Exam 2 Online

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what is the reason why the majority (90%) of the NCAA Women's sport teams do better financially compared to the men's teams?

Women's teams at the NCAA level simply lose less money

what is the participation percentage of black male NCAA Division 1 athletes in today's basketball and football programs?

about 70% of black male athletes participate in basketball and football.

what are some of the reasons why studying deviance in sports may present problems?

actions that are normal in sports may be deviant outside of sports; much of the deviance in sports involves actions grounded in an uncritical acceptance of an over conformity to norms in sport cultures

what does the research indicated concerning the values and opportunities of alternative and action sports for girls and women in our society?

alternative and action sports are clearly organized around the values and experiences of MALES

what is deviance involving over conformity based on?

an un-questioned acceptance of norms

what is a widespread social condition of under-conformity that creates general lawlessness called?


what kind of institutions has Title IX prohibited gender discrimination in?

any educational institution receiving federal money

what percent of the nation's college athletes programs in the U.S. regularly more money than they spend?

approximately 25%

what percent of public school resources devoted to sports were men's programs receiving prior to the enactment of Tile IX in 1972?

approximately 99% of the resources for sports

why is there a link between sport ethic and deviance in sports?

because athletes seem to expect each other to over-conform to deviant norms

why has it been difficult to achieve gender equity in schools, despite the influence of Title IX?

because football is generally the cultural centerpiece of school and community life

for what reason does the author (Coakley) contend that people maintain a strict silence about gay men in sports?

because men have much to lose if they challenge traditional gender ideology

why is their such misconceptions about deviance related to coaches, sport administrators, team owners, referees, sport media people, parents, spectators, agents, and other officials associated with sports?

because social scientists have little access to data on the forms of deviance that these populations exhibit

why do social historians suggest that violence remains an issue in sports today?

because sports are naturally designed to create tension and excitement and violence is a result of this

why is drug testing in sports so controversial and argued against in today's sport society?

because testing is not very effective in controlling substance use.

why does Coakley suggests that there is a need for alternative definitions of masculinity in society?

because the current definitions tend to be dangerous and socially isolating

what is the reason why sport programs, designed as interventions for "at risk youth", are seldom successful?

because the programs seldom do anything to change the conditions in which these youths live their lives

why do some of the athletes who play murderball want to distance themselves from athletes in the Special Olympics

because they use the ideology of ableism to classify bodies

what has been learned about male athletes in big-time intercollegiate basketball athletes concerning detachment after arriving on campus?

big-time intercollegiate basketball players were found to suffer from feelings of detachments within one of two semesters after arriving on campus

be able to discuss the financial information of big-time intercollegiate sport programs as they relate to being run as a business but are tax exempt

big-time intercollegiate sport programs are run as business but pay no taxes even when they show a profit

what does the NCAA data on graduation rates of black and white male and female athletes and their graduation rates from American Universities?

black male athletes in revenue-producing sports have the lowest graduation rates compared to white males, all athletes in minor sports or black female athletes in minor sports

what kind of violence has been deemed as acceptable and widely used by athletes and even used as a basis for gaining status among fellow athletes?

borderline violence and brutal body contact

what does the constructionist approach indicate about both norms and deviance in our society?

both norms and deviance are socially constructed through interaction

in order to achieve full gender equity in sports, what does the author (Coakley) say that needs to be required or emphasized?

changes in traditional gender ideology

what are some of the recommendations to reform intercollegiate sports offered by the Drake Group?

eliminate eligibility for all first year students, use the same accounting system in all athletic departments, reduce the number of athletic events that cause students to miss classes

what does the NCAA data on graduation rates show when comparing Division 1 university female and male athletes?

female athletes have higher graduation rates than their counterpart male athletes

what has been the most dramatic change that have increased sport participation in the world of sport over the past two generations?

girls and women who play sports around the world

what sports are highest in the use violence as a strategy in sports?

heavy contact sports

when comparing high school athletes as a group to the general population of high school students, what differences appear to be shown in the literature?

high school athletes appear to have higher grade point average and a more positive attitude toward school

how do you think men would feel if they had the same proportion of jobs in men's programs as women have in women's programs?

i believe the men coaches would be very displeased and generally outraged

how can our sport society change the ideology and structure in sports to encourage new rules emphasizing safety and new rituals to bring opponents together?

improve on and find new ways of talking about sports and sport participation

what is the estimated degree of the lack of participation opportunities for girls and women in sport around the world (2008)?

it has been estimated that at least half of the 3.3 billion girls lack sport participation opportunities around the world

what has learning the craft of boxing done for inner-city boxing athletes according to Loic Wacquant's research?

learning the craft of boxing helped inner-city athletes learn to control violent actions

are women more or less likely than men to use violent as a proof of their sexual identity

less likely than men to use violence as a proof of their sexual identity

what is a reason why explaining the harmful effects of performance-enhancing substances seldom discourage athletes from using these substances?

many athletes have learned to live with numerous health risks in their sports over the years

what does the gender ideology, in many cultures leading to mainstream sport forms tend to celebrate?

masculinity, virility and power

what is the assumption of the constructionist approach to deviance based on?

most ideas, traits, and actions fall into a normally accepted range

why have educational programs emphasizing the dangers of drug use, appeals for "fair play" within sports or appeals to the personal values of athletes themselves been effective in controlling the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports?

none of these have worked because as a society we fail to recognize that the use of performance enhancing drugs is a form of deviant over-conformity, and therefore deemed somewhat acceptable by the athletes who are abusing these drugs

what does the author Coakley suggest as the best way to begin to control substance use in sports today?

our sport society needs to critically examine and eliminate the hypocrisy involved in elite sports.

what is the participation percentage of black female NCAA Division 1 athletes in today's college athletic basketball programs?

over 70% of black women athletes are in basketball or track

what happens to individual high school athletes when there is an overemphasis on "sports development"?

overemphasis on "sports development" leads to more specialization in one sport in a way that restricts overall development

what may happen to women's participation in sport is sport programs become increasingly privatized?

participation and opportunities for women will become unevenly distributed, particularly with those lacking resources suffering setbakcs

what can we do as a society to control the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports?

recognize that most use of drugs is a form of deviant over-conformity

what are much of the differences between athletes and other students in high school attributed to?

selection-in and filtering-out process

what does the author explain about the lack of research on school sports and the learning experiences acquired through by individual athletes?

so many people just assume that sport builds "character" and that is why very little research exists on the learning experiences of school sports

what may result when athletes gain a collective sense of hubris on a team?

some of the athletes may feel a sense of entitlement in the general community

what does the research indicate when spectators are most likely to be violent?

spectators are most likely to be violent when they interpret the actions of the players on the field to be violent

what does the recent research on NCAA schools show concerning the expenditures on college sports programs compared to academic spending?

spending on college sports has increased much more than academic spending

what results when people in sports don't set boundaries to limit cover-conformity to the sport ethic?

sport ethic becomes a source of dangerous deviance in sport

what does the information on violence among spectators indicates that sport fans today are?

sport fans today are often vocal and emotional, but most do NOT engage in violence

girls participation in sports is often considered as a avenue to popularity, but what does the research show concerning this ideal?

sport must be combined with a host of things other than sport to increase a girl's popularity

prior to 1970 what were girls and women sports assumed not to require?

strength and speed

what is suggested by the author (Coakley) as most effective long-term strategy for controlling on-the-feild violence?

suspend violent players, don't replace them on teams, and fine team owners

what happens in the high schools when the emphasis on varsity sports distorts the status system among the students?

tensions develop between athletes and the student body

what does the research show what boys and men who play power and performance sports learn about violent behavior in sports?

that boys and men are evaluated favorably for their ability to combine violence and skills

what does the information on participation and gender equity reveal about the summer olympics games?

that fewer olympic events are available to women than to men

what is meant by the phrase that "sport worlds are male-dominated"?

that power and qualifications are associated with manhood and men

what did Acosta and Carpenter find in their 36 year study on the trends related to gender in coaching women's sports?

that women coach proportionately fewer women's sport teams today than in 1977

why do athletes engage in over-conformity in sports?

the author suggests that it is likely because of the athlete's desire to play and be accepted as an athlete by their peers (fellow athletes)

what do the effects on participation in high school sports depend on?

the effects depend greatly on the "meaning" that athletes give to participation in sports

what is emphasized by the title "celebrity feminism" that is often portrayed and emphasized in the media and our sport society?

the emphasis is toward individualism and consumption

what is the goal of sociological research on violence among athletes

the goal should be to understand violence in the context in which it occurs

what are the three legal tests that are evaluated on schools for compliance to Title IX

the history of progress test; the proportionality test; and the accommodation of interest test

what does the data show concerning sport participation opportunities for girls and women at the professional level in our society?

the opportunities are generally scarce for girls and women at the professional level

what is the primary goal of the authors suggestions for controlling spectator violence?

the primary goal should be to create anti violence norms among spectators

even though athletes participating in murderball challenge the widespread stereotypes about people with disabilities, what can be said about their gender ideology?

the quad rugby players seem to reaffirm a gender ideology in which manhood is equated with doing violence

what is probably one of the best recommendation acknowledged politically on the importance of sport and physical education for girls and women?

the sports and physical activity for girls and women positively effect and promote the HEALTH of girls and women in our society

what did the author (Coakley) note in his discussion concerning the future struggles of women and the sociology of Title IX?

the struggles over equity will continue long into the future

how is violence defined within the context of the chapter on violence in sport?

the use of excessive physical force that can cause harm or destruction

how is aggression defined within the context of the chapter on violence in sport?

the verbal or physical actions intended to control or do harm to another person

what happens to NCAA DI sport programs win-loss records, especially in major sports, when their universities increase their spending on big-time sports?

their win-loss records of NCAA DI institutions football and basketball programs do NOT improve

what has been said concerning the job satisfaction level of women who are hired in coaching and administrative positions in sport organizations?

there exists a culture that provides little support for women in these roles, and there exists a relatively low level of job satisfaction due to this

what does the research on adapted sports reveal about participation rated in high schools

there is 1 athlete in adapted sports for every 5000 athletes on varsity teams

what are some of the consequences expressed by author Pat Griffin concerning lesbians and homophobia in sports?

there is a sense of loneliness, the hiding of their identities so they are not harassed or cut from sports, or the existence of a "don't ask, don't tell" atmosphere in women's sports

what does the author argue about the aggressive behaviors that players in non contact sports exhibit?

they are seldom rewarded for aggressive behaviors

what has been inferred that men's coaches assume when they refer to athletes as "ladies", "girls" or "fags" in an effort to motivate or embarrass them?

they assume that their male athletes are homophobic!

what have women, who are involved in actions that don't fit with dominant definitions of femininity, done to lower their chances of being socially marginalized?

they have presented themselves in ways to emphasize symbols of heterosexuality

why do Title IX law remains controversial in intercollegiate sports?

they tend to expose the contradictions of big-time intercollegiate football

how has the trend on increased corporate sponsorships affected intercollegiate sports?

this trend has put more of an emphasis on non-educational issues in sport programs

what does the dominant gender ideology, associated with mainstream sports, tend to celebrate?

traditional ideas about masculinity

what is deviance involving under-conformity based on?

under-conformity consists of ideas, traits, or actions that subnormal

how does the history of violence in medieval and early modern europe compare to the violence in college or professional sports today?

violence in medieval and early modern europe was much more violent

after reviewing dozens of studies on violence in sports, what did Phil White and Kevin Young conclude concerning violent physicality in power and performance sports?

violence in power and performance sports serve as a cornerstone of masculinity among athletes in those sports

what has violence been tied to when comparing the rates of this form of deviant behavior between men's and women's sports?

violence is greater among men's sports, and it is tied to issues of masculinity in men's sports

African American athletes on college campuses show signs of isolation on college campuses today. what contributes to these feelings of isolation?

white students who lack experiences in racially diverse groups; racial and athletic stereotypes used by some people on campus; campus activities that don't represent the experiences of black students

what is the negative effect of the emphasis on "cosmetic fitness" and thinness among women?

women mat associate sport participation with losing weight

Data on division 1 colleges and universities show concerning athletic recruiting expenses among women's sports?

women sports at the DI level receive about one third of all money spent from athletic budget recruiting expenses

what does the information on spectator violence suggests concerning the worst cases of violence being related to?

worst cases of violence by spectators occur when the issues and tensions are important to the community as a whole

can student spirit that is so prevalent in high school sports be created by other collective activities involving students in the absence or de-emphasis on sport?

yes, the author, Coakly, makes a convincing argument on supporting other collective activities to promote school spirit rather than using a singular approach by supporting a few sport programs within the high school setting

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