Exam 3 U.S History

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39. In today's United States, the most land is cultivated for what?

(Agriculture)Today more land is cultivated in grass than any agricultural crop in the U.S

45. How did 1950s consumerism differ from previous eras?

1.Americans became accustomed to buying goods with credit cards, 2. The wide availability of goods such as Levis, dishwashers, and refrigerators symbolized the superiority of American culture to communist culture

23. What was the result of the Korean War?

38th parallel divide north and South Korea, Soviet continue influence North Korea U.S. continue to influence South Korea United Nations protects 38th parallel

12. What was the "final solution"?

Adolf Hitler's plan to mass-exterminate "undesirable" peoples

27. Why did the United States back away from pressuring its European allies to grant self-government to colonies in Asia and Africa?

American diplomats valued nations like France more highly for their alliance in the European Cold War.

33. What did Nixon recognize as even more globally influential than military might?

American goods and popular culture

38. What was essential to the growth of suburbs?


3. Before World War II started, how could Franklin Roosevelt's actions toward Germany best be described?

Concerned but cautious

44. After World War II, how were Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms altered?

Freedom of enterprise replaced freedom from want and fear

24. Who was the general who led the counterattack at Inchon during the Korean War?

General MacArthur landed American and South Korean marines at Inchon, 200 miles behind the North Korean lines. The following day he launched a counterattack on the North Koreans

6. What led England and France to declare war on Germany, marking the start of World War II?

Germany invaded Poland, a country Britain and France had promised to protect

46. What helped Dwight D. Eisenhower win the election of 1952?

Go to Korea and end the War

19. What obstacle did Harry Truman face when he assumed the presidency following the death of Franklin Roosevelt in April 1945?

Harry Truman had absolutely no experience in foreign policy, the most important qualification at this point in American history

7. Why did Franklin D. Roosevelt announce his candidacy for a third term in 1940?

He argued that the recovery was too fragile and the international situation too dangerous for him to leave his post

50. What made Elvis such a popular celebrity?

He brought the rhythms and sexually provocative movements of the black musicians to white audiences

8. In what aspect of American foreign policy did Franklin D. Roosevelt break from Herbert Hoover's precedent?

He formally recognized the Soviet Union in an effort to stimulate trade

47. How did President Dwight D. Eisenhower surpass the New Deal in government involvement in the economy?

He presided over the construction of 41,000 miles of interstate highways

32. How did the Soviet focus on social and economic rights in the Cold War human rights debate affect American attitudes?

In the climate of anti communist hysteria it prompted many Americans to condemn these rights as a first step to socialism

29. How was Truman's national health insurance plan defeated?

Insurance companies endorsed the plan. It was painted as socialist. Doctors did not had enough support from patients

16. How did the role of the national government change during the war?

It increased the amount of power that the federal government had

40. What made the Army-McCarthy hearings unusual for American television programming of the 1950s?

It was deeply political and controversial

2. What was one result of the Good Neighbor Policy?

Lowered tariff walls between the U.S and Latin America and resulted in freer trade

26.According to Time magazine's Henry Luce, what was the key word to explain the essence of the United States?

Luce sought to mobilize the American people for both the coming war and an era of postwar world leadership. "The abundant life

14. How did World War II affect the West Coast of the United States?

Millions of Americans moved to California for jobs and military service

35. What about the golden age of capitalism between 1946 and 1960 was most beneficial for Americans?

Most monetary gains reached ordinary citizens though rising wages

42. What did the "Kitchen Debate" between Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev focus on?

Nixon argued that the Americans built to take advantage of new techniques, live in freedom while Khrushchev advocated for Communism by arguing that the Soviets built for future generations

1. Who painted the Four Freedoms paintings that appeared in the Saturday Evening Post?

Norman Rockwell

37. How did Los Angeles epitomize the new emphasis on the car in 1950s America?

People drove to and from work on a web of highways and shopped at malls only accessible by driving

18. Who was prevented from seeing the American Freedom Train exhibit in 1947?

People in Memphis and Birmingham were not allowed, because the trains organizers refused to segregate the viewing

5. Who held hearings in the Senate regarding how the United States became involved in World War I?

Senator Gerald P.Nye of North Dakota held hearings to investigate the country's involvement on WW1; this committee documented the huge profits that arms had made during the war.

13. How did World War II change the role of corporations in American life?

Technological innovation and high productivity in the war effort restored the reputation of corporations from its Depression lows

31. What introduced the concept of human rights to the broader world?

The American and French Revolutions

9. What turned the tide of the Pacific naval war in favor of the Allies?

The Battle of Midday was important in Turing the tide because American troops destroyed 332 Japanese planes, 4 aircraft carriers and 1 support ship

11. Where did the turning point of World War II in Europe occur?

The Battle of Stalingrad. Largest single battle in human history. In 1942, Hitler sent and army South in an attempt to capture the Soviet Russian city that had been renamed after the Soviet leader Josef Stalin

34. During the "Kitchen Debate," what prediction made by Nikita Khrushchev would never become a reality?

The Soviet Union would outproduce Americans in consumer goods

49. What event renewed the tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1960?

The Soviets shot down a U.S spy plans flexing over their territory

17. How did the Freedom Train suggest the meaning of freedom remained controversial?

The Wagner Act, the law guaranteeing workers right form unions, was removed from inclusion in the documents display

36. Why did orange juice become more prevalent in the 1950s?

The amount of large corporate farms in California increased

48. Why did the Eisenhower administration embrace the doctrine of "massive retaliation"?

The constant threat of mutually assured destruction under the doctrine made for more cautious diplomacy

41. Why did auto manufacturers and oil companies vault to the top ranks of corporate America in 1950s?

The consumer demand for the automobile boomed in this decade

10. How did the Allied campaign in Italy lay the groundwork for the invasion of France on D-Day?

The defeat of Mussolini's regime forced Hitler to redirect valuable German troops to occupy Italy

43. How did American companies contribute to the influx of Puerto Rican migrants by the hundreds of thousands beginning in the 1950s?

The increasing control of land by U.S sugar companies on the island pushed small tobacco and coffee farmers off the land and into a search for jobs on the mainland

22. Why did France and other European nations understand NATO as a form of double containment?

The part would guard them against Soviet aggressions as well as against the resurgence of a powerful Germany

21. Why did the United States allow West Germany to become part of a defensive alliance less than ten years after the defeat of Nazi Germany?

The successful Soviet detonation of a nuclear bomb underlined the importance of a military United West

15. Why did so many American workers walk out of their jobs between 1943 and 1944?

They charged their employers with the unseemly expansion of corporate profits

20. Why did American policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall Plan?

They were afraid that if they did not help with the recovery, Western European nations might fall into the Soviet sphere of influence

4. What was the goal of the policy of appeasement?

To make peace and avoid war

30. What were the Nuremberg trials?

Trials in which German officials were prosecuted for crimes against humanity. It was a series of military tribunals, held by the allied forces after World War II to prosecute the important members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany.

28. How did Truman respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift

25. How did Walter Lippmann view the Cold War?

Was one the nations most prominent journalist, Objected the idea I'd ideological crusade, U.S would have to have people and countries acting as puppets have to intervene for everything

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