Europe test

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In 2009 how many member countries does the EU have??

27 EU member countries

Using the chart of U.S ancestry what percentage of U?S citizens claim European ancestry??


Out of the 15 largest ethnic or ancestry groups on the U.S how many are European??


What us the average time to replace a full grown spruce or pine tree that has been cut down in northern Sweden??

70 years in the south and 140 years in the northern part of the country.

What type of industry employs most Europeans and what percentage of Europeans ate employed in it??

70% of Europeans work in service industries.

What group controlled Spain and Portugal??

A Muslim group called the moors.

Many countries in Western Europe have more than official one language. What do you think could be one advantage and one disadvantage??

A advantage you have more diversity since not everyone will speak that one language. A disadvantage could be that one of the three languages might be spoken mite and overpower the rest.

Welfare state

A country that offers extensive human services to its citizens.

Ethnic cleansing

A policy that allowed one group to expel a rival group from a certain area.

Industrial capitalism

A system in which business expand their companies with profits.

Define dry farming

A way of farming in dry areas that produces crops without any irrigation that relies on farming methods that conserved soil moisture.

What are some factors that have caused widespread emigration of Eastern Europe??

After world war 2 Poland's population decreased incredibly mainly from people fleeing the Soviet control. And when industrialization started through the 1900's it had led to urbanization in Eastern Europe.

Mixed farming

Agricultural method raising a variety of livestock and crops.

Organic farming

Agricultural method using no chemicals or fertilizers.

Name two factors that create pollution in Europe's rivers??

Alge and raw sewage

What is the Kyoto protocol??

An amendment to the international treaty on climate change designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by specific countries.

European Union

An organization whose goal is to promote economic political unity among member countries.

What happened with Yugoslavia after world war 2??

And later formed Yugoslavia which emerged as a communist country uncertain Tito after world war 2.

What happened to Eastern European countries because they became increasingly industrialized??

As Eastern European countries became increasingly industrialized, internal migration from rural to urban areas occurred.

What is Athens a historical column the center of??

Athens a historic city that was at the center of classical civilization.

How would you describe the stability of the Northern European countries in the last few decades?

Built strong democracies and successful economies

What empire strongly shaped the culture of Eastern Europe and in what ways did it influence the people there??

Byzantine empire, Byzantine missionaries spread Eastern Orthodoxy across Eastern Europe and protected the region from invasions by Arabs and Turks.


Capital of Greece. Center of classical civilization.


Capital of Portugal


Capital of Spain. Artistic and financial center.

List 4 facts to describe the city of London

Capital of the United Kindom, multicultural city that holds 85 million people, stockrolm Sweden is home to about 1.3 million people, and Copenhagen Denmark is the capital and a popular tourist destination.

What specifically has caused tourism to open up recently in Eastern Europe??

Changes in Eastern Europe political and economic landscape.

What are the two valued traditions in northern and Western Europe??

Comprehensive health care and social services.

What two conditions have caused devastating environmental damage in certain areas of Europe??

Concentration of industry and population.

Why might some countries focus on light industry and what are two examples??

Countries lacking industrial and raw materials such as high end electronics and specialty tools.

What region has more railroads and paved roadways Europe or the United States?


What are two ways that Europe has influenced American culture that affects you the most??

Europe brought their traditions and customs. The two factors that affect me the most are their popular foods and their ethnic communities.

What percent does Europe handle of international shipping??

Europe handles more than half of the worlds international shipping.

Coal and iron core

Europe's early industrialization was sparked by its abundance of coal and iron core.

What 2 southern civilizations became influential empires?

European and western civilization.

What did the Europeans move toward after world war 2??

Europeans moved toward unity to rebuild their economies after world war 2.

What Muslim group invaded Spain in 711??

In 711 a Muslim group called the moors invaded Spain and held it for over 700 years.

In the 1400's where did the Europeans settle in??

In the 1400's Europeans began to explore the world and settle in the America's, Africa, and Asia.

World wars

In the first half of the 1900's two WORLD WARS transformed Europe.

Using one or two words summarize this period of time

Middle Ages


Monarchs gave nobles land in exchange for loyalty.

Approximately how many total ethnic groups are there throughout Europe??

More than 160 ethnic groups

What religion are most Eastern Europeans??

Most Eastern Europeans ate ethnically solvic.


Most Europeans earn a living banking than any other economic activity.

Where are most Southern Europeans descended??

Most Southern Europeans are descents from Indo European and Mediterranean groups.

What does the word Balkan actually mean??


When a country wants to join the European Union what are some challenges it faces to become a new member??

Must examine and adjust their legal and financial systems and ways of doing business. As members farmers and business people must compete with existing EU members who are in some cased years ahead of them in terms of productivity.

What are two reasons given for the recent heavy rains and flooding in Europe??

Natural climate cycle accounts and global warming.

Which two countries have the highest population densities in Europe?

Netherlands and Belgium

What allowed some European countries to become powerful in the 1400's and 1500's??

New ideas and art spread across the continent. Rich and city states and vibrant culture and vibrant culture made Italy attractive. In the 1500's Spain and Portugal grew healthy from establishing trade routes and countries.

the United Kindom (the UK)

Northern Europe includes the relatively ethnically diverse and densely populated.


Northern Europe's largest urban area is LONDON.

Define mixed farming

Raising serval different kinds of crops and livestock on the same farm.

Define reformation

Religious movement of the Roman Catholic Church and introduced Protestantism to Europe.

What occurred periodically in Eastern Europe between the 1950's and 1980's??

Revolts against communist rule periodically swept Eastern Europe.

Which river in Europe carries more shipping freight than any other??

Rhine river

What three regions are common throughout Eastern Europe and what two issues were the cause of much conflict in the Balkans??

Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthodoxy and Islam. Religious and ethnic were at the heart of conflict in the Balkan Peninsula.

List 5 countries that lead Europe in industry

Ruhr and middle Rhine districts in Germany, lorrain Saar district in France, po basin in Italy, upper Silesia Moravia district in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Describe the education system in Northern European countries?

School is mandatory for children at least 100 years. Literacy rates are nearly at 100 percent.

Define ethnic cleansing

Serb leaders expelled or killed rival ethnic groups in these areas.

Which seven countries once formed the former single country of Yugoslavia??

Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Kosova.

Southern Slavs

Serbs, crootes, Slovenes, and Macedonia's,

What are many cities experiences since the end of communism??

Since the end of communist control over Eastern Europe many cities are experiencing a rebirth.

Name two popular leisure activities in Southern Europe??

Soccer and bullfighting.

What are the goals of the European Union( EU)??

The EU's goal is a United Europe in which serves goods, services and workers can move more freely among member countries.

When as the Maastricht treaty signed in??

The European Union( EU) was formally established when the Maastricht treaty was signed in 1950.

After world war 2 which countries economically and politically grew closer to each other and what organization was ultimately created from this unity??

The Netherlands and west Germany few closed together and created the European Union.


The REFORMATION was a European movement of the 1500's that lessened the power of the Catholic Church.

What was the period of artistic and intellectual achievement that began in the 1300s??

The Renaissance a period of artistic and intellectual achievement began in the 1300's.

Where was the Renaissance and where did it begin??

The Renaissance was Europe's period of artistic and intellectual achievement that began in the 1300's in Italy.

What culture did the Roman Empire imitate??

The Roman Empire imitated much of Greek culture but made breakthroughs in government law and engineering.

What group of people make the longest ethnic group in Europe??

The Russians

What part of Europe is densely populated?

The United Kingdom is the MOST densely populated in the region.

European Union

The United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Finland are all members of the EUROPEAN UNION.

What is something new or interesting that you learned from reading this section??

Some of the popular foods contain pizza spaghetti and gyros.


Sought to capture immediate experiences of the natural world.

Where in Europe is tourism industry strong and why do you think that would be??

Spain Italy Greece because the companies there are small and can work together more.

What does Spain's population include??

Spain's population includes the Iberians, the basques, the celts and groups from northern Africa.


Swedes Norwegians and Danes are all Scandinavians with mostly Germanic heritage.

What are Switzerland's three official languages and what do you think this can tell us about the country?

Switzerland's three official languages are German, French, and Italian. It tells us that a major of Switzerland's population speaks German, French, and Italian.

Define Balkanization

The division of a region into smaller regions that are often hostile with each other first arose from the results of the Balkan wars.

What do the earliest inhabitants of Eastern Europe include??

The earliest inhabitants of Eastern Europe included Celtic tribes, Germanic tribes,Slavs, and Magyars.

Using the graph on page 329 what general trend in GDP can you see taking place in Eastern Europe and which country has experienced the most dramatic result??

The fall of communism has taken place and Poland received the most dramatic result.

What kind of governments do the people in Southern Europe have??

Today all nations in Southern Europe have democratically elected governments and are members of the European Union.

Define industrial revolution

Transformed manufacturing in Europe by replacing human labor with machines.

What is eastern Europe's largest and most Populous country and what are two reasons why the country can substain a large population??

Ukraine because it had fertile soil and sample water resources that support large populations.

Eastern Slavs

Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians.


Unique city in northwestern Italy that's known for its Canas.

In Northern Europe what is the most populated and ethnically diverse region??

United Kingdom

What country in Northern Europe is the most densely populated?

United kindom

What is the city Venice known for??

Venice a city in north eastern Italy is known for its canals and architecture.

The European Union hopes too??

Work on boosting trade and making their economies more efficient and productive.

What happened to Yugoslavia and the rest of Eastern Europe after world war 2 and what world conflict occurred because of this??

Yugoslavia emerged as a communist country. Eastern Europe fell under communist control of the Soviet Union at the end of the war. Because of this they were resulted in a Cold War.

What happened in Yugoslavia during the 1990s??

Yugoslavia fractured along ethnic lines.

How are the welfare states able to provide social services to all their citizens and what is the quality of their health care?

Countries such as Sweden complete these social welfare programs to their citizens and these countries which are commonly known as welfare states have health care programs founded by the governments. They have excellent quality health care.

Denmark/Netherlands (Northen)

Dairy products

Why is the cleanup of the Danube river a complex issue??

Directing and financing the cleanup is difficult when the process involves many countries.

Since 2004 the EU has attracted most of its new members from what region of Europe and why would these countries have joined much later??

Eastern Europe, they joined later because they had a communist past so they aren't familiar with the experience past so they aren't familiar with the experience of democracy which might cause friction.

What are three religious groups found in Eastern Europe?

Eastern Orthodox Serbs, Roman Catholic Croats, and Bosnia Muslims.


Emphasized the importance of reason and encouraged the questioning of longstanding traditions.

List three groups that have recently emigrated to Great Britain??

England, Scotland and Wales.

Scandinavian countries


Genetically modified foods

Foods with a altered genes.

What is common between Ukraine and Poland??

For example Ukraine and Poland both have fertile soil and sample water resources to support large populations.

Define guest worker

Foreigners who work on a temporary basis in a country other than ones in which they are citizens to be part of its workforce in order to encourage the country's economic growth.

The European Union challenges include??

France and the Netherlands rejecting the constitution. Must examine and adjust their legal and financial systems of ways doing business. And farmers must compete with current EU members who are cases ahead of them regarding productivity. They also struggled to rebuild economics.

The European Union success include??

France proposed closer links Europe's coal and steel industries. Have been moving from command to market economics. Accepted the treaty the second time.

What prompted Western European countries to consider cooperating with each other and what six countries began working together in 1957??

France proposed closer links among Europe's coal and steel industries. Countries that were involved are Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium.

Who did the revolts go against between the years 1950's to 1980's??

From the 1950's to the 1980's revolts against Soviet rule swept Eastern Europe leading to free elections in the 1990's.

Who were the early cultural groups of the British isles and Scandinavia??

Germanic angels, Saxon's and Jules.

Which two countries have large numbers of guest workers??

Germany and Belgium.

What is the most populas country in Europe?

Germany is the most populas country in Europe.

Find 5 types of benefits that are provided to people in Western European government social welfare systems such as Germany's??

Governments have programs to benefit children, provide housing subsides, provide maternity and retirement benefits. The welfare system provides its citizens with medical care along with unemployment benefits and many other services.

According to jagland how has the EU benefited Europe??

Have added peace reconciliation democracy and human rights in Europe. And turned Europe from war to peace.

Since 1989 what economic movement has been taking place in most Eastern European countries??

Have been moving from command economics to market economics.

What industry is growing in Western Europe especially Ireland??

High technology industries.

What are 5 transportation methods that Europe uses to connect itself and the world and how would you rate its quality??

Highways,railroads, waterways, airline routes and modern communications systems. The quality is good.

What remained as the heart of conflict in the Balkan Peninsula??

However religious and ethnic divisions remained at the heart of conflict in the Balkan Peninsula.

Of the countries currently negotiating for membership which fo you think has the best chance for admittance and democracy??

I think France has the best chance because I feel like they can work together more and come up with some conclusions and ideas.


IRELAND'S severe economic depression and famine in the 1850's prompted 1.6 million people to leave the country.

What happened to Poland's population after world war 2??

Immediately following world war 2 Poland's population decreased dramatically.

Who did the Slavs of the Balkan empire fight against??

In 1912 the Slavs of the Balkan empire fought against the Ottoman Empire.

In what year did the regions communist government collapse and what has happened from the 1990's through today??

In 1989, during the 1900's free elections installed democratic leaders who encouraged the rise of market economies.

What became the Roman empires official religion in the late AD 300??

In the late AD 300's Christianity became the Roman Empires official religion.

What types of harm or damage does acid rain cause and what are two possible solutions to minimize acid rain??

In winter snow carries the industrial pollution to the ground. As the acid concentrations build fish and other aquatic life die. Automobile exhaust also contributes to this. Acid deposition not only harms Europe's natural environmental but also it's buildings statues bridges and stained glass windows. They can solve this by equipping smoke stacks and vehicle exhaust systems with devices that remove sulfur and nitrogen compounds.

For what two reasons do many Western Europeans have a lot of time for leisure activities??

Increased affluence and shorter work weeks.

List 5 events that describe Southern Europe in the 1800 and 1900.

Increased nationalism, independence movements, civil wars, dictatorships and world wars.

What arguments does Farage give to support his opinion that the EU has failed??

Increasing violence and division. People in Greece are starving and abounding their family through poverty. EU keeps repeating the same tragic mistakes instead of bringing peace and harmony.

Acid rain

Industrial population that crosses borders.

What are two examples of service industries and what are two countries that lead Europe with these types??

International bank and issurance is one of Europe's top service industries along with Switzerland and United Kingdom.

What allows Europeans in broadcast and receive television programs??

International telecommunications satellite organizations (INTELSAT's)

What factors led so many people to leave Ireland in the 1840s??

Ireland's economic depression and famine.

What 4 pieces make up the United Kingdom??

Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

What is believed that the Slavs migrated from??

It is believed the earliest Slavs migrated from Asia.

Vatican City is an independent city located inside what Italian city and what is its population??

It is located within Italy's capital city of Rome. It has a population of 1,000.

When did many Southern Europeans leave and emigrate ti the Americas and what migration trends are happening today??

It started in the 1800s and 1900s. Immigration has outpaced emigration. As the pattern continues more people in Europe are moving to urban areas.

Who led the reformation and what type of Christianity did it produce in Northern Europe??

It was led by Monk Martian Luther. Was popular with northern monarchies where the power of the church was often overcome.

What are the three largest European ancestry groups in the United States??

Italian Greek and Polish.

What are three examples of Romance languages and what language were all of these derived from??

Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese were all derived from Lation.

Which country is the most populated and also has the highest population density??


What is the most popular nation in Europe??

Italy is the most populated nation in Southern Europe.


Italy's capital city. Was the center of Roman Empire. Today it's a commercial center and popular tourist destination.


Italy's leading manufacturing, commercial and financial city.

What five countries are considered Southern Europe??

Italy, Spain, Greece, Andorra, and Portugal.


Large numbers of refugees settled in Great Britain at the end of world war 2.

In what ways is the city of Rotterdam important to world trade??

Largest part in surface area and amount of freight handled and number of shops that it van dock at one time.

What are two famous Italian Renaissance artists??

Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.

What factors put a strain on education and health care systems in Eastern Europe??

Literacy rates are high throughout the subregion. School is mandatory for children and free of charge and the health care system was challenged.

Industrial revolution

Made Europe the birthplace of modern industry.

What three factors have supported large numbers of people in Western Europe?

Manufacturing and trade as well as generous stretches of fertile farmland have supported large population.

Why has the international community been able to do little to combat the threat of global warming??

Many scientists cannot agree on the exact causes of global warming.

What regions of Europe were the location of most EU members previous to 2004??

Northern and Western Europe

Warm Mediterranean areas

Olives,citrus areas, fruits and grapes.

Read voices around the world on page 324 to briefly summarize a challenge that the continent of Europe faces in the future.

One of the new challenges that we are facing is knowing how to create a sturdy foundation without interfering with the people languages cuisines and culture. Besides that they are also worried about their culture as a unity as well.

What is 1/3 of Greece's population classified as??

One third of Greece's population is classified as rural.

Define farm cooperative

Organizations which Farnese share in growing and selling products reduce costs and increase profit.

What are three obstacles that these countries have faced to begin to complete in global market and what are 4 solutions they have developed??

Outdated equipment and inefficient production methods and laid off workers restrained. They tried to acquire new technology and adapt measures to reduce population. Eastern European governments are seeking to attract foreign investments and financial aid.

During communist years

Outdated equipment and lack of incentive resulted in low crop yields.

List 4 human actives that have led to soil erosion in Europe??

Over farming, bad farming practices, removing too much vegetation, and overgrazing of livestock.

What two factors have caused instability and conflict in Eastern Europe especially the Balkan Peninsula??

Overthrew the Ottoman Empire in the early 1900's but had a hard time uniting the region. Despite farming Yugoslavia or land of the south Slavs cooperation proved challenging for the Balkan nations.

List 3 famous cultural cities in Western Europe

Paris Brussels and Amsterdam.

In what ways was the English parliament significant in the 1600s??

Passed the bill of rights that limited the power of the monarchy. It also became a model for many governments around the world.

What is the role of the parliament??

To watch or examine exactly what the government is doing.

For what reasons did Europeans clear their forests and what are two solutions for this problem??

People removed many trees in order to create cities and farms. Many countries have taken steps toward reforestation or the replanting of trees. Others have taken steps to manage that cutting of tress responsibility.

Define refugee

People who flee to another country for safety.

Define immigrant

People who migrate to a foreign country and permanently stays there.

Western Slavs

Poles, Czechs and Slovaks

Define acid rain

Polluted clouds drifting from the industrial belt of Europe weathered forests in other areas.

What factors are influenced by geographic??

Population density and distribution in Eastern Europe is influenced by geographic factors.

List 4 ways that the EU and other countries are working to protect their environment??

Power plants to power plants to burn natural gas instead of ignite gas. By 2020 countries must lower emulsions to 30 percent belle 1990 levels to reduce greenhouse gases. Some countries are developing alternative fuels. Sweden introduced the first biogas passenger train.

After communism

Private ownership of land and food production has risen. Yields and profits have increased through the use of modern equipment and ferlizers.

Heavy industry

Producers of machines and industrial equipment.

Light industry

Producers of textiles or producers

What are some of the causes of air pollution in Europe??

Putting more cars on the road which increases air population from traffic. Factories built in the communist era bleach soot sulfur and carbon dioxide in the air. Traffic exhaust fumes cause many health problems for us.

List two challenges in Europe posed by the physical environment.

The frequent occcurance of earthquakes in countries such as Italy Greece and Macedonia indicates that tectonic change countries to take place today and people in southern eastern also have to cope with low rainfall.

What was the goal of the European Union under the Maastricht treaty and what are 4 methods to accomplish the goal??

The goal was to sign the Maastricht which will set up the European Union. Getting rid of restrictions on the movement of goods services and people across its members borders. It also paved the way for a single European currency a central bank and a common foreign policy.

What event made Europe the birthplace of modern history and what two raw materials sparked the growth of heavy industry??

The industrial revolution did and produces computers to transportation equipment.

Define heavy industry

The manufacture of machinery and industrial equipment.


The mass killing of more than 6 million European Jews by Germany's nazi party.

Middle Ages

The period between ancient and modern times.

What was the primary goal of the European Union??

The primary goal of the EU is to make European economies more competitive in world trade.

What are the causes of water pollution in the Mediterranean region and how long can it take for the sea to renew itself??

The sea being used for waste disposal dumping sewage and garbage and industrial waste. Growing population and tourism along the coast has increased environmental problems. It can take up to a century to renew itself.

What are two main types of migration that are taking place in Western Europe?

The two types are when people move to urban areas which is called urban migration and when people move from large cities to suburbs it's called suburbanization.

William Shakespeare

The works of Renaissance poet and playwright WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE have become some of the most read and performed works of all time.

In what ways are Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes similar and why do you think a wave of recent new immigrants could reshape their Scandinavian cultures??

They all share Germanic heritage shared history and closely related languages. It could reshape their Scandinavian cultures because people from Eastern Europe have different backgrounds, culture and experience than people from Scandinavia.

What ethic group do most Europeans belong to??

They are mostly ethnically salvic.

What were some architectural elements that were designed by the ancient Greeks and romans?

They developed many basic architectural elements including columns, arches and domes.

In what ways do you think the us experience is similar to that of the United Kingdom in regard to immigrants??

They have a wide range of background and culture. They also have experienced some of the same things.

What are some of the immigrant groups that countries like France and Germany have been attracting??

They have been attracting immigrants from Germany and Austria. France had attracted immigrants such as Muslims from Algeria and Morocco.

Where do most of Spain's people live??

They live in costal areas and around major industrial areas.

Explain why countries such as Albania, Bosnia Hercegovina and Kosovo might wish to join the European Union??

They might want to join the Union because of economics and politics. The Maas Tricht treaty had set a goal of replacing nation currency with a more common currency. Because of this it increases trade and business efficiency and possibly changes they have made to the constitution.

Why do some farmers genetically modify their products are for what reasons fo some Europeans oppose these products??

They modify them to make them grow bigger and/or faster and to be more resistant to pests. They oppose them because there is not enough information about the safety of these foods. Consumers will also avoid foods that are grown in fields that are being treated within chemicals to control insects or weeds.

Religiously what Christian group do most in Europe follow??

They value religious freedom and most countries are Protestant.

Read the section winds in change and summarize in one word what is taking place from 1600 to 1945.



Was a 300 year period of discovery and learning.

How would you describe the education and health care of Southern Europe compared to northern and Western Europe??

We both have strong education and health care. In Northern Europe school is mandatory for children at least 10 years old and offers health care programs founded by the governments. In Western Europe they're trying to provide a education for all students and has a welfare system that provides citizens with medical care and so much more. Lastly in Southern Europe we have a strong government of education and in some places have better health care but it really depends on the country.

Why does Eastern Europe struggle more with acid rain than Western Europe??

We have switch from coal to natural gas reducing the effects of acid rain but still many countries in Eastern Europe heavily rely on coal.

During the Renaissance what conditions allowed some people the freedom to study and pursue new ways of thinking??

Wealth and stability of Italian city states.

Which region of Europe has more high quality communication services and why do you think this would be??

Western Europe because internet and electronics is expensive and the west part of Europe must be wealthy enough to be able to afford cable and such.

Cooler plain regions

Wheat, rye, grain, and livestock.

Why were there no environmental or population laws in Eastern Europe before 1989??

With the communist empasision rapid growth not environmental safety population increased until it affected public health.

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