Engng Management - Directing
Use of informal organization
a manager should know about the informal groups within the organization -through informal groups, he can know what his employees thimk about the management
Maximum Individual contribution
a manager should understand, encourage, and motivate their employees in order to attain the organizational goals.
a process in which the managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals
consists of process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out as originally planned
supervision motivation leadership communication
elements of directing
•Upward • Downward • Horizontal
forms of communication
heart of the management
implies inspiring the subordinates to work with zeal and confidence.
is said to be all those activities which are designed to encourage the surbordinates to work effectively and efficiently.
extrinsic reward
is something given to you by someone else as recognition for good work and include pay increases, praise, and promotions
intrinsic reward
is the good feeling you have when you have done a good job
persuasive leadership, effective communication, strict supervision and efficient motivation
tools or elements of directing function
Executive Function
•Directing function is carried out by all managers and executive at all levels throughout the working of an enterprise •A subordinates receives instructions from his superior only
Creative Activity
•Direction function helps in converting plans into performance •Without this function, people become inactive and physical resources are meaningless
Pervasive Function Continuous Activity Human Factor Creative Activity Executive Function Delegate Function
Characteristics of Directing (6)
human factor
Directing function is related to subordinates _________ is complex and behaviour is unpredictable, direction function becomes important
Continuous activity
Direction is a ________ as it continuous throughout the life of organization
•Abilities and Skills •A Leadership Position •The Nature of Supervision •The Cohesiveness of the Group Better Relations with the Superiors
It Initiates Actions It Integrates Efforts Means of Motivation It Provides Stability Coping up with the changes Efficient Utilization of Resources
Importance of directing
Initiates action and it is from here actual work starts
•Verbal • Non-verbal
follow through
-a manager needs to check if the instructions are implemented in proper perspective
Managerial Communication
-effective managerial communication across all the levels in the organization makes direction effective
Appropriateness of Direction Technique
-for effective directing, a manager needs to identify an appropriate motivational technique on case to case basis
-for effective directing, a manager should have the qualities of a good leader to motivate a group of people towards a common goal
Unity of Command
-for effective directing, a person in the organization should receive instructions from one superior only
Harmony of objectives
-for effective directing, there shoukd be harmony of personal/individual goals and organizational goals
Maximum Individual contribution Harmony of objectives Unity of Command Appropriateness of Direction Technique Managerial Communication Follow Through Use of informal organization Leadership
Principles of directing (8)
Delegate Function
•Direction is supposed to be a function dealing with human beings •Human behaviour is unpredictable by nature and conditioning the people's behaviour towards the goals of the enterprise is what the executive does in this function •Having delicacy in it to tackle human behaviour
Coping up with changes
•It is directing function which is of use to meet with changes in environment, both internal as external done by effective communocation •The role of manager here to communicate the nature and contents of changes very clearly to the subordinates.
Pervasive Function
•Since directing is required at all levels of management, every management provides guidance and inspiration to his subordinates
Efficient utilization of resources
•Through direction, the role of subordinates become clear as manager makes use of his supervisory, the guidance, the instructions and motivation skill to inspire the subordinates.
it provides stability
•can be brought upon by the managers with the help of four tools or elements of direction function - judicious blend of persuasive leadership, effective communication, strict supervision and efficient motivation
means of motivation
•helps in achievement of goals. •A manager makes use of the element of motivation here to improve the performances of subordinates. •can be done by providing incentives or compensation
•implies expert overseeing of subordiates at work in order to guide and regulates their efforts.
•involves exchange of ideas and information to create mutual understanding.
•is very important since that is an index of growth of an enterprise.
•process of guiding and influencing subordinates for the accomplishment of desired goals.
It initiates action
•the starting point of the work performance of subordinates. •from this function the action takes place, subordinates understand their jobs and do according to the instructions laid
It integrates efforts
•the superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work through direction •the superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work •Integration of efforts bring effectiveness and stability in a concern.