Exam 3

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which year has a soundex index on microfilm that sercvs as a partial index for all households with children age 10 year and younger


whihc was the first to have a statewide soundex index for each US state


which five census years have a soundex index


which is the first to show the year of immigration for foreign-born persons


which shows the month and year of birth of each person


which ear is partially indexed by a Miracode on microfilm as well as a soundex card index and indexes only some states


what is the last census year on microfilm at the HBLL


which soundex index is only available for twelve of the southern states


what is the last census available


which census asks where the people resided five years before it was taken


which census yeah should you start your research


Henry David Thoreau

American transcendentalist who was against a government that supported slavery. He wrote down his beliefs in Walden. He started the movement of civil-disobedience when he refused to pay the toll-tax to support him Mexican War.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, and freedom. He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement.

Which of the following was a provision of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Alleged fugitive slaves had no right to a jury trial

What steps did Southerners take in the 1840s that changed their concept of democracy?

Allowed non-slaveholders the right to vote.

Where did the Seven Days Campaign occur?

Along the James River

Where did the French attempt to make their first settlement in North America?

Along the St. Lawrence Valley

Which of the following descriptions provides an accurate assessment of the success of Reconstruction?

Although making initial progress, it failed to provide lasting improvements for black.

Of all of the presidential candidates in 1860, who was considered the most radical by his party?


What was the cost of the purchase?

Cheap $15mil (3 cents per acre)

Why did Americans fail to gain control of all the land located within the 13 colonies?

Cherokee and Creek held extensive land in Georgia.

During the Napoleonic Wars, the U.S. took advantage of trading with what country?


During the Napoleonic Wars, the United States took advantage of trading with what country?


John Astor was able to advance his business substantially by exporting to which of the following countries?


________________ provided an informal setting for colonial men to conduct business and exchange ideas.

Coffee houses

How did the European Enlightenment influence American colonists?

Colonists became increasingly concerned about personal liberties.

What characterized the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies by the early 18th century?

Colonists exercised more control than they had previously over which laws they would ignore or defy.

Was different in Texas because it was run by American citizens with permission by Mexico

Colonization of Texas

The Republican Party

Composed of several antislavery groups Not specifically abolitionists, but opposed the expansion of slavery Held that slavery lowered the dignity of labor and prevented social advancement Gained abolitionist support

In the 1820's and 1830's, what kind of relationship did Americans have with the people of the Far West?

Contact was limited to traders and trappers, but that interaction was beneficial to both Americans and Mexicans

As a result of the 16th-century conquest of the Mexica by __________________, there was a continued Spanish alliance with the Nahua, who were crucial in remaking Mexico into New Spain.


What did the American troops use as a guide during their march in Mexico?

Cortés's conquest of Mexico.

The new Haitian government was finally established when _________ became the leader of Haiti.


How does the Epic of Deganawidah portray the Iroquois League?

Determined to respect and continue their old traditions.

Market Revolution

Drastic changes in transportation (canals, RRs), communication (telegraph), and the production of goods (more in factories as opposed to houses)

Why did temperance reformers make one of their main targets the moderate drinkers among the laboring classes?

Drinking interfered with the orderly and steady habits required by the new factory system

Who did Thomas Jefferson believe were the most vigilant and virtuous people?


Lincoln's "Cooper Union" Speech

February 1860, in New York City Considered by many to be one of Lincoln's best Intended to validate Republican view of slavery issue Propelled him to Republican nomination

What is the name of the relationship that the Constitution established between the national and state governments?


Jefferson believed that this group promoted aristocratic pretensions and courtly intrigue through such practices as weekly levees or formal receptions for presidential guests.


Which of the following represents the political differences between Hamilton's Federalists and Jefferson's Democratic Republicans?

Federalists tended to favor the educated elites.

Clay's Compromise

Felt California should be a free state Sought to address all slavery-related controversies Saw need for concessions to the South Consulted with Webster for support

How did the ownership of slaves change between 1830 and 1850?

Fewer people owned more slaves.

Why did the growth rate of the free-black population in South slow after 1810?

Fewer southern whites were freeing their slaves

What important concept was put in place with the Monroe Doctrine?

Foreign countries were required to stay out of North and South America.

What important concept was put in place with the Monroe Doctrine?

Foreign countries were required to stay out of North and South America. X

What important concept was put in place with the Monroe Doctrine?

Foreign countries were required to stay out of North and South America.********

The Free-Soil Party

Formed in 1848 Answered Sumner's call for a "grand Northern party of Freedom" Anti-slavery party Nominated Van Buren and Adams Didn't carry a single state

Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired?

Fort Sumter

Who was Sarah Bagley?

Founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association and publicized the struggles of factory laborers. She was then voted vice-president of the New England Men's Association. First woman to hold a high ranking position in the American labor movement.

What major factors may have led France to sell the Louisiana Territory?

France needed to pay off war debts. France lost most of their other territories in the area (Haiti)

Who composed the "Star-Spangled Banner?"

Francis Scott Key

Which of these was a factor in the Franciscan's success in their conversion attempts in New Spain?

Franciscans allowed Indians to retain their temples as places of worship.

How did free African Americans benefit from educational reforms?

Free African Americans benefited from social reforms because schools were created for them and served as models for groups that pressed for racial equality and the education of blacks. Brilliant scholars and important African American leaders were products of these schools.

Which organization did Congress create to provide relief, education, and employment for former slaves?

Freedmen's Bureau

Which of the following most clearly expresses Lincoln's views on slavery when he was elected?

Existing states had a constitutional right to retain slavery.

Which of the following groups did NOT provide many of the immigrants to the British North American colonies in the late 17th and 18th centuries?


Why did the missions play such an integral part in Spanish expansion in California?

Friars were large employers of Indians.

Which of the following battles proved to whites that black men were capable soldiers?

Ft. Wagner in Charleston Harbor.

Who was one of the South's chief defenders of slavery

George Fitzhugh

Which colonist played key roles and gave accounts of both the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party?

George Hewes did.

The Bill of Rights, proposed by ____________ was necessary in order to ensure ratification.

George Mason

The Bill of Rights, proposed by ____________ was necessary in order to ensure ratification.

George Mason*******

Which of the following issues was NOT a reason why the 1800 presidential election was so significant?

George Washington set the precedent of not running for a third term as president.

Who was elected president of the Philadelphia Convention?

George Washington was.

Why did Great Britain become more powerful in North America than either France or Spain in the first half of the 18th century?

Great Britain's population in North America more than quadrupled

Which issue led to the development of political coalitions during Washington's first term?

Hamilton's financial program

What is the difference between hard money and soft money?

Hard money is specie like gold or silver, while soft money is paper

Why did John C. Calhoun believe that the federal government had no power to prohibit slavery in the Mexican Cession?

He believed that slaves were property, and the Constitution protected the right to property

Why did Thomas Jefferson favor sovereignty of state government over the federal government?

He believed that state government was responsive to popular will.

Why did President Jefferson advocate naval action against the Barbary pirates?

He believed that waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute.

Which statement is NOT true about Andrew Johnson?

He cared deeply about obtaining just treatment for the freedmen.

What was Jackson's relationship with the Supreme Court under Marshall?

He considered it an elitist organization.

What four things did Washington warn against in his Farewell Address?

He warned against separating morality from religion, political parties, sectional influences, and entanglement in foreign alliances.

How did Isaac Backus influence the Revolution?

He was a Baptist who fought against the establishment of the Congregationalist Church as the state church in Massachusetts and met with John Adams during the 1st Continental Congress to try to get the Congress to guarantee them religious liberty.

What are the two main reasons Washington was made Commander-in-Chief?

He was a Southerner and he impressed his colleagues with his military knowledge in the first and second Continental Congresses.

Why did the new leader of Haiti threaten America's sense of security?

He was a former slave.

What was unusual about William Tiler Johnson?

He was a free black who owned slaves

How would you describe Washington?

He was a noble, dignified, civility strict, reserved, prudent, driven, devout Christian leader of integrity.

What position did President Johnson take regarding Reconstruction?

He was a staunch defender of white supremacy.

Who was Alexander Hamilton?

He was born the illegitimate son of a Scottish merchant. He served as a staff officer under Washington during the war and as Washington's Secretary of the Treasury. He wanted the central government to gain the power left open by the Constitution and saw himself as Washington's prime minister.

What was the Rhode Island System, and why did Samuel Slater decide to adopt it?

Hiring families and dividing factory work into simple tasks among the family members. Because his workers grew tired of the repetitious work and left. With a family working he thought it was cheaper and they would stay longer.

Why did Jefferson resign as secretary of state at the end of 1793?

His feud with Hamilton caused him to question Washington's policies.

Leading advocate for publicly funded transportation system u.s. Senator... Was often opposed by those who fear a strong government

Henry Clay

Who was responsible for suggesting that Missouri apply for statehood?

Henry Clay

Henry Clay/The American System

Henry Clay aimed to make the US economically independent from Europe (e.g., support internal improvements, tariff protection, and new national bank)

In addition to their British troops, General Howe and Admiral Howe relied heavily on the__________ to supplement their man power.

Hessian mercenaries

Why did Calhoun disagree with Adams on the issue of tariffs?

High tariffs would hinder trade opportunities for South Carolina.

Why did Calhoun disagree with Adams on the issue of tariffs?

High tariffs would hinder trade opportunities for South Carolina.*****

What was the MAIN cause of the great increase in the popular vote between 1836 and 1840 presidential elections?

Higher percentage of eligible voters' actually voting

Which of the following events happened in the three years immediately following the Civil War?

Intense and unparalleled political conflicts dominated the national scene.

Why is the election of 1876 significant in American politics?

It initiated an era of Democratic dominance in the South that continued for most of the 20th century.

Which of the following best explains the immigration practices of the Irish between 1820 and 1860?

Irish immigrants were escaping religious oppression.

All of the following statements about immigration from 1840-1860 are true EXCEPT:

Irish-Americans generally experienced better living conditions than German-Americans.

What characterized life for most plantation mistresses?

Isolation, drudgery, and humiliation

How did the Thirteenth Amendment change the Constitution?

It abolished slavery.

How did the Lower South acquire the slaves it used after 1808?

It acquired most of its slaves from the Upper South

How did a writ of assistance work?

It allowed the British to search a colonial merchant's house when looking for illegal goods

How did the McCormick reaper help the North win the Civil War?

It allowed the North to keep agricultural production high even though many farmers wen to fight.

Why was Vicksburg so important to the Confederacy?

It allowed trade and communication between Confederate states on either side of the Mississippi River.

What were the circumstances of the Ft. Pillow massacre?

It involved the killing of surrendered black soldiers by Confederate forces.

Why was the election of 1800 considered a test of American republicanism?

It involved the peaceful transfer of power.

Why was the Act for Religious Toleration of 1649 significant?

It protected Catholics in Maryland from religious persecution

Why is the Battle of the Alamo significant?

It provided a rallying point for Texans in their struggles against Mexico.

What was the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?

It provided for a policy of popular sovereignty.

What was the significance of the Court decision Marbury v. Madison?

It established the principle of "judicial review."

What was the result of the South's "King Cotton diplomacy"?

It failed because France and Great Britain had stockpiles of cotton.

How did Mexico attempt to lure American settlers to Texas in the 1820's?

It provided generous land grants to recruiting agents.

What was the significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin?

It provoked a more aggressive antisouthern position in those who were uncertain on the slavery issue

Originally developed by Winfield Scott and later adopted by General Ulysses S. grant, what did the Anaconda strategy call for?

It recommended constantly pressuring the southern forces by controlling the Mississippi River and blockading the coast

How did the American Revolution change the social structure of America?

It redefined the notion of "the common good."

How did Melville's Moby Dick fit into contemporary society?

It reflected America's diversity.

How did the factory system change the production of goods?

It relied heavily on the concept of ownership and labor organization.

How did the factory system change the production of goods?

It relied heavily on the concept of ownership and labor organization.******

Which of the following facts concerning the Northwest Ordinance is NOT true?

It removed Native Americans and guaranteed white settlers the right to buy land in the territory

Which of the following is NOT true about the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It rendered the terms of the Compromise of 1850 void

Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons that cotton became king in the South?

It required the use of slaves.

Which statement about the Embargo Act of 1807 is not true?

It resulted in a vibrant economic boom in America

How did the British government react to the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act?

It revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases

How effective was the 1807 Embargo Act?

It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries.

What was the outcome of the legal decision in Cruikshank v. U.S.?

It severely weakened the ability to prosecute civil rights violations under the Fourteenth Amendment.

What did the tariff controversy of the early 1830's reveal?

It showed that the nation faced serious and growing sectional pressures in the years ahead

What did the Donner Party prove about traveling on the Overland Trail?

It showed the dangers of not proceeding as quickly as possible across the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains

How did the Battle of Fallen Timbers affect Indians?

It signaled the beginning of Indian assimilation programs.

Which of the following did the Bill of Rights NOT do?

It specified explicit limits on federal power.

What unintended consequence did the Embargo Act of 1807 produce?

It stimulated merchants to invest their capital in domestic factories

Who was the first and only president of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

Although the Haitians formed a republican form of government

Jefferson refused to support a black leader.

Although the Haitians formed a republican form of government,

Jefferson refused to support a black leader.

Jefferson's letter to holmes (Sectionalism)

Jefferson suggests that the slavery issue was so controversial and divisive that it would determine the fate of the Union, and that it was possible that the only way that the issue would be decided would be by armed conflict ("the angry passions of men") between North and South. He calls the Missouri Compromise a "reprieve" because it only forestalls the conflict, not solves it.

After 1819, every state admitted to the union except __________ barred all free black men from voting.


The Abolitionist Movement

Many leaders involved in religious causes Saw abolition as a moral or religious issue rather than political or economic Moderates vs. radicals Uncle Tom's Cabin inflamed tensions Underground Railroad also concerned Southerners

How did the U.S. government help the reform movement gain energy?

Many new legal decisions gave reformers additional rights.

Andrew Jackson (election, inauguration, philosophy)

Many of Jackson's efforts centered around putting men loyal to him in power and alienating those who opposed him.

Who wrote "Woman in the 19th Century?"

Margaret Fuller

What was the first area west of the Mississippi River to apply for statehood?


What was the result of Missouri's application for statehood?

Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state.

What was the result of Missouri's application for statehood?

Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state.*******

The Election of 1848 (Sectionalism)

Many hoped election would effectively allow voters to decide on territorial slavery Whigs nominated Taylor; Democrats ran Cass Major candidates avoided taking a definite position "Barnburners" broke from the Democrats, formed Free-Soil Party, nominated Van Buren Taylor won narrow victory

What made the United States unique among the countries that had undergone similar democratic revolutions?

More U.S. men could vote compared to other countries.

What made the United States unique among the countries that had undergone similar democratic revolutions?

More U.S. men could vote compared to other countries.*****

How did the Louisiana Purchase change the size of the United States?

More than doubled it. Extended it west.

Which of the following statements best describes the position of Democrats during the Civil War?

Most Democrats felt Lincoln supported black causes over those of whites.

Why did Congress ultimately decide to replace the Articles of Confederation?

Most people recognized it was too weak to be an effective form of government.

Bleeding Kansas": Prelude (Sectionalism)

Pro- and antislavery settlers streamed into Kansas for slavery vote "Emigrant aid societies" sprung up to support settlement Pro- and antislavery voters elected separate legislatures Kansas faced civil war

Who led the 1831 rebellion in Southhampton County, Virginia, that terrified the South for generations?

Nat Turner

As commander of the south, __________ did not win any battles but managed to inflict heavy casualties on the British.

Nathaniel Greene

Which of the following was NOT a reason the United States went to war with Great Britain in 1812?

New England merchants wanted the government to protect their shipping

In 1790, the highest percentage of people of English descent lived in:

New England.

One of the largest and busiest markets for the internal slave trade in North America was in

New Orleans.

Although the Iroquois were able to achieve a prominent position in the Northeast, eventually colonists from __________ encroached upon Mohawk land, thus beginning the colonization of the Iroquois Nation.

New York

By the 1850's, where was the center of modern investment activity?

New York

In America, where did the Second Great Awakening get its start?

New York

The Nativist Movement had its deepest roots in which city?

New York

What state did the Federalist plotters need for their plan to be successful?

New York

Which of the following areas was a loyalist stronghold during the Revolution?

New York

in america, where did the 2nd great awakening get its start

New York

In what cities were the first public schools for African Americans located?

New York Boston Philadelphia

Which Union city experienced a violent draft riot in 1863?

New York City

In the late 17th century, the ____________ initially supported piracy in the Indian Ocean as a means of enhancing merchants' profitability.

New York colonists

How did the relationship between settlers and Plains Indians change in the 19th century?

New settlers posed a threat because they set up permanent residences.

How did state voting requirements change after 1815?

New states did not require voters to own property.

Most immigrants who came to America between 1820 and 1960 came from which of the following areas?

Northwest Europe

Why did the women's reform movement eventually split?

Not all women agreed on the extent and nature of the reforms proposed.

What did America Know about this land?

Not much.

Which political theory postulates that the Union is a compact among the states and that a state has the right to override a federal law?


Why did President Jefferson consider French ownership of Louisiana unacceptable?

Ownership by a weaker nation that France offered more possibilities for the United States, the French might join forces with the British and endanger American security, if the French quarreled with the British, the United States might find itself caught in the middle, French ownership interfered with Jefferson's dream of an empire of liberty

The pro-independence pamphlet Common Sense was written by:


Which of the following statements the conception most American colonists held of parliamentary power in the 1760's?

Parliament had limited powers of legislation that included authority to regulate imperial trade but excluded the authority to tax the colonists

Events in the late 1760's and early 1770's helped to bring about a new consensus in the colonies. What was the consensus?

Parliament had no lawmaking authority over the colonies except for the right to regulate imperial commerce?

The Treaty of San Lorenzo in 1795, also known as __________, opened Mississippi trade to the United States.

Pinckney's Treaty

What happened to the everyday lives of workers when they went from independent employment to wage earners?

Power relationships changed.*******

Prior to 1825, why did Americans import most of their books from Great Britain?

Printing in the United States was too expensive.

Of all the methods the northern and southern governments used to finance the war, which was the most effective in raising revenue?

Printing paper money

William Lloyd Garrison

Prominent American abolitionist, journalist and social reformer. Editor of radical abolitionist newspaper "The Liberator", and one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society.

What did Ulysses S. Grant's election in 1868 suggest?

Republicans needed the newly enfranchised southern freedmen to ensure national victories.

The Election of 1856 (Sectionalism)

Republicans ran Fremont Democrats chose Buchanan, a "doughface" Buchanan won, but Republicans showed strength

What was meant by the phrases "squatter sovereignty" and "popular sovereignty?"

Residents of a territory should be allowed to decide whether or not to permit slavery

How did changes caused by the revivals of the mid 19th century affect traditional religious beliefs?

Revivalists accepted the notion of free will.

How did changes caused by the revivals of the mid-19th century affect traditional religious beliefs?

Revivalists accepted the notion of free will.

The Constitutional Convention was attended by a representative of all states except

Rhode Island

What was a result of the increasing contact between New Englanders and the Caribbean area?

Rhode Island outlawed lifelong slavery.

What became South Carolina's stable crop in the 1600's?


What type of urban housing developed during the early 19th century?

Row houses

The leader of what nation suggested European powers form a League of Armed Neutrality?


What was Russia's position regarding the American Revolution?

Russia's only concern was to protect neutral shipping.

What was Russia's position regarding the American Revolution?

Russia's only concern was to protect neutral shipping.*******

Lincoln was reelected in 1864 mainly due to the victories of

Sherman and Sheridan.

what was Sherman's 1863 Christmas gift to lincoln

Sherman marched to Savanna Georgia and presented the city to Lincoln as a Christmas gift and then turned north into the Carolinas.

What kept most southerners from moving into the Northwest territory?

Slavery was prohibited. X

What kept most Southerners from moving to the Northwest Territory?

Slavery was prohibited.*******

How did the Republic of Texas deal with the issue of slavery?

Slavery was reinstated, and free blacks were excluded from the territory.

How did the Republic of Texas deal with the issue of slavery?

Slavery was reinstated, and free blacks were excluded from the territory.****

How were blacks accounting for in the Three-Fifths Compromise?

Slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person for tax and representation purposes.

What did the Supreme Court rule in Dred Scott v. Sanford?

Slaves were not citizens; therefore, they could not sue in federal courts.

When comparing slaves with indentured servants, which statement is true?

Slaves worked for a far longer portion of their lives

Susan B. Anthony

Social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Assosiation

Where was the first permanent EUROPEAN settlement on future US soil?

St. Augustine, Florida

Where did the expedition start from?

St. Louis, 1804-1806

Where did Lewis and Clark's expedition start?

St.Louis, Missouri

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding the financing of internal improvements?

State and federal governments both participated in contributing to internal improvements.

Following his return from Japan, what did Perry envision for the future of the U.S.?

The U.S. needed to protect its commercial rights.

When Henry Clay called for an American system after the War of 1812, what did he mean?

The US needed internal improvement that would make the nation self-sufficient

Which of the following ideas were proposed at the Hartford Convention?

The US should abolish the Constitution's three-fifths clause, the Constitution should be amended to required a two-thirds vote to declare war, there should be a prohibition against two successive presidents from the same state

What was the immediate result of the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

The United States became a sovereign nation.

Which of the following was one of the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The United States government agreed to pay American citizens' claims against Mexico

What did George Washington argue in his farewell address?

The United States should avoid foreign entanglements.

Which statement concerning the presidential election of 1852 is ture?

The Whig party lost most support in the South and began to break up

What powers did the central government have under the Articles of Confederation?

The central government had power over foreign policy, the regulation of Indian affairs, and the regulation of currency.

What powers were denied from the central government under the Articles of Confederation?

The central government was not given power to impose taxes or regulate commerce.

How was the Revolution organized?

The civilians had supremacy over the military, and Congress had control over funds, office appointment, and policy. The war was fought with a mix of forces: regulars, militia, and special purpose units.

As a result of the Boston Massacre:

The colonists' opinion of the British deteriorated.

What was the colonists' first attempt at maintaining close and continuing cooperation over wide area?

The committees of correspondence

What was one of the results of the Iroquois domination in the Northeast?

The dependence on alcohol increased as trade increased.

Why was the U.S. in an economic depression in 1783?

The depression was caused by artificial industries during war years, the British dumping of imports, and the ruin of the agrarian part of the economy.

Which of these was a trait that the Hohokam and Anasazi had in common?

The descendants of both societies eventually were incorporated into other tribes.

What medical development greatly advanced the image of surgeons and the success of health care in the decades before the Civil War?

The development of anesthesia

How is the term "republican motherhood" usually defined by historians?

The duties women would be responsible for in the new republic.

What effect did the English Civil Wars have on colonial development?

The economic diversity in the New England colonies increased.

What was the purpose of the Electoral College?

The electoral college was created to elect the president in a way that would both represent the people and not give way to numerous candidates and confused elections.

How did Americans' perception of social classes change during the 19th century?

The emergence of social classes became evident.

How did Americans' perception of social classes change during the 19th century?

The emergence of social classes became evident.******

The term "Manifest Destiny" describes he belief that the United States had

an obligation to spread American ideals across the continent

What did President James K. Polk want from Mexico in 1845 & 1846?

an obligation to spread American ideals across the continent

What issue of expansion was part of the 1844 presidential election?

annexation of Texas

what issue of expansion was part of the 1844 presidential election

annexation of texas

As leader of the common-school movement, who worked to improve free public education? a. Walt Whitman b. Horace Mann c. Lyman Beecher d. Sojourner Truth


what happened to the 1890s census

burned in a fire

the area in Upstate new york renowned for its massive religious conversions during the 2nd great awakening was known as what

burned over district

Evidence regarding slave sales suggests that

buyers and sellers made little effort to keep family units intact.

How did authors such as Whitman, Poe and Dickinson pioneer a distinctly American body of literature?

by incorporating Asian literary devices

How did authors such as Whitman, Poe, and Dickinson pioneer a distinctly American body of literature?

by incorporating Asian literary devices

In general, filibusters

caused Americans to evaluate expansion techniques.

a free market economy relies heavily on which of the following to succeed


A free market economy relies heavily on which of the following to succeed?


Which of the following was a side product of evangelical revivalism in the mid 19th century?

concern for too much democracy in politics

The court system's support of corporate rights to eminent domain meant that:

corporations could purchase "rights of way" land whenever they needed it.

which document is best described as a statement of democratic principles rather than a framework for government

declaration of independance

During the 1850s Americans were able to gain more control over the New Mexico territory due to the

decline of the Indian population.

What was the initial purpose of Pike's expedition in 1806?

define the U.S. boundaries in the Louisiana Territory

Delegates met at the Annapolis Convention to:

devise a universal system of commercial regulation.

The creators of the Articles of Confederation:

feared the encroachment of centralized power.

By the 1860s the majority of slaveholders owned

fewer than 5 slaves.

Britain sought increased trade opportunities with the West Indies in order to

finance trade deficits.

Thomas Jefferson believed that

freedom was threatened by a government that undermined popular liberty

Early in the war, some royal officials sought to recruit black slaves into the loyalist forces with a promise of:


What advantage did the South have over the North at the beginning of the Civil War?

geographic advantage

why were cherokees targeted for expulsion from their lands

gold was discovered on land they controlled

The term GRANTISM referred to

government corruption

The spoils system features a strategy in which:

government jobs are given to supporters of the victorious party.

John Adams faced a dilemma when he was sent to Europe to negotiate foreign loans because

he had to ask European monarchs to help Americans separate from the British monarchy

All of the following are true about Alexander Hamilton EXCEPT:

he served as the major spokesman for the yeoman farmer.

By the second half of 1865, most Northerners were upset with Johnson because

he supported the southern ideology that readmittance should be painless.

Which of the following describes the life of a Lowell "mill girl"?

he work was hard but most were paid a fair wage.

What was one of the purposes of the Freedmen's Bureau?

help resolve labor disputes

In several treaties between the French and the Americans prior to the end of the war, France agreed to

help the patriots until they achieved independence.

In several treaties between the French and the Americans prior to the end of the war, France agreed to

help the patriots until they achieved independence.********

The Panic of 1819 was partly a result of


The Panic of 1819 was partly a result of


Which of the following is one of the practices Mexicans in the Southwest attempted to change?

influence of the Catholic Church

Eli Whitney revolutionized the manufacturing of muskets through the use of

interchangeable parts.******

Slaveholders were constantly adjusting to the conditions of slavery due to

internal and external pressures.

What arguments were used by pro-slavers to defend the continuation of slavery?

international laws regarding slavery

What was one of the first acts of the new Congress in 1789?

introduction of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution

Samuel Morse revolutionized communication in the 19th century by

inventing the telegraph

What did Washington warn Americans about in his "Farewell Address" in 1796?

involvement in foreign affairs

How did the United States government respond to France's declaration of war on Britain in 1793?

it proclaimed neutrality

How did Melville's Moby Dick fit into contemporary society?

it reflected America's diversity

Advantages of the North at the beginning of the Civil War included

its access to supplies.

The main principle of the Republican Party during the 1850s was

its opposition to the expansion of slavery.

Besides his expertise in machinery, what else did Samuel Slater contribute to American manufacturing?

labor management system of organization

A way to help establish a new life for free blacks that was supported by both free blacks and Northerners was


Which was the first group to support the abolitionist movement of the 1830s and 1840s?

minority religious communities

Compared to Democrats, Whigs were more likely to:

oppose further westward expansion.

The Whiskey Rebellion was spurred by:

opposition to Hamilton's excise tax.

The Committee of Safety:

organized a militia.

The "Brown Bess" was a type of:


What was one of the major issues facing Madison during his first term as president?

national bank

What was one of the major issues facing Monroe during his first term as president?

national bank X

During the 1550s European rivalries in the Americas

often mirrored the political and religious events occurring in western Europe.

Ethnic conflicts in the East revolved around

old Protestant and new Catholic immigrants.

Although housing in the United States was increasingly segregated by class, one place where social integration occurred was

on city streets

Although housing in the United States was increasingly segregated by class, one place where social integration occurred was

on city streets.

After his election, Jackson celebrated his victory by

opening the White House "to the people" for his inauguration.

American businessmen were able to gain a foothold in the Chinese markets by trading what commodity?


Which of the following was one of the broader issues settled by McCulloch v. Maryland?

The federal government had the right to supersede state actions.

What did Americans have to do in order to legally settle in Spanish territories in the southwest

The federal government negotiated a new treaty in 1835 with the minority group of the Cherokees. It exchanged all Cherokee claims to land in the east for claims in Indian Territory and a cash settlement. This led to the Trail of Tears.

What was the effect of time on the colonists?

The first colonists saw themselves as Englishmen and did not try to separate from English culture. By the fourth generation, colonists only had a knowledge of England and were pushed toward growth away from England.

National Road (Cumberland Road, 1811)

The first highway built with entirely federal funds. Congress authorized the road in 1806 during the Jefferson Administration.

Seneca Falls Convention

The first women's rights convention in the United States. Held in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848, it resulted in a manifesto extending to women the egalitarian republican ideology of the Declaration of Independence.

What obstacles did Congress face in trying to deal with the country's issues?

The government needed to raise money to pay the debt, but the only way to do that was to create an import tax. To amend the Articles and give Congress that power, a unanimous vote was required. The non-conformists in Rhode Island went against the action. Thus, the Articles either had to be accepted or thrown out.

Which of the following was NOT one of the effects of emancipation on the black family in the years after the Civil War?

The majority became single-parent families because men left their wives and set out to seek their fortunes.

Why were most American mills located in New England?

The merchants had more money to invest and access to rivers and streams for power.

What was the aim of the American officer corps in the Revolution?

The most successful officers respected the differences between militiamen and regulars and did not try to use the militiamen as regulars. They used military texts to learn about tactics and strategy and welcomed the aid of the occasional European officer.

What was the Great Migration of the 17th century?

The movement of Puritans to New England

What did the presidential election of 1828 demonstrate?

The new political parties were strongly sectional in their sources of strength

What was the key to American success?

They avoided defeat, kept the army intact, and therefore continued to show that British authority was broken.

Republic of Texas

They became an independent nation after defeating the Spanish at the Alamo

What was one of the changes that transformed American newspapers in the decades before the Civil War?

They began to print human-interest stories rather than just political and commercial news

During the Civil War, why did northern black leaders such as Frederick Douglass work as army recruiting agents?

They believed black participation in the army would be a step toward black citizenship

What did the Anti-Federalists believe?

They believed it was naive to think one state could justly rule the entire nation, that the Constitutional government was a monarchy, and that the legislative authority of the states would be annihilated by the supreme authority of the Constitution.

Which of these is one of the reasons both Spain and France were interested in Florida?

They believed stories promoting the availability of precious metals along the eastern coast.

Which of the following is NOT true about Native American religious beliefs at the point of the initial European contacts?

They believed that God had given humanity domination over nature

After the 1860 presidential election, why did Republicans reject any further compromise on the slavery issue?

They believed that moderate southerners would soon regain control and that compromise on matters of basic principle was tantamount to surrender.

What did most 18th-century American intellectuals think about science?

They believed that science explained the laws of nature

Why were the Pilgrims who founded Plymouth colony referred to as "Puritans"?

They believed the Church of England needed to be purified of all Catholic doctrines.

What was the Democratic-Republican view on the French Revolution?

They believed the French were fighting for the same liberties America fought for. They supported the French.

What was the Democratic-Republican view on foreign policy?

They believed the goal of foreign policy should be peace, trade expansion, and securing U.S. boundaries. They believed in economic coercion and thought they could defend the U.S. with a cheap navy and the militia in case of an attack. They thought that cutting trade with England would hurt England more since America sent England necessities and England sent America "luxury items". They wanted to remove the English from the NW territory, have free trade to the West Indies, and force Britain to reimburse Southerners for slaves lost during the Revolution.

What did the Federalists believe?

They believed there needed to be a large federal government where the power resided with the people to preserve nationalism.

Why were the Cherokees targeted for expulsion from their lands

They blocked the United States from expanding west of the Mississippi River. They owned a lot of land in Georgia. (400) American people found gold on their land in Georgia and then only pressured them into selling it after that.

What did the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 have in common?

They both interfered with colonial claims to western lands.

Which is an accurate statement of the positions of Madison and Clay?

They both supported internal improvements.

What did the Spanish rely upon for defense in their North American settlements?

They built presidios

How did immigrants between 1830 and 1850 affect American workers?

They caused wages to drop.

What did the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774 do?

They closed the port of Boston and moved Massachusetts government toward tighter English control. This was an overreaction and only pushed people toward resisting, but the English thought it was a compromise.

What made canals a popular transportation alternative?

They connected inland waterways to larger transportation systems.

What strategy did reformers use to successfully legitimize their platforms?

They connected their causes with those of European reformers.

What did American settlers in the Southwest think about the Mexican and Indian residents?

They considered both groups obstacles to expansion.

Why did religious leaders condemn the rise of secularism?

They considered it vulgar.

What did the Indians whom white emigrants encountered along the overland trail commonly do?

They cooperated with the emigrants.

Why did the Spanish encourage settlement in California during the 1780s and 1790s?

They needed a buffer between the Russian and British settlements in Oregon, and the silver mines in Mexico.

Why did the Spanish encourage settlement in California during the 1780s and 1790s?

They needed a buffer between the Russian and British settlements in Oregon, and the silver mines in Mexico. X

Following the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia what action did the state of Georgia take?

They negotiated a treaty with a small group of Cherokee that was not accepted by the entire Cherokee Nation.

Following the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia what action did the state of Georgia take?

They negotiated a treaty with a small group of Cherokee that was not accepted by the entire Cherokee Nation.******

How did the Puritans attempt to convert Native Americans?

They organized praying Native Americans into praying towns where Native Americans were taught alien Purtian ways

How did women attempt to infiltrate the public sphere in the mid 19 th century?

They organized presidential political campaigns.

Which of these was probably a factor in explaining the disappearance of the vibrant culture of the Hohokam?

They overtaxed their environment.

How did women attempt to infiltrate the public sphere in the mid-19th century?

They participated in reform movements.

How did women attempt to infiltrate the public sphere in the mid-19th century?

They participated in reform movements.*******

How did the colonists attempt to reconcile with England in 1775?

They presented the Olive Branch Petition to King George III to show their concerns.

What did the leaders of the Second Great Awakening have in common?

They promoted social reform

What did the leaders of the Second Great Awakening have in common?

They promoted social reform.

How did most Americans keep up with the news of their political party?

They read the newspaper that supported their party politics.

What did the Navigation Acts do?

They required most colonial trade to go through England and be transported on English ships

What was the Federalist view on the French Revolution?

They said the France had plunged into the depths in the revolution. They supported the English.

What steps did the Mexicans take to reduce the influence of the Catholic Church in North America?

They secularized the missions.

what was the goal of most abolitionists before the civil war

They sought for equal and fair wages from employers.

What was the purpose of the Enforcement Act?

They were designed to curb vigilante violence.

In 1838, why did thousands of Cherokees moved from the southeastern US to Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma?

They were forced to move by the federal government

Which of the following descriptions best fits the carpetbaggers?

They were former union soldiers who hoped to buy, open factories, build railroads, or enjoy a warmer climate.

what steps did congress take regarding the secession of the southern states

They were going to grant them slavery rights where slavery already existed but since they succeeded from the Union they began to organize armies and a war. Lincoln wanted to reestablish obedience in the US and this required the Northern Southern states to pick a side.

What caused women in the new republic to experience expanded educational opportunities?

They were influenced by British feminists.

What caused women in the new republic to experience expanded educational opportunities?

They were influenced by British feminists.******

Why were southern Americans especially eager to liberate countries from the Spanish?

They were looking to expand plantation agriculture.

Why were southern Americans especially eager to liberate countries from the Spanish?

They were looking to expand plantation agriculture.*****

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?

They were marketing for the Constitution.

How were the Seminole able to hold off American forces for as long as they did?

They were more familiar with the land area.

What were the origins of the Great Awakening?

They were probably in German pietism, which sought to remove the deadness of Lutheranism.

What were the two major philosophies of the 18th century and what did they stand for?

They were the enlightenment (man's nobility and prowess) and pietism (God's goodness and power).

How were prisoners of war treated?

They were treated like slaves and often died from the terrible conditions.

how did the War of 1812 affect American manufacturing?

They were unable to get some of the manufactured good from British or European factores, prevented from delivering goods by British ships. The American's then relied on the American factories for their supplies.

What was the purpose of the contraband camps?

They were used as housing for runaway slaves.

why has the United States federal census been taken?

To determind the number of delegates each state sends to the H of REPS in DC and for taxes

Why was the South Carolina Exposition and Protest written?

To protest the tariff of Abominations

Most of the early colonial colleges were

established by clergy but offered both a secular and practical education.

What action did Congress take to address the activities of the Ku Klux Klan?

established the Department of Justice

Africans who were shipped to New Amsterdam in the mid-17th century

established the first urban African American community north of Florida.

Which of the following groups of people were more likely to embrace the temperance movement?


The English occupation of New York

eventually created class and ethnic tensions.

The conflict between England and Spain during the 1580s

eventually led to temporary peaceful negotiations between the two countries.

With regard to enlistments, Congress

eventually placed recruiting quotas on the states.

According to Jefferson, what two things were necessary to accomplish his goal for the American economy?

expanded markets and land

during the constitutional convention of 1787 the plans for congress proposed by delegates from new jersey and Virginia differed mainly over the issue of

equal state representation or proportionate state representation

The main vehicle of expression for Emerson and Thoreau was


Which of the following pieces of legislation regarding slavery was voted on by Congress but never officially became a law?

Wilmot Proviso

Who was the American general responsible for the fall of Mexico City in 1847?

Winfield Scott

Sought after because of skills developed at home


The lowel company and the slater company system of labor managment relied on


Which of the following facts characterized life in the Chesapeake region in the early 17th century?

Women had a somewhat greater status because of their scarcity

Which of the following was one of the biggest challenges during the reform era?

Women's role in reform movements.

election of Lincoln

Won the nomination partly because of his strong national showing in the 1858 senatorial campaign against Stephen Douglas and because he did not have a long track record. He made his personal opposition to slavery clear, but as a strict constitutionalist he recognized that neither Congress nor the president had authority over slavery where it already existed. He appeared on many northern campaigns but people of the south even refused to put his name on ballots. His plan was to attract people of the Lower North and then New England. Since he was a part of the Know Nothing party he had attention from immigrants as well. Although he only received 40% of the popular vote he won the electoral vote becoming president.


Word coined by Alexis de Tocqueville in 1835 to describe Americans as people no longer bound by social attachments to classes, castes, associations, and families.

Which of the following was common form of slave resistance?

Work stoppages

How did the relationship between owners and workers change during the 1830s?

Workers used strikes as a form of protest.

By the 1840s, a faction of Jacksonians who called themselves _____________ began to promote the virtues of market and global trade.

Young Democrats

What military leader in the Mexican-American War became a national hero and eventually president?

Zachary Taylor

The interpretation of revivalist teachings quickly evolved into _______________, especially in the North.

a desire to improve society

The interpretation of revivalist teachings quickly evolved into _______________, especially in the north.

a desire to improve society

The Panic of 1819 was initiated by:

a fall in cotton prices after a period of prosperity.

Pidgin was

a language of American-born slaves

The term "corrupt bargain" refers to

a perceived deal between Clay and Adams regarding the presidential election of 1824.

which statement best explains why critics have called for a change in the electoral college system

a person who did not receive the largest percentage of popular votes can be elected president

Up to the 1650s, the expansion of African slavery in the Chesapeake area was a gradual process due to

a plentiful supply of indentured servants.

Sylvester Graham was

a prominent health-food advocate

The Cotton Belt

a region stretching from South Carolina to east Texas where most U.S. cotton was produced during the mid-1800s

In 1738, Florida's governor based his decision to allow fugitive Carolina slaves to form their own town on

a sixteenth-century precedent set in the Caribbean.

What is the best description of an artisan?

a skilled craftsmen who makes things by hand

Post-Civil War America can best be described as

a time when legislative power increased.

The purpose of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was to

facilitate white settlement on Indian lands

The Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland:

strengthened national power over the states.

What caused the Spanish to successfully expand in California?

success of the mission system

The Great Compromise, created by Roger Sherman:

successfully split the differences between small and large states.

The Texas movement for independence was

supported by both Tejanos and Texians.

The American Colonization Society

supported the transport of African Americans to Liberia.

The American Colonization Society

supported the transport of African Americans to Liberia. X

The American Colonization Society

supported the transport of African Americans to Liberia.*******

What was the intent of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

suppress political opposition against the government

When Sherman took over the command of Grant in the Southwest, what was his goal?

take Atlanta

Which of the following was a Confederate Civil War strategy for raising money?

tax in kind

The Albany Congress, which occurred in June of 1754,

temporarily kept the Iroquois from siding with the French.

What did the term "free soil" refer to?

territories without slavery

polks campaign of 1844 in part centered on the us desire to acquire territory in which area


What was one of the first American industries to benefit from the technological advancements made by the British?


What was one of the first American industries to benefit from the technological advancements made by the British?


The Specie Circular required

that only specie be used to purchase public lands

Most American literature prior to 1825 revolved around what theme?

the American Revolution

Most American literature prior to 1825 revolved around what theme?

the American Revolution X

As a result of the intermingling of the Dutch and English in New Amsterdam,

the Dutch Reformed Church assumed a more prominent role.

As a result of the power struggles between the friars and the governors in Florida,

the Franciscans gained dominance in New Mexico.

The Republicans believed all of the following EXCEPT:

the French Revolution should be opposed due to our close ties with England.

The first political demands for free tax-supported schools originated with:

the Workingmen's movement.

Successful relations between the Jesuits and Huron occurred because of

the ability of the Jesuits to compromise regarding Huron spiritual beliefs.

The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed all of the following policies EXCEPT:

the active American presence in republican revolutions across the globe.

Effects of destroying the Bank of the United States included all of the following EXCEPT:

the belief that Jackson had sold out to the northeastern elite.

how did americans perception of social classes change during the 19th century

the emergence of social classes became evident

In the Ordinance of 1784, Thomas Jefferson called for:

the end of slavery in western territory after 1800.

The1830s campaign against slavery gained national attention through

the establishment of the American Anti-Slavery Society.

What ultimately saved the Virginia colony from total destruction?

the global popularity of tobacco.

By 1656 the grievances of Timucuans against Florida's governor had escalated, and as a result

the governor of Florida was forced to stand trial for abuse of office.

The increase in the population of convicts who were sent to North America was partially a result of

the increase in the severity of English laws.

One of the factors pushing the American economy toward capitalism was

the intensified movement of people and goods

one of the factors pushing the american economy toward capitalism was

the intensified movement of people and goods

One of the factors pushing the American economy toward capitalism was

the intensified movement of people and goods.

What event in 1793 caused plantation owners to expand into southern territories?

the invention of the cotton gin

What was promoted by the philosophy of the Franciscans in New Mexico?

the inversion of Pueblo gender roles.

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following factors EXCEPT:

the lack of availability of credit for buying western lands in the early 1830s.

The colonists of New Netherland initially enjoyed somewhat amicable relations with the Indians, and over time

the relationship deteriorated as the quest for additional land by the colonists became more aggressive.

What doctrine did most of the state constitutions have in common?

the right of the individual to voice consent through voting

What doctrine did most of the state constitutions have in common?

the right of the individual to voice consent through voting*******

why was federal funding for roads such a controversial topic

the roads would be used by a small portion of the population

Why was finding a Northwest Passage important?

the route of sailing around Africa or the tip of South America to trade with Asia was too time-consuming and costly

An aspect of the new middle class was:

the separation of the home from work interests.

In the case Worcester vs. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that:

the state of Georgia had violated the Constitution in their treatment of Indians.

Chesapeake planters had trouble finding servants because

they were unwilling to pay a decent wage.

Where did Pike travel?

through the upper Mississippi River valley and into present-day Colorado

Prior to ratifying the Articles of Confederation,

there was no formal constitutional authority.

Prior to ratifying the Articles of Confederation,

there was no formal constitutional authority.*******

What did Jefferson persuade Congress to do?

to sponsor an expedition to gather information about the new land

How far west did the expedition reach?

to the Pacific Ocean

During the 1770s the Chesapeake area led in exports through the production of ________________, which made up 25 percent of all American exports.


The Spanish were encouraged in their exploration of the area north of Mexico because

they believed it was a way of finding a quicker route to Asia.

what did american settlers in the southwest think about the mexican and indian residents

they considered both groups obstacles to expanison

By the 15th century the Portuguese dominated the western water route to Asia because

they established a chain of feitorias down the Atlantic coast supporting their position off Africa's west coast.

how did the chinese immigrants survive in california

they established themselves in service industries

Why did Federalists oppose the Louisiana Purchase?

they feared that states created from the territory will be Republican and that they would lose power

Why did Federalists think that Burr would support them?

they gave Burr their support when he ran for governor of New York after Republicans cast him aside

Indians were attracted to the Moravian religion mostly because

they shared similar beliefs such as that of dream interpretation.

How did reformers change public opinion regarding alcohol consumption?

they used scientific data to support their arguments.

British and Irish convicts provided a welcomed source for the North American workforce because

they were cheaper than enslaved Africans.

Congress was forced to print large quantities of paper money during the Revolution which resulted in

postwar inflation.

What was promoted by Christian evangelicalism?

preaching sermons that were direct and understandable

With a few exceptions, western land in the U.S. differed from eastern land in the amount of _______________ it received or contained.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government could not:

raise an army.

What was expected of American women under the concept of "republican motherhood"?

raise children to be good citizens

What was expected of American women under the concept of "republican motherhood"?

raise children to be good citizens X

Which of these factors hindered the Algonquian Indians in New England in their fight against colonization?

rapid population growth in New England

In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court argued that Congress had the authority to

regulate navigation on rivers

One of the purposes of the lyceum lectures was to

spread and popularize knowledge

Southern women generally supported reforms that

stabilized the institution of slavery.

In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court ruled that:

states could not restrict trade within their jurisdictions.

Social tensions between lowcountry and backcountry Southerners included:

vast differences in wealth and religious practices.

An early health reform led by Sylvester Graham promoted


In his observations of American life, Alexis de Tocqueville

was skeptical about democracy.

The New Jersey Plan:

was the basis for voting in the Senate.

The English Navigation Acts of 1651

were aimed at curtailing colonial trade with Dutch merchants.

As a result of California immigration practices, the Chinese

were classified as nonwhites and denied most rights of California residents.

In the 1840s, most large American cities

were economically diverse places.

Following the American Revolution, American Christians

were encouraged to sever their relationship with the Church of England

Besides generating huge profits, what else did the fur trade advance?

western exploration

The cult of domesticity emphasized that:

women should preserve religion and the morals of a family.

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention

worked in secrecy.

What year did the Civil War begin?


In what year were blacks first allowed to officially enlist in the Union forces?


in what year did the Emaciation Proclamation


in what year were blacks first allowed to officially enlist in the union forces


which is the first census to show the relationship of the head of the household


Which region of the United States was hit the hardest by the Embargo Act?

New England

This place was considered a showcase for the transcendentalist philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Brook Farm

What advance in heating and cooking occurred in antebellum America?

Coal-burning stoves were introduced.

Which statement would most likely have been said by a Federalist?

"Our republic will thrive best with a balance of power between national and state governments."

Bleeding Kansas": Violence Erupts (Sectionalism)

"Sack of Lawrence" by proslavery forces John Brown retaliated with a raid on Pottawatomie Creek Both sides fearful of attacks Guerrilla warfare broke out across territory

How much did the U.S. government pay for the Louisiana Purchase?

$15 million

In 1860 the value of southern slave labor was approximately

$3 billion.

What challenges faced American education in the early 1800's?

(1) Education was of poor quality. (2) Many children worked in factories or on farms and were not educated. (3) Few teachers were trained. (4) Few schools existed in the South and West. (5) Social background and wealth determined whether children were educated. Rich families could afford private education.

What were Horace Mann's achievements?

(1) He became the first Secretary of Education. (2) He convinced the Massachusetts state legislature to double its school budget. (3) He raised teacher's salaries. (4) He lengthened the school year. (5) He began the first school for teacher training. (6) He set a standard for education reform throughout the country.

According to Edwards, what are the 12 signs of true religious affection?

(1) True religious affections arise from the spiritual, supernatural, divine operations of the heart. (2) They seek first the nature of divine things and not self. (3) They are primarily founded on the moral excellency of divine things and (4) arise from the mind's being enlightened to understand divine things. (5) They are attended with a conviction of the judgement and the reality of divine things, (6) with humility, (7) with a change of nature, and (8) with the lamblike spirit of Christ. (9) They soften the heart and are attended with tenderness of spirit. (10) They have beautiful symmetry and proportion. (11) The higher they are raised, the more one longs for spiritual attainments. (12) They have their fruit in Christian practice.

What role did Dorothea Dix play in so ail reforms of the early 1800's? What different reforms helped improve the U.S. prison system?

(1)Dorothea Dix fought for and gained separate facilities and treatment for the mentally ill that were frequently jailed with prisoners. (2) Reform schools were started for children who were jailed. They were given strict rules to live by and were taught useful skills. (3) Houses of Correction were developed where not only punishment was used, but prisoners were educated.

Which of the following statements best describes the experience of blacks who attended church?

) Efforts by whites to control Christianity among blacks failed.

What made William Clark a good choice to co-lead this expedition?

- Experience in the military (build maps and build forts) - Could lead expeditions through enemy territory - Very rugged explorer (Muscular and very tall)

What were some of the hardships faced by the Corps of Discovery?

- There were many animals in their way - They had to get around the great falls and it was 18 miles (took 2 weeks)

How did the Mandan and Sacagawea help the expedition?

- They helped because they had language skills and knowledge of geography - He let the explorers build a small fort near them and they spent the winter with them

What did the Corps of Discovery accomplish?

- They traded and got new supplies - They saw new animals - They made wheels out of cotton trees

Why did Lewis and Clark travel on the Missouri River?

- They were told by Jefferson to find a river route across the continent - discover new land and plants/animals/people

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

- To learn about the territory - Find out what plants, animals lived there - Aspirations to exploit natural resources - Make friendly contact with people living there (Native Americans) - Find routes to the Pacific Ocean

What did the Lewis and Clark expedition accomplish?

- Traded with the British and French-Canadians - Made friends with the Indians and other people - Discovered land and new animals/plants - Found the Missouri river

What made Meriwether Lewis a good choice to co-lead this expedition?

- Very well qualified - Expert hunter - He had worked with someone before (President Jefferson)

Why were Lewis and Clark good candidates for the expedition?

- both men were well-informed amateur scientists - both had conducted business with Native Americans

What goals did Jefferson have for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

- explore river and find a water route across the continent - Have a good relationship with Native Americans - Describe the landscape, plants, and animals they saw

What would Jefferson's expedition idea do?

- it would be a scientific venture - it would document findings about the territory's plants and animals - it would recommend sites for future forts - it would find and map the fabled Northwest Passage

What kind of men did they take on the expedition?

- river men, gunsmiths, carpenters, scouts & a cook - Native American & French who served as interpreters - an African American named York

What did Federalists in MA plot to do?

- to secede from the Union - New England would become the Northern Confederacy

Approximately how many Confederates relocated out of the country after the defeat of the South?


How did the relationship between owners and workers change in the 1830s

. Employers treated them as they did when they were buying goods. They wanted the cheapest but yet one that still had some type of skill. Some workers were able to provide for their families and some who could did not give full effort could barely keep their families alive. When workers would argue or not agree to their contract they would be deprived greatly. Wages were cut dramatically around this time.

Which of the following statements is true about Frederick Douglass?

. He was a former slave who used his newspaper to open people's eyes to the evils of slavery.

why was the emancipation proclamation so important to the northern effort in the civil war

. It allowed the north to seize a vital war resource from the Confederacy. Over the course of the war the Union gradually increased the pressure it applied to the Confederacy, it altered the power between the federal government and the states. It abolished slavery and changed state's constitutions to agreeing with that.

How did the railroads affect settlement patterns in the United States?


How was the colonization of Texas different from other colonization efforts in North America


The Great Famine was a period ....


which one first to list every member of a houshold by name


What occurred during the Boston Tea Party?

1,000 colonists in Boston dressed as Native Americans and boarded three English merchant ships in Boston harbor. They dumped 298 chests of tea overboard and made sure all of the tea was made unusable, even forcing colonists to throw back tea they tried to sneak away. No one was killed or injured.

name to ways you can obtain the soundex code for your surname

1. roots web soudex converter 2. Use formula

According to the archaeological findings, when did the first humans likely arrive in America?

13, 000 B.C.

four years US Mortality Schedules taken (names of person who died)


In what year did the Supreme Court decide the Dred Scott case?


The Treaty of Paris which was signed on September 3, _________, officially ended the American Revolution.


The Northwest Ordinance of ___________ outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory, but freed blacks were still not welcomed.


In what year was the U.S. Constitution ratified?


In what year was the first federal census taken?


The first mechanized cotton mill was established in


what year was the first federal census taken


six US census years show the head of the houshold while the rest of the family members are show by numbers


Second great awakening

1790-1840 wide spread sweeping/ lots of conversions. There were two large groups: Baptist and Methodist. Brought these two different views and ideas together and inspired a broad set of social, cultural, and intellectual changes. Influence? Immigrants and religions from around the world (445-449) Affected? Most Americans. 40000 new churches were built and every week over 1/3 of the population attended church.

The first mechanized cotton mill was established in


In what year was the first federal Fugitive Slave Act passed?


In what year did Washington, DC become the official site of the U.S. capital?


Approximately how many black men participated in the Civil War on the side of the North?


In what year was the Louisiana Purchase completed?


Congress authorized funding for the Cumberland Road in


In what year did Congress ban the international slave trade in the United States?


What year was the first commercial steamboat launched?


In what year did Congress ban the international slave trade in the United States?


In what year did Denmark Vesey attempt a slave revolt?


In what year did Adams announce the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine?


The Nullification Crisis (Sectionalism)

1828 "Tariff of Abominations" South Carolina hurt by declines in cotton prices and shipping due to tariff Calhoun and other SC politicians suggested "nullification" doctrine Led to conflict between Jackson and the South South Carolina declared tariff "null and void" Jackson sent warships to Charleston Clay negotiated compromise tariff South Carolina withdrew nullification Stage set for possible secession over slavery

In what year did the last American state eliminate state-sponsored religion?


which US census asks for names of pensioners of Revolutionary War military services


In what year was the "Declaration of Sentiments" issued?


In what year was the Manifesto of the Communist Party published


first to show the gender and age of each person in the household


first to show the state or country of birth for each person


Reform Movements

2. Reform Movements a. Slavery- abolish it- John brown, William Floyd Garrison- extremist b. Temperance Movement- moderate alcohol. Extremist wanted total ban which occurred in 1920 c. Women's Suffrage- 1848 Declaration of Sentiments

last us census


By 1860, what percentage of white southern families owned slaves?


What percentage of blacks attended church by the end of the 1850s?


A township contains ________ square miles.


The territory acquired by the U.S. through the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago increased the continental U.S. by

40 percent.

Approximately what percentage of African slaves went directly to British North America?


How much did the United states increase its land size during President James K. Polk's administration?


Approximately how many Americans died in the Civil War?

620, 000

approximately how many casualties were caused by the civil war


How many states made up the original Confederate States of America in February of 1861?


Approximately what percentage of the white American population supported the revolutionaries at the beginning of the war?

70 percent

Approximately what percentage of Seminoles were killed in the Second Seminole War?

90 percent

According to historians, what percent of the white population could read by 1790?

90% X

What was the Transportation Revolution?

A period of rapid growth in the speed and convenience of travel because of new methods of transportation.


A 19th century intellectual movement that posited the importance of an ideal world of mystical knowledge and harmony beyond the immediate grasp of the senses. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau called for the critical examination of society and emphasized individuality, self-reliance, and nonconformity.

What happened at the Battle of Saratoga?

A British drive toward Albany was halted when General Burgoyne surrendered 5,800 troops to General Gates

Why did the American offensive across the Niagara River fail in 1812?

A New York state militia refused to cross the river to join the regular army troops on the Canadian side

What shaped relations among white in the Old South?

A complex code of honor

Robert Fulton, steamships

A famous inventor, he designed and built America's first steamboat, the Clermont in 1807. He also built the Nautilus, the first practical submarine.

Samuel Slater

A former British textile worker, emigrated into the US in 1789 and parlayed his knowledge of both machinery and labor management practices into the first successful mechanized mill in the US.

American Renaissance

A literary explosion during the 1840w inspired in part by Emerson's ideas on the liberation of the individual.

"The Era of Good Feelings," 1815-1824

A name for President Monroe's two terms, a period of strong nationalism, economic growth, and territorial expansion. Since the Federalist party dissolved after the War of 1812, there was only one political party and no partisan conflicts.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the women's rights movement of the mid-19th century?

A number of white upper-class women did not support gender equality in the public arena.

Which one of the following was result of the impeachment and trial of President Andrew Johnson?

A precedent was established that guarded against the impeachment of president solely on political grounds.

Gag Rule

A procedure in the House of Representatives from 1836 to 1844 by which antislavery petitions were automatically tabled when they were received so that they could not become the subject of debate.

Dorothea Dix

A reformer and pioneer in the movement to treat the insane as mentally ill, beginning in the 1820's, she was responsible for improving conditions in jails, poorhouses and insane asylums throughout the U.S. and Canada. She succeeded in persuading many states to assume responsibility for the care of the mentally ill. She served as the Superintendant of Nurses for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Which of the following best describes the "American System"?

A series of laws encouraging domestic economic development.

Who was Samuel Slater and how did he contribute to the textile industry in the United States?

A skilled British mechanic. He built a better mill machine in New England.

Which of the following statements accurately reflects one aspect of the principle of reciprocity?

A society had to maintain equilibrium and interdependence between individuals of unequal power and prestige

In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare?

A state cannot tax an agency of the federal government

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

A suffragette who, with Lucretia Mott, organized the first convention on women's rights, held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Issued the Declaration of Sentiments which declared men and women to be equal and demanded the right to vote for women. Co-founded the National Women's Suffrage Association with Susan B. Anthony in 1869.


A system of social and economic organization based on the common ownership of goods or state control of the economy.


A term for racial mixing and intermarriage, almost universally opposed by whites in the 19th century United States.

Domestic Slavery

A term referring to the assertion by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other female abolitionists that traditional gender roles and legal restrictions created a form of slavery for married women.

Separate Sphere

A term used by historians to describe the 19th century view that men and women have different gender-defined characteristics and, consequently, that men should dominate the public sphere of politics and economics, while women should manage the private sphere of home and family.

Why did Anasazi culture decline and fall?

A terrible drought severely reduced its agricultural production

Why was the condition of the southern economy a major concern to Congress?

A weak southern economy could lead to renewed conflict among the southern states.

Who were the Locofocos of New York?

A workers' party that advocated hard money

Why did the Confederacy expect assistance, or at least diplomatic recognition, from France or Great Britain?


Why nonslaveholding southerners support the slave system?


Music and dance were important to slaves because they allowed them


What characterized the government in Pennsylvania under William Penn?


What conditions led to Daniel Shay's rebellion?


What did Abraham Lincoln declare in the course of his campaign against Stephen Douglas in 1858?


What did the Coercive Acts do?


Which of the following characteristics was part of the Second Great Awakening?


Which of the following problems challenged the confederation government?


Which of the following reduced the Native American population in New England?


Which statement concerning the Wade-Davis bill is true?


Why did factories develop slowly in the South?


Why did few colonial Americans object to the British navigation system after 1700?


How did the Glorious Revolution change the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain?


How did the Plains Indians use buffalo?


How did the West Indies influence British North America?


How were women important to colonial resistance?


Who did the Federalist plotters turn to in New York for help supporting their plan?

Aaron Burr

What happened in the 1st revival?

Absolute sovereignty of God and his grace was emphasized by Edwards. Over 300 people in Northampton were converted, and a Mr. Hawley committed suicide.

As the second president of the United States, ________________ had the ability to handle crises but he never matched Washington's popularity.


Eli Whitney

After revolutionizing the production of cotton with his mechanized cotton mill in 1793, Eli Whitney turned his ingenuity to manufacturing muskets with interchangeable parts

The Missouri Compromise (Sectionalism)

Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset balance Maine admitted as a free state, Missouri as slave state 36o30' line divided rest of Louisiana Purchase into slave and free territories

Which of the following accelerated tensions with Indians after the Revolution?

Advancement of settlers in the western territories.

advantages of the south and advantages of the north

Advantages of the south were: defending their homeland and what they believed in, had some of the best officers of the country. Advantages of the north were: had almost 4 times as many free citizens, how many people to grow food and make supplies, had more than 70% of the nation's railroads, and had a very strong and large fleet of private trading ships.

How did evangelical Christians differ from Afro-Christians?

Afro-Christians believed in a redemptive afterlife.

How did Benedict Arnold betray the colonies?

After Washington put him in command of West Point in August 1780, he conspired with British officer Major John Andre to help the British capture West Point. The plot was foiled by the capture of Andre on 23 September, and Arnold fled to the British. He later conducted attacks on VA and CT before leaving America.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Upper South and the Lower South?

After about 1830, both were united in their defense of slavery.

Who led what would become the Federalist party in the new nation?

Alexander Hamilton did.

The first Secretary of Treasury was:

Alexander Hamilton.

Who wrote Democracy in America?

Alexis de Tocqueville

In the Mexican-American War, why was the United States victorious in virtually all its encounters with Mexican forces?

All of these - Santa Anna miscalculated often, the Untied States possessed superior artillery and supplies, the Americans were able to organize massive military movements successfully

Why was Jose Antonio Navarro important?

All of these - he signed Texas's declaration of independence from Mexico, he was member of the Republic of Texas's Congress, he helped write the Texas state constitution

Which of the following statements concerning Samuel Colt is true?

All of these - he was a master publicist, patented a repeating pistol with a rotating chambered-breach, helped to bring the price of guns down, had a genius for popularizing gun ownership

What caused nationwide epidemics in the United States during the antebellum period?

All of these - municipal health boards were powerless, people distrusted physicians, doctors did not understand the causes of disease, the transportation revolution enabled epidemics to spread.

What was the cause of the increasingly tense relations between the Mexican government and the American residents in Texas after 1830?

All of these - the instability of Mexican politics, attempts by the Mexican government to prohibit importation of slaves, increasing American immigration, Santa Anna's brutality

Which of the following statements best captures the attitude of many antebellum Americans about technology?

All of these - they believed that: technology was democratic and would help everyone, a force for positive change, God's chosen instrument of progress, help to make up for a labor shortage

Which colonies were represented at the first Continental Congress?

All the 13 colonies except Georgia were.

What made the presidential election of 1824 unique?

All the candidates were from the same party but had different political outlooks.

Which of the following is an accurate generalization about health and sanitation at the Civil War battlefront?

Although the ratio of disease to battle deaths was much better than during the Mexican War, two-thirds of deaths came from disease rather than battle wounds

What were the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act?

America would trade with all nations EXCEPT Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights.

What were the two main woman's suffrage organizations in the late 19th century?

American Woman Suffrage Association and the National Woman Suffrage Association

Why was the Mexican War popular in the U.S.?

American forces were victorious in all major battles.

Who was Eli Whitney?

American inventor whose cotton gin changed harvesting cotton procedures and enabled large increases in cotton production. He introduced the technology of mass production through the development of interchangeable parts in gun making.

Agreements in Jay's Treaty included all of the following EXCEPT:

American merchants being released from payment of pre-Revolution debts.

Walt Whitman

American poet and transcendentalist who was famous for his beliefs on nature, as demonstrated in his book, Leaves of Grass. He was therefore an important part for the buildup of American literature and breaking the traditional rhyme method in writing poetry.

What was Tocqueville's view of gender relations in America?

American women were limited due to their gender.

Herman Melville

American writer whose experiences at sea provided the factual basis of Moby-Dick (1851), considered among the greatest American novels

What was one of the major reasons for the changing attitude toward poverty, crime, and insanity in the early nineteenth century?

Americans began to believe that human nature could be improved

How did American oppose the Stamp Act?

Americans damaged and destroyed property

Why were the actions of Toussaint Louverture a cause for American concern?

Americans were concerned his successful slave rebellion would inspire U.S. slaves.

Mexico reacted to ... And outlawed .... In ...

Amount of slaves in The economy Slavery 1830

President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

An American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh President of the United States. He became a national war hero after defeating the British in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812

All of the following groups were disliked by nativists EXCEPT:


What was the XYZ Affair?

An effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate.

How did the members of the Convention show their concern about the possibility of too much democracy?

An electoral college was created as part of the process of electing the president.

What happened in New Orleans in 1832 and 1833?

An epidemic of yellow fever and cholera killed one-fifth of the population

John Brown

An evangelical abolitionist form the East perpetrated one of the most infamous such episodes, when he and his sons attacked a family of pro-slavery settlers along Pottawatomie Creek, hacking them to death with broad swords. His actions reflected his frustration of the slow pace of change that was occurring. They escaped punishment for the massacre, but his infamy preceded him as he headed back east.

How did the Missouri Compromise affect future applications for statehood?

An imaginary line separated the northern (free) territories from southern (slaveholding) territories; the status of slavery would be determined by location.

Underground Railroad

An informal network of whites and free blacks in the South that assisted fugitive slaves to reach freedom in the North.

Who led American forces at the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

_______________ was a major catalyst in pursuing aggressive tactics to acquire additional U.S. territory.

Andrew Jackson

The American System

Andrew Jackson's supporters in Portland made a clear distinction between their support of this state effort, the plan "consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other 'internal improvements' to develop profitable markets for agriculture

The person most responsible for the Panic of 1837 was:

Andrew Jackson.

Who dissented from the Puritans and followed Roger Williams to Rhode Island?

Anne Hutchinson

Which of the following was one of the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Anyone who helped escaped slaves would be fined.

Which of the following was one of the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Act?

Anyone who helped escaped slaves would be fined.********

Fugitive Slave Law Controversy

Appointed federal commissioners Could issue warrants, form posses, forcibly enlist citizens to help Commissioners got paid for capturing slaves as well as free blacks Accused not allowed a jury or to testify in their defense "Personal liberty laws"

Where did Lee surrender?

Appomattox, Va.

when did the final surrender of the civil war occur

April 9, 1865

A major monetary contributor to evangelical causes during the 1830s was

Arthur Tappan.

How did the patriots envision the ideology of republicanism?

As a combination of Roman and Enlightenment ideas.

How did the patriots envision the ideology of republicanism?

As a combination of Roman and Enlightenment ideas.*******

How was Franklin a statesman?

At the start of the French and Indian War, he proposed a general colonial government. Starting in 1776, he served as an unofficial ambassador to France. He played off of the fears of the French and the English in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 and gained independence from both nations.

What was the MOST important factor in Abraham Lincoln's 1864 reelection victory?

Atlanta fell to Union forces in September 1864

Connected to the Erie system

Atlantic Ocean

The Mexica Indians, often known as the ___________, made significant contributions to central Mexico, including pyramids that are still in existence today.


The Execution of John Brown

Brown convicted of treason against Virginia Hanged in December 1859 Considered a hero to many Northerners Southerners feared that some might follow his example

What finally caused Americans to rise up against the Barbary leaders?

Barbary pirates were capturing and selling Americans into slavery.

What finally caused Americans to rise up against the Barbary leaders?

Barbary pirates were capturing and selling Americans into slavery.*******

Popular Sovereignty"

Based on Enlightenment theory that government draws its power from the people First proposed by Lewis Cass; later championed by Stephen Douglas Residents of a territory would vote for or against slavery Relieved Congress of having to make the decision

Following a price drop in the 1790s, American men made __________ a popular fashion statement.

Beaver Hats

Sam Houston

Became president of the new republic of Texas after defeating the Alamo.

Why did Ogden not want Gibbons to operate a steamboat service in New York?

Because he did not have a license to operate in New York.

Why did Union forces resort to the destruction of property as a military tactic?

Because of the fierce resistance by Confederate civilians.

Bleeding Kansas": Effects (Sectionalism)

Brown's attack spurred widespread violence Republicans trumped up situation to meet their interests; Democrats heavily promoted settlement Pierce supported proslavery forces; did nothing to quell violence

How could it be argued that the Bill of Rights cage the federal government more power?

Because the power of the Federal government is a specifically delegated power, it cannot restrict anything that it is not delegated to restrict. However, enumerating the powers it cannot restrict suggests that the government may have some powers not specifically delegated by the Constitution.

What was the 3/5ths Compromise?

Because there were so many slaves in the South, Southerners wanted slaves to be counted in the population for representation. So slaves were made to count for 3/5ths of a person.

Why were itinerant ministers more likely to challenge the authority of propertied elites?

Because they traveled, they were less likely to suffer the social repercussions of criticism.

The Webster-Hayne Debate (Sectionalism)

Began as a Senate debate over federal land policy Hayne restated states' rights doctrine Webster insisted that Constitution was not an agreement of states, but a "compact" by the people Therefore, the Union could not be dissolved

Dred Scott: Curtis's Dissent

Believed that Scott was a citizen Asserted that Scott's residence in free territory changed his status as a slave Missouri Compromise constitutional: Congress had the right to make territorial laws

What happened in the American invasion of Canada?

Benedict Arnold led a small army into Canada and captured Quebec. The Continental Congress promoted him to brigadier general and put him in charge of delaying the British retreat to NY. He formed a navy on Lake Champlain and delayed the British long enough that they could not reach NY in 1776. He was passed over by promotion for Congress and repulsed a British invasion of Danbury, CT in 1777. Congress promoted him to major general but did not restore his seniority. He retired.

The French recognized the Mississippi as an important river for transportation and built a fort at __________ to establish their presence.


What action did the South Carolina state legislature take in response to an 1822 slave rebellion?

Blacks were forbidden to form separate black churches.

What action did the South Carolina state legislature take in response to an 1822 slave rebellion?

Blacks were forbidden to form separate black churches. X

What was the status of black recruits in the Union Army?

Blacks were limited in the rank they could achieve.

What was the main issue that unified the otherwise diverse elements of the new Republican party in the 1850's?

Bleeding Kansas

What happened in the Boston Massacre?

Bostonians hurled ice, rocks, and lumber at British soldiers, who then fired without orders and killed five citizens

How did American mill workers compare to their British counterparts?

Both American and British mill workers often faced unsafe factory conditions.

How were both Federalists and Anti-Federalists republican groups?

Both believed government should derive its power from the people.

What did the factory system under Slater have in common with that of Lowell?

Both companies relied primarily on women for their workforce.

Which of the following best reflects the position of the United States following the War of 1812?

Both the British and Americans agreed to make peace with Indians.

Besides both being abolitionists, what else did David Walker and Angelina Grimkè have in common?

Both were from the South and considered "traitors."

Besides both being abolitionists, what else did David Walker and Angelina Grimké have in common?

Both were from the South and considered "traitors."

Which South American country was still committed to slavery during the mid-19th century?


One of the outcomes of the peace of 1763 was a shift in colonial land ownership which included the

British acquiring Florida.

Who did the Lewis and Clark Expedition see along their journey?

British and French-Canadian trappers and traders

The area in Upstate New York renowned for its massive religious conversions during the Second Great Awakening, was known by what name?

Burned Over district

The Gold Rush

California's population exploded after the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill Social instability led to demands for territorial government Taylor proposed popular sovereignty to solve slavery issue California residents backed Taylor; many Southerners disagreed with proposal

Where was Mesoamerica?

Central and southern Mexico and Central America

When Columbus arrived in the Americas in 1492, most scholars agree

Californian Indians were the most populous and included a significant number of language families.

What was the port of contact for American traders in India?


The Compromise of 1850: Issues Affecting Approval

Calhoun too weak to speak; written statement defiant and "secessionist" Webster's speech in favor of the compromise President Taylor died; Fillmore much more supportive of Clay's plan Maneuvering by Senator Douglas

Who argued that technological advances would allow women to make their house a "glorious temple?"

Catharine Beecher

The Mexican Cession (Sectionalism)

Ceded to U.S. at end of Mexican War (1848) North and South soon clashed over whether territory should be slave or free Debate intensified as California and Texas sought statehood


Christian movement of the 1830s that believed people could achieve moral perfection in their earthly lives because the Second Coming of Christ had already occurred.

What spiritual component of Christianity appealed to blacks?

Christianity advocated equality before God.

Which of the following was generally an interracial institution in the Old South?


On which of these issues did both Protestant and Catholic reformers agree?

Church clergy should be better educated in Christian doctrines.

In order to participate in the new market economy of the 19th century, which of the following was the most important?

Cities needed internal networks and external access to markets.

In order to participate in the new market economy of the 19th century, which of the following was the most important?

Cities needed internal networks and external access to markets.******

The first successful steamboat was known as the


How did the southern approach to reforms benefit Southerners?

Communities could control the recipients of charitable aid.

How did the southern approach to reforms benefit southerners?

Communities could control the recipients of charitable aid.


Communities founded by reformers and transcendentalists to help realize their spiritual and moral potential and to escape from the competition of modern industrial society.

A free market economy relies heavily on which of the following to succeed?


What happened on 4 July 1776?

Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.

How did Americans attempt to avoid war with France and Great Britain in 1807?

Congress cut off all foreign trade.

The Wilmot Proviso: Calhoun's Response (Sectionalism)

Congress had no authority to bar slavery in territories Since the territories belonged to all states, slaveholders there should have the same rights as non-owners Congress should protect slaveholders' rights and establish national slave codes

What steps did Congress take regarding the secession of the southern states?

Congress passed an amendment guaranteeing slavery where it existed.

What action did Congress take regarding the Civil Rights Act?

Congress passed the legislation over Johnson's veto.

Fugitive Slave Act

Congressional act that nationalized the process of slave capture and return by requiring federal judges to appoint commissioners to hear cases of accused fugitives and by requiring the active complicity of state officers.

What power did colonial governors NOT possesses?

Control over taxes and the budget

The perceived deal between Quincy Adams and Clay

Corrupt bargain

In 1710 the prominent New England minister _____________ urged his readers to include everyone in the evangelization process, thus establishing the premises of Pietism.

Cotton Mather

Improvement in transportation pushed congress to

Create the us postal service

What did the Townshend Act of 1767 do?

Created by Charles Townshend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it used external taxes on imports such as glass, paint, lead, paper, and tea and disbanded the NY colonial assembly because NY had not followed the Quartering Act.

What did the Tea Act of 1773 do?

Created by Lord North, it was a continuation of one of the Townshend taxes and led to the Boston Tea Party.

During the War of 1812, the ____________ fought a civil war over internal disagreements regarding assimilation.


The Ostend Manifesto called for the U.S. acquisition of


What country prevented the U.S. from acquiring the Oregon Territory prior to 1844?

Great Britain

What was one of the advantages of the American system of manufacturing?

Damaged parts could be replaced easily.

How did British colonists attempt to restrict the growing African population?

Debates regarding the morality of the slave trade increased.

What was the main reason most European immigrants came to the United States between 1815 and 1860?

Economic advancement

The Confederacy Forms

Delegates met in Montgomery in February 1861 Davis named president, with Stephens as vice president Confederate constitution very similar to U.S. Constitution, but guaranteed states' rights and slavery Upper South did not secede until after Ft. Sumter

Which political party had become the antibank, hard-money party by 1840?


The Election of 1860: Candidates

Democrats split over slavery issue Northern Democrats nominated Douglas; Southern Democrats ran Breckinridge Republicans proposed diverse platform; nominated Lincoln Constitutional Union Party formed from elements of American and Whig Parties; nominated Bell

Why did Madison change his mind about supporting a national bank?

Disruption of foreign trade during the War of 1812 proved it was necessary.

Why did Madison change his mind about supporting a national bank?

Disruption of foreign trade during the War of 1812 proved it was necessary.*****

Which of these was a response to the regulations by Edmond Andros?

Dissolution of representative assemblies.

Which of the following was NOT one of the terms of the Peace of Paris?

East and west Florida were transferred from Spain to the US

Panic of 1819

Economic panic caused by extensive speculation and a decline of Europen demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States.

How did education reform affect women?

Education reform gave women greater opportunities for education. Several academies and women's colleges were started in the early to mid-1800's.

Which of the following statements best describes the experience of African-Americans who attended church?

Efforts by whites to control Christianity among blacks failed.

Which of the following statements best describes the experience of blacks who attended church?

Efforts by whites to control Christianity among blacks failed.

On average, how many children did colonial women have?


Determined by House of Representatives

Election of 1824

Different because of aggressive campaign

Election of 1828

Who was responsible for implementing significant technological improvements in the cotton industry?

Eli Whitney

Responsible for implementing significant improvements in the cotton industry

Eli Witney

Abolitionist violence resulted in the death of

Elijah Lovejoy.

Which statement accurately describes travel to Oregon or California on the overland trails during the 1840's?

Emigrants usually maintained their family units and cooperated closely with other families on the journey.

How did reform movements help to protect businesses?

Employers devised ways to regulate the morality of employees

How did reform movements help to protect businesses?

Employers devised ways to regulate the morality of employees.

What did southern slaveholders do in order to meet labor demands?

Engaged heavily in an internal slave trade.

What was unusual about the Pequot War in 1636?

English colonists united with Indian forces against the Pequot.

Challenges to Spain's monopoly in the New World came from the

English, who were enjoying relative political stability but needed more land.

Which of the following was the first major U.S. canal project?

Erie Canal

Which of the following was the first major U.S. canal project?

Erie Canal*******

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Established national supremacy; established implied powers; use of elastic clause; state unable to tax fed. Institution; John Marshall; "the power to tax involves the power to destroy."

What was happening in 1800 in the area that is now the Western US?

Europeans had made contact with native Americans

a child born in 1861 in US and died in 1862 would be listed in a census


a women's maiden surname is shown in US federal census records


an exact birthplace is shown in US federal census records


the name of the informant is shown in US federal censu records before 1930


Kansas-Nebraska: Passage

Firestorm of controversy Angered Free-Soilers Douglas able to guide bill through Congress 90 percent of Southern Congress members and half of Northern Democrats voted for bill Nebraska divided into Kansas and Nebraska

The most notorious slum in New York City during the 1800s was:

Five Points.

During the slave resistances of the 1730s, slaves were drawn to _______________ because of the promise of forming their own towns.


Who were the Antinomians?

Followers of Anne Hutchinson

The Compromise of 1850: Provisions

For the North: California admitted as a free state Slave trade abolished in Washington D.C. For the South: New Mexico and Utah Territories organized under popular sovereignty Federal government assumed Texas's debt; Texas gave up western land claims More effective Fugitive Slave Law

Which of the following was NOT a goal of the American Party?

Forbid Bibles in the classroom.

How did the nature of newspaper publishing change in the 1830s?

Funding came from mass readership.

How did John Astor make his fortune in America?

Fur Trade

Who was the leader of the bloody 1811 slave rebellion in Virginia?

Gabriel Prosser

Abraham Lincoln

Gained prominence in 1850s Modest beginnings Strong political ambitions Opposed to the extension of slavery Nominated for Illinois Senate

Which of the following did southern evangelical churches generally NOT oppose?


What happened in the Great Awakening?

George Whitefield came and ignited the tinder Edwards and others had spread throughout New England. Edwards gave his "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon and had to consistently stop while he preached to ask the people to restrain their weeping. In 1741, Yale asked Edwards to speak at its commencement where he gave the marks that would accompany a true revival. In A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections (1764), Edwards outlined the 12 signs of religious affection.

What advantage to Americans did German immigration have over Irish immigration?

Germans had better labor skills.

The first clear defeat of Lee by a Union general occurred at


Which man started what would become Princeton College?

Gilbert Tennent did.

Why were Cherokees targeted for expulsion from their lands?

Gold was discovered on land they controlled.

Which of the following Union generals was the most successful in turning the tide in favor of the North?


According to Edwards, what would accompany a true revival?

Greater esteem for Jesus, operations against the interest of Satan, greater regard for scripture, the leading of people to truth, and operations as a spirit of love to God and man would.

Why did the U.S. government refuse to support the Haitian Revolution?

Haiti's constitution permanently abolished slavery.

What happened when Burr shot Hamilton?

Hamilton died

Early Sectional Disputes

Hamilton wanted government to pay off states' war debts; North owed 80 percent of the debts Compromise with Jefferson and Madison located U.S. capital in South Controversy over creation of National Bank Anger over Alien and Sedition Acts led to Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Issue of "interposition" of state authority over federal law would continue into the 19th century

What was the Federalist response to this?

Hamilton wasn't convinced Americans could do without those "luxury items", and he worried about cutting trade with England. Without trade, the debt couldn't be financed (no revenue from import taxes), and the country wouldn't be invested in. They also argued that the militia was not dependable in case of an attack.

How did the writings of Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman differ from those of Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville?

Hawthorne, Poe, and Melville had a pessimistic view of human nature

What did Edwards do after leaving Northampton?

He accepted a job as administrator and preacher in Stockbridge, MA. He was offered the job of president of the College of New Jersey (Princeton). He took it and soon after received a small pox inoculation. He died a month later.

why was charles finney so successful as a religious reformer

He addressed his listeners as equals

Why was Charles Finney so successful as a religious reformer?

He addressed his listeners as equals.

How did Samuel Slater contribute to the new system of mechanization?

He adopted a purely Americanized system of labor management.

What did Preston Brooks do?

He assaulted Charles Sumner on the Capitol floor

What were Sam Houston's actions regarding secession?

He attempted to block Texas's secession convention.

Why was President Andrew Johnson impeached?

He attempted to fire Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in violation of the Tenure of Office Act

Which of the following statements about Christopher Columbus is correct?

He believed he could reach Asia by sailing west

Why was Roger Williams forced in exile by the Puritans?

He believed in the complete separation of church and state

What did Madison believe was the turning point in the convention?

He believed it was Franklin's rebuke of the bickering delegates and recommendation that they open with prayer every morning with the aid of local clergy.

What was Jefferson's perspective on a national bank?

He believed it was outside the boundaries of the Constitution and violated state and individual rights.

What was James Buchanan's position on slavery?

He believed it was wrong, but the federal government had no right to interfere with it

Even though he considered himself an evangelical, what was unique about Emerson's approach to reform?

He wanted to reform the American mind.

What was Hamilton's funding program?

He consolidated the state and national debts and had the nation assume the states' debts. He then funded them by issuing new federal securities with the same face value as the old debts. To manage the new supply of money, Hamilton favored a national bank to act as the government's fiscal agent, control state banks, and create paper currency.

What was key about Whitefield's ministry?

He converted many pastors in Georgia and Pennsylvania.

What was Jackson's solution to the "Indian problem" in Georgia?

He convinced Congress to issue the Indian Removal Act.

What was Jackson's solution to the "Indian problem" in Georgia?

He convinced Congress to issue the Indian Removal Act.******

Why did Jefferson overcome his doubts about the constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase?

He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle.

Why was John Rolfe important to the eventual success of the Jamestown settlement?

He discovered that the colonists could grow tobacco and export it to England for a profit

Why is Samuel Adams significant to the development of revolutionary thought?

He encountered Massachusetts towns to form committees of correspondence to defend colonial rights.

What was Thoreau's relationship with the natural world?

He encouraged men and women to respect nature.

Why did Benedict Arnold betray the colonies?

He felt slighted by Congress because they would not restore his seniority after promoting him to major general and he was angry about civilians who profited from the war while he was accused of financial misdealing when he tried to settle accounts with Congress and other civil agencies. His brash, aristocratic personality also made his peers resent him.

What was the MAIN reason that President Jefferson authorized the Lewis and Clark expedition?

He hoped to advance scientific knowledge.

Besides inventing the cotton gin, what did Eli Whitney do that benefited American manufacturing?

He introduced the concept of interchangeable parts

How did John Deere change American agriculture?

He invented a steel-tipped plow that made tilling much easier and less time consuming

What was Washington's strategy?

He kept his force concentrated and visible for the "Revolution" and only successfully attacked peripheral British units. He also just tried to outlast the British.

How did General Josiah Harmar fight the Indians?

He led 320 regulars and 1,100 militiamen to fight the Indians. He couldn't find them, but he found and destroyed the Maumee villages near Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He planned on sneaking back up and surprising the Indians when they examined the ruins, but he and his forces were ambushed instead and butchered.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Prince Henry the Navigator's role in encouraging Portuguese exploration?

He looked for alternative routes to Asia

How was Franklin an elitist?

He objected to the immigration of Germans, slaves, and convicts laborers.

Why did President Jackson veto the bill that would have provided funding for a road in Kentucky?

He opposed federal funding of internal improvements

How did President Jefferson plan to reverse what he perceived to be a drift toward despotism that had occurred in the 1790's?

He planned to eliminate the national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes

How did Johnathan Edwards preach?

He preached from the Bible, using the most obvious doctrine to explain it and used no display, inflection, or consideration of his audience. He spoke distinctly and solemnly, "as in the presence of God". He meditated on the Bible. His thoughts were always on it.

What did McCullough have to say about the American troops in 1776?

He reminded readers that the American soldiers weren't all heroes. Many of them deserted. Also, the war wasn't won by the heroes. It was won by soldiers led by heroes.

What did President Jackson do in his war on the Bank of the Untied States?

He removed federal deposits from the Bank of the United States and deposited them in state banks

How was Franklin a civil servant?

He served as colonial deputy postmaster general, cutting the mail time from Philadelphia to Boston in half. He mediated between Scots-Irish rebels in and the Quaker government in PA.

How did Samuel Slater transform American economic life?

He smuggled plans out of Great Britain and opened the first textile factory in the United States

How did Adams continue his influence in American politics after leaving office?

He stacked federal courts with Federalists prior to leaving office.

What was Horace Mann's primary concern in the reform movements of the first half of the nineteenth century?

He stressed the importance of establishing public schools for children

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Captain John Smith succeeded in Jamestown where others had failed?

He successfully defeated all neighboring native American tribes

What was Buchanan's reaction to the secession crisis?

He took a "hands-off" approach.

Why did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 presidential election?

He took advantage of the split in the Democratic Party and won a plurality of the vote

How did Anthony Wayne fight the Indians?

He took the time to train his army and built forts along the way when he moved out with his 5,000 trained soldiers. He met the Indians in Maumee Valley at the Battle of Fallen Timbers and routed them. The Indians fled to Ft. Miami to seek help from the British, but the British refused to send aid.

What was President Johnson's position on the Civil Rights Act?

He vetoed it because he argued that it gave black Americans equality under the law at the expense of whites.

What action did President Johnson take regarding the continuation of the Freedmen's Bureau?

He vetoed its extension.

What caused the House of Representatives to impeach President Johnson?

He violated the Tenure of Office Act.

Why was Edwards concerned about the revival?

He wanted to make sure the experiences of the converted were real, not imaginary.

Who was Nathanael Greene and what was his strategy in the Revolution?

He was born to Quaker parents and was largely self-educated. When the British closed the port of Boston, he helped found the Kentish Guards but wasn't given a commission because of his limp. In May 1775, he was appointed brigadier general of the Rhode Island Army of Observation for obscure reasons. His regiments were soon joined to the Continental Army. He served the North with distinction as general and quartermaster, saving the disaster of Valley Forge, he was appointed by Washington to command the Southern army. He was success lay not in his tactics but in his strategy. He was mobile, worked with what he had, used finesse where he lacked strength, made strategic retreats to keep his army intact, used his ability to imprint the topography of a region from maps or observations, used his quartermaster experience to assess each regions' supply potential, and won the cooperation of partisan leaders.

Why was Jackson adamant in his rejection of a Second Bank of the U.S.?

He was concerned it would gain too much power and eventually control the government.

Who was General John Sullivan and what did he do?

He was incompetent against the British in New York and Newport, Rhode Island. When sent against the Iroquois, he overwhelmed and destroyed them with 5,000 men. To gain recognition and rewards, he threatened to resign. Congress accepted the resignation.

Who was Citizen Genet?

He was the French official to the United States who was instructed to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack British shipping

How did John Witherspoon influence the Revolution?

He was the first major Presbyterian minister in the colonies, Scots-Irish, a 2-time member of the Continental Congress, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He justified participation in the war because he believed the government is meant to protect the people, the government should be God's servant for good, and there are grounds for resistance of authority is evil. He supported religious freedom and taught Burr, Jefferson, and Madison at Princeton. He was the perfect example of the separation of church and state without the separation of religion and politics.

Who was Frederick von Steuben?

He was the man who turned the American army into a formidable fighting force.

Who was Johnathan Edwards?

He was the son of Timothy Edwards, and ordained minister in Windsor, CT, and Ester Stoddard, daughter of a Northampton, MA preacher. He was the only boy of 11 children and was very bright as a child. In 1726, he went to Northampton to take his grandfather's place as a preacher and met and fell in love with Sarah Pierrepont. They had 11 children and lived together happily.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

He was the son of a candle and soap maker, the 10th of 17 children. At 17, he ran from Boston to Philadelphia and made an awkward appearance. He soon became a prosperous printer through Poor Richard's Almanac and began the Junto, a club where members debated highbrow questions and sought to collect information. He retired from business at 42 in 1748 but continued to write and experiment. He was the leader of the Enlightenment in America.

Why was William Lloyd Garrison often criticized by fellow abolitionists?

He was too radical.

Why was Washington able to successfully attacked Trenton and Princeton?

He went on the offensive when the British were not expecting it.

The Hartford Convention

Held in 1814-1815 by Federalists opposed to War of 1812 Protested war; called for constitutional revisions; raised concerns about secession Contended that states could "interpose" their authority to protect against unfair federal laws Treaty ending the war ended the convention's concerns

Who were the commanders in the Saratoga campaign and why was it the turning point for the war?

Horatio Gates (America) and John Burgoyne (England) were the commanders, and it suggested that reconquest of America may be beyond British strength. It gave other European powers incentive to fight for the Americans.

What characterized the first generation of New England land settlement?

Households situated in the village, with farmland placed outside the village

What was one of the major concerns Lincoln had when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation?

How it would affect border states.

What was the fundamental issue at the Constitutional Convention?

How to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states

By the 1830s, Americans were shipping __________ from the Great Lakes region India.


What was the Wilmot Proviso?

IT was a stipulation that slavery be prohibited in any territory acquired in the negotiations with Mexico

Why was a "Great Awakening" needed?

Immigrants often did not share the religious beliefs of their predecessors. Faith was made not hereditary. All religions came to be tolerated through the 1689 Act of Toleration. Those who achieved their "city on a hill" became complacent. People were scattered in the wilderness. The colonists forgot why they left Europe. Wars and affluence led to spiritual devastation.

At the time of Columbus's arrival in the Western Hemisphere, where were the greatest concentrations of Native Americans?

In Mexico and South America

The Civil War resulted in the end of slavery, the weakening of states' rights, the creation of a national banking system, promotion or large-scale business, and expanded federal powers. What conclusion can you draw from those facts?

In many ways, the war initiated a new American revolution

How did the treatment of black southern Christians change following the Second Great Awakening?

In some areas they were treated equally in matters of religion.

Which of the following factors contributed to the communications revolution in the early 18th century?

Increase in the number of taverns.

Which of the following was one of the most important results of the French and Haitian revolutions?

Increased global migration.

Who did Virginia rely on for most of its labor in its initial years as a colony?

Indentured servants

What was one of the subjects of important debates occurring in Boston in 1735?


The Kansas-Nebraska Act: Origins

Introduced by Stephen Douglas Proposed Nebraska territory to provide northern route for transcontinental railroad Territory lay north of Missouri Compromise line prohibiting slavery Douglas needed Southern support Bill allowed for popular sovereignty in territories

The Tallmadge Amendment (Sectionalism)

Introduced during congressional debate on MO statehood Would continue precedent of determining slave and free territories set by Northwest Ordinance Would ban further introduction of slavery in MO All slaves born in MO after statehood would be freed at age 25 Defeated in Senate along sectional lines

What European nationalities supplied the greatest number of immigrants to America between 1830 and 1869?


Which group of immigrants were the first to enlist on the Union side?


Which of the following statements best describes the tobacco industry in the colonies?

It encouraged the practice of indentured servitude.

Which of the following as one of the accomplishments of Jay's treaty/

It arranged for withdrawal of British troops from American soil.

How did women's legal status change in the new republic?

It became easier for women to get divorced.

What happened to the American political system during the antebellum period?

It became more democratic

Which of the following was NOT one of the features or powers of government under the Articles of Confederation?

It called for a president elected by the state legislatures

Which of the following provisions was NOT part of Henry Clay's Omnibus Bill?

It called for the abolition of slavery in states west of the Mississippi

Why was the battle of Sharpsburg significant?

It caused Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

Which of the following was a British practice that damaged Anglo-American relations during the Washington administration/

It confiscated foreign ships trading with the French Caribbean islands, it forced American sailors to serve in the British navy, it built new forts on American soil.

Why was the Battle of Saratoga so significant to the American Revolution?

It convinced France to support the United States publicly

What new royal governments did the Proclamation of 1763 create?

It created East Florida, West Florida, and Quebec.

Which of the following repercussions resulted from the U.S. decision to outlaw the slave trade in 1808?

It created an internal slave trade. X

What did the Declaratory Act of 1766 do?

It declared that Parliament had the power and authority to make laws in the colonies "in all cases whatsoever". It was really a face-saving gesture to make up for the repeal of the Stamp Act and would be important for future relations.

What did the Quartering Act of 1765 do?

It declared that colonists had to provide for the needs of British soldiers. By 1774, it had been amended so that colonists also had to provide lodging in their own homes.

During the antebellum period, what happened to the birthrate among native-born white women?

It declined

Why were traders living across the Appalachians hostile to the Proclamation of 1763?

It drew a line down the middle of the Appalachians and said anything west of that line was designated as Indian reservations.

What did the 1773 the Tea Act do?

It eliminated the additional import duties on tea, and as a result, significantly lowered the price of tea in the colonies

Which statement concerning the Battle of Antietam in September 1862 is true?

It encouraged Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

What did the National Bank Act of 1863 do?

It established criteria by which a bank could get a federal charter and issue national bank notes

How did Bacon's Rebellion transform labor systems in Virginia?

It influenced planters to abandon indentured servants in favor of slaves

What did the Sedition Act do?

It forbade any individual to oppose any law of the United States, it made it illegal to speak, write, or print any statement about the president that would put him into disrepute, it was designed to be in effect for only three years, it defined criminal activity so broadly that it blurred any real distinction between sedition and legitimate political discussion.

Which statement concerning the Emancipation Proclamation is true?

It freed slaves only in areas under Confederate control but not in areas that remained loyal

Why was the Peggy Eaton affair significant?

It furthered a growing split between Andrew Jackson and his vice president John C. Calhoun

What did the Quebec Act do?

It gave more rights to the French inhabitants of Quebec and extended Quebec's borders south into Ohio and west to the Mississippi. The colonists thought this was another encroachment on their rights (western expansion).

Which of the following was NOT one of Britain's difficulties during the War for Independence?

It had a large but ill-trained army

Which of the following factors helped to make New England America's first industrial region?

It had a surplus of young women to work in the mills

How did the American slave population changed by about 1830?

It had increased dramatically

What was the status of the black slave family?

It had no legal status

Why was John Peter Zenger's acquittal significant?

It helped set the precedent that the jury could decide what was libel.

Where is the phrase "wall of separation between church and state" found?

It is found in a letter by Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Convention.

What was Hamilton's Report on Manufactures?

It laid out plans to eventually industrialize the U.S. He proposed incentives and bounties for development of large-scale manufacturing.

Which statement concerning Republican rule in the former Confederate states is true?

It lasted a maximum of about eight years, but in most states it lasted much less time

What did American settlers in the southwest think about the Mexican and Indian residents?

It limited their ability to expand. American people moved out there against their will and did not care. It rose difficulties for us; we did not have a lot of military men out there or military forts, political parties rose to question if we should use their tradition or ours, and cultural problems rose as the country sought to incorporate people of all different backgrounds.

Which of the following best describes the American gold rush of 1849?

It lured people from all parts of the globe.

Why did many American colonists object to the Quebec Act?

It made Roman Catholicism Quebec's official religion

How did the movement of goods, people and ideas across North America affect the population?

It made it difficult for Americans to establish their own cultural identity.

How did the movement of goods, people, and ideas across North America affect the population?

It made it difficult for Americans to establish their own cultural identity.

How did the United States gain unrestricted access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans?

It negotiated the Pickney Treaty with Spain.

Which of the following statement accurately describes the War of 1812?

It occurred even though Great Britain had decided to seek peace prior to the US declaration of war, it was militarily indecisive but left the US as a major power, it witness the Battle of New Orleans after the signing of a peace treaty

What did the Treaty of Greenville do?

It opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there.

Why was Mississippi River access important to Americans?

It opened tax-free markets in New Orleans.

How were the North American colonies affected by the Act of Union?

It opened the British Empire to the Scots.

What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment?

It outlawed slavery.

What did the Treaty of Ghent NOT do?

It outlawed the impressment of American sailors.

What was distinctive about the Northwest Ordinance?

It prohibited slavery in the northwest, gave settlers more land rights, provided for public education using the Bible as the curriculum, and gave guidelines for the territories to become states.

What lesson did Europeans learn from the American Civil War?

It taught Europeans how to improve their military strategies.

What impact did the Erie Canal have on New York City?

It turned New York into the nation's largest city

What was the Newburg Conspiracy and how was it stopped?

It was a conspiracy of officers who wished to threaten Congress with fire and sword if the army did not immediately receive its pay and other promised benefits. Washington spoke to the officers saying that he would work to get them paid and that they would be making the Revolution pointless if they attacked Congress.

What was mercantilism?

It was a government policy aimed at achieving national economic self-sufficiency

What was the "Conway Cabal"?

It was a lot of criticism of Washington that broke into the open when an insulting letter about Washington written by brigadier general Thomas Conway to General Horatio Gates was revealed by General James Wilkinson. When Washington heard of it, it became a matter for Congress, and Washington emerged stronger than ever.

What was the Virginia Plan?

It was a plan developed by James Madison that would create a general government that was a national republic in its own right, not a confederation of republics. It would exercise direct power and be organized as most of the state governments were organized. Also, the laws of the federal government would be supreme over the laws of states.

What was the New Jersey Plan?

It was a plan developed by William Paterson of NJ that would give the federal government the power to tax, regulate commerce, and execute federal laws. However, the states would still be sovereign, and state law would be supreme.

What was one of the reasons why Andrew Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Bank of the United States?

It was a private monopoly run by a privileged few.

In general, what was the purpose of the series of essays referred to as The Federalist Papers?

It was a publicity campaign to promote ratification of the Constitution.

What was the Great Awakening?

It was a revival movement that emphasized the corruption of human nature, the fury of divine wrath, and the need for immediate repentance

Although it was fought after the peace treaty had been signed, why was the Battle of New Orleans significant?

It was a rousing victory for Americans, proving they could compete with European forces.

What was the Treaty of Fort Hamar?

It was a treaty in which the Delaware and Shawnee leaders sold part of Ohio to the Americans. However, the Indians refused to let Americans settle in the newly-bought land.

Which of the following best describes the Battle of Bull Run?

It was a victory for the South

How did machines speed up textile manufacturing?

It was able to produce significantly more threads at the same time and use fewer people to run one machine.

What was the Mayflower Compact?

It was an agreement reached by the first Pilgrims to abide by the laws made by their leaders

What was the purpose of the National Road?

It was built to facilitate westward migration

How was the Revolution complex? How was it conservative?

It was complex because the Americans used different forces and tactics in different regions and sometimes adjusted their alliances. Even without foreign countries, they were already an alliance of thirteen states. With the advent of foreigners, they claimed control of the forces to maintain their independence.

What was the purpose of the second amendment?

It was for citizens to protect themselves if the government tried to overstep its boundaries. The right to bear arms would protect them from thieves, invaders, Indians, and their own army.

Which of the following statements about Virginia was correct in the 17th century?

It was governed by an appointed royal governor and governor's council and a House of Burgesses elected by landowners

What was Greene's one tactical victory?

It was his victory at Cowpens in western South Carolina in January 1781. Greene split his army, taking 1,000 troops and giving Daniel Morgan 600 to attract militia and watch the British. Morgan defeated "Bloody" Tarleton's Tory Legion, and Greene headed north to meet Morgan, who was now in retreat from Cornwallis. Cornwallis lost most of his wagons and supplies to Greene, and Greene confronted him at Guildford Courthouse. Although Cornwallis was victorious, he lost much more men than Greene and made his way out of the South to Virginia and Yorktown.

Which of the following statements concerning conscription in the Civil War is true?

It was instituted first by the Confederacy

How big was the Louisiana Territory compared to the US at the time?

It was larger than the USA was in 1800

What was the ultimate outcome of Jackson's fight against the Second Bank of the United States?

It was never rechartered and it died after 1836.

What was the ultimate outcome of Jackson's fight against the Second Bank of the United States?

It was never rechartered and it died after 1836.*****

Which statement accurately describes the role of religion in the Chesapeake region in the 17th century?

It was not as important a force as in New England

What was the political make up of Congress in 1865?

It was overwhelmingly Republican.

How could the American army in the early years of the War for Independence be characterized?

It was poorly fed, poorly clothed, and poorly trained

Which of the following statements about Georgia is NOT correct?

It was populated by large numbers of debtors who otherwise would have had to rot in jail

Why did the Spanish agree to negotiate a new treaty with the United States following the Treaty of Greenville?

It was possible their weakened position in Europe would make them a U.S. target.

When was the Stamp Act repealed?

It was repealed in 1765.

What happened to the Anglican Church?

It was ripped apart because the church was rooted in England, the American enemy in the Revolution. The Episcopal Church came out of the split.

Why was the treaty negotiated by Jay in 1795 controversial?

It was seen as a violation of Washington's neutrality policy.

What was the most significant event of 1780?

It was the British capture of Charlestown, its 5400-man garrison, four ships, and a military arsenal.

What made the election of 1828 different from previous presidential elections?

It was the first time aggressive campaigning was utilized.

What made the election of 1828 different from previous presidential elections?

It was the first time aggressive campaigning was utilized.*******

Why was the Election of 1800 a critical election?

It was the first time there was a change in party in the presidency.

What was the role of government to be under the Constitution?

It was to protect the people and their rights, not hand out charity.

What was the purpose of the first amendment?

It was to stop there from being a country religion in America like there was in Great Britain. It was not to keep religion out of politics.

What was the cornerstone of the southern defense of slavery?

It was up to STATES to deal with slavery because there was nothing in the Constitution to forbid it

What argument did Angelina Grimkè use to denounce slavery?

It would delay the millennium.

What was the purpose of the independent treasury advocated by President Van Buren?

It would help to keep federal money out of the grasp of business corporations

How did Jefferson justify the use of executive power to purchase the Louisiana territory?

It would promote his vision of an agricultural-based economy.

Celebrated won election by opening the White House to the public


The first members of the Whig Party believed that:

Jackson had exercised too much power in his years as president.

Which statement best describes Jackson's view of those who supported nullification?

Jackson viewed nullification as a dangerous and treasonous affront to the union

What made the election of 1828 different from previous presidential elections

Jackson went straight to the people and what they needed to win the election. He won by a landslide of 56% popular vote and 68% electoral. Most of his supporters liked his personal appeal and how he was a common person and did not crack under pressure.

Election of 1824 (Corrupt Bargain)

Jackson, Clay, Adams, and Crawford all ran. The House of Reps chose Adams because Henry Clay had supported him. After Adams became President, he appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State.

Where did the Morant Bay Rebellion take place?


Who was an American publisher who helped to transform newspapers and create the modern concept of news and news reporting?

James Gordon Bennett

One opponent of the "American System" was

James Madison

The Virginia Plan was introduced by:

James Madison.

Who founded the first colony in Georgia?

James Oglethorpe

Where was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?


Prior to Perry's trip to Japan in 1852, which of the following statements most accurately reflects American opinion regarding Japan?

Japan would make a good refueling base for trade ships.

As early as 1785, ________________ encouraged Americans to develop trade relations with India.

John Adams

Who was the attorney who defended the British soldiers accused of firing on the civilians in the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

Which of the following candidates ran as Democrats in the 1860 election?

John Breckinridge and Stephen Douglas

America's first naval hero was:

John Paul Jones.

Was well educated and the son of the president John Adams, and had extensive diplomatic experience

John Quincy Adams

Who defended a group of slaves in the Amistad case?

John Quincy Adams

Why was the 1824 presidential election unique?

John Quincy Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives

Who was responsible for leading the Mohawk and Iroquois against the Americans in an attempt to advance Indian interests?

Joseph Brant

Who was the founder of the Mormon religion?

Joseph Smith

The conquest of New Mexico by ______________ was motivated in part because California would provide access to East Asian trade.

Juan de Oñate

Who were the midnight judges?

Judicial appointments made by President Adams in the last months of his presidency.

In the Declaration of Independence, where did Thomas Jefferson place the blame for the problems between the colonies and Great Britain?

King George III, because of the crown's apparent intention to establish despotism

In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, what did the Masschusetts Supreme Court rule?

Labor unions were not illegal combinations or monopolies.

What other factors won the war?

Land (island doesn't rule a continent), the French, George Washington, and logistics also played a part.

During the pre-Civil War decades, what did most American painters prefer to paint?


Married Women's Property Laws

Law enacted between 1839 and 1860 in New York and other states that permitted married women to own, inherit, and bequeath property.

Nat Turner

Leader of a slave rebellion in 1831 in Virginia. Revolt led to the deaths of 20 whites and 40 blacks and led to the "gag rule' outlawing any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives

What was wrong with Congress's inability to regulate commerce?

Leaders with agrarian interests like Jefferson and Madison feared it would lead to large-scale manufacturing in America, which would destroy the farmer-citizenry on which republicanism was based. France and Britain refused to buy American products and flooded American markets with their products. States tried to pass "navigation acts", but taxes between the states sometimes became higher than taxes on imported goods.

What was the Corp of Discovery?

Lewis, Clark and the group of 30 men that went on the expedition

The first American casualties of the Revolutionary War were killed in:


Where did British and colonial forces first fight in April 1775?

Lexington and Concord

Who else was sent out to explore the wilderness by Jefferson?

Lieutenant Zebulon Pike 1805 & 1807

Why did the states of the Upper South join the Confederacy?

Lincoln announced his intention of appointing William Seward as secretary of state.

The "Freeport Doctrine"

Lincoln asked Douglas how, in light of Dred Scott, the people of a territory could exclude slavery Douglas said that slavery could only flourish when supported by local laws; no laws, no slavery Douglas's response probably helped him win the election, but killed any future presidential bid

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of debates Douglas saw Lincoln as a tough opponent Thousands viewed the pair as they spoke Both candidates used different styles to explain their views

Although by 1864 most Southerners suspected they were losing the war, why did they refuse to surrender?

Lincoln's demands for surrender were unacceptable.

Secession Begins

Lincoln's victory seen as last straw South Carolina seceded on December 20, 1860 Six states followed by February 1861 Representatives set up a provisional Confederate government in Montgomery President Buchanan did nothing

Initially, what method did both the North and South use to raise their armies?

Local rallies to sign up volunteers

Slavery in the Louisiana Territory

Louisiana Territory bought from France in 1803 States admitted along similar rules as the Northwest Ordinance Missouri applied for statehood in 1817 Most residents were Southerners and slaveholders Admission of Missouri as a slave state would upset balance between number of slave and free states

What system did Francis Cabot Lowell use ion his mills and who did he hire?

Lowell System -water-powered mills that employed young unmarried women from local farms. A loom that could spin thread a weave cloth at the same time.

America's first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of manufacturing was:

Lowell, Massachusetts.

Kansas-Nebraska: Political Aftermath

Major realignment of party loyalties Collapse of Whig Party Democrats became strong in South, weak in North Republican Party became dominant in the North

How did the Revolution effect slavery?

Many Americans realized that slavery was a deviation from the Declaration of Independence and needed to be explained and justified. In 1774, the Continental Congress urged the abolition of the slave trade. In 1775, Quakers in Philadelphia formed the first antislavery society. Freedom was given to black slaves who enlisted, and the war weakened slavery in the North.

Slavery and the Mexican War (Sectionalism)

Many Whigs opposed the Mexican War Feared that war would lead to expansion of slavery Some, including Lincoln, believed the U.S. had actually been the aggressor Democrats tended to support the war and Polk's expansionism

Who served as George Washington's French liaison during the Revolution?

Marquis de Lafayette

The ruling of this Supreme Court judge ended the Republican offensive against the judiciary.


The Albany Regency, a tightly disciplined political machine, was run by:

Martin Van Buren.

What state is credited with laying the first miles of railroad tracks?


Which of the following border states remained loyal to the Union?


What new manufacturing pattern emerged as a result of Whitney's idea of using interchangeable parts?

Mass production.

What was the last state to break the connection between the state and religion?


Jackson's policy of antielitism led him to veto internal projects such as the _____________ because it would only benefit the citizens of one state.

Maysville Road

What was the principle of virtual representation?

Members of Parliament represented everyone because they considered the welfare of all subject when deciding issues.

What did the doctrine of separate spheres suggest?

Men were superior in worldly pursuits, and women were superior for their moral influence

For most Americans, who belonged to the natural aristocracy?

Men who had demonstrated fitness for government service through their personal accomplishments

Who led the expedition?

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

As a result of the Second Great Awakening, the _____________ Church experienced one of the greatest increases in membership.


As a result of the Great Awakening, the _____________ Church experienced one of the greatest increases in membership.

Methodist X

How did Mexicans react to the issue of slavery in Texas, when did mexico become independent of Spain?

Mexico did not like slavery and outlawed it in 1830.

How did the Republic of Texas deal with the issue of slavery

Mexico had abolished slavery in 1829 but Texas reinstated it and prohibited free blacks from residing in the new nation. The presence of a new slaveholding nation to the south worried the Northerns that were eager to stop the spread of slavery in the Union.

Mexican American War 1846-1848

Mexico was unhappy about the United States annexing Texas from them even after the revolution. Americans flooded New Mexico and California and then invaded parts of Northeastern and Northwestern parts of Mexico. The war ended in victory for the United States. The Treaty of Guadalupe specified the major consequences of the war. It forced a Mexican cession of the territories of California and New Mexico to the US in exchange for $15 million. Mexico accepted the loss of Texas and made Rio Grande as it's national border.

In the United States, which of the following was not a reason for opposition to the Mexican-American War?

Mexico's army was four times the size of American forces and would therefore be unbeatable

What was the economic status of most people in antebellum America?


Which of the following industries benefited substantially from water power?


How did the colonists react to the Quartering Act imposed by Parliament?

Mostly colonists resented the soldiers' presence.

Which of the following examples provides evidence of the sophistication of Hopewell culture?

Mounds containing enclosures

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the nature of work in the United States before the 19th century?

Nearly everyone worked at what they considered their home.

Which of the following statements best describes the state of America's labor movement during the early decades of the 19th century?

Neighborhoods became defined by class.

What was the largest group of southern whites in the antebellum period?

Nonslaveholding yeomen

Which of the following organizations led the movement for immediate abolition?

Northeast Antislavery Society

Where were Comanches located?

Northern Mexico

Sectionalism and the Constitution

Northern delegates: count slaves for taxation, but not representation Southern delegates: count slaves for representation, not taxation Resulted in "three-fifths compromise" Congress agreed not to interfere with slave trade until 1808

Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts?

Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia.

The Election of 1860: Results

Northern states had majority of the votes, and would go either for Lincoln or Douglas Lincoln avoided public campaigning Douglas took MO and NJ Breckinridge and Bell carried slave states Lincoln handily won electoral vote

Indian Removal Act

Nullified 50 years' worth of treaties between the United States and many tribes. The law committed the federal government to creating an Indian territory west of the Mississippi, in present day Oklahoma, and to moving Indians by force into this new region. The Indians won the hearing in the Supreme Court but the state of Georgia ignored it.

Which of the following was one of the first colleges to train evangelical ministers?


In 1835, _________ became the first college to admit African Americans. ___________ soon admitted African Americans too.

Oberlin College Harvard University

Harpers Ferry

October 1859 Brown and followers planned to seize arsenal and arm slaves Slaves failed to join in rebellion Some of Brown's men killed; he was captured

Why were the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans important to farmers and merchants?

Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee were becoming states with farmers, etc. It's easier living west of the Appalachians to ship goods downriver to sell in New Orleans. Then it would be shipped to the east coast.

How did Washington retaliate after being pushed out of New York City?

On Christmas Eve, he crossed the Delaware River and defeated the British and their German mercenaries at Trenton and Princeton.

Which of the following statements best describes the attitude of southern whites following emancipation?

Once emancipation was unavoidable, southern whites worked to establish white supremacy.

What percentage of slave owners owned more than 20 slaves in 1860?

Only about 10%

Free market economy

Open competition and the exchange of products, credits, and cash balance the optimum production and price of goods. As new kinds of transportation and machinery became available by 1820, many farmers made decisions about what to grow, when to grow it, and how to process it based on market forces.

Why was debt a problem?

Outsiders would be more likely to invest in U.S. companies if they didn't look like they were going bankrupt in a week.

Slavery and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Ordinance created five new states from Northwest Territory Slavery and involuntary servitude prohibited Did not affect slaves already in Northwest Some still brought slaves to territories Pressure to continue slavery in Northwest

What was the concern of some Americans, including Abraham Lincoln, regarding the War with Mexico?

Origin of the war.

What is the timeline for the first few events in the Revolution?

Patrick Henry's "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech, Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Second Continental Congress, Washington is given command

Who rescued Johnathan Edwards' reputation in the 20th century?

Perry Miller did.

The city of _____________ became the destination of many French émigrés during the 1790s.


Who was the most famous entertainer in 19th-century America?

Phineas T. Barnum

Which theory proposed that bumps on the skull reveal an individual's personality?


What was named for Pike?

Pike's Peak in Colorado (Grand Peak)

Changed because of the economic growth and the Democratic Party

Political life

What permanent political institution developed as a result of the conflicts in Europe?

Political parties

In the late 18th century, what did many Americans think about political parties?

Political parties were factions - selfish groups that advanced their own interests at the expense of the public good.

Other Approaches to Slavery in the Mexican Cession (Sectionalism)

Polk believed that the 36o30' line should be extended to the Pacific Ocean Northerners rejected Polk's suggestion Cass suggested that territories be formed without regard to slavery; their citizens could then vote Cass's idea known as "popular sovereignty"

What was one reason that dark horse James K. Polk won the presidency in 1844?

Polk convinced many northerners that the annexation of Texas would be in their best interest

How did sharecropping work?

Poor farmers would rent land from large landowners in exchange for half the crop produced on the land

Which of the following statements is the most accurate?

Poor women had little political input.


Popular theatrical entertainment begun around 1830, in which white actors in blackface presented comic routines that combined racist caricature and social criticism.

Which of the following nations led the way in exploration in the 15th century?


The _____________ were the first European people to succeed in profiting from the Atlantic slave trade because they improved profitability by learning how to deal directly with African captors.


Which of the following religions did not embrace the evangelical revivalism of the 1840s?


What brought the Radical and moderate Republicans together in an alliance against President Johnson?

President Johnson vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau bill and the Civil Rights Act of 1866

Which of the following was one of the reasons why some antislavery northerners believed there was a southern conspiracy to extend slavery into the Southwest?

President Tyler, a states rights Democrat from Virginia, maneuvered to arrange the annexation of Texas.

Who repealed it and why?

Prime Minister Lord North repealed most of the taxes in 1770, recognizing that the boycott of English goods was hurting English merchants more than colonists.

By 1828 most states eliminated.... Requirements to vote


What was the typical qualification for holding office in 18th century English colonies, except for New England?

Property ownership of at least 1,000 acres

The Crittenden Compromise

Proposed December 1860 A Constitutional amendment would: Recognize as slavery as "existing" in any territory below the Missouri Compromise line Keep future amendments from tampering with slavery Lincoln refused to consider it

In passing the 14th Amendment, Congress sought to

Protect the citizenship rights of males

Which of the following groups of people were most likely to belong to the Whig Party?


What type of punishment did most Native Americans favor in child rearing?

Psychological punishment

Although the Pueblo and colonists in New Mexico formed an uneasy alliance, one thing that did not change was

Pueblo were still required to construct public buildings.

Prior to the 19th century abolitionist movement, slavery was opposed by the


Prior to the 19th-century abolitionist movement, slavery was opposed by


John Brown

Raised in an antislavery family Never financially successful Involved in abolitionist activities, including the Underground Railroad Pottawatomie Massacre

Why were British evangelicals drawn to America?

Reenergized American churches

At the end of the Civil War, what was the first issue the U.S. government had to address?

Reestablishing loyal governments in the South.

Why were many of the reforms of the Second Great Awakening disruptive to society?

Reforms often challenged previously entrenched opinions and customs.

What was the relationship between the colonists and Indians in the Northeast at the beginning of the 18th century?

Relations stabilized due to the Grand Settlement.

Which of these was a result of the wars between France and Spain during the mid 1560s?

Religious violence encouraged Huguenots to seek refuge in a Brazilian colony.

Virginia sent George Washington to the Ohio valley in 1753 and 1754 because it wanted him to

Remove the French from the region by persuasion or force

Which of these was one of the consequences of the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1664-1667)?

Renaming of New Netherland to New York.

What Native American woman will join the group as a guide and interpreter?


______________ was important to the success of the Louis and Clark expedition.


Who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific?


Who became president of the newly independent Republic of Texas?

Sam Houston

Who led the Texas army that defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto?

Sam Houston

Who became president of the newly independent Republic of Texas?

Sam Houston******

How did education reform affect people with special needs?

Samuel Gridley Howe opened a school for the blind in Massachusetts and Thomas Gallaudet founded the first school for the hearing impaired.

Who invented the telegraph?

Samuel Morse.

Contributed to American manufacturing and expertise in machinery but also in a new labor

Samuel Slater

The discovery of gold in California provided a significant population boost to which of the following cities?

San Francisco

Who was another woman who served in the Revolution?

Sarah Osborn also served as a washerwoman and cook, traveling with the Continental Army for the campaign in the southern colonies.

Although the French were secretly aiding the Americans as early as May of 1776, it took the Battle of ____________ to convince them the Americans could defeat the British.


What was Sherman's 1863 Christmas gift to Lincoln?


How did General Arthur St. Clair fight the Indians?

Secretary of War Henry Knox ordered St. Clair to build a fort a the forks of the Maumee River in March 1791. Then he was to find and attack the Indians. When he set out in October, he only had about half of his supposed force. On 4 November, his men were surprised, and he ordered a withdrawal. His troops broke and ran in the greatest American failure against the Indians.

What did the typical southern yeoman want?

Self-sufficiency with a modest profit

Where did women hold their first national women's rights convention?

Seneca Falls, new York

When did Lewis and Clark's expedition return?

Sep 1806

What was the main reason the population of the British North American colonies increased in the 18th century?

Settlers had a high birthrate.

Why was federal funding for roads such a controversial topic

Several presidents didn't agree with using federal money to build roads they felt it was giving the government too much power and was unconstitutional. (369) they didn't think it could truly serve a national interest.

Which of the following is NOT associated with Grantism?

Seward's Icebox

Ann Lee founded the religious sect known as the


Ann Lee founded the religious sect known as the


What contributions did Ann Lee make to the Second Great Awakening?

She and her followers believed in gender equality.

Why was Dorothea Dix significant during the Civil War?

She headed the Union's nursing corps

Harriet Beecher Stowe

She published Uncle Tom's Cabin, which became the most popular novel of the 19th century. It sought to characterize the central crime of slavery as the destruction of slave families through sale and violence. She was a wife of prominent northern ministers and drew enthusiasm for abolition form her involvement with the evangelical movement. Spurred by her book were a half a million women from England, Ireland, and Scotland that sent a petition calling for emancipation to the U.S. congress.

What major issue did Americans face following the Mexican War?

Should new states be admitted as slave or free states?

What was the significance of the 1830s race involving the Tom Thumb locomotive?

Showed the power and speed of a locomotive and faster transportation.

As commander of the British forces, ______________ successfully turned back Washington's forces in New York.

Sir William Howe

Which of the following arguments of racial superiority did Southerners use to justify the necessity for slavery?

Skull size was related to intellectual ability.

Which of the following arguments of racial superiority did Southerners use to justify the necessity for slavery?

Skull size was related to intellectual ability.*******

Why was it difficult for African Americans to get an education in the South in the early 1800's? Why were the slaveholders fearful of education?

Slave Codes prohibited slaves from getting any type of education in the Southern states. Slaveholders feared education would encourage a spirit of revolt among the enslaved African Americans.

What lesson did white southerners learn from the Nat Turner rebellion?

Slave insurrection was an ever-present threat

The Dred Scott Case

Slave whose master had moved him to free territory for several years Sued for his freedom under the Northwest Ordinance and Missouri Compromise Case appealed to U.S. Supreme Court in 1857 Chief Justice Roger B. Taney Taney ruled against Scott: Slaves, as non-citizens, had no constitutional rights State laws determined a slave's freedom, not federal Congress's power to create territorial rules did not include prohibiting slavery Missouri Compromise unconstitutional

How did the U.S. ban on the slave trade affect slavery within the United States?

Slavery expanded.

How did Mexicans react to the issue of slavery in Texas?

Slavery was outlawed in 1830.

How did Mexicans react to the issue of slavery in Texas?

Slavery was outlawed in 1830.*****

What kept most Southerners from moving to the Northwest Territory?

Slavery was prohibited.

What kept most southerners from moving into the Northwest territory?

Slavery was prohibited.

Margaret Fuller

Social reformer, leader in women's movement and a transcendentalist. Edited "The Dial" which was the publication of the transcendentalists. It appealed to people who wanted "perfect freedom" "progress in philosophy and theology and hope that the future will not always be as the past".

Why did St. Clair lose?

Soldiers deserted, there was poor food and equipment, there were corn whiskey and camp followers, arguments with his officers were continuous, he had a lack of intelligence, and didn't send out a patrol in the dawn of the day of the attack.

What did the military bounties awarded during the War of 1812 provide?

Soldiers would receive western land in exchange for military service

Why did the battle over black suffrage ultimately divide the women's rights movement?

Some advocates of women's rights refused to support black suffrage without attendant woman suffrage.

Finding the federal roads became a controversial argument because

Some believed it was unconstitutional

What are some examples of Federalists?

Some examples are James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, and George Washington.

What are some examples of Anti-Federalists?

Some examples are Samuel Adams and John Hancock.

First state to secede

South Carolina

What was the dispute in the 1830's nullification crisis?

South Carolina questioned whether a state was bound by congressional legislation

The Planter Aristocracy in the South

South governed by select few rich people, was the head of the southern society. they determined the political, economic, and even the social life of their region. they were defined as the cotton magnates, the sugar, rice, and tobacco, the whites who owned at least 40 or 50 slaves and 800 or more acres - women dependent on slaves

Which of the following statements concerning John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry is true?

Southern fire-eaters were incensed.

Which of the following was NOT a feature of Lincoln's 10 percent plan?

Southern plantations were to be confiscated and divided among the blacks who had formerly worked there as slaves.

Which group was particularly opposed to Hamilton's suggestion that the federal government assume the states' war debts?


Southern Extremism Grows

Southerners fearful of Northern dominance Worried that new free states would be able to abolish slavery State legislatures restricted civil liberties; made freeing slaves illegal Concept of secession became popular

What lesson did many white Southerners take from Nat Turner's rebellion?

Southerners needed to treat their slaves better.

What lesson did many white southerners take from Nat Turner's rebellion?

Southerners needed to treat their slaves better.

Why did southern education lag behind northern education?

Southerners were indifferent to public schools.

In general, communities in the ___________ were more likely to adhere to old world gender roles.


The purpose of the Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty was to settle border disputes between the United States and


Why did Jefferson offer to buy the Louisiana Territory from France?

Spain closed New Orleans port before selling it to France. France was planning to colonize this territory and Jefferson wanted to but it to avoid war with France and Spain.

The biggest problem the Caddo had with the Spanish was that the

Spanish did not respect the Caddo's gender roles.

What is the name of the process where a newly elected official removes officeholders of the rival political party and replaces them with members of his own party?

Spoils system

How did Frances Wright energize American labor workers?

Spoke publically about women's rights.

What were pet banks?

State banks chosen by President Jackson to be depositories of federal money?

What generally happened when the British evacuated areas they had previously occupied such as New Jersey, New York, Georgia, and the Carolinas?

State militias ruthlessly pursued loyalists, forced many to flee, and coerced most into renouncing the crown.

Most significant contribution by Americans to international technology occurred in the

Steam boat industry

What other new inventions improved daily life for Americans?

Steam power, new factories, improved farm equipment, and the sewing machine.

Why did the Democratic committee split over the presidential nominee in 1860?

Stephen Douglas refused to adopt a slave code.

America's first major song writer was

Stephen Foster

America's first major song writer was

Stephen Foster.

Uncle Tom's Cabin: Reactions

Stowe also condemned North for the slave trade Most Southerners saw the book as unfair Most Northerners dismissed Southern criticisms Spurred Northern involvement in abolitionism

The Wilmot Proviso (Sectionalism)

Suggested in 1846 by Rep. Wilmot during debate on a Mexican War funding bill Amendment prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico Passed the House, but defeated in the Senate

Brooks Attacks Sumner (Sectionalism)

Sumner made Senate speech against Butler, Brooks's uncle Brooks caned Sumner into unconsciousness on Senate floor Brooks resigned his seat, but was quickly reelected

Who is considered the first U.S. literary celebrity?

Susannah Rowson

Who is considered the first U.S. literary celebrity?

Susannah Rowson Charlotte Temple

Besides Great Britain, France, and Spain, what other countries established colonies in North America in the 1600's?

Sweden and the Netherlands

the wife listed in a census record may not be the mother of the children


What did Americans have to do in order to legally settle in Spanish territories in the Southwest?

Take an oath of allegiance to the Spanish government.

American business relations with Canton promoted a lucrative trade in what commodity?


___________ became a highly sought after commodity from British merchants because colonists considered it a sign of refinement.


The Shawnee leader _______________ was instrumental in providing assistance to the British during the War of 1812.


The Shawnee leader _______________ was instrumental in providing assistance to the British during the War of 1812.


The Lecompton Constitution (Sectionalism)

Territorial governor supported popular sovereignty Proslavery Kansans held constitutional convention in Lecompton Series of stacked votes on constitution Buchanan supported constitution to keep Southern support; clashed with Douglas Struggles over ratification of constitution

Who was Robert Fulton?

Tested the first full-sized commercial steamboat, Clermont.

How was the colonization of Texas different from other colonization efforts in North America?

Texas was run by American citizens with the permission of the Mexican government.*****

Who was Francis Marion and what was his strategy in the Revolution?

The "Swamp Fox" enlisted as a captain in 1775. He saw little action for the first 3 years of the war because he was in charge of construction defenses and tracking down deserters. He also broke his ankle. After his ankle healed, he was assigned to Gates' Southern Army in North Carolina. His force had no tents and few blankets and often moved several miles nightly in secret. They attacked British lines of supply, struck to rescue prisoners, stalked and plundered loyalists, and seized supplies, boats and slaves. After almost being trapped in August 1780 because he was travelling with artillery, he refused to use artillery.

How was the president determined in the 1824 election

The 12th amendment stipulated that the House of Representatives would decide the election from the top 3 candidates. Since Crawford health declined the race came down to Jackson and Adams. Each State delegation in the House received one vote, Henry clay had a big role in the election he had just lost. He met with Adams in January and when congress met in Feb. They supported Adams. He was elected president even though Jackson had won more popular and more electoral votes.

What doctrine did the Supreme Court enunciate in the Slaughterhouse cases of 1873?

The 14th Amendment only protected the basic rights of national citizenship, not rights that fell to citizens by virtue of their state citizenship.

Encouraged development through a series of laws

The American system

Why was Bunker Hill a disaster?

The Americans did not choose the best ground for fortification (they chose Breed's Hill, not Bunker Hill), they did not have the troops to withstand the British army, and they received no reinforcements or ammunition. When they ran out of gunpowder, they were slaughtered and routed.

What was the result of the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

The Americans proved they could still raise a good army. The Indians realized the English would not help them and signed the Treaty of Fort Greenville in 1795. By 1808-9, the Indian confederation crumbled, and negotiations took place one tribe at a time. It led to low morale for the Indians, and many of them began to move West.

Which of the following statements does NOT correctly portray an aspect of the Columbian exchange?

The Americas sent horses and sheep to Europe

What were the biggest concerns of those who opposed the passage of the Constitution?

The Constitution did not sufficiently protect the personal liberties and individual rights of the people.

Why did Madison change his mind and come to support a Bill of Rights?

The Anti-Federalists wanted a Bill of Rights, and Madison's political career was in danger because so many VA voters were Anti-Federalists. He feared the goal of the Anti-Federalists in calling for a Bill of Rights was to engineer the calling of a second convention in which they would dismantle the Constitution. Also, by writing the Bill of Rights himself, he ensured that the rights would focus on individuals, not states.

What was the direction of the population movement that took place between 1790 and 1840?

The Atlantic coast to the areas between the Appalachians and the Mississippi

Which battle represented the worst American defeat of the Revolutionary War?

The Battle of Charleston

After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans?

The Battle of Saratoga

Which of the following statements is NOT a reason why the Constitution was ratified in 1788?

The Bill of Rights was added in 1787 to persuade opponents of the Constitution to accept it.

What violent action occurred because of the Townshend Act and what was the result?

The Boston Massacre occurred in 1770. Five colonists including mulatto Crispus Attucks were killed and six were wounded. British Captain Preston was released after being defended in court by John Adams, but two of his men were branded.

Why did westerners feel special bitterness toward the British during the late 1780's?

The British continued to occupy seven forts on America soil and backed Indian resistance to white settlers

Which of the following was a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

The British gained Florida and Canada and became supreme in eastern North America

One of the problems between the United States and Great Britain in the early 1800s involved which of the following issues?

The British impressments of U.S. seamen.

What was the British strategy in the South?

The British planned on driving the Continental forces from the region and using loyalists to pacify the colonies back into submission.

Which denominations chose neutrality?

The Catholics, Quakers, and Mennonites did.

What was the Common-School Movement? Why did reformers set out to improve education in the United States?

The Common-School Movement believed that all children should be taught in a common place, regardless of background. Reformers wanted to improve education in the U.S. because they thought that education made children responsible citizens.

Why did cotton diplomacy fail?

The Confederacy overestimated Britain's dependence on southern cotton.

Which denominations generally supported the war?

The Congregationalists, Lutherans, and Baptists did.

When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion?

The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties.

What was the strongest argument against Hamiltons' Bank of the United States?

The Constitution had given Congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation.

What was the Constitutional theory?

The Constitution would use checks and balances between Federal and State government and between the branches of government, and sovereignty would come from the people, not the states.

Election of 1828/Jacksonian Revolution

The Democratic Republicans lost to the democrats. A new democratic president who would eventually cause the formation of the Whig party came into office. Resulted in one dominant party.

Who were the "strict constructionists" and what did they support?

The Democratic-Republicans were "strict constructionists" and supported a strict translation of the Constitution, especially the "necessary and proper" clause.

What kept Americans from trading with India prior to 1783?

The East India Company held the monopoly on trade with India.

Why was the U.S. government stable after the Revolution?

The English colonists were expected to govern and finance themselves so they had experience in that area. Also, the society was mostly middle class with 90% able to buy land.

Which of the following statements best describes England's domination of New York during the 1680s?

The English imposed their laws of government on the Dutch.

What was the U.S.'s foreign policy after the war?

The English remained in their Northwest posts and would not move because damages had not been paid to loyalists. The U.S. and Spain both claimed the Mississippi and Alabama.

First big American project

The Erie Canal

What was the first major canal project in the US?

The Erie Canal

Who were the "loose constructionists" and what did they support?

The Federalists were "loose constructionists" and supported a loose translation of the Constitution, especially the "necessary and proper" clause.

What happened to the fate of American political parties after the War of 1812?

The Federalists were destroyed.

In President Jefferson' view, what did the Judiciary Act of 1801 demonstrate?

The Federalists were going to make the judiciary their stronghold.

Why did Southerners believe that the Civil War would be short?

The French and British would quickly recognize their independence as a separate nation.

Why were the French initially reluctant to support the American cause?

The French king did not fully embrace the concept of liberty.

Why did the Virginia slave rebellion in 1800 fail?

The rebels were betrayed by fellow slaves.

How did immigrants between 1830 and 1850 affect American workers

The Irish came over to the New World very unskilled so they took most unskilled job opportunities and formed a substantial part of the poorest class by midcentury. Lots of women came over with them and they earned even less wages than the men and could not support their families. Germans came over in larger groups. The men who came had more labor skills and put them in competition with Americans for jobs. They farmed a lot out west. The new immigrants struggled to secure day labor and unskilled jobs, better established American s seized opportunities and moved up the income ladder.

King cotton diplomacy and why it failed

The King Cotton Diplomacy initiated an embargo on cotton sales to Britain and France in May 1861, as they believed that economic pressure would force them to recognize the Confederacy. The Confederacy failed to recognize that cotton was just as important for trade as food was for them and that England and France had very good textile workers.

We're paid fair and worked hard

The Lowell mill girls

What was one of the major issues facing Madison during his first term as president?

The National Bank

Why did Pontiac's Rebellion occur?

The Native Americans hoped the French would return.

North and South: Differences

The North: Primarily industrial Mostly urban and small farms Supported tariffs and internal improvements For strong central government Relied on free labor Wanted to limit spread of slavery in West The South: Primarily agricultural Mostly small farms and plantations Generally opposed tariffs and internal improvements For "states' rights" Relied on slavery due to smaller population Supported extending slavery in West

Which of the following best describes crop and land-use patterns in the US by the 1830's?

The Old Northwest boomed with land development and wheat production.

What conclusions did most Americans draw from published reports regarding western explorations?

The Plains Indians were experiencing a decrease in population.

What was the Second Great Awakening and who was one of its leaders? What effects did the Second Great Awakening have on religion in the United States?

The Second Great Awakening was a Christian renewal movement that swept through towns in upstate New York and through the frontier regions of Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and South Carolina. Charles Finney was one of the most important leaders of this movement. It caused a new interest in religion to spread to New England and the South and it renewed religious faith throughout America. Finney taught new converts to prove their faith by good deeds.

Which section of the country tended to oppose tariffs?

The South

What happened as a result of the Stono Rebellion?

The South Carolina legislature established a harsh new code to keep slaves under constant surveillance and ensure that masters disciplined their slaves

What advantage did the South have over the North at the beginning of the Civil War?

The South had better military leaders

Which of the following is a correct statement about Spanish conquests in the Western Hemisphere?

The Spanish church and government attempted to curb the excesses and abuses of the conquistadores.

Remember the Alamo

The Spanish were defeated after a battle lasting two weeks and captured Santa Anna in fighting along with the San Jacinto River a few months later. The victors issued a Texas Declaration of Independence.

What argument did the United States use to justify the threat of taking Florida from the Spanish?

The Spanish were unable to control the Seminole Indians.

Which tax was the catalyst in the development of resistance thinking and action and why?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was. It was a direct tax on paper goods and affected many more people than the Sugar Act. Patriots cried out that it was taxation without representation and began to boycott English goods and use mob coercion.

What was the first revenue-producing legislation forced upon the colonies and what was it's purpose?

The Sugar Act of 1764 was, and Prime Minister George Grenville wanted the colonists to pay their fair share for the wars fought in the colonies. It taxed only imports so it was an indirect tax.

What did the Supreme Court argue in Marbury v. Madison?

The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law.

U.S. Men vs. men in other countries

The amount that could vote Was more in America

What was "Western USA" in 1800?

The area between the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River

While waging the American Revolution and running the government before 1787, how was Congress limited by the Articles of Confederation?

The articles did not give Congress the authority to order states to comply with its requests

How did the status of the family change as a result of the expansion of an industrialized nation?

The concept of separate spheres emerged.

How did the status of the family change as a result of the expansion of an industrialized nation?

The concept of separate spheres emerged.*****

why did union forces resort to the destruction of property as a military tactic

The confederate's resentment was frustrating the men of the union so they used their frustration and became a lot more destructive.

What controversial issue was settled as a result of the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

The constitutionality of the national bank.

What controversial issue was settled as a result of the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

The constitutionality of the national bank.******

corrupt bargain

The corrupt bargain was when Adams was elected president when Jackson had more electoral and popular votes in the election of 1824.

How did the Constitution become effective?

The delegates bypassed state legislatures and sent the constitution to popularly elected state conventions to be ratified. After the vote, the conventions would be disbanded, and approval of only 9 of the 13 states was required.

Which statement concerning the delegates to the Constitutional Convention is most accurate?

The delegates tended to be wealthy lawyers in their thirties and forties

How did the idea of interchangeable parts lead to mass production?

The idea that machines produce matching parts became a standard.

The newly planned city of Washington, D.C. was a reflection of which of the following?

The influence of Greek and Roman ideals.

What concerned many white citizens about Jackson's Indian policy?

The inhumane treatment of Cherokees.

How did the laws of coverture affect women?

The laws required women to give property and wages to their husbands.

How did the laws of coverture affect women?

The laws required women to give property and wages to their husbands.*****

Who benefited the most from the Battle of Saratoga, the patriots or the British?

The patriots because it convinced the French to join the American cause.

Who benefited the most from the Battle of Saratoga, the patriots or the British?

The patriots because it convinced the French to join the American cause.********

What made the post-Civil War amendments different from the Bill of Rights?

The post-Civil War amendments grant Congress the power to legislate individual rights.

Why was the Union more politically cohesive than the Confederacy?

The presence of a vocal and politically powerful opposition in the North forced the Republicans to unite behind their leader

Why was it so difficult for reformers to change the status of women's rights?

The proposed changes often challenged traditional Christian society

Why was it so difficult for reformers to change the status of women's rights?

The proposed changes often challenged traditional Christian society.

What impact did technological changes have on the American worker before the Civil War?

The purchasing power of the average worker rose.

What were the pros and cons of the regulars and militia?

The regulars weren't exactly professional, but they provided a visible alternative to British authority. The militias were poorly trained and only effective when used correctly. However, they were great morale boosters.


The religion of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. After Smith's death at the hands of an angry mob, Brigham Young led many followers of Mormonism to lands in present-day Utah in 1846.

What was one of the purposes of the settlement at Plymouth Plantation?

The settlers wanted to provide lumber, furs, and fish for London merchant Thomas Weston

What were conditions like in Valley Forge?

The snow was thick. Food was scarce. The men lived in huts that were extremely drafty, smoky, and unhealthy. Quartermaster General Thomas Mifflin ignored the soldiers and did not send food or clothing. Not until Nathaniel Green took over in the spring did the soldiers begin to receive adequate necessities. Dysentery and typhus were rampant, and personal hygiene was awful although Washington tried to enforce it. Washington insisted on morality and prayer in the camp. Despite Washington's efforts, the men were highly undisciplined. Not until the arrival of Baron von Steuben did the troops become an effective army.


The social reform movement to end slavery immediately and without compensation that began in the United States in the 1830s.

Civil War 1861-1865

The south wanted to protect their freedom and the north wanted to abolish slavery.

What was wrong with the supremacy of legislative power?

The states were incompetent in administering their power. For example, in MA, Shay's rebellion led to the enactment of debtor relief legislation. Fear of legislative tyranny was high.

By 1840 this had a great impact on the speed with which good laugh and people could move around country

The steam powered train

Which provision of the Compromise of 1850 antagonized the North the most?

The strengthening of the Fugitive Slave Act

Which states' support was essential?

The support of MA, NY, PA, and VA was essential.

What happened in Ex parte Merryman?

The supreme Court ruled that President Lincoln had exceeded his authority in suspending habeas corpus in Maryland

How was the tariff issue under Jackson settled?

The tariff was lowered, and South Carolina withdrew its nullification action.

What was the temperance movement? What type of reform did they promote?

The temperance movement was a reform effort that urged people to use self-discipline to stop drinking hard liquor. They felt hard liquor caused people to neglect the education of their families and corrupted their morals.

Which of the following epitomized the democratic nature of New England government?

The town meeting

Which of the following statements accurately describes railroads in the United States in 1860?

The united States had more miles of track than the rest of the world combined.

The "American System" of economics is primarily concerned with which of the following concepts?

The use of federal funds for internal improvements.

What lesson did the United States learn from its wars in North Africa in the early 19th century?

The weaknesses of the United States were exposed.

Which of the following describes the life of a Lowell "mill girl"?

The work was hard but most were paid a fair wage.

What was Emerson's main criticism of evangelical reformers?

Their morality hindered their actions.

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution require?

There had to be separate ballots in the Electoral College for the presidency and vice presidency.

Which statement best describes the Republican Party position in the election of 1860?

There should be no further extension of slavery into the territories.

How did the Great Awakening decline?

There was a theological schism between those who supported the preaching of the Great Awakening and those who did not. Edwards asked for a salary raise, which led to rumors that he was using the money for self. He punished the children of prominent citizens without consulting the parents. He made converts sign a covenant. He was arrogant but sometimes seemed reserved. Affluence came to Northampton. His opponents (the Hawleys and Williams) sought for his removal.

In general, which of the following best describes the Second Great Awakening?

There was an increase in denominational institutions.

What was the Indian reaction to the British victory over the French in the French and Indian War?

There was an increased effort to drive the British out of the western territories.

Why did Southerners shy away from massive industrialization projects?

There was concern that large cities would hinder slave control.

How did childrearing change during the antebellum era?

There was more of an emphasis on affection towards children.

What was one of the major issues of contention regarding the re-chartering of the Second Bank of the United States?

There was no constitutional authority to establish a National Bank.

Why was the election of 1860 unusual?

There were four candidates running for president.

How did East Coast immigration patterns change in the mid-19th century?

There were more immigrants from central and southern Europe.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about slave uprising in the antebellum South?

There were only three, and only one resulted in white deaths

What is Edwards' legacy?

There were thousands of converts in New England alone, and it coincided with unity and nationalism. His teaching reinforced American exceptionalism and was socially unifying, bringing everyone to the same level. It led to an emphasis on helping others and sought to make Christianity rational. Edwards also set the precedent for parenting.

What 5 areas did Federalists address?

They addressed the need to have manufacturing in society, the problem of labor shortage, the need for investment, the lack of a large domestic market made worse by poor transportation, and the ability of a strong federal government to correct these issues by altering the economy.

How did state voting requirements change after 1815

They didn't have to own property to vote. Removed the religious test and property requirements. All white men could vote bit black males saw restrictions.

Why did Protestant Christians view Mormons as a threat to society?

They embraced a theocratic hierarchy that did not adhere to democratic practices.

How did labor nions improve working conditions in the mid-1800s?

They enabled goods, people, and information to travel rapidly & efficiently across the US.

Besides providing some soldiers, what was the primary benefit of Union and Confederate conscription laws?

They encouraged men to volunteer for military service

Why do historians consider the events at Roanoke significant?

They established a pattern for future English colonization of the Americas.

Which of these is one of the reasons the voyages of Columbus are considered successful?

They established the beginnings of the Columbian exchange

How did the Chinese immigrants survive in California?

They established themselves in service industries.

What problems did the U.S. government face after the Revolution?

They faced the economic depression, diplomatic difficulties, and debt.

Why were the British unable to achieve a quick victory at the beginning of the Revolution?

They failed to inflict serious damage on the patriot troops.

How did New England colonists attempt to solidify relations with England?

They formed groups to glorify God and increase their prestige with the English.

What did the colonists fight for?

They fought for republicanism and their rights as Englishmen. They believed taxation without representation violated their rights as did encroachments on expansion.

How did the government deal with the "Indian question"?

They guaranteed Indians the right to land that was theirs, but the people wanted that land. They thought the Indians would give them the land because they were defeated. That didn't work. Then the government tried to negotiate with Indian leaders, but they faced the same negotiation problems as the European powers. Washington realized the Indians weren't defeated and negotiated the Treaty of Fort Hamar. When it wasn't followed, he resorted to military force.

What was the benefit to slaves who worked under the "task system" of labor?

They had some degree of autonomy.

Why were Indians sympathetic to the British during the War of 1812?

They hoped a British victory would keep the Americans from expanding westward.

Why were Indians sympathetic to the British during the War of 1812?

They hoped a British victory would keep the Americans from expanding westward.********

Which statement accurately describes 18th-century European immigrants to the British North American colonies?

They included large numbers of Irish and Germans and declining proportions of English

What made the Know-Nothing political party of the 1850s unique?

They kept their agenda secret from the public.

Why were Comanche more successful than other tribes in retaining power in the Southwest?

They learned how to meld new technologies with their existing customs and practices.

What did the Federalists not get?

They lost proportional representation inf both houses by giving in to the "CT Compromise" and lost the Congressional veto of state laws.

Why are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so significant to American history?

They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional.

What was the role of slaves in the new market economy?

They were both wage earners and commodities.

What areas did the Democratic-Republicans address?

They sought to avoid the development of manufacturing and bring more land into the country through a strong (but not as strong as the Federalists') central government. A strong central government could protect the agrarian society from foreign powers and establish large markets for trade.

How did southern evangelicals deal with the issue of slavery?

They sought ways to accommodate slavery.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Cherokee Indians?

They supported the movement of Indians out of the South

What was accomplished at the first Continental Congress?

They took up the resistance position (James Wilson) of a king that everyone should be equally loyal to and of political decentralization. They also enhanced the credibility of the Continental Association, which was meant to impose a boycott on all English goods.

How did reformers change public opinion regarding alcohol consumption?

They used scientific data to support their arguments.

Why were women successful employees in the mills?

They used skills developed at home.

Why were women successful employees in the mills?

They used skills developed at home.*******

How did western Europeans increase their prestige in the global world?

They used the ocean for trading opportunities.

why were women successful employees in the mills

They used the skills they had learned already at home and used them in the mills. Some lived in boarding housing in the mills. (375)

Why did the Puritans adopt the Halfway Covenant in 1662?

They wanted to expand church membership by allowing children of church members to join.

Why did many northern states pass personal-liberty laws?

They wanted to minimize the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law

How did the Puritans want to reform the Church of England?

They wanted to purify it of Roman Catholic rituals

Why did the monarchs of Spain support expansion?

They wanted to pursue additional revenue to support the national economy.

Who were the proprietors?

They were English elites who were responsible for settling, governing, and defending certain colonies

Who were the English influences in the Great Awakening?

They were John Wesley, George Whitefield, and Gilbert Tennent.

Who were the war hawks?

They were Republicans from the West and South who thought the government's policies were wrecking their economies.

What eventually happened to members of the Know-Nothing Party?

They were absorbed by the Republican Party.

How did black Americans feel about the colonization movement?

They were adamantly opposed.

How were Americans able to develop a successful trade with the Chinese?

They were adept at bribing.

What in particular concerned Americans about the growth of the working class?

They were aware that industrialization in Europe had negative consequences.

Compromise of 1850

This compromise admitted California as a few state, organized the remainder of the New Mexico Territory, banned the slave trade in the District of Columbia, empowered the Treasury to assume Texas's debts from its independence struggle, and gave the South a much stronger federal Fugitive Slave Law.

Kansas - Nebraska Act

This repealed the Missouri Compromise. The bill's new policy of popular sovereignty intended to allow settlers in a territory to decide the stats of slavery, initiated a strenuous debate about the future of slavery in the western territories.

The Lowell Offering

This was a monthly magazine published by women who worked in factories.

Who was the author of Virginia's Statue for Religious Freedom and bills abolishing entails and primogeniture?

Thomas Jefferson

Who led what would become the Democratic-Republican party in the new nation?

Thomas Jefferson did.

Who wrote Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

Which states were more likely to support Madison's Virginia Plan?

Those states that had large populations.

How were the early English efforts at settlement paid for?

Through the issuance of company stock

What did the Force Bill authorize President Jackson to do?

To use arms to collect customs duties in South Carolina

Which of the following provisions were included in the Compromise of 1850?

Tough Fugitive Slave Act.

In 1767 Parliament, in an effort to reassert its control on the colonies and increase revenues, issued a series of taxes called the

Townshend Acts

Thoreau and Emerson embraced the new American philosophy of


Thoreau and Emerson embraced the new American philosophy of


This restored relations between the British and Americans to what they were at the start of the war.

Treaty of Ghent

Where was George Washington able to achieve an early military victory?


What was the Supreme Court's decision in the legal case of Cherokees against Georgia?

Tribes had sovereignty over state government but not the federal government.

What was the key difference between the Lincoln and Johnson plans for Reconstruction?

Unlike Lincoln's plan, Johnson's plan barred from political participation any ex-Confederate with taxable property worth $20, 000 or more.

Which statement concerning warfare in most Native American societies is most accurate?

Warfare was conducted more as a pastime than as away of conquering and subduing enemies

Where did American forces suffer through the disastrous winter of 1777-1778?

Valley Forge

Which was the first territory to become a state following the signing of the Constitution?


Which state made the proposal to create a bicameral national legislature, with representation based proportionally on each state's population?


How was social class affected as more Americans became wage earners?

Wage earners identified more with workers across various trades and industries.

How was social class affected as more Americans became wage earners?

Wage earners identified more with workers across various trades and industries.*******

What was the situation in Philadelphia in 1777?

Washington was causing problems for Howe by hounding him every step of the way from Philadelphia to New York. Howe then departed back for Philadelphia by ship only to find Washington waiting for him at Brandywine Creek on September 11. Washington lost and then attacked Howe's base at Germantown October 3-4. After heavy losses on both sides, Washington retreated to Valley Forge.

What were the Federalists' advantages?

Washington, Franklin, and the rich were on their side. They were the first group to use the term "Federalists", and the Constitution was more favored along the coast.

What was "revolutionary" about the use of water in the manufacturing process in the early 19th century?

Water was used more aggressively as a way to increase the power of machinery.

What was the one commodity for which the Osage were willing to give up their land?


Where was the duel between Hamilton and Burr?

Weehawken, New Jersey

Which British colony had the highest concentration of African Americans?

West Indies

Benedict Arnold offered to surrender what to the British?

West Point

What did Americans learn from Pike's journey through the Louisiana territory?

Western expansion would be difficult.

Became a lucrative business for Americans and supplied raw materials for business


Why did whaling become such a lucrative business for America?

Whaling provided raw materials for a variety of industries.

What happened to the fate of American political parties after the War of 1812?

What happened to the fate of American political parties after the War of 1812?

Which of the following is a crop that was NOT associated with the Old South?


What did Congress do (or try to do) under the Articles of Confederation?

When Barbary pirates began seizing American merchant ships and demanding ransom, Congress couldn't raise the money for the ransom or creative a strong naval force. When John Jay negotiated a treaty with Spain over trade and the Mississippi, the Southern states prevented the treaty from being activated. They feared being denied an outlet to the Pacific. The Continental Congress successfully issued the Northwest Ordinance of 1787). It tried to regulate commerce and failed.

What allowed the Protestant Reformation to finally take hold in England in the mid 1500s?

When Elizabeth came to power, she promoted religious moderation.

Which party was the main opposition to Andrew Jackson during his second term in office?

Whig party

What happened at Yorktown?

While scheming to take New York City back, Washington learned that French Admiral Francois de Grasse was sailing to Chesapeake Bay. Washington rushed to Virginia to corner Lord Cornwallis. He besieged Cornwallis at Yorktown while the French fleet kept the British from escaping. Cornwallis' surrender on October 19 brought large scale fighting in America to an end.

What was the main reason for the New York City Draft Riots?

White draftees protested military service with blacks.

Who was Virginia's royal governor during the English Civil War?

William Berkeley

Who won the 1840 presidential election?

William Henry Harrison

Who was the most famous and controversial white abolitionist?

William Lloyd Garrison

Who was the most popular dramatist in antebellum America?

William Shakespeare

Which Union general burned Atlanta during the Civil War?

William Tecumseh Sherman

Uncle Tom's Cabin: The Novel

Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852 Stowe had little personal knowledge of slavery An immediate bestseller in U.S. and overseas Helped to heighten sectional tensions

Did the Revolutionary War have any impact on African Americans?

Yes, because the need for additional manpower allowed some slaves to enlist.

Did the Revolutionary War have any impact on African Americans?

Yes, because the need for additional manpower allowed some slaves to enlist.*********

Which of the following battles forced the British government to commence peace negotiations with the Americans?


Mid-Atlantic culture was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

a clear consensus for republicanism with a strong central government.

Most state constitutions put into effect by the end of 1777 included all of the following EXCEPT:

a commitment to custom rather than written constitutions.

What made the election of 1828 different from previous presidential elections?

a) It was the first time aggressive campaigning was utilized.

Why were Americans especially happy to have acquired California?

access to Asian markets

Conditions in towns that used the Waltham system included all of the following EXCEPT:

access to New England's finest public schools.

By creating the Dominion of New England, James II

abolished the practice of paying ministers with taxes.

Among men, which of the following groups were more likely to communicate in emotional terms?


In its early days, the Second Continental Congress did all of the following, EXCEPT:

accept North's Conciliatory Proposition.

What strategy did southern Indians use to adapt to their place in America?


What strategy did southern Indians use to adapt to their place in America?

acculturation X

What strategy did southern Indians use to adapt to their place in America?


Although Jefferson generally supported a limitation on federal power, in what area was he particularly aggressive?

acquisition of additional territory for the United States.

Although Jefferson generally supported a limitation on federal power, in what area was he particularly aggressive?

acquisition of additional territory for the United States.********

Renewed religious faith often led to involvement in movements to reform _______. Social reformers tackled ________, ______ and _______ reform along with __________.

alcohol abuse prison education slavery

Preachers of the Second Great Awakening espoused all of the following ideas EXCEPT:

all humans were predestined at birth for heaven or hell.

In his arguments regarding slavery, David Walker claimed that

all the problems in America were caused by slavery.

The Louisiana Code Noir was specifically designed to

allow married slaves to stay together.

Most patriots understood that the concept of republicanism would

allow white male citizens to fully participate in the political process.

Most patriots understood that the concept of republicanism would

allow white male citizens to fully participate in the political process.*******

As pioneers moved westward b/w 1790 and 1820, they tended to settle

along rivers and with people from the same region back East

Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

an American inventor best known for inventing the cotton gin. This was one of the key inventions of the Industrial Revolution and shaped the economy of the antebellum South. Whitney's invention made short staple cotton into a profitable crop, which strengthened the economic foundation of slavery

President John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)

an American statesman who served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. He served as the eighth United States Secretary of State immediately before becoming president.

The Missouri Compromise

an agreement in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States concerning the extension of slavery into new territories

The Erie Canal

an artificial waterway connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo

The Battle of San Jacinto

assured the independence of Texas.

The Battle of San Jacinto

assured the independence of Texas.******

In most battles of the Civil War, __________ forces received the greatest number of injuries.


Which of the following was the reason some white men joined the Republican Party?

backlash against southern Democrats whom they blamed for secession

Which of the following was one of the first actions taken by the newly formed Confederate government?

banned political parties

why was the battle of Sharpsburg significant

battle was the bloodiest single day of the war with nearly 23000 casualties between the two sides. McClellan (north) failed to break Lee's army and the Confederates retreated safely back across the Potomac River. Although far from the clear cut victory he hoped for, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Sept. 22.

Most of the new members of the Republican Party in the post-Civil War Era were

black men.

In matters of religion it was most likely that

blacks could choose what religion they wanted to practice.

What did Burr do when he lost his election for governor?

blamed Hamilton and challenged him to a duel

the united states government is considered a federal system becasue

both national and state government exist within the nation

how was the issue of slavery settled in california

california entered as a free state

The Missouri Compromise attempted to:

calm growing differences over the issue of slavery.

Dorothea Dix is remember because she

campaigned for better treatment of the mentally handicapped

The American Temperance Society concerned itself mainly with:

changing American attitudes toward alcohol.

Second Bank of the United States

chartered in 1816, much like its predecessor of 1791 but with more capital; it could not forbid state banks from issuing notes, but its size and power enabled it to compel the state banks to issue only sound notes or risk being forced out of business.

Which of the following was an unintended consequence of the Civil War?

class conflict

which statement best explains why the articles of confederation established a weak rather than a strong central government

colonial experiences under great Britain had created a fear of unlimited goverment

In contrast to Jefferson's philosophy, Hamilton believed that the development of _____________ was imperative to the success of the U.S.

commercial interests

In contrast to Jefferson's philosophy, Hamilton believed that the development of _____________ was imperative to the success of the United States.

commercial interests

In contrast to Jefferson's philosophy, Hamilton believed that the development of _____________ was imperative to the success of the United States.

commercial interests*******

King Cotton

cotton and cotton-growing considered, in the pre-Civil War South, as a vital commodity, the major factor not only in the economy but also in politics.

Eli Whitney invented the

cotton gin

The 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries

could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

Improvements in transportation pushed Congress to

create the U.S. Postal system.

The putting-out system:

created a business relationship between merchants and household artisans.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the American states were:

created as a loose association of autonomous states.

The most difficult part of the journey westward for settlers was

crossing the Rockies.

The most difficult part of the journey westward for settlers was

crossing the Rockies.*******

Between 1690 and 1730, a significant number of Irish immigrants

depended on the linen/flaxseed trade as a means of passage to North America.

Leading black activists were opposed to which of the following ideas?

deportation and colonization of freed slaves

Which of these factors influenced England's first serious attempt to colonize?

desire to oppose the advancement of Catholicism

What significant issue did the Convention of 1818 settle?

determination of the U.S./Canadian border

Which of the following was a source of tension between reformers and other Americans?

determining the proper role of religion and politics

The English colonist John Rolfe was important because he

developed a sweeter variety of tobacco for European consumption.

During the 17th century, most Indians were killed by


Generally, the greatest tragedy encountered by slaves was

disruption of family life.

The Whiskey Rebellion demonstrated that

dissent could be expressed only through the constitutional system of laws and elections, not through armed rebellion

Most Antifederalists:

distrusted the social and commercial elite.

During the 1860s and 1870s, the number one goal of southern Republicans was

economic development.

The principle of popular sovereignty meant that

each territory would decided for itself whether to allow slavery or not

How was the president determined in the 1824 election?

elected by the House of Representatives

What event helped John Astor increase his business profits?

election of Thomas Jefferson

How did most states increase the number of eligible voters?

eliminated property restrictions

How did most states increase the number of eligible voters?

eliminated property restrictions****

Finney argued that people should reject sin by using

free will.

What effect did the Civil War have on the North's economy?

encouraged standardization of production

Filibusters in the northern regions of Mexico

engaged in private warfare.

What caused most of the fighting between rival Indian tribes of the Great Plains during the first half of the 19th century?


What did Burr do?

he fled to avoid arrest

Jefferson's vision for a stable national government involved the inclusion of __________ as a primary component of the economy.


Jefferson's vision for a stable national government involved the inclusion of __________ as a primary component of the economy.


As Secretary of State , John Quincy Adams was particularly successful in matters of

foreign policy

As secretary of state , John Quincy Adams was particularly successful in matters of

foreign policy.

European labor activists of the 1830s encouraged Americans to

form political parties based on class.

European labor activists of the 1830s encouraged Americans to

form political parties based on class.*******

By the end of 1865, under President Johnson's Reconstruction policies,

former Confederate congressmen, state officials, and generals had been elected to serve in Congress.

Which of these incentives was offered to encourage English settlement in the Virginia area in the early 17th century?

free land provided by the Virginia Company

The main objective of the American Colonization Society was to

free slaves and transport them back to Africa

As a result of the smallpox epidemics of the 1930s,

friction between Indian tribes increased.

Membership in the Federalist Party generally included all of the following EXCEPT:

frontier farmers.

Homeland rituals important to enslaved Africans centered on

funeral rituals.

How did John Astor make his fortune in America?

fur trade

How did John Astor make his fortune in America?

fur trade X

How did John Astor make his fortune in America?

fur trade******

Spanish conquistadors who ventured into North America during the 16th century

gained Indian support in some areas by adopting Indian customs.

In general, the constitutional issues decided by the Marshall Supreme Court

gave Congress broader powers under the Constitution.

In 1800, the Treaty of San Ildefonso

gave the French access to the port of New Orleans.

Ultimately, one outcome of Columbus' voyages could be summarized as:

he encountered personal disappointments due to his lack of effective leadership.

Compared to other abolitionists, what was unusual about David Walker's argument against slavery?

his historical knowledge of slavery

The term Trail of Tears refers to the:

horrifying conditions experienced by Cherokees during their removal.

At the end of the French and Indian War, Britain gained new colonial territories as well as

huge debts.

By the 1830s, Americans were shipping __________ from the Great Lakes region to India.


As chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall

increased the Court's powers.********

Where were African America most successful in developing their own culture?

in Cities

A deist believes:

in God as a creator, but not as a being who intervenes in earthly affairs.

From 1776 to 1807, property-holding women had the right to vote:

in New Jersey.

Where were African America most successful in developing their own culture?

in cities

Where were African Americans most successful in developing their own culture?

in cities

Where were African Americans most successful in developing their own culture?

in cities*******

The Indian Removal Act:

included Indians living in Florida.

By 1633 Spanish friars successfully established a mission in the Florida Panhandle, causing

increased tensions between friars, officials and Indians.

As chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall

increased the Court's powers.

All of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase are true EXCEPT:

it contained a great deal of America's least productive farmland.

The establishment of trade between the French and Indians altered the Indian culture because

it eventually changed Indian beliefs and practices regarding gift giving.

American businessmen who wanted to capitalize on the Chinese markets were hindered by which of the following?

lack of Chinese interest in American goods

What prevented the North from attaining an immediate victory in the Civil War?

lack of qualified generals

Black codes were

laws passed by southern state legislatures to restrict the freedoms of black.

One of the problems the Union had with its victories was

maintaining control over conquered areas.

The Alien Acts did all of the following EXCEPT:

make it illegal for immigrants to the South to join the Republican Party.

Between 1730 and 1775, most Irish immigrants to North America were

male indentured servants.

Which of these Puritan reforms of the mid-17th century shaped the long-term development of New England society?

men becoming more empowered with the creation of laws that gave them additional authority over their wives and children

Which of the following industries benefited substantially from water power?


Harvard College was founded to train


The Morrill Land Grant Act provided

money to states to establish universities that emphasized agriculture and mechanical arts

What was the main focus of the early reform movement?

moral reforms

Although Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter was situated in the late 17th century, what contemporary theme did it explore?


As a result of the colonists' efforts to model themselves after the British,

more colonists took up drinking tea.

A result of Dartmouth College v. Woodward was:

more protections for private corporations.

Between 1777 and 1784:

most northern states ended slavery.

What advantages did the U.S. have over Mexico in the Mexican War?

moveable artillery

Congress increased the power of the President when it allowed the executive to:

nominate and dismiss officials in the presidential cabinet.

most immigrants who came to american between 1820 and 1960 came from which of the following areas

northwest europe

What did Hamilton pledge to do at the duel?

not to shoot Burr

In the Paris peace agreement:

nothing was said about the slave trade.

In addition to exploration, what else did Jefferson expect from the Lewis and Clark expedition?

observation of plant life

In addition to exploration, what else did Jefferson expect from the Lewis and Clark expedition?

observation of plant life.

The duel between Hamilton and Burr

occurred as a result of personal insults.

Most of the early conflicts between the colonists and Indians occurred because

of the increased demand for land by the colonists.

What facilitated acceptance of Christianity among slaves?

similarity between Christian and African beliefs

What did Hamilton accuse Burr of?

plotting treason

What principle was unique about the original teachings of the Mormons?

plural marriages

Which Calvinist doctrine was rejected by revivalists?


Which of the following contributed to the development of a robust market economy in early 19th-century America?

production of surplus goods

the first major reform movement involved the desire of reformers ti

prohibit alcohol consumption

The first major reform movement involved the desire of reformers to

prohibit alcohol consumption.

The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG)

promoted schools for black children in New York

Hamilton's ideas included all of the following EXCEPT:

promoting an agrarian-based economy for the United States.

Once the Constitution was passed, the disagreements in Congress centered on what issue?

proper use of federal power

In the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" the third element was originally:


the major reason the bill of rights was added to the united states constitution was to

protect individual liberties against abuse by the federal government

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 did all of the following EXCEPT:

provide the groundwork for ten new states.

the northwest ordinance of 1787 was important because it

provided a process for admission of new states to the union

The 1583 writings of Bartolome de las Casas were instrumental in

proving to the English they had reason to challenge Spanish control in North America.

The publication of the Liberator was significant because it was a journal that

publicized the abolitionist cause

The Force Bill gave Jackson the power to:

put down nullification with military force.

Tecumseh and the prophet Tenkswatawa originally urged a policy of:

racial solidarity and spiritual rebirth.

During the 1840s:

railroads became the most dynamic booster of interregional trade.

the federalist papers were a series of newspaper articles published in 1787 and 1788 to win support for the

ratification of the united states constitution

What helped determine gender roles in the Southwest?

ratio of men to women

The Independent Treasury System:

reduced the nation's money supply and prolonged the depression.

Reform movements in the early 1800's affected _______, _________ and __________. The _______________ sparked interest in religion. Social reformers began to speak about _________ and _______ reform. Improvements in ____________ reform affected many segments of the population. ______________ American communities became involved in reform efforts.

religion education society Second Great Awakening temperance prison education Northern African

As part of the Adams-Onis Treaty, the U.S.

relinquished all claims to Texas.

As part of the Adams-Onís Treaty, the United States

relinquished all claims to Texas.

As part of the Adams-Onís Treaty, the United States

relinquished all claims to Texas.******

What was one of the major issues facing Americans after the Revolution?

repayment of debts

The Judiciary Act:

represented an artful compromise that balanced legal powers.

Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as:


The cornerstone of the Republican domestic policy was:


What was the most important task facing the freed slaves at the end of the Civil War?

reuniting families

Which of the following is NOT included in the Fourteenth Amendment?

right to vote for freedmen

According to Marx and Engels, which of the following was most likely to occur?

rise of the working class

According to Marx and Engels, which of the following was most likely to occur?

rise of the working class******

What became the key battleground in religious conflicts?


The main thrust of John Quincy Adam's foreign policy was that he wanted to

secure American borders and strengthen the peace with Great Britain

Besides maintaining trading rights with France and Great Britain, what else did Washington hope to accomplish when he issued the Proclamation of Neutrality?

secure U.S. borders

Besides maintaining trading rights with France and Great Britain, what else did Washington hope to accomplish when he issued the Proclamation of Neutrality?

secure U.S. borders*****

Which group of workers were the first to organize a labor protest?


what major issue did americans face following the mexican war

should new states be admitted as free or slave states

What facilitated acceptance of Christianity among black slaves?

similarity between Christian and African beliefs

American politics of the 1850s centered mainly on which of the following issues?


What controversial issue caused the application of Missouri for statehood to be contentious?


at the constitutional convention of 1787 the 3/5ths compromise resolved the issue of


What controversial issued caused the application of Missouri for statehood to be contentious?

slavery X

how did the republic of texas deal with the issue of slavery

slavery was reinstated and free blacks were excluded from their territoy

Which of the following caused dissension among blacks during Reconstruction?

social status within black communities

In terms of financing the war, Americans

sought and received European financing from several countries.

a statewide census index used in some US federal census, records, showing surnames grouped together is know as


New attitudes regarding manhood were less accepted among ______ men.


The Rush-Bagot Treaty demilitarized

the Great Lakes

What did Americans learn about from Pike's travels?

the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, Rio Grande, Northern Mexico, Present-day southern Texas

As leader of the Pueblo, Popé claimed

the Pueblo had to regain favor of the gods by returning to the old ways.

The election of 1800 was contentious and bitter in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

the Republicans' claim that Washington was not a true hero of the Revolution.

Even before the ratification of the Declaration of Independence,

the Second Continental Congress urged all states to draft their own constitutions.

Even before the ratification of the Declaration of Independence,

the Second Continental Congress urged all states to draft their own constitutions.*******

Arthur Tappan played instrumental roles in all of these organizations EXCEPT

the Seneca Falls Convention

The Battle of Fallen Timbers led to:

the Treaty of Greenville.

What part of evangelicalism did southerners most easily accept?

the concept of Christian slavery

One reason for the rise of utopian communities in the mid-1800s was

the desire of individuals to remake society

One reason for the rise of utopian communities in the mid-1800s was

the desire of individuals to remake society.

which statement is an example of the system of federalism

the national government coins money but states cannot

why was it so difficult for reformers to change the status of womens rights

the proposed changes often challenged traditional christian society

the american system of economics is primarily concerned with which of the following concepts

the use of federal funds for internal improvements

what was the role of slaves in the new market economy

the were both wage earners and commodities

By the 1790s, most states allowed Americans to legally participate in


By the 1790s, most states allowed Americans to legally participate in


One of the ways Europeans judged the level of civilization of American Indians was

their clothing and jewelry adornments.

What was the main purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

to claim territory beyond the Missouri River X

What was the goal of the Radical Republicans?

to make sure there were strict conditions placed on the South's readmittance to the Union

How were records kept during the expedition?

took notes kept a journal

Although relations between the various groups of people of the Great Lakes region were mostly stabilized at the beginning of the 18th century, conflict remained over the issue of


In Lincoln's First Inaugural Address in March of 1861, he

tried to appeal to the South's sense of loyalty.

The pan-Indian resistance movement focused its efforts on:

uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West.

What themes did American authors such as Hawthorne and Melville tend to write about?

universal themes

Where did Lewis and Clark's expedition work its way?

up the Missouri River

Grenville's argument for the authority to tax the colonists centered on the concept of

virtual representation of the colonists in Parliament.

The Conciliatory Proposition pledged NOT to tax the colonists if they:

voluntarily contributed to the defense of the empire.

What happened at the Battle of Monmouth in 1778?

von Steuben's instruction really came into play. The Americans systematically took down the British using von Steuben's training. This is also the battle in which Molly Pitcher took over her dead husband's artillery piece. For the next 3 years, Washington kept the British stuck in New York City.

In Worchester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee nation

was a distinct political community and entitled to federal protection

The Underground Railroad

was an effort to help slaves to escape, but it had only limited success

The Second Bank of the United States:

was created in part because of the financial chaos prevalent during the War of 1812.

By the 1830s America's market economy

was on the verge of an Industrial Revolution

In the 1870's, the money question referred to

whether to issue more paper money

What group in particular was anxious to expel Cherokees from Georgia?

white miners

The election of 1828 revealed that Jackson had a formidable electoral base:

with farmers of the South and West.

How did the Seminole Indians approach their problems with white settlers?

with violence

Lowell System of Textile Manufacturing

• Produces cloth from raw materials • Hires young women to avoid permanent labor class • Energy through water power

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