exam 2

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Put the following events in the proper order, assuming one finds themselves in a stressful situation:

--The hypothalamus initiates the HPA axis, the secondary system, by releasing corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH). --Appearing to be first or the faster response because it uses the nervous system, the hypothalamus activates the SAM axis and epinephrine is shot into the blood stream. --Stress is perceived by the brain --Cortisol is pumped into the blood stream by the adrenal cortex. --Cortisol influences organs and tissue function and helps support fight-or-flight behaviors that epinephrine initially caused. --The anterior pituitary releases adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) into the blood stream.

Which of the following is true of androgens and estrogens?

Both sexes have both types of hormones

__________ symptoms are observed in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease.


__________ is hypothesizes to support a tend-and-befriend stress response, which may have evolutionarily benefited __________.

Oxytocin; females

Match the region of the frontal lobe with their role in production of motor behavior.

Prefrontal cortex- plans complex behavior Premotor cortex- produces the sequence Primary motor cortex- specifies muscles needed to produce movement

A homunculus is

a representation of the body in sensory and motor cortex

Somatosensory is to __________ as motor is to __________.

afferent; efferent

If we wear glasses that turn the image of the world upside down, the brain:

after hours to days will suddenly turn the world so it is right side up again.

The three osicles known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup __________.

are small bones in the cochlea

The ______ controls the force of a movement, whereas the ______ controls the timing and accuracy of the movement.

basal ganglia; cerebellum

Which of the following auditory structures has the appearance of a snail and has a name that is derived from the Greek word for land snail?


Light is bent first by the ______ before entering the pupil.


The __________ pathway extends from primary visual cortex to posterior parietal cortex and is known as the "how pathway."

dorsal stream

__________ muscles move the limb away from the trunk, whereas __________ muscles move the limb back toward the trunk.

extensor; flexor

In the musculoskeletal system, every axon of a motor neuron releases dopamine.


The sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axis is considered the slow and longer lasting stress response system.


Ill health induced by chronic stress exposure may be due in part to the prolonged secretion of what hormone?


Testosterone and estradiol are examples of:


Somatosensory receptors that detect pressure and vibration include:


Which of the following does NOT describe the properties of a hormone compared to neurotransmitters:

have a small scale effect

Incoming somatosensory information travels from the thalamus to which area of the cortex?


Which of the following ensures homeostasis is maintained?


Damage to the primary somatosensory cortex results in:

impaired sensory discrimination on the contralateral side.

Please match the following behavioral effect with its appropriate hormone:`

increases readiness to sleep - melatonin increases male libido - testosterone increases energy - estrogren facilitate social bonding - oxytocin decreases blood glucose levels

In the last stages of auditory perception, the anterior pathway ___________ sounds while the posterior pathway _________ sounds.

indentifies; locates

Prolonged exposure to the hormones called glucocorticoids, or chronic stress:

kills cells

The __________ controls limbs and digits, whereas the __________ controls mainly trunk muscles.

lateral corticospinal tract; ventral corticospinal tract

The thalamic relay nucleus for the auditory system is the:

medial geniculate nucleus

Neurons that fire when we execute a movement and when we observe another person making the same movement are referred to as:

mirror neurons

To which of the following systems is the somatosensory system most closely linked?


In the optic chiasm, information from the ______ retinas cross, whereas information from the ______ retinas stay on the same side.

nasal; temporal

Which of the following neurotransmitters is associated with the sympathetic nervous system?


The primary visual cortex is located in the __________.

occipital lobe

Every human has a blind spot in their vision due to where the __________ is on the retina.

optic nerve

Which of the following is NOT one of the three functional groups of hormones?

peptide hormones

Rods are found primarily in ______, whereas cones are found primarily in ______.

peripheral vision; the fovea

Which of the following is likely to be called the master gland?

pituitary gland

Coordinating multiple simultaneous movements to accomplish a goal is a function of the:

premotor cortex

Which somatosensory sense has both slow and fast adapting receptors


Select all of the following is are TRUE of steroid hormones?

receptors are inside the cell fat-soluble... an example is gonadal hormones

The __________ is the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing receptor rods and cones in addition to layers of other neurons that process visual information.


Use the eye diagram to match the correct label to the appropriate structure.

retina - E fovea - G pupil - B lens - C optic nerve - F

In the occipital cortex, visual messages are first sent to the __________ cortex or primary visual cortex and then proceeds to the __________ cortex or secondary visual cortex.

striate; extrastriate

The primary auditory cortex is located at the __________.

temporal lobe

Unilateral (one side) damage to the spinal chord will result in the loss of __________ on the same side of the body and loss of __________ on the opposite side of the body below the site of damage.

touch and proprioception; pain and temperature

Hair cells in the cochlea are responsible for

transducing sounds waves into neural firing

The __________ theory suggests that we have three types of color receptors, each with a different spectral sensitivity.


Neuroendocrine pathways like the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis require negative feedback to shut off activation of the pathway.


Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) can directly affect the hippocampus and amygdala under times of stress.


Homeostasis refers to temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep body variables within a fixed range.


Males have a greater cortisol response to stress than females do.


Sensory receptors translate nonelectrical messages into electrical messages for the brain to interpret.


The lateral and medial superior olives react to differences in what is heard by the two ears.


The left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is connected to skin receptors and muscles mainly on the right side of the body.


The ventral spinothalamic tract is the main pain pathway to the brain.


The __________ pathway extends from primary visual cortex to the temporal cortex and is known as the "what pathway."

ventral stream

When do the organizing effects of sex hormones occur in humans?

well before birth

Language (comprehension and verbal responses) uses the entire brain; however, two areas are critically important, _______ area is primarily responsible for comprehension and located in the ________lobe; while ________ area is primarily responsible for produce movements for speaking and located in the _________ lobe.

wernicke's; temporal; brocas; frontal

The gate theory of pain can help explain:

why rubbing an injury can reduce pain.

Pure tones are sounds:

with a single frequency

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