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Which statement describes or is derived from the concept of sustainability?

An example of sustainable use is that water extracted from underground resources must be equal to or less than the water that recharges the underground resources.

a) Data indicate that we have overshot Earth's biocapacity -- its capacity to support us -- by 50%. We are using renewable natural resources 50% faster than they are being replenished. About how many times larger was the global ecological footprint in 2007 than it was in 1962? b) Which two statements are supported by the data in the graph?

a) 2 b) In 1970, we began to overshoot Earth's capacity to support us. The global ecological footprint has generally increased over time, with brief periods of decrease. why: As the graph shows, we are depleting renewable resources by using them 50% faster than they are being replenished. This excess use has been termed overshoot because we are overshooting, or surpassing, Earth's capacity to sustainably support us.

The main advantage of observational studies and natural experiments over manipulative studies is that natural experiments __________.

are able to test hypotheses in the field and with large study areas why: Natural studies may not reveal distinct causalities to the extent that manipulative experiments do, but they can show correlations in the field where many factors may vary. They can also be used to compare large similar areas (e.g., southern California and the Mediterranean coast).

The term __________ measures the total area of Earth's biologically productive surface that a person or population "uses" once all direct and indirect impacts are summed up.

ecological footprint why: An individual or population's ecological footprint determines the amount of resources they require and can vary greatly.

Which of the following is a nonrenewable natural resource?

fossil fuels

If an experiment fails to disprove a hypothesis, then __________.

it lends support to the hypothesis, but does not prove it is correct why: A hypothesis can be supported by evidence, even strongly supported by multiple rounds of experimentation, but it is never truly "proven."

The following statement is an example of a(n) __________: "People in Japan eat more fish on average than people of other countries."

observation why: This is an observation that could lead to a testable hypothesis.

A researcher wants to determine if water runoff from farm fields sprayed with herbicides affects the hatching success of frog eggs in nearby ponds. What experiment could the researcher conduct to address her question? Drag each statement under the correct step in the scientific method.

observation: "I've seen that frog eggs in ponds that receive runoff from farm fields sprayed with herbicides hatch at lower rates than those in unaffected ponds." hypothesis: "The hatching success of frog eggs is affected by exposure to herbicides." prediction: "If frog eggs are exposed to elevated levels of herbicide, the hatching success of the eggs will decrease." test (experiment): "In the labratory, raise frog eggs in pond water with varying concentrations of herbicide, and measure hatching success rates." results: "Analysis of experimental data concludes that herbicide levels affect hatching rates."

Along with population growth, which of the following is a major root of the environmental problems caused by humans?

our exploitation and consumption of resources why: Along with our sheer numbers, the lifestyle we lead has a major impact on the environment.

The practice of consuming more resources than are being replenished is known as ______________.


When scientists determined that the earth was round rather than flat, this was a __________.

paradigm shift why: A paradigm shift is a major shift in scientific thinking as the result of a new discovery or understanding that occurs.

Which of the following is NOT part of a sustainable future for humans?

reducing laws and regulations to free up industries to produce more jobs why: Laws and regulations can reduce the pollution emitted by industries and automobiles.

Scientists use a general process known as the scientific method to ask and answer questions about natural phenomena. A hypothesis is a testable statement that proposes an explanation for a set of observations. It leads to predictions that can be tested by an experiment. A prediction describes specific results that can be expected if a hypothesis is true. A theory is broader in scope than a hypothesis, is supported by a large body of evidence, and generates many new hypotheses. A scientific experiment often involves both a treatment and a control, which are alike except for the variable that the experiment is designed to test. A variable is a factor that is either manipulated or measured in an experiment. A correlation is a quantitative relationship between variables. A review process is in place to make sure that no bias has skewed the results of an experiment.

scientific method hypothesis prediction theory control variable correlation bias

In a controlled experiment, if a researcher wants to examine the effect of a high-calorie diet on an animal's weight, which of the two would be the independent variable?

the high-calorie diet why: This is the variable the scientist manipulates because different animals would be given different amounts of the high-calorie food.

How did the agricultural revolution lead to an increase in human population numbers?

the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settling down on farms with domesticated animals allowed for nutritional needs to be met more easily why: Because of farming, food was more accessible and readily available so that people could reproduce more successfully.

A __________ is widely accepted, and has been extensively validated by a great amount of research.


Which of these resources is both exhaustible and renewable?


Which of the following can be depleted if overused?

water why: Water is renewed naturally through the water cycle but this takes time. When we overuse water, it can lead to depletion.

Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?

wave energy why: Wave energy is perpetually renewed and cannot be depleted.

What would be an outcome of a paradigm shift in science?

Many scientific fields would have to rethink their understanding of the world. why: A paradigm shift is a major change in our understanding of how the world works. Acceptance of the sun as the center of our solar system (as opposed to Earth) changed our understanding of astronomy and physics, and the idea of plate tectonics allowing the continents to move affected our understanding of geology, ecology, and evolution.

Which statement is an incorrect description of peer review?

Peer review is used rarely and only when researchers are at the beginning of their careers.

Following the ban of lead from U.S. gasoline, scientists played an important role in measuring the subsequent impact on human health. The following graph shows the amount of lead used in gasoline (metric tons per year) and the average blood lead concentration (micrograms per deciliter) in U.S. children (ages 1 - 5) between the years 1970 and 2010. a) Based on this data, which statement is most accurate regarding the change in lead use in gasoline and average blood lead concentration in children over time? b) Pretend you are a public health official giving a presentation to the local community about the dangers of lead exposure. As you show data from the graph in the previous part, what is the most important "take home" message you might share with audience, based on the relationship between the amount of lead in gasoline and blood lead concentration in children between the years 1970 and 2010? c) As a researcher, you have been asked to analyze trends in the decline in lead use in U.S. gasoline over time. Based on the data in the graph, by what percentage did the amount of lead used in gasoline decrease between the years 1970 and 1985?

a) Both lead use in gasoline and blood lead concentration in U.S. children declined most rapidly between 1975 and 1985. b) A sharp drop in the amount of lead used in gasoline was followed by a similarly sharp decline in blood lead concentrations in children between 1970 and 1990, suggesting that lead use in gasoline was strongly correlated to lead exposure, and the ban on lead had a major impact on reducing exposure in the United States. c) 80%

Read this The Guardian article and then answer the questions. The lost history of the electric car--and what it tells us about the future of transport (The Guardian, 03/08/2021) a) Which of the following is true? b) The use of personal vehicles was initially promoted for which of the following reasons? c) Which of the following led to the demise of the first electric cars? d) Which of the following led to increased fuel efficiency and smaller vehicles in the United States in the 1980s? e) As the use of electric vehicles increases, which of the following environmental problems also appears destined to increase, as they are tied to each other?

a) In the late 1800s, electric, steam, and gas-powered vehicles were all available. b) To reduce the use of horses. c) heavy, short-lived batteries d) An increase in oil prices. e) pollution from mining

Read this National Public Radio article and then answer the questions. How to Be a Savvy Consumer of Science News (07/17/2018) a) Based on what happened with tobacco and, more recently climate change, which of the following is key to scientific consensus? b) You read a news story with the headline "Eating Portobello Mushrooms Prevents Cancer." Which of the following would be best for you to do with that information? c) A study is published saying that eating broccoli disrupts sleep, while another study says that eating broccoli enhances sleep. Which of the following does this most resemble? d) When you read a scientific paper, which of the following is most critical to assure that the researchers followed scientific principles? e) When reading a scientific paper, which of the following is most likely?

a) Time b) Look for other, similar research. c) Current research on coffee. d) It was peer-reviewed. e) The larger the sample size, the better the statistical analysis.

a) In animal populations, DDT causes _____. b) DDT is _____-soluble so it accumulates in _____. c) Which one of the following statements is true?

a) birth defects b) fat ... milk c) Many African governments concluded that the potential long-term health effects of DDT were not as serious as the immediate problem of insect control.

Which of the following would be most likely to be believed by the scientific community?

an experiment that has been replicated 10 times with the same results

Which of the following best describes the result of the Industrial Revolution?

an urban society with increased access to goods and fossil fuel use

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