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ways of performance appraisal

-subordinates -peers and team members - self-appraisal - customer appraisal -360 degree feedback

based on reliance of multiple sources to provide information about an employee's performance

360-degree feedback evaluation method

Defined contribution plan in which employees may defer income up to a maximum amount allowed.

401 (k) plan

Which of the following provides a formal​ company-paid retirement benefit that consists of a fixed benefit upon​ retirement?

A defined benefit plan

In addition to identifying the relative job​ worth, the factor comparison method also determines which of the​ following?

Absolute value of the position

Which of the following was NOT cited in the book as characteristics of an effective performance appraisal​ system?

Appraiser incentive compensation

What method of performance appraisal displays illustrations of only positive incidents of job performance for various job​ dimensions?

Behavioral observation scales

What performance evaluation method assigns each employee into one of various levels on a scale based on whether or not the employee displays various positive and negative behaviors that are described on the​ scale?

Behaviorally anchored rating scale

What type of performance evaluation systems has raters evaluate a given​ employee's performance against that of other​ employees?

Comparison systems

Which of the following refers to an arrangement of work hours that permits employees to fulfill their work obligations in fewer days each​ week?

Compressed workweek

Which of the following legislation gave employees the opportunity to continue their health insurance coverage for a period of time after terminating​ employment?

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Which of the following is a formal retirement plan that provides the participant with a fixed monthly income upon​ retirement?

Defined benefit plan

Which of the following was designed as a protection of employee benefit​ rights?

Employee Retirement Income Security Act

Which of the following legislation identified which private sector employees are eligible for overtime and under what​ circumstances?

Fair Labor Standards Act

What type of health care benefit allows employees to deposit a portion of their​ pre-tax salary into an account to be used to pay for eligible health care​ expenses?

Flexible spending accounts

The practice of allowing employees to choose what hours they​ work, within certain​ limits, is called​ what?


Which of the following is a perquisite that protects an executive if they are forced out of the company for reasons such as the sale or merger of the​ company?

Golden parachute contract

What type of insurance plan is sometimes described as providing prepaid medical services because fixed periodic enrollment fees cover the insured members for all medically necessary services that are delivered or approved by the insurance​ provider?

Health maintenance organization

What contains pretax money that is available to cover healthcare expenses for individuals and families who have qualified​ high-deductible health insurance​ policies?

Health savings account

What is the first step in the employee appraisal​ process?

Identify specific performance goals

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of offering company child care on​ site?

Increased hours per day at the job

​________, also known as employee​ benefits, consists of all financial rewards not included in direct financial compensation.

Indirect financial compensation

What error occurs when managers rate employees higher than objective criteria would​ indicate?

Leniency error

In what type of performance appraisal do supervisors and employees determine performance goals for employees to meet during the rating period and employees appraise how well they have achieved their​ goals?

Management by objectives

What rating error is also known as the​ "horn effect"?

Negative halo effect

In lieu of sick​ days, vacation​ days, and personal​ days, what do some employers use to allow employees to manage days​ off?

Paid time off banks

With which performance appraisal method do supervisors compare each employee to every other​ employee?

Paired comparison method

Which of the following requires all individuals to have health insurance coverage or pay a​ penalty?

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The combination of direct and indirect compensation components in an​ employee's compensation package is determined based on which​ policy?

Pay mix compensation policy

Which of the following is a rater error that occurs when a manager generalizes an​ employee's good behavior on one aspect of the job to all aspects of the​ job?

Positive halo effect

​________ is the general term for compensation paid to employees for working long periods of time or working under dangerous or undesirable conditions.

Premium pay

Which of the following refers to a company benefit where the company will pay employees for the shipment of household​ goods, cover temporary living​ expenses, and cover a portion of the real estate costs associated with buying or selling a​ home?

Relocation benefit

​Company-paid shipments of household goods during a temporary move are what type of​ benefit?

Relocation benefit

What term is associated with getting paid for the inconvenience of working​ less-desirable hours?

Shift differential

How can employees prepare for the review​ process?

Show how they have contributed value to the company

In order to develop an effective performance appraisal​ process, what must happen after performance criteria is​ established?

The criteria must be communicated to those concerned.

Which of the following describes the labor​ market?

The group of potential employees located within the geographic area from which employees are recruited

Which of the following is NOT a factor when determining pay policies for sales​ people?

The skill level of the sales person

Which of the following describes the factor comparison method of job​ evaluation?

This method assumes that there are five universal factors consisting of mental​ requirements, skills, physical​ requirements, responsibilities, and working conditions

When the Social Security Act of 1935 was​ passed, what was its original​ intent?

To create a retirement benefits program

What types of benefits are generally paid for by the​ employee, with the employer providing the administrative support for the​ benefit?


How can the​ similar-to-me effect result in illegal discriminatory​ bias?

When employees are rated more favorably because of​ race, gender,​ nationality, or religion

What is the performance appraisal method that compares each​ employee's performance to a predetermined expected level of​ output?

Work standards method

Which of the following retirement plans allows an employee to defer pretax income for​ retirement?

a 401(k)

An employer may be vulnerable to​ ________ if an employee who continually receives unsatisfactory ratings in safety​ practices, as one​ example, is kept on the payroll and causes injury to a third party.

a negligent retention claim

What is generally required by the courts to show a legally defensible performance appraisal​ system?

absence of adverse impact

To increase consistency and accuracy in appraisal use among all​ evaluators, which of the following should be implemented before the review process begins and continued on a regular​ basis?

appraiser training

The monetary compensation that employees earn on a regular basis for performing their jobs is​ ________.

base pay

employees receive money for performing their jobs -recurring

base pay

Under what type of pay plan do employees receive payments for specific behavioral​ accomplishments, such as a clean safety record or good​ attendance?

behavioral encouragement plans

employees receive payments for specific behavioral accomplishments

behavioral encouragement plans

displays illustrations of positive incidents (or behaviors) of job performance for various job dimensions

behavioral observation scale (BOS)

rate employees on the extent to which they display successful job performance behaviors -critical incident technique (CIT) - behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) - behavioral observation scales (BOS)

behavioral systems

based on the CIT, and these scales are developed in the same fashion except a critical incident would be written as the incumbent is expected to complete the task in a timely fashion

behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

typically viewed as resulting from a variety of sources including traits and situational context -can be changed


behaviors you reward are the ...

behaviors you get

What type of error occurs when the rater evaluates an employee based on a personal negative or positive opinion of the employee rather than on the​ employee's actual​ performance?

bias error

when the rater evaluates the employee based on a personal negative or positive opinion of the employee rather than on the employee's actual performance

bias errors

Using fewer pay grades within the​ organization, allowing for lateral development of​ employees, can be accomplished using​ ________.


a technique that collapses many pay grades into a few wide bands to improve organizational effectiveness


Which of the following is a formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when​ needed?

career development

formal approach used by the organization to ensure that people with the proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed

career development

an ongoing process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them

career planning

A retirement plan that contains elements of both a defined benefit plan and a defined compensation plan is a​ ________.

cash balance plan

Retirement plan with elements of both defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans.

cash balance plan

Rating errors that occur when supervisors rate all employees close to average are referred to as​ ________.

central tendency errors

Which of the following is a job evaluation method that involves defining a number of grades to describe a group of​ jobs?

classification method

raters compare the job description with the class description

classification method

A​ ________ policy allows the company to recover compensation if a later review indicates that payments were not calculated accurately or performance goals were not met.


allows the company to recover compensation if a later review indicate that payments were not calculated accurately or performance goals were not met

clawback policy

The percentage of covered expenses paid by the insured. Most fee-for-service plans stipulate 20 percent coinsurance. This means that the insured will pay 20 percent of covered expenses, whereas the insurance company pays the remaining 80 percent.


What term refers to the percentage of covered expenses paid by the​ insured?


permit employees to receive payment of part of their share of profits on a current basis, while deferring payment of part of their share.

combination plans

represent equity segments of equal value

company stock shares

evaluate a given employee's performance against that of other employees

comparison systems

the total of all rewards provided employees in return for their work


choices that compensation professionals make to promote competitive advantage

compensation policy

the collection and subsequent analysis of competitors compensation data

compensation survey

an individuals capability to orchestrate and apply combinations of knowledge, skills, and abilities consistently over time to perform work successfully in the required work situations


plans generally reward employees for acquiring job-related competencies, knowledge, or skills rather than for demonstrating successful job performance

competency based pay

Gives each employee a set amount of money annually with which to purchase health care coverage that involves high-deductible insurance coverage combined with a tax-advantaged account such as a health savings account, health reimbursement accounts, and flexible spending account.

consumer driven health care

Evaluating an employee compared to other employees instead of performance standards can most directly result in what kind of​ error?

contrast error

In the performance appraisal​ process, ________ occur when managers compare an employee with other employees instead of specific performance standards.

contrast errors

when supervisors compare an employee with other employees rather than to specific, explicit performance standards

contrast errors

periodic base pay increases that are found on changes in prices as recorded by the consumer price index

cost of living adjustments (COLAs)

Periodic base pay increases that are based on changes in prices as recorded by the consumer price index are known as​ ________.

cost-of-living adjustments

requires job incumbents and their supervisors to identify performance incidents that distinguish successful performances from unsuccessful ones

critical incident technique (CIT)

provide payment to employees in cash or stock as soon as profits have been determined

current plans

It mandates a prevailing wage for all federally financed or assisted construction projects exceeding $2,000

davis bacon act of 1931

supposed to create a sense of ownership, aligning the interests of the executive with those of the owners or shareholders of the company over the long term

deferred compensation

involve placing company contributions in an irrevocable trust, credited to individual employees' accounts.

deferred plans

Retirement plan that provides the participant with a fixed benefit upon retirement.

defined benefit plan

A retirement plan that requires specific amounts of money paid by the employer into a retirement or savings fund established for the employee is known as a​ ________.

defined contribution plan

Retirement plan that requires specific contributions by an employer to a retirement or savings fund established for the employee.

defined contribution plan

The type of compensation a person receives in the form of​ wages, salaries,​ commissions, and bonuses is referred to as​ _________.

direct financial compensation

pay that a person receives in the form of wages, salaries, commissions, and bonuses

direct financial compensation (core compensation)

Benefit payments made as a result of unilateral management decisions in nonunion firms and from labor-management negotiations in unionized firms.

discretionary benefits

Which of the following are benefit payments made as a result of unilateral management decisions in nonunion firms and from​ labor-management negotiations in unionized​ firms?

discretionary benefits

Which of the following would LEAST benefit from the use of performance​ appraisals?

diversity management

Which of the following is a procedure to appeal appraisal results if the employee feels they are​ unfair?

due process

​Profit-sharing plans that place company equity into trust accounts for employees are referred to as​ ________.

employee stock ownership plans

place company stock in trust accounts for employees -as a source of retirement income etc

employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)

companies grant employees the right to purchase shares of a company stock

employee stock plans

Men and women should receive equal pay for performing equal work

equal pay act of 1963

when supervisors rate all employees as average or close to average

errors of central tendency

categorized as executive, administrative, professional, or outside salespersons - not required to get paid overtime

exempt employees

assumes there are five universal factors and the evaluator makes decisions on these factors independently

factor comparison method

establish minimum labor standards on a national basis and to eliminate low wages and long working hours

fair labor standards act of 1938

What type of insurance plan provides protection against health care expenses in the form of a cash benefit paid to the​ insured?

fee for service plan

Insurance protection for three types of medical expenses: hospital expenses, surgical expenses, and physician's charges.

fee for service plans

may make an initial favorable or unfavorable judgment about an employee and then ignore or distort the employee's actual performance based on this impression

first impression effect

One of the biggest drawbacks of a​ ________ is that employees generally forfeit any money saved by the end of the year.

flexible spending account

Health benefit plan established by employers that allows employees to deposit a certain portion of their salary into an account (before paying income taxes) to be used for eligible expenses.

flexible spending account (FSA)

What is the practice of permitting employees to choose their own working​ hours, within certain​ limitations?


The performance evaluation method where raters assign employees to groups representing a range of​ performance, such as best​ performers, moderate​ performers, and poor performers is the​ ________.

forced distribution method

assigns employees to groups that represent the entire range of performance

forced distribution method

designed to bind employees to the firm's productivity and provide an incentive payment based on improved company performance

gain sharing

Incentive plans that are designed to provide incentives to employees based on improved company productivity and performance are​ ________.

gain sharing plans

Which​ team-based financial reward plan focuses on aligning an​ organizations' people strategy with its business strategy by providing an incentive payment based on improved company​ performance?

gain sharing plans

classifies federal government jobs into 15 classifications based on such factors as skill, education, and experience levels

general schedule

What is an appropriate measure of success in firms that value the end results more than how the results were​ achieved?

goal achievement

A contract that protects executives in the event that another company acquires their firm or if the employee is forced to leave the firm for other reasons is known as a​ ________.

golden parachute

perquisite that protects executives in the event that another company acquires their firm or it the executive is forced to leave the firm for other reasons

golden parachute contract

Which of the following is a discretionary​ benefit?

health insurance

Allows an employer to set aside funds to reimburse medical expenses paid by participating employees.

health reimbursement accounts (HRAs)

Tax-free health spending and savings accounts available to individuals and families who have qualified high-deductible health insurance policies as determined by IRS regulation.

health savings account (HSA)

employees can earn this for each hour worked

hourly pay/wage

states that employees' knowledge and skills generate productive capital

human capital theory

When a supervisor rates members of his or her​ race, gender,​ nationality, or religion more favorably than members of other​ classes, it is referred to as​ _____________.

illegal discriminatory bias

a supervisor rates members of his or her race, gender, nationality, or religion, more favorably than members of other classes

illegal discriminatory bias

rewards employees for partially or completely attaining a predetermined work objective

incentive pay

Paid​ vacation, medical​ care, and other befits are all forms of​ _________.

indirect financial compensation

All financial rewards not included in direct financial compensation.

indirect financial compensation (employee benefits)

all financial rewards that are not included in direct financial compensation

indirect financial compensation (employee benefits)

In competitive labor markets, companies attempt to attract and retain the best individuals for employment partly by offering lucrative wage and benefits packages.

interindustry wage/compensation differentials

compensates employees for jobs they currently perform

job based pay

used to recognize differences in the relative worth among a set of a jobs and to establish pay differentials accordingly

job evaluation

raters examine the descriptions of each job being evaluated and arrange the jobs in order according to their value to the company

job evaluation ranking method

Which of the following has been identified as the MOST desired benefit a company can offer in lieu of a salary​ increase?

job security

What is the work arrangement where two​ part-time employees split the duties of one​ job?

job sharing

an ordered set of jobs that represents the job structure or hierarchy

job structure

potential employees located within the geographic area from which employees are recruited

labor market

managers tend to appraise employees' performance more highly than they really rate compared with objective criteria

leniency error

Healthcare plans that emphasize cost control by limiting an​ employee's choice of doctors and hospitals are​ ________.

managed care plans

health care delivery that emphasizes cost control by limiting the employee's choice of doctors and hospitals. These plans also provide protection against health care expenses in the form of prepayment to health care providers.

managed care plans

supervisors and employees determine objectives for employees to meet during the rating period and employees appraise how well they have achieved their objectives - used mainly for managerial and professional employees

management by objectives (MBO)

awards bonuses to managers when they meet or exceed objectives based on sales, profit, production, or other measures for their division, department or unit

management incentive plans

pay below the market rate because of poor financial conditions or because they are hiring employees whose skills and expected impact on the company's success are relatively lower than employees whose skills and expected impact are much greater

market lag policy

If a firm wants to use compensation as a method to draw​ high-quality employees to the​ organization, what type of compensation policy should be​ utilized?

market lead

What type of pay level compensation policies do companies use that pay higher wages and salaries than competing​ firms?

market lead policies

organizations that pay higher wages and salaries than competing firms

market lead policy

the average pay that most employers provide for a similar job in a particular area or industry

market match policy

Mental health and substance abuse benefits designed to cover treatment of mental illness and chemical dependence on alcohol and legal and illegal drugs.

mental and substance abuse plans

which reflect mental traits such as intelligence, reasoning, and imagination.

mental requirements

one time annual financial award, based on productivity that is not added to base pay

merit bonuses

What is a pay that is added to an​ employee's base pay based on the level of his or her​ performance?

merit pay

What type of pay increase is added to an​ employee's base pay based on job​ performance, to reward effort or​ results, motivate future​ performance, and retain valued​ employees?

merit pay

pay increase added to employee's base pay based on their level of performance

merit pay

when a rater generalizes an employees bad behavior on one aspect of the job to all aspects of the job - horn error

negative halo effect

Where does the United States rank in the global environment in terms of offering flexible work arrangements to their​ employees?


the face value of a dollar

nominal hourly compensation

Which type of compensation consists of the satisfaction that a person receives from the job​ itself?

non-financial compensation

the satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological or physical environment in which the person works

non-financial compensation

companies are required to pay them for overtime

nonexempt employees

The satisfaction one receives from the job​ itself, or the environment in which the person works is which type of​ compensation?


Satisfaction that a person receives from the job itself or from the psychological and/or physical environment in which the person works.

nonfinancial compensation

Welfare and pension plans that do not meet various requirements set forth by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), disallowing favorable tax treatment for employee and employer contributions.

nonqualified plan

The maximum amount an employee pays for health care during a calendar or plan year.

out of pocket expenses

Means of dealing with the problem of unscheduled absences by providing a certain number of days each year that employees can use for any purpose.

paid time off (PTO) banks

With​ ________, all categories of sick​ leave, vacation​ time, and personal days are grouped together.

paid time off banks

supervisors compare each employee to every other employee, identifying the better performer in each pair

paired comparisons

includes employees assigned to work on a specific task in addition to normal work duties

parallel teams/task forces

What term is associated with the grouping of similar jobs in order to simplify the pricing of the​ jobs?

pay grade

the grouping of similar jobs to simplify pricing jobs

pay grade

determine whether the company will be a pay leader or a follower, or strive for an average position in the labor market

pay level compensation policies

Which of the following are policies that refer to the determination of direct and indirect financial compensation and benefits that make up an​ employee's compensation​ package?

pay mix compensation policies

the combination of direct and indirect financial compensation and employee benefits components that make up an employee's compensation package

pay mix compensation policies

a minimum and maximum pay rate with enough variance between the two to allow for a significant pay difference

pay range

represent pay rate differences for jobs of unequal worth and the framework for recognizing the differences in employee contributions

pay structures

Which of the following is a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task​ performance?

performance appraisal

Which type of system directly reflects the​ organization's strategic plan and is critical to the success of the performance management​ system?

performance appraisal

a formal system of review and evaluation of individual or team task performance

performance appraisal (PA)

governed by how well on performs the job

performance based pay

The starting point for the performance appraisal process is identifying specific​ ________.

performance goals

What is the goal of the performance appraisal​ interview?

performance improvement

Which of the following is a​ goal-oriented process to ensure that organizational processes are used to maximize employee​ productivity?

performance management

Which of the following terms is defined as a​ goal-oriented process toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of​ employees, teams, and​ ultimately, the​ organization?

performance management

Which system allows for​ training, pay, and performance to have a direct relationship with organizational​ effectiveness?

performance management

goal oriented process directed toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and ultimately, the organization

performance management (PM)

any special benefits provided by a firm to a small group of key executives and designed to give the executives something extra

perquisites (perks)

Which of the following systems compensates employees for developing the flexibility and skills to perform a number of jobs​ effectively?

person-focused pay

compensates employees for developing the flexibility, knowledge, and skills to perform a number of jobs effectively

person-focused pay

which involve sitting, standing, walking, lifting, and so on.

physical requirements

An incentive pay plan in which employees are paid for each unit they produce is referred to as​ ________.


an incentive pay plan in which employees are paid for each unit they produce


rewards employees based on their individual hourly production agains an objective output standard and is determined by the pace at which manufacturing equipment operates

piecework plans

raters assign numerical values to specific job factors, such as knowledge required, and the sum of these values provides a quantitative assessment of a job's relative worth.

point method

when a rater generalizes an employee's good behavior on one aspect of the job to all aspects of the job -halo effect

positive halo effect

The type of insurance plan where a select group of care providers agrees to furnish healthcare services at a higher level of reimbursement is known as a​ ________.

preferred provider organization

Managed-care health organization in which incentives are provided to members to use services within the system; out-of-network providers may be used at greater cost.

preferred provider organizations (PPO)

Compensation that is paid to employees for working long periods of time or working under dangerous or undesirable conditions is known as​ ________.

premium pay

Most medical and mental health benefits offered by HMOs because fixed periodic enrollment fees cover HMO members for all medically necessary services only if the services are delivered or approved by the HMO. Also, alternative name for HMOs.

prepaid medical services

Coverage of the costs of drugs that state or federal laws require be dispensed by licensed pharmacists.

prescription drug plans

Designated by HMOs to determine whether patients require the care of a medical specialist. This functions to control costs by reducing the number of medically unnecessary visits to expensive specialists.

primary care physician

a compensation plan that results in the distribution of a predetermined percentage of the firms profits to employees

profit sharing

what three broad categories does discretionary benefits fall into?

protection programs paid time off services

Welfare and pension plans that meet the requirements of the Employee Retirement Security Act of 1978 are referred to as​ ________.

qualified plans

Welfare and pension plans that meet various requirements set forth by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; these plans entitle employees and employers to favorable tax treatment by deducting the contributions from taxable income. Qualified plans do not disproportionately favor highly compensated employees.

qualified plans

When evaluating jobs based on order of importance and value to the​ organization, which evaluation method is being​ used?


reflect differences between human judgment processes versus objective, accurate assessments uncolored by bias, prejudice, or other subjective, extraneous influences

rating errors

Which of the following reflects the purchasing power of wages when adjusted for​ inflation?

real hourly compensation

measures the purchasing power of a dollar

real hourly compensation

What type of an incentive pay plan do companies use to enhance the recruitment of highly qualified employees by current​ employees?

referral plans

employees may receive monetary bonuses for referring new customer or recruiting successful job applicants

referral plans

which cover areas such as raw materials, money, records, and supervision.


focus on measurable outcomes such as individual's or team's sales, customer service ratings, productivity, reduced incidence of workplace injuries, etc.

results-based performance appraisal

Discretionary benefits fall into three broad categories. Which of the following is a discretionary benefit that offers a type of protection program for​ workers?

retirement plans

A temporary leave of absence from an​ organization, typically at reduced​ pay, is referred to as a​ ________.


Temporary leaves of absence from an organization, usually at reduced pay.


earn this form performing their jobs, regardless of the number of hours worked


occurs when less experienced employees are paid as much or more than employees who have been with the organization a long time as a result of a gradual increase in starting salaries and limited salary adjustments for long-term employees.

salary compression

provides a financial reward to employees for savings in labor costs resulting from their suggestions

scanlon plan

What incentive plan provides a financial reward to employees for savings in labor costs due to their​ suggestions?

scanlon plans

When an employee evaluates their own performance based on their understanding of criteria used in​ evaluations, what type of evaluation is being​ used?

self appraisal

the length of time an employee has been associated with the company, division, department, job


Which of the following systems rewards an employee based on the length of service the employee has had with the​ organization?

seniority pay

rewards employees with periodic additions to base pay according to employee's length of service in performing their jobs

seniority pay system

An employee who works a less than desirable​ shift, such as​ midnights, may receive additional​ compensation, known as​ what?

shift differential

the tendency on the part of raters to judge favorably employees whom they perceive as similar to themselves

similar to me effect

compensates employees for their job related skills and knowledge, rather than how well he or she performs on the present job

skill based pay

which pertain to facility in muscular coordination and training in the interpretation of sensory impressions.


What is the term that refers to nonunion companies offering similar compensation to union​ firms?

spillover effect

management of nonunion firms generally offered somewhat higher wages and benefits to reduce the chance that employees would seek union representation

spillover effect

relatively small monetary gifts provided to employees for outstanding work or effort during a reasonably short period of time

spot bonuses

represent an important type of deferred compensation for executives

stock compensation plans

Which of the following is designed to give executives a​ long-term incentive to integrate the interests of management with those of the​ organization?

stock options

describe an employee's right to purchase company stock

stock options

the person's pay is totally determined as a percentage of sales

straight commission

When a sales person receives the same salary regardless of​ sales, what type of compensation system is being​ utilized?

straight salary

salespersons receive a fixed salary regardless of their sales levels

straight salary

Which of the following errors occurs when managers rate employees lower than it would be if compared to objective​ criteria?

strictness error

when a supervisor rates an employee's performance lower than it would be if compared against objective criteria

strictness errors

If an organization wanted to measure the effectiveness of an​ employee's managerial​ skills, what type of evaluation source would be MOST​ effective?


determined by how well the team performs in the accomplishment of the job

team-based incentives

Protection for providing monetary payments to an employee's beneficiaries upon the employee's death, and offered only during a limited period based on a specified number of years or maximum age.

term life insurance

Which of the following countries does NOT have laws to provide for annual paid​ vacation?

the US

What happens when firms offer somewhat higher wages and benefits to discourage union​ representation?

there is a spillover effect

What is the overall purpose of compensation from the​ employer's perspective?

to attract, retain, and motivate employees

Which of the following is NOT a function of the performance​ appraisal?

to document disciplinary action

What type of performance evaluation systems involves raters evaluating each​ employee's characteristics​ (e.g., quality of​ work, dependability,​ cooperation, etc.)?

trait systems

asks raters to evaluate each employee's traits or characteristics

trait systems

Which of the following represents an​ individual's predisposition to​ think, feel, and behave in a given​ situation?


an individuals predisposition to think, feel, and behave -more established, hard to change


reward newly hired employees less than established employees

two-tier wage systems

Provides workers whose jobs have been terminated through no fault of their own monetary payments for up to 26 weeks or until they find a new job.

unemployment compensation

The legally required benefit that provides workers whose jobs have been terminated through no fault of their own monetary payments is known as​ ________.

unemployment insurance

determines the amount of company profit an employee owns in his or her account


Benefits that are paid​ 100% by the employee with the employer typically paying the administrative cost are referred to as​ ________.

voluntary benefits

What is the term that refers to the fitting of plotted points to create a smooth progression between pay​ grades?

wage curve

the fitting of plotted points to create a smooth progression between pay grades

wage curve/pay curve

covers contractors and manufacturers who sell supplies, materials, and equipment to the federal government.

walsh healy act of 1936

using mutual favors instead of merit to get things done - a view in the middle east


A type of life insurance that provides protection to employees' beneficiaries during employees' employment and into the retirement years.

whole life insurance

Which​ results-oriented practice compares each​ employee's performance to a predetermined standard or expected level of​ output?

work standards method

a PA method that compares each employee's performance to a predetermined standard or expected level of output

work standards method

Provides a degree of financial protection for employees who incur expenses resulting from job-related accidents or illnesses.

workers compensation

What legally required benefit provides financial protection for employees who incur expenses from​ job-related accidents or illnesses through coverage of rehabilitation costs and temporary or permanent partial income​ replacement?

workers compensation

When an employee is temporarily injured on the​ job, what type of legally required benefit would they​ receive?

workers compensation

which reflect the environmental influences of noise, illumination, ventilation, hazards, and hours.

working conditions

What performance appraisal method relies on multiple sources to provide information about an​ employee's performance?

​360-degree feedback evaluation method

What is the term that refers to an employee benefit where employees may defer income up to a maximum amount allowed toward future retirement​ savings?

​401(k) plan

Which type of health care plan offers protection against health care expenses on a reimbursement​ basis?

​Fee-for-service plans

Which of the following refers to a bias error that occurs when managers make an initial favorable or unfavorable judgment about an employee and then distort the​ employee's actual performance based on the initial​ judgment?

​First-impression effect

In terms of global​ benefits, what types of benefits are provided by the employer because the government requires them to do​ so?


What type of performance appraisal system measures the outcome of performance and progress toward meeting specific​ goals?

​Results-based performance appraisal

Which of the following allows for increased pay for long term employees while offering a lower starting salary to new​ employees?

​Two-tier pay structures

The​ ________ is a performance evaluation system that focuses on​ measurable, objective outcomes like​ sales, customer service​ ratings, or productivity.

​results-based system

The​ ________ refers to the tendency on the part of raters to judge favorably employees whom they perceive as similar to themselves.

​similar-to-me effect

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