ENT 4353 Exam #2

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Rule of 72:

72/R = T

Some people worry the economic growth will deplete resources. How does Baumol refute this?

As some resources are depleted, prices rise and consumers cut demand. Also, there are stronger incentives to find alternative resources. Maybe treat emissions like hunting by selling licenses.

Why is incapacity a motive for exclusion?

Because it is not the voter alone who suffers the consequences of his vote

Rural cities in ___________ were greatly benefited through market competition.



Economies with sustained gains from innovation typically incorporate a range of funding agents and research organizations that interact both cooperatively and competitively

When plunder is organized by law, what is the natural reaction of the plundered classes?

Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it (via laws)

_______________ keeps others from using private property.


T/F--Growth is a zero-sum game.


T/F--In anarchy, there is effective enforcement of property rights by the state.


T/F--Labor time required to purchase expensive items has increased over the years.


T/F--Market incentives are always positive.


T/F--Most market competition occurs between buyers and sellers.


T/F--Opening markets to competition guarantees that the wealth created by economic growth will be distributed evenly


T/F--With the rule of men, there are no formal laws.


T/F--The government gives us rights.

F (God)

T/F--Institutions are the formal rules of the game that shape incentives and outline expected and acceptable forms of behavior in social interactions.

F (formal and informal)

T/F--Enforcement of property rights is a public function.

F (public and private)

T/F--The rule of men is in direct opposition to anarchy.

F (rule of law)

Who developed the concept of "dead capital"?

Hernando de Soto

Without enforcement, property rights for the poor are meaningless. Which country exemplifies this statement?

India (caste system)

______________ consists of recognizing the implications of inventions and putting them into productive use.


______________ flourishes in economies where openness, clearly defined property rights, and established rule of law make it easy to start new enterprises.


What was the name of de Soto's organization?

Institute of Liberty and Democracy (ILD)

Why is the positive use of law to regulate society dangerous?

It substitutes the will of the legislator for their own wills

Which factors comprise the essential foundation for economic progress and reductions in poverty?

Property rights Rule of law

How is legal plunder to be identified?

See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.

Where did de Soto go to school?


T/F--An equally important 18th century development was that property rights were not only recognized, but were secured.


T/F--Anarchy, the condition of competitive violence, has been the norm through most of human history, rendering it virtually impossible for the poor to own property.


T/F--Baumol said that growth and poverty reduction go hand-in-hand.


T/F--Buyers compete with other buyers, trying to pay the least they can without losing to buyers who would pay more


T/F--Competition may vary within an economy because of characteristics inherent in individual markets.


T/F--De Soto claimed that the poor were rich.


T/F--Debt can be an instrument of economic growth.


T/F--If you protect Detroit car makers from competition, then you must damage Iowa farmers, because Iowa farmers are the competition.


T/F--In many, perhaps most, developing countries, the informal economy is bigger than the formal one


T/F--In recent decades, India has significantly improved the well-being of its people


T/F--India's growth is most clearly evident in its burgeoning information technology sector.


T/F--Innovation is a leaky process.


T/F--Overall world output could increase if countries produced goods for which they have a comparative advantage and traded these goods for other necessities.


T/F--Poverty in China dropped from 245m to 33m, partially because of competition in rural markets.


T/F--Rule of men maintains power through political connections and military might.


T/F--Rural per capita income doubled in China.


T/F--Scientists are conspicuously absent from lists of early innovators


T/F--Sellers compete with other sellers, trying to charge the most they can without losing to sellers who attract buyers by offering a lower price.


T/F--Technological change typically creates "losers" as well as "winners."


T/F--The question is not whether we shall have competition, but what forms it will take


T/F--Until the mid-18th century, property was a right of the wealthy who could privately afford the coercive power necessary to assert and enforce ownership.


What occurs when innovation grows out of invention?

Technological progress

Why does Bastiat criticize the use of the treasury for charitable, educational, and religious purposes?

The law can be an instrument of equalization only as it takes from some persons and gives to other persons. When the law does this, it is an instrument of plunder.

What does Baumol use to illustrate the benefits of free trade?

The states

Which country was generally most successful in keeping the law in bounds around 1850?


What is the problem with having minimum wages for Uber drivers?

Uber is researching self-driving cars

In the manual system, land records were maintained by 9,000 __________ ___________, each serving a cluster of 3-4 villages.

Village Accountants

What is the remedy to legal plunder?

abolish the law

In market economies, access to clean water, housing, heat and affordable food has moved millions out of ______ poverty, even in areas where significant ________ poverty, or income inequality, remains.

absolute relative

Economics 2.0 is about ____________.


rent seeking

advantage (rent) is gained by manipulating the political or economic environment instead of adding value

In reality, competition in almost all markets takes place ________ buyers and _________ sellers, not _________ buyers and sellers.

among between

The poor are rich in _____________, but those ____________ are dead.


dead capital

assets that cannot be used to their fullest often refers to property unfit for collateral

Who has rejected MPesa?


Why is true law negative?

because justice can only be achieved by eliminated injustice

Why is the victim of plunder sometimes treated as a criminal?

because the law supports the plunderer

What has Uber done that taxies couldn't?

break down barriers to entry adjusts prices to meet needs

As people acquire more _____________, their productivity and their income increase


Even if globalization can worsen income disparities, why should we continue growing?

ceasing growth would lead to lower standards of living everywhere

Without title, householders were more likely to secure ownership with the presence of an adult and, therefore, to send ______ to work to replace the income of that adult.


By depriving people of ______________, insecure property rights reduce investment in capital, businesses, or other wealth-creating assets


Secure property rights can also increase the likelihood of investment by providing--

collateral for debt


commonly in the form of assets (property) to which the borrower has secure property rights, is offered as a surety that reduces the risk taken by banks and other lenders

Two words have revolutionized the spread of cell-phone usage in Africa:

community access

Market economies with high levels of _________ are those with the best record of reducing poverty and elevating overall standards of living.


Markets are characterized by different degrees of ____________.


What is the inevitable result of scarcity?


What replaced Village Accountants?

computerized land owner kiosks

What happens to those who express doubts as to the morality of such institutions that condone plunder?

considered dangerous innovator

The extent of the free flow of information includes

consumers' access to information about the market producers' ability to disburse information

How has the law been used to destroy its own objective?

converted plunder into a right converted lawful defense into a crime

Buyer-seller exchange is ___________ rather than rivalrous.


Investment means foregoing ? in anticipation of ?.

current consumption future benefits

Informal property rights may be based on--

custom tradition precedent

Barring international trade can...

damage domestic industries reduce economic efficiency

What are some critiques of economic growth?

depletion of resources income inequality money can't buy happiness

Invention -

discovery of new knowledge

creative destruction

dynamic process by which capitalism continually renews itself

Enforcement of property rights is characterized by huge ? - which the rich can achieve and the poor cannot.

economies of scale

Property rights are meaningful only if they can be...


Competition gives the poor opportunities to increase their income as workers or _____________.


Reasons capitalist economies are best able to exploit the growth potential of technology--

entrepreneurship multiplies the sources of innovation diversity of research organizations markets incorporate strong incentives for innovation

What are the consequences of using the law to plunder?

erases distinction between justice and injustice

Three standards identify the benefits of the rule of law:

establishes limits on governors and the governed system of ordered liberty protects basic citizen rights promotes the common good

When the law is used to redistribute property (plunder), why does every class grasp for power over it?

every class wants to benefit without working for it

Why, if law were confined to its proper functions, would everyone's interest in the law be the same?

everyone's interest in the law would be the same

What is the nature of plunder as an idea, a system, and an injustice independent of personal intentions?

false idea unjust system we profit w/out wishing & suffer w/out knowing cause

Non-market economies can, and occasionally do, innovate. They do not, however, set up the _____________ ___________ between producers and consumers that sustains innovation

feedback cycle

Transferability may have ___________ or ______________ limitations.

formal informal

Property rights

formal and informal arrangements that govern the ownership, use, and transfer of assets

Why is the word fraternity inseparable from the word voluntary?

fraternity cannot be legally enforced without liberty being legally destroyed, and thus justice being legally trampled underfoot

Rule of law

governed according to widely known and accepted rules followed not only by the governed but also by those in authority

State-created displacements

government perverts the law by displacing someone's individual rights

How does government suppress free speech?

governments censors what is taught

Why do governments regulate innovation?

governments don't like unregulated industries governments don't like disruption

How do politicians attempt to remedy the ills of society, which may in fact be due to earlier plundering?

he attempts to remedy the evil by increasing and perpetuating legal plunder

What were two things de Soto noticed in Peru?

he dealt with lawyers frequently businesses were marginalized

Property rights are ________ ________.

human rights

Regardless of one's preferences concerning the extent of suffrage, what would cause the excitement over suffrage to die down?

if law's only purpose were to protect individual rights

Why is socialism not an example of illegal plunder?

illegal plunder is condemned by the law, but socialism is supported by the law

The right to enter the market with their produce drastically changed the ___________ facing Chinese farmers


Technological change

increase in a body of knowledge

What is the source of the collective right to protection?

individual rights to lawful defense

Justice is achieved only when ___________ is absent.


The competitive pursuit of lower production cost also leads to ___________, a process that makes affordable to the masses a range of goods once accessible only to the wealthy


The recent economic history of India offers an example of the importance of ____________ changes in property rights and the rule of law in encouraging economic growth.


Incentives are shaped by ____________.


Markets, and the rules that govern them, are....

institutions of voluntary exchange. A market exists wherever and whenever buyers and sellers interact to exchange goods, services, or resources

What were some effects of having title to land?

invest in larger (more immovable) livestock built more fences made more improvements more permanent crops planted cleared land

Many Latin American countries have focused on __________ ___________ in their efforts to alleviate poverty.

land redistribution

The role of collateral in fostering investment and productivity growth underscores the importance of the rule of ______.


Formal property rights are encoded into....

law statute ordinance contract

What accounts for its almost universal perversion?

law is made by one man or one class of men (these men value their own self-interests)

Why did Argentina go bankrupt?

law supported favoritism, coups, etc. (rule of law was damaged)

Life, liberty, and property existed beforehand, causing men to make _________ in the first place.


The level of competition may also vary because ________ and _________ within a nation may limit market entry and exit, the number of producers, and/or the availability of information.

laws regulations

What are the two kinds of plunder?

legal illegal


legal evidence of the right of possession or control over property

Tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit... To what do these names refer?

legal plunder

What three gifts of God precede legislation?

life liberty property

People with ______ incomes are often the biggest beneficiaries of collateral-secured debt


The total fertility rate for India's population - which exceeds 1 billion people - has been ____________ from six children per woman to three since the 1960s.


What is the origin of property?

man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor

Origin of plunder?

man may live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the products of the labor of others

What was the consequence of not allowing Peruvians to sell their land?

markets have been stifled and banks have offered fewer loans due to lack of collateral

Under the rule of _______, the capricious nature of property rights undermines the value of assets as collateral


When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his _________ sense or losing his respect for the ________.

moral law

High level of competition among sellers leads to improvements in the well-being of the poor by making _________ goods and services available at ________ prices.

more lower

When it comes to trade versus domestic production, the best strategy is to let the market determine a _______ __________.

natural ratio

What is the origin of the desire to live and prosper at the expense of others?

nature of man

Why has land redistribution failed to alleviate poverty in Latin America?

no formally recognized and reliably enforced property rights to encourage capital formation and economic growth

Why was the USSR poor?

no incentives, markets, property rights

How may socialism be opposed? What are the choices?

not necessarily via the law few plunder many (limited legal plunder) everyone plunders everybody (universal legal plunder) nobody plunders anybody (no legal plunder)

The degree of competition in any particular market is influenced by...

number of firms in the market relative ease of entry and exit degree of substitutability relative availability/ease of access to market info


opening a nation's markets to competition from foreign producers

Current income distribution does not matter as much as _______________.


What is the proper function of law?

organized justice

Private enforcement includes measures taken by __________- such as installing locks or occupying their property - to defend their rights


Why do property owners have higher incentives to preserve assets?

owners bear opportunity cost of damaged property owners consider the future value of assets

Secure property rights create incentives for owners to invest in capital and capital improvements--

owners confident in right to future value owners enjoy the benefits of investments

Debt allows people to use both their _________ income and their _____________ income to acquire human and physical capital.

past future

Clues about USSR incentives--

people respond predictably to incentives property rights shape incentives in markets, profits --> competition shaping incentives

How did this popular aspiration to promote the general welfare through general plunder originate?

people tried to use the law to accomplish positive actions

In anarchy, the source of property rights is coercion by ________ force.


Throughout history and continuing into the 21st century, technological change has generated disproportionately greater gains in standard-of-living for the _______ than for the ________.

poor wealthy

rules of the game that affect market interaction includes

private property rights clearly defined rule of law offers consistent enforcement nature/extent of regulation of commerce

Market competition

process by which the right to use resources is contested


process of converting government enterprises into privately owned companies


process of increasing the stock of capital, which increases productivity and future production

Of the capitalist institutions that offer opportunities for the poor to ascend the economic ladder, secure _____________ ___________ is one of the most fundamental.

property rights

What is the proper function of the law?

protect property and punish plunder

Identify three varieties or systems of plunder.

protectionism socialism communism

Secure property rights contribute to economic growth by releasing resources from ___________ activities to ___________ activities.

protective productive

Knowledge is a pure _________ good; those who have it can give it away without reducing how much they have.


Services, the least ___________ sector in India's economy, continues to be the strongest performer, while manufacturing, the most ___________ sector, is the weakest.


How is innovation impeded?

regulations license requirements (ex: taxi medallions and Airbnb reqs)

Specified conditions of asset-use--

restrictions or regulations conditions of receiving income from assets characteristics of the property-holding arrangement conditions about excluding others from an asset


rewards or punishments that shape people's choices about their behavior

What is the poor man's plunder?

right to relief

Under the ____________ ______ ____________, formal law may exist, but the hierarchy of power determines if, when, and how it is applied.

rule of men

Which kind of property enforcement is arbitrary and inconsistent?

rule of men

Property rights can be established and secured in three ways:

rule of physical force (anarchy) rule of men rule of law

The degree of competition in the economy as a whole is a function of the....

rules of the game

Factors that determine the degree of competitiveness of a nation's markets are:

rules of the game that affect market interaction flow of information level of openness to enter/exit market

Increasingly, poverty is concentrated in _________ areas in some of India's largest states.


What were the two issues in the United States around 1850 that always endangered the public peace?

slavery tariffs

externalization of costs

some people are privileged to escape paying by passing "the buck" or the bill along to others

Why is voting restricted?

some people are thought incapable of making universally good decisions

What is the price of the state's intervention into the private affairs of its citizens?

sources of our existence are made uncertain and pre-carious

Property rights have 3 critical features in law:

specified conditions of asset-use specified conditions of transferability established security of possession

When humans gained the right to claim the fruits of their labor, they gained the ability to change their own ___________ of ___________. In that sense, property rights must be regarded as the _________ _______ right.

standard living essential human

The law has been perverted by the influence of two entirely different causes:

stupid greed false philanthropy

Most important outcome of markets for the poor's wellbeing is general, __________ increase in standard of living. This is brought through price competition, better quality, and more variety.


De Soto has found the same underlying cause of poverty: the lack of a ____________ which gives the poor title to the assets which they create outside the formal economy - assets which can account for more than 80 per cent of the real economy.


International trade is nothing but a form of _____________.


comparative advantage

the ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer


the codes of conduct and established behaviors upon which the life of a community is built

Innovation -

the introduction of an invention into a use that has economic value

How is plunder legitimized?

the law decrees and sanctions it

How is legal plunder defended? How may it be built into a whole system?

the person who profits from this law will complain bitterly, defending his acquired rights acceptance of these arguments


the willingness to bear the risks of production

Why do the poor have "dead" assets?

they have no legal title to property, so they cannot use it as collateral

According to de Soto, what is the "great leveler"?


The Pará investigation provided empirical evidence that--

titled land has a high perceived value titled landholders invest in more capital improvements

According to Baumol, what is one major reason we need economic growth in the future?

to fund the elderly

Why does the law sometimes defend plunder and participate in it?

to spare beneficiaries from punishment

Western property laws also protect ______________.


Voluntary exchange:

transactions are entered into freely every completed transaction indicates that seller and the buyer are better off (w/out negative variables)

Under the rule of physical force (anarchy), _________ and _________ surrounding ownership of assets renders property largely useless as collateral, severely constraining the growth of capital.

uncertainty instability

What reduces the benefits of making investments and improvements?

unclear ownership

How do arguments over universal suffrage illustrate the problem?

universal is a fallacy (only certain people are allowed to vote)

What uses of force pervert the law from its true purpose: organized justice?

using the law to violate someone else's individual rights

According to Baumol, countries that experience economic growth are less likely to enact ___________.


Why does false philanthropy not work?

we can't be free and not free at the same time

How is property gained by use of our talents?

we convert natural resources into useful products

Example of owners caring more about future value of assets--

we do not treat rent cars the same as personal automobiles

Baumol's critique of "money can't buy happiness"--

we don't understand how much economic growth has truly benefited us

How does Bastiat respond to socialist objections to individualism?

we repudiate only forced organization, not natural organization (same with unity, association, fraternity)

What is the meaning of plunder?

wealth is transferred from owner—without his consent/compensation, and whether by force/fraud—to anyone who does not own it

When does the use of force destroy justice?

when it's used to organize any kind of human activity

Under what circumstances will political questions become "prejudicial, dominant, and all-absorbing?"

when the law is diverted from its true purpose

How do the socialists confuse the distinction between government and society

when we object to a thing done by government, socialists conclude we object to its being done at all

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