Exam 1

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Nearly all the states during the 1890s adopted the secret or

"Australian" ballot

What was the West African proverb that President Theodore Roosevelt was fond of?

speak softly and carry a big stick

Eugenics studied the mental characteristics of different ethnicities and races, and blamed many social problems on people with defective genes.


In the Progressive era, industry was on the rise and agriculture was in decline.


What U.S. President, a century after the rise of exclusionary immigration laws passed by Congress in the late 1800s, generated a bitter public and international debate for launching an effort to build an actual wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?

President Donald Trump

President Woodrow Wilson authorized more military interventions into Latin America than any other president in American history.


Woodrow Wilson believed that the United States had a right, even a duty, to intervene from time to time in the affairs of other countries.


In her influential book, Woman and Economics, Charlotte Perkins Gilman reinforced this idea.

Woman's freedom lay through the workplace rather than only the domestic scene.

Randolph Bourne's vision of America was

a cosmopolitan, democratic society in which immigrants and natives would create a new "trans-national" culture.

A leading characterization of U.S. foreign policy in the early twentieth century was

dollar diplomacy

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

prohibited federal and state governments from denying any citizen the vote because of race.

What subject were eugenicists so obsessed about?

Racial Purity

During the 1880s, the South as a region

Sank deeper and deeper into poverty

What event took place in Colfax, Louisiana, in 1873

The bloodiest act of violence during Reconstruction took place, with armed whites massacring scores of former slaves.

After emancipation, many freedwomen elected to withdraw from work in the fields and focus their energies at home.


Another important example of federal intervention and a new activism on the part of the national government into the economy was passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) by which the federal government became the agent policing the labeling and quality of food and drugs.


As late as 1940, only 3 percent of adult black southerners were registered to vote.


The term "Progressive" that came into common use around 1910 describes

a loosely defined political movement of people who hoped to bring about social and political change in American life.

The Reconstruction amendments to the U.S. Constitution helped to create

the first national biracial democracy in world history.

Elk v. Wilkins (1884) stated that

the rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments did not apply to American Indians.

Who was the leader of the National Woman's Party, an organization that employed militant tactics in favor of women's suffrage?

Alice Paul

The poem by Emma Lazarus including "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" is located on which American landmark?

Statue of Liberty

What was the name of the labor organization of principally white, male, skilled workers that arose in the 1880s and was headed by Samuel Gompers?

The American Federation of Labor

The conservationist movement is most closely related to which president?

Theodore Roosevelt

Black Codes denied black Americans the right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, and vote.


By 1910, more than 40 percent of New York City's population had been born abroad.


Who founded the Society of American Indians in 1911?

Carlos Montezuma

After America entered World War I, antiwar opposition disappeared.


In 1879, for the first time since the Civil War, the United States departed from the gold standard.


What 1893 United States Supreme Court decision authorized the federal government to expel Chinese immigrants without due process of law?

Fong Yue Ting v. United States

Who benefitted the most from the Wassaja newsletter?

Future American Activists

Who was the first black senator elected in U.S. history in 1870?

Hiram Revels

What was one of the principal tasks and objectives of the Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1870)?

settling disputes between whites and blacks and among the freedpeople

Which of the following can be associated with the decline of the Knights of Labor?

Haymarket Square

What Christian denomination commanded the largest African-American following in the South after the Civil War?


Which of the following was a major factor in the creation of a rapid and profound economic revolution in the United States after the Civil War?

Abundant Natural Resources

Among the following, who was a "captain of industry"?

Andrew Carnegie

During the Progressive era, economic production shifted from capital goods to

Consumer products

Although Reconstruction brought profound changes, the postwar South was peopled with the same social classes as it always had been.


Although ethnic diversity is generally associated with eastern cities, in the late nineteenth century the most multicultural state in the Union was Arizona.


By 1912, the Socialist Party had dwindled, losing many of their political office posts and lessening ties with radical newspapers and magazines.


In 2012, Congress passed a Resolution of Regret apologizing for exclusion laws passed against Mexican people wanting to enter the nation in the late 1800s.


In consequence of the Reconstruction governments across the South, the region became a vibrant and successful hub of dynamic and expansive economic growth, allowing many African-Americans to escape from poverty.


In the late 1800s, farm families in the trans-Mississippi West became less dependent on loans as they were able to purchase land, machinery, and industrial products despite the prices for agricultural goods in the world market.


No one was ever convicted under the 1917 Espionage Act or the 1918 Sedition Act.


Progressives worked to reform the structure of government to increase the power of political bosses.


The Lost Cause mythology was rarely incorporated into churches as slavery was still questionable in the Bible.


The West was a remarkably homogeneous region--only in the twentieth century would it become ethnically divers


Which of the following is attributed to Eugene V. Debs?

He ran an unsuccessful attempt for the position of President of the United States.

What was the significance of the Reconstruction Act of March 1867?

It divided the South into five military districts and called for the creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote.

Why did the Society of American Indians form in 1911?

It was formed to provide Native Americans with remedies for social injustice.

The new agricultural empire producing wheat and corn for national and international markets arose in the

Middle Border

Which of the following states did not allow Indians to vote in 1948?

New Mexico and Arizona

Dollar Diplomacy, the U.S. foreign policy that emphasized economic investment and loans from American banks, rather than direct military intervention, was the policy of

William Taft

Which of the following was a military technology used during World War I?


What did three amendments to the U.S. Constitution guarantee to former slaves shortly after the Civil War?

freedom from slavery; recognition as citizens; and the vote for adult black men

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony opposed the Fifteenth Amendment because

it outlawed discrimination in voting based on race but not gender.

The Black Codes were

laws that sought to regulate the lives of former slaves in the South.

The right to dissent from government policy during World War I

met sweeping repression from the U.S. government and the public.

Between 1901 and 1920, the U.S. marines landed in Caribbean countries

more than 20 times

Of the great ideologies that had arisen in nineteenth-century America, which, by 1920, had proven most powerful?


As part of the "Bargain of 1877," President Rutherford B. Hayes ordered federal troops in _________ to return to their barracks and stop guarding state houses

the South

Black Americans who refused to sign labor contracts to work for whites during Reconstruction

were often arrested and hired out to white landowners.

Prohibition was appealing from a government standpoint because

while brief, the Eighteenth Amendment unified the country behind a common Progressive cause.

Eugene V. Debs, a Socialist Party leader, was imprisoned for delivering an antiwar speech.


Following the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, the vast majority of eligible African-Americans registered to vote.


In 1915, the United States Supreme Court invalidated the "grandfather clause" for violating the Fifteenth Amendment.


In setting out to destroy the Indian economy and way of life after the Civil War, U.S. generals decimated the buffalo population.


In the Slaughterhouse Cases (1873), the Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment had not altered traditional federalism.


Ten of the twelve states that by 1916 had adopted women's suffrage were carried by Wilson in the election that year; without women's votes, Wilson would not have been reelected.


The Federal Reserve System (1913) and the Federal Trade Commission (1914) were major examples of the remarkable expansion of the role of the federal government in the economy during the Progressive era.


The Haymarket Affair resulted in the hanging of four convicted anarchists.


The KKK was founded in 1866 as a secret society and served, in effect, as a military arm of the Democratic Party.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) launched a long battle for the enforcement of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.


The Platt Amendment authorized the United States to intervene militarily in Cuba whenever it saw fit.


Which census revealed for the first time that there were more non-farming jobs than farming jobs in the United States?


In what year did Congress grant citizenship to all Native Americans?


Between 1870 in 1920, how many immigrants arrived from overseas?

25 million

How many Indians inhabited the United States in 1919?


During the Progressive era, numerous products utilized the image of the Statue of Liberty as a sales device.


How many soldiers perished during World War I worldwide?

10 million

This term asserted governmental action to address urban problems and the insecurities of working-class life.

Social legislation

The belief that private control of economic enterprises should be replaced by government ownership in order to ensure a fairer distribution of the benefits of the wealth produced is called


Which of the following was an innovation of the 1870s and 1880s?


Which series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Tenure of Office Act; impeachment of President Andrew Johnson; election of Ulysses S. Grant

Henry Ford's factory adopted a method of production known as

The moving assembly line

Why were the doors locked during the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire?

The owners didn't want women to have too many bathroom breaks.

By the early 1890s, a pension system for Union soldiers, their widows, and children consumed more than 40 percent of the federal budget.


Cities expanded so rapidly that by 1920 for the first time more Americans lived in towns and cities than in rural areas.


Congress created the Federal Reserve System in 1913, consisting of twelve regional banks.


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