exam #2 ch3-6

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Children typically reach 1/2 their adult height by:

2 years

We discussed 3 broad parenting styles. Which is better? Why?

AUTHORITATIVE communication balance

T / F Adoptive parents cannot form the same type of secure, close attachments as biological parents can.


T / F Babies are born clearly attached to their parents


T / F Culture determines what is "normal" gender behavior.


T / F For most preschoolers, gross motor skills are more difficult to master than fine motor skills.


T / F Having been spanked as a child is the primary predictor of violent behavior in adulthood.


T / F Infants and toddlers grow in spurts, wherein they may experience relatively long stretches without any growth and then add as much as halt an in in a 24-hour period.


T / F Infants are born with a poorly developed sense of touch ; and consequently are insensitive to pain.


T / F It is enough for an adult to be present in the home all the time with each child


T / F Michael has been hitting his peers at school, which can be characterized as relational aggression.


T / F Parents tend to underestimate children's safety knowledge and behavior.


T / F Reading to infants has no effect on their language learning since they cannot understand most words used in children's books.


T / F Research shows that even long-term memory is limited, which is why we sometimes have problems with retrieval


T / F The fetal period is the time when teratogens are most likely to cause serious defects.


T / F Vygotsky believed that the nature of the child was primarily egocentric.


T / F Young children typically have low self-esteem since they compare their abilities with those of their peers.


T / F Your brain stays the same weight throughout your life.


Your brain stays the same weight throughout your life T/F


deaf babies do not babble T/F


T / F Temperamental stability from one age period to the next is generally low to moderate.


According to Vygotsky, what is scaffolding?

Individual would teach a child and let them do it on their own

Which of the following is typical of a 4-year-old?

Jude announces that he is great at basketball despite his many misses.

According to Noam Chomsky, what does LAD stand for and what is an LAD?

Language Acquisition Device, children learn language quickly

What is the most common birth complication?

Low birth weight

What does myelination do for a nerve?

Makes its coefficient and allows to regenerate

Describe Freud's Anal stage:

Potty training, self expressing, learning no

Neveah noticed that a new girl in her preschool class was standing alone watching the other children so she asked the girls if she would like to play with her. Neveah was exhibiting ______________________ play.


What is the difference between sensation and perception

Stimulation of sensory organs

T / F According to Vygotsky, older and more skilled society members help a child to learn new things through an apprenticeship in the making.


T / F Authoritarian parents tend to produce conscientious, obedient children.


T / F By age 6 most children have nearly adult-like proportions; that is, they no longer have the large heads, short limbs and protruding stomachs characteristic of toddlers


T / F During childhood the odds of dying in an accident are about 4 times greater than the odds of dying due to cancer.


T / F For most toddlers opposition is far less common than compliance.


T / F For the most part preschool children teach themselves motor skills or learn them from other children.


T / F Genetics determines what is "normal" gender behavior.


T / F Infant attachment forms a model for future close relationships throughout life


T / F Infants and toddlers can eat nutrition food freely without the risk of becoming overweight


T / F Parenting is physically and psychologically healthy for men.


T / F Parents who are nurturing, communicative and demanding of maturity would be called authoritative.


T / F Physical attractiveness is a powerful predictor of social acceptance.


T / F Preschoolers are likely to overestimate their abilities.


T / F Research supports the idea that there is a sensitive period for language acquisition.


T / F Social learning is learning by observing others.


T / F Some stress actually aids learning. Too little stress can be as harmful as too much


T / F The brain is more plastic during the first few years than at any later time in life.


T / F The charting of new vocabulary words by associating them with already known words is called fast-mapping.


T / F The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.


T / F Well over 50% of American infants display a secure attachment style.


some reflexes have survival value T/F


In Erikson's theory, _________ determines a healthy vs. unhealthy outcome of infancy.

The quality of a caregiver behavior

What is a neurotransmitter and what does it do?

a chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve

Which of the following is a sign of secure attachment?

a child being willing to explore a new environment in the presence of the caregiver

What is attachment?

a emotional bond between two people

According to Vygotsky, which of the following would be within a child's zone of proximal development

a task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult

What is the leading cause of child mortality?


What is accommodation?

adaptation process, altering one's existing ideas

In Piaget's theory, the process of ______ is made up of two complimentary activities; _____________ and ________________.

adaptation; assimilation; accommodation

Three-year-old Grace, who explains that the sun goes to sleep at night, is demonstrating

aministic thinking

According to Erikson which of the following is typical of young (2 - 6) children?

an immodest self-concept

Ivan was playing under the kitchen table when he stood up suddenly and bumped his head. He pointed at the table and sternly said, "Naughty table!". This is an example of:


The Piagetian belief that all objects are alive is called ______.


According to Piaget, during ____________ children interpret experiences in terms of existing schemes, whereas in ________________, old schemes are adjusted and new ones created to make sense of the environment.

assimilation; accommodation

When children engage in separate activities but exchange toys and comment on one another's behavior

associative play

A lasting emotional bond that an infant forms with a caregiver is:


Marcella is anxious and unhappy. She is dependent, lacks in exploration, and is overwhelmed by challenging tasks. She most likely has parents who have a(n) _____________ style of child rearing.


___________ child rearing style involves low acceptance and involvement, high coercive control and low autonomy granting


During middle childhood, child rearing becomes easier for parents who have established a(n) _________ style during the early years.


a reflex is

automatic response

According to Piaget, what is a scheme?

basic concept

Describe Freud's Phallic stage:

being aware of sexuality

define sensation

birth sensation

During the first few years of life, the _____ grow(s) faster than any other part of the body.


Rapid ________ during the 1st 2 years of life results in increasingly longer periods of sleep and wakefulness

brain maturation

Aggression used to obtain or retain a toy or other object is called:


According to Piaget, to focus on one aspect of a situation and simultaneously exclude all others is called


Which lobe of your brain processes balance and movement?


Chomsky's LAD refers to:

children being able to speak grammatically and comprehend sentences in any language to which they are exposed

A more advanced type of interaction in which children orient toward a common goal

cooperative play

The part of the brain that allows children to coordinate functions that involve both halves of the body is the ____________.

corpus callosum

Which of these is the best example of a gross motor skill?


material and play areas. This preschool emphasizes the Piagetian principle of

dicovery learning

Research indicates that children who freely use private speech during a challenging activity ___________ than their less talkative agemates.

do better

The amygdala is a brain structure that registers:


3 steps of memory process

encoding, storage, retrieval

Describe Freud's Oral stage:

everything goes in your mouth

A child's ability to add new vocabulary words very quickly is called


Which of these is the best example of a fine motor skill?


Pumping a swing is an example of a _____ motor skill


Rainey understands that if she has 4 pieces of pizza and we give her 2 more, she will have 6. However, she does not know what happens if she has 6 and we take away 2. Paget would say that Rainey:

has demonstrated irreversible thinking

According to Vygotsky, private speech during the preschool years:

helps young children guide their behavior during challenging tasks

The authoritative child-rearing style is linked to:

high self-esteem, moral maturity, and favorable school performance.

Genes influence children's growth by controlling the body's production of


In the early preschool years the most common type of aggression is


Which type of aggression tends to be characteristic of 2-year-olds


_________ is aggression aimed at obtaining an object, privilege or space with no deliberate intent to harm another person; whereas ___________ is intended to hurt another person.

instrumental aggression; hostile aggression

Define perception

interpretation of sensation

What is assimilation?

interpreting our new experiences in terms of our existing schemas

A decline in appetite during the preschool years:

is normal because growth has slowed

What is the difference between gross and fine motor skills?

large and small movement

Children consistently choose the most ____ standard of behavior which adults demonstrate


According to Piaget, what is adaptation?


Why are the ages 2 - 6 called the "play years"?

learning by playing

One important effect of TV violence in children is that it tends to:

make them overestimate the violence and danger in society.

What does myelination do for a nerve?

makes it more coefficient

Social Learning theorists believe that children learn to behave morally by observing and imitating people who demonstrate appropriate behavior. This process is known as:


The process in which neural fibers are coated with an insulating fatty sheath that improves the efficiency of message transfer is called


________ is one of the few health conditions that increase with socioeconomic status

myopia (near sighted)

Does Erikson believe in fixations?


Unoccupied, onlooker behavior and solitary play.

nonsocial play

As infants acquire language, they say more ____________ than any other parts of speech.


Hugh enjoys playing with your keys. When you take them away and place them in your pocket, Hugh does not search for them. Piaget would say that Hugh does not understand

object permanece

Which lobe of your brain processes sight?

occipital lobe

_____________ harms others through physical injury or the threat of such injury; whereas _____________ damages another's peer relationships.

overt aggression; relational aggression

a child plays near other children with similar materials but does not try to influence their behavior

parallel play

Which lobe of your brain processes memories and decisions

parietal lobe

Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are


Dominic is impulsive, disobedient and overly demanding and dependent on adults. His parents are most likely to fit in which of the following child rearing styles?(


______ parents are warm and accepting but also overindulging or inattentive.


When caring for their babies, mothers more often _____________; whereas fathers tend to_________

physical care; playful interactions

One of the most important ways in which children learn to control their aggression is through:


A child who begins to engage in make-believe play is in which of Piaget's cognitive stages?


According to Vygotsky, the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves either silently or out loud is referred to as:

private speech

The internal dialogue in which a person talks to herself or himself was called ___ ________________by Vygotsky.

private speech

Research on SIDS has shown that babies should be:

put to sleep on their backs

By the end of the 2nd year a typical child's weight has _________ since birth.


John accidentally knocked over Casey's block tower so Casey hit him. Casey was displaying _______ aggression


Three girls start a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still sucks her thumb. They are demonstrating:

relational aggression

According to Piaget, what is a circular reaction?

repeat what you like

Two-year-old Nick is trying to put a puzzle together. Nick's father begins by offering direct instruction, but gradually withdraws support as Nick's competence with the task increases. This is an example of:


In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, specific psychological structures that children use to make sense of their experiences are called:


Most babies have _____ attachment; they become distressed when their principle caregiver leaves but they are easily comforted


According to Vygotsky, the force that drives a child's development is:

social interactin with more comperent others

According to Vygotsky, the force that drives a child's development is

social interaction with more competent others

As Melanie was learning to walk, each time she fell she would look for her mother's reaction. If her mother looked upset, she would cry; if her mother smiled she would just get up. Melanie was using

social referencing

When an unfamiliar adult offers Heather a toy, she hesitates and looks at her mother, who smiles and nods. Heather then reaches out and takes the toy. This is an example of:

social referencing

Five-year-old Daniel and 4-year-old Alex like to pretend that they are racecar drivers. Often, Daniel will act out driving in a race and Alex will pretend to be his pit crew. This is an example of

sociodramatic play

What is a synapse?

space between neurons

Research on television violence indicates that violent TV:

strengthens hostility in highly aggressive children.

The top of level Maslow's Hierarchy is called self-actualization. Please define self-actualization:

strive to the best you can be

According to Freud, what is a fixation?

stuck on stage

what is SIDS

sudden infant death syndrome

According to Psychoanalytic theory (Freud), part of the personality that internalizes moral standards of an individual's parents is the ______.

super ego

Neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their synapses in a process called:

synaptic pruning

According to Vygotsky, what is private speech? (5)

talking to yourselff threw things

Social referencing is important to children's development because it allows parents to:

teach children how to react to novel events.

To find a good preschool a parent should look for

teachers responsive to children's needs; low teacher-child ratios

____ forms the cornerstone of adult personality


Which lobe of your brain processes sounds?

temporal lobe

A major factor that determines what food children will prefer is:

the kinds of foods they are exposed to often.

According to Erikson's theory, which of the following is true of toddlers

they want to gain a sense of autonomy, or control, over their own bodies

Gross motor skills such as riding a tricycle are acquired:

through a combination of brain maturation and practice.

Behaviorist B.F. Skinner proposed that language is acquired:

through operant conditioning

Gross motor development involves improvement in the child's ability to:

throw and catch ball

Describe Erikson's stage of Trust vs. Mistrust

trust caregivers

According to Erikson, one of the major functions of make-believe play is to allow children to

try out new skills with little risk of criticism or failure.

In Piaget's theory, a circular reaction is a means of building schemes in which infants

try to repeat chance behaviors again and again

What was called an "extensive how-to-be-violent-trainer"?


During the sensorimotor stage (Piaget), the main task is to:

use senses and motor skills to understand the world

According to Erikson, a mother who ____________ is likely to promote autonomy in toddlerhood.

waits patiently while her son puts on his socks and shoes

Describe Erikson's stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt: ages 2 - 3

willing to do and explore things on their own

Vygotsky's theory includes the idea of

young children as "apprentices in thinking"

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