European Expansion

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what two countries began a maritime revolution in the 1400s that profoundly altered the course of world history

spain and portugal

what are the four long term trends in latin west that contributed to the iberian kingdoms sponsoring voyages in the 15th century

-revival of urban life and trade -struggle with islamic powers for domination -growing intel. curiosity about outside world -european alliance between merch and rulers

why was the new continent named America rather than Columbia

Amerigo Vespuccis explorations on behalf of Spain and Portugal

while the first financial return from the voyages came from the slave trade, this lucrative trade drove Portuguese exploration throughout the 1400s and 1500s


Who was Ferdinand Magellan

Portuguese but sailed w/ spain finished CCs journeys

Who was Henry the navigator and what were his mixed motives exploration

Young prince of Portugal promoted exploring South Atlantic, discover new places and get gold and slaves

Pedro Alvares Cabral

around S America

what were the internal affairs that had resulted in Spain not sponsoring overseas exploration until the end of the 1400s

completion of the reconquest of south Iberia conversion or expulsion of religious minorities

describe his Storico significance of Fernao Gomes

discovered São Tomé

what was the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 and what did it establish

drew imaginary line down the middle of N. Atlantic Ocean

Bartolomeu Dias

first Portuguese to sail around south tip of Africa and Indian Ocean

Who was Chris Columbus and what did he refused to accept

he refused to accept that he found unknown continents and people

why did Columbus insist on calling the inhabitants of the Caribbean Indians

he thought the islands were part of the western Indies

what did Columbus carry on his voyage to the New World

letters of introduction from the Spanish sovereigns to E. rulers

how did the Portuguese capture of the Moroccan city of Ceuta in the early 1400s increase their desire to trade with Africa

more informed about caravans and gold and slaves

although Columbus's failed to find a new route to the east, why were the consequences of his voyages momentous from the world history perspective

new major trading networks, Euro nations would dominate world history, laid basis for spain's large colonial empires

how did Henry the navigator derive funds for the Portuguese explorations of the 1400s

order of Christ's income

what two factors resulted in iberian overseas expansion

rulers had stronger motives and military and maritime tech improved

Vasco da Gama

sailed around Africa and reached India

Henry the navigator and his staff invested and improved on what specific navigational instruments

sea charts and maps, magnetic compass, astrolabe

what was the Portuguese caravel and what were its advantages

small vessels strong enough to sail up river weather ocean storms good maneuverability

according to the text why did Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain agreed to fund CC's voyages

they had just gotten the Muslims out of Granada and they had a lot of zeal for the crusades

while the city states of northern italy had grown very wealthy economically and culturally, why did they not take the lead in overseas expansion in the 1400s?

trading systems of venice and genoa preferred alliances with muslims-ships wouldn't work

describe the religious and economic motives for portugal and spain to take risks in an attempt to find new routes across the atlantic

we're relatively poor-open to geo knowledge to christianize people

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