Exam 3

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The nurse is conducting a spiritual needs assessment in an effort to create a nursing care plan for a client. The nurse recognizes that which question will assist the nurse in understanding this client's religion?

"What do you believe your punishment will be if you do something wrong?"

The nurse is conducting a spiritual needs assessment with a newly admitted client to the unit. Which question would be the appropriate approach to determine this client's culture?

"When you need strength or hope, who or what do you turn to?"

Which question best assists the nurse in determining whether the family's values will support the client's new health needs?

"Who will be responsible for cooking the foods required of your new diet?"

A hospice nurse recognizes that the client is closer to death and prepares to follow through on the care plan that was already developed. As this has already been discussed with the family, the nurse is prepared to take the appropriate steps to support the family during this difficult time. What is the most appropriate question for the nurse to ask?

"Who would you like me to call when it appears death is imminent?"

A nurse has noted that a large number of no-shows for prenatal visits in the clinic among the young Hispanic women. The nurse could advocate for which policy to demonstrate the nurse's understanding of the potential health problem and provide a culturally sensitive solution?

A neighborhood clinic with evening hours

The success of any public health intervention depends on various characteristics to be successful. Which are some of those necessary characteristics? (Select all that apply.)

Acceptability, Availability, Accessibility

When striving for social justice, which intervention demonstrates an understanding of nursing responsibility?

Advocating for a free clinic for unemployed African emigrates

A newly immigrated male, from a culture that is currently experiencing civil unrest and violence, is being assessed in a clinic for reports of stomach pains. Which additional complaints by the client would alert the nurse to a possible diagnosis of PTSD?

Insomnia and nightmares

Which statement, made by a nurse caring for a client diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, best demonstrates the principle of veracity?

The client is aware of the risks of taking the experimental chemotherapy medication."

Which organizational attitude demonstrates that the institution's culture is utilizing Leininger's Culture Care Diversity and Universality model in their organization?

The client's cultural folk medicine practices will be respected whenever possible.

Which notation best demonstrates that the nurse is respectful of a client's spiritual and religious beliefs?

"Rosary beads were sent to the diagnostic lab attached to the client's hospital gown."

Which proverb used to describe a client would suggest that the American nurse views the client as being aggressive and demanding?

"The squeaky wheel gets the oil."

An African immigrant is being physical abused by her husband. She remains reluctant to consider divorcing him in spite of having the benefits of doing so explained to her. Which assessment question best demonstrates the nurse's cultural sensitivity regarding this situation?

"How would you expect your family to react if you were to divorce him?"

Which client statement provides the nurse with the most reliable assurance that a Hispanic client has access to effective preventive health care?

"I take advantage of my doctor's evening office hours."

Which statement, made by a nurse caring for a cultural diverse population, regarding spiritual assessments demonstrates the need for future education?

"Religion is a private matter and difficult to assess."

What question demonstrates that the community health nurse understands the importance of being culturally sensitive to both the client and the client's family community?

"Are the special foods on your diet stocked in your neighborhood's ethnic grocery store?"

Which statement, made by a nurse caring for a client diagnosed with dementia and a history of falls, best demonstrates the principle of beneficence?

"Current research refutes the use of restrains to keep my client safe from falls."

When a child from a remote part of Africa dies as a result of a chronic illness, the nurse notes that while the parents appear saddened, they do not express the degree of grief typically expressed by American parents. Which question asked by the nurse best demonstrates an understanding of this particular cultural response?

"Do children often die in your native country?"

Which assessment question demonstrates sensitivity to the possible existence of culturally driven maltreatment toward an openly homosexual client whose wounds have become infected due to poor wound care?

"Do you believe your wound dressings were changed as frequently as they should have been?"

A female refugee who has recently emigrated from a war-torn African country presents at a clinic reporting a chronic vaginal drainage. Which assessment question best demonstrates the nurse's sensitivity to the client's community culture?

"Have you ever been the victim of a physical or sexual assault?"

As the nursing culture changes, various trends have been identified. At one time, nurses were mainly white females. In order to create more diversity, efforts are underway to recruit more minorities into the field of nursing. According to a 2013 survey, what percentage of nurses in the United States was from a minority background?


Which interpersonal behavior would be most prevalent exhibited by a nurse from a collectivist culture?

A Chinese nurse, who is the focus of the unprofessional behavior of another nurse, refusing to report the behavior to the nurse manager.

The use of midwives has played a significant part in helping to improve infant and maternal complications and death, especially in countries where there is a high rate of both complications. Which is a recognized role of a midwife in helping to improve the health care services around the world?

Advocating that proper maternity care is available to all populations.

Roizner identifies a checklist which can help evaluate health care services for their culturally competent. Which is included in the checklist? (Select all that apply.)

Appropriateness, Availability, & Accessibility

A small group of nurses are interested in improving the availability of health care to a local refugee community. In an effort to learn more about the community, the nurses are devising an assessment plan to learn more about the culture and determine how best to meet the needs of this group. Which should the nurses include in their assessment? (Select all that apply.)

Are there any taboos or religious restrictions that need to be considered?, How do cultural factors influence their daily meals?, How do the individuals communicate with each other in the family and in the community?

Which intervention demonstrates that the nurse understands the cultural implication of the parents' belief that their child has been hexed?

Asking the parents to describe the types of symptoms they expect to see in their child

Which behavior exhibited by a nurse demonstrates a personal commitment to culturally congruent care?

Asking to have the critical care unit's visitation policy to allow nonfamily members visitation rights

Various laws and legislation that is part of the American culture will not be acceptable to other cultures. What concept is demonstrated by the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1991?

Client's autonomy

The nurse is aware that the foundation of making a culturally competent ethical decision is which?


Because of the influence of various religions upon individuals, what one group may deem is appropriate; another group will absolutely forbid it. Which may be considered ethical and permitted by one cultural group while another group would consider it unacceptable? (Select all that apply.)

Autonomy decision making, Organ donation

Research has shown that which group has the greatest risk of developing complications due to untreated hypertension?


Which intervention demonstrates an institution's willingness to provide a culturally sensitive environment?

Changing the lobby's artwork when its original pieces are identified as lacking in cultural diversity

On which maternal-child health care issue would the World Health Organization's (WHO) nursing and midwifery team be most useful as a resource?

Creating breast-feeding policies to be adopted by a third world health care system

Which principle concerning death rituals is the primary basis for the nurse's role in the death and grieving process?

Death rituals are critical to an individual's grief process.

Which intervention demonstrates a health care institution's best attempt at promoting acceptance of expertise among its culturally diverse health care professionals?

Holding educational programming that compares and contrasts American standards of professional health care education to those of other cultures

Recent world events are a good reminder that nurses everywhere should be aware of what is going on in other areas of the world due to which reason?

Disease can spread quickly today with all the world traveling.

Which intervention is an example of health promotion with a focus on social justice?

Educating a Hispanic client to the social service programs he or she is qualified for

Which intervention is directed toward minimizing a primary cause of children's deaths worldwide?

Educating parents on the importance of vaccinations and immunizations

Which intervention best demonstrates that a health care institution is culturally sensitive to its culturally diverse female population?

Encouraging a group of female health care providers to establish a series of health care educational sessions

A group of nurses within a hospital are concerned that certain members of the community are not receiving adequate health maintenance care. Which would demonstrate the attempt to improve a known disparity in their community?

Encouraging satellite locations for screenings such as colonoscopies

A group of nurses in a health care organization are concerned that some members of the local community are not receiving adequate health care. In an effort to eliminate any potential disparities, which change should the nurses request the organization do?

Ensuring signage is in common languages of the community

A health care organization is reevaluating how well it is meeting the needs of the community. Which will be important for the leaders of this organization to recognize as an important component to meet the needs of the local community?

Ensuring the workforce is compatible with the demographics of the community.

In an effort to help encourage and increase the number of multicultural students entering the nursing program, a local college is creating a program to encourage interest in the program. Which are recognized methods that can be used to recruit interested individuals? (Select all that apply.)

Ensuring there are advisers within the local communities to assist with the application process, Sponsoring a volunteer program at the hospital for high school students, Encouraging a mentor program that includes all cultures and backgrounds

A health care organization has opened a new health care clinic in a community that was found to be lacking adequate services; however, the local community has not responded as the organization had anticipated. Which could possibly be a barrier which the organization should correct to be able to better meet the needs of this community?

Ensuring there are staff members from the same demographics as the majority of the community

Which intervention demonstrates an attempt to meet a goal related to the health issues in Africa as identified by the Millennium Development project?

Establishing a series of rural prenatal clinics

The reaction to the research conducted in Sierra Leone by their government demonstrates the need to respond appropriately to achieve the desired result. Which was a major fault of this study?

Failed to adequately respond to the major problem

What is the initial step in preparing for a career in international nursing with Asian populations?

Gaining practical experience with the culture through volunteer work among Asian emigrates

Which characteristic is the basis for success in effectively functioning as a nurse in an international setting?

Having strong communication skills that relate to the establishment of an effective nurse-client relationship

An institution best demonstrates a commitment to the establishment of a harmonious multicultural work environment when which occurs?

Including that goal into the formal wording of its mission statement

When addressing the issue of organ donation, which cultural belief is the basis for the Amish family's traditional viewpoint?

It is preferable that an intact body be buried.

Which cultural belief would be the primary basis for a nurse's discussion concerning birth control with a couple who are African immigrants?

Large families are coveted and viewed as being a sign of wealth and prosperity.

There is concern that there will be a shortage of nurses in the future due to various reasons. Which demonstrates one of the barriers which is contributing to the potential shortage of qualified nurses in the modern workforce?

Limited number of clinical preceptors

As the international nursing community grows, there are specific goals in mind to be accomplished by the nurses as they travel to different regions to assist with health care, especially in areas where health care is not as readily available as it is in other areas. Which is considered a goal to be achieved by the Global Health team?

Maintaining sustainability

Which MDG is the basis for advocating for the use of condoms in the third world countries?

Minimizing the spread of HIV

The nurse approaches the subject of organ donation with a terminally ill Buddhist client based on the understanding that:

the body holds not specific value to the Buddhist after death.

The small community of refugees has been growing, and the health care community has been working to meet the various needs of these individuals. Which has been recognized to be the most important aspect to help promote health among these refugees?

Support of the community

Which intervention is in accordance with the program priorities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).?

Supporting refugee camps in countries experiencing civil wars

A nurse who seeks to work as an international nurse can apply for positions with the World Health Organization (WHO). Which position is the nurse most likely to fill with the WHO?

Technical advisor

The nursing supervisor has noted a decline in pregnant Hispanic clients requesting services and maintaining their care at a rural clinic, which recently saw a major staff change. Which could potentially be the catalyst for this decline? (Select all that apply)

New male physician and nurse, The favorite midwife retired, Fewer staff who speak the local language

Which intervention demonstrates that a nurse requires additional education regarding the support of a client's spiritual health?

Offering to add the client to the nurse's prayer list

There are a variety of definitions which exist to explain the organizational culture; however, there are some similar factors noted between them. Which are considered to be true about organizational cultures? (Select all that apply.)

Once an organization culture is in place, changes are resisted by the members., The culture consists of shared beliefs and assumptions which can lead to specific behaviors., The culture results from an interaction between the mission statement and leadership.

As organizations work toward becoming more culturally competent, it is important to do more than just identify disparities. Which are important to work on to deliver culturally competent health care? (Select all that apply.)

Protecting human rights, Reducing risks that exist in the community, & Reducing the vulnerability of the community

The organization which is trying to create and maintain a culturally diverse environment can utilize various tactics to accomplish this goal. Which would indicate an organization is actively pursuing an active approach to diversity management? (Select all that apply.)

Providing an on-campus 24-hour daycare center for staff members, Allowing flextime work schedules

Which policy will allow a health care institution to achieve cultural competence most effectively?

Recruiting culturally diverse health care providers to staff the institution

Which action will best prevent institutional racism in a hospital that provides care to a culturally diverse population?

Revising institutional polices as discriminatory practices are identified

A common factor among many of the major denominations in the United States and Canada is their willingness to be involved with providing health care, especially to those who are need it the most. Which denomination is recognized for being one of the major contributors to health care?

Roman Catholics

Which is an example of multilateral health care aid?

Sending the hospital ship HOPE to Japan to provide post-earthquake health care.

A new graduate nurse is comparing several health care organizations to determine which one to seek employment at which will offer the best fit for his beliefs, goals, and motivation to continue learning as a RN. Which should this RN keep in mind when comparing these organizations cultural awareness?

The educational benefits available to assist the graduate to continue his education in higher degree programs

Research has shown that when organizational leaders commit to creating an environment where input is valued, which will occur?

The employees appreciate the confirmation of their input.

The health care community must adjust to meet the needs of the various cultures, especially when there is a diverse difference in the way the incoming culture recognizes various health issues versus the established culture. Which important factor should the nurse remember when designing and implementing health care?

The health care staff should focus on the community and not just the individual.

Which is the primary outcome of the indiscriminate use of the emergency department by the uninsured members of a community?

The ill postpone treatment that results in the lack of early treatment interventions.

A group of nurses are trying to establish a small medical clinic in an impoverished, rural community. The nurses realize this project will require the input and participation from others to help make it successful and enable them to provide quality health care. To whom should the nurses look to for possible partnership in this venture to help make it successful? (Select all that apply.)

The local schools, The local radio stations, The national government, The local government, Local churches

Which informational intervention best demonstrates the nurse's attempt to minimize the cultural isolation that can result when a client lives in an ethnic neighborhood?

The locations of English language classes in the client's neighborhood

The nurse needs to be aware of how the nurse's culture beliefs may dictate that a certain action is wrong but the culture of the client may believe that particular action is acceptable. When these disagreements present an ethical dilemma, the nurse must make a decision as how to proceed. Which must the nurse keep in mind when making the decision of how to proceed?

The nurse has certain standards to maintain.

A nurse is preparing to travel to Southeast Asia to work at a local health care clinic in a small town. As the nurse prepares to go, which will be important for the nurse to remember while working in this other culture?

The nurse will be collaborating with peers.

When conducting a client's spiritual assessment, the nurse should observe the actions of the client as well as note the client's answers. Which would be an indication of the client's possible spiritual and religious beliefs? (Select all that apply.)

The practice of any specific rituals used throughout the day when possible., The client's visitors who are not family members., The client is quiet and reserved and has no visitors., The type of reading material the client brought to the unit.

What is the primary motivation for an institution to strive to provide culturally competent health care?

The quality of health care will be improved to all of the institution's clients.

What is the primary nursing goal when completing a cultural assessment?

To develop a care plan with the client's active input

The need for culturally competent health care organizations is essential for which reason?

To provide health care to all members of the community

An organization which is striving to become more culturally diverse must work to avoid potential barriers and problems that can be counterproductive. Which is a barrier that must be identified and prevented from occurring?

Treating staff members differently depending on their contributions to the organization

Research has been used to show where changes need to be made and how to better meet the needs of various cultures within the health care realm. For cultures where family ties are extremely close and very important for special events, how has moving to the United States affected some of the traditions of Pakistani women?

Unable to feed "Ghutti" to the newborn at the hospital

Shein recognized that organizational culture had several levels. What did Shein recognize as the core of the organization's culture?

Underlying assumptions

Preparing for a career in global public health nursing requires more than just learning the basic nursing skills. Which can the nurse also do to prepare for a career in global public health and international nursing? (Select all that apply.)

Understanding community development theory, Studying the history of the area traveling to, Understanding re-patterning.

Which institutional strategy demonstrates an understanding of the barriers to a harmonious multicultural workplace environment?

Unit managers have the authority to terminate any employee found to be racist.

Which institutional attitude demonstrates the most effective attempt to minimize a recognized barrier to culturally congruent health care?

Willing to incorporate folk health practices into the client's plan of care

A group of nurses are working with a group of refugees who have recently relocated to the area. The nurses are concerned by some of the unsafe and unhealthy cultural practices and are trying to create an educational program that will help teach the young mothers a safer way to care for their children. Which will be important for the nurses to remember as they create this program?

Working to maintain the core values and beliefs while finding ways to incorporate new methods that will be safer and healthier for the refugees

Social justice related to health care is best demonstrated when:

a client reporting chest pain is seen immediately by an emergency room physician.

An example of distributive justice related to health care includes:

assessing an insurance cohort a $5.00 copay for generic medication prescriptions.

When a culturally diverse client dies, the nurse best demonstrates cultural sensitivity when managing the care of the body by:

assessing the family's expectations regarding how their loved one's body will be handled.

A culturally competent health care organization is one that:

fosters interplay between organizational, professional, and community cultures.

When a Navajo Indian client dies, it is most important for the nurse to recognize that the family will be:

reluctant to touch the body because of a belief in evil spirits.

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