Exam 1

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A mutant is said to be killed when the execution of a test case causes it to fail and it is considered to be dead..Typically, unit testing is performed by the programmer who writes the program unit because (s)he is intimately familiar with the internal details of the unit. The low-level design document provides guidance for the selection of input test data that are likely to uncover faults. Selection of test data is broadly based on all of the following techniques except regression testing..Execution-based unit testing is referred to as dynamic unit testing. Which one of the following is not true about dynamic unit testing? code for the unit under test must be reviewed either by inspection or walkthrough..Which one the following statement is correct about Mutation testing? it measures the quality of test cases.. Which one of the following makes a program or program module extremely difficult to adequately test? High Cyclomatic complexity (e.g., a value more than 10).. cyclomatic complexitycan indicate the complexity of a program which is a quantitative measure of the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code.JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. A mutation of a program is a modification of the program created by introducing a small syntatic legal chnage.. If a strongly connected graph is constructed from a program code one, in which there is an edge (e) between the entry and exit node (n), the calculation of the Cyclomatic Complexity of graph (v) is v = e - n + 1

Which one of the following is not among the steps one performs in functional program testing? ensure that the program is able handle increaed load for a given input and output domain When performing unit test which one of the following programs invokes the unit under test? test driver..Which one of the following is not true about static unit testing? would require automated tools since manual static unit testing is impossible..The goal of code review is to assess the quality of the software in question..In the context of unit testing a program unit is a piece of code that is invoked from outside the unit and that can invoke other program units. Which one of the following is not an example of a program unit? a path of execution..mutation testing is a technique that focuses on measuring the adequacy of test data (or test cases)...The developer, after a program failure, identifies the corresponding fault and fixes it. debugging. the process of determining the cause of a failure. A code review process comprises of six steps and one of the steps is readiness.. The Assert class of junit framework in Java provides methods to make assertions about the state of objects created and manipulated while unit testing. Which one of the following is not a valid method in Assert class? assertString(int testString)

McCabe's complexity measure is based on the cyclomatic complexity of a programe graph for a module. The metric can be computed using the formula v = e − n + 2, where v = cyclomatic complexity of graph, e = number of edges (program flow between nodes) n = number of nodes (sequential group of program statements) If a strongly connected graph is constructed (one in which there is an edge between the exit node and the entry node), the calculation is v = e − n + 1. A test driver is a program that invokes the unit under test. The unit under test executes with input values received from the driver and, upon termination, returns a value to the driver .. stub is a "dummy subprogram" that replaces a unit that is called by the unit under test...Statement coverage refers to executing individual program statements and observing the outcome. We say that 100% statement coverage has been achieved if all the statements have been executed at least once. Complete statement coverage is the weakest coverage criterion in program testing assertSame(Object expected, Object actual): This assertion passes if the expected and actual values refer to the same object in memory; otherwise, the assertion fails. assertNull(Object testobject): This assertion passes if testobject is null; otherwise the assertion fails. assertFalse(Boolean condition): This is the logical opposite of assertTrue().

Path Predicate Expression: An interpreted path predicate is called a path predicate expression. A path predicate expression has the following properties: • It is void of local variables and is solely composed of elements of the input vector and possibly a vector of constants. • It is a set of constraints constructed from the elements of the input vector and possibly a vector of constants. • Path forcing input values can be generated by solving the set of constraints in a path predicate expression. • If the set of constraints cannot be solved, there exist no input which can cause the selected path to execute. In other words, the selected path is said to be infeasible. • An infeasible path does not imply that one or more components of a path predicate expression are unsatisfiable. It simply means that the total combination of all the components in a path predicate expression is unsatisfiable. • Infeasibility of a path predicate expression suggests that one considers other paths in an effort to meet a chosen path selection criterion.assertTrue(Boolean condition): This assertion passes if the condition is true; otherwise, it fails. assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual): This assertion passes if the expected and the actual objects are equal according to the equals() method; otherwise, the assertion fails. assertEquals(int expected, int actual): This assertion passes if expected and actual are equal according to the==operator; otherwise, the assertion fails. For each primitive type int, float, double, char, byte, long, short, and boolean, the assertion has an overloaded version. assertEquals(double expected, double actual, double tolerance): This assertion passes if the absolute value of the difference between expected and actual is less than or equal to the tolerance value; otherwise, the assertion fails..

Software reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free operation of a software system for a specified time in a specified environment. A failure is said to occur whenever the external behavior of a system does not conform to that prescribed in the system specification. The stakeholders in a test process are programmers, engineers. managers.Which of the following class of faults means a program produces incorrect results independent of resources required. - logic A test case is a simple pair of <input, expected outcome> Which one of the following is NOT true about black-box testing?Black-box testing is known as structural testing which has a focus on control flow and data flow.. A requirements specification describes the intended behavior of a system. Which one of the following describes the actual behavior of the system? source code| System level testing includes a wide spectrum of testing, such as functionality testing, security testing, robustness testing, load testing, stability testing, stress testing, performance testing, and reliability testing. In manufacturing view, the quality is understood as conformance to the specification.. In order to generate effective tests at a lower cost, test designers analyze the following sources of information except cost analysis

Software reliability can be estimated via random testing..Usually, a software system goes through four stages of testing before it is actually deployed. These four stages are known as none of the above..In structural one primarily examines source code with a focus on control flow and data flow.There are three types of fault-based testing. Which one of the following is not one of those three types? input distortion..Which one of the following is an example of state-oriented systems? n automated teller machine (ATM) Which one of the following is not true about software testing?It is easier to reproduce test results in manual testing then automated testing...In which of the life-cycle model of software development a requirements engineer would capture most of the requirements in the beginning?Waterfall.. test data selection criteria must reflect information derived from each stage of software development..In regression testingnew tests are not designed and instead, tests are selected, prioritized, and executed from the existing pool of test cases to ensure that nothing is broken in the new version of the software...error is a state of the system.

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