometimes the thesis is the first sentence, but more often it is the final sentence of the first paragraph. Decide how you will use your source material and take notes. Re-read your sources and write down the information from your sources that will best develop and support your thesis. Develop and organizational plan, according to your thesis. Write the first draft of your synthesis, following your organizational plan. Document your sources. Use MLA-style in-text citations and a Works Cited list to credit your sources for all material you quote, paraphrase, or summarize. Revise your synthesis. Insert transitional words and phrases where necessary. Integrate all quotations so they flow smoothly within your own sentences. Make sure the essay reads smoothly, logically, and clearly from beginning to end. Check for grammatical correctness, punctuation, and spelling.

What tense is acceptable for writing in MLA style?

In general, when writing most essays, one should use present tense, using past tense if referring to events of the past or an author's ideas in an historical context.

What is the acronym MLA?

MLA, which stands for Modern Language Association, is defined as a style of writing used for college-level writing. An example of MLA style is the specific formatting for footnotes in a college paper.

What verbs notes the tone of an author in research writing?

Often an author's tone is described by adjectives, such as: cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, prayerful, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, excited.


Paragraphs are indented and introduce a new idea

Difference between paraphrase and summary in research writing

Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s).

Main vs. Contributory Causes

The "Main Cause" is the primary or most important reason that something has happened or is happening" Define: "Contributory Causes": "Cantributory Causes" are "secondary or less important reasons why something happened or is happening"

What are the two ways to structure a compare and contrast essay?

There are two ways to organize a comparison and contrast essay. The first (and often the clearest) method is the Point-by-Point method. The second method is called the Block method.

Tips for effective synthesis

Tips for an effective synthesis essay: Establish your purpose to shape the way you want to argue and form your thesis. The thesis is the main claim or idea of your essay. Select your sources and become familiar with them so that you can discuss them in relationship to your thesis and supporting argument(s).

Difference between quotes and quotation

To quote is to transcribe what someone said or wrote, crediting that person. A quotation is the transcription of what someone said or wrote, crediting that person.


Transitions create links between ideas; add fluency and cohesion

immediate cause

a cause close in time to the effect. "the immediate cause of the explosion was a spark created by faulty wiring." sometimes the immediate cause is called the proximate cause

remote cause

a cause distant in time from the effect; an event in the distant past that helps cause some effect.

An essay plan

allows the writer to organize ideas and decide on an approach

The introduction of an essay should include

general statements about the topic; The thesis statement; the writer's position

Academic writing

includes formal English; using objective and impersonal language; using full forms (avoiding contractions)

The keys to good essay writing skills

planning, drafting, editing

objective language

refers to impartial and unbiased language

The purpose of a thesis

to outline the main topic of the essay

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