exam two merged

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A democratic republic is a. liberal. b. a direct democracy. c. impossible. d. a republic in which the people elect representatives to make laws. e. a republic in which everyone can vote.

Block grant

A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise? 24) A) to guarantee women the right to vote while denying the right to vote to slaves D) to maintain the current balance of slave and free states


The right to speech comes with implicit responsibilities to respect __________

community standards

Human nature is complex, unpredictable, and often immoral, suspicious of change; trust in traditional values, family, church, support limited role for gov't in private economy and faith in free market mechanisms, minimal role for gov't in economic activity


the transfer of powers from a national or central government to a state or local government


process by which citizens are contacted personally by candidate and party organizations to take part in political activities\

direct mobilization (canvassing, email, petitions, requests for money, letter-writing)

the attribute of an individual's opinion that indicates a preference for or against a particular issue (ex: Does the respondent favor the Dem or R for president?)


dimensions of an opinion (5)

direction, salience, intensity, stability, and informational support

The Supreme Court's decision in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson C) stated that the principle of separate but equal public facilities for African Americans was constitutional.


Today the equal protection clause is interpreted broadly enough to do all of the following EXCEPT C) permit sexual harassment.


interview of voters as they leave the polling place; help analyze demographic factors that influence election outcomes

exit poll

In the wake of Reconstruction, southern states used all of the following means to disenfranchise black voters EXCEPT

explicit racial prohibitions on voting

an individual's belief that his/her activities will influence what the gov't will do or who will win an election

external political efficacy

what caused colonial leaders to be suspicious of popular attitudes

fear of faction and mob rule

middle- or upper-class

Most interest groups have a bias toward

because it is a source of power for elected officials who take positions supported by the people

Public opinion affects the political process


Rights held to be inherent in natural law are called a. natural rights.

Why can the government regulate broadcast television more than most other media?

because a scarcity of bandwidth led the government to license stations

All of the following contributed to the modern feminist movement EXCEPT

the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

invisible primary

The pre-primary election effort to win support from elected officials, fund raisers, interest groups, and opinion leaders is called the

what makes people likely to respond to invitations

1) requests do not come too often 2) there is a realistic chance of success 3)they consider the outcome important 4)particpation does not conflict with other important demands on their time

Uncertainties that arise in process of providing policy solutions acceptable to a majority of citizens

1)voters may not have clear preferences on a number of issues 2)many policies are the product of extraordinary events 3) many policies are initiated by enterprising policy makers,not the public at large 4)majority tyranny

3 conditions necessary for political participation

1. citizens must have resources to participate (time, money, skill) 2.participants must be interested in the political process and believe that their actions will make a difference 3. they must be asked to participate

The structure of the legislative branch of government is described by ________ of the Constitution. A) Article I


Throughout the twentieth century, which group advocated most vocally and effectively for the rights of disabled Americans? A) war veterans


a positive vote in coventions in 3/4 of the states and a positive vote in the legislatures of 3/4 the states

A constitutional amendment can be ratified by

e) both a and b

A constitutional amendment can be ratified by a) a positive vote in conventions in 3/4 of the states b) a positive vote in the legislatures of 3/4 of the states c) a 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress d) the legislatures in 2/3 of the states e) both a and b

e) categorical grant

A federal grant for a specific project or program is called a a) project grant b) block grant c) community action grant d) basic grant e) categorical grant


A limited government is based on the principle a. of allowing only a set number of new immigrants into the country. b. of non-expansion, with the current geographic size of the government as large or small as it can be. c. that the powers of government should be limited, either by a written document, or through widely shared beliefs. d. that a pre-determined period of time for state governments to vote to accept or reject a new contract with the national government. e. that a constitution that can be amended.

b. organize to win elections and operate the government.

A political party is a group of individuals who a. agree on all policy issues. b. organize to win elections and operate the government. c. pay monthly dues to an ideological organization. d. have been elected to office and have obtained positions of power. e. accept the decisions of the party's leaders.


A political party is a group of individuals who a. agree on all policy issues. b. organize to win elections and operate the government. c. pay monthly dues to an ideological organization. d. have been elected to office and have obtained positions of power. e. accept the decisions of the party's leaders.

organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy.

A political party is a group of political activists who

a two-party system.

A political system in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning is called


A previous court decision which influences and is the basis for deciding later, similar cases is called a. a precedent. b. criminal law. c. a judicial maxim. d. common law. e. statutory law.


A voter or a candidate who does not identify with a political party is called


According to the clear and present danger test, expression could be restricted if a. it does not deal with a political question. b. it is found to be offensive to religious organizations. c. and only if the United States is at war. d. the speaker is not a citizen of the United States. e. evidence exists that such expression would cause a condition that would endanger the public.

Determining which public-policy questions will be debated or considered

Agenda Setting

the media are careful to disregard non-scientific polls and to report on only scientifically conducted surveys

All of the following are true about technology and opinion polls except that

after 1937 the S.C. continued to reject New Deal legislation

All of the following are true of the New Deal except that

a) only state governments can regulate commerce

All of the following are true of the cases Gibbons v. Odgen, and McCulloch v. Maryland EXCEPT that a) only state governments can regulate commerce b) commerce is defined as all business transactions c) the power to regulate interstate commerce is an exclusive national power d) the national government can use its implied powers to carry out its expressed powers e) it allows the federal government to greatly expand its powers

Only state governments can regulate commerce

All of the following are true of the cases Gibbons v. Ogden, McCulloch v. Maryland except that

c) slavery was outlawed

All of the following were compromises in the Constitution EXCEPT that a) there was no ban on the importation of slaves before 1808 b) there were to be no export taxes on goods leaving the US c) slavery was outlawed d) representation in the HOR was based on a state's population e) states were equally represented in the Senate

An interstate compact

An agreement between 2 or more states is


An agreement between two or more states is a. shared governance. b. an interstate compact. c. an intrastate treaty. d. a cooperative agreement. e. unconstitutional.


An interest group is a. any association of individuals. b. a group of people who want to gain control of the government. c. an organization that actively attempts to influence government policy. d. any organization that requires members to pay dues. e. an organization set up to support a specific candidate for public office.

an individual who opposed the ratification of the new Constitution in 1787; opposed to a strong central government



As a rule, the government can place the most restrictions over which form of media?

It has the ultimate authority within society

As an institution, a government is unique in that

at least thirty-five years old.

As detailed in the Constitution, the formal requirements for the office of president include that he or she must be

17) The right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury is guaranteed by the ________ Amendment. B) Sixth


55) How does the Constitution define impeachable offenses? 55) B) ʺTreason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.ʺ


66) Why do members of Congress pass pork and earmarks? 66) B) because they help members of Congress get reelected


The Constitution gives formal law-making powers to B) Congress.


ISSUE: Privacy Michael Hardwick was observed by a Georgia police officer while engaging in the act of consensual homosexual sodomy with another adult in the bedroom of his home. He was then charged with charged with violating a Georgia statute that criminalized sodomy. (oyez.com) Supreme Court's Ruling: The divided Court found that there was no constitutional protection for acts of sodomy, and that states could outlaw those practices.

Bowers v. Hardwick (1985)

Senators are elected for ________-year terms. C) six


requires public schools and libraries to install filtering software to prevent children from viewing Web sites with "adult" content

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

works to make governmental institutions more responsive to the needs of the public.

Common Cause, a public-interest group,

act that made it a crime to make available to minors online any "obscene or indecent" message that "depicts or describes in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards, sexually or excretory activities or organs"; Supreme Court held that the act imposed unconstitutional restraints on free speech and was therefore invalid

Communications Decency Act (CDA)

the South, the Great Plains, and the Rocky Mountain states

Currently, which of the following regions are more supportive of the Republicans than Democrats?

Apportionment and redistricting typically occur every D) 10 years.


The Eighth Amendment prohibits D) excessive bail and excessive fines.


The House of Representatives has the sole power to C) try impeached officials. D) initiate revenue bills.


In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court dramatically changed the meaning of the Second Amendment with its decision in which of the following cases?

District of Columbia v. Heller


Divided government a. reflects a situation when a person votes for candidates of two parties for different offices. b. exists when the presidency and Congress are controlled by different parties. c. is another name for federalism. d. increases the control of the winning party in an election. e. is a strong indication of the emergence of a new third party.

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are collectively known as the E) Civil War Amendments.


There are ________ members of the House of Representatives and ________ members of the Senate. E) 435; 100


Regents' Prayer case in New York; U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the regents' action was unconstitutional because the constitutional prohibition against laws respecting a religion and allow for people to pray as a part of a religious program carried on by any government

Engle v. Vitale


Executive agreements are a. not valid in foreign policy matters unless approved by the Senate. b. agreements between the president and a head of foreign government that do not have to be approved by the Senate. c. an unconstitutional expansion of the power of the president. d. binding upon future presidents. e. used to achieve trivial matters, since the most significant issues must be addressed by the Senate.


Executive privilege a. involves the ability of the president and executive branch officials to withhold certain information from Congress and the courts. b. means that members of the executive branch cannot be prosecuted for official acts. c. is the concept that has been applied to the president's use of the pocket veto. d. allows the president discretion in making political appointments. e. was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1974.

Women were granted the right to vote at the same time as African Americans.


Resources to participate in politics

Family wealth, education, religious affiliation, workplace, race& gender

dispense funds based on variables such as state population and need

Formula grants

b) dispense funds based on variables such as state population and need

Formula grants a) are equivalent to program grants b) dispense funds based on variables such as state population and need c) are a relatively recent development d) are unconstitutional e) a, b, and c

e. All of the above are true.

Government strives to protect members of society from a. violence. b. criminal activity. c. instability. d. insecurity. e. All of the above are true.

there may be little need for campaigning except to remind the voters of the officeholder's good deeds.

If a candidate is a highly visible incumbent seeking reelection,

E) All of the above are true

If the US Constitution had no Bill of Rights: a) rights would be dependent on the political process b) unpopular rights would be in danger c) popular rights would be safe d) some rights would be protected by state commissions e) All of the above are true

e. All of the above are true.

If the United States deported most of the unauthorized immigrants a. the government would need to hire hundreds of thousands of additional immigration officers. b. new prisons would need to be built. c. expenditures would increase by billions of dollars per year. d. other government programs would need to be cut to fund the initiative. e. All of the above are true.

declared the national income tax to be unconstitutional

In 1895, the Supreme Court

held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority, said the act act attempted to regulate an area that had nothing to do with commerce, and placed a limit on national government authority under the commerce clause

In U.S. v. Lopez (1995), the S.C.


In the field of political polling, the relative importance that an individual ascribes to a particular issue is known as

The economic and political expression of working class interests

Labor unions are

as a result of the candidate's own efforts and organization

Most candidates for public office in the United States are chosen

direct primaries.

Most candidates in state and local elections are chosen by

Who was the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Nancy Pelosi


Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of a. United States senator. b. United States representative. c. president of the United States. d. governor. e. chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Supreme Court clearly displayed that a prior restraint on expression is a "heavy presumption" against its constitutionality; the government justifies the enforcement of the prior restraint

Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart

Supreme Court unanimously ruled that a Nebraska judge's gag order had violated the first amendment's guarantee of freedom of the press;

Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart

Pentagon Papers case; no-prior-restraint doctrine; secret documents (U.S. government's involvement in the Vietnam War) obtained illegally by a former Pentagon official; government wanted a court order to bar publication of the documents, arguing that national security was threatened and that the documents had been stolen; newspapers argued that the public had the right to know the info. contained in the papers and that the press had the right to inform the public

New York Times v. United States

a) to establish an army and appoint a commander in chief

One of the main actions of the 2nd Continental Congress was a) to establish an army and appoint a commander in chief b) to sign a treaty with Britain prohibiting armed conflict c) to sign a treaty with France to declare war on Britain d) the creation of a unitary government in America e) to bring the remaining seven colonies into the Congress

ISSUE: Abortion The Pennsylvania legislature amended its abortion control law in 1988 and 1989. A married woman seeking an abortion had to indicate that she notified her husband of her intention to abort the fetus. These provisions were challenged by several abortion clinics and physicians. Supreme Court's Ruling: The justices imposed a new standard to determine the validity of laws restricting abortions. The new standard asks whether a state abortion regulation has the purpose or effect of imposing an "undue burden," which is defined as a "substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion before the fetus attains viability." (oyez.org)

Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1991)

more likely than men to support social welfare programs.

Politically speaking, American women are

has no influence on voting behavior.

Recently, having more than a bachelor's degree

c. it is unclear whether they have a measurable effect on employment.

Regarding modest increases in the minimum wage a. they have a major negative effect on employment. b. they have no effect on employment. c. it is unclear whether they have a measurable effect on employment. d. they boost employment significantly, by motivating the unemployed to seek work. e. None of the above.

the motivation is strong enough...check 265

Regardless of an interest group's size or resources, it can be considered powerful if

Conservative evangelicals (R), Latino Protestants (D), black Protestants (D), Catholics (D), Jews (D); frequent church attendance is highly correlated with republicans

Religious institutions

decreases, decreases

Reported voter turnout _________ as education __________.

poor Americans.

Some have argued that the system of interest group politics leaves out

e. All of the above are true

Studies suggest that parents' political influence over their children is due to a. the strong need of children for parental approval. b. the ability of parents to communicate frequently with their children. c. the ability of parents to communicate their feelings and preferences to their children. d. family links to other factors that affect opinion, such as race, social class, education, and religious beliefs. e. All of the above are true.

not radical liberals

Talk radio is almost completely dominated by

e) an income tax

Taxes that the British attempted to impose in the years leading up to the Revolution included all of the following EXCEPT a) the Sugar Act, which imposed a tax on sugar b) the Stamp Act, which taxed, among other things, legal documents c) duties on glass, lead, and paint d) a tax on ta e) an income tax

e) all the above

The Civil War amendments a) abolished slavery b) sought to guarantee equal rights under state laws c) gave the right to vote to African Americans d) defined who was a citizen of the US e) all the above

Alexander Hamilton (under the signature Caesar and later Publius) & later John Joy and James Madison

The Federalist Papers, which offered arguments in favor of ratifying the Constitution, was authored by

The name given to the one who was in favor of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and the creation of a federal union with a strong central government

The Federalists

c) ratification of the new Constitution

The Federalists advocated a) the status quo b) return to the Articles of Confederation c) ratification of the new Constitution d) strong state government system e) both a and b


The First Continental Congress a. was called by the colonies to seek independence from Britain. b. called for the abdication of King George III. c. asked the colonies to boycott British trade and raise troops. d. was ignored by the British. e. was only attended by delegates from six colonies.

restricting the political activities of civil servants.

The Hatch Act of 1939 is best known for

the creation of a new and very powerful central government

The New Jersey Plan called for all of the following except


The citizens of which of the following states would be most likely to express strong admiration for American military leaders?

the necessary and proper clause (elastic clause)

The clause in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to do whatever necessary to execute its enumerated or expressed powers is called

e. All of the above are true.

The colonies in the New World provided for opportunities to a. promote trade. b. explore religious freedom. c. practice limited self-government. d. implement the social contract. e. All of the above are true.

sampling error.

The difference between a sample result and the true result if the entire population had been interviewed is

a revival of states' rights and a reduction in national power

The doctrine of dual federalism meant

party platform.

The document drawn up at each national convention outlining the policies, positions, and principles of the party is called the

can be problematic for the pluralist model because members of the middle or upper classes often dominate interest groups

The existence of interest groups

d. the doctrine of incorporation.

The fact that the Supreme Court denied the national government the power to fully ban handguns in 2008, yet a later 2010 decision was needed to apply this same rule to the states is emblematic of d. the doctrine of incorporation.

grew significantly after 1976 but has leveled off since the 1990s.

The number of political action committees (PACs)

the enumerated or expressed powers

The powers that the Constitution specifically lists as belonging to the federal government are


The public tends to emphasize problems that are

US Citizenship, registered voter of the state for about 5-6 yrs, be at least 30 yr old..BUT varies on the state

The qualifications required to be a state governor are

b. expanded over time.

The right to vote for all citizens has b. expanded over time.

States cannot use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies

The supremacy clause of the Constitution means that

a voluntary association in which states have most of the power

The term confederation or confederal refers to


Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense advocated d. the idea that a government of our own is our natural right.

oppose government intervention in the economy.

Those with high incomes tend to

Which of the following statements about abortion rights in the United States is LEAST accurate?

When the Court legalized abortion in 1973, the practice was already legal in all but thirteen states.


When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called a. a closed primary. b. an open primary. c. a run-off primary. d. a blanket primary. e. a caucus.

Unicameral system

Which government system is used most in the world today

a. unitary system

Which government system is used most in the world today? a. unitary system b. confederate system c. federal system d. bicameral system e. None of the above is true.

a) Unitary system

Which government system is used most in the world today? a) Unitary system b) Confederate system c) Federal system d) Bicameral system e) none of the above

older, white, lean Republican

Which of the following BEST characterizes Tea Party supporters?

More important than age is the impact of significant political events that shape the political attitudes of an entire generation

Which of the following is (are) true?

Nothing is required to be a member of a political party.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding political party membership?

d. The national government has all the power so states play a small role.

Which of the following is not a defense of federalism? a. Political experimentation at the state level can be used to see if policies are workable. b. The government is in closer contact with the people because of the role given to state governments. c. It allows for differences among the regions of the country. d. The national government has all the power so states play a small role. e. It is a better system for the United States than a unitary system because of the size of the country.

When the Court legalized abortion in 1973, the practice was already legal in all but thirteen states.

Which of the following statements about abortion rights in the United States is LEAST accurate?


Which types of interest groups are defined as economic interest groups? a. business, labor, and public interest groups b. labor, agriculture, and single-issue groups. c. business, labor, and foreign governments. d. business, labor, and professionals. e. professionals, agriculture, and foreign governments.

the Literary Digest only polled its subscribers, who were more affluent than the average American and thus more antagonistic toward FDR's policies

Why did the Literary Digest incorrectly predict that Alf Landon would defeat FDR in the presidential election of 1936?

Homophobia refers to A) fear and hatred toward gay men and lesbian women.


Recent Supreme Court cases have protected freedom of the press in all of the following instances EXCEPT

allowing newspapers to preserve the anonymity of their confidential sources if the government can demonstrate a compelling reason to request them

From about 1920-1960, the feminist movement B) was in a period of hibernation.


The first African immigrants to America were C) kidnap victims.


proposed by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes for determining when government may restrict free speech; restrictions are permissible only when speech creates this to the public order; expression may be restricted if evidence exists that such expression would cause a dangerous condition, actual or imminent, that Congress has the power to prevent

clear and present danger test

Classifications by race and ethnicity have now been ruled by the Court to be acceptable only in. D) laws seeking to remedy previous discrimination.


In the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford, the United States Supreme Court D) ruled that a black man, slave or free, was "chattel," and upheld slavery itself as constitutional.


In the case of Reed v. Reed (1971), the Supreme Court D) held that any arbitrary sex-based classification violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Suffrage refers to D) the legal right to vote.


The phrase "all men are created equal" comes from the D) Declaration of Independence.


After Brown v. Board of Education (1954), school integration in the South E) proceeded very slowly.


Classifications based on gender have been ruled to be ________ by the decisions of the Court in the past several years. E) somewhere between inherently suspect and reasonable


Equal protection of the laws E) does not deny states treating classes of citizens differently if the classification is reasonable.


In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court E) ruled that school segregation was inherently unequal.


The Equal Rights Amendment failed because E) it fell three states short of sufficient ratification.


a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional, or subdivisional, governments; each level must have some domain in which its policies are dominant and some genuine political or constitutional guarantee of its authority

federal system

Following the Gitlow decision, what other freedoms did the U.S. Supreme Court incorporate into the 14th amendment?

freedom of the press, assembly, the right to petition, and religion (guaranteed by the 1st Amendment)

an agreement between two or more states; agreements on minor matters are made without congressional consent, but any compact that tends to increase the power of the contracting states relative to other states or relative to the national government generally requires the consent of Congress

interstate compact

public opinion is not growing more extreme, but that portion of the public whose views are at the ideological extremes and who are active in party politics are driving the positions adopted by party leaders

issue consistency, party sorting

the impact of age-related factors in the formation of political attitudes, opinions, and beliefs

life cycle effects

Which of the following activities is considered unconstitutional according to current Supreme Court standards?

mandatory police-accessed drug screening at hospitals

sexually offensive material; can be illegal if it is found to violate a 4 part test established by the U.S. Supreme Court


Based on the Lemon test, which of the following laws would likely NOT be considered unconstitutional?

one that helped religious institutions provide secular social services

According to the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Barron v. Baltimore (1833), the Bill of Rights protected citizens' liberties

only from intrusion by the national government.

opinion v judgement

opinion can reflect momentary feelings based on little reflection judgments form more slowly over time


oppose abortion, support the death penalty, support the right to own firearms, and oppose gay marriage. b. Social conservatives

practice of searching for events in candidates' records or personal lives that can be used to attack them during elections

opposition research

how do americans decide who to vote for?

party, issues, candidate characteristics

psychological predisposition toward or interest in politics- 4 elements of engagement are: political interest, political efficacy (sense of empowerment created by poli involvement), political info, and strength of party identification

political engagement

a measure of the amount of political knowledge an individual possesses concerning political issues, political figures, and workings of the political system

political information

an attribute of political participants that measures one's concern for an election outcome and the positions of the candidates on the issues

political interest

four dimensions of political engagement

political interest, political efficacy, political information, and strength of party identification

process whereby citizens are alerted to participatory opportunities and encouraged to become involved

political mobilization (political parties, elected officials, interest groups, candidates for political office, voluntary associations, friends and neighbors)

the theory that choices are based on our individual assessment of costs and benefits

rational actor theory

Factors that influence voter turnout

registration, timing, two-party system, frequency of elections, lack of competitive races

In recent years the Supreme Court has ruled that

statutory rape laws that apply only to female victims are constitutional.

the degree of loyalty that an individual feels toward a particular political party

strength of party identification

a doctrine that asserts the priority of national law over state laws; principle is rooted in Article VI of the Constitution, which provides that the Constitution, the laws passed by the national government under its constitutional powers, and all treaties constitute the supreme law of the land

supremacy doctrine

democracy by coincidence

the tendency for the average American's wants to align with those of the wealth who influence policy making

how does political participation differ from civic voluntarism

1. people undertake political activities with the intent of directly or indirectly influencing gov't policy (includes voting in elections, working for a party or candidate) 2.political activities have broad legal consequences for the entire community, not merely for members of a private group or organization (when individuals engage in political activities to help elect a member of Congress, those activities affect all members of the community if the candidate is elected or policy adopted)

69) Which demographic group is the least well represented in Congress? 69) A) Hispanics B) those with advanced degrees C) millionaires D) men E) veterans


Laws enacted by southern states that resulted in segregation by race were also known as A) Jim Crow laws.



A dissenting opinion can be important because a. it represents the position of the chief justice of the Supreme Court. b. it is the statement of the defendant's attorney to the Court. c. in criminal law it must be carried out by local police. d. it often forms the basis of the arguments used later to reverse the majority opinion in a similar case. e. it means that the case cannot be used as a precedent.

d) block grant

A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a a) matching grant b) program grant c) federal mandate d) block grant e) waiver


A filibuster is a. an attempt to prevent the passage of a bill through the use of unlimited debate. b. an attempt to persuade others to vote for a particular bill in return for a favor at a later date. c. used in the House to force a standing committee to release a bill. d. a method used by the Speaker of the House to promote the majority party's legislation. e. a technique that is unique to the House.


A government in which the ruler fully controls government itself but largely status out of religious and business institutions is

Tea Party

A major development in the run-up to the 2010 elections was the growth of the ______ movement.

a. political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not.

A political party differs from an interest group in that a. political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not. b. political parties do not want to operate the government and interest groups do. c. individuals must pay dues to a political party but not to an interest group. d. individuals in a political party agree on all major policy issues. e. interest groups select candidates to run for office and political parties do not.

importance of paid professionals rather than volunteers.

A striking feature of today's political campaigns is the

b) are expressly given to the national government

All of the following are true of concurrent powers EXCEPT that they a) are those held by both the national and state governments b) are expressly given to the national government c) include the power to establish courts d) include the power to make laws and punish lawbreakers e) include the power to tax

it was initially led by Thomas Jefferson.

All of the following statements about the early Republican Party are true EXCEPT


An inclination or preference that interferes with impartial judgment is called

an organized group of individuals sharing common objectives who actively attempt to influence policy makers

An interest group is

What was the original purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment? D) to guarantee citizenship to newly freed slaves


The Supreme Court has ruled that burning the American flag is protected symbolic speech and can not be outlawed by government.


began a radical change by becoming at least as receptive as the Republicans to government action in the economy.

Under Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic Party

endorsed the idea that government should become involved in the economy

Under Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic Party

corporations and unions are allowed to spend whatever they wish on issue ads.

Under the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC,


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress lacked the power to a. establish an army and navy. b. borrow money. c. create a postal system. d. to enforce its decisions throughout the land. e. regulate Indian affairs.

voting on the basis of the candidate's or party's record in office

retrospective voting

The Powell v. Alabama case involving the Scottsboro boys was a landmark case with regard to

right to counsel.

the constitutional provision that makes the Constitution and federal laws superior to all conflicting state and local laws

supremacy clause

rights of the separate state... an in crease in the national government's political power 87

Despite the South's desire for ______________, the Civil War actually brought about ______________.

The 1954 Supreme Court decision that overturned Plessy was. E) Brown v. Board of Education.


A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self-interest

Elite theory

Which Supreme Court case decided that compulsory prayer in public schools was unconstitutional?

Engel v. Vitale

Powers Specifically granted to the NATIONAL GOV. by the constitution. The first 17 clauses of Article 1 Section 8 specify most of the enumerated powers of the national government

Enumerated Powers

there may be little need for campaigning except to remind the voters of the officeholder's good deeds.

If a candidate is a highly visible incumbent seeking reelection


If the office of vice president becomes vacant, a. it remains unfilled until the next election, and the Speaker of the House becomes president if the president dies. b. the president nominates a replacement who must be approved by both chambers of Congress. c. the president names a replacement who is not subject to congressional approval. d. the president nominates a replacement who must be approved by the Senate. e. the secretary of state becomes vice president.


If the results of an opinion poll look like the following: (Favor: 44%; Oppose: 45%; No opinion: 11%), the results show an example of _______ opinion.

Telecommunications Act

In 1996, Congress passed the ________ that had far-reaching implications for the communications industry.

be interested in politics.

Generally, the more education a person receives, the more likely it is that the person will

b) divided between the central government and regional or sub-divisional governments

In a federal political system, authority is a) always vested in a bicameral legislature b) divided between the central government and regional or sub-divisional governments c) bestowed upon the central government, with no power being granted to the regional governments d) concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government e) exercised by the national government only insofar as these powers are granted by the states

tour the nation to see if they had enough local supporters.

The people who wanted to be the Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential campaign first needed to raise enough funds to

e. the legislature chooses the chief executive.

In a parliamentary system a. the chief executive has little real power. b. the chief executive rotates between the heads of the major parties. c. a monarch chooses the chief executive. d. chief executives are chosen through a popular vote of the people. e. the legislature chooses the chief executive.


In the winner-take-all system, a. whoever gets the most votes wins. b. one must get a majority of votes cast to win. c. votes are allocated on a proportional basis. d. only parties receiving more than five percent of the vote are allocated seats. e. a party must have competed in a previous election to be placed on the ballot.

Refrain from making agreements that do not include all 50 states

In their dealing with each other, each state is required to do all of the following except

c) the use of judicial review by the courts

Informal methods of constitutional change include a) Congress proposing an amendment with a 3/4 majority of both houses b) state governments changing their constitutions to give them supremacy c) the use of judicial review by the courts d) state governments agreeing to hold conventions to amend the Constitution e) all of the above

c) sovereign power among nations

Inherent powers derive from the fact that the US is a a) democratic republic b) confederation formed by state governments c) sovereign power among nations d) federal system e) explicitly entitled by the Constitution to annex new territory

A sovereign power among nations

Inherent powers derive from the fact that the United States is

A New York state law gave to individuals the exclusive right to operate steamboats on waters within state jurisdiction. Laws like this one were duplicated elsewhere which led to friction as some states would require foreign (out-of-state) boats to pay substantial fees for navigation privileges. (oez.com) Supreme Court's Ruling: The unanimous Court found that New York's licensing requirement for out-of-state operators was inconsistent with a congressional act regulating the coasting trade.

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

1925; U.S. Supreme Court held that the 14th amendment protected the freedom of speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution

Gitlow v. New York

the compromise between the New Jersey and Virginia Plans that created one chamber of Congress based on population and one chamber, representing each state equally; a.k.a. Connecticut Compromise

Great Compromise

c. who gets what, when, and how.

Harold Lasswell defined politics as c. who gets what, when, and how.

economically liberal and socially conservative

The poor tend to be

have less confidence in Congress than they do in the presidency.

Overall, Americans...

A method of systematically questioning a small selected sample of respondents who are deemed representative of the total population

Public opinion polls

takes place when a substantial group of voters switches party allegiance


has different qualifications for voting and registration.

Regarding voter requirements, each state

increases, increases

Reported voter turnout _________ as age __________.

The necessary and proper clause (elastic clause)

The clause in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its enumerated or expressed powers is called

c) Thomas Jefferson

The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written by a) John Locke b) John Adams c) Thomas Jefferson d) George Washington e) Benjamin Frankline

d. is the view that the provisions of the Bill of Rights are extended to individuals for protection against state actions.

The incorporation theory


Standing to sue is a. determined by whether or not a court has jurisdiction over the matter. b. determined by whether or not the Supreme Court will hear a case. c. determined by whether or not a person or group has suffered harm as a result of the action that led to the dispute in question. d. the decorum that is expected in dealing with the Supreme Court during trial. e. also known as stare decisis.

primary election.

State and national candidates are typically nominated through a

Congress is required to consent and does so

States may enter into agreements with each other if

d) make treaties with foreign nations

States may not a) liscence marriages b) pass laws regulating contracts c) make laws on divorce d) make treaties with foreign nations e) impose taxes on income

access to government officials.

The key to success for interest groups is

state laws and party rules.

The manner in which members of the electoral college are selected within each state is currently governed by

funding media watchdog groups.

The mass media perform all of the following functions except

Denis McDonough

The new White House Chief of Staff is

include talk radio and cable networks centered around the news

The new forms of media

voter turnout.

The number of eligible voters who cast ballots on Election Day is referred to as the

c) asked the colonies to boycott British trade and raise troops

The 1st Continental Congress a) was called by the colonies to seek independence from Britain b) called for the abdication of King George III c) asked the colonies to boycott British trade and raise troops d) was ignored by the British e) was only attended by delegates from six colonies

corporations, unions, and individuals to donate unlimited funds to political parties

The 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC allows

interest groups of professionals.

The American Bar Association and the American Medical Association are examples of

Limited government

The American system, with multiple points at which various powers can block action, often leads to


The Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation are examples of a. interest groups whose focus is preservation of the environment. b. economic interest groups. c. organizations which have only recently been created. d. relatively ineffective interest groups. e. professional interest groups.

soft money contributions to national parties.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 banned

c) failure of the Articles of Confederation

The Constitutional Convention in 1787 was brought on by the a) tyranny of the British king b) request of President Washington c) failure of the Articles of Confederation d) publication of the Declaration of Independence e) end of the Revolutionary War

C. instituting a representative assembly

The Jamestown colonists set a political precedent by A. allowing the governor to use a line-item veto B. instituting a direct democracy C. instituting a representative assembly D. creating a judicial system E. writing a constitutional document

a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party

The party-in-the-electorate is made up of a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the members of the electoral college. e. the individuals who choose the members of the electoral college.

every person should have a known chance, and especially an equal chance, of being sampled.

The principle of randomness in sampling means that

No idea where voter ID laws are in the book

The real world effect of voter ID laws in the 2012 election was that

b) the Constitution

The voting age of eighteen was set by a) Congress b) the Constitution c) political parties d) the Supreme Court e) the states

Era of Good Feelings.

The years from 1817 to 1825, when James Monroe was president and there was, in effect, no political opposition, came to be known as the

The theory that politics involves conflict among interest groups using bargaining and compromise z

Theorists describe pluralism as

They are narrowly focused with simple and straightforward goals.

This is TRUE of single-issue interest groups.

b. guarantee the rights of minorities.

To ensure that majority rule does not become oppressive, modern democracies a. limit political participation to individuals who are properly educated. b. guarantee the rights of minorities. c. embrace the concept of majority rule. d. apply term limits to elected officials. e. require two-thirds support of the legislature before a law can be enacted.

paid professionals.

Today, in national elections, most campaign tasks are handled by

entertaining the public.

By far, the greatest number of radio and television hours are dedicated to

How is a tie broken in the Senate? 63) C) The vice president of the United States breaks the tie.


The constitutional doctrine that government cannot prohibit speech or publication before the fact is C) prior restraint.


Who conducts impeachment trials? 56) C) the Senate


Womenʹs suffrage was guaranteed by the ________ Amendment. C) Nineteenth


In 1986, the state of Missouri enacted legislation that placed a number of restrictions on abortions. Supreme Court's Ruling: In a controversial and highly fractured decision, the Court held that none of the challenged provisions of the Missouri legislation were unconstitutional. (oyez.org)

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (1989)


What is the delaying tactic in the Senate the we discussed

Embassy in Benghazi that was attacked

What was the topic of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's hearings on Capitol Hill?

shift back to states' rights and claim the state should have the ultimate authority over its citizens 87

When Congress passed a tariff in 1828, South Carolina tried to nullify it to

the right to demand a writ of habeas corpus

When it was ratified, which of the following rights did the Constitution explicitly protect?

a closed primary.

When only declared party members can vote in a primary election, it is called

a run-off primary.

When the top two candidates in a primary compete in a second primary for the majority of votes, it is called

a run-off primary.

When the top two candidates in a primary compete in another primary for a majority of votes, it is called

are more likely to volunteer their time for political causes than are most other citizens.

When they become adults, children who were raised in politically-active households

Reserved and concurrent powers

Which 2 sets of powers do state governments have


Which amendment is most responsible for protecting citizens' liberties from intrusion by state governments?

d) Senate, HOR, and states

Which groups are involved in proposing and ratifying amendments to the Constitution a) states, president, and Congress b) Senate, Supreme Court, and HOR c) Congress, president, and people d) Senate, HOR, and states e) HOR, president, and Senate

1. FDR's policies were able to join whites and African Americans 2. In the 1930s, for many voters, especially in the South, social issues became more important that economic issues 3. Southerners began to leave the Democratic party 4. African Americans and former liberal Rep. joined the Dem. Party

Which is (are) true of the New Deal period?

1. Economic conservatism associated with higher incomes 2. Social conservatism=lower income groups 3. cultural conservatives view themselves as embattled "ordinary americans" under the threat from liberal, cosmopolitan ideals 4. the election of Obama and Dem. congress--> Tea Party Movement

Which is true in regard to cultural politics?

a superdelegate is a party leader or elected official who is given the right to vote at the national convention

Which of the following are true of superdelegates?

most African American groups have supported the Republican Party since the 1930s

Which of the following is an incorrect statement


Which of the following religious groups is MOST likely to vote for the Democratic Party?

the right to attend trials

Which of the following special rights of the media is currently recognized by the courts?

Congress can ban unpopular religious practices as long as it directs that ban against a specific religious group.

Which of the following statements about religious freedom in the United States today is LEAST accurate?

The authors of the Constitution rejected the inclusion of a Bill of Rights during the deliberation and drafting process.

Which of the following statements about the Bill of Rights is MOST accurate?

Generally speaking, the American education system is designed with the hope of enacting the nation's ideals of egalitarianism.

Which of the following statements about the impact of education on American political beliefs is MOST accurate?

Fourteenth Amendment

Which section of the Constitution provides the chief basis for Supreme Court rulings on equality?


_ 19. The actions of_ demonstrated the inability of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation to protect the citizenry from armed rebellion or provide adequately for the public welfare. a. George Washington b. Daniel Shays c. Paul Revere d. Patrick Henry e. John Locke


_ 20. The Framers established that the Constitution would be ratified by a. all thirteen state legislatures. b. nine of thirteen state legislatures. c. nine of thirteen ratifying conventions to be held in the states. d. all thirteen ratifying conventions to be held in the states. e. nine of thirteen state legislatures and both houses of Congress.

The section of the Constitution in which Congress is given power to regulate trade among the states and with foreign countries

Commerce Clause


_ 35. Federal programs that provide funds to state and local governments for general functional areas, such as criminal justice or mental health programs, are known as a. block grants. b. categorical grants. c. federal mandates. d. revenue sharing. e. leverage packages.

Based on the Supreme Court's current understanding of the First Amendment, American citizens are free to

believe any religious doctrine they choose

federal programs that provide funds to state and local governments for broad functional areas, such as criminal justice or mental-health programs

block grants

Alice Paul authored the Equal Rights Amendment, and unsuccessfully pushed for its passage beginning in the C) 1920s. .



_ 42. Informal methods of changing the U.S. Constitution include a. decisions of state courts, constitutional legislation, judicial review, and presidential action. b. congressional legislation, judicial review, and presidential action. c. acts of international legislatures, stare decisis, and presidential action. d. stare decisis, mens rea, and judicial review. e. ad hoc juris, judicial review, and bureaucratic action.


_ 45. Powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states, are a. nonetheless retained by the federal government. b. reserved to the states. c. identified as implied powers. d. known as enumerated powers. e. identified as inherent powers.


_ 57. Generally speaking, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were a. representative of a wide cross section of American society of the 1700s. b. inexperienced legislators. c. members of the working class. d. diverse in terms of gender and race. e. experienced in political office or military service.


_ 62. Federal grants to state or local governments that are for specific programs or projects are known as a. block grants. b. categorical grants. c. federal mandates. d. revenue sharing. e. leverage packages.


_ 66. The ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland established the doctrine of a. dual federalism. b. full faith and credit. c. implied powers. d. judicial review. e. reserved powers.


_ 7. After the United States gained its independence, the first system of government was created by the a. Declaration of Independence. b. Mayflower Compact. c. Constitution. d. Articles of Confederation. e. Franklin Proclamation.


______ may be more likely to campaign for and hold political office because they have more flexible schedules, and political involvement can make a valuable contribution to their careers.

"Comparable worth: refers to the issue of A) paying men and women equivalent salaries for jobs requiring similar skills.


After passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, public policy toward women was dominated by A) protectionism.


Jim Crow laws A) imposed legal segregation on African Americans in the South after the Civil War.


The Thirteenth Amendment A) forbade slavery and involuntary servitude.


The first and only place in which the idea of equality appears in the Constitution is in the A) Fourteenth Amendment.


Standards of review used by the Supreme Court in discrimination cases include all of the following EXCEPT A) inherently suspect. B) more than reasonable. C) reasonable. D) intermediate, between reasonable and inherently suspect. E) cautious.


The Fourteenth Amendment was one of three passed B) directly following the Civil War.


Which of the following statements about the immediate consequence of women receiving the right to vote is FALSE? B) The feminist movement gained steam immediately after the right to vote was secured. C) Winning the right to vote did not automatically give women equal rights, pay, and status. E) Gaining the right to vote did not eliminate many of the challenges facing women.


the clause in Article I, Section 8, that grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its specifically delegated powers

elastic clause (or necessary and proper clause)

the practice of mining databases containing info about consumer interests and behaviors to design personal appeal to voters


a model of federalism in which specific programs and policies (depicted as vertical pickets in a picket fence) involve all levels of government--national, state, and local (depicted by the horizontal boards in the picket fence)

picket-fence federalism

the authority to legislate for the protection of the health, morals, safety, and welfare of the people; in the US, most of this is reserved to the states

police power

lack of trust in gov't; the view that gov't officials look out mostly for themselves

political cynicism

a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about the roll of gov't; liberalism and conservatism

political ideology

voting choice made on the basis of anticipated results if the candidate of choice is elected

prospective voting

formal approval


a legislature composed of individuals who represent the population

representative assembly

has final say on constitutional issues, plays a significant role in determining the line between federal and state powers, has given increased emphasis to states power under the 10th Amendment

the U.S. Supreme Court

federal grants to states or local governments that are for specific programs and projects

categorical grants

a major principle of the American system of government whereby each branch of government can check the actions of the others

checks and balances

the section of the Constitution in which Congress is given the power to regulate trade among the states and with foreign countries

commerce clause

advertising statements, which increasingly have been given First Amendment protection

commercial speech

In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Supreme Court decided that

consenting adults have the constitutional right to engage in homosexual acts in the privacy of their homes.

the practice of making a political or social statement with one's buying power

consumer activism

a resident of the state from which elected.

As detailed in the Constitution, the formal requirements for the office of senator include that he or she must be

Which of the following statements about criminal trials in the United States today is most accurate?

Attorneys may not dismiss potential jurors solely on the basis of their race or gender.

Slavery was banned by the ________ Amendment. 25) B) Thirteenth


using purchasing decisions to support the products and policies of business


Supreme Court overturned the conviction of the KKK leader for violating a state statute, which prohibiited anyone from advocating "the duty, necessity, or propriety of sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of accomplishing industrial or political reform"

Brandenburg v. Ohio

What percentage of criminal cases nationwide ends in a plea bargain?

95 percent

In the years after the Supreme Courtʹs decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, public accommodations in the South were largely A) segregated and unequal.


Someone who ʺtakes the Fifthʺ has 12) A) refused to testify against himself.


The congressional leaders who line up members on partisan issues and serve as a link between the 61) rank-and-file members and the leadership are called A) whips.


What does the Americans with Disabilities Act require? A) workplace accommodations for disabled Americans


When can someone be tried twice for the same offense? 16) A) never


Which of the following accurately characterizes a difference in the way the House and Senate 59) operate? A) The House is more formal than the Senate.


e. confederal; almost no real power

A _____________ system of government is one in which the central government has ______________. a. federal; almost all the power b. confederal; equal power with the states/provinces c. unitary; equal power with the states/provinces d. federal; almost no real power e. confederal; almost no real power

c. unitary; almost all the power

A _____________ system of government is one in which the central government has ______________. a. federal; almost all the power b. unitary; equal power with the states/provinces c. unitary; almost all the power d. federal; almost no real power e. confederal; almost all the power


A bipartisan group of Senators have proposed comprehensive _______ reform


A bipartisan group of senators have proposed comprehensive ___________ reform

Block Grants

A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a

in which the candidates are arranged in one column under their respective party.

A party-column ballot is a form of general election ballot


A party-column ballot is a form of general election ballot a. that is used by only a few states today. b. that focuses attention on the office instead of the party. c. in which the candidates are arranged in one column under their respective party. d. that was held to be unconstitutional in 1948. e. in which all candidates for each elective office are grouped under the title of the office.

spin doctor.

A political advisor who tries to convince journalists of the truth of a particular interpretation of events is called a

political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not.

A political party differs from an interest group in that

So the voters can approve or deny legislative or constitutional measures that are referred by the legislature.

A referendum takes place when


A representative who is performing the role of an instructed delegate is a. primarily representing the wishes of his or her constituents. b. supporting the president on all of his legislative programs. c. representing the broad interests of the entire society. d. supporting his or her political party. e. representing other members of Congress.


A republic is a. conservative. b. a direct democracy. c. a government in which sovereign power rests with the people, not a monarch. d. a totalitarian state. e. a government in which the people directly elect the president.

Dual Federalism

A style of federalism in which the states and national government act as equals with independent spheres of authority is

the commerce clause did not allow the national government to exercise its power in state jurisdictions

All of the following are true in the case of Gibbons v. Ogden except that

Most bills introduced in Congress 72) C) die. .


Which of the following statements about religious freedom in the United States today is LEAST accurate?

Congress can ban unpopular religious practices as long as it directs that ban against a specific religious group.

Bills of attainder

Congress cannot summarily declare an American citizen guilty of a crime because of the Constitution's ban on___

In the Dred Scott decision of 1857, the Court decided all of the following EXCEPT that

Congress could ban slavery from a territory but not from a state

Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag was unconstitutional in 1990

Flag Protection Act of 1989

back government-based social welfare programs more strongly than male citizens.

Generally speaking, female citizens...

Currently, the largest ethnic minority group in the United States is

Hispanic Americans.

white and male.

Holders of political office in the United States are predominantly

consenting adults have the constitutional right to engage in homosexual acts in the privacy of their homes.

In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the Supreme Court decided that

Divided between the central government and regional or sub-divisional governments

In a federal political system, authority is

execution by lethal injection is constitutional.

In a major death penalty case in April of 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

at the national or central level

In a unitary system of government, ultimate government authority is located

freedom of speech could be curtailed if the words produced a "clear and present danger."

In the Supreme Court case involving Charles Schenck, which tested the constitutionality of the Espionage Act, the Supreme Court decided that

the press cannot be found guilty of slandering a public official unless it can be proven that the press published falsehoods maliciously

In the case of New York Times v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court decided that

are unregulated funds spent by interest groups on advertising or other campaign activities.

Independent expenditures are

an inherently optimistic view of human nature.

Liberal personalities are characterized by

c. the greatest freedom of the individual consistent with the freedom of other individuals.

Liberty is a. freedom to do whatever you want. b. available only in the United States. c. the greatest freedom of the individual consistent with the freedom of other individuals. d. incompatible with government authority. e. a uniquely American value.

A phenomenon in which certain attitudes occur at certain chronological ages

Lifestyle Effect

a) liberals

National authority has traditionally been preferred by a) liberals

they decrease the profitability of television station owners.

Negative political ads can backfire when

e. Options B and C are true.

Politics exists b. in every community that makes decisions. c. in schools, social groups, and organized groups of

make treaties with foreign nations

States may not

The first amendment?

The Constitution protects interest groups through the


The Great Compromise a. was advanced by the delegates from Georgia. b. proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate. c. was presented too late to be considered. d. was proposed by Texas. e. proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote.

single-interest groups.

The National Right to Life Committee and the National Rifle Association are examples of


The New Jersey Plan called for all of the following except a. Congress to elect several people to form an executive office. b. creation of a new and very powerful central government. c. the ability of Congress to regulate trade and impose taxes. d. acts of Congress to be the supreme law of the land. e. the principal of one state, one vote.


The Virginia Plan a. called for a bicameral legislature. b. worked to the advantage of small states. c. provided for the direct election of a president by the people. d. settled all controversy. e. both b and d.

Compensation offered to the respondents

The answers given by the respondents to poll questions are influenced by all of the following except

a) each branch of government to be able to check the actions of others

The concept of checks and balances allows a) each branch of government to be able to check the actions of others b) the president to veto judicial decisions c) the president to pass laws during a time of crisis d) Congress the power to select justices of the Supreme Court e) both a and c

nominating a candidate for office.

The job of a political consultant may include all of the following EXCEPT

E. both a and c

The major historical and political significance of the Mayflower Compact was that it A. served as a prototype for many similar compacts B. Was the start of the first settlement in America C. depended on the consent of the individuals involved D. established the colony of Massachusetts E. both a and c

run issue ads to energize voters.

The organizations that came to be known as "527s"


The phenomenon of certain attitudes occurring at certain chronological ages is known as e. the lifestyle effect.

A political theory holding that in a democracy, the government ought to do what the majority of the people want

The political theory of majoritarianism states that

issues that are perceived by the political community as meriting public attention and governmental action.

The public agenda is

c) states can't use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies

The supremacy clause of the Constitution means that a) the original Constitution is superior to any amendment b) the original states have a superior status when dealing with states created after 1789 c) states can't use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies d) Congress cannot pass legislation that would violate state laws or constitutions e) treaties with foreign governments can't overturn state laws


The supremacy doctrine a. asserts the superiority of large states over small states. b. asserts the superiority of non-slave states over slave states. c. asserts the superiority of national law over state law. d. asserts the superiority of natural law over man-made law. e. none of the above.

quota sampling

The survey where researchers first decide how many persons of certain types they need and then send out interviewers to find the necessary number of those types is

television news

Today, most Americans obtain their national and international news from

Public Education

Today, states have lotteries, which are often justified as way to raise funds for

Court upheld that a Missouri statute that banned the use of public hospitals or other taxpayer-supported facilities for performing abortions

Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

Whoever gets the most votes wins.

What is a plurality system?


What was the delaying tactic in the Senate towards the end of December 2012?

Embassy in Libya

What was the topic of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's hearings on Capitol Hill

convince policymakers that public opinion supports the group's position.

When interest groups try to generate public pressure, this activity is intended to

frequently hire former members of Congress to promote their positions on Capitol Hill.

When it comes to influencing the U.S. government, foreign governments

rich people

Which of the following groups tends to be overrepresented in the electorate?

Declining trust in government cuts across all demographic groups and ages.

Which of the following is true of the American decline in trust in government or trust in general?

International treaties, setting up the postal service, and printing money

Which powers belong only to the national government

Congress...State Legislatures

While there are multiple possibilities to formally amend the Constitution, the most common method has been for __________ to propose new amendments and for _________ to ratify them.

Kim Reynolds

Who is the Lieutenant Governor of Iowa

a. Iowa and New Hampshire have the first caucus and primary, respectively, in voting for presidential candidates. b. many states are moving their primaries to earlier dates in order to have more input into the selection of presidential candidates. c. moving state primaries into the first months of the year is known as front-loading. d. in 2008, twenty-four states had primaries on the same day. e. all of the above.

With regard to presidential candidates


_ 12. What was significant in having the approval of nine states to bring the Constitution into being? a. A unanimous vote of the states was necessary to change the Articles of Confederation that was unlikely to happen. b. Nine-thirteenths provided an unequal percentage. c. In most federal constitutions a three-fourths vote is required to amend or create a constitution. d. A super majority was unusual in the eighteenth century, but necessary to achieve ratification. e. Nine was an odd number.


_ 6. What is the term meaning ultimate power is held by the people. a. Oligarchy b. Plutocracy c. Popular sovereignty d. Authoritarianism e. Common law

how do unions promote civic activism?

forepersons must learn to resolve disputes and represent the rank, they educate members about political issues and urge them to become active in their communities

process by which political leaders use networks of friends and acquaintances to activate political participation

indirect mobilization


the new White House Chief of Staff will be

Proponents of comparable worth policies argue that the gap between women's and men's average wages results from

workers in jobs traditionally held by women being paid less than workers in jobs traditionally held by men, even if the skill sets and educational backgrounds required for the jobs are the same.

collections of businesses or other entities.

"Umbrella groups" represent

The Senate has the sole power to 58) A) approve major presidential appointments.


Which Congress has had the highest number of female elected representatives?

113th (elected in 2012)

The leader of the House of Representatives is called the 60) A) Speaker of the House.


focus group

A ______ is when professional consultants organize a discussion about candidates or certain political issues among small groups of ordinary citizens.

latent interests

A public-policy interest that is not recognized or represented by a group is a

No idea where voter ID laws are in the book

Almost all of the support for creating voter ID laws has come from

to support social welfare programs

American women are more likely

a. unified and effective government.

An executive elected by Congress, as proposed in the Virginia Plan, would have likely led to more periods of a. unified and effective government. b. divided government. c. limited government. d. gridlock. e. None of the above.


An executive order a. must be published in the Federal Register. b. is not valid unless both chambers of Congress approve it. c. must be approved by a majority of the cabinet. d. can only be issued when Congress is not in session. e. cannot be overturned by Congress.

1833; U.S. Supreme Court held that the Bill of Rights did not apply to state laws

Barron. V. Baltimore

a student with poor, but functional, eyesight.

Based on current understandings of the Americans with Disabilities Act, public schools would have to make special accommodations for all of the following students EXCEPT

believe any religious doctrine they choose.

Based on the Supreme Court's current understanding of the First Amendment, American citizens are free to

The transfer of powers from a national or central government to a state or local government


The transfer of powers from a national or central government to a state or local government

Devolution is defined as

47) The U.S. Congress is E) bicameral.


Committees allow for 64) E) specialization.


Supreme Court declared that this law was unconstitutional in part because it had as its primary purpose the promotion of a particular religious belief

Edwards v. Aguillard

Which amendment is most responsible for protecting citizens' liberties from intrusion by state governments?


threat to national unity and the concept of popular government.

George Washington viewed political parties as a

no longer means that an individual is likely to vote for a particular party

Having a college education

white & male

Holders of political office in the United States today are usually

the working class and racial and ethnic minorities

In general, the Democrats have been known as the party of

A sovereign power among nations

Inherent powers derive from the fact that the U.S. is

An agreement between two or more states. Agreements on minor matters are made without congressional consent, but any compact that tends to increase the power of the contracting states relative to other states or relative to the national government generally requires the consent of Congress

Interstate Compact

the channels of mass communication


the government should be permitted to support religion generally but not a particular religion specifically

Most of the founders of the American republic probably had accommodationist views regarding the relationship between church and state, meaning that they believed that

include talk radio and cable television.

New forms of media

United States

Of the following countries, which one has the highest incarceration rate?


Over the course of the history of the American republic, political polling has grown more ...

Concurrent powers

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called

liberal and Democratic.

People in large cities tend to be


Popular sovereignty means a. that the sovereign is popular. b. that the sovereign is supported by the people. c. that ultimate political authority is based on the will of the people. d. only one sovereign can serve at a time. e. the sovereign can serve only two terms.

in 1903 in Wisconsin.

Primary elections were first mandated


Radio, television, wire, and cable are regulated by

are narrowly focused, usually one just one issue & have members who tend to care intensely about their issues

Single-issue interest groups

Assert the power of the state governments over the national government and indicate that a state should have the ultimate authority over its citizens

South Carolina tried to nullify a tariff to

e) both a and b

South Carolina tried to nullify a tariff to a) assert the power of the state governments over the national government b) indicate that a state should have the ultimate authority over its citizens c) protect slavery d) say that a tariff is a bad thing e) both a and b

lists of experts, journalists, or subscribers to particular newspapers or consumer services

Straw polls from the turn of the twentieth century drew their information primarily from

Money will be pulled if what the government wants isn't fulfilled.

Strings attached to federal grants are

environmental interest groups.

The Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Federation are examples of

e. All of the above are true.

The impact of illegal immigrant labor on the economy is a. positive because the number of the jobs in the economy are not fixed. b. positive because immigrants spend money on goods and services. c. negative because immigrants require services paid for by taxpayers. d. positive because immigrants pay state taxes. e. All of the above are true.


The primary goal of a political party is a. peaceably influencing the American public. b. raising money to fund campaigns. c. getting the party's candidates elected to office by winning elections. d. giving campaign support for its candidate. e. trying to find the other party doing "bad" things.

getting the party's candidates elected to office by winning elections

The primary goal of an American political party is

national law over state law

The supremacy doctrine asserts the superiority of

determining whether the Republicans or Democrats win an election

Third parties have influenced American politics by

the idea that a government of our own is our natural right

Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense advocated

Supreme Court held that the wearing of black armbands by students in protest against the Vietnam War was a form of speech protected by the First Amendment

Tinker v. Des Moines School District

when a group that is becoming more numerous over time grows large enough to change the political balance in a state

Tipping takes place

is also known as the Lobbying Disclosure Act.

Title III of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946


To be considered obscene, a work a. must be offensive to a specific religious group. b. must lack serious redeeming literary, artistic, political, or scientific merit. c. must be determined to be commercial speech. d. must employ graphics, as opposed to mere text. e. must portray actual sexual intercourse.

compare and contrast news from many different sources

To become a critical news viewer, you must

Congress can halt executive activities by cutting off funds for them.



_ 29. The most fundamental weakness of the Articles of Confederation was a lack of a. a bicameral legislature. b. a national system of courts. c. power to raise funds for the militia. d. power to tax exports. e. state-supported currencies.


_ 1. James Madison argued in Federalist Paper No. 51 that "the greatest security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department" was the b. establishment of a Bill of Rights that limited governmental power.


_ 10. Democracy in the United States derives its powers from a. the constitution. b. the Declaration of Independence. c. the U.S. Supreme Court. d. citizens. e. natural law.

Native-American Indians were made citizens of the United States in B) 1924.


one who thinks about politics almost exclusively through the prism of his or her ideological perspective


As a rule, the government can place the most restrictions over which form of media?


the individuals whose opinions are actually measured


Based on the precedent set by the "Pentagon Papers",

the federal government has little real power to prevent newspapers from publishing sensitive materials.

Where can the Bill of Rights be found?

the first 10 amendments to the Constitution

Throughout the twentieth century, which group advocated most vocally and effectively for the rights of disabled Americans?

war veterans

only from intrusion by the national government.

According to the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Barron v. Baltimore (1833), the Bill of Rights protected citizens' liberties

they obtain revenues to make profits

Advertisers are important in media because

issue advocacy advertising.

Advertising paid for by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate (or a candidate's position on an issue) without mentioning voting or elections is called


Advertising paid for by interest groups that support or oppose a candidate (or a candidate's position on an issue) without mentioning voting or elections is called a. a PAC advertisement. b. a soft-money contribution. c. issue advocacy advertising. d. a hard money expenditure. e. payola profiteering and pilfering.

strongly supportive of Democrats.

African Americans of all religious tendencies have been

somewhat conservative on certain cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion

African Americans tend to be

somewhat conservative on certain cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion

African Americans today tend to be

almost evenly divided in politics.

After 1968, there was a slow-motion realignment that left the nation


After being reported by a committee but before being sent to the House floor, bills are given to the ____, which defines the conditions under which the bills are to be considered by the House. a. select committee b. joint committee c. Rules Committee d. determination committee e. definitional committee

a. stayed in the South.

After the Civil War, most African Americans a. stayed in the South. b. moved to the North. c. moved to the West. d. emigrated out of the United States. e. None of these choices is true.

e. a confederate system is the same thing as a federal system.

All of the following are true of a confederation or confederate political system except a. a confederation is a league of independent states. b. in a confederation, a central government handles only matters delegated to it by the member states. c. the United States was a confederation. d. a confederation gives most of the power to the member states. e. a confederate system is the same thing as a federal system.

It is the form of government used in the U.S. today

All of the following are true of a confederation or confederate political system, EXCEPT that

they are expressly given to the national government

All are true of concurrent powers except that they

Are give by the states for national projects

All are true of federal grants except that that they

According to Article I, section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power to B) lay and collect taxes.


Which of the following statements about the rights of older Americans is LEAST accurate?

Despite, or perhaps because of, the various forms of discrimination they face, elderly Americans generally wield little political power or influence.

agenda setting.

Determining which public policy questions will be debated or considered is a process known as

measuring public opinion

Determining which public policy questions will be debated or considered is known as

the situation when the presidency and Congress are controlled by different parties.

Divided government is best understood as

prohibits protesters from blocking entrances to abortion clinics; Court held that right-to-life protesters could be prosecuted under laws governing racketeering in 2006; 1997, Court upheld the constitutionality of prohibiting protesters from entering a "buffer zone" around abortion clinics and from giving unwanted counseling to those entering the clinics

Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act


In 2003, the United States Supreme Court considered two different admissions polices adopted at the University of Michigan and c. approved affirmative action plans that took race into consideration as part of a complete examination of the applicant's background.

was drastically REDUCED in power

In the Civil War crisis, the Supreme Court

Congress could ban slavery from a territory but not from a state

In the Dred Scott decision of 1857, the Court decided all of the following EXCEPT that


In the United States, the principle for our structure of limited government is found a. in the Magna Carta. b. in the Declaration of Independence. c. in the Articles of Confederation. d. in the Constitution. e. in the Bible.


In the area of freedom of speech, a. high schools can impose restrictions on speech that are not allowed in colleges. b. high school officials may censor school publications. c. some universities have prohibited "hate speech." d. campus speech restrictions have usually be ruled unconstitutional. e. all the above.


In the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the U.S. Supreme Court held that b. public school segregation of races violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Marshall used a liberal approach in interpreting the commerce clause & the court held that the national government has broad powers to regulate commerce...85

In the case of Gibbons v. Ogden


In the case of Gibbons v. Ogden, Marshall defined commerce as a. trade between nations. b. any business transaction that crosses a state boundary. c. all commercial intercourse, including navigation and the transport of people. d. only navigation and the transport of people. e. only the shipment of goods.

the necessary and proper clause and the powers of the national government to regulate interstate commerce

In the early years, most of the disputes over the boundaries of national versus state power involved

e) the necessary and proper clause and the powers of the national government to regulate interstate commerce

In the early years, most of the disputes over the boundaries of national versus state power involved a) different interpretations of the inherent powers of the national government b) the role of the national government in mediating disputes between the states c) the ability of the states to enter into international treaties d) the enforcement of the Bill of Rights e) the necessary and proper clause and the powers of the national government to regulate interstate commerce

in the 1930s by George Gallup and Elmo Roper

Modern polling was developed

In 1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. (oyez.com) ISSUE: The Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers.

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Which of the following statements about freedom of association is LEAST accurate?

Private organizations cannot bar members on the basis of their sexual orientation.

a belief that honest, impartial government could effectively curb the growing power of large corporations

Progressivism was


Progressivism was a. a belief that honest, impartial government could effectively curb the growing power of large corporations. b. a belief that the conditions faced by African Americans needed improvement. c. limited to the Republican Party. d. limited to the Democratic Party. e. a continuation of traditional Democratic Party positions.

e. None of the above is true.

The total collapse of government a. is a common event. b. is a cyclical event. c. is an uncommon event. d. accompanies every revolution. e. None of the above is true.

campaign polls that measure candidates' relative strength on a daily basis

tracking polls

The constitutional provision that makes the Constitution and federal law superior to all conflicting state and local laws

Supremacy Clause

d) the Electoral College

The group that actually elects the president of the United States is called a) the Presidential Election Commission b) the Congressional Election Forum c) the Association of State Legislatures d) the Electoral College e) the Electorate at large

American society generally emphasizes equal E) opportunity.


In 1972 illegal entry into the Democratic National Committee offices by participants in President Nixon's reelection campaign

Watergate Break-In

strongest single predictor of political knowledge


there are approximately 1,500 interest groups

All of the following are true of interest groups except

Which of the following special rights of the media is currently recognized by the courts?

the right to attend trials

Was the Bill of Rights different in each state?

yes; citizens in different states had different set of liberties

Based on current understandings of the Americans with Disabilities Act, public schools would have to make special accommodations for all of the following students EXCEP

a student with poor, but functional, eyesight

Which of the following statements about women in the military is true A) Congress has opened all the service academies to women. C) Statutes and regulations prohibit women from serving in most combat situations. D) Women have served in every branch of the armed services since World War II. E) Women do not have a ceiling on the rank they can achieve.


Which of the following statements is TRUE? B) The delegates to the Constitutional Convention did not resolve the tension between slavery and the principles of the Declaration of Independence.


Ruled by the best/Rule by wealthy members of ancient families

Aristocracy means rule by

e) there were different views among the delegates about the powers that should be given to the national government

At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a) delegates talked openly with other people to let them know what was happening at the convention b) most delegates represented the poor farmers and the tradesmen c) there were few important leaders of the country in attendance d) all the states were represented e) there were different views among the delegates about the powers that should be given to the national government

the presidential candidate is chosen by the party delegates.

At the national convention

Elected representatives who listen to their constituentsʹ opinions and then use their best judgment 70) to make decisions are B) trustees.


How can a filibuster be stopped? 73) B) with a cloture motion


Members of the House of Representatives must B) have lived in the United States for at least seven years.


The constitutional officer who presides over the Senate is the 62) B) vice president of the United States.


What is the role of conference committees? 65) B) to reach compromises on bills after both chambers have passed similar bills


What was the immediate response of the South to the Supreme Courtʹs decision in Brown v. Board B) The South did everything within its power to avoid implementing the Courtʹs decision.


What were Black Codes? 26) B) laws passed in southern states that denied legal rights to newly freed slaves


Who was a leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the head of the Montgomery Improvement Association? B) Martin Luther King, Jr.


Why can government regulate broadcast television more than most other media? 14) B) because the airwaves over which stations broadcast are considered public property


Federal grants to states or local governments that are for specific programs or projects

Categorical grants are


Because of the decline in the ______ sector of the economy, national unions are looking to nontraditional areas for their membership.

television campaigning

Before the advent of ______, a strong party organization at the local, state, or national level could furnish most of the services candidates needed

federal grants to states or local governments for specific programs

Categorical grants are


During the last half-century, the Republicans have been known as the party of a. liberal political ideas. b. social welfare programs. c. business. d. the working class. e. racial and ethnic minorities.

Federal programs that provide funds to state and local governments for broad functional areas, such as criminal justice of mental-health programs

Block Grants

made it more difficult for candidates to manage the news coverage of their campaigns.

Blogs and the Internet have

a) federal grants o state or local government for specific programs

Categorical grants are a) federal grants o state or local government for specific programs b) emergency grants to states for unforeseen circumstances c) a very recent form of national government support to school districts d) unconstitutional because of separation of powers e) none of the above

From 1998 to 2008, about ________ percent of incumbents who sought reelection were successful. 68) E) 90


the Clause in Article I, Section 8, that grants Congress the power to do whatever necessary to execute its specifically delegated powers

Elastic Clause, or Necessary and Proper Clause

A democrat voting for a bill proposed by or in favor of a republican idea

Examples of party polarization include all of the following except

A requirement in federal legislation that forces states and municipalities to comply with certain rules

Federal Mandate


Federal courts have jurisdiction a. when there is a federal question in the case. b. when there is diversity of citizenship in the case. c. when there are damages in excess of $25,000 in the case. d. none of the above. e. both a and b.

have requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with certain rules

Federal mandates

a) have requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with certain rules

Federal mandates a) have requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with certain rules b) use officials who are assistants to United States District Attorneys c) have judicial officers whose positions were created by legislative action under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution d) are given those powers that the Constitution reserves exclusively for the national government e) are formula grants

Requirements in federal legislation that force states and municipalities to comply with certain rulest

Federal mandates are

James Madison

Federalist leader _______was the person who drafted the amendments that became known as the Bill of Rights.

Southerners support conservatism, military, greater pride in being an American than Northeast or West Coast; Dems and Reps have become more geographically isolated;



Gerrymandering is a. legislation passed in southern states to limit African-American participation in elections. b. the drawing of legislative district boundary lines to give a party or group an advantage. c. known to give a challenger an advantage over an incumbent. d. a process that attempts to limit debate on a bill in the Senate. e. a method used by the president when he wants to prevent the passage of legislation.

Supreme Court reintroduced the earlier "bad tendency rule", which placed greater restrictions on speech; speech or other First Amendment freedoms may be curtailed if there is a possibility that such expression might lead to some "evil"; the Court held that the 1st amendment afforded protection against state incursions on freedom of expression

Gitlow v. New York

Basically everything is covered by the first amendment

Government control of media content

d. 75 percent

It is estimated that about ____________ of voters who identify as "independent" still lean toward either the Republican or the Democratic Party. a. 10 percent b. 25 percent c. 50 percent d. 75 percent e. 90 percent

In 2007, the Supreme Court took which of the following decisions on race and education?

It opposed race-based public school initiatives, even if the goal of those initiatives is to enhance diversity.

more liberal than members of other groups on cultural issues, but more conservative on economic issues.

Jewish voters are notably

be more liberal than average on economic and cultural issues

Jewish voters tend to

b. may be the authentic voice of the weak or oppressed in society.

Social movements a. are spawned most often by political parties or those in society with formal representation. b. may be the authentic voice of the weak or oppressed in society. c. are generally organized by a single powerful interest group. d. generally last for five to ten years. e. All of the above are true.

the value assigned to a person due to occupation or income. An upperclass person, for example, has high socioeconomic status

Socioeconomic Status

campaign contributions to political parties that escaped limits of federal or state election law.

Soft money refers to

age, education, income level, minority status, and ideology influences these turnouts which is viewable on pg 281

Some observers believe the following about low voter turnout:


Someone who emphasizes the need for social welfare and protection of senior citizens is most likely to be a

Replacing investor ownership of businesses with government ownership

Unlike liberals or conservatives, socialists advocate


_ 50. The Bill of Rights limited the power of a. government over the rights and liberties of individuals. b. the national government over the rights of the states. c. state governments over the inherent powers of the national government. d. the national and state governments to tax individuals. e. the power of the state governments to tax the national government.


______ are a shorthand way of describing congressional members' voting records for interested citizens.

During the first half of the twentieth century, the Supreme Court A) paid more attention to the .separate. than to the "equal" part of the separate but equal doctrine.


Hispanic Americans comprise approximately ________ percent of the United States population. A) 14


Jim Crow laws were those which A) were enacted by Southern whites in the late nineteenth century to segregate African Americans from whites.


One consequence of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was A) dramatic increase in the number of African Americans registered to vote.


Supporters of affirmative action believe that A) affirmative action produces so important a social goal that some reverse discrimination is acceptable. B) merit is the only fair basis for distributing benefits. C) discrimination is wrong, even when its purpose is to rectify past injustices. D) any form of quota system is unjust. E) some discrimination is acceptable.


The Persian Gulf War showed that A) women could serve as combat pilots.


The Supreme Court case of Korematsu v. United States (1944) A) upheld the constitutionality of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.


The Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education was based on the legal argument that segregation violated the ________ Amendment. A) Fourteenth


Which of the following is TRUE? A) Many sex discrimination cases have involved men seeking equality with women.


Which of the following statements about the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is FALSE? A) The ERA was ratified in 1982. B) The ERA battle stimulated vigorous feminist activity. C) The ERA battle stimulated vigorous anti-feminist activity. D) The ERA was first introduced in the 1920s. E) Congress passed the ERA in 1972.


"Coverture" B) was the legal doctrine that deprived married women of any identity separate from that of their husbands.


De jure educational segregation occurs B) by law.


In Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), Chief Justice Taney declared that B) Congress had no authority to ban slavery in the territories.


Over the last 100 years, the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment have become the vehicle for B) expansive constitutional interpretation to outlaw arbitrary classifications which deny equality under the law.


The Supreme Court has voided each of the following sexual discrimination laws EXCEPT laws that A) provided for alimony payments to women only. B) made statutory rape a crime for men only. C) set a higher age for drinking for men than for women. D) closed a state's nursing school to men. E) provided child support for women only.


The case of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg County Schools (1971) B) permitted judges to achieve racially balanced schools through busing.


The fastest growing age group in the American population is A) Generation X. B) people in their 80s. C) infants. D) teenagers. E) baby-boomers.


Which of the following statements about Supreme Court rulings concerning affirmative action is FALSE? B) The Court has ruled that affirmative action can exempt recently hired minorities from traditional work rules specifying "last hired, first fired" order of layoffs.


deliberative polling

begins w baseline poll of a random, representative sample, then invites small group to a forum where they are given carefully balanced briefing materials on issues to discuss in small moderated groups

In 1990, Congress enacted the ________, a far-reaching law to protect a particular group of Americans from discrimination, ignoring those who claimed the price tag would be too high. C) Americans with Disabilities Act .


In Faragher v. City of Boca Raton (1998), the Supreme Court held that A) school districts can be held liable for sexual harassment. B) the military can not be responsible for sexual harassment at conferences. C) employers are responsible for preventing and eliminating sexual harassment. D) government entities are not responsible for preventing sexual harassment. E) none of the above.


In the case of Craig v. Boren, the Supreme Court ruled that C) it would employ a "medium scrutiny" standard: sex discrimination would be treated as neither valid nor invalid.


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 C) prohibited employment discrimination against the disabled.


The Supreme Court has ruled that racial and ethnic classifications are C) inherently suspect.


The courts have recently ruled that, under the Fourteenth Amendment, racial and ethnic classifications by states in regard to any matter C) are inherently suspect.


The grandfather clause was passed by Oklahoma and other southern states to C) deny African Americans the right to vote.


Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in the Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal," believed C) that blacks were genetically inferior to whites.


Which of the following statements about Native Americans is FALSE? A) Native Americans are the oldest minority group in the United States. B) Native Americans are guaranteed access to the polls, housing, and to jobs. C) Native Americans were made citizens of the United States long before African Americans received the same status. D) The Indian Claims Act of 1946 established a means to settle financial disputes arising from lands taken from the Indians. E) Native Americans are the poorest minority group in the United States.


Age discrimination laws have A) allowed children between the ages of 12 and 18 to leave their parents. B) lowered the minimum compulsory retirement age to 55. C) required employers to hire a certain percentage of people over the age of 50. D) denied federal funds to any institution discriminating against people over forty. E) all of the above.


The "gray liberation" movement refers to A) elderly homosexuals seeking equality. B) those seeking laws that break down racial barriers and promote harmony. C) anti-pollution activists who seek to reduce smog. D) those fighting for the rights of the elderly. E) those fighting for equal rights and justice for the disabled.


The 1991 convention of the Tailhook Association convention brought attention to the problem of A) the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment. B) homosexual activity in the armed services. C) comparable worth. D) sexual harassment. E) sexual discrimination in the courts.


The 1991 convention of the Tailhook Association of naval aviators experienced a celebrated case of sexual harassment when A) the commanding officer scattered his pubic hairs upon the desks of some of his female secretaries. B) the commander-in-chief of the armed forces asked a female aviator up to his hotel room ostensibly for business and then unzipped his pants, showed her his penis, and asked for oral sex. C) some men secretly videotaped their sexual encounters and then showed them at the convention. D) male aviators lined a hotel hallway and groped and kissed women trying to get to their rooms. E) All of these; it was a really sordid affair.


The Fourteenth Amendment specifically forbids the states from denying to anyone D) equal protection of the laws.


The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 A) entitles all children to a free public education appropriate to their needs. B) increased the amount of financial aid to disabled people. C) guaranteed free, lifetime medical care and physical therapy for Vietnam War veterans. D) added handicapped people to the list of Americans protected from discrimination. E) prohibits employment discrimination against the disabled.


The grandfather clause was ________ by the Supreme Court in the 1915 decision, Guinn v. United States. D) found unconstitutional and outlawed


The issue of ________ deals with women seeking to redress the fact that jobs traditionally held by men tend to pay far greater salaries than jobs requiring similar skills but are traditionally held by women. D) comparable worth


what have scholars linked a decrease in American trust to?

decline in voluntarism

wrongfully hurting a person's good reputation; imposes a general duty on all persons to refrain from making false, defamatory statements about others

defamation of character

individuals in a position of authority, often those with a higher level of education than the population at large


The Fourteenth Amendment did all of the following EXCEPT

guarantee all male citizens the right to vote.

the dominant values and beliefs of a political community; emphasize values of liberty, individualism, equality of opportunity, and private property

political culture

a voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules

social contract

a campaign poll that measures the popularity of competing candidates in a particular electoral race

trial heat survey

(one body) a legislature with only one legislative chamber, as opposed to a bicameral (two-chamber) legislature, such as the U.S. Congress; Nebraska is the only state to have this type of legislature

unicameral legislature


National authority has traditionally been preferred by


"Enumerated powers" mean a. the powers necessary to conduct a census. b. the powers expressly delegated to the national government by the Constitution. c. the powers reserved for both states and the national government. d. powers denied in the Constitution. e. the powers inferred from the language of the Constitution.

recognize one another's laws and court decisions. It ensures that rights established under deeds, wills, contracts, and other civil matters in one state will be honored by other states

"Full faith and credit" means that states must


"Going public" means that presidents a. take their case to the public over the heads of the members of Congress. b. go to the Washington community over the heads of the members of Congress. c. refrain from invoking executive privilege. d. put pressure on members of Congress by threatening to release details about their private lives. e. publicize information that was formerly classified.

b) Declaration of Independence

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal" are the first words of the a) US Constitution b) Declaration of Independence c) Magna Carta d) United Nations Charter e) Bill of Rights

protected under the 14th amendment; the administration of justice according to established rules and principles; based on the principle that a person cannot be deprived of life or liberty or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards

"due process of law"

Australian ballot.

A secret ballot prepared, distributed, and tabulated by government officials at public expense is known as the

According to the incorporation doctrine D) the due process clause requires states to abide by provisions in the .


What religious displays on public property have emerged as controversial (those in book)?

- creche (nativity scene) - Ten Commandments

why does turnout increase with age?

1) growing responsibilities 2)increase in resources 3)growing ties to one's community

What restrictions on commercial speech has the Supreme Court considered valid?

1) implements a substantial government interest 2) directly advances that interest 3) goes no further than necessary to accomplish its objective

essential aspects of public opinion

1) it attaches itself to issues of the public 2) it sets boundaries on the type and expanse of policy proposals that citizens find acceptable 3) it may be more important for the govt to heed the opinions of some citizens rather than those of others 4)opinion is different from judgement

how does political participation differ from civic voluntarism?

1) people undertake political activities with the intent of directly or indirectly influencing government policy 2) political activities have broad legal consequences for the entire community not just once private group

What is the 4 part test proposed by the Supreme Court concerning obscenity?

1) the average person finds that it violates contemporary community standards 2) the work taken as a whole appeals to a prurient interest in sex 3) the work shows patently offensive sexual conduct 4) the work lacks serious redeeming literary artistic, political, or scientific merit

factors that effect the timing, targets and method of mobilization of voters

1)political actors are likely to target their efforts at strategic times to enhance the success of their cause 2)political actors are more likely to target groups of individuals they believe will respond positively to their message 3) the cost of the action being requested affects mobilization

All of the following are advantages of incumbency EXCEPT 67) D) publicly funded campaigns.


Currently, the largest ethnic minority group in the United States is D) Hispanic Americans.



28. In a unitary system of government, ultimate government authority is located a. at the state or provincial level. b. at the local or municipal level. c. at the regional level. d. at the national or central level. e. both a and b.

Presidential primary

A ________________ is a statewide election of delegates to a party's national convention, where the delegates will choose the party's presidential nominee.

office block ballot ooorr known as a Massachusetts ballot

A ballot in which all candidates for a particular elected post are grouped together is

sound bite.

A brief, memorable comment that can easily be fit into news broadcasts is a

sound bite

A brief, memorable comment that can easily fit into news broadcasts is known as

spin doctor

A campaign advisor who tries to convince journalists of the truth of a particular interpretation of events is called a

d) the Boston Tea Party

A colonists' fury over taxation climaxed in a) the French and Indian War b) the First Continental Congress c) the appointment of the USA president d) the Boston Tea Party e) none of the above

political action committee.

A committee set up by and representing a corporation, labor union, or special interest group to raise campaign donations is a

either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures

A constitutional amendment can be proposed by

e) both a and b

A constitutional amendment can be proposed by a) National convention called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of the state legislatures b) a 2/3 vote in each chamber of Congress c) the legislatures in 2/3 the states d) majority vote in both chambers of Congress, provided the amendment is not vetoed by the president e) both a and b

categorical grant

A federal grant for a specific project or program is called a


A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a. a matching grant. b. a program grant. c. a federal mandate. d. a block grant. e. a waiver.


A group or bloc in a legislature or political party acting in pursuit of some special interest or position is called a(n)


A large-scale, lasting change in the types of voters who support each of the major political parties is ca


A lawsuit seeking damages for "all persons similarly situated" is called a. a class-action suit. b. an amicus curiae suit. c. a writ of certiorari. d. a civil suit. e. a procedural motion.


A major consequence of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a. the elimination of discriminatory voter registration tests. b. state governments passing laws that allowed considerable discrimination toward ethnic minorities. c. dozens of federal court decisions stating that it was not within the power of Congress to dictate to the states how they should conduct their elections. d. that the number of African Americans registered to vote declined dramatically. e. a constitutional amendment changing the voting age.


A major reason for the two-party system is the electoral system, which is based on a. the winner-take-all, or plurality, system. b. proportional representation. c. one-party dominance of elections. d. majoritarianism. e. multi-member constituencies.

a caucus.

A meeting of party members designed to select candidates and propose policies is called

an opinion poll.

A method of systematically questioning a small, selected sample of respondents who are deemed representative of the total population is

social movement.

A movement that represents the demands of a large segment of the population for political, economic, or social change is called a


A pocket veto a. can be used by a president only once during a term in office, although the veto can be used twice if the president serves two terms. b. can only be used when Congress adjourns for the session within ten days of the bill being submitted to the president. c. means that the legislation cannot be reintroduced in the next Congress. d. was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1936. e. is a veto in which the president does not send a veto message back to Congress.


A political party differs from an interest group in that a. political parties want to operate the government and interest groups do not. b. political parties do not want to operate the government and interest groups do. c. individuals must pay dues to a political party but not to an interest group. d. individuals in a political party agree on al major policy issues. e. political parties select candidates to run for office, interest groups do not.


A political system in which only two parties have a reasonable chance of winning is called a. a bipartisan government. b. a two-party system. c. a bicameral system. d. bifurcated government. e. representative democracy.


A poll tax was used to a. prevent northern immigrants from moving to the South and voting in local elections. b. determine who was intelligent enough to vote. c. dissuade African Americans from voting. d. force individuals to buy property in order to be eligible to vote. e. raise funds for voter registration among the minority community.


A representative who is performing the role of a trustee is a. only representing the needs of his or her constituents. b. supporting the president on all of his or her legislative programs. c. representing the broad interests of the entire society. d. supporting his or her political party. e. representing other members of Congress.


A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a. the Emergency Revenue Generation Act. b. a continuing resolution. c. an Emergency Fall Review. d. a Second Temporary Budget Resolution e. a spring review.

Social Contract

A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules is called

b) social contract

A voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules is called a a) confederation b) social contract c) syndicate d) constitution e) constitution

an independent.

A voter or a candidate who does NOT identify with a political party is called

Supreme Court outlawed officially sponsored daily readings of the Bible and recitation of the Lord's Prayer in public schools

Abington School District v. Schempp

how many Americans express confidence in the government?

About 1/2

e) both a and b

According to "Federalist #51" it is important to guard the society against the oppression of a) the rulers b) the majority c) foreign nations d) the wealthy classes e) both a and b

A) have a right to a speedy trial

According to sixth amendment, the accused: a) have a right to a speedy trial

d) are given by the states for national projects

All are true of federal grants EXCEPT that they a) increased significantly during the 20th century b) have been used for education, pollution, and highway construction c) have quadrupled in the amount of dollars given by the national government d) are given by the states for national projects e) have given the national government a much greater role in state government

d) after 1937 the Supreme Court continued to reject New Deal legislation

All fo the following are true of the New Deal EXCEPT that a) new federal laws regulating economic activity were introduced b) new federal laws were struck down by the Supreme Court because they regulated intrastate commerce, not interstate commerce c) the Supreme Court's action caused Roosevelt to propose legislation that would allow him to choose more justices for the Court d) after 1937 the Supreme Court continued to reject New Deal legislation e) the commerce clause became an important tool for justifying the regulating of economics of the country

e. articulating policies and opposing the majority party.

All of the following are a part of parties' role in organizing and running elections except a. organizing voter registration drives. b. recruiting volunteers to work at the polls on election day. c. providing much of the campaign activity to stimulate election interest. d. working to increase voter participation. e. articulating policies and opposing the majority party.

d. a large turnout of union members will increase the final vote totals for Republicans.

All of the following are true about labor unions except that a. the number of members in labor unions has been declining. b. American labor unions continue to support candidates for Congress. c. labor unions provide volunteers for campaigns and campaign contributions. d. a large turnout of union members will increase the final vote totals for Republicans. e. there has been a growth in the unionization of public employees.

e) the Supreme Court ruled the national government could only use its express powers

All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland EXCEPT that a) the case dealt with the issue of implied powers of the federal government b) one issue was whether the federal government could create a national bank c) the decision allowed the federal to grow and expand d) the decision upheld the right of the federal government to use the necessary and proper clause e) the Supreme Court ruled the national government could only use its express powers

84..the Supreme Court ruled the national government could only use its express powers

All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland except that

the Supreme Court ruled the national government could only use its express powers

All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland except that

d. in federal systems, the power is held by the national government.

All of the following are true except a. in unitary systems, the power is held by the central government. b. in confederal systems, the power is held by the subdivisional units or states. c. in federal systems, the power is held jointly by the national government and the subdivisional units or states. d. in federal systems, the power is held by the national government. e. Options A, B, and C are true.

d) the commerce clause did not allow the national government to exercise its power in state jurisdictions

All of the following are true in the case of Gibbons v. Odgen EXCEPT that a) commerce was defined as all commercial intercourse, all business dealings b) it allowed increasing national authority over economic affairs c) it was decided that the power to regulate interstate commerce was an exclusive national power d) the commerce clause did not allow the national government to exercise its power in state jurisdictions e) the national government had the right to set up a national bank

d) it is the form of government used in the US today

All of the following are true of a confederation or confederation or confederate political system, EXCEPT that a) a confederate system or confederation is opposite that of a unitary system b) this was the form of government used in the U.S> under the Articles of Confederation c) the central government has only those powers d) it is the form of government used in the US today e) states have most of the power than the central government

they are expressly given to the national government

All of the following are true of concurrent powers except that

c. interest groups only seek to influence government through campaign contributions.

All of the following are true of interest groups except a. the structure of American government gives interest groups a number of areas in which to attempt to influence government policies. b. interest groups attempt to influence government at all levels—local, state, and national. c. interest groups only seek to influence government through campaign contributions. d. the First Amendment encourages Americans to form and participate in interest groups. e. membership in an interest group makes individual opinion appear more powerful.

Look up professional and public-interest

All of the following are true of interest groups except that they

a. plays a small role in U.S. political system.

All of the following are true of public opinion except that it a. plays a small role in U.S. political system. b. can be expressed by letters written to newspapers. c. is shared in online forums. d. can be powerful. e. can be shaped by political leaders.

a. plays a small role in U.S. political system.

All of the following are true of public opinion except that it a. plays a small role in U.S. political system. b. can be expressed by letters written to newspapers. c. is shared in online forums. d. can be powerful. e. can be shaped by political leaders.

polls that use self-selected respondent have as accurate samples as those using other methods

All of the following are true of self-selection sample except that

the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

All of the following contributed to the modern feminist movement EXCEPT

public-interest groups work for issues that will benefit only the narrow interests of a particular group.

All of the following statements about public-interest groups are true EXCEPT

it came into existence when the Republican Party split in two.

All of the following statements about the early Democratic Party are true EXCEPT

b) an interstate compact

An agreement between two or more states is a) shared governance b) an interstate compact c) an intrastate treaty d) a cooperative agreement e) unconstitutional


An important function of the House majority leader is to a. report all progress of legislation to the president. b. walk the bill through the Senate, providing the bill has passed in the House. c. provide opposition to the Speaker. d. act as spokesperson for the majority party in the House. e. preside over meetings of the House.

used "contemporary community standards" to define which material was obscene and harmful to minors (protects children from online obscenity)

Child Online Protection Act (COPA)

c. an organization that actively attempts to influence government policy.

An interest group is a. any association of individuals. b. a group of people who want to gain control of the government. c. an organization that actively attempts to influence government policy. d. any organization that requires members to pay dues. e. an organization setup to support a specific candidate for public office.

b. it has the ultimate authority for making decisions and establishing political values.

As an institution, a government is unique in that a. it has a life separate from the lives of the individuals who are part of it at any given moment in time. b. it has the ultimate authority for making decisions and establishing political values. c. it performs certain functions for society. d. it is an ongoing organization, rather than an intermittent organization. e. All of the above are true.

Which of the following statements about the conditions of African Americans in the United States today is LEAST accurate?

As indicated by the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, the number of national political offices held by African Americans is roughly commensurate to their percentage of the general population.


As originally presented in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights a. limited only the power of the national government, not that of the states. b. protected citizens from all forms of government. c. protected citizens from the national and state governments, but not from local governments. d. limited only the power of state governments. e. contained no language on religion.

officially nominates the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.

As part of the national party organization, the national convention

Members of which ethnic group benefited most when Texas and California implemented race-blind admissions to their public universities in the 1990s?

Asian Americans

fastest growing racial group in America

Asian Americans

Which of the following statements about Asian Americans is MOST accurate?

Asian Americans have experienced notable academic success at colleges and universities.

credentials committee

At the national convention, each political party uses a ______ to determine which delegates may participate.

A senator may agree to vote for a bill that will bring money to a colleagueʹs district. In exchange, the colleague will agree to vote for a future bill that the initial senator supports. This is called D) logrolling.


ISSUE: Equality Case practiced the separate but equal school equality. Supreme Court's Ruling: The court decided "separate but equal" schools cannot be equal and are inherently unequal. This Supreme Court decision makes any legal school segregation unconstitutional. Black children were being denied education in the white schools, regarding to the segregation laws. The white and black schools approached equality in terms of buildings and teacher salaries. The previous ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson ruled on the aspect of equality in the Separate but Equal Doctrine. Brown v. Board of Education focused on the "separate" aspect, declaring this against the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (constitution.laws)

Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

In August 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led a huge march on Washington that culminated in marchers by the C) Kingʹs ʺI Have a Dreamʺ speech.


In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court determined that C) the doctrine of ʺseparate but equalʺ has no place in public education.


In Miller v. California (1973), the Supreme Court concluded that material was obscene if it C) lacks literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.


In ________, the Supreme Court found that segregated rail transportation was constitutional 31) because separate but equal accommodations did not violate the equal protection clause of the C) Plessy v. Ferguson


In the case of Schenck v. United States (1919), which tested the constitutionality of the Espionage 8) Act, the Supreme Court decided that C) freedom of speech could be curtailed if the words produced a ʺclear and present danger.ʺ


The First Amendment says that C) ʺCongress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.ʺ


The direct incitement test allows government to limit speech C) that is intended and likely to result in imminent lawless action.


be candidate-centered

Campaigns for high offices today tend to

they must have great personal wealth in order to win.

Candidates for president face obstacles to winning for all of the following reasons except that they must

can raise an equal amount of funds privately as provided by the government.

Candidates who accept federal financing for presidential general elections

An economic system characterized by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contact

Capitalism is


Case law a. plays a minor role in decisions made by the courts. b. includes judicial interpretations of common law principles and doctrines. c. includes interpretations of constitutional provisions, statues, and administrative agency. d. rules are determined by the president and Congress. e. both b and c

Federal grants to states or local governments that are for specific programs or projects

Categorical Grants

a) stronger

Compared to the Articles of Confederation, the federal government under the Constitution is a) stronger b) weaker c) unchanged d0 more like Great Britain's constitution e) little different from the Articles

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments

Concurrent Powers

A system consisting of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers. the central government created by such a league has only limited powers over the states

Confederal System

a. governments and laws derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.

Consent of the people means a. governments and laws derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed.

a.) suspicion of out-groups (e.g.immigrants). b.) a preference for strong leadership. c.) a desire for clear moral and behavioral codes. d.) support for swift & severe punishment for violation of moral & behavioral codes. e.) All these answers are correct.

Conservative personalities are characterized by

d. redistribution of income.

Conservatives endorse all of the following except d. redistribution of income.

1. Powers of the national government 2. Powers of the states 3. Prohibited Powers

Constitutional powers can be classified as

d) all of the above

Constitutional powers can be classified as a) powers of the national government b) powers of the states c) prohibited powers d) all of the above e) none of the above

A model of federalism in which the states and the national government cooperate in solving problems

Cooperative Federalism

quota-sampled respondents

Critical consumers should watch out for surveys with ______ and other types of skewed samples.

Court stated that a patient's life sustaining treatment can be withdrawn at the request of a family member only if there is "clear and convincing evidence" that the patient did not want such treatment

Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health

Black children were being denied education in the white schools, regarding to the segregation laws. The white and black schools approached equality in terms of buildings and teacher salaries. Supreme Court's Decision: The Supreme Court of the State, refused the relief asked by the plaintiffs and dismissed their petition

Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education (1899)

Hispanic Americans.

Currently, the largest ethnic minority group in the United States is

the South, the Great Plains, and several of the Rocky Mountain states

Currently, which of the following regions are more supportive of the Republicans than the Democrats?


De facto segregation means a. segregation because of residential patterns and concentration of populations, not because of laws.

Nancy Pelosi is the first woman E) to serve as Speaker of the House.



Gag orders have been used to a. prohibit one criminal from testifying against another. b. restrict the publication of pre-trial news. c. restrict what a juror may say to the press after the trial. d. restrict what evidence must be shown to defense lawyers. e. both c and d.


Implied powers come from a. precedents established under the Articles of Confederation. b. the necessary and proper clause. c. Article II, Section 2 in the Constitution. d. state constitutions. e. presidential actions.

ISSUE: Abortion In 2003, Congress passed and the President signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. The controversial concept of partial-birth abortion is defined in the Act as any abortion in which the death of the fetus occurs when "the entire fetal head [...] or [...] any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother." (oyez.org) Supreme Court's Ruling: The US Supreme Court held in a five-to-four decision that the 2003 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act passed by the US Congress was constitutional. Federal Law may ban certain forms of partial birth abortion.

Gonzales v. Carhart (2007)

What are the three parts of the Lemon Test?

Government action must 1) have a secular legislative purpose 2 not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion 3) not result in an "excessive government entanglement" with religion"

lacks any redeeming quality, is predominantly prurient, and is offensive

In order for a work to be deemed obscene, an average person must reasonably conclude that the work

All of these choices are true.

Government is necessary because a. groups compete for power in society. b. there needs to be a means to maintain order in society. c. a central authority is necessary to provide for the common defense. d. a central authority is necessary to promote economic development.

e. All of the above are true.

Government strives to protect members of society from: a. violence. b. criminal activity. c. instability. d. insecurity. e. All of the above are true.

operating the government, acting as an organized opposition to the party in power, recruiting candidates for public office, and presenting alternative policies to the electorate

Functions of political parties in the United States include

signing up large numbers of committed, dues-paying members.

Functions of political parties in the United States include all of the following EXCEPT

c. signing up large numbers of dues-paying committed members.

Functions of political parties in the United States include all of the following except a. operating the government. b. acting as an organized opposition to the party in power. c. signing up large numbers of dues-paying committed members. d. recruiting candidates for public office. e. presenting alternative policies to the electorate.

the name given to one who was in favor of the adoption of the U.S. Constitution and the creation of a federal union with a strong central government - more knowledgeable than Anti-Federalists


vote-eligible population.

Felons and ex-felons, and new immigrants who are not yet citizens, are included in the

directs and coordinates party activities between national party conventions.

For a political party, the national committee


For the most part, the media depend on ______ for their revenues.

Which section of the Constitution provides the chief basis for Supreme Court rulings on equality?

Fourteenth Amendment

unregulated political expenditures by PACs, organizations, and individuals that are not coordinated with candidate campaigns or political parties.

Independent expenditures by special interests are

A small school district had a racially desegregated population, but the "freedom of choice" rule had done very little to promote desegregation of the schools. No whites had gone to the predominantly black school, and few blacks were attending the white school. Supreme Court's Ruling: In Green, the Supreme Court measured the effectiveness of the New Kent County School Board's freedom-of-choice plan in achieving a racially nondiscriminatory school system as required under Brown.

Green v. County School Board of New Kent County (1968)

In 1997, Barbara Grutter, a white resident of Michigan, applied for admission to the University of Michigan Law School. Grutter applied with a 3.8 undergraduate GPA and an LSAT score of 161. Supreme Court's Ruling: In a 5-4 opinion delivered by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the Court held that the Equal Protection Clause does not prohibit the Law School's narrowly tailored use of race in admissions decisions to further a compelling interest in obtaining the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body. (oyez.org

Grutter v. Bollinger & Gratz v. Bollinger (2002)

c. the authority to regulate abortion would fall to the states.

If the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade c. the authority to regulate abortion would fall to the states.

e. All of these choices are true.

If the U.S. Constitution had no Bill of Rights a. rights would be dependent on the political process. b. unpopular rights would be in danger. c. popular rights would be safe. d. some rights would be protected by state constitutions. e. All of these choices are true.

all candidates appear on a single ballot and the two candidates regardless of the party moves on to the general election.

If we chose candidates through a "top two" bipartisan primary election

e. All of the above are true.

If we chose candidates through a "top two" bipartisan primary election a. candidates would have to appeal to a wider range of public opinion. b. it would increase voter participation. c. the major political parties might lose some of their influence. d. it would be the end of the open primary system. e. All of the above are true.

b) declared the national income tax to be unconstitutional

In 1895, the Supreme Court b) declared the national income tax to be unconstitutional


In 1896, the United States Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson a. ruled that African Americans are not persons for the purposes of the Constitution. b. tried to stop the development of legal racial segregation known as Jim Crow laws. c. stated that schools may not practice any type of racial segregation. d. agreed that separation of races is not a violation of the Constitution. e. ruled that the practice of slavery must cease before the end of the century.


In 1954, fewer than 20 percent of adults identified themselves as ______, whereas today that share is about 40 percent.`

on a proportional basis.

In 2008, all Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses allocated delegate

the presidential candidates alone

In 2008, total campaign spending for ______ reached $2.4 billion

ruled that it was unconstitutional to restrict in any way the amount congressional candidates could spend on their own behalf.

In Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court


In Engel v. Vitale (1962), the Supreme Court threw out the Regents' Prayer used in New York public schools because a. it failed to follow established guidelines for school prayers. b. it referred specifically to Jesus and many of the children were Jewish or adherents of other non-Christian religions. c. it did not refer to God d. it is no part of the business of government to compose official prayers. e. both a and b.

d. agreed that separation of races is not a violation of the Constitution.

In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the U.S. Supreme Court a. ruled that African Americans are not persons for the purposes of the Constitution. b. tried to stop the development of legal racial segregation known as Jim Crow laws. c. stated that schools may not practice any type of racial segregation. d. agreed that separation of races is not a violation of the Constitution. e. ruled that the practice of slavery must cease before the end of the century.


In United States v. Lopez (1995), the Supreme Court. a. held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority. b. said the act attempted to regulate an area that had nothing to do with commerce. c. placed a limit on national government authority under the commerce clause. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.


In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that a. a sitting president cannot be sued in civil court for offenses that occurred before the president took office. b. executive privilege would not protect Richard Nixon's attempt to withhold tapes of White House conversations. c. congressional approval must be granted before presidents make use of executive privilege. d. the president is immune from criminal prosecution except for impeachable crimes. e. members of the Secret Service cannot be required to testify against the president.

b. divided between the central government and regional or subdivisional governments.

In a federal political system, authority is a. always vested in a bicameral legislature. b. divided between the central government and regional or subdivisional governments. c. bestowed upon the central government, with no power being granted to the regional governments. d. concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government. e. exercised by the national government only insofar as these powers are granted by the states.


In a federal political system, authority is a. always vested in a bicameral legislature. b. divided between the central government and regional or sub-divisional governments. c. bestowed upon the central government, with no power being granted to the regional governments. d. concentrated in a unicameral legislature within a strong central government. e. exercised by the national government only insofar as these powers are granted by the states.

d) at the national or central level

In a unitary system of government, ultimate government authority is located a) at the state or provincial level b) at the local or municipal level c) at the regional level d) at the national or central level e) both a and b

d. the national or central level.

In a unitary system of government, ultimate government authority is located at: a. the state or provincial level. b. the local or municipal level. c. the regional level. d. the national or central level. e. Options A and B are true.


In an attempt to achieve integration, a. students were sent to the school that was near to where they lived. b. busing students across neighborhoods was ordered by the courts. c. methods were taken that made all southern schools integrated. d. busing was peacefully accomplished in many big cities. e. all the above


In general, the Republicans have been known as the party of


In looking at public opinion, because of the large number of people in the U.S., what we do is describe the ______ of opinions about a particular question.

president 's party typically loses seats

In midterm elections

a. voters elect the president directly. b. the number of electors is equal to the number of senators and representatives in the national government. c. electors have always voted for the candidate who won their state's vote. e. none of the above.

In presidential elections

more likely to vote democratic

In presidential elections, manual laborers, factory workers, and union members are

a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen

In primary elections

d. candidates try to appeal to the more extreme members of their party.

In primary elections a. candidates appeal to a wide range of opinion to get votes. b. candidates tend to make moderate stands on issues. c. partisan campaigning leads to less overall spending on campaigns. d. candidates try to appeal to the more extreme members of their party. e. All of the above are true.

statutory rape laws that apply only to female victims are constitutional.

In recent years the Supreme Court has ruled that

professionals with advanced degrees have moved toward the Democrats

In recent years,

grown closer to each other politically.

In recent years, Protestants and Catholics have

d) all of the above

In regard to federalism a) conflicts between states and the federal government still are continuing b) expansion of national authority has typically been an engine of social change c) often stats' rights has been used to support the status quo d) all of the above e) none of the above

Conflicts between states and the federal government are still continuing, expansion of national authority has typically been an engine of social change, and often states' rights has been used to support the status quo

In regard to federalism,

d. big government.

In response to the 2008 recession, conservatives tended to blame d. big government.

an individual's preference with respect to a particular issue

In studying the dimensions of public opinion, what does the term "direction" refer to?


In the 2003 decision of Lawrence v. Texas, the United States Supreme Court a. upheld a Texas law that made homosexual conduct a crime. b. declared laws against sodomy between consenting adults in private to be unconstitutional. c. invalidated anti-discrimination laws that protect homosexuals. d. upheld the Court's previous decision in Bowers v. Hardwick. e. indicated that states could declare homosexuality a crime.

d) all of the above

In the United States v. Lopes (1995), the Supreme Court a) held that Congress exceeded its constitutional authority b) said the act attempted to regulate an area that had nothing to do with commerce c) placed a limit on national government authority under the commerce clause d) all of the above e) none of the above

the summary internment of Japanese Americans was a constitutional measure.

In the case of Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court decided that


In the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court held that a. McCulloch had violated a state law and must pay the tax with interest. b. no state could use its taxing power to tax an arm of the national government. c. the matter was not a federal question and should be decided in the state court system. d. Maryland could only tax the value of the money at a rate that could not exceed 10% of the total assets of the Bank of the United States. e. the national government lacked the right to set up a national bank.

segregated facilities were not inherently unconstitutional, as long as they were equal.

In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that

a) was drastically reduced in power

In the civil War crisis, the Supreme Court a) was drastically reduced in power b) voted exclusively against the civil war c) gained additional power, along with the rest of the national government d) ruled that the initial plan of Congress to reconstruct the South was unconstitutional e) none of the above


In the pluralist view, politics is b. the struggle among groups to gain benefits for their members.

a. electors meet in the state's capital in December to cast their votes for the president. b. a joint session of Congress meets in early January (after the presidential election) and the electoral votes are counted. c. one can win the majority of the popular vote and not become president. d. one can win the Electoral College vote without winning the majority of the popular vote. e. all of the above.

In the presidential elections

e) refrain from making agreements that don't include all fifty states

In their dealings with each other, each state is required to do all of the following EXCEPT a) give full faith and credit to other states' other states' official acts b) extend to citizens of other states the privileges and immunities of its own citizens c) return persons fleeing from justice back to the state requests them d) not set itself apart from the other states e) refrain from making agreements that don't include all fifty states


Independent expenditures a. must be coordinated with a candidate's campaign. b. are unregulated funds spent by interest groups on advertising or other campaign activities. c. can only be employed by political parties. d. were less important in the 2004 elections than in previous election years. e. were banned in 2002.

President of the United States.

Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of

c. a policy demander.

Individuals or interest group members who participate in parties with the goal of seeing certain policies or groups favored is a. a party official. b. a party supporter. c. a policy demander. d. a legislation coordinator. e. None of the above.

Executive agreements- international agreements between chiefs of state that do not require legislative approval. b. The judicial review of the Supreme Court and other courts to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws and acts of gov't. c.Executive orders are a rule or regulation issued by the president that has the effect of law. They can implement and give administrative effect to provisions in the us constitution, treaties, or statutes.

Informal methods of constitutional change include

be reelected.

Interest groups recognize that the greatest concern of legislators is to

b) executive agreements

International agreements between the president and other nations that do not require the approval of the Senate are known as a) treaties b) executive agreements c) contracts d) memoranda of understanding e) executive orders

not republicans

Journalists are more likely to identify as

The power of the Supreme Court or any court to hold a law or other legal action as unconstitutional

Judicial review is


Judicial review is a. a method by which the president can check the judiciary. b. the process of confirmation of federal judges by Congress. c. the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislature and executive unconstitutional. d. not applicable to actions by state governments. e. none of the above.

c) the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislative and executive branches of government unconstitutional

Judicial review is a) a method by which the president can check the judiciary b) the process of confirmation of federal judges by Congress c) the ability of the courts to declare acts of the legislative and executive branches of government unconstitutional d) not applicable to actions by state governments e) none of the above


More interest groups are formed to represent ______ interests than any other set of interests.

ISSUE: Due Process Clause The city of New London approved a development plan that, in the words of the Supreme Court of Connecticut, was "projected to create in excess of 1,000 jobs, to increase tax and other revenues, and to revitalize an economically distressed city, including its downtown and waterfront areas." The city purchased property and seeks to enforce eminent domain to acquire the remaining parcels from unwilling owners. (casebriefs.com) Supreme Court's Ruling: The majority held that the city's taking of private property to sell for private development qualified as a "public use" within the meaning of the takings clause.

Kelo v. City of New London (2000)

ISSUE: Privacy The case of Lawrence v. Texas started in September of 1998 when two men—Tyron Garner and John Lawrence were arrested in Houston, Texas. The men were arrested because law enforcement agents found that they engaged in consensual sex with each other. Supreme Court's Ruling: In Lawrence v. Texas, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the "Homosexual Conduct Law" was indeed a violation of the 14th Amendment because it did not preach equality. Homosexual Conduct Law: Made it a crime for two people of the same sex to have oral or anal sex, even though those sex acts were legal in Texas for people to engage in with persons of a different sex

Lawrence v. Texas (2003)

lobbying efforts had to be disclosed in semiannual reports.

Legislation to reform the regulation of federal lobbying in 1995 resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

the popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority && Authority is broadly accepted.

Legitimacy is

a structure of government proposed by James Madison in which the powers of the government are separated into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial; no branch had enough power to dominate the others; Congress=pass laws; president=enforce and administer laws; Court=interpret laws in individual circumstances

Madisonian model


Many basic guarantees of liberty are found in a. the protection of personal property rights. b. the broadly defined rights of criminals, including protection from self-incrimination. c. the Bill of Rights. d. the rights of minorities. e. national security.

has grown to equal the influence of the family.

Many people contend that the media's influence on public opinion

have acted as safety valves for dissident groups, preventing major confrontations and political unrest.

Many political scientists believe that third parties

serve as a safety valve for dissident political groups, preventing major confrontations and political unrest

Many political scientists contend that third parties

"The case began on March 2, 1801, when an obscure Federalist, William Marbury, was designated as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. Marbury and several others were appointed to government posts created by Congress in the last days of John Adams's presidency, but these last-minute appointments were never fully finalized. The disgruntled appointees invoked an act of Congress and sued for their jobs in the Supreme Court. (Justices William Cushing and Alfred Moore did not participate.)" (oyez.com) Supreme Court's Ruling: The justices held, through Marshall's forceful argument, that on the last issue the Constitution was "the fundamental and paramount law of the nation" and that "an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void."

Marbury v. Madison (1803)


Members of which of the following religious groups are most likely to vote for Republican candidates?

favor the death penalty for murderers.

Men are more likely than women to

The largest number of Hispanic Americans are of ___________ origin.


Chief Justice Warren Burger created a formal list of requirements that must be met for material to be legally obscene

Miller v. California

if one candidate attacks another, the attacker as well as the candidate who is attacked may come to be viewed negatively by the public

Negative advertising can backfire because

Have state and local attempts to forbid the teaching of evolution passed as constitutional?


Do churches and other religious organizations pay taxes?

No; they are tax exempt bodies, and as a result they are not allowed to endorse candidates for office or make contributions to candidates campaigns; churches ARE allowed to take positions on ballot proposals, however, and may even contribute to referendum campaigns

Supreme Court upheld the invasion of privacy; Justice Louis Brandeis, strongly dissented from the majority decision in this case, arguing that the framers of the Constitution gave every citized the right to be left alone ("the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men")

Olmstead v. United States


On the issue of sexual harassment, the Supreme Court has ruled that a. employers are not responsible for harassment undertaken by their employees. b. individuals cannot be sexually harassed by members of their own gender. c. it is considered sexual harassment when words or actions of a sexual nature interfere with the employee's work or create a "hostile environment." d. it is not illegal to condition promotions on sexual favors. e. laws against sexual harassment violate the First Amendment's protection of free speech.


One major difference between the House and Senate is the total number of members—a difference that has meant that a. the House will spend much more time on a bill on the floor as opposed to the Senate. b. the Senate is able to decide on the proper action on a bill quicker than the House. c. a greater number of formal rules are needed to govern activity in the House. d. House members must sit on more committees than senators. e. a constitutional amendment has been proposed to increase the size of the House and to reduce the numbers in the Senate.

That state and local interests can block progress and impede national plans

One of the arguments against federalism is

a) that state and local interests can block progress and impede national plans

One of the arguments against federalism is a) that state and local interests can block progress and impede national plans b) the creation of a strong party system c) the rigidity of the national government in confronting change d) that it is difficult for governors to become president e) all of the above


One of the arguments against federalism is a. that state and local interests can block progress and impede national plans. b. the creation of a strong party system. c. the rigidity of the national government in confronting change. d. that it is difficult for governors to become president. e. all of the above.


One of the main actions of the Second Continental Congress was a. to establish an army and appoint a commander in chief. b. to sign a treaty with Britain prohibiting armed conflict. c. to sign a treaty with France to declare war on Britain. d. the creation of a unitary government in America. e. to bring the remaining seven colonies into the congress.

sometimes determining the outcome of an election by pulling votes from one of the major-party candidates.

One of the main ways third parties have influenced American politics is by


One of the original purposes of government is a. security, or order. b. liberty, or freedom. c. promoting equality among citizens. d. promoting economic development. e. both c and d.

that fewer people identify with them.

One of the reasons that campaigns no longer depend on political parties is

What is the problem with the definition of obscenity?

One person's prurient interest is another person's medical interest or artistic pleasure; the Court went on to state that the definition of "prurient interest" would be determined by the community's standards

Which of the following statements about public executions in the United States today is LEAST accurate?

Only one quarter of all the states (plus the federal government) still has the death penalty.

Supreme Court ruled that states can outlaw the possession of child pornography in the home; Supreme court has upheld state laws making it illegal to sell materials showing sexual performances by minors

Osborne v. Ohio

b. increased to where same-sex marriage is now supported by a majority of Americans.

Over the last two decades, support for same-sex marriage among the public has a. increased only a small amount and is still a minority opinion. b. increased to where same-sex marriage is now supported by a majority of Americans. c. stayed roughly the same. d. declined a small amount. e. declined a large amount.


Oversight is the process by which Congress a. follows up on the laws it has enacted. b. reviews the actions of subcommittees. c. chooses its leadership. d. supervises the activity of the judicial branch. e. passes legislation.

A group consisting of members sharing common social characteristics. These groups play an important part in the socialization process, helping to shape attitudes and beliefs

Peer Group

the peer group is actively involved in political activities

Peer groups are most likely to influence political attitudes when

they are actively involved in political activities.

Peer groups are most likely to influence political attitudes when

d. they are actively involved in political activities.

Peer groups are most likely to influence political attitudes when a. people are over the age of fifty. b. it is not an election year. c. people within peer groups do not have strong party identification. d. they are actively involved in political activities. e. their members are all of the same gender.

are based more on the candidate's experience and policy than upon emotions, such as trust, about the candidate (called political cultural at times)

People's attitudes toward a candidate

Court upheld a Pennsylvania law that required pre-abortion counseling, a waiting period of 24 hours, and, for girls under the age of eighteen, parental or judicial permission

Planned Parenthood v. Casey

ISSUE: Diversity "The state of Louisiana enacted a law that required separate railway cars for blacks and whites. In 1892, Homer Adolph Plessy--who was seven-eighths Caucasian--took a seat in a "whites only" car of a Louisiana train. He refused to move to the car reserved for blacks and was arrested." (oyez.org) Supreme Court's Ruling: The supreme court held the ruling constitutional.

Plessy v. Ferguson (1895)

are committees created under federal or state law for the purpose of collecting political donations

Political Action Committees

The degree to which individuals express trust in the government and political institutions, usually measured through a specific series of survey questions

Political Trust

the peer groups are involved directly in political activities.

Political attitudes are more likely to be shaped by peer groups when

important because the group can publicize its choices in its membership publication

Political endorsements by interest groups are

e. a process that resolves conflict within a society and is a struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups.

Politics is a. a process that resolves conflict within a society. b. a struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups. c. a type of anti-social behavior by individuals. d. fundamentally irrelevant. e. a process that resolves conflict within a society and is a struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups.

e. All of the above are true.

Politics is a. the process of resolving conflicts within a society. b. the struggle for power in organizations or informal groups c. the process of deciding who gets what, when, and how. d. involved in all levels of government.

a representative of all voters in the population

Polls may be more accurate if the sample is

d) concurrent powers

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called a) cooperative powers b) statutory powers c) reserved powers d) concurrent powers e) inherent powers


Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called a. cooperative powers. b. statutory powers. c. reserved powers. d. concurrent powers. e. inherent powers.

stimulates related thoughts in the minds of audience members

Priming can be defined as a way in which the media

It concerns public issues and is publicly expressed

Private opinion becomes public opinion when

that opinion, regardless of its subject matter, is publicly expressed.

Private opinion becomes public opinion when

b. it concerns public issues and is publicly expressed.

Private opinion becomes public opinion when a. it, regardless of its subject matter, is publicly expressed. b. it concerns public issues and is publicly expressed. c. an individual is polled by a major polling organization. d. it is not divided. e. it is articulated to at least ten other people.

What decision was made by the Supreme Court in a landmark 2002 case on the issue of school vouchers?

Providing government vouchers to attend religious schools was ruled constitutional.

conservative; liberal

Public opinion in the United States tends to be more _____________ than political elites in areas such as religion in public schools, but more ______________ in areas such as Social Security spending.

a. conservative; liberal

Public opinion in the United States tends to be more _____________ than political elites in areas such as religion in public schools, but more ______________ in areas such as Social Security spending. a. conservative; liberal

Blacks (more liberal, civil rights, stronger support to aid the poor, affirmative action, less support for same sex marriage)/ Hispanic Catholics (oppose abortion, preserve cultural heritage, support social welfare, anti-discrimination policies)/ Asian Americans (fastest growing group, liberal and Democratic, family ideals)

Racial Political Identity

Does the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) threaten the tax-exempt status of a church based on simple candidate endorsements?



Since 1960, the greatest growth in unionization has occurred among a. military personnel. b. professional athletes. c. public employees. d. private sector employees. e. information technology employees.


Ratification of the Constitution was to occur by a. approval of the thirteen state legislatures. b. approval by nine out of thirteen state conventions. c. approval of the thirteen state legislatures and two-thirds of Congress. d. approval by popular vote in nine states. e. none of the above.

b) approval by nine out of thirteen state conventions

Ratification of the Constitution was to occur by a) approval of the thirteen state legislatures b) approval by nine out of thirteen state conventions c) approval of thirteen state legislatures and two-thirds of Congress d) approval by popular vote in nine states e) none of the above


Reapportionment is a. the allocation of seats in the House to each state after each census. b. the redrawing of district boundaries within each state to ensure equal district populations. c. a court order to hold new elections because of voting irregularities. d. altering a legislative formula that apportions spending among the states. e. normally a bipartisan exercise.

allowing newspapers to preserve the anonymity of their confidential sources if the government can demonstrate a compelling reason to request them.

Recent Supreme Court cases have protected freedom of the press in all of the following instances EXCEPT

easier for higher offices with more prestige.

Recruiting candidates is

provide public funding for congressional elections.

Reforms to the Federal Election Campaign Act in 1974 did NOT


Reforms to the Federal Election Campaign Act in 1974 did not a. limit campaign contributions. b. provide public funding for presidential elections. c. provide public funding for Congressional elections. d. require disclosure of contributions and spending. e. create the Federal Election Commission.

e) an increase in the South's desire for states' rights

Results of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT a) the defeate of teh South permanently ended the idea that a state could claim the right to secede b) an increase in political power of the national government c) thousands of people hired to deal with social and economic problems that had to be handled in the aftermath of the war d) new amendments to the Constitution e) an increase in the South's desire for states' rights

An increase in the South's desire for states' rights

Results of the Civil War included all of the following except

Supreme Court accepted the argument that the laws against abortion violated the right to privacy under the Constitution; Court held that during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, abortion was an issue between a woman and er physician (no state intervention); 2nd trimester = state allowed to specify the conditions under which an abortion could be performed to protect the mother; final trimester= state could regulate or even outlaw abortions except when necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother

Roe v. Wade

ISSUE: Abortion Roe, a Texas resident, sought to terminate her pregnancy by abortion. Texas law prohibited abortions except to save the pregnant woman's life. After granting certiorari, the Court heard arguments twice. Supreme Court's Ruling: The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. (oyez.org)

Roe v. Wade (1973)

ISSUE: Slavery Was Dred Scott a free slave? "Scott then brought a new suit in federal court. Scott's master maintained that no pure-blooded Negro of African descent and the descendant of slaves could be a citizen in the sense of Article III of the Constitution. Dred Scott was a slave. " (oyez.org) Supreme Court's Ruling: Dred Scott was a slave. Under Articles III and IV, argued Taney, no one but a citizen of the United States could be a citizen of a state, and that only Congress could confer national citizenship. (oyez.org)

Scott v. Sanford (1857)

a. generally loosened same-sex marriage restrictions; overruled same-sex marriage bans nationwide

Since 2003, federal court rulings, including those by the Supreme Court, have _______________ but have not __________________. a. generally loosened same-sex marriage restrictions; overruled same-sex marriage bans nationwide b. banned same-sex marriages; banned same-sex civil unions c. taken marriage powers away from the states; taken away powers over civil unions d. given the power over marriage to the federal government; overturned same-sex marriage bans e. Both B and C.

been establishing limits on the national government's powers under the commerce clause

Since the 1990s, the S.C.'s decisions on federalism have

e) been establishing limits on the national government's powers under the commerce clause

Since the 1990s, the Supreme Court's decisions on federalism have a) continued the precedents established by John Marshal in McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Odgen b) provided a broad interpretation of the commerce clause that justifies extensive national involvement in many areas c) allowed the federal government to involve itself in areas that are primarily local in character d) shown a willingness to allow the federal government to extend its power when it deals with sensitive areas such as gun control and violence against women e) been establishing limits on the national government's powers under the commerce clause

the military

Since the early 1990s, the American public has consistently had more confidence in ____ than in any other institution that has been surveyed.

amendment guaranteeing the right of criminal suspects to a fair trail; the accused have rights

Sixth Amendment

minorities and poor people to vote.

Some observers argue that an excessive concern with voting fraud makes it harder for

a) Congress is required to consent and does so

States may enter into agreements with each other if a) Congress is required to consent and does so b) all states in that region approve the compact c) 3/4 of both states' legislative bodies approve d) a majority of the people in each state approves e) all of the above

different conclusions: Some found a liberal bias whereas others found a conservative bias.

Studies of bias in the media have reached

different conclusions: some found a liberal bias, while others found a conservative bias.

Studies of bias in the media have reached

e. All of the above are true

Studies suggest that parents' political influence over their children is due to a. the strong need of children for parental approval. b. the ability of parents to communicate frequently with their children. c. the ability of parents to communicate their feelings and preferences to their children. d. family links to other factors that affect opinion, such as race, social class, education, and religious beliefs. e. All of the above are true.

legislators and government officials.

Successful interest groups and their representatives try to cultivate long-term relationships with


Successful interest groups and their representatives try to cultivate long-term relationships with a. foreign ambassadors. b. legislators and government officials. c. federal judges. d. business leaders. e. police commissioners and chiefs of police.

allow America's millionaires and billionaires to donate unlimited funds to influence elections

Super PACs

party leaders or elected officials who are given the right to vote at the party's national convention.

Superdelegates are

Who was the leader of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, founded in 1890?

Susan B. Anthony

14,000 black students attended schools that were either totally black or more than 99 percent black. Lower courts had experimented with a number of possible solutions when the case reached the Supreme Court. (oyez.org) Supreme Court's Ruling: The Court ruled that remedial plans were to be judged by their effectiveness, and the use of mathematical ratios or quotas were legitimate "starting points" for solutions

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1970)


Symbolic speech is a. a law that is worded in a vague manner. b. an area of expression that is not protected by the First Amendment. c. the nonverbal expression of beliefs. d. usually an expression of obscenity. e. not a protection for flag burning.

During times of national crisis, it is especially difficult to determine the limits of government 21) intervention in the private sphere.


No bill can become law without the consent of both houses of Congress.


C. pay the costs of Britain's defense of the colonies during the French & Indian War

Taxes were imposed on the colonists to A. pay for the coronation of King George III B. pay for the establishment of more colonies C. pay the costs of Britain's defense of the colonies during the French & Indian War D. purchase Canada (Quebec) from the French E. none of the above

before the American revolution

Tension over the size of government dates back to

Supreme Court ruled that state laws that prohibited the burning of the American flag as part of a peaceful protest also violated the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment; in response Congress passed the Flag Protection Act of 1989

Texas v. Johnson

State power?

That women could vote in Wyoming in 1870, but not nationwide until 1920, is reflective of

c) reserved to the states respectively, or to the people

The 10th Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states by it, are a) the sole authority of Congress b) reserved to the central government c) reserved to the states respectively, or to the people d) the sole authority of the executive branch e) subject to judicial review

was based on violation of the equal protection clause and the due process clause.

The 1967 Supreme Court decision that declared Virginia's anti-interracial marriage bill unconstitutional

(both a and b) a. created the federal election commission b. place limits on the money that individuals and PACs can contribute to candidates

The 1974 Federal Election Campaign Act

EPA has the authority and responsibility to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases

The 2007 case Massachusetts v. EPA resulted in the S.C. ruling that

d) the EPA has the authority and responsibility to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases

The 2007 case Massachusetts v. EPA resulted in the Supreme Court ruling that a) greenhouse gases should be monitored by local agencies b) since the EPA was formed prior to any knowledge of global warming, concern for carbon dioxide levels is not within the EPA's responsibilities c) Massachusetts air quality is not the concern of the federal government d) the EPA has the authority and responsibility to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases e) the poor quality of air in Massachusetts is the due to the use of coal in Boston factories

c. limited government.

The American system, with multiple points at which various powers can block action, often leads to a. effective government. b. caretaker government. c. limited government. d. impeachments of government officials. e. a call for new elections.


The Americans with Disabilities Act e. does not apply to carpal tunnel syndrome.

An individual who opposed the ratification of the new Constitution in 1787...The Anti-Federalists were opposed to a a strong central government

The Anti-Federalists

a) the status quo

The Anti-Federalists advocated a) the status quo b) a strong central government c) the new Constitution d) an end to slavery e) both b and c

a. protects individual religious freedom.

The Bill of Rights a. protects individual religious freedom. b. allows state government to regulate religion. c. allows the national government to regulate religion. d. provides for an official state religion. e. provides protection for street drug use in religious ceremonies.

e. All of these choices are true.

The Bill of Rights includes the following rights for criminal defendants a. the right to speedy and public trial b. the right to silence c. the right to due process d. the right to a lawyer e. All of these choices are true.

E) All of the above

The Bill of Rights includes the following rights for criminal defendants: a) the rights to speedy and public trial b )the right to silence c) the right to due process d) the right to lawyer e) All of the above

b) limited

The Bill of Rights is an example of the way in which government power is a) dictatorial b) limited c) delegated to the states d) without controls e) always right

e) both b and d

The Bill of Rights provided for a) the protection of individual liberties from state governments b) the protection of individual liberties from the national government c) equal protection under the law d) protect protection against state infringements on the freedoms of conscience, the press and jury trial e) both b and d


The Bill of Rights provided for a. the protection of individual liberties from state governments. b. the protection of individual liberties from the national government. c. equal protection under the law. d. protection against state infringements on the freedoms of conscience, the press, and jury trial. e. both b and d.

c) some states would not have voted to ratify the Constitution without the promise of the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights was important for ratification of the Constitution because a) all state constitutions had such rights, and this would have made the US constitution void without a national bill b) such rights were stipulated int he Articles of Confederation c) some states would not have voted to ratify the Constitution without the promise of the Bill of Rights d) none of the above e) all of the above

bans soft money contributions to national parties.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002


The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 a. bans soft money contributions to national parties. b. bans campaign ads by special interest groups. c. bans independent expenditures. d. bans the practice of lobbying. e. eliminated the Federal Election Commission.

13- abolished slavery 14- defined who was a citizen of each state to guarantee equal rights under state law 15- gave African Americans the right to vote in all states and even in state elections.

The Civil War amendments

abolished slavery, sought to guarantee equal rights under state laws, gave the right to vote to African Americans, and defined who was a citizen of the United States

The Civil War amendments

e. Options A and B are true.

The Constitution protects interest groups through the a. First Amendment's right to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances." b. First Amendment's right to "peaceably assemble." c. Fourth Amendment's protection against illegal search and seizure. d. Fifth Amendment's right against self-incrimination. e. Options A and B are true.

e) presidential infallibility

The Constitution that was to be ratified established the following fundamental principles EXCEPT a) popular sovereignty, or control by the people b) a republican government in which the people choose representatives to make decisions for them c) limited government with written laws d) a federal system that allows for states' rights, because the states feared too much centralized control e) presidential infallibility


The Court applies the Miller test to determine if speech is?

It could be unstable. The masses were uneducated to govern themselves and too prone to the influence of leaders that manipulated popular prejudices, and too likely to subordinate minority rights to the tyranny of the majority & deteriorate into mob rule

The Founders were weary of direct democracy because the masses


The Fourteenth Amendment has been used to c. apply the Bill of Rights to the state and local governments.

The compromise between the New Jersey and Virgina Plans that created 1 chamber of the Congress based on population and 1 chamber representing each state equally; also called the Connecticut Compromise. (based a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate)

The Great Compromise

b) proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate

The Great Compromise a) was advanced by the delegates from Georgia b) proposed a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate c) was presented too late to be considered d) was proposed by Texas e) proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote

e. All of the above are true.

The Greek financial crisis has its roots in a. overspending by previous Greek government officials. b. excessive borrowing by previous Greek government officials. c. the inability of Greece to devalue its currency. d. the inability of Greece to be able to borrow from the European Central Bank. e. All of the above are true.

c. instituting a representative assembly.

The Jamestown colonists set a political precedent by a. allowing the governor to use a line-item veto. b. instituting a direct democracy. c. instituting a representative assembly. d. creating a judicial system. e. writing a constitutional document.

a. a trading post.

The Jamestown colony was established as a. a trading post. b. a military fort. c. a settlement in Maryland. d. the first French settlement in the New World. e. a settlement for religious Separatists.

c. was necessary to preserve civil obedience and public authority.

The Mayflower Compact a. reaffirmed the pilgrims connection to the Church of England. b. affirmed that women should have equal rights with men. c. was necessary to preserve civil obedience and public authority. d. provided the basis for the first communist community in the United States. e. became the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States.


The National Security Council is a link between a. Congress and the president. b. leaders of foreign governments and the president. c. the Security and Exchange Commission and the president. d. key foreign and military advisors and the president. e. state governments and the president.

b) the creation of a new and very powerful central government

The New Jersey Plan called for all of the following EXCEPT a) Congress to elect several people to form an executive office b) the creation of a new and very powerful central government c) the ability of Congress to regulate trade and impose taxes d) acts of Congress to be the supreme law of the land e) the principle of one state, one vote


The New York Times v. United States case a. affirmed the no prior restraint doctrine. b. upheld the government's right to let the public have information about Vietnam. c. punished the New York Times for publishing secret documents. d. affirmed the free speech of students in public schools. e. both a and c.

increased federal control over education and educational funding

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

d) increased federal control over education and educational learning

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 a) gave the states more control of their schools b) established a school voucher system c) increased the local school boards' freedom in evaluating student achievement d) increased federal control over education and educational learning e) was enacted by Congress under Democratic President Bill Clinton


The Office of Management and Budget a. helps Congress write the budget. b. helps the president prepare the annual budget. c. has the power to revise the budget passed by Congress. d. is rarely newsworthy in modern times. e. is an innovation introduced by the George W. Bush administration.

has been sending mixed signals in federalism cases, has changed some of its previous rulings about state and federal powers, and has supported both the federal government and states in different rulings

The S.C.

Roosevelt tried but failed to expand the Court by adding six new justices

The S.C. ceased to interfere with national legislation on the economy after

d) all of the above

The Supreme Court a) has been sending mixed signals in federalism cases b) has changed some of its previous rulings about state and federal powers c) has supported both the federal government and states in different rulings d) all of the above e) none of the above

d. freedom of speech; the right to bear arms

The Supreme Court began incorporating the Bill of Rights to the states in 1925, with a case involving ___________, and has done so as recently as 2010, with a case involving ____________. press; due process d. freedom of speech; the right to bear arms


The Supreme Court can review a state Supreme Court decision a. only if a federal question is involved. b. if there are damages in excess of $50,000. c. if the solicitor general asks them to do so. d. in all cases. e. in cases in which the state is a party.

e) Roosevelt tried but failed to expand the Court by adding 6 new justices

The Supreme Court ceased to interfere with national legislation on the economy after a) Congress threatened to impeach 2 of the most conservative justices b) the death of Chief Justice Charles E. Hughes c) both a and b d) Roosevelt named 6 new justices to the Court e) Roosevelt tried but failed to expand the Court by adding 6 new justices

the relationship between church and state.

The Supreme Court uses the Lemon test primarily to decide on matters related to

a. a grassroots conservative movement.

The Tea Party movement began as a. a grassroots conservative movement. b. a re-branding of national conservative politics. c. a grassroots liberal movement. d. a PAC dedicated to the election of Barack Obama. e. a group dedicated to celebrating the history of the American Revolution.


The Tenth Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are a. the sole authority of Congress. b. reserved to the central government. c. reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. d. the sole authority of the executive branch. e. subject to judicial review.

give African Americans representation that was equal to what free whites received

The Three-Fifths Compromise did all of the following except

What does the U.S. Supreme Court allow states to fund church-related schools?

The U.S. Supreme Court can fund school lunches, textbooks, diagnostic services for speech and hearing problems, standardized tests, computers, and transportation for students attending church-operated elementary and secondary schools

What CAN'T the U.S. Supreme Court allow states to fund church-related schools?

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that state programs helping church-related schools are unconstitutional; the Court has denied state reimbursements to religious schools for field trips and for developing achievement tests

c) the South obtained a promise that export taxes would not be imposed

The USA is among he few countries that don't tax their exports because a) it doesn't need the money b) it encourages exports c) the South obtained a promise that export taxes would not be imposed d) the World Trade Organization prohibits it from doing so e) the US president vetoed the bill

d) all of the above

The United States Supreme Court a) has the final say on constitutional issues b) plays a significant role in determining the line between federal and state powers c) has given increased emphasis to state powers under the 10th Amendment d) all of the above e) none of the above

a) called for a bicameral legislature

The Virgina Plan a) called for a bicameral legislature b) worked to the advantage of small states c) provided for the direct election of a president by the people d) settled all controversy e) both b and d

called for a bicameral legislature

The Virginia Plan


The White House Office, the National Security Council, and the Office of Management and Budget are all part of a. the kitchen cabinet. b. the cabinet. c. the Executive Office of the President. d. the Council of Presidential Advisors. e. the system of checks on executive power.

unit rule

The ______ is a rule by which all of a state's electoral votes are cast for the presidential candidate who receives a plurality of the votes in that state.

public opinion.

The aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs shared by some portion of the adult population is called

a flat tax system

The average African American voter would be LEAST likely to support which of the following measures?


The body of judge-made law is known as a. administrative regulations. b. criminal law. c. judicial maxims. d. common law. e. statutory law.

a) the elastic or necessary and proper clause

The clause in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute its enumerated or expressed powers is called a) the elastic or necessary and proper clause b) supremacy clause c) concurrent clause d) reserved powers clause e) due process clause


The colonists' fury over taxation climaxed in a. the French and Indian War. b. the First Continental Congress. c. the appointment of the president of the United States of America. d. Boston Tea Party. e. none of the above.


The concept of checks and balances allows a. each branch of the government to be able to check the actions of the other. b. the president to veto judicial decisions. c. the president to pass laws during a time of crisis. d. Congress the power to select justices of the Supreme Court. e. both a and c.


The concept of cloture refers to a. a method used to defeat legislation in Congress. b. a process that attempts to limit debate on a bill in the Senate. c. closed meetings held by both parties to elect their leadership or resolve other important issues. d. action taken by the House Rules Committee that must be approved by the Speaker. e. the resolution that adjourns Congress.

e) tyranny either of the majority or the minority

The concept of separation of powers was included in the Constitution to prevent a) disputes between the federal and state governments b) the imposition of export taxes c) a major dispute over power between the House and the Senate d) disputes over power between Congress and the president e) tyranny either of the majority or the minority

a. the right of all adults to vote for a representative in government.

The concept of universal suffrage refers to a. the right of all adults to vote for a representative in government.


The concept that all people are of equal worth is called a. popular sovereignty. b. equality. c. fraternity. d. liberty. e. liberalism.

the dispute over states' rights and national supremacy

The controversy that led to the Civil War was

a) the dispute over states' rights and national supremacy

The controversy that led to the Civil War was a) the dispute over states' rights and national supremacy b) interstate commerce c) the application of the Bill of Rights to the states d) taxation e) he admission of Texas into the union

John Locke

The creative thinkers who designed the Constitution were most influenced by

e. Options B and C are true.

The creative thinkers who designed the Constitution were most influenced by a. the historical and political context of the civil war. b. the political philosophy of the time about how people should be governed. c. the historical experiences gained through trial of several forms of government during New World settlement. d. the historical experiences gained through trail of several forms of government during Old World settlement. e. Options B and C are true.

political trust.

The degree to which individuals express trust in political institutions is called


The degree to which individuals express trust in the government is called b. political trust.


The difference between a closed primary and an open primary is that in a closed primary a. all people can vote for either party's candidates. b. party leaders meet to chose the candidates. c. candidates from both parties are on the same ballot. d. only pre-registered party members can vote. e. people can vote in the primary even if they are independents.

d. Both A and B.

The distribution of public opinion on an issue can tell us how a. divided the public is on that issue. b. possible compromise is on that issue.

b) a revival of states' rights and a reduction in national power

The doctrine of dual federalism meant a) an increase in the powers of the national government b) a revival of states' rights and a reduction in national power c) continued wartime expansion of the North's powers d) allowing the national government to regulate state actions affecting African Americans e) allowing the state and national governments to interfere in each other's areas of influence

the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

The first partisan political division in the United States was between

Nixon & Kennedy

The first televised presidential debate was between


The following statement would be compatible with ___ ideology: "The government should have no role in providing health care of the country. People should provide their own health care."


The following statement would be compatible with ____ ideology: "The government should act to create jobs during an economic crisis."

b. conservative

The following statement would be compatible with __________ ideology: "The government should have no role in providing health care for the country. People should provide their own health care." a. liberal b. conservative c. communist d. socialist e. extreme liberal


The granting of release from the punishment for a crime is called a. a reprieve. b. a congressional sanction. c. a pardon. d. executive privilege. e. impeachment.

d) to privacy from governmental intervention

The inalienable rights stipulated in the Declaration of Independence included the right a) of free speech and free press b) to freely associate and assemble c) to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness d) to privacy from governmental intervention e) to freedom of religion

During times of national crisis, it is especially difficult to determine the limits of government intervention in the private sphere.


overturned the doctrine of "separate but equal."

The landmark Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education was significant because it


The major function of Congress is a. enforcing laws. b. lawmaking. c. using the impeachment power. d. investigating other branches of government through oversight. e. judging whether laws are constitutional.

e. Options A and C are true.

The major historical and political significance of the Mayflower Compact was that it a. served as a prototype for many similar compacts. b. was the start of the first settlement in America. c. depended on the consent of the individuals involved. d. established the colony of Massachusetts. e. Options A and C are true.


The major historical and political significance of the Mayflower Compact was that it a. served as a prototype for many similar compacts. b. was the start of the first settlement in America. c. depended on the consent of the individuals involved. d. established the colony of Massachusetts. e. both a and c.


The modern Republican Party was founded when the issue of ______ divided both existing political parties.


The most common way for the Supreme Court to take care of cases appealed to it is to a. decide on the case but not give an opinion. b. refuse to hear a case. c. grant a mistrial. d. hear the case. e. return it to the state court.


The most important committees in Congress are ____ committees, permanent bodies that possess an expertise resulting from their jurisdiction over certain policy areas. a. standing b. select c. joint d. conference e. legislative


The most numerous types of interest groups in the United States are a. economic interest groups. b. social interest groups. c. liberal interest groups. d. environmental interest groups. e. public-interest interest groups.


The most powerful person in the House of Representatives is the a. president of the House. b. majority leader. c. president pro tempore. d. Speaker of the House. e. chief whip.

certain powers are reserved for the states, the constitution prohibits a number of powers to the national government

The national government cannot create a national divorce law system because


The new forms of media a. have brought Americans closer to each other politically. b. such as talk radio have been dominated by liberals. c. like blogs have often changed people from liberals to conservatives. d. include talk radio and cable networks centered around the news. e. all the above.

equals that state's number of senators plus its number of representatives.

The number of members each state will have in the Electoral College

is determined by adding the number of representatives and the number of senators a state has in Congress.

The number of members each state will have in the electoral college

b) a 2/3 vote in favor of it by both houses of Congress

The only method used so far to propose an amendment to the Constitution is a) the popular vote of the people b) a 2/3 vote in favor of it by both houses of Congress c) state legislatures or conventions in 3/4 of the states d) a national convention e) a proposal by the president

were set up by interest groups when soft money was outlawed & run issue ads to energize voters.

The organizations that came to be known as "527s"

the formal structure and leadership of a political party.

The party organization is

b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party.

The party organization is a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the urban machines that distribute social benefits. e. responsible only for mundane matters such as printing signs and scheduling events.


The party organization is a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the urban machines that distribute social benefits. e. responsible only for mundane matters such as printing signs and scheduling events.


The party-in-government is a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. pledged to support all of the party's political positions. e. no longer significant due to candidate-centered elections.


The party-in-the-electorate is a. the members of the general public who identify with a political party. b. the formal structure and leadership of a political party. c. all of the elected and appointed officials who identify with a party. d. the members of the Electoral College. e. the individuals who choose the members of the Electoral College.

the lifestyle effect

The phenomenon of certain attitudes occurring at certain chronological ages is know as

b. most would-be electors were publicly pledged to a candidate.

The plan to keep the public from choosing U.S. presidents failed because a. the Constitution was amended to implement popular elections of presidents. b. most would-be electors were publicly pledged to a candidate. c. Congress has refused to certify the elections of candidates who do not get a majority of the popular vote. d. foreign powers forced U.S. elections to be more democratic. e. None of the above.


The political party "out of power" is a. expected to support the party "in power" despite their disagreements. b. expected to force debate on policy alternatives. c. expected to present another side to issues but not in a forceful or disrespectful manner. d. expected to file "opposition briefs" against policies supported by the majority. e. required to support domestic and foreign policies which promote "the American way."

Native Americans and Asian Americans

The political views of which ethnic groups have received the LEAST attention from political scientists?

a) judicial review

The power of the Supreme Court to declare actions of the other branches of government to be unconstitutional is known as a) judicial review b) judicial activism c) legislative ratification d) the supremacy doctrine e) the Madisonian model

b) enumerated or expressed powers

The powers that the Constitution specifically lists as belonging to the federal government are a) implied powers b) enumerated or expressed powers c) reserve powers d) concurrent powers e) in the necessary and proper clause

a. the wealthy are overrepresented.

The practical limitations of pluralism theory include a. the wealthy are over-represented.


The practice of rewarding faithful party workers and followers with government employment and contracts is called

d. the electoral college.

The president of the United States is chosen by a. a popular vote of the people. b. the U.S. Senate. c. the House and Senate combined. d. the electoral college. e. the governors of the states.

idk but here are some differences.... An interest group is an organization of people with similar policy goals that tries to influence the political process to try to achieve those goals. In so doing, interest groups try to influence every branch and every level of government. This multiplicity of policy arenas helps distinguish interest groups from political parties. Interest groups may support candidates for office, but American interest groups do not run their own slate of candidates. By contrast, interest groups in many countries with multiparty systems often form their own political parties to push for their demands. Interest groups are often policy specialists, whereas parties are policy generalists. Unlike political parties, interest groups do not face the constraint imposed by trying to appeal to everyone.

The primary distinction between an interest group and a political party is that only

c. getting the party's candidates elected to office by winning elections.

The primary goal of an American political party is a. peaceably influencing the American public. b. signing up large numbers of deeply committed members. c. getting the party's candidates elected to office by winning elections. d. collecting member dues. e. trying to find the other party doing "bad" things.

the right to a jury trial in civil cases.

The principle of selective incorporation has been used to guarantee all of the following rights from intrusion by state governments, EXCEPT


The process in which more and more states move their primaries into the first months of the year is known as


The process of giving legislators a score based on the percentage of times he or she votes favorably on legislation of concern to the interest group is called a. campaign assistance. b. legislator evaluation. c. interest group ratings. d. lobbying. e. power rankings.

set by the state constitutions.

The qualifications for state legislators are


The requirement that the president report to Congress within forty-eight hours of sending troops into hostilities and then obtain the approval of Congress within sixty days is established by a. the Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. b. the War Powers Resolution. c. the National Security Act. d. the Nixon Protocol. e. Article II of the Constitution.

economically conservative and socially liberal

The rich tend to be

b) addressed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution

The right to carry a gun in places like school campuses and churches is a) addressed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution b) addressed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution c) addressed by the 5th Amendment to the Constitution d) addressed by the 8th Amendment to the Constitution e) not addressed by the Constitution

public agenda

The role of the media in determining what government ought to do is known as

commerce clause

The section of the Constitution in which Congress is given authority to regulate trade among states and foreign countries is called the

b) commerce clause

The section of the Constitution in which Congress is given the authority to regulate trade among the states and with foreign countries is called the a) oversight clause b) commerce clause c) supremacy clause d) necessary and proper clause e) interstate compact clause

state laws.

The selection of electors is governed by

corrupt practices acts.

The series of acts passed by Congress in an attempt to limit and regulate the size and sources of contributions and expenditures in political campaigns are known as the


The supremacy clause of the Constitution means that a. the original Constitution is superior to any amendment. b. the original states have a superior status when dealing with states created after 1789. c. states cannot use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies. d. Congress cannot pass legislation that would violate state laws or constitutions. e. treaties with foreign governments cannot overturn state laws.

c) national law over state law

The supremacy doctrine asserts the superiority of a) large states over small states b) non-slave states over slave states c) national law over state law d) natural law over man-made law e) none of the above

quota sampling.

The survey technique where researchers decide how many persons of certain types they need and then send out interviewers to find the necessary number of those types is

b) a voluntary association in which states have most of the power

The term "confederation" or "confederal" refers to a a) system in which most power is with the central government b) a voluntary association in which states have most of the power c) a system in which state and local governments have equal power with the central government d) national legislature e) the southern states where slavery was legal


The term amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief refers to a. arguments by those interested in the outcome of a case but who are not parties to the case. b. a request that the Supreme Court order a lower court to send up the records of a case. c. a Supreme Court order barring further testimony during oral arguments. d. the belief that the Supreme Court should actively practice judicial review. e. none of the above.

c. literacy tests.

The tests commonly administered as a precondition for voting were called a. poll tests. b. constitutional exams. c. literacy tests. d. primary tests. e. registration tests.


The tests commonly administered as a precondition for voting were called a. poll tests. b. constitutional exams. c. literacy tests. d. primary tests. e. registration tests.

c) give African Americans representation that was equal to what free white received

The three-fifths compromise did all of the following EXCEPT a) illustrate the power of the southern states at the convention b) partially apportion the HOR and the Electoral College on the basis of the property c) give African Americans representation that was equal to what free white received d) give more voting power to southern slave owners e) fail to address the slave trade directly

b. is more likely to occur from parents to children.

The transfer of political values a. is more likely to occur from children to parents. b. is more likely to occur from parents to children. c. is just as likely to occur from children to parents as it is to occur from parents to children. d. is exceptionally rare in families. e. never occurs from children to parents.

is less likely to occur from children to parents.

The transmission of political values


The two major parties prefer a(n) ______ ballot because it encourages straight-ticket voting.

1. pol. socialization and practical considerations 2. the winner-take-all electoral system 3. state and fed. laws favor two major parties 4. historical foundations of the system

The two-party system has dominated the American political landscape for all of the following reasons


The type of government the United States has is a. a direct democracy. b. a representative democracy. c. a confederation. d. a constitutional monarchy. e. an anarchy.


The use of ____ was instrumental in bringing about the integration of lunch counters, buses, and trains. a. sit-ins b. roadblocks at night in rural areas c. court injunctions that prohibited interstate travel in areas threatened by violence d. the threat of armed force e. public demonstrations featuring violence against whites

increase the coat-tail effect :) pg. 336

The use of the party-column ballot has been shown to _______________________.


The whips assist the party leaders by a. voting to support the party platform at the national convention. b. attempting to convince the general public that congresspersons should vote the party line. c. passing information to and from members of Congress in accordance with the desires of the leadership of the party. d. gathering research information. e. pressuring them to take positions popular among the party rank-and-file.

d) the idea that a government of our own is our natural right

Thomas Pain's pamphlet "Common Sense" advocated a) the formation of a new government that would still be loyal to the king b) establishment of a government that would limit further immigration c) an end of hostilities toward Britain d) the idea that a government of our own is our natural right e) the repeal of all taxes including those the colonists had imposed on themselves


To be elected president, one must receive a. a majority of the popular vote. b. a majority of the electoral vote. c. a plurality of the popular and electoral vote. d. a plurality of the electoral vote. e. every electoral vote.

Provide guarantees of minority rights

To ensure that majority rule does not become oppressive, modern democracies

d) public education

Today, states have lotteries, which are often justified as ways to raise funds for a) public health b) public construction projects c) public safety d) public education e) children's health care

a. 11 million

Today, there are approximately __________ unauthorized immigrants living in the United States. a. 11 million


Totalitarianism as a concept means a. the government controls all aspects of the political and social life of a nation. b. the condition of having no government and no laws. c. the ultimate political authority is vested in the people. d. a limited republic where people elect officials to make decisions for them for a specific period of time. e. a unified government.

taken on a nearly daily basis as the election approaches.

Tracking polls are

on a daily basis to determine last-minute changes in the mood of the electorate.

Tracking polls are used


Tracking polls are used a. on a daily basis to determine last-minute changes in the mood of the electorate. b. by the government to determine if a candidate is receiving illegal campaign contributions. c. to encourage voter turnout. d. primarily in countries which have a multiparty political structure. e. by the media throughout the election year.

d) local, sate, and federal laws can't conflict with the Constitution

Under the supremacy clause of the Constitution a) state laws can't conflict with city ordinances b) federal laws can't conflict with state laws c) state and local laws are superior to the state's constitution d) local, sate, and federal laws can't conflict with the Constitution e) none of the above

A centralized governmental system in which ultimate governmental authority rests in the hands of the national, or central government

Unitary System

Of the following countries, which one has the highest incarceration rate?

United States

ISSUE: Federalism Alfonzo Lopez, a 12th grade high school student, carried a concealed weapon into his San Antonio, Texas high school. He was charged under Texas law with firearm possession on school premises. Supreme Court's Ruling: The possession of a gun in a local school zone is not an economic activity that might, through repetition elsewhere, have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. The law is a criminal statute that has nothing to do with "commerce" or any sort of economic activity.

United States v. Lopez (1994)

e. replacing investor ownership of businesses by government ownership.

Unlike liberals or conservatives, socialists advocate a. personal liberties. b. private property rights. c. market capitalism. d. private investment in governmental systems. e. replacing investor ownership of businesses by government ownership.

about 1,500 individuals.

Usually, the Gallup and Roper polls interview

about 1,500 people in a nationwide sample

Usually, the Gallup or Roper polls interview

No idea where voter ID laws are in the book

Voter ID laws are often enacted with the stated goal of _______________, but actually have the effect of _______________.

often suspected but seldom proved potential for voter fraud is high in many states particularly through the use of phony voter registrations and absentee ballots Bottom of pg 336

Voter fraud

swing voters

Voters who frequently move their support from one party to the other are known as

Providing government vouchers to attend religious schools was ruled constitutional.

What decision was made by the Supreme Court in a landmark 2002 case on the issue of school vouchers?

an open primary.

When voters can vote in either party primary without disclosing their party affiliation, it is called

hatch act

Which campaign financing reform was best known for restricting the political activities of civil servants?


Which of the following are important requirements which must be met before a case can be brought to court? a. Issues must be political questions. b. Jurisdiction and standing to sue c. Precedents and stare decisis d. Judicial maxims e. Requirements for legislation

a married couple that, after purchasing a house and giving birth to a child, begins to develop a more economically conservative viewpoint from what it had previously espoused

Which of the following cases BEST exemplifies the political concept of a life cycle effect?

young adults whose political beliefs have more in common with those of other people their own age than with those of their parents

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates the political concept of a "cohort"?

the right to protest in front of a state capitol

Which of the following forms of protests receives the most protection from the Supreme Court?


Which of the following groups are more likely to vote Republican?

d) Congress has the right to interpret law

Which of the following in NOT correct under the concept of separation of powers? a) the president executes and carries out the law b) the Supreme Curt uses judicial review c) the legislative branch's job is lawmaking d) Congress has the right to interpret law e) non of the above is correct

Economic concerns have been among the most powerful influences on public opinion

Which of the following is (are) true?

a Mormon

Which of the following is LEAST likely to vote Democrat?

The Great Depression shattered the working-class belief in Republican economic competence.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding politics and the Great Depression?

The number of voters who identify as independents has never been greater.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding voting habits?

Most politicians have avoided networking systems because they fear the connections with the public

Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

The national government has all the power so states play a small role DEFENSES for: political experimentation can be used to see if policies are workable, the government is in closer contact with the people because of the role given to states governments, it allows for differences among the regions of the country, it is a better system for the U.S. than a unitary system because of the size of the U.S.

Which of the following is not a defense of federalism?

d) The national government has all the power so states play a small role

Which of the following is not a defense of federalism? a) Political experimentation can be used to see if policies are workable b) The government is in closer contact with the people because of the role given to state governments c) It allows for differences among the regions of the country d) The national government has all the power so states play a small role e) it is a better system or the US than a unitary system because of the size of the US

b. The EU is a federation of twenty-seven countries.

Which of the following is not true about the European Union (EU)? a. The EU is a confederation of twenty-seven countries. b. The EU is a federation of twenty-seven countries. c. Seventeen of the EU countries have adopted a common currency—the euro. d. EU countries such as Greece, Portugal, and Ireland have had financial difficulties of late. e. The European Central Bank is prohibited from bailing out member countries in difficulty.

A constitutional government was set up

Which of the following is not true of the Declaration of Independence?

knowledge that the statements were false

Which of the following is one of the two conditions that satisfy the definition of malice under the Sullivan rule?


Which of the following is true? a. To remove the president from office, the Senate must impeach him/her; the House of Representatives must hold a trial and convict him/her. b. There were serious movements to impeach both President Bush and President Obama. c. The constitutional standard for removing the president from office is that he/she must be found guilty of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." d. The president may also be removed from office by the recall. e. Congress could set up the recall for removing the president from office.

b. Major issues include debate about whether illegal immigrants should be given amnesty and be allowed to become U.S. citizen

Which of the following regarding immigration is true? a. Today, most immigrants to the United States come from Europe. b. Major issues include debate about whether illegal immigrants should be given amnesty and be allowed to become U.S. citizens. c. The number of multi-racial persons has been declining in recent years. d. All Hispanics are from Mexico. e. Options C and D are true.

Public opinion was potentially dangerous, but must not be ignored.

Which of the following statements BEST captures the Framers' attitude towards public opinion?

In recent years, the Supreme Court has loosening the limits on campaign speech based on interpretations of the First Amendment

Which of the following statements about campaign speech is most accurate?

With regard to race, churches are among the most highly integrated institutions in the country.

Which of the following statements about religion and American politics is LEAST accurate?

a presidential candidate must win at least 300 electoral votes in order to become president

Which of the following statements about the electoral college is not true?

Television entertainment and television news both tend to portray government and political officials in a negative light.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between media and political beliefs is MOST accurate?

Declines in trust and confidence in government seem to have contributed to a decline in volunteerism.

Which of the following statements about trust and confidence among Americans is most accurate?

Women were not allowed to serve in the military before the Vietnam War.

Which of the following statements about women's participation in the military is LEAST accurate?

African Americans have voted principally for Democrats since the 1880s.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

In high school, students have little exposure to ideas about the American political system

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

e) all the above

Which of the following was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? a) Congress lacked the power to collect taxes directly from the people b) there was no executive branch c) Congress lacked the power to coin money d) each state had one vote regardless of size e) all the above

d) The president was chosen by Congress

Which of the following was not true of the Articles of Confederation? a) Congress was a unicameral body b) The national government did not have an executive branch c) The states retained most of the power d) The president was chosen by Congress e) There was no system of national courts

a) International treaties, setting up the postal service, and printing money

Which powers belong only to the national government? a) International treaties, setting up the postal service, and printing money b) taxing, establishing courts, and international powers c) reserved powers d) regulating public schools, licenses, and divorces e) declaring war and holding elections

b) reserved and concurrent powers

Which two sets of powers do state governments have? a) enumerated and expressed powers b) reserved and concurrent powers c) direct and inherent powers d) expressed and implied e) none of the above

business, labor, and professional organizations.

Which types of interest groups are defined as economic interest groups?

business, labor, and professionals

Which types of interest groups are defined as economic interest groups?

d. social indicators such as sexual crimes and teen pregnancies

While economic indicators such as employment struggle to recover from the Great Recession, ____________________ have shown significant movement in a positive direction. a. other economic indicators such as the gap between rich and poor b. political indicators such as Congressional efficiency c. religious indicators such as church attendance d. social indicators such as sexual crimes and teen pregnancies e. political indicators such as Congressional efficiency and social indicators such as sexual crimes and teen pregnancies

a. the people; Congress

While the implementation of an electoral college has failed to keep presidential elections out of the hands of _____________, it has largely succeeded in keeping the election of presidents out of the hands of _____________. a. the people; Congress b. Congress; the people c. the people; the Supreme Court d. the Supreme Court; Congress e. Congress; the Supreme Court

today, only 35 percent of Americans say they would vote for a qualified woman for president.

With regard to candidates for office, all of the following are true EXCEPT


With regard to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court has said that a. the Constitution does not include a right to commit suicide. b. states have a right to protect the families of those who choose physician-assisted suicide. c. doctors must comply if a terminal patient asks for physician-assisted suicide. d. family members can be arrested for assisting in physician-assisted suicide.

African American voters strongly support Democrats, evangelicals are both split politically between liberals and conservatives, fundamentalists most often are conservative, and church attendance seems to influence voting patterns

With regard to voting and religion

in states having a female U.S. senator or a female governor.

Women exhibit less interest in and engagement with politics than their male counterparts; the exception to this pattern occurs

Which of the following statements about women's participation in the military is LEAST accurate?

Women were not allowed to serve in the military before the Vietnam War


_ 13. Federalism was a compromise that a. prevented cities and states from being dominated by a single group. b. maintained state traditions while creating a strong national government to handle common problems. c. allowed Americans to gain uniform benefits as they moved from state to state. d. permitted states to nullify actions of the national government. e. made the national government the focal point of dissatisfaction.


_ 14. believe in less government, support for capitalism and private property, and allowing individuals to pursue their own route to achievement with little government interference. c. Economic conservatives


_ 15. Thomas Paine's work, Common Sense, was important for both his ideas and his a. continuing loyalty to aristocratic ideals. b. ability to make the arguments in plain language for the readers. c. ties to Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and George III. d. orations in local stump speeches. e. command of the armies of Rhode Island.


_ 16. The Declaration of Independence reflects the philosophy of John Locke, who argued that d. all people possess certain natural rights, and it is the duty of the government to protect those rights.


_ 17. The Article of Confederation established a voluntary association of independent states that a. relied on the national government to resolve all regional conflicts. b. paid a yearly levy to the national government to enforce state laws. c. agreed to only limited restraint on their freedom of action. d. were represented on the basis of population in the Confederate Assembly. e. did not collect tariffs on goods coming into the state.


_ 18. Federal programs to encourage states to raise the minimum drinking age to twenty-one, lower speed limits to 55 mph, and mandates in the No Child Left Behind Program are often seen as examples of the national government _ the state to follow the will of the national government. a. coercing b. compelling c. requiring d. obligating e. requesting


_ 2. The Supreme Court adapts the Constitution to modern situations using a. formal methods to amend the Constitution. b. the concept of stare decisis. c. natural law. d. judicial review. e. bills of attainder.


_ 21. The Declaration of Independence was written by a. Thomas Jefferson. b. Thomas Paine. c. Paul Revere. d. James Madison. e. Patrick Henry.


_ 22. A process through which Congress could pass judgment on someone without legal process is a(n) a. constitutional law. b. example of natural law. c. bill of attainder. d. ex post facto law. e. statutory law.


_ 24. The most important part of the New Jersey Plan was its a. reference to a supremacy doctrine. b. provisions for a Supreme Court. c. plan for taxation. d. interstate commerce clause. e. specific mention of checks and balances.


_ 25. The Framers of the Constitution chose to create a(n) a. republic. b. limited constitutional monarchy. c. totalitarian regime. d. authoritarian regime. e. oligarchic regime.


_ 26. An agreement by the people to form a government and abide by its rules is called a. natural law. b. social contract. c. community agreement. d. unification authority. e. nullification.


_ 28. The Great Compromise resolved the impasse between the a. large and small states regarding the executive branch. b. large and small states regarding representation. c. northern and southern states regarding representation. d. northern and southern states regarding slavery. e. Federalists and Anti-Federalists regarding the executive branch.


_ 3. The Electoral College created a system in which b. the president was insulated from direct popular control.


_ 30. The supremacy clause a. was added to the Constitution in the Bill of Rights because critics of the Constitution believed it was a glaring omission not to have included such a provision in the original document. b. states that when the President of the United States is acting in the best interests of the American people, his judgment shall be supreme over Congress and the Supreme Court. c. provides that when state laws are in conflict with the Constitution or laws of the United States, state law must prevail because the states are closer to the people and their concerns. d. provides that when constitutions, laws, and policies of states are in conflict with the Constitution or laws of the United States, federal rules always win. e. states that when the policies of states come into conflict, the state that has been a part of the United States of America for the longest period of time shall be supreme.


_ 52. Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are known as a. concurrent powers. b. cooperative powers. c. dual powers. d. federal powers. e. reserved powers.


_ 31. James Madison's "constitutional means" found in Federalist Paper No. 51 refers to a. separation of powers. b. the Supremacy Clause in Article VI of the Constitution. c. the Full Faith and Credit Clause in Article IV of the Constitution. d. checks and balances. e. de jure stability.


_ 32. The Constitution created a a. confederal system of government that grants fewer powers to the national government than the Articles of Confederation. b. federal system of government that grants fewer powers to the national government than the Articles of Confederation. c. confederal system of government that divides powers between the states and national government. d. federal system of government that divides powers between the states and national government. e. unitary system of government that divides powers between the states and national government.


_ 33. Constitutional amendments can be proposed by a. a majority vote in both houses of Congress. b. a majority vote in either house of Congress. c. unanimous votes in both houses of Congress. d. two-thirds of both houses of Congress. e. two-thirds of either house of Congress.


_ 34. The Anti-Federalists a. favored ratification of the Constitution. b. represented a radical fringe and constituted a very small minority in their position on the Constitution. c. believed the Constitution created an overly powerful central government that would be hostile to personal liberty. d. were mainly wealthy bankers, lawyers, and plantation owners. e. were at a disadvantage because they were arguing in favor of changing the status quo and thus had the burden of advocating change.


_ 36. Ultimate authority rests with the national or central government in a(n) a. unitary system. b. confederal system. c. federal system. d. authoritarian system. e. bicameral system.


_ 37. The Federalist Papers were written by a. Madison, Hamilton, and Jay. b. Madison, Jefferson, and Hamilton. c. Madison, Jefferson, and Franklin. d. Madison, Hamilton, and Franklin. e. Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson.


_ 38. Which of the following is an example of vertical checks and balances? a. The president vetoes an act of Congress. b. The House of Representatives votes to impeach the president. c. The Supreme Court declares an act of Congress unconstitutional. d. States refuse to ratify a constitutional amendment. e. Congress overrides a presidential veto.


_ 39. The United States employs a(n) a. unitary system. b. confederal system. c. federal system. d. authoritarian system. e. bicameral system.


_ 4. In Gibbons v. Ogden the Supreme Court a. ruled that Congress could not regulate activities that occur exclusively within the jurisdiction of a single state. b. stated that the power to regulate interstate commerce is one that is shared between the federal and state governments. c. ruled that commerce should be interpreted in the broadest sense to encompass all commercial business dealings. d. stated that although commerce is an exceptionally broad term, it cannot be said to include navigation and the transport of people. e. rendered a decision that severely limited the power of the national government and greatly expanded the power of states.


_ 40. Originally, the Bill of Rights a. applied only to local governments. b. did not apply to the state governments. c. did not apply to the national government. d. applied only to states that entered into regional agreements. e. applied to both the national and state governments.


_ 41. The Second Continental Congress that met in 1775 a. established an army and named George Washington as Commander in Chief. b. established a navy and named John Paul Jones supreme commander. c. entered into an agreement with France to go to war with Great Britain. d. declared war on Great Britain, France, and Spain. e. drafted a peace treaty that was rejected by Great Britain.


_ 43. States and the national government each remain supreme within their own sphere in the system known as a. distinctive federalism. b. dual federalism. c. separate federalism. d. complete federalism. e. cooperative federalism.


_ 44. Constitutional amendments can be ratified by a. a majority vote in both houses of Congress. b. two-thirds of state legislatures. c. two-thirds of state conventions. d. two-thirds of both houses of Congress. e. three-fourths of state legislatures.


_ 46. The Three-fifths Compromise, which was crafted to address the impasse on slavery, a. avoided the use of the word "slave," instead referring to "all other persons." b. did not abolish slavery but did bring an immediate end to the importation of slaves into this country. c. illustrated the power of the northern states at the convention. d. brought an immediate end to the institution of slavery. e. enhanced the influence that northern states would have in a newly created Congress.


_ 47. Aid to Families with Dependent Children (now known as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) was an example of a. distinctive federalism. b. dual federalism. c. separate federalism. d. complete federalism. e. cooperative federalism.


_ 48. The constitutional amendment process has been used to a. require the president to get the approval of Congress before committing the armed forces to battle. b. limit the president's ability to employ the power of the pardon. c. define the actions for which the president can be impeached. d. limit the number of terms a president can serve. e. require the president to deliver a State of the Union address.


_ 49. The theory that the states and the national government should work together in solving the nation's problems is known as a. distinctive federalism. b. dual federalism. c. separate federalism. d. complete federalism. e. cooperative federalism.


_ 5. The two major accomplishments that occurred under the Articles of Confederation were d. settlement of states' claims to western lands and passage of the Northwest Ordinance.


_ 51. In the 1980s and 1990s, the federal government provided funds to states for highway improvement based on the condition that states would a. raise the speed limits in their jurisdictions. b. lower the speed limits in their jurisdictions. c. raise the minimum drinking age to twenty-one. d. lower the minimum drinking age to eighteen. e. improve their performance in the area of speed-limit enforcement.


_ 53. The constitutional amendment process has been used to a. limit Senators to serving two terms. b. limit members of the House of Representatives to serving five terms. c. limit the total time any individual can spend in Congress to twenty years. d. require Congress to construct a balanced budget. e. allow Congress to impose an income tax.


_ 54. The power of the Supreme Court to declare acts unconstitutional was established by a. the Judiciary Act of 1812. b. Seventeenth Amendment. c. Judicial Review Act of 1789. d. Marbury v. Madison. e. Gibbons v. Ogden.


_ 55. The final provision in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, sometimes known as the "elastic clause," a. lists the enumerated powers of Congress. b. identifies five ways that enumerated powers can be carried out. c. states that Congress can make laws that are necessary and proper to carry out the enumerated powers. d. states that Congress can declare war in situations that can be characterized as demanding flexibility. e. provides a justification for the established process of impeachment to be disregarded and immediately remove the president from office.


_ 56. The transfer of power from the national government to state and local governments is known as a. evolution. b. revolution. c. devolution. d. retribution. e. convolution.


_ 58. The _ represented a willingness of the first colonists to submit to the authority of a government and established a prototype for other agreements that depended on the consent of the governed. a. Waterfront Protocol b. Articles of Confederation c. Mayflower Compact d. Constitution e. Declaration of Independence


_ 59. Making one liable for an act that has already taken place is a(n) a. bill of attainder. b. example of natural law. c. example of constitutional law. d. ex post facto law. e. statutory law.


_ 60. President George W. Bush's decision to allow a Middle East-based company to operate several American ports and Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase are examples of the use of a. implied powers. b. inferred powers. c. inherent powers. d. expressed powers. e. enumerated powers.


_ 61. Article IV of the Constitution requires states to give full faith and credit to a. laws enacted by Congress. b. treaties negotiated by the President of the United States. c. the acts and judicial decisions of other states. d. the decisions of the United States Supreme Court. e. declarations of the United Nations Security Council.


_ 63. The __ identified the reasons the colonists saw for independence from Britain. a. Waterfront Protocol b. Articles of Confederation c. Mayflower Compact d. Constitution e. Declaration of Independence


_ 64. Federal legislation that requires states and municipalities to comply with certain rules is known as a a. block grant. b. categorical grant. c. federal mandate. d. revenue sharing. e. leverage package.


_ 67. Edmund Randolph's Virginia Plan a. called for all states to be represented equally in the national legislature. b. called for a unicameral legislative body. c. was basically a minor variation on the Articles of Confederation. d. called for a national executive that would be elected by the legislative body. e. included no provision for a president because of the distrust of so much power being given to a single individual.


_ 68. The protection of citizens from abuses by government is known as a. separation of powers. b. self-determination. c. liberty. d. order. e. authority.


_ 9. Most concurrent powers a. can be traced to Article IV. b. prevent Congress from regulating business within specific states. c. have been held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. d. encourage state governments to restrict the number of non-citizens who are employed by the state. e. are not specifically stated in the Constitution, but are only implied.


______ have traditionally opposed the increasing size and scope of the federal government


______ interest groups have probably been more successful than any other groups in obtaining subsidies from American taxpayers.

Based on current understandings of the First Amendment, which of the following displays would the Supreme Court consider unconstitutional?

a painting of Jesus being crucified adorned by a banner reading "He died for your sins" hung in the lobby of a state capitol

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment in 2008 dramatically changed the meaning of the amendment, asserting that the amendment conferred

an individual right.

an international agreement between chiefs of state that does not require legislative approval

executive agreement

designed to prohibit so-called hate speech--abusive speech attacking persons on the basis of their ethnicity, race, or other criteria

behavior codes

a campaign poll that measures a candidate's strength at the time of entrance into the electoral college; measures public knowledge at the time the candidate enters

benchmark survey

(two-chamber); a legislature made up of two parts called chambers; U.S. Congress (HOR and Senate) is a ___________ legislature

bicameral legislature

Congress cannot summarily declare an American citizen guilty of a crime because of the Constitution's ban on

bills of attainder

the members of one's own generation


powers held jointly by the national and state governments

concurrent powers

a system consisting of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign powers; the central government created by such a league has only limited powers over the states (Ex: US (under Articles of Confederation) and EU)

confederal system

a political system in which states or regional governments retain ultimate authority except for those powers they expressly delegate to a central government; a voluntary association of independent states, in which the member states agree to limit restraints on their freedom of action


In a major death penalty case in April of 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

execution by lethal injection is constitutional.

a model of federalism in which the states and the national government each remain supreme within their own spheres; the doctrine looks on national and state as co-equal sovereign powers; neither the state government nor the national government should interfere in the others sphere

dual federalism

Betty Friedan's book, ________, published in 1963, encouraged many women to question traditional assumptions and to assert their rights. E) The Feminine Mystique


In the case of ________, the Supreme Court upheld federal court rulings ordering busing of students to achieve racially balanced schools. E) Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg County Schools


The Dred Scott v. Sandford ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court E) a few years prior to the Civil War.


The Twenty-fourth Amendment, ratified in 1964,. E) prohibited the use of poll taxes in federal elections.


The concept that everyone should have the same chance is called equality of E) opportunity.


The constitutional trail for securing equal rights for all Americans was blazed primarily by E) African Americans.


The fastest growing minority group in the United States is E) Asian Americans.


The immediate reaction to Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was E) increased enrollment in private schools by whites in the South and a threat to close public schools.


Which of the following is TRUE? A) Women are prohibited from serving as combat pilots. B) Women are prohibited on navy warships. C) Women are now allowed in ground combat units. E) none of the above.


Women were first given the right to vote by the E) Nineteenth Amendment.


a group of persons called electors selected by the voters in each state and the D.C.; group officially elects the president and vice president of the US; the number of electors in each state is equal to the number of each stat;s representatives in both chambers of Congress; 23rd amendment to the Constitution grants DC as many electors as the state with the smallest population

electoral college

powers specifically granted to the national government by the Constitution; the first seventeen clauses of Article I, Section 8, specify most of the enumerated powers of the national government

enumerated powers

a rule or regulation issued by the president that has the effect of law; implemented and give administrative effect to provisions in the U.S. Constitution, treaties, or statutes

executive order

the belief that individual political action does have an impact on the political process in general

external political efficacy

a requirement in federal legislation that forces states and municipalities to comply with certain rules

federal mandate

In the Supreme Court case involving Charles Schenck, which tested the constitutionality of the Espionage Act, the Supreme Court decided that

freedom of speech could be curtailed if the words produced a "clear and present danger".

an order issued by a judge restricting the publication of news about a trial or pretrial hearing to protect the accused's right to a fair trial

gag order

using social media to draw attention to a cause

hashtag activism

Extreme ____________ appears on the Internet, including racist materials and denials of the Holocause.

hate speech

Based on the principle of "invidious discrimination", in order for the Supreme Court to declare discriminatory practices unconstitutional, the Court must decide that the practices

have no rational basis.

Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971

he ______ limited the amount that candidates could spend on their own campaigns, a limit later ruled unconstitutional.

reliability of a survey depends on what?

how well it is drawn and the quality of the questions

the view that most of the protections of the Bill of Rights apply to state governments through the 14th amendment's due process clause

incorporation theory

In the period following WWI to 1969, the rise of the threat of Russia and international communism resulted in

increased limitations on the freedom of speech, making it possible to ban speech simply for having the tendency to encourage evil deeds.

what are activists likely to provide in appealing to citizens?

inducements, assistance

the attribute of an individual's opinion that measures his or her amount of knowledge

informational support

an alternative explanation of the origin of life (aside from evolution); proponents of this contend that evolutionary theory has "gaps" that can be explained by the existence of an creative force (God)

intelligent design

the attribute of an individual's opinion that measures how strongly it is held; people act more often on issues they are intense about


In deciding a case in which a male citizen sued a state government over a law that he believed discriminated against him based on his gender, the Supreme Court would most likely rely on the

intermediate scrutiny test.

an individual's self-confidence in his/her ability to understand and participate in politics

internal political efficacy

citizens level of confidence in his/her ability to navigate the political landscape

internal political efficacy


is the belief that government should take an active role in reducing poverty and regulating the economy, support civil rights, and have a tolerance for social change. c. Liberalism

the power of the Supreme Court and other courts to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws and other acts of government

judicial review

In order for a work to be deemed obscene, an average person must reasonably conclude that the work

lacks any redeeming quality, is predominantly prurient, and is offensive.

a question worded to suggest a particular answer desired by the pollster

leading question

ideology which emphasizes: liberty, equal opportunity, private property, and individualism

liberal democratic ideology

larger role for gov't in protecting and ensuring equal rights, combines belief of personal freedoms with the belief that the gov't should intervene in the economy to promote greater equality, civil liberties, etc. Sense of optimism about our ability to improve our lives by changing institutions and patterns of authority


The Brown v. Board of Education decision overturned the Supreme Court's 1896 ruling in E) Plessy v. Ferguson.

mainly affected the southern states

the belief that an individual's actions have an impact on the political process; combines individual's level of confidence in their ability to navigate the political landscape (internal political efficacy) and the belief that indv'l political action does have an impact on the political process in general (external political efficacy). ex) R's don't trust D's in office

political efficacy

rights held to be inherent in natural law, not dependent on governments; John Locke stated that natural law, being superior to human law, specifies certain rights of "life, liberty, and property." ; rights were altered to become "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," are asserted in the Declaration of Independence

natural rights

artifacts or polls that do not allow respondents the opportunity to admit that they know little about a topic; question order is important; people don't want to admit they do not know something


The Court applies the Miller test to determine if speech is


physicians call intact dilation and extraction; a procedure that can be used during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

partial birth abortion

political philosophy expressing support for greater economic equality and for traditional social values


restraining an activity before it has actually occurred; when expression is involved, this means censorship; requires that a permit be obtained before a speech could be made, a newspaper published, or a movie or TV show exhibited

prior restraint

a public official, a public employee who exercises substantial governmental power, or any other person, such as a movie star, known to the public because of his or her position or activities; they have some access to a public medium for answering disparaging falsehoods about themselves; they must prove that the statements were made with actual malice

public figures

opinions held by private individuals that governments find it prudent to heed; attaches itself to issues of the public rather than the private; sets boundaries on type and expanse of policy proposals that citizens find acceptable; how strongly we believe it, how long we have held that view, grounds on which we base that belief, how important that is to su, and what we might be prepared to do about it.

public opinion

If an elderly woman sued a state government over a law requiring her to retire from a certain job at a certain age, the Supreme Court would most likely decide the case on the basis of the

rational basis test

If lower-income citizens sued a state government over a voting registration law that required them to present a driver's license or pay for an alternative state identification card in order to vote, the Supreme Court would most likely decide the case on the basis of the

rational basis test

the attribute of an individual's opinion that indicates how central it is to her or his daily concerns; its improtance


representing state-issued funds; the state and local governments issue these that can be used to "purchase" education at any school, public or private

school vouchers

any poll using proper sampling designs via mathematical laws of probability to ensure accuracy/ doesn't count every member of the population as long as we count a representative group within that population in a manner that isn't biased

scientific poll (George Gallup)

the principle of dividing governmental powers among different branches of government

separation of powers

public uttering of a false statement that harms the good reputation of another; the statement must be made to, or within the hearing of, persons other than the defamed party


the attribute of an individual's opinion that measures how consistently it is held


a group of people occupying a specific area and organized under one government; may be either a nation or a subunit of a nation


an unscientific survey of popular views; sampled opinions from journalists, experts, or subscribers to particular newspapers or consumer services, popular during turn of the 20th century

straw poll

In deciding a case in which an Asian American woman claims that a state law discriminates against her based on her ethnicity, the Supreme Court would most likely use the

strict scrutiny test.

expression made through articles of clothing, gestures, movements, and other forms of nonverbal conduct; given substantial protection by the courts

symbolic speech

reserved to the states respectively, or to the people

the 10th Amendment states that powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states by it, are

Most of the founders of the American republic probably had accommodationist views regarding the relationship between church and state, meaning that they believed that

the government should be permitted to support religion generally but not a particular religion specifically.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that the execution of child rapists is unconstitutional on all of the following grounds EXCEPT that

the potential pain suffered by an executed convict in a botched execution amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.

The principle of selective incorporation has been used to guarantee all of the following rights from intrusion by state governments, EXCEP

the right to a jury trial in civil cases.

When it was ratified, which of the following rights did the Constitution explicitly protect?

the right to demand a writ of habeas corpus

In the case of Korematsu v. United States, the Supreme Court decided that

the summary internment of Japanese Americans was a constitutional measure.

is more likely to occur from children to parents as it is to occur from parents to children

the transfer of political values

what is the most studied form of political participation, also the most common form of political participation? what resources does it require?

voting; time and light skill but no money

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