Europe Worksheet Quiz
From what Germanic tribe does the name "France" come from?
In what year did the French Revolution begin?
What did the Romans call France?
What language is spoken in the area of Spain that includes Barcelona?
Ottoman Empire; WWI
What large empire controlled much of Eastern Europe in the late 1800s? What war brought this empire to an end?
What minority group makes up nearly one-fifth of Macedonia's population?
What percentage of the Greek population lives in or around Athens?
Pyrenees Mountains
What physical feature separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe?
Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Lutheran; Catholicism
What religion do most people in Estonia and Latvia claim? In Lithuania?
What religious affiliation do most Poles claim?
What term do the Swiss use to name their twenty-six provinces or states?
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
What three nations are known as the Baltic Republics?
The made important contributions to the sciences and philosophy, they influenced Western theatre and drama, and they influenced modern Western literature.
What three reasons does the text suggest for including Greece in the unit on Western Europe?
Velvet Revolution; Velvet Divorce
What was the nonviolent overthrow of Czechoslovakia's communist government in 1989 called? What was the peaceful split between the Czechs and Slovaks in 1993 called?
The Gulf Jet Stream flows directly through it in the south of these nations bringing in the milder weather.
Why does much of Norden have a relatively mild climate?
The Emerald Isle; It called this due to the fact that it is covered by lots of green vegetation because it rains a lot due to the high humidity of Ireland.
By what nickname is Ireland known? Why?
Lowland Countries/Benelux
By what two names are the countries of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg collectively known?
Great Famine; Emigration from Ireland to different parts of the world
For what two reasons did Ireland's population decrease dramatically beginning in the 1840s?
Aurora Borealis; Northern Lights
Give two names for the phenomena visible in northern countries in which magnetic particles from the sun break through the earth's atmosphere.
They are ever so slightly different with just different meters of speaking pace as well as different pronunciation of different syllables. The written forms are different as Croat only uses the Latin alphabet while Serb uses both the Latin and Cryllic alphabet.
How different are the spoken forms of the Serb and Croat languages? How are the written forms different? Why?
In what year did the modern nation of Italy take shape?
Moldova was once a principality of what country?
Most of Germany was once included in the Holy Roman Empire. What Frankish king established the HRE?
Glasgow and Edinburgh
Most of the people of Scotland live in the lowland region stretching between which two major cities?
German, French, Italian, Romansh
Name Switzerland's four official languages.
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
Name the five countries included in Norden
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
Name the three formerly independent countries and the one other political unit that make up the United Kingdom.
The grapes grown throughout France are used in the production of what product that is important to the French economically and culturally?
Bosnia and Herzegovina; Kosovo; Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; Slovenia; Croatia
What 7 republics were once part of Yugoslavia?
What Dutch dialect is spoken by around 55% of the Belgian people?
Solidarity; Lech Wałęsa; President
What Polish labor union played an important role in resisting the communist government of Poland in the 1980's? Who was the leader of that organization? To what office was he elected in 1990?
Flemish Region; Walloon Region; Brussels Capital Region
What are the three political regions of Belgium?
Bohemia and Moravia
What are the two region of Czech Republic
Walloon; 31%
What do the French-speaking citizens of Belgium call themselves? What percentage of the population are these people?
Danube River
What feature divides Hungary and its capital into two pieces?
What group of people in northern Spain speaks a distinct language and desires to be independent from Spain?
Vatican City
What independent state inside the city of Rome is the world headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church?
What is the capital and largest city in Spain?
What is the capital city of Czech Republic?
What is the capital of Portugal?
Paris; Seine River
What is the economic, political, and cultural capital of France? What river runs through this city?
Great Britain
What is the largest island in the British Isles?
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
What is the location of the 1986 disaster which ranks as the world's worst nuclear accident?
What is the name for Ukraine's rich, black soil?
French Riviera
What is the name for the low-lying strip of coastal land along the Mediterranean in southern France?
What is the name of Austria's capital?
Moors; 1492
What is the name used for the Muslims who controlled much of the Iberian Peninsula for over seven hundred years? When were they driven out?
Impressionism; Claude Monet and Henri Matisse
What is the school of painting begun in France in the late 1800s that seeks to capture the fleeting visual effect of light, color, and shadows? Name two prominent artists associated with this style.
Floodplain; London
What is the term for a flooded valley at the wide mouth of a river? What important English city is located on one of these?
Land Reclamation
What is the term for land that has been regained from the sea?
What is the term for the Nazi destruction of millions of Europeans, including approximately six million Jews, during World War II?
What is the term for the deep, flooded, glacial valleys that mark the coastline of the Scandinavian Peninsula?
Ethnic Cleansing
What is the term for the practice of one ethnic group driving members of other ethnic groups out of an area?
What is the term for the process of selling government-owned industries and businesses to private owners of hopes of their being run more efficiently?
Neutral Country
What is the term used to describe countries (like Switzerland) that do not take sides in conflict between other countries?
Welsh people speak a different language and speak English differently than people from England; River Severn
What key cultural distinction separates Wales from England? What physical features separate it from England?
Franco-Prussian War; 1870-1871
What war solidified the loose confederation of German states into the German Empire? When?
November 9, 1989
When did the Berlin Wall come down?
October 1918
When was Czechoslovakia created?
February 2, 1944
When were the Baltics annexed by the Soviet Union?
Confoederatio Helvetica
What is Switzerland's official language?
What is the term for the large earthen dams that the Dutch use to hold back the sea water?
Nicolae Ceaușescu
Which communist leader of Romania ruined the country before his death by firing squad on Christmas day 1989?
Minoan Civilization
The island of Crete is home to what ancient civilization?
Finno-Ugric Magyars
To what ethnic group do most Hungarians belong?
Germany was divided into four zones to help rebuild the nation after WWII and make sure that another leader like Hitler cannot rise to power once again. Therefore, the US, France, Britain, and the USSR divided up Germany into four parts; October 3, 1990
Why was Germany divided after World War II? When were East and West Germany reunited?