Exam III Environmental Science

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Which of the following energy sources could be considered renewable (mark all that apply)? -Biomass -Coal -Natural gas -Wind -Solar

-T -F -F -T -T

Identify the following statements as either descriptions of the troposphere or stratosphere: -Weather occurs in this layer -The greenhouse effect occurs predominantly in this layer -Ozone is harmful here -Ozone is beneficial here

-Troposphere -Troposphere -Troposphere -Stratosphere

Which region of the world is warming the fastest?


Match each of the main air pollutants to its main causative agent. Main Air Pollutants: -Particulate material -Carbon monoxide -Sulfur dioxide Main Causative Agent: A. Mining and manufacturing processes B. Incomplete burning of fossil fuels C. Asbestos and cigarette smoke

I GOT THIS WRONG, but I think it's something like... -Particulate material: A. -Carbon monoxide: C. -Sulfur dioxide: B.

Acid mine drainage occurs when

I can't remember the exact wording of this, but it's something like certain chemicals react with water and air to form sulfuric acid

Why is carbon monoxide dangerous?

It binds with hemoglobin, reducing the blood's oxygen carry-capacity.

Hydroelectric power plants are most commonly located near

artificial reservoirs.

Which of these is listed by EPA as a criteria air pollutant?

carbon monoxide

Environmental problems associated with large hydroelectric dams include

loss of fertile farmland, destruction of aquatic communities, and relocation of people.

Scrubbers, precipitators, and filters

reduce particulate pollution.

What is hydraulic fracturing or "hydrofracking" used for?

to extract oil and natural gas from shale

What are the different techniques to convert biomass into energy?

-Direct combustion: burning biomass in fires to cook food or heat homes -Biofuels production: fermentation converts plant sugars to ethanol, which is used as an energy source -Anaerobic digestion: green, wet biomass and animal waste is broken down by anaerobic bacteria, producing methane and CO2 -Pyrolysis: a thermo chemical process that converts biomass to a more useful fuel such as charcoal

Which of the following statements apply to the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Check all that apply. -It hit an iceberg and sank. -An estimated 10,000 metric tons of oil were released before it was sealed. -This is the largest oil spill on record. -It caught fire and sank in 2010.

-F -T -T -T

Classify these energy sources as renewable or nonrenewable by dragging them to the appropriate bin. Energy Sources: -Geothermal -Oil -Nuclear -Natural Gas -Wind -Solar -Coal -Hydroelectric

-Geothermal: R -Oil: NR -Nuclear: NR -Natural Gas: NR -Wind: R -Solar: R -Coal: NR -Hydroelectric: R

Identify and drag the action that reduces global climate change to the bin that describes how it works. Action: -Grow cover-crops on fields -Generate electricity from nuclear sources -Use fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent - Plant a tree Description: A. Prevents carbon from entering the atmosphere B. Removes carbon from the atmosphere

-Grow cover-crops on fields: B -Generate electricity from nuclear sources: A -Use fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent: A - Plant a tree: B

Match the following air pollutants to their effect on human health: Air Pollutants: -Nitrogen oxides - Particulate material -Carbon monoxide -Sulfur dioxide Effect on Human Health: A. Major component of acid rain B. Increase eutrophication of surface water C. Inhibits respiration in animals D. Damages lung tissues and causes cancer

-Nitrogen oxides: B. -Particulate material: D.: -Carbon monoxide: C. -Sulfur dioxide: A.

Oil Use and Environmental Issues

-Oil Use: Oil is more concentrated than coal, burns with less pollution, and can be moved easily through pipes -Environmental Issues: Oil spills, primarily because of the system of pipes used for the transportation of oil *Recovery Methods: -Primary Recovery Methods: If the water or gas pressure is great enough, the oil is forced to the surface when the well is drilled. If the pressure is low, the oil is pumped to the surface. -Secondary Recovery Methods: Water or gas is pumped into a well to drive out the oil through the pores of the rock. -Tertiary Recovery Methods: Steam is pumped into a well to lower the viscosity of the oil. These methods are expensive and are only used with high oil prices.

Coal is formed from plant material that has been buried and subjected to heat and pressure. Arrange the following types of coal from lowest grade (1) to highest grade (5). -Sub-bituminous -Bituminous -Lignite -Anthracite -Peat

-Peat -Lignite -Sub-bituminous -Bituminous -Anthracite

Match the following terms with their proper definitions. Terms: -Primary pollutants -Secondary pollutants -Criteria pollutants Definitions: A. Pollutants released directly from the source into the air in a harmful form. B. Pollutants converted to a hazardous form after they enter the air or are formed by chemical reactions as components of the air mix and interact. C. Pollutants contributing the largest volume of air quality degradation and also are considered the most serious threat of all air pollutants to human health and welfare.

-Primary pollutants: A. -Secondary pollutants: B. -Criteria pollutants: C.

Match the term with the correct definition: Term: -Resource -Reserve Definition: A. Known deposits from which materials can be extracted profitably with existing technology under prevailing economic conditions. B. Naturally occurring substance of use to humans that can potentially be extracted.

-Resource: B. -Reserve: A.

Coal extraction: Surface mining and Underground mining

-Surface mining: involves removing the material located at the top of a vein of coal, called overburden, to get at the coal beneath. Coal is usually surface-mined when the overburden is <100 meters thick -Underground mining: minimizes surface disturbance, but is expensive and dangerous. Coal is usually underground mined when the overburden is >/= 100 meters thick

Which of the following statements about the troposphere are true (choose all that apply)?: -The troposphere is where the majority of weather occurs -troposphere contains the beneficial ozone layer -We find the majority of air pollutants in the troposphere

-T -F -T

Which of the following are consequences of burning coal for energy (mark all that apply) -increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere -increased heavy metals (lead and mercury) released into the air -Acidified rain -increased radicals that deplete ozone in the stratosphere

-T -T -T -F

Which of the following statements of the greenhouse effect are true (choose all that apply)? -The greenhouse effect allows life to exist on the earth -Water vapor is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect -Increases in heat are caused by infrared radiation emitted from the earth -Clouds play an active role in absorbing solar radiation increasing temperature

-T -T -T -F

Place the following statements in the order that they occur for energy production in nuclear power plants. -Heat is released -Neutrons split uranium -Water is turned to steam -Turbine generates electricity

1) Neutrons split uranium 2) Heat is released 3) Water is turned to steam 4) Turbine generates electricity

What percentage of the world's commercial energy is furnished by fossil fuels?


Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

All of these are correct (Nitrous oxide, Carbon dioxide, Methane)

Which of the following are consequences of climate change?

All of these are correct (Rising sea level, Disruption to the hydrologic cycle, Change in the geographic distribution of organisms)

Ethanol is produced through the fermentation of

All of these are correct (corn, beets, sugarcane, etc.)

T/F: Energy conservation can reduce energy demands but will require a change in the standard of living.


What are the different sources of biomass energy?

Fuelwood, waste, crop residues, animal wastes, and energy plantations

Which of the following is the best indicator of recent climate change?

I GOT THIS WRONG, but I think it's increases in CO2

T/F: Renewable sources of energy could produce enough energy to eliminate the need for fossil fuels in the near future.


The principal framework for national, state, tribal, and local efforts to protect air quality in the U.S. is found in

The Clean Air Act

Which of the following is NOT a conclusion reached by the IPCC regarding global warming?

There is a direct correlation between temperature decrease and the amount of greenhouse gases.

Half-Lives and Significance of Some Radioactive Isotopes

Uranium-235: Fuel in nuclear power plants Plutonium-239: Nuclear weapons, and found in some nuclear power plants Carbon-14: Estimate age of fossil fuels Americium-241: Used in smoke detectors Cesium-137: Treat prostate cancer, and measure thickness of independent objects Strontium-90: Power source in space vehicles, and treat bone tumors Cobalt-60: Sterilize food by irradiation Iridium-192: Inspect welding seams Phosphorus-32: Radioactive tracer in biological studies Iodine-131: Diagnose and treat thyroid cancer Radon-222 and 220: Naturally occurs in atmosphere of some areas where it causes lung cancers

The six different criteria air pollutants are...

carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide

Large accumulations of decayed plant materials form which of the following resources?


Which fossil fuel is the most abundant?


A hybrid vehicle

contains both an electric motor and an internal combustion engine

One of the most obvious environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams is

flooding of vast areas of land.

The term "mining heat" refers to which power source?


The amount of lead released into the atmosphere

has declined since the introduction of lead free gasoline.

What is the proposed alternative to drilling for oil in ANWR?

increased energy conservation

The second most abundant greenhouse gas is


What is the name of the process whereby a platform with many wells is secured to the ocean floor?

offshore drilling

Solar, geothermal, and tidal energy are forms of

renewable resources.

The Clean Air Act

set national ambient air quality standards for six pollutants.

Which of the following is NOT a type of biomass?

solid waste

Atmospheric warming due to the presence of greenhouse gases is called

the greenhouse effect.

The main activity of the U.N. initiated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is

to provide regular intervals of assessments of climate change knowledge.

T/F: Inhaled small particulate material, less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, poses a greater risk to human health than larger, coarse particles do.


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