ENGR 431 Test 1

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Agile methods

2. Collect Requirements tools and techniques include of the following except: A. Prototypes B. Brainstorming C. Agile methods D. Focus Groups


As a project manager monitoring and controlling a project, you may be required to monitor the performance of the stakeholders

A. The project charter identifies major task inter dependencies

Generally, each of the following is true except, A. The project charter identifies major task inter dependencies B. the project charter includes the initial product description C. the project charter defines the business needs that the project is to address D. The project charter is issued by a senior manager external to the project

B) 13

. A small project currently has 6 stakeholders in the communications loop. If two more are added, how many more channels of communication will result? A) 2 B) 13 C) 15 D) 28

A) Alternatives analysis, expert judgment and project management software

. Estimate Activity Resources Tools & Techniques include: A) Alternatives analysis, expert judgment and project management software B) Resource pool description, expert judgment and project management software C) Organizational policies, expert judgment and project management software D) Resource calendars, expert judgment and project management software

Create the project scope statement

. The Define Scope process is intended to _______________________. A) Create the Scope Management Plan. B) Create the Work Breakdown Structure, WBS, which provide a comprehensive definition of project scope. C) Create the Project Scope Statement. D) Create the Preliminary Project Scope Statement.

All of the above

. What needs to be included in the Requirements Management Plan? A. How requirements will be planned, tracked and reported. B. Traceability structure C. Configuration management actives D. All of the above

The develop project management plan process is applied to gather the outputs from all other planning processes, along with all subsidiary plans, and assemble them into a single cohesive document; the project management plan

. Which of the following best describes, the Develop Project Management Plan process? A) The Develop Project Management Plan process may use PMIS to help assemble the integrated project plan. B) The Develop Project Management Plan process represents the last step in project planning. C) The Develop Project Management Plan process is applied to gather the outputs from all other planning processes, along with all subsidiary plans, and assemble them into a single cohesive document; the Project Management Plan. D) The Develop Project Management Plan process is ongoing throughout the project planning phase

The scope statement should include a description of the project deliverables, either at a summary level or in detail

. Which of the following is most true? A) The Scope Statement should include a description of the project deliverables, either at a summary level or in detail. B) The Scope Management Plan should include the WBS. C) The Scope Management Plan should be as brief as possible. D) The Project Scope Statement should include the WBS.

All of the above

. Which of the following statements are true? A) The Project Scope Statement may serve to provide a documented basis for making many future project decisions. B) The Project Scope Statement services as a documented basis for common understanding of scope among stakeholders. C) The Project Scope Statement may be revised as the project progresses, to reflect approved changes to the project scope. D) All of the above

Plan scope management process us applied to determine how to define, manage and control for the scope for the project

. Which of the following statements best describes Plan Scope Management? A. Plan Scope Management process is applied to determine the number of scope changes planned for the project and use that data as reason for minimizing the number of stakeholders. B. Plan Scope Management process is applied to determine how to define, manage and control scope for the project. C. Plan Scope Management process creates the Project Scope Statement. D. Plan Scope Management is applied to satisfy stakeholder expectations.

B) The Plan Schedule Management process is applied to determine how to define, manage and control the project schedule.

. Which of the following statements best describes the Plan Schedule Management process? A) The Plan Schedule Management process is applied to determine the number of schedule changes planned for the project and use that data for keeping the project scope minimized. B) The Plan Schedule Management process is applied to determine how to define, manage and control the project schedule. C) The Plan Schedule Management process creates the Project Schedule. D) The Plan Schedule Management process is applied to satisfy stakeholder reporting requirements.

Scope Management Plan, Requirements Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Plan

. Which of these are managements plans that are input to Collect Requirements process? A. Human Resource Management Plan, Scope Strategy, Requirements documentation B. Scope Management Plan, Requirements Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Plan C. Scope Management Plan, Communications Management Plan, Requirements Management Plan D. Risk Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Plan, Requirements Management Plan

B) Using Analytical Techniques

. You and the project team are in process of planning how you are going to manage the project's schedule. You are considering methodology, scheduling tools, how to approach estimating, formats and software. What are you doing specifically? A) Using Expert Judgment B) Using Analytical Techniques C) Using Decomposition D) All of the above

Project Scope Statement

1. Define Scope inputs include all of the following except _________________. A) Requirements Documentation B) Project Charter C) Project Scope Statement D) Organizational Process Assets

C) Work Breakdown Structure

1. The decomposed illustration of all project scope is called a__________________. A) Project Breakdown Structure B) Organizational Breakdown Structure C) Work Breakdown Structure D) Contractual Work Breakdown Structure

The collect requirements process defines and documents stakeholders needs for managing customer expectations throughout the project

1.Which of the following is most correct regarding the Collect Requirements process? A. The Collect Requirements process defines and documents stakeholder needs for managing customer expectations throughout the project. B. The only input for the Collect Requirements process is the Project Charter. C. Project requirements include technical, security and performance requirements. D. Project requirements include project management, business and delivery requirements.

C) Non-verbal communication is important.

2. Which statement is most true? A) Active listening is an outdated communications technique. It seldom enhances communication between sender and receiver. B) Formal written communication is the preferred method for all project communications. This ensures everything is formally documented for later review and use in lessons learned. C) Non-verbal communication is important. D) Stakeholders should be provided with information on a strict need-to-know basis

Plan scope statement

3. Which of these are not defined as an input to Plan Scope Management? A. Plan Scope Statement B. Project Management Plan C. Enterprise Environmental Factors D. Lessons Learned Information

A) The WBS communicates the total project scope to stakeholders

4. All the following are false, except: A) The WBS communicates the total project scope to stakeholders B) The WBS identifies the schedule objectives for defined deliverables. C) The WBS describes the business need for each work package. D) The WBS assigns the responsible organization for each major deliverable.

Stake holder Requirement

4. You have a project. You are holding a facilitated workshop and a stakeholder has suggested adding a feature. What is the stakeholder describing? A. Business requirement B. Stakeholder requirement C. Solution requirement D. Transition requirement

Include processes for developing and maintaining the Project Scope Statement and WBS

4. Your team is working to create the Scope Management Plan, which they know will help to reduce the risk of scope creep (scope changing without telling anyone). They ask for your guidance. What is your best response? A. Think about what requirements may be developed and build the Scope Management Plan around them. B. Include processes for developing and maintaining the Project Scope Statement and WBS. C. Develop a process for how the requirements will be tracked. D. All of the above.

Context Diagram

5. In a facilitated workshop, you are creating a scope model for the project. The scope model shows the business system and how people and other systems interact with it. What are you developing? A. Benchmarking B. Requirements Documentation C. Protype D. Context Diagram

Document Analysis

6. You and your team are working with stakeholders to collect requirement. You are conducting a focus group to analyze marketing literature, agreements, requests for proposal, logical data models, and business rules in order to elicit requirements. What tool and technique are you using? A. Benchmarking B. Observations C. Document analysis D. Protypes

All of the above

Agreements may include A. Contract with a third-party customer B. Service level of agreements C. verbal agreements D. all of the above

D) Milestone list

Define Activity inputs include all of the following, except _________________. A) Enterprise environmental factors B) Organizational process assets C) Scope baseline D) Milestone list

C. expert judgement

Develop Project Management Plan inputs include all of the following except A. Project Charter B. Past project files C. Expert Judgement D. Project management information system

D. Expert judgement

Develop project charter inputs include all of the following except A. Organizational process assets B. Enterprise environmental factors C. Agreements D. Expert judgement

B. Deliverables, project management plan updates

Direct and manage project work outputs include A. Deliverables, project documents B. Deliverables, project management plan updates C. Deliverables, project schedule D. Deliverables, project stakeholder register

A) The Activity List may be viewed as an extension of the WBS.

Each of the following is false, except: A) The Activity List may be viewed as an extension of the WBS. B) The lowest level elements of the WBS automatically identify all the project activities necessary to produce identified project deliverables. C) The lowest level elements of the WBS should be documented in terms of action-oriented activities, to help facilitate and expedite the Define Activities process. D) All of the above are false.

A) Activity duration estimates, project documents updates

Estimate Activity Durations outputs include which of the following: A) Activity duration estimates, project documents updates B) Activity duration estimates, three-point estimates C) Activity duration estimates, reserve analysis D) Activity duration estimates, resource calendars

D) The person or people who have the most knowledge about the work

Estimate activity durations are best prepared by: A) Functional mangers, because they are on the font line and close to the work. B) The project team, to ensure the project manager's expectations will be satisfied. C) The project manager, to ensure the project schedule can be created to satisfy the stakeholder's expectations D) The person or people who have the most knowledge about the work

B) Physical resources

Labor, equipment, materials and supplies used to estimate activity resources are termed: A) WBS requirements B) Physical resources C) Work package requirements D) Estimate activity resources output

the size and complexity of the PMP should be sensible proportion to the size and complexity of the project

Most project planning work is now complete and your project team is preparing to assemble the integrated Project Management Plan. They look to you for guidance. Your best recommendation may be what? A. The size and complexity of the PMP should be sensible to the size and complexity of the project B. PMP must include all planning outputs, in as much detail as is available C. PMP must be condensed as possible, so as not to overwhelm risk adverse stakeholders D. all of the above


Primary purpose of monitor and control work processes are performed to be sure that the work is performed is different from the original plan

B. Project management plan

Project Document Updates, an output of Direct and manage project work, may include updates to all of the following except A. Requirements Documentation B. Project management plan C. Project logs D. Stakeholder register

B. Project Documents

Project management plan updates, an output of direct and manage project work, may include updates to all of the following except A. scope management plan B. Project Documents C. Cost management plan D. Process improvement plan

A) Determine the type of physical resources required to perform each activity

The Estimate Activity Resources process is applied to: A) Determine the type of physical resources required to perform each activity B) Determine the people required to perform each activity C) Determine the equipment required to perform each activity D) Determine the materials required to perform each activity

A. Bargaining

The conflict resolution technique in which both sides lose something is called? A. bargaining B. Negotiating C. Problem solving D. Accommodating

C) Activity List

The document that identifies all the activities that will be performed on a project is called ____________. A) WBS B) Scope Statement C) Activity List D) Work Package List

C) Analogous estimating

The estimating technique that typically uses the past actual performance of a similar activity is termed? A) Bottom-up estimating B) Probabilistic estimating C) Analogous estimating D) Deterministic estimating

B) Beta Distribution

The individuals on your project are developing duration estimates and you find that the estimates vary widely from person to person. You decided to use the Three-Point Estimate, E = (O + 4M + P) /6 to get the most realistic estimate possible. What is the form of this type estimate called? A) Triangular B) Beta Distribution C) PERT D) Parametric

A) Triangular

The individuals on your project are developing duration estimates and you find that the estimates vary widely from person to person. You decided to use the Three-Point Estimate, E = (O + M + P) /3 to get the most realistic estimate possible. What is the form of this type estimate called? A) Triangular B) Beta Distribution C) PERT D) Parametric

D) Critical path

The longest path through a project network diagram is termed _______________. A) Path float B) LF C) LS D) Critical path

A) Project Documents Updates

The primary Output of the Create WBS process include the approved Project Scope Statement, the WBS, and the WBS Dictionary, and is a component of the Project Management Plan. What is this Output called? A) Project Documents Updates B) Scope Baseline C) Activities List D) Scope Management Plan

C) The Create WBS process

The subdivision of major project deliverables, as identified in the Project Scope Statement, into smaller, more manageable components, is performed by applying ___________. A) Configuration management B) Constrained optimization C) The Create WBS process D) The 80-hour rule

D. Formal work authorization systems are used to account for projects spending, by category, in accordance with the cost budget chart of accounts

Which of the following is least true? A. To successfully execute the project management plan, the project manager and team must constantly monitory and measure performance against baselines, so corrective action can be taken B. The effective use of people skills is essential to achieve success during a project. C. In most projects, most of the project budget is spent during the project execution phase D. Formal work authorization systems are used to account for projects spending, by category, in accordance with the cost budget chart of accounts

B. the project charter is developed during initiating

Which of the following is most true A. The project charter is developed during closing B. the project charter is developed during initiating C. the project charter is developed during executing D. the project charter is developed during planning

D) Work periods are typically defined in terms of hours, days, shifts, weeks

Which of the following is most true? A) Work periods should be reported with ranges of possible results such as 10 days +3; or 90% probability of finishing within 3 weeks. B) Work periods should include time reserve, contingency, to compensate for associated risk. C) Work periods are defined by the project manager, then communicated to the project team. D) Work periods are typically defined in terms of hours, days, shifts, weeks

C) The Plan Communications Management process is applied to determine the communications needs of project stakeholders, including what information is needed, when it is needed and how it will be delivered

Which of the following statements best describes the Plan Communications Management process? A) The Plan Communications Management process is applied to determine the number of communication channels within the project and use that data as justification for keeping the number of stakeholders to a minimum. B) The Plan Communications Management process is applied to determine informal verbal communication needs, formal verbal communication needs, informal written communication needs, and formal written communication needs. C) The Plan Communications Management process is applied to determine the communications needs of project stakeholders, including what information is needed, when it is needed and how it will be delivered. D) The Plan Communications Management process is applied to satisfy stakeholder wishes.

C. The project charter names and authorizes the project manager

Which of the following statements is most true A. the project charter identifies the names of the project management team members B. the project charter tracks a project's history C. the project charter names and authorizes the project manager D. the project charter describes the details of what needs to be done to satisfy quality improvement objectives

A) Activity Resource Requirements is the primary output from Estimate Activity Resources, and describes the physical resources needed to perform/complete project activities.

Which of the following statements is most true: A) Activity Resource Requirements is the primary output from Estimate Activity Resources, and describes the physical resources needed to perform/complete project activities. B) Activity Resource Requirements is the primary output from Estimate Activity Resources, and describes the roles and responsibilities of assigned project personnel. C) Activity Resource Requirements is the primary output from Estimate Activity Resources, and describes the resources potentially available to support identified project activities. D) Each of the above statements is equally true

D) Creating the WBS can enhance team buy-in.

Which of the following statements is most true? A) Creating the WBS results in a compressed project schedule. B) Creating the WBS identifies activities on the project's critical path. C) Creating the WBS identifies key project risk events. D) Creating the WBS can enhance team buy-in.

B) Management reserves are not included in the Schedule Baseline.

Which of the following statements is most true? A) Management reserves are included in the Schedule Baseline. B) Management reserves are not included in the Schedule Baseline. C) Contingency reserves and management reserves are included in the Schedule Baseline. D) Contingency reserves are not included in the Schedule Baseline.

A) Project network diagram may identify more than one critical path.

Which of the following statements is most true? A) Project network diagram may identify more than one critical path. B) Project network diagram can illustrate only one critical path. C) Project network diagram should always use a template from a previous project. D) Project network diagram is essentially the same as a project WBS. They are interchangeable.

C) Enterprise Environmental Factors

Which of these are defined as an input to the Plan Schedule Management process? A) Expert Judgment B) PMP C) Enterprise Environmental Factors D) Lessons Learned

A) Schedule Management Plan, Risk Register, Activity Cost Estimates

Which of these are inputs to the Estimate Activity Resources process? A) Schedule Management Plan, Risk Register, Activity Cost Estimates B) Scope Management Plan, Risk Register, Activity Cost Estimates C) Schedule Management Plan, Activity Resource Requirements, Activity Cost Estimates D) Project Documents Updates, Resource Breakdown Structure, Activity Cost Estimates

A) The Schedule Management is the only output from the Plan Schedule Management.

Which statement is most true? A) The Schedule Management is the only output from the Plan Schedule Management. B) Expert Judgment is used in Plan Schedule Management in order to determine how many schedule changes we can anticipate for the project. C) Non-schedule change requests are not important. D) There are two important outputs from the Plan Schedule Management, both of which are intended to manage the project schedule.

There are two important outputs from Plan Scope Management, both are intended to manage scope for the project

Which statement is most true? A. Scope Management Plan is the only output from Plan Scope Management. B. Expert judgment is used in Plan Scope Management in order to determine how many scope changes we can anticipate for the project. C. Non-scope change requests are not important. D. There are two important outputs from Plan Scope Management, both are intended to manage scope for the project.

D) Schedule Management Plan

You and your team have a project presently in the Define Activities process and are making a decision on the appropriate level of detail needed to manage the schedule. What input do you need to review? A) Scope Management Plan B) Requirements Management Plan C) Scope Baseline D) Schedule Management Plan

all of the above

You and your team may use the Project Management plan to___ A. Document project planning decisions, strategies, alternatives and assumptions B. serve as the baseline for monitoring and measuring project performance during execution and control C. guide all aspects of your project thru executing, monitoring, and control and closing D. all of the above

B. hold face to face meeting

You are holding meetings with your project team and other stakeholders to discuss progress. Meetings are not progressing well; people are not focused on the meeting topics and seem to be distracted. As project manager, what may be your best recommendation for getting stakeholders engaged? A. Try to accomplish multiple purposes to get more done in one meeting B. Hold face to face meeings C. hold virtual meeting using conferencing tools D. Document meeting minutes

A. Expert power

You have a loyal motivated and respectful project team. Largely due to the fact you have lots of experience of delivering successful projects. This position of personal leadership power you possess could be an example of A. Expert power B. Title power C. Contracts power D. Charismatic power

C) Contingency reserves and management reserves, respectively

Your team is determining activity duration estimates and need to perform reserve analysis to develop reserve amounts for 'known-unknows' and 'unknown-unknowns." What are reserves called? A) Management reserves and contingency reserves, respectively B) Contingency reserves C) Contingency reserves and management reserves, respectively D) Management reserves

A. Senior management

your project is characterized by frequent changes to the project charter. Authorizing Project Charter changes should typically be the responsibility of A. Senior Management B. Project Manager C. Project management team D. Project stakeholders

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