Exam 1 Nutrition

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How many servings from each food group does this meal provide? 1 large buttermilk biscuit 2 cups of romaine lettuce 1/4c.cherrytomatoes 1/4c.Slicedcucumber 1 large baked sweet potato 12oz.steak

1 large buttermilk biscuit 2 cups of romaine lettuce 1/4c.cherrytomatoes 1/4c.Slicedcucumber 1 large baked sweet potato 12oz.steak Grains = 2 oz. A 3" diameter biscuit counts as 2oz. Vegetables = 2 1⁄2 cups 2 cups romaine = 1 cup Cherry tomatoes and cucumbers = 1⁄2 cup Large sweet potato = 1 cup Fruits = 0 Protein = 12 oz

he goal of MyPlate is to remind consumers to think about building a healthy plate at mealtimes and to visit the www.choosemyplate.govwebsite to learn about healthy eating. MyPlate recommendations are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and focus on key behaviors: 1) 2) 3)

1) Balancing Calories 2) Foods to Increase 3) Foods to Reduce

The secretions that make up gastric juices include: 1) 2) 3)

1) HCl, a very strong acid from the parietal cells 2) pepsinogen, an inactive protein-digesting enzyme 3) gastric lipase from the chief cells Gastrin, a hormone made in the stomach, controls the release of HCl and pepsinogen.

Name the 5 sets of standards that make up the DRIs.


Saliva is a dilute, watery fluid that contains several substances, including: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Mucus to lubricate the bolus and hold it together Lysosomes to kill bacteria Amylase to break down starch into simple sugars Only about 5% of the starch is broken down by salivary amylase Lingual lipase - fat digesting enzyme produced mainly during infancy Antibacterial agents, minerals, acid neutralizers

What is the site of production and the functions of the following secretions? Saliva Acid (HCl) Bicarbonate

Saliva Mouth; contributes to starch digestion, lubrication, swallowing Acid (HCl) Stomach; Promotes digestion of protein, destroys microorganisms, increases solubility of minerals Bicarbonate Pancreas, small intestine; Neutralizes stomach acid when it reaches the small intestine

The digestive system is an organ system that includes:

The GI tract (mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine, which terminates with the rectum and anus), liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The digestive system performs the mechanical and chemical processes of digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes.

Every __ years, the ________ and the _______ have published the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) DHHS (United States Department of Health and Human Services)

What are two uses for the DVs?

You can use the DVs to determine how a particular food fits into an overall diet You can use the DVs to determine how close your overall diet comes to meeting recommendations

Most of the pathogenic bacteria and viruses that cause foodborne illness originate in an infected human or animal and reach food by these fairly well-defined routes: - 1) - 2) - 3)

1) Contamination by feces 2) Contamination by an infected individual 3) Cross-contamination

Five hormones, part of the endocrine system, play key roles in the regulation and coordination of the digestive system: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

1) Gastrin 2) Secretin 3) Cholecystokinin (CCK) 4) Somatostatin 5) Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Peptide

Food and nutrition assistance programs increase access to food and help reduce food insecurity. But not everyone who is eligible to participate in a nutrition assistance program does so. What are some reasons for this? - 1) - 2) - 3) - 4)

1) Individuals may not know about the program 2) They may find the application process too difficult 3) They may not have transportation to the program site 4) They may feel uncomfortable about participating

The large intestine performs 3 main functions: 1) 2) 3)

1) It houses gut microbiota that keep the GI tract healthy 2) It absorbs water and electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium 3) It forms and expels feces

Lead is particularly toxic to the developing nervous system of children; even low amounts in the body can: - 1) - 2) - 3)

1) Lower IQ 2) Cause behavior disorders 3) Impair coordination - It can also impair growth and hearing and predispose children to high blood pressure and kidney disease later in life

To proliferate, what do bacteria need? - 1) - 2) - 3)

1) Nutrients 2) Water 3) Warmth The temperature danger zone is temps between 41°F and 135°F

Movement of nutrients from the lumen of the small intestine into the absorptive cells relies on four major absorptive processes: 1) 2) 3) 4)

1) Passive diffusion 2) Facilitated diffusion 3) Active absorption (aka active transport) 4) Endocytosis (phagocytosis and pinocytosis)

When energy intake falls below needs, a variety of problems arise, including: - 1) - 2) - 3) - 4) - 5)

1) Physical and mental activity declines 2) Growth slows or ceases altogether 3) Muscle and fat wasting occurs 4) The immune system weakens, increasing susceptibility to disease 5) Death rates rise

Nutrients absorbed in the small intestine are delivered to 1 of the body's 2 circulatory systems: 1) 2)

1) The cardiovascular (blood) system 2) Lymphatic system The choice of system used to transport nutrients is based primarily on whether the nutrients are water or fat soluble.

Individuals at high risk for foodborne illness include: - 1) - 2) - 3) - 4) - 5) - 6) - 7)

1) Those with weakened immune systems due to disease, pharmaceutical, or radiological treatments 2) Pregnant women and their fetuses 3) Lactating mothers 4) Infants and young children 5) Elderly persons 6) Those living in institutional settings 7) Homeless persons

Foodborne illness prevention in the home focuses on: - 1) - 2) - 3)

1) Using good personal and kitchen hygiene 2) Handling food safely by using appropriate thawing, cooking, chilling, and storage procedures 3) Knowing which foods pose extra risk to those more susceptible to foodborne illness

What are the 6 classes of nutrients?

1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 4. Vitamins 5. Minerals 6. Water

There are 13 vitamins which are divided into 2 groups

1. Fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) 2. Water-soluble (C and B vitamins)

Two specific unsaturated fatty acids are essential nutrients:

1. Linoleic acid 2. Alpha-linolenic acid

Minerals are divided into two groups

1. Major minerals (needed daily in gram amounts) 2. Trace minerals (need in amounts less than 100mg daily)

Most lipids can be separated into two basic types based on the chemical structure of their dominant fatty acids

1. Saturated 2. Unsaturated

Proteins provide an average of ___ calories per gram.

4 Calories per gram

Most carbohydrates provide __ calories per gram.

4 calories per gram

Lipids provide an average of ___ calories per gram.

9 calories per gram

A _______ ________ is a critical evaluation and synthesis of research studies focusing on a specific topic or research question.

A systematic review is a critical evaluation and synthesis of research studies focusing on a specific topic or research question. RDs and other health-care providers can use systematic reviews to determine which clinical methods are likely to help patients the most. Nutrition and health researchers use these reviews to develop more effective policies and programs.

_________________________ are a range of macronutrient intake, as percent of energy, associated with reduced risk for chronic disease while providing for recommended intake of essential nutrients.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) For adults: Fat: 20-35% of kcals/day CHO: 45-65% of kcals/day Protein: 10-35% of kcals/day

Name the basic taste, from a diverse group of compounds, including caffeine and quinine, and numerous other compounds in vegetables and fruits.

Bitter Many bitter compounds are toxic, but others are beneficial phytochemicals and have antioxidant and cancer-protecting activity.

The main function of vitamins is to enable many _______ _________ to occur in the body. However, vitamins themselves provide no usable energy for the body.

Chemical Reaction

___________ is defined as difficult or infrequent (fewer than 3 times per week) bowel movements.

Constipation Slow movement of fecal material through the large intestine causes constipation. As fluid is increasingly absorbed during the extended time the feces stay in the large intestine, they become dry and hard.

What is DSHEA?

DSHEA stands for the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 that classified vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal remedies as "foods". • This law restrains the FDA from regulating them as rigorously as food additives and drugs. • The FDA must prove a supplement is unsafe before preventing its sale, rather than the manufacturer having to prove that a dietary supplement is safe.

Dietary Guidelines are designed to meet:

Dietary Guidelines are designed to meet: nutrient needs while reducing the risk of obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, alcoholism, and foodborne illness. The basic premise of the Dietary Guidelines is that nutrient needs should be met primarily by consuming foods.

The key to meeting nutrient needs and reducing the likelihood of exposure to a single pesticide is to:

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

What are empty calorie foods?

Empty calorie foods are those that are high in solid fats and/or added sugars but have few or no nutrients.

Read over the Learning Objectives provided at the beginning of the chapter

End of Chapter 1

______-______ foods are foods that are high in calories but weigh very little vs. ______-______-_______ foods which contain large amounts of water, which makes them weigh a lot, but they contain few calories.

Energy-dense Low-energy-dense

___________ tissue is composed of cells that cover surfaces outside and inside the body. The skin and linings of the GI tract are examples.

Epithelial Epithelial cells absorb nutrients, secrete important enzymes, excrete wastes, and protect underlying tissues.

True or False Food intolerances is the same thing as food allergies.

False Food intolerances is the same thing as food allergies. Food allergies cause an immune response as a result of exposure to certain food proteins (allergens). Food intolerances are caused by an individual's inability to digest certain food components, usually due to low amounts of specific enzymes.

True or False MyPlate categorizes foods into "good" and "bad" foods.

False MyPlate categorizes foods into "good" and "bad" foods. There are no "good" or "bad" foods.To make all foods fit into a nutritious dietary pattern & reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, balance kcals eaten with needs, eat a variety of foods, & limit empty kcal foods.

True or False • When evaluating an individual's nutritional state, environmental assessment is not particularly valuable.

False • When evaluating an individual's nutritional state, environmental assessment is not particularly valuable. • The information this assessment provides is important because people who have inadequate education, income, and housing and/or live alone often have a greater risk of poor health. • E.g. of Environmental assessment includes education and economic background, marital status, housing condition

True or False: - Purchasing organic foods is a safer option than conventional foods because they will be free of pathogens.

False: - Purchasing organic foods is a safer option than conventional foods because they will be free of pathogens. - Organic and conventional foods may be contaminated with pathogens. - Prevent foodborne illness by following safe handling practices.

A __________ ______ provides health benefits beyond those supplied by the traditional nutrients it contains - the food offers additional components that may decrease disease risk and/or promote optimal health.

Functional Food

The cause of _______ is not known, but factors that may contribute to it include hiatal hernia, alcohol use, being overweight, smoking, and even pregnancy.


_____________ is the hormone that slows gastric motility and stimulates insulin release from the pancreas.

Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide

A claim that describes a relationship between a disease and a nutrient is called a ________ ________.

Health Claim

____________, also called piles, are swollen veins of the rectum and anus (like varicose veins in the legs).


___________ reactions eventually yield simple molecules that are small enough to be absorbed through the intestinal wall.


What are the USDA defined levels of household food security and insecurity?

In 2008-2011, more US households experienced food insecurity than every before - nearly 15%, with one-third of these households reporting very low food security. Low Food Security Household - Reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no reduced food intake. Very Low Food Security Household - Multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.

_________________ symptoms include irregular bowel function (diarrhea, constipation, or alternating episodes of both), abdominal pain, and abdominal distension.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Many people eat far more of which food than is considered healthful?

Many people eat far more meat than is considered healthful. Keep meat serving sizes under control. -3 oz.of meat, poultry , or fish is 1⁄2 cup to 3⁄4 cup - Substitute protein-rich plant foods like beans and nuts for meats several times per week

What is the textbook definition of natural food?

Natural food is food that has undergone minimal processing and does not contain food additives. - Foods that are free of added colors and synthetic substances

Of the 20 amino acids found in food, how many are essential nutrients for adults?


What are some nutritional diseases with a genetic link?

Nutritional diseases with a genetic link include:• Diabetes • Cancer (breast, colon, prostate)• Osteoporosis• Cardiovascular disease• Hypertension • Obesity

End of Chapter 3

Read over Learning Objectives

End of Chapter 2

Read over learning objectives

Eating a poor diet and getting too little exercise are _____ _______ for many common life-threatening chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer.

Risk Factor

What is the digestive function of the pancreas?

Secretes pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into the small intestine.

The main types of carbohydrates are ______ and _______.

Simple and Complex

The large intestine also is the main site where electrolytes, especially ________ and _________, are absorbed.

Sodium Potassium Electrolyte absorption occurs mostly in the first half of the large intestine.

What is the Nutrition Care Process?

The Nutrition Care Process is a systematic approach used by RDs to ensure that patients receive high-quality, individualized nutrition care. This process involves nutritional assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation.

Second leading cause of death is what

The combination of poor diet and too little physical activity is indirectly the second leading cause of death - obesity (smoking is the first).

The key to preventing foodborne viral illnesses is to:

The key to preventing foodborne viral illnesses is to: - Use sanitary food-preparation practices to keep viruses from contaminating food - Cook food thoroughly to kill any that have found their way into food via contamination from infected food handlers, other food, and feces

The main objective of Healthy People 2020 (issue by the DHHS - PHS) is:

The main objective of Healthy People 2020 (issue by the DHHS - PHS) is: to help all people attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. • Many of these goals are nutrition related

True or False: - The toxicity of a substance is determined by its effects in the body, not whether it is synthesized in a laboratory or a plant.

True - The toxicity of a substance is determined by its effects in the body, not whether it is synthesized in a laboratory or a plant. - Although most food additives are synthetic compounds, this does not necessarily make them less safe than natural compounds.

• NHANES indicates that most of us could improve our diets by focusing on rich food sources of ________, ________, _______, and _______ and _________ and by reducing _________ intake.

Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Sodium

Beneficial bacteria also synthesize vitamins, most notably ___________ and _______________, both of which can be absorbed in the colon.

Vitamin k B-Vitamin biotin The bacteria also aid lactose digestion, and they ferment (digest) some of the fibers and starches not digested in the small intestine. Fermentation creates short-chain fatty acids that can be absorbed and used as an energy source in the colon.

What is the difference between an intentional and an incidental food additive?

What is the difference between an intentional and an incidental food additive? - An intentional food additive is one that is purposely added to achieve a goal, such as a longer shelf life (preservative), greater nutritional value, or a more appealing color or flavor. - Flavors and flavor enhancers are the most commonly used group of food additives. - An incidental food additive (aka: indirect additives) are not intentionally added but become part of a food through some aspect of food cultivation, processing, packaging, transport, or storage. - An example of this is BPA

The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are known as the _____________ of the digestive system.

accessory organs They work with the small intestine but are not a physical part of it. Secretions from these organs are delivered through the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct. These ducts come together at the hepatopancreatic sphincter (aka sphincter of Oddi) and empty into the duodenum.

Most cases if diarrhea result from _____________________, often from contaminated food or water.

bacterial or viral infection

The liver produces _______, a cholesterol-containing, yellow- green fluid that aids in fat digestion and absorption.

bile Bile emulsifies fat - it breaks the large fat globules into micelles, tiny fat droplets that are suspended in the watery chyme. Bile is concentrated and stored in the gallbladder until needed.

The bioengineering of plants or animals to produce medications is known as _____________.


The term ________ is often used to express the amount of energy in foods.

calorie • Technically, a calorie is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1°C. • This is a very small unit of measurement. • Kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1000 g (1 liter) of water 1°C. • This is a more appropriate unit of measurement for energy found in food. • In everyday usage, the word calorie and its abbreviation, kcal, are used• Values given on food labels in calories are actually in kilocalories

Water-soluble nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, B-vitamins, and vitamin C) and short- and medium-chain fatty acids are transported by the _________________.

cardiovascular system. These nutrients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream in thecapillary beds inside the villi. Blood flows from the capillary beds into the hepatic portal vein system and collects in the large hepatic portal vein, which leads directly to the liver.

Most digestion in the small intestine occurs in the _____________ and the __________________ and requires many secretions from the small intestine itself, as well as the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.

duodenum upper part of the jejunum

The ____________ is the flaplike structure that prevents food from entering and trachea (windpipe).


Each enterocyte has a brush boarder made up of microvilli that are covered with the digestive enzyme-containing ____________.

glycocalyx. Glycocalyx is projections of proteins on microvilli. They contain enzymes to digest protein and carbohydrate.

The Dietary Guidelines also guide:

government nutrition programs research, food labeling, and nutrition education and promotion.

The small intestine empties into the large intestine through the ____________, the sphincter between the ilium and the colon.

ileocecal valve After digestion and absorption in the small intestine, normally only water, some minerals, and undigested food fibers and starches are left. About 5% of carbohydrate, protein, and fat escapes absorption in the small intestine.

In addition to its main functions of digestion and absorption, the GI tract also has an important role in the body's ________ __________.

immune system. The GI tract is a physical barrier to the entry of microorganisms into the body, and it produces a host of immune components that destroy microorganisms in the gut.

When excreted, feces are normally about 75% water and 25% solids. The solids are primarily...

indigestible plant fibers, tough connective tissue from animal foods, and bacteria from the large intestine.

Another important function of the stomach is the production of _____________. This protein is secreted by the parietal cells in the stomach. It is required for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the small intestine.

intrinsic factor (IF)

The _______ regulates public water supplies, but the actual delivery and safety of water are under the jurisdiction of _______ ________ _______ _________. Bottled waters are regulated by the ______.

local municipal water departments. FDA

Fat-soluble nutrients (most fats and the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K) and other substances, such as some proteins, are transported in _______.

lymph. Special lymphatic vessels (lacteals) in the villi transport nutrients to larger lymphatic vessels that connect to the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct extends from the abdomen to the neck, where it connects to the bloodstream at a large vein called the left subclavian vein. Once in the blood, nutrients originally absorbed by the lymphatic system are transported to body tissues in the cardiovascular system.

Minerals yield no energy for the body but are required for

normal body function

Most digestive enzymes are synthesized by the _________ and the _______ __________.

pancreas small intestine.

A __________ is a hole in the lining of the stomach or duodenum.

peptic ulcer

Food is mixed with digestive secretions and propelled down the GI tract by a process called ___________.


_________ are substances that stimulate bacterial growth in the large intestine, whereas ________ are living microorganisms that when ingested in adequate amounts confers a health benefit on the host.

prebiotic probiotic

Gallstone formation is related to...

slow gallbladder motility and bile composition. Too little bile and phospholipids and too much cholesterol allow cholesterol to crystallize into stones.

Most nutrient absorption occurs in the ________________.

small intestine. The small intestine absorbs about 95% of the digested protein, carbohydrate (not including dietary fiber), fat, and alcohol consumed.

The _____________ in pancreatic juice neutralizes the acidic chyme arriving from the stomach, thereby protecting the small intestine from damage by acid.

sodium bicarbonate

The _________ prevent contents from moving through the GI tract too quickly and allow thorough mixing with digestive system secretions. They also help propel food through the GI tract.


Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of serious, chronic intestinal diseases. The most common forms are _______________ and _____________.

ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease.

Gas comes primarily from the fermentation of __________________ by bacteria in the large intestine.

undigested carbohydrates

What is the difference between a sign and a symptom?

• A sign is a physical attribute that can be observed by others • E.g. bruises, flaky skin • A symptom is a change in physical status that is noted by the individual with the problem • E.g. stomach pain, feeling tired or achy

If Tom consumed 2500 kcals today (1500 kcals CHO, 550 kcals fat, 450 kcals prot), what % of his total energy intake was from each nutrient: CHO, fat, and protein? 2. How many grams of CHO, fat, and protein did Tom consume?

• Answer to question 1• CHO: (1500 kcals / 2500 kcals) x 100 = 60% of kcals from CHO• Fat: (550 kcals / 2500 kcals) x 100 = 22% of kcals from fat• Prot: (450 kcals / 2500 kcals) x 100 = 18% of kcals from protein • Answer to question 2• CHO: 1500 kcals / 4 kcals per gram = 375 grams CHO• Fat: 550 kcals / 9 kcals per gram = 61 grams fat• Prot: 450 kcals / 4 kcals per gram = 112.5 grams protein

The study of disease in populations, called ___________, ultimately forms the basis for many laboratory studies.

• The study of disease in populations, calledepidemiology, ultimately forms the basis for many laboratory studies.

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