Exam #2 World Civ

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The largest slave emancipation in the world came with the:

Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Which of the following is an accurate reflection of how disenfranchised members of society were affected by the revolution in their country?

Women participated in some of the revolutions but gained few rights afterward, losing ground in France.

Which is accurate of child labor during the Industrial Revolution in Britain?

Working at the age of seven or eight was not unheard of in the coal mines.

Why was William of Orange invited to overthrow his own father-in-law

the king of England?,The Protestants did not like that James II was tolerant of their religious rivals, the Catholics, and that he appeared to be trying to make the monarchy more powerful.

What is jingoism?

A belief in national superiority that underlies aggressive imperialism.

What was the Commonwealth of England?

A republic set up by the winners in the war between Parliament and the king.

After the death of the its king Garcia II, Kongo fell into civil war, but after the reunification movement of Beatriz Kimpa Vita, the country emerged:

A united, but weak country, with no security

Which of the following is accurate of the radical turn of the French Revolution?

About 20,000 people were executed for being political enemies of the state, and another 150,000 fled France

Where did the worst known episode of an animal epidemic, also called an epizootic, take place?


Whose vision became the foundation for industrialization in the United States?

Alexander Hamilton

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the abolition of serfdom in Russia?

Alexander II convened a committee of serf owners to help establish an emancipation plan for serfs. To convince serf owners of this plan, Alexander II invoked the memory of previous serf insurrections.

Which groups suffered the most under the Bourbon Reforms?

Amerindians and slaves.

Which of the following statements is accurate of the First Nations of Canada?

As in the United States, Amerindians in Canada were forced to live on unproductive land called "reserves."

Which of these is an action Otto von Bismarck took to increase industrialization in Germany?

Banned labor union activities and labor organizations, such as the Social Democratic Party (SDP)

Led by preacher Samuel Sharpe, what was the name of the 1831 Jamaican slave revolt that occurred during the sugar harvest season?

Baptist War

Which country's king was so brutal with his colonial policies that his government took control of the colony away from him?

Belgium's King Leopold II

Where and when did European leaders decide how Africa would be divided between them for imperialistic aims?

Berlin, 1884-1885

Following the end of the American Civil War, the two main places slavery still existed in the Atlantic world were:

Brazil and the Caribbean sugar islands.

The First Industrial Revolution began in which of the following countries?


According to the textbook, which of the following most likely had the longest and most important negative impact on the planet?

Burning millions of tons of coal to fuel the steam-powered engines of industry

Which of the following is accurate of British coal?

By 1820, coal was generating as much energy as a whole Britain full of trees.

The main way Toussaint L'Ouverture and his followers were able to defeat both British and French troops was:

By letting yellow fever kill them.

How did some imperialists use science to justify their actions?

By using Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as the basis for their racist beliefs.

What statement best describes the British policy of "divide and rule" within South Asian societies?

Capitalizing on the preexisting cultural and ethnic differences within India to rule over a much larger population.

King Charles I was unpopular among his subjects in part because his wife was ________ but also because he encouraged the Scottish church to ________.

Catholic; adopt an Anglican prayer book

Of the new republics formed out of the Spanish Empire in the Americas which was the only one to achieve political stability within its first few decades?


Where did smallpox inoculation apparently begin?


Which of the following energy sources became the central feature to power the First Industrial Revolution?


Which crop was the main reason that slavery grew in the United States from 1800 to 1865?


What disease did Edward Jenner use as a basis for creating his smallpox vaccine?


Between the years 1800 and 1850, average life expectancies and heights ________ in Britain, but by 1870, both began to ________.

Decreased; Increase

Between 1750 and 1950, the global population increased. Explain one factor that contributed to the growth of the global population during this period.

Decreasing Mortality Rate, especially a declining infant and child mortality rate Decline in Crisis Mortality Rates, as there was a decrease in famines and epidemics Increasing Fertility Rates in some parts of the globe

How did Friedrich List influence Germany's industrialization?

He wrote articles and books outlining how Germany could industrialize

The First Industrial Revolution featured a transition from ________ to ________.

Home production and factory production

Which country's leaders initially encouraged the education of girls during the early days of industrialization but later banned women from political participation, a policy summarized in the slogan "good wife, wise mother"?


Which two countries' governments gave the most direct support to their industrialization efforts

Japan and Russia

Which of these is accurate of Japanese imperialism in Korea?

Japanese settlers were few in number, but they took more than half of all farmland for themselves.

Which of these statements accurately describes the influence of labor issues on the Industrial Revolution in Britain?

Labor costs were so high that employers looked for ways to do more work with fewer people and more machinery.

The various tensions that grew between the British colonies in North America and the king and Parliament in England centered on which two issues?

Land access and taxes.

Which of the following statements is accurate of indentured labor as compared to slavery or serfdom?

Like slaves and serfs, indentured servants could not marry or leave their employment without the permission of their employers.

Which is accurate of the Bourbon Reforms instituted by Spain in its American colonies?

Many of the reformers sought to make colonial rule efficient while improving the human condition.

The two businesses that were easiest to scale up—and were thus in the vanguard of industrialization everywhere—were:

Metallurgy and textile production.

Which of the following statements is accurate of France's abolition of slavery?

Moral guidelines and political maneuvering worked together during the French Revolution to bring slavery to a temporary end.

The two most important reasons underlying the abolition of slavery in the Americas were:

Moral objections and fear of slave uprisings.

Collectively, how many serfs and peasants in Russia were freed from their status of forced labor in the years after 1861

50 million

Which of the following is accurate of the working classes of England?

Diseases were more likely to kill people than the dangers found in factories or mines

In short, the Industrial Revolution began in England because England had ________ and ________.

Expensive labor and cheap coal

Two major contributors to the American victory in the Revolutionary War were:

Foreign support and patient leaders.

Which of the following countries was the first to have a national anthem?


___________________________ is the scientific theory that was developed after 1850 that emphasized bacteria's role in infection. This concept led to sanitation reforms that reduced death and illness from water-borne diseases and paved the way for the understanding of infections

Germ Theory

The Vital Revolution involved an overall increase in

Human life expectancy

Which of these statements is accurate of the impact of ending the slave trade on slavery itself?

In the Caribbean, ending the slave trade meant slavery would die out, because the mostly male slaves could not sustain their population biologically.

Between 1830 and 1920, most indentured migrants were from:


Two technologies that made the new imperialism easier and more widespread were:

Inexpensive weapons and steam-powered ships.

The global web brought together which three forces that helped to put an end to forced labor?

Intellectual viewpoints, population growth, and the British example.

Which of the following is accurate of the three kingdoms joined under King James in 1603?

Ireland was Catholic whereas Scotland and England were Protestant.

What was the belief that military conquests or missionary work in remote lands would harden the increasingly weakening men of the industrialized world?

Muscular Christianity

Who was the French leader that took control of the French government in 1799 through a coup? This leader would make himself a dictator in the name of liberty and equality.

Napoleon Bonaparte

n 1879, the Canadian government launched the _____________________, which was intended to promote industrialization within the country. This program included the introduction of tariffs on foreign goods and investments in the building of Canada's first transcontinental railroad.

National Policy

Why is it difficult to develop a definition of nationalism?

Nationalism can take many different forms, making it too complex for simple definitions.

In St. Domingue prior to the Haitian Revolution, what part of the population was enslaved?,

Ninety percent.

Which of the following statements is accurate of the efforts to address the problems and inequalities of the post-Industrial Revolution world?

Organization, strikes, and other types of activism were the most successful ways to achieve worker goals.

Before raising taxes, King James had to get approval from:


Parliament helped British cotton manufacturing by:

Restricting the importation of cotton cloth from India.

The desire for political change made the American Revolution a ________ and the division among the colonists about its wisdom made it a(n) ________.,

Revolutionary war; Civil war

Which of these empires was the largest land empire?


In Russia, what distinguished serfdom from slavery?

Serfs had to pay taxes and serve in the military.

Feared by Belgian authorities for his preaching, who was the minister that promoted a message of faith healing, non-violence, monogamy, and sobriety? His teachings led to the formation of independent churches in the Belgium Congo

Simon Kimbangu

Which two crowd diseases were the most deadly during the biological old regime?

Smallpox and measles.

The United States became an imperialist nation as a direct result of the:

Spanish-American War.

What was the political result of Pontiac's War?

The British crown created an "Indian reserve" west of the Appalachians closed to expansion by colonists.

To avoid crowd diseases and waterborne infections, a person in the eighteenth century would be better off living where?

The English countryside

How did France manage to retain control of Algeria until 1962?

The French used the same kind of divide-and-rule tactics that were successful in the British Raj.

Which two events helped bring an end to slavery in the Atlantic world?

The Haitian Revolution and the American Civil War.

In 1764 the British government began placing new taxes on the colonists in North America in order to pay off debts from

The Seven Years' War.

Which of the following is accurate of the estates of the Old Regime in France prior to the French Revolution?

The Third Estate consisted of up to 75 percent of the people but they owned only about 40 percent of the usable land.

Which of the following countries never has had a successful political party devoted solely to the interests of workers?

The United States

How did the disease rinderpest affect colonization of Africa?

The disease killed livestock, starving the native populations and weakening their ability to stop conquest.

Who were the colons in French Algeria?

The french settlers

Which of the following is accurate of how European leaders viewed their Pacific island colonies?

The islands were of military and economic benefit as fueling stations.

Which of the following is accurate about the pressures that built up in France prior to the revolution?

The king stirred discord by calling together the Estates-General, which could give him the power to raise taxes.

Borrowing political ideas from the American Declaration of Independence and Enlightenment thinking what was the name of the French political document that discussed the rights of French male citizens?,

The name of the document was The declaration of the rights of man and citizen.

One of the main incentives to industrialize in Japan came from:

The realization that other countries were outgunning the Japanese.

Which of the following is one way that the colonization of Africa differed from colonization in India?

There were fewer rail lines constructed in Africa than in India.

Why did Ottoman authorities fear Arab nationalism?

They knew they would lose vast amounts of territory if Arabs were to form their own nations.

What raw materials did Britain gain from having a colony at Singapore?

Tin and rubber.

Beginning operations in 1903, what was the name of the Russian railroad that spanned from Moscow to the Pacific Ocean?

Trans-Siberian Railroad

Colonial rule inadvertently spread Islam because young men would go to the city seeking ________ and come back to their villages with ________.

Wages; Islamic practices

The Yamato race theory in Japan proposed that all Japanese:

Were unique among the Asian peoples.

What provisions were made for women's rights under the U.S. Constitution?

Women got no specific rights in the aftermath of the American Revolution despite their support of and participation in it.

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