Exam #1 Practice Quizzes_MGT300Fall23

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Middle managers are responsible for: a) the daily supervision of the nonmanagerial employees. b) fine-tuning and developing the skills of top managers. c) establishing the organization's goals and visions. d) finding the best way to use resources to achieve organizational goals. e) creating the top-management team.


Pasha works for a manufacturing company in a small town. He reports to his manager that the company is not fulfilling its commitment to the community to reduce pollutants. His manager tells him to ignore the issue and not tell anyone. This is an example of a(n) _______ approach to social responsibility. a) defensive b) accommodative c) reactive d) obstructionist e) proactive


Sanjay is a mechanical engineer who can examine and detect a problem, determine cause and effect, and provide a solution. This demonstrates _______ skill. a) human b) negotiation c) technical d) conceptual e) structural


The individual ethics of a company's _______ are especially important in shaping the organizational code of ethics. a) employees b) customers c) community d) founders e) shareholders


What is the Hawthorne effect? a) Group members may subject those workers who violate the group norms to sanctions. b) Productivity increases, regardless of the level of illumination in the workplace. c) Workers will conceal the true potential efficiency of a work system to protect their interests. d) Workers' productivity is affected more by their manager's personal behavior than by the work setting. e) Employees in a "no-talking" workplace develop ways of talking to one another out of the sides of their mouths.


What is true of organizational ethics? a) Employees are much more likely to act unethically when a credo exists. b) Employees are more likely to act unethically when the company's top managers consistently endorse the ethical principles in its corporate credo. c) Top managers play the least important role in determining a company's ethics. d) The individual ethics of a company's founders and top managers are especially important in shaping the organization's code of ethics. e) They are standards that govern how members of a profession, trade, or craft should conduct themselves when performing work-related activities.


When Bob calculates the yearly bonuses for his employees, he pays particular attention to the individual employee scores to ensure that they are based on performance and not favoritism. Which ethical rule is Bob following? a) practical b) moral scruples c) utilitarian d) justice e) moral rights


Which country is known for being one of the most ethical countries in the world? a) Brazil b) the United States c) Nigeria d) Japan e) New Zealand


_______ ethics are the guiding practices and beliefs through which a particular firm and its managers view their responsibilities to stakeholders. a) Societal b) Occupational c) Individual d) Organizational e) Governmental


_______ is the creation of a new vision for a struggling company using a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company's resources and allow it to survive and eventually prosper. a) Total quality management b) Innovation c) Crisis management d) Turnaround management e) Restructuring


An accounting firm conducts periodic reviews of the distribution of pay and other rewards granted to employees, such as promotions and increased office space. The goal of the reviews is to confirm that employees who received greater pay increases or other favorable outcomes have made significant contributions to the organization. This ensures the company uses _______ when rewarding its employees. a) distributive equality b) distributive fairness c) procedural justice d) compensation justice e) distributive justice


At Home Service, Inc., employees stay with the organization for many years and develop skills on the job that help Home Service, Inc. become more efficient. This is consistent with Fayol's principle of: a) unity of command. b) unity of direction. c) order. d) discipline. e) stability of tenure.


Chris has a job as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company. The company offers both quarterly and annual bonuses based on performance. The company also has a profit-sharing plan for its employees. This demonstrates Fayol's principle of: a) equity. b) subordination of individual interests to the common interest. c) initiative. d) esprit de corps. e) remuneration of personnel.


Communication among managers in Angelo's business was slowing down the pace of planning and organizing, so Angelo recently merged some of the company's departments and cut back on the number of managerial levels. This demonstrates which of Fayol's principles of management? a) unity of direction b) order c) authority and responsibility d) unity of command e) line of authority


Dayfair Mobile's external environment is changing rapidly, and it responds by decentralizing decisions to allow lower-level managers to react faster. Which type of organizational structure allows this? a) mechanistic b) formal c) bureaucratic d) organizational e) organic


Frederick Taylor believed that written rules and standard operating procedures: a) limited initiative and should be avoided. b) spelled out the division of labor and increased effectiveness. c) stifled esprit de corps. d) made workers like their jobs less. e) standardized and simplified jobs, making them more efficient.


Katz, Kahn, and Thompson viewed the organization as an open system, which means: a) it is more likely to experience entropy than is a closed system. b) it uses resources from the external environment for internal processes but does not return anything to the external environment. c) the input, process, and output stages in the production process are performed in the external environment. d) it is a self-contained system that is not affected by changes in its environment. e) it takes in resources from its external environment and converts them into goods that are then sent back to that environment for purchase by customers.


Managers are being socially responsible and showing support for their stakeholders when they: a) stop laying employees off. b) move a factory to a new location if it is polluting the environment. c) invest in countries that have poor human rights records. d) decline to help countries develop an economic base if they have poor living standards. e) allow employees to take time off when they need it.


_______ measures the appropriateness of the goals selected by management for the organization and the degree to which the organization accomplishes these goals. a) Efficiency b) Task management c) Effectiveness d) Diversification e) Differentiation


_______ refers to the concentration of authority at the top of the organizational chart instead of being distributed throughout the managerial hierarchy. a) Unity of direction b) Synergy c) Centralization d) Unity of command e) Entropy


A "ratebuster," according to Elton Mayo's and F. J. Roethlisberger's bank wiring room experiments, was a person performing a) above the work-group performance norm. b) below the work-group performance norm. c) at the pace the manager requests. d) below the company performance standard. e) at a pace he feels matches his pay.


According to Fayol, _______ refers to the chain of command extending from the top to the bottom of an organization. a) line of authority b) division of labor c) unity of direction d) unity of command e) centralization


According to Mintzberg's typology, a manager who decides to expand internationally to obtain new customers is a(n): a) entrepreneur. b) negotiator. c) figurehead. d) liaison. e) disseminator.


Adam Smith advocated _______ to produce products more quickly. a) job specialization b) division of labor c) unity of direction d) job rotation e) centralization


Alaina, a sales representative for a marketing firm, was laid-off after working for the company for ten years. Jalen, who had worked for the company for only two years, was not laid-off by his uncle who made the lay-off decisions. Alaina has data to prove that her experience, sales, and accomplishments were much greater than Jalen's. She believes that the selection process was: a) a violation of the principle of procedural justice. b) a violation of the principle of distributive justice. c) a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. d) an example of gender discrimination. e) an example of age discrimination.


All decisions and actions of managers are based on their: a) subjective perceptions. b) objective determination. c) schemas. d) gender schemas. e) overt discrimination.


Brenda, the CEO of a manufacturing company, knew that her company followed the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regulations for purifying waste water; however, new research found that those regulations where not strict enough and the drinking water would be affected. Brenda relied on her _______ and told the plant manager to go beyond the EPA's required level to assure that the company waste did not affect the community. a) moral scruples b) occupational ethics c) practical rules d) environmental principles e) social justice views


David is trying to provide a visible means of support to develop an ethical culture in his company. He can do so by creating a) an ethics ombudsperson position. b) ethical beliefs that remain rigidly constant. c) strict leadership rules for the top management. d) a plan for minimum compensation benefits. e) a strong human resources team.


Every year, Johnson-Murphy holds a company picnic with competitive games and fun activities so its employees can get to know one another in a more social setting. Johnson-Murphy is focusing on Fayol's concept of: a) esprit de corps. b) subordination of individual interests to the common interest. c) remuneration of personnel. d) order. e) unity of direction.


Frederick W. Taylor is best known for defining the techniques of: a) scientific management. b) administrative management. c) behavioral management. d) management science. e) organizational management.


In an organization that follows Weber's principles of bureaucracy, positions are arranged: a) hierarchically. b) by functional departments. c) by skills. d) by salary level. e) in a flat line.


Jared, a regional manager for a pet supply chain, is responsible for keeping his employees updated on changes in diversity policies. Jared plays the role of a _______ in managing diversity. a) disseminator b) leader c) liaison d) figurehead e) communicator


Jonas' company is discussing how it can be more socially responsible. What does social responsibility entail? a) the obligations a company has toward the people and groups affected by its activities b) the ways a company can support its employees over and above other stakeholders c) avoiding illegal activities that will hurt the company's reputation d) including the community and other stakeholders in every decision that is made e) choosing when to put the company first and when to allow others to also benefit


José is the manager of Sandy's Candy, a popular confectioner in Illinois. He is in charge of outlining future organizational goals to employees at company meetings and emphasizing the ethical guidelines that employees are expected to follow at work. According to Mintzberg, he is performing the role of a a) figurehead. b) negotiator. c) monitor. d) liaison. e) resource allocator.


José is the manager of Sandy's Candy, a popular confectioner in Illinois. He is in charge of outlining future organizational goals to employees at company meetings and emphasizing the ethical guidelines that employees are expected to follow at work. According to Mintzberg, he is performing the role of a: a) figurehead. b) negotiator. c) monitor. d) liaison. e) resource allocator.


Seok's company tries to balance the interests of different stakeholders in relation to the claims of other stakeholders. Which approach to social responsibility is the organization implementing? a) accommodative b) proactive c) defensive d) obstructionist e) offensive


Sim's mother and sisters were quiet individuals who did not like to speak up in group settings. During his recent performance evaluation, his manager provided feedback that Sim seemed to interrupt his female peers frequently in meetings or speak for them even when not asked to do so. Sim's tendency to assume women are not comfortable speaking up based on his past experience shows his own personal: a) schema. b) blind spot. c) manifesto. d) objective. e) stereotype.


Tax reform legislation signed into law by President Trump in late 2017 included a new 21% excise tax on _______ for salaries over $1 million. a) nonprofit employers b) public company CEOs c) small-business employees d) government employees e) companies with overseas branches


The _______ approach to social responsibility is most likely to be taken by a typical large U.S. company. a) accommodative b) proactive c) defensive d) obstructionist e) offensive


The _______ is the idea that the pursuit of self-interest with no consideration for societal interests leads to disaster. a) tragedy of the commons b) ethical dilemma c) moral dilemma d) credo e) concept of individual ethics


Utilizing the _______ approach to social responsibility, the local recycling company actively embraces behaving in socially responsible ways. a) proactive b) accommodative c) obstructionist d) defensive e) assertive


When all companies and their managers in a society behave in a socially responsible way, business increases, quality of life increases, and a) a climate of caring will pervade. b) lawlessness all but ceases to exist. c) people look after their own interests. d) small business starts increase. e) inflation decreases.


_______ is/are your company's views on its duty or obligation to make decisions that protect, enhance, and promote the welfare and well-being of stakeholders and society as a whole. a) Social responsibility b) Ethical performance c) Stakeholder mandate d) Legal scrutiny e) Organizational ethics


"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is an example of the _______ principle. a) utilitarian b) moral rights c) justice d) practical e) fundamental


According to Henri Fayol, esprit de corps refers to: a) the ability to act on one's own without direction from a superior. b) shared feelings of comradeship, enthusiasm, or devotion to a common cause among members of a group. c) the justice, impartiality, and fairness to which all organizational members are entitled. d) the methodical arrangement of positions to provide the organization with the greatest benefit and to provide employees with career opportunities. e) obedience, energy, application, and other outward marks of respect for a superior's authority.


An employee who respects her manager's authority and strives to achieve the organization's goals is demonstrating Fayol's principle of: a) order. b) discipline. c) esprit de corps. d) equity. e) remuneration of personnel.


As a human resource manager, Janese commits 5% of the annual budget toward instituting new programs that reward employees for effectively handling diversity. Janese is playing the role of a(n): a) monitor. b) entrepreneur. c) disseminator. d) negotiator. e) disturbance handler.


Gail is responsible for overseeing her company's anonymous tip line used by employees to share concerns regarding discriminatory behavior in the workplace. Being a _______, she ensures that all calls are recorded and timely action is taken to correct the behaviors. a) negotiator b) disturbance handler c) spokesperson d) leader e) entrepreneur


Henri Fayol's principles of management are: a) no longer considered a useful theory of management. b) the bedrock on which much of recent management theory and research is based. c) strongly based on Weber's theory of management. d) opposed to the division of labor in principle. e) based primarily on the belief that authority should be concentrated at the top of the chain of command.


Josh works for an advertising agency. There are several middle managers, but Josh only receives orders from and reports to one manager. Which of Fayol's principles of management is illustrated by Josh's relationship with his manager? a) initiative b) unity of command c) centralization d) unity of direction e) equity


Madelyn informs employees about changes taking place in the external and internal environments that affect the sales of the company's products. She explains how the changes will also affect them and the organization. According to Mintzberg, she is playing the role of a(n): a) entrepreneur. b) disseminator. c) disturbance handler. d) monitor. e) liaison.


Martha is hiring an assistant marketing manager. Martha recruits Corrina because she comes from a local, wealthy family. Martha's behavior reflects the effect of bias with respect to: a) a gender schema. b) social status. c) salience. d) the glass ceiling. e) stereotyping.


Planning in an organization involves: a) establishing task relationships that allow people to work together. b) developing strategies for how to achieve high performance. c) motivating individuals to achieve organizational goals. d) establishing accurate measuring and monitoring systems. e) measuring how well the organization has achieved its goals.


Tae Min feels that it would be unfair to his team and his company to take a sick day to sleep in. He understands Fayol's principle of: a) unity of command. b) subordination of individual interests to the common interest. c) remuneration of personnel. d) esprit de corps. e) stability of tenure of personnel.


The board and top managers of a nonprofit organization have considerable latitude to decide how they will spend the organization's resources because: a) they are a private foundation. b) the organization does not have shareholders. c) they are typically small organizations. d) they receive contributions and government grants. e) all monies earned are pumped back into the business.


The general ability to understand, alter, lead, and control the behavior of other workers is a _______ skill. a) conceptual b) human c) technical d) structural e) diagnostic


According to Mintzberg's typology, a manager who evaluates the performance of other managers in different tasks and takes corrective action to improve their performance is a: a) disseminator. b) figurehead. c) monitor. d) spokesperson. e) negotiator.


The salience effect is the tendency to: a) perceive others who are like ourselves more positively than we perceive people who are different. b) focus attention on individuals who are conspicuously different from others in a group. c) perceive individuals with a higher position in the social hierarchy more positively than we perceive those with a lower position in the social hierarchy. d) perceive individuals with disabilities as noncontributors to society. e) focus attention on individuals who see themselves more positively than others around them.


To increase effectiveness, middle managers: a) suggest ways to use resources to improve customer service. b) evaluate whether the organization's goals are appropriate. c) suggest ways to use resources to improve production. d) suggest ways use resources to cut costs. e) evaluate the performance of all departments.


What did Frank and Lillian Gilbreth discover in their study of fatigue in the workplace? a) Fatigue occurs less often with specialization of tasks. b) Lighting and the color of the walls had an effect on fatigue. c) There was not a strong correlation between fatigue and job performance. d) The more quickly a job could be done, the less fatigue was experienced. e) Job stress did not lead to fatigue.


What is a consequence of restructuring? a) increase in the size of departments b) loss of jobs c) increase in hierarchical levels d) increase in customer satisfaction e) improvement in morale of employees


When an organization ignores the external environment and fails to acquire inputs, it is likely to experience: a) synergy. b) entropy. c) conversion. d) contingency. e) control.


Which of Teece's managerial activities would a company embrace if it wanted to use company resources to capture value for the organization from previously determined opportunities? a) sensing b) seizing c) transforming d) positioning e) controlling


Your company sends out an annual questionnaire to learn about the needs of employees and community members and uses organizational resources to promote their interests. This company is using the _______ approach to social responsibility. a) accommodative b) proactive c) defensive d) obstructionist e) offensive


_______ is a contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to assist managers to make the best use of organizational resources to produce goods and services. a) Contingency theory b) Management science theory c) Administrative management d) Behavioral management e) The human relations movement


_______ is the study of the factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations. a) Hawthorne studies b) Organizational behavior c) Management science d) Scientific management e) Administrative management


A consequence of empowerment is a(n): a) decrease in number of managers. b) decrease in effectiveness. c) increase in performance. d) decrease in performance. e) increase in turnover.


An appliance company is planning to open another manufacturing facility. Top executives, practicing _______, have ensured that the design team for the new site includes women to address any unique needs female employees may have. a) reverse discrimination b) overt discrimination c) diversity management d) procedural justice e) distributive justice


Companies that use mathematical techniques, such as modeling and simulation, to help determine how to invest its capital are using _______ management. a) behavioral b) contingency c) quantitative d) administrative e) the human relations


Conor can choose either Jamal, a 28-year-old, or Bert, a 60-year-old, to join his programming team. He is leaning towards Jamal because he is concerned that Bert may not be comfortable learning a new programming language. Conor is exhibiting _______ when recruiting Jamal for the team. a) a bias b) a gender schema c) a stereotype d) reverse discrimination e) distributive justice


Emmanuel and his human resources team have adapted several existing company policies. Because he is unsure if all these policies can be implemented on ethical grounds, his team would best approach a(n) _______ to resolve the matter. a) consumer court b) legal advisor c) ethics ombudsperson d) HR manager e) ethical philosopher


Glenda wants to ensure that her employees not only support diversity among themselves but also among all their customers. For effective management of diversity, Glenda schedules her employees so that diverse individuals regularly work together. The employees build relationships, learn from each other, and support each other. Amanda's management approach fits the _______ managerial role. a) monitor b) entrepreneur c) liaison d) leader e) disseminator


Henri Fayol's principle of equity refers to: a) the concentration of authority at the top of the managerial hierarchy. b) shared feelings of comradeship, enthusiasm, or devotion to a common cause among members of a group. c) the justice, impartiality, and fairness to which all organizational members are entitled. d) the methodical arrangement of positions to provide the organization with the greatest benefit and to provide employees with career opportunities. e) development of skills for long-term employees.


If a manager designs the organizational hierarchy based on the characteristics of the organizational environment, he is acting in accordance with _______ theory. a) equity b) Fayol's c) contingency d) queuing e) chaos


Managers at a well-known company sold their stock in advance of other shareholders because they knew that their company's performance was about to fall. This demonstrates the _______ approach to social responsibility. a) accommodative b) proactive c) defensive d) obstructionist e) reactive


Margene is the product manager at Fashions Ltd., a company that designs and manufactures clothes and fashion accessories. Noticing the rising popularity of rhinestone jewelry and the fact that only a handful of stores actually stocked it, she decides to take advantage of the latent demand in the market. Margene knows that she is taking a risk by committing organizational resources to pursuing this idea, but she is confident about the merit of her decision. In deciding the allocation of resources for attaining her goals, which managerial task is Margene performing? a) leading b) organizing c) planning d) restructuring e) controlling


Middle managers are: a) often called supervisors. b) responsible for daily supervision of the nonmanagerial employees. c) expected to make specific decisions about the production of goods and services. d) responsible for the performance of all departments. e) trained to establish long-term organizational goals.


Smoking marijuana is illegal in many states; therefore, smoking marijuana is: a) unethical. b) ethical. c) possibly unethical or ethical, depending on the circumstances. d) always ethical when used for medical purposes, whether it is legal or not. e) always unethical when used for medical purposes, whether it is legal or not.


Steve Jobs recognized that consumers wanted a smaller mp3 player than they could buy at the time, so Apple developed the iPod. This demonstrates Teece's: a) Theory X. b) Theory Y. c) theory of dynamic capabilities. d) management science theory. e) contingency theory.


The essential problem when solving moral dilemmas is: a) ethics and laws are fixed principles. b) ethical beliefs remain constant as time passes. c) there are no absolute or indisputable rules or principles to decide whether an action is ethical. d) everyone agrees on what is ethical or unethical. e) ethics evolve over time, but laws related to ethical beliefs remain constant.


WorldCom gave managers stock options and bonuses even when the company performance was declining, and managers sold their stock in advance of other shareholders. This illustrates the _______ approach to social responsibility. a) accommodative b) proactive c) defensive d) obstructionist e) offensive


_______ are the stakeholder group with the most responsibility for deciding the goals of the organization. a) Shareholders b) Customers c) Managers d) Operational-level employees e) Consultants


One thing that it is important to remember about shareholders is they: a) are usually regarded as the most critical stakeholder group. b) are least interested in the company's profits. c) bear the responsibility to decide which goals an organization should pursue to most benefit stakeholders and how to make the most efficient use of resources to achieve those goals. d) are responsible for using a company's financial, capital, and human resources to increase its performance and thus its stock price. e) play an important role, but are not the company's only stakeholder group.


Philamena has noticed that her operations manager has been using unethical practices to reap personal benefits at the expense of the company's customers. She will most likely approach the _______ to report the matter without fear of retribution. a) CEO b) human resources manager c) consumer court d) legal advisor e) ethics ombudsperson


The practical rule of ethical decision making: a) emphasizes distributing benefits and harms in an equitable way. b) states that it is acceptable for a company to choose an unethical action if the action provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people. c) requires managers to determine the fair or unfair rules and procedures for distributing outcomes to stakeholders. d) states that an ethical decision is one that a manager will be hesitant or reluctant to communicate to people outside the company because the typical person in a society would think it is unacceptable. e) ensures that managers will take into account the interests of all the stakeholders.


The public relations manager of an oil company explained what the company intended to do to tackle the threat to marine life caused by an oil spill when one of its tankers crashed. According to Mintzberg, the public relations manager is playing the role of a: a) liaison. b) figurehead. c) leader. d) disseminator. e) spokesperson.


The_______ theory was introduced in the latter part of the 19th century shortly after the industrial revolution had occurred in Europe and America. a) organizational environment b) management science c) behavioral management d) administrative management e) scientific management


Which approach would best help a manager respond to the differing needs of diverse employees while still enabling those employees to be effective contributors to an organization? a) suppressing personal styles in favor of group norms b) sticking with a consistent approach rather than trying different ways to do things c) relying on subjective performance indicators d) maintaining performance standards open to interpretation e) being open to different approaches and perspectives


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