exam 4 biology

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How does DNA move during gel electrophoresis?

Smaller pieces of DNA move faster toward the positive electrode

Which of the following applications of biotechnology results in an insect-resistant plant?

Bt toxin production by soybeans

In Griffith's experiments, what happened when heat-killed S-strain bacteria were injected into a mouse along with live R-strain bacteria?

DNA from the live R-strain was taken up by the heat-killed S-strain, converting them to R-strain and killing the mouse.

Which of the following is NOT involved in the DNA replication process?

DNA replicase

Which of the following arguments has/have been used to argue against biotechnology?

Genetically modified foods are dangerous to eat and can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, the human genome should not be changed due to unclear repercussions.

Suppose a scientist working on a new drug for cancer developed a chemical that irreversibly breaks the hydrogen bonds in the DNA molecules within cancerous cells but leaves all of the covalent bonds intact. Hydrogen bonds are relatively weak compared to covalent bonds, and they are routinely broken and reformed as the DNA molecule is replicated in a normal cell. Their stability is nonetheless critical for maintaining certain aspects of the structure and function of the DNA molecule. Based on this scenario and your knowledge of DNA, how would this newly discovered chemical affect the DNA in a human cancer cell?

It would break the two strands apart preventing it from functioning properly.

Why are genes inserted into bacterial plasmids during the gene cloning process?

Large amounts of the gene can be produced when the bacteria multiply.

What is an advantage to a farmer using an insect-resistant crop plant?

Less pesticide use and better crop yields

Imagine you are looking at a DNA fingerprint that shows an STR pattern of a mother's DNA and her child's DNA. Will all of the bands showing the child's DNA match those of the mother? Explain.

No, because the father contributed half of the child's DNA.

Which of the following molecular techniques involves "DNA replication in a tube"?


Which of the following is a valid scientific concern about the environment and transgenic crops?

Pollen from transgenic crops could carry the recombinant genes to wild relatives, with unpredictable consequences.

The genetic material of some viruses, such as HIV, is not normal DNA but is instead:


Modern forensic biotechnology labs use sophisticated machines to analyze ________, such as D16, and to determine the number of specific genetic repeats in the samples.


Sexual reproduction in humans is an example of DNA recombination. True or False?


If the DNA fingerprint of a suspect does not match a blood sample from a crime scene, what can you conclude?

The blood sample had to come from another person, but the suspect may still have been there

Which of the following statements about stem cells is TRUE?

They are able to differentiate into a variety of cell types

Which of the following is true of genes that are found near each other on the same chromosome?

They are linked and tend to be inherited together.

What is the function of the protein, histones, that are found in a chromosome?

They bind the DNA into a supercoiled structure.

Which of the following is found in RNA but NOT in DNA?


Who discovered the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick

Evidence for the spiral nature of DNA came from ______.

X-ray crystallography studies

Prenatal diagnosis is available for all of the following disorders EXCEPT:


In recombinant DNA technology, plasmids

are used to insert foreign DNA into bacteria

The correct nucleotides to be added to the new DNA strand are determined by

base pairing between the free nucleotides and bases on the template strand.

What is the term for manipulating the molecular basis of inheritance via recombinant DNA technology?


The genetic recombination of ________ caused massive, widespread epidemics that affected the global human population several times in the 20th century.

bird flu viruses and human flu viruses

Transgenic organisms _________

can express DNA from another species

DNA profiling __________.

can involve analysis of STRs

All of the following have been produced by inserting human genes into bacteria EXCEPT

cancer-cell-killing hormones, which cure patients who have malignancies.

The repeating sequence of cells dividing, growing, and dividing again is called:

cell cycle

The site on a chromosome where microtubules attach during cell division is the:


An individual with the blood group genotype IAIB has the phenotype AB. What is the relationship between the IA and IB alleles (How do they express)?


Replication bubbles

consist of two replication forks moving in opposite directions

At least 80% of the ________ grown in the United States is transgenic.

corn, cotton, and soybeans

In 2011, more than 85% of the ________ grown in the United States was transgenic.

corn, cotton, and soybeans

All of the following are goals of biotechnology EXCEP

creating humans with higher intelligence levels

Imagine that a DNA sequence of 5'-A-C-G-T-A-C-G-T-3' is altered to 5'-A-C-G-A-C-G-T-3'. This could happen as a result of a(n):

deletion mutation

Which type of eukaryotic cell contains two types of each chromosome?


Sexual reproduction allows for

greater genetic diversity in offspring, compared to asexual reproduction.

When the two gametes that fuse to form a zygote contain different alleles of a given gene, the offspring is:


DNA moves within an electric field because it

is negatively charged

Sequencing the genes of humans is important because

knowing the nucleotide sequence of human genes will aid in the treatment of diseases caused by them.

What name is given to the specific location of a gene on a chromosome?


Which of the following molecules transfers information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is essential for

making many copies of a small amount of DNA

Based on this table, which polypeptide would be synthesized from the mRNA base sequence UUU AUG CCU GAC UUU UAA CCC?


Introns are ______.

noncoding DNA sequences

Amanda's parents realized that her body was not developing properly about the time she was 12 years old. She was shorter than most of her friends and was not going through changes normally associated with female puberty. They took her to a doctor who initially diagnosed Amanda with Turner Syndrome because of her physical features. He ordered a karyotype that confirmed his diagnosis. Amanda was born with only one X chromosome. Although there is no specific cure, the doctor was able to treat her and correct some of the problems associated with the condition. For example, she received growth hormone to improve her growth and estrogen to help her develop the physical changes of puberty. Amanda's abnormal number of sex chromosomes resulted from ______.


DNA recombination __________.

occurs during sexual reproduction

According to the law of segregation

pairs of alleles separate during the formation of gametes.

The physical characteristics of an organism's genes is its:


Kinases are responsible for the addition of ________ to other proteins.


The majority of genetically modified organisms used in agriculture are __________.


Small, accessory chromosomes found in bacteria that are useful in recombinant DNA procedures are called:


Restriction enzymes

produce single-stranded DNA fragments with "sticky ends."

Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in mitotic cell division?


Which of the following results from inserting foreign DNA into an organism to produce a new gene combination?

recombinant DNA

The best definition of a purebred plant is one that ______.

self-fertilizes to produce offspring identical to the paren

Gel electrophoresis is used to __________.

separate DNA fragments by size

Transcription is the process of:

synthesizing an RNA molecule using a DNA template.

In nature, DNA recombination occurs but it is random and undirected. True or False?


Restriction enzymes have the ability to cut DNA at specific nucleotide sequences. True or False?


During which phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle does DNA and chromosome replication occur?

the S phase of interphase

In biotechnology research, DNA fragments created by restriction enzyme action are separated from one another via

the polymerase chain reaction

When chromosomes replicate:

the two DNA strands separate and each is used as a template for synthesis of a new strand.

Controversy has arisen about using genetically engineered bovine growth hormone to increase milk yield in cattle. The lesson gained from this controversy is that:

the whole human society should decide the proper uses of recombinant DNA technology

The primary goal of human gene therapy is __________.

to correct genetic disorders by inserting normal genes in place of defective ones

The type of RNA that binds to a specific amino acid is:

transfer RNA.

Antibiotic resistance can be transferred from one bacterial strain to another by __________.


What process involves bacteria taking in plasmid DNA?


An organism that contains foreign DNA, which was inserted into its own genetic material, is called


Cancer is essentially:

unregulated mitotic cell division

RNA contains the nitrogenous base ______ instead of ______, which is only found in DNA.

uracil... thymine

The earliest examples of biotechnology included the

use of selective breeding to provide better, more nutritious food.

When gametes fuse during fertilization, a(n) ________ is produced.


Alleles are described as ____

alternate version of a gene

Chiasmata are the locations of:

crossing over

Restriction enzymes are useful in recombinant DNA studies because they:

cut DNA only at specific locations.

Plasmids are:

small, replicating rings of DNA found in bacteria.

The two ends of a single chromosome are called:


Traits controlled by sex-linked recessive genes are expressed more often in males because:

the male has only one gene for the trait.

When genes from different organisms are pieced together, __________.

this is referred to as recombinant DNA

What benefit does administration of genetically engineered human insulin provide to patients that pig/bovine insulin does not?

Allergic reactions are avoided by using the recombinant human insulin.

Transformation is the process by which foreign __________ is/are taken up from a cell's environment, permanently changing the characteristics of a cell and its offspring.


About 90% of the human genome contains the genes. True or False?


DNA recombination changes the genetic makeup of organisms. True or False?


Why is stem cell technology a promising area of medical research?

Under the right conditions, a stem cell could become any type of cell in the body

Amanda's parents realized that her body was not developing properly about the time she was 12 years old. She was shorter than most of her friends and was not going through changes normally associated with female puberty. They took her to a doctor who initially diagnosed Amanda with Turner Syndrome because of her physical features. He ordered a karyotype that confirmed his diagnosis. Amanda was born with only one X chromosome. Although there is no specific cure, the doctor was able to treat her and correct some of the problems associated with the condition. For example, she received growth hormone to improve her growth and estrogen to help her develop the physical changes of puberty.


Which point mutation would be most likely to have a catastrophic effect?

a base deletion near the start of the coding sequence

A man who carries a harmful sex-linked (on the X chromosome) gene will pass the gene on to:

all of his daughters.

Which of the following occurs in the nucleus?

both transcription and replication of genetic material

All of the following are benefits of sequencing the human genome EXCEPT:

every genetic disorder is now curable or preventable.

Complementary base pairs are held together by:

hydrogen bonds.

Each of your body cells

is genetically identical to all others.

The substances used to cut genes in recombinant DNA research are called:

restriction enzymes

What is the site of protein synthesis?


In prokaryotes, the term "binary fission" specifically refers to

sexual reproduction

If the DNA of a certain organism has guanine as 30% of its bases, then what percentage of its bases are adenine?


The human genome contains about ________ genes.


How many bases are in a codon?


In one strand of DNA, the nucleotide sequence is 5'-A-T-G-C-3'. The complementary sequence in the other strand must be:


A couple has two female children. What is the probability that their next child will be male?


If the sequence of bases in a section of DNA is TAGGCTAA, what is the corresponding sequence of bases in mRNA?


Which of the following is NOT a use for biotechnology?

Altering the intelligence levels of newborn infants

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