ES310 Exam 3

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When you have to find work rate prior to plugging in, you have to multiple what three values together?

(resistance(kp)) x (rpm) x (dist/rev)

Monarch flywheel distance for Lower Body Ergometer


Question: How many METs is this exercise intensity?

So take the relative VO2 and divide it by 3.5 (bc 3.5 is one MET)

So, what TYPE of PA should one partake in for cardiorespiratory exercise?

***all types are beneficial as long as they are of sufficient intensity and duration continuous exercise

ABSOLUTE Characteristics one can use to estimate the Intensity of Cardiorespiratory Exercise

- VO2 -METS -Caloric expenditure

RELATIVE Characteristics one can use to estimate the Intensity of Cardiorespiratory Exercise

-% Heart rate reserve(HRR) -%HRmax -%VO2max (ml/kg/min) -%Ventilatory threshold -% respiratory compensation point (where VE/VO2 becomes incrementally steeper)

3) Isokinetics

-Dynamic muscle actions performed at constant angular limb velocity -Used in rehabilitation -Used to increase strength and power at specific speeds

PROGRESSION of RT: What is it?

-The demands placed on the body must be continually and progressively increased over time to achieve long-term gains

What variables does the selection of intensity for your client depend on?

-age -current health status -current fitness level -motivation of the client -amount of time they have for exercise -volume they are going to complete (small volume → high intensity and large volume→lower intensity)







The following standards FITT-VP classifications are from ACSM guidelines:


Types of RT:


Multiply feet by ______ to get meters


Name at least 4 characteristics that PROGRESSION is dependent on:

1) Current fitness level 2) Current health status 3) the client's goal 4) the client's training response 5) the client's motivation

What are the 3 variables that make up VOLUME of an exercise bout?

1) Frequency 2) Intensity 3) Duration

Components of the exercise session:

1) Warm-up 2) Conditioning 3) Cool-down 4) Stretching

Name 4 variables Exercise Selection can be dependent upon:

1) equipment availability 2) time (the exercise takes) 3) personal preference (fitness facility v. home exercise) 4) injuries, musculoskeletal limitations, orthopedic conditions, disease status ( weight bearing v. non-weight bearing)

Name 4 things that metabolic equations are used to determine:

1) estimate VO2 2) estimate caloric expenditure 3) gross energy expenditure (both exercise and rest) 4) estimate weight loss

Name 4 characteristics that the TYPE of cardiorespiratory exercise can depend on:

1) individual preference 2) amount of time available 3) equipment that is available 4) motivation 5) fitness level 6) Present or past injury

To go from absolute VO2 to relative VO2

1) multiply absolute by 1000 2) divide by body weight(in kg)

To go from relative VO2 to absolute VO2

1) multiply by body weight(in kg) 2) divide by 1000

Multiply miles by ______ to get km


Divide lbs by _______ to get kg


Flywheel distance for Upper Body Ergometer


Multiply inches by ______ to get cm


Multiply mph by ________ to get meters/min


How many kcal is 1 lb of fat?

3,500 kcals

Divide Relative VO2 (mL/kg/min) by ______ to get METs



3.5 mL/kg/min

What amount of exercise will lead to ADDITIONAL BENEFITS? ________of moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise or _________of vigorous-intensity

300+ min/wk of moderate-intensity 150+ min/wk of vigorous-intensity

*Moderate Intensity* is _____ - _____% of VO2 reserve/HRR

40-59% of VO2 reserve/HHR

Multiply Absolute VO2 (L/min) by _____ to get kcal/min


Divide Work Rate (kg/m/min) by ______ to get W


*Vigorous Intensity* is _____ - _____% of VO2 reserve/HRR

60-85% of VO2 reserve/HHR

PROGRESSION of RT: What is the ACSM guideline to follow?

= *increase weight by 5-10% per week and decrease reps by 2-4* when given load can be performed

1) Warm-up

= 5-10 minutes -whole body, dynamic, purpose is to prepare for them for the type of exercise that they are about to do -***NO STATIC stretching for warm-up

What is the 2+2 rule?

= once a client can perform 2+ additional reps on 2 consecutive workouts, increase weight during next session

What is Interval Training?

= period of intense activity interspersed with period of low activity PRO = it is flexible, customizable KINDS = 1) sprint interval training (SIT) 2) high intensity interval training (HIIT) 3) low volume interval training (LVIT) IMPORTANT = to focus on adherence and safety

2) Conditioning

= portion were they are working on ↑ing their endurance/cardiorespiratory fitness

4) Static Stretching

= we do it last because it is the best to do when our muscles are WARM(bc it is least likely to be injure/it has more elasticity after being warmed up)

3) Cool-down

=5-10 min -where you are allowing your body to come back down to resting values

Exercises to enhance CRF

Broken into 4 types...

RT PROGRAM Variables: Name as many as you can...

Choice of exercise Order of exercise Resistance Volume Rest intervals Repetition velocity Training frequency

____ or _________ components of the FITT-VP principle can be modified but usually not all at the same time

one or multiple, but not all **if you ↑ all of the components of the FITT principle, you risk overtraining your client

Type D

recreational sports (which take a great amount of skill and confidence)

H is

step height in METERS NOT INCHES

Single joint exercises for RT

targets exact muscles (good for body builders)

Type B

vigorous intensity requiring minimal skill

Progression: Progressive Overload

when you add to the time of each session or when you add an additional session to the week

What is the weekly recommended target for VOLUME ?

≥ 500-1000 METxmin/week or 1000kcals/week

Theory of Specificity

Specificity means that the type of exercise should be putting stress on the desired physiological systems in order to produce the desired training effect

What are levels of the "Talk Test"?

Easy to talk = low-intensity Able to talk, but not sing = moderate-intensity Difficult to talk = vigorous-intensity

True or false: All clients with similar demographic characteristics and health status should following the same general exercise program.

FALSE - there isn't one cookie cutter method for exercise prescription


FREQUENCY ≥ 30 min, ≥ 5 d/wk (or min of 150min) of MODERATE cardiorespiratory exercise OR ≥20 min, ≥3d/wk (or min of 75 min) of VIGOROUS cardiorespiratory exercise

What does FITT-VP stand for?

Frequency Intensity Time (duration) Type (mode) Volume (amount) Progression (advancement)

Example of TYPE of cardiorespiratory exercise:

HIIT - high-intensity interval training: pro is that is doesn't take too long to do

Example of the 2+2 rule =

If currently on 8-12 rep sets, but they are able to perform 14 reps on at least 2 consecutive workouts THEN INCREASE THE WEIGHT DURING NEXT SESSION

Theory of Reversibility

If you don't continue to overload/stop training altogether, the client will lose the adaptations that they have gained

What is I of the FITT-VP?


What is a "Talk Test"? and how does it relate to intensity?

It is a subjective measure of relative intensity It is a valid and reliable measure of intensity in relation to LACTATE THRESHOLD, VENTILATORY THRESHOLD, AND RESPIRATORY COMPENSATION POINT

Absolute VO2

L/min mL/min

2) Variable resistance training

Makes movement easier to perform by varying resistance; controlled pathway ex- at the weakest point in the mvmt, the resistance becomes less and at the strongest point in the mvmt, the resistance becomes greater

Safety Considerations for RT

Monitor participants (esp. while lifting heavy weights or while performing mvmts that require skill) Avoid Valsalva maneuver (which is an ↑ in intra-abdominal pressure) Show correct form and modify if necessary Facility and space- make sure there is enough space Gear and equipment- make sure gear is not broken

Limitation for running:

Most accurate for speeds >5 mph (Different equations used for >5 and <5)

Limitation to walking:

Most accurate for speeds of 1.9-3.7 mph

Limitation for Leg cycling:

Most accurate for work rates 50-200W

Plyometric RT Characteristics

Not generally for beginners (if a beginner to exercising, wait at least 2-3 months before incorporating it in) Carefully prescribed to reduce likelihood of musculoskeletal injury Reasonable to *begin with 1-2 sets of 6-8 reps* of lower intensity drills Progress to higher sets and intensity *>40 reps per session may be most beneficial volume*

How can one elicit overload; what variables can be adjusted?

Once can alter : intensity(low→mod→vig) duration (↑ time of training session) frequency (↑time of training days per week)

What is the P of the FITT-VP?



Participants are more likely to adhere to exercise and achieve training goals if they enjoy it

What is FITT-VP used for?

Provides framework to establish an exercise prescription that can be tailored to the client

4) Plyometrics

Quick, powerful movements involving a rapid eccentric following by a rapid concentric phase the time it takes to change direction from the eccentric to concentric phase (amortization phase) this time interval should be as short as possible (<0.1 sec) ex - box jumps (ECC down, CON up)


RT must be performed regularly several times per week to make continual gains *2-3 training sessions on non-consecutive days* Proper recovery is crucial


SAID principle= asserts that with given stressors placed on the human system, there will be a Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands (SAID). Perform exercises that are consistent with the activity or sport


Safety and efficacy are maximized when qualified professionals provide instruction and encouragement With supervision, clients tend to self-select higher training loads

What is the first T of the FITT-VP?

Time (duration) - goes with intensity Note - one can perform multiple bouts of cardiorespiratory exercise per day (ie - 3x10min or 1x30min)


To enhance muscular fitness, the body must exercise at a level *beyond which it is normally stressed*

What is the second T of the FITT-VP?



Use imagination to optimize training-induced adaptations and enhance adherence Incorporate new exercises, equipment, and modalities to best meet client needs, goals and abilities

Speeds LESS THAN 5mph on the treadmill = ie- speed of 3.7 mph

VO2= (.1 x speed)+(1.8 x speed x grade)+3.5

Speeds GREATER THAN 5mph on the treadmill = ie: speed of 6.2 mph

VO2= (.2 x speed)+(.9 x speed x grade)+3.5

What is the V of the FITT-VP?


1) Dynamic constant external resistance

Weight lifted does not change during the concentric and eccentric phase; used to enhance motor skills and sports performance ex - doing a squat with a barbell

Name some TYPES OF EQUIPMENT for all types of RT:

Weight machines Free weights Kettlebells Barbells Body weight Resistance bands Sandbags Suspension training

How to calculate Work Rate:

Work rate(kg.m.min) = resistance(kg) x distance per revolution of flywheel(m) x rpm

METS is an ______________ type of measurement


Type C

endurance activities requiring skill

Type A

endurance exercises requiring *minimal skill or fitness level*

______________ progression minimizes the risk of injury


f of stepping is

in steps/min

What is the weekly recommended target for VOLUME of steps?

increase step count by ≥ 2,000 steps per day to reach a goal of ≥ 7,000 steps per day ***Not 10,000 steps

When plugging in "work rate" into an equation, what do unit should it be in?

it may be given as Watts, but sub in as kgm/min by multiplying by 6.12

When plugging in "body weight" into an equation, what do unit should it be in?

it may be given as lbs, but sub in as kg by dividing by 2.2

Relative VO2


In all of the equations that begin with VO2 = ___________________, the VO2 is in


Multiple joint exercises for RT

more functional for everyday activities works accessory muscles

When plugging in for speed, even if you are given speed in mph, it need to be in _________ when plugging in

mph → *meters/min*

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