Essentials of Psychology

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A learned response made to a conditioned stimulus is called the __________ response.


A learning process in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response is called __________ conditioning.


A major premise of health psychology is that health problems are caused by bacteria and viruses, and have nothing to do with behaviors and choices.


A neuron is a small cell that transmits information, in the form of neural impulses, from one part of the body to another.


A science is a discipline with two characteristics: 1) an organized body of knowledge through published research articles; and 2) the use of scientific methods. Psychology meets these two requirements.


A stimulus that comes to elicit a learned response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus is called a(n) __________ stimulus.


A stimulus that produces a minimal response or a response of no particular interest is called a(n) __________ stimulus.


A stimulus that reliably elicits a response with no prior learning is called a(n) __________ stimulus.


About half of U.S. adults experience at least one traumatic event in their lives and the majority of these cases will result in a diagnosis of PTSD.


According to Freud's theory of dreams, the dream we remember and are aware of is called the manifest content.


According to Freud's theory of dreams, the true underlying meaning of the dream that lies in our unconscious is called the latent content.


According to Freud, the level of consciousness which he called the unconscious, contains repressed motives and memories that would evoke intense feelings of anxiety if we became aware of them, and these unconscious motives and memories influence us, even though we are not consciously aware of them.

conscious, preconscious, and unconscious

According to Freud, the mind contains three levels, which are the __________, __________, and __________.

id, ego, and superego

According to Freud, the three parts of the personality are the __________, __________, and __________.

mathematical/logical and verbal/linguistic

According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. A law professor who can think logically and speak eloquently with a wide vocabulary is exhibiting __________ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. Architects, interior designers, and individuals who can easily navigate their surroundings are exhibiting __________ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. Athletes and dancers are exhibiting __________ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. Individuals who possess a keen self-awareness and realize their own strengths and weaknesses are exhibiting __________ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. Musicians, vocalists, songwriters, and record producers are exhibiting __________ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least seven different types of intelligence. Successful teachers, therapists, politicians, and salespeople are exhibiting __________ intelligence.

safety and security

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, when our basic needs, such as food, water, and shelter are met, we are then motivated by __________ needs.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, when our needs for love and belonging are met, we are then motivated by __________ needs.

love and belonging

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, when our safety and security needs are met, we are then motivated by __________ needs.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, when our self-esteem needs are met, we are then motivated by the need for __________.


According to Robert Sternberg, love includes three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. The absence of all three components is called __________.


According to Robert Sternberg, love includes three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. When all three components are present, he calls it __________ love.

passion; intimacy; commitment

According to Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, __________ is the emotional component; __________ is the sharing component; and __________ is the cognitive component.

Abraham Maslow

According to __________ we won't be motivated by higher level needs, such as love and belonging or self-esteem, until our basic physiological needs related to survival are met.

Sigmund Freud

According to __________, there are three levels of consciousness: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.


An unlearned response to an unconditioned stimulus is called the __________ response.


Anti-anxiety medications, such as Xanax and Valium, are among the most commonly prescribed of all drugs.

false Anti-depressant drugs can elevate the mood of many depressed individuals, but these drugs have no effect on people who are not depressed. Antidepressants do not produce a euphoric high in people who do not have depression.

Anti-depressant drugs will produce a euphoric high in people who are not depressed.


Anti-depressant medications typically take 2 to 4 weeks to show any benefit, and their full effect may take 6 weeks.


Anxiety disorders are the most common of all psychological disorders, and include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and specific phobia.


Charles Darwin was one of the first to popularize the idea that facial expressions provide indicators of an organism's emotional state.


Common sense and personal experience is acceptable in qualifying as a scientific approach to understanding social behavior.


Comparative studies show that in comparison to heterosexual couples, same-sex couples tend to assign household labor more fairly, resolve conflict more constructively, and experience similar levels of relationship satisfaction.


Compared to sensation, perception is a more active, complex, and creative process.

the sound of the squeaky cabinet door

Diana keeps her dog's food in a cabinet with a squeaky door. Whenever Diana opens that cabinet the dog hears the squeaking noise and runs into the kitchen expecting food. Diana's dog has made an association between two stimuli: the food and the sound of the squeaky cabinet door. In this example, what is the conditioned stimulus? (the stimulus that was once neutral but then came to elicit a conditioned response)

the food

Diana keeps her dog's food in a cabinet with a squeaky door. Whenever Diana opens that cabinet the dog hears the squeaking noise and runs into the kitchen expecting food. Diana's dog has made an association between two stimuli: the food and the sound of the squeaky cabinet door. In this example, what is the unconditioned stimulus?


During middle age, parents are often tasked with caring both for their own adolescent children and for their aging parents. Adults in this situation have been referred to as "the sandwich generation."During middle age, parents are often tasked with caring both for their own adolescent children and for their aging parents. Adults in this situation have been referred to as "the sandwich generation."


Emotion-focused coping strategies look beyond feelings and focus on trying to find the underlying cause of the situation.

role confusion

Erik Erikson proposed a comprehensive stage theory of psychosocial development from birth through late adulthood. During adolescence Erikson described what he called Identity versus __________, which is the state of wanting to be independent, to be one's own self, and experimenting with various possibilities in an attempt to see what works best, often to the obvious dissatisfaction on bewildered parents.


Erik Erikson proposed a comprehensive stage theory of psychosocial development from birth through late adulthood. During early adulthood Erikson described what he called Intimacy versus __________, which describes the importance of close, intimate relationships. Failure to establish close, loving, intimate relationships may result in loneliness.


For nearly fifty years, from 1920 - 1970, psychology was simply defined as "the science of behavior."


For nearly fifty years, from 1920-1970, psychology was defined as the science of behavior and mental processes. But by the 1970s, "mental processes" was dropped from the definition, and today psychology is simply defined as "the science of behavior."


Freud believed that dreams were unimportant and viewed them simply as leftovers from the day's sensory experiences.


Freud emphasized the importance of early childhood experiences in the development of personality.

classical conditioning.

Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson are most associated with


James Marcia has identified several ways that identity issues are resolved during adolescence. Identity __________ describes adolescents who have not settled on a career or ideological path, even though they gone through a decision-making process.


James Marcia has identified several ways that identity issues are resolved during adolescence. Identity __________ is when the adolescent has reached a decision-making period during which they have settled on a career and ideological path that they have chosen for themselves.


James Marcia has identified several ways that identity issues are resolved during adolescence. Identity __________ is when the adolescent has settled on a career and ideological path but it was chosen by someone else - most likely the parents.

formal operations

Jean Piaget proposed a comprehensive theory that describes the course of cognitive development from birth through adolescence. The __________ stage is ages twelve and older and is characterized by the ability to think logically and abstractly.


Jean Piaget proposed a comprehensive theory that describes the course of cognitive development from birth through adolescence. The __________ stage is from birth to two years of age and is characterized by the child learning about the world by sensing and by doing.

concrete operations

Jean Piaget proposed a comprehensive theory that describes the course of cognitive development from birth through adolescence. The __________ stage is from seven to eleven years of age and is characterized by the child's ability to organize object into concrete categories but having difficulty with abstract concepts.


Jean Piaget proposed a comprehensive theory that describes the course of cognitive development from birth through adolescence. The __________ stage is from two to seven years of age and is characterized by a child's use of symbols and by their thinking being self-centered or egocentric.


Kind of like snowflakes, no two neurons are exactly alike, although they do share some commonalities.


Laughter, optimism, humor, and a good mood have all been shown to have a positive effect on individuals coping with pain, illness, anxiety, and trauma.


Life events, even when they are happy and joyous occasions, can cause stress.


Many of the early psychologists defined psychology as the science of consciousness, but when dealing with consciousness scientifically proved to be tricky, psychologists abandoned it altogether and turned their attention to observable behaviors. However, over the last 40 years the study of consciousness re-emerged and resumed its place in mainstream psychology.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory is an interesting approach to looking at human motivation, but there is little research to support his theory.


Mental illness, especially depression, is strongly associated with suicide.


Milgram's first study was conducted with all males. A subsequent study was conducted with all females. In both studies, 65% of the participants obeyed the authority figure fully to the end of the experiment.


Neurons are like snowflakes in the sense that no two are exactly alike.


Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder but has recently been reclassified to a category of its own, separate from other anxiety disorders.


One effective way of coping with stress is to truly accept the reality that worrying about the situation is not going to make it better, and to convince ourselves that stress has occurred before, it will occur again, and that the present situation will pass.


One single neuron, on average, may establish 10,000 connections with other neurons.


Opioids belong to a class of drugs called opiates that includes heroin, cocaine, codeine, and many prescription pain-reducing drugs, such as Oxy-Contin. Many people who are addicted to illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine started on the path of addiction by taking legally prescribed pain medications for legitimate medical conditions.


Over 100 years ago William James described consciousness as having four factors: it is always changing, it is a very personal experience, it is continuous, and it is selective.

personality disorder

Paranoid, histrionic, antisocial, and avoidant are all types of __________ disorders.


Perception is the act of detecting external stimuli and converting those stimuli into nervous-system activity.


Perception is the process that involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli.


Psychology has an organized body of knowledge that has been obtained through the use of scientific methods, and therefore, psychology is a science.


Psychology is defined as the science that studies behavior and mental processes.


Relaxation techniques and physical activity are both effective strategies for coping with stress.


Remembering the name "ROY G. BIV" to learn and remember the colors of the rainbow in order is an example of a mnemonic device.


Remembering the sentence, "My very excellent mother just served us nine pizzas." in order to learn and remember the names of the planets is an example of a mnemonic device.


Remembering the sentence, "Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November, all the rest have thirty-one..." to remember which months have 30 days is an example of a mnemonic device.


Repression is a defense mechanism in which an unresolved conflict that produces anxiety is forced out of conscious awareness and into the unconscious mind. Using techniques to identify the repressed conflict, bring it out in the open, and work to resolve it are associated with __________ therapeutic approaches.


Self-actualization in Maslow's theory refers to becoming the best we can be and reaching our fullest potential.


Sensation is a more active, complex, and creative process compared to perception.


Sensation is a process that involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli.


Sensation is the act of detecting external stimuli and converting those stimuli into nervous-system activity.


Sexual orientation, which refers to the pattern of an individual's sexual attraction, can be distinguished from __________ orientation, which refers to the pattern of a person's emotional or romantic attraction.


Sigmund Freud's "talk therapy," or psychoanalysis, was the first attempt to treat psychological disorders without relying on medications.


Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic approach to personality was the first unified theory of personality in the field of psychology.


Some people are successful in life, particularly in social situations, not because they are "smart" in an academic sense, but because they are good at controlling their own emotions and are sensitive to the feelings of others.


Stress can be described as a physiological and emotional response that results from real or perceived threats.


Stress can certainly be caused by single traumatic events, but in addition to this, stress can be caused by small, everyday hassles, such as traffic, work deadlines, and family arguments.


Taking your time with important decisions and seeking social support from friends and family are both effective strategies for coping with stress.


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, known as the DSM, is a system for classifying psychological disorders and is produced by the American Psychiatric Association. The most recent edition of the DSM is the DSM-5.


The __________ nervous system consists of all the neurons in the body not in the CNS; the nerve fibers in the arms, face, fingers, intestines, etc.


The __________ nervous system consists of neurons involved in activating the smooth muscles, such as those of the stomach and intestines, and the glands.


The __________ nervous system consists of those neurons that are outside the CNS and serve the skeletal muscles, picking up impulses from our sense receptors, such as the eyes and ears.


The __________ nervous system includes all the neurons and supporting cells found in the spinal cord and brain.


The __________ nervous system includes all the neurons and supporting cells found in the spinal cord and brain.


The ability to manage emotions, understand emotions, use emotions to facilitate thinking, and to accurately perceive one's own emotions and the emotions of others is known as Emotional Intelligence.


The assumption that maladaptive behaviors are learned, and thus can be unlearned, is associated with __________ therapeutic approaches.


The assumption that the most important thing is the client's thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes, and that changing a client's behavior should be focused on changing how the client thinks is associated with __________ therapeutic approaches.


The concept that intelligence is not a single thing, but rather multiple things, is best characterized by Howard Gardner and his theory of multiple intelligences.


The diagnosis of autism is usually made within the first two-and-a-half years of life.

False The fact that people may abandon their own needs for safety and security for the sake of love violates Maslow's ordered-stage approach to motivation.

The fact that people may abandon their own needs for safety and security for the sake of love demonstrates support for Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory.


The greater the number of people present during an emergency situation, the smaller is each individual's perceived obligation to intervene because they assume that someone else will intervene or call for help and therefore, they don't need to do anything.


The possible combinations of Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love yields __________ types or relationships.


The process by which we fill in gaps in our perceptual world is called __________.

diffusion of responsibility

The process in which the greater number of people present, the smaller the individual's belief that they need to intervene is referred to as __________.


The snail-like structure of the inner ear containing the actual receptor cells for hearing is called the

social loafing

The tendency to work less as the size of the group in which one works becomes larger is referred to as __________.

False (they are different)

The terms sex and gender can be used interchangeably because they mean the same thing.


There are approximately 125 million neurons that line the back of each of your eyes, an estimated 1 billion neurons in your spinal cord, and about 100 billion neurons in your brain.


Unlike antipsychotic medications, when anti-depressants are effective, they may actually cure depression rather than just suppressing the symptoms of depression.


Utilizing Freud's theory of dreams, if we dream about frantically trying to find our way around in an unfamiliar city, the __________ content of the dream may be that we are feeling lost, anxious, and uncomfortable in our new job.


Utilizing Freud's theory of dreams, if we dream about frantically trying to find our way around in an unfamiliar city, the underlying meaning of the dream may be that we are feeling lost, anxious, and uncomfortable in our new job. The underlying meaning of the dream is called the manifest content.


When Diana's dog runs into the kitchen elicited by the presentation of food, the dog's reaction would be called a(n) __________ response.


When Diana's dog runs into the kitchen elicited by the sound of the squeaky cabinet door, the dog's reaction would be called a(n) __________ response.


When we glance at Panel C of Figure 3.8, we see two columns of Xs and two columns of Os, rather than seeing two rows of alternating Xs and Os. This is an example of the principle of __________. (its in chapter 3)

dark adaptation.

When you first enter a darkened movie theatre on a sunny day, at first you can barely see, but after a few minutes, you adapt and can see reasonably well. This is an example of

sensory adaptation.

When you first jump into a pool, the water may feel very cold, but after a few minutes, you adapt and the water feels fine. This is an example of

Gender identity

__________ can be defined as a person's subjective experience of their gender and involves acceptance that one belongs to a particular category.


__________ can be defined as the affects, behaviors, and cognitions of people that characterize them in a number of situations over time.

Gender role

__________ can be defined as the cultural expectations for males and females, and often these expectations are stereotypical.


__________ can be defined as the subjective awareness of the environment and of one's own mental processes.

Robert Sternberg

__________ is a cognitive psychologist who proposed the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, with three interlocking components of intelligence: analytic intelligence, practical intelligence, and creative intelligence.


__________ is the field of psychology concerned with how others influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of the individual.


__________ memory is a storage system that stores large amounts of information for very short periods of time.


__________ memory is a storage system where we store motor responses and chains of motor responses we have learned well.


__________ memory is a storage system where we store the memories of our life events and experiences.


__________ memory is a store in human memory which has limited capacity and a brief duration without the benefit of rehearsal.


__________ memory is memory for large amounts of information that is held for long periods of time.


__________ memory is where we store all our vocabulary, simple concepts, and rules.

Sensory adaptation

__________ occurs when our sensory experience decreases with continued exposure to a stimulus.


__________ psychologists are concerned with how psychological processes influence physical health, and how one's physical health influences one's affect, behavior, and cognition.


__________ psychologists are sometimes also known as neuropsychologists. They focus on the biological organism, studying the brain, fibers, nerves, and chemicals that underlie our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


__________ psychologists explore how best to measure the subtleties of psychological functioning, developing and evaluating psychological tests and devising ways to analyze experimental and correlational data.


__________ psychologists look at how a person's psychological functioning is influenced by others. They are concerned about people as they really live, as social organisms in a world of others.


__________ psychologists study how people perceive the world and form memories of their experiences. They do research on matters such as thinking, problem-solving, language development, and intelligence.


__________ psychologists study the psychological development of the individual throughout the lifespan, looking for milestones of development at all age levels.

Dark adaptation

__________ refers to the process in which visual receptors become more sensitive with time spent in the dark.

Stanley Milgram

__________ was severely criticized for placing his research participants in such a stressful situation, and one of the effects of this research was to establish a higher level of awareness in the scientific community of the need to protect the well-being of human research participants.

operant conditioning.

B.F. Skinner is most associated with


Freud's vision of consciousness is often depicted as a(n) __________.

From 1920-1970 psychology was defined as the science of behavior, but since the 1970s has been defined as the science of behavior and mental processes.

From 1920-1970 psychology was defined as


Groups are more likely to be studied by sociologists, while social psychologists focus on the study of the individual in a group setting.


Hypnosis can improve memory.


In Freud's personality theory, the ego is the part of ourselves that is concerned with morality and conscience. It operates on the idealistic principle, it reflects our internalization of society's rules, and failing to do what it deems right and proper may result in guilt and shame.


In Freud's personality theory, the ego operates on the reality principle and develops through experience. The ego is rational and reasonable. In Freudian theory, the ego is the "self."


In Freud's personality theory, the id is the part of ourselves that is concerned with immediate gratification. It operates on the pleasure principle and seeks untamed passions. It is present at birth and resides in the unconscious level of the mind.

the ego

In Freud's personality theory, which part of the personality do you think plays the moderator between the two opposing parts and tries to satisfy them both?

the id and the superego

In Freud's personality theory, which two parts of the personality do you think are opposing parts and might be in a constant battle?

Solomon Asch

In a now famous study on conformity, __________ found that participants gave an answer they knew was incorrect because they felt pressured to go along with the group.

Stanley Milgram

In a now famous study on obedience, __________ found that ordinary people would obey an authority figure and inflict pain on an innocent victim.


In earlier versions of the DSM, dissociative identity disorder was referred to as multiple personality disorder.


In many ways, Maslow's arrangement of needs in a hierarchical fashion reflects the - values of Western culture - particularly those that focus on the notion of the individual working hard to overcome obstacles and to achieve In other words, we can hardly expect people to be motivated to grow and achieve success if they are concerned about their very survival on a day-to-day basis.


In the United States suicide was the second leading cause of death in individuals between the ages 10 and 34 in 2016.


Insanity is a legal term, not a psychological one.


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was first recognized in 1980 and applied to veterans returning from the war in Vietnam. PTSD can result from any number of traumatic experiences, such as natural disasters, like floods and hurricanes, to life-threatening situations, such as rape and assault.


Problem-focused coping strategies focus on dealing with how you feel and with finding ways to change how you feel.


Psychological disorders are fairly common with about 30 percent of the adult population being diagnosed with a mental health illness.


Psychologists focus their study on the behaviors of humans and do not include the behavior of animals in their research.


Psychologists have no generally accepted theory about why a person displays a particular sexual orientation.


Psychologists often research the behavior of animals in an effort to better understand human behaviors.

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