Exam 2

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Switches and routers are devices that can connect networks to the BN.


What is a router interface?

A router interface is a connection that is numbered from 0 to 3.

How many bits in IPv6?

128 bits.

A subnet mask of ___________ means that all computers with only the same first two bytes in their IPv4 addresses are on the same subnet.

How many addresses IPv6 can provide?

3.4 × 10^38 addresses.

How many bits are in IPv4?

32 bits.

How many IP addresses IPv4 can provide?

4.2 billion addresses.

What is DNS request packet?

A DNS request packet asks the DNS server to send to the requesting computer the IP address that matches the Internet application layer address provided.

What is the difference between DNS and DHCP?

A Domain Name Service (DNS) translates the application layer addresses into network layer addresses. A Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) does not provide a network layer address in its configuration file but has its server called from the client to obtain an address.

What is the purpose of a Subnet mask in an IP address setup.

A subnet mask determines which computers are on the same subnet and which are outside of its subnet.

What is unicast message, a multicast message, and a broadcast message?

A unicast message is when one computer sends a message to another computer. A multicast message is a message that is sent to a group of computers. A broadcast message is a message that is sent to all the computers associated with the same network.

What range is Class A, Class B, and Class C addresses in IP v4?

A: 1-126 B: 128-191 C: 192-223

The ______ defines what type of packets should be routed and what types of packets should be discarded.


Who uses Class D?

Addresses from 224-239 belong to Class D and are reserved for multicasting.

What is ARIN?

American Registry for Internet Numbers is a nonprofit, member-based organization that supports the operation and growth of the Internet.

What is an Autonomous System?

An autonomous system is simply a network operated by on organization, such as IBM or Indiana University, or an organization that runs one part of the Internet.

List 3 routing approaches?

Centralized routing - with centralized routing, all routing decisions are made by on central computer or router. Static routing - static routing is decentralized, which means that all computer or routers in the network make their own routing decisions following a formal routing protocol. Dynamic routing - with dynamic routing (or adaptive routing), routing decisions are made in a decentralized manner by individual computers.

What is IGMP?

Computers wishing to participate in a multicast send a message to the sending computer or some other computer performing routing along the way using a special type of packet called Internet Group Management Protocol.

Which one is better: connection oriented or connection less? Why yes or why not?

Connection oriented because with connectionless you might lose signal because something is interfering with the signal.

When is connectionless transmission acceptable? Name one application.

Connectionless is used when application data or a message can fit into one single message. HTTP uses connectionless because they are often very short.

Is IPX/SPX the dominant protocol today? If not, which one is?

Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequences Packet Exchange are networking protocols used primarily on networks using the Novell NetWare operating systems. IPX/SPX is NOT the most used protocol today. TCP/IP takes that place.

Which of the following is not a component of a router?


Who provides the IP address when logging into a network?

Network layer addresses, or IP addresses, are generally assigned by software.

The transport layer breaks user data into segments or _________________.


Where is exterior routing used?

Protocols used between autonomous systems are called exterior routing protocols.

A subnetted or hierarchical backbone can also be called:

Routed backbone

_________ move packets along the backbone based on their network layer address.

Routed backbones

___________ is the process of determining the path that a message will travel from sending computer to receiving computer.


What is SYN in TCP connection?

SYN is the message that includes the client's ISN. ISN is Initial Sequence Number.

What is server name resolution?

Server name resolution is the translation of application layer addresses into network layer addresses.

What is SDLC protocol?

Synchronous data link control (SDLC) is a mainframe protocol developed by IBM in 1972 that is still in use today. It uses a controlled-access media access protocol.

When was TCP/IP developed? By whom?

TCP/IP was developed by Vinton Cerf and Bob Khan in 1974.

Which protocol does the Ping function?


A T1 circuit provides a data rate of 1.544Mbps.


A WAN with a ring topology can use full or half duplex circuits


A backbone network is a high-speed network that connects many networks.


A key advantage of a chassis switch is its flexibility.


A room that contains a rack of equipment for a rack-based collapsed backbone is also called the main distribution facility (MDF) or central distribution facility (CDF).


A routed backbone tends to be used more for large networks than VLANs, although VLAN high speed switches and this new type of LAN-BN architecture are now being considered.


Common carriers sell or lease communication services and facilities to the public.


Ethernet/IP packet networks are not provided by common carriers such as AT&T.


In building Wide Area Networks, many organizations do not build their own long distance communication circuits


One basic component of a backbone network is the hardware device that connects other networks to the backbone.


One difference between a switch and a router is that a router will only process messages addressed to the router, while a switch processes all messages.


Packet switched networks enable packets from separate messages or separate organizations to be interleaved for transmission.


Quality of Service routing is a special type of connection-oriented routing in which different connections are assigned different priorities.


Routers connect two or more network segments that use the same or different data link protocols, but the same network protocol.


Routers use network layer address to forward packets between network segments.


SONET is made up of very high speed dedicated circuits that incorporate inverse multiplexing (IMUX) for all levels above the OC-1 level.


TCP includes a sequence number so that the packets can be reassembled at the destination in the correct order.


The distribution layer of a backbone connects LANs together.


The primary advantage of a routed backbone is that it clearly segments each part of the network connected to the backbone because each segment has its own subnet addresses that can be managed separately.


The transport layer process running on the destination computer reassembles the fragmented application message before passing it up to the application layer.


To help determine to which application a transmission should be delivered on a particular computer, TCP uses the application layer port addresses to distinguish among many open applications on a computer


VLANs provide faster performance compared to switched, collapsed or routed backbone architectures.


Virtual private networks permit users to create permanent virtual circuits, or tunnels, through the Internet.


WANs can connect BNs across distances that can span up to thousands of miles.


QoS provides different classes of service? T/F. What does this mean?

TRUE. For example, a packet of videoconferencing images would likely get higher priority than would an SMTP packet with an email message and thus be routed first.

When does the ARP message broadcasted to all network devices?

The ARP message is broadcasted when it needs to be broadcasted...

Who/what performs server name resolution?

The Domain Name Service (DNS).

Which address is Data Link Layer address? Who assigns this address?

The data link layer address is the address that is a part of the hardware. Hardware manufacturers assign the address to the network card. An example of a data link layer address, or physical or MAC address, is 00-0C-00-F5-03-5A.

Who provides an IP address?

The network layer software.

At which layer do pings happens?

The network layer.

What is meant by a Ping command?

The ping command is a command Prompt command used to test the ability of the source computer to reach a specified destination computer.

Where is interior routing used?

The routing protocols used inside an autonomous system are called interior routing protocols.

What is a TCP connection?

The same thing as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

Who provides a URL address?

The website database manager.

Which of the following is not true about Layer-3 switches?

They can only switch messages based on their data link layer addresses.

Which of the following is not true about backbone networks?

They tend to use lower speed circuits than LANs.

Who provides a Data Link Layer address?

This is provided by the hardware manufacturer.

What is address resolution? In which layers address resolution happen?

To send a message, the sender must be able to translate the application layer address of the destination into a network layer address and in turn translate that into a data link layer address. This process is called address resolution.

Is UDP the protocol for HTTP requests?

UDP can be used for HTTP, but TCP is more reliable.

What role did ARPANET play in Internet?

Vinton Cerf and Bob Khan made TCP/IP for ARPNET. So, if ARPNET wasn't founded, Cerf and Khan wouldn't have made it.

Which of the following is a fundamental backbone network architecture?

Virtual LAN

Does TCP/IP packetize, meaning it takes user data and break it into small chunks?


Dynamic addressing:

can solve many updating headaches for network managers who have large, growing, changing networks

Which of the following is not a technology layer that is considered when designing backbone networks?

decentralized layer

Which of the following is not a type of hardware device that can be used to interconnect networks?

dumb terminals


learn addresses by reading the source and destination addresses


may also be called TCP/IP gateways and require more management than switches

A _____________ type of BN segments (each of which has a special set of subnet addresses that can be managed by different network managers) each part of the network connected to the backbone.

routed backbone

Which of the following is not a way that a router differs from a switch?

routers can connect two or more networks that use the same data link protocol

An advantage of centralized routing is:

routing decisions are simple

The _____________ is used by a computer to determine how messages will travel through the network.

routing table

Give one example of an application layer address.


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