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navigation acts

the English government passed a series of laws: 1. All shipping had to be done in English ships or ships made in its colonies. 2. Products produced in the thirteen colonies such as tobacco, wood, and sugar could be sold only to England or its other colonies. 3. European imports to the colonies had to pass through English ports, where they were taxed, before arriving in the colonies. 4. English officials were to tax any colonies goods not shipped to England.

what was the result of the european colonization?

the Spanish got what they wanted and were very strict with the native Americans and forced them to work in gold and silver mines where the french and English spread Christianity but didn't find gold and silver.

what is the native american culture?

their housing, plants, animals and weather was a part of their culture. animals were referred as spirits even though they hunted and killed them. they used their skin and meat for allot of useful things. the rain and sun were gods. they believed that each person had an animal spirit.

-What is the result of King Phillips war? How do you think it will impact the Wampanoag people?

The English won in the end, which will be a bad impact for the Wampanoag because, their king was killed and his son was held for slavery. This resulted to them not having a leader. This will stop them from being able to develop their land and successfully succeed.

-What are the benefits and drawbacks from beginning to live as the Colonists?

The benefits are that their weapons are more advanced, drawback is that the native americans had more tools

interactions between europeans and native americans

it wasn't the best, they had a few conflicts. -the Spanish had the worst relationship with the native americans. they forced them to work as slaves in gold and silver mines. -the french were close to the native americans and even adopted their local costumes. -the english and the native americans had a close relationship at first but then the english changed it into war.

what do englands colonies provide for england

gold and silver, foodstuffs, and raw materials

difference between primary and secondary sources

p: from the actual person that actually wrote it and was there s: someone writting about someone or something and didnt get to see it and experiance it


- NATIVES - COLONISTS -TOOLS Hide, stone, wood, bone / Steel, wood, fabric -WEAPONS: Bows, knives / Steel armor, guns, swords -RELIGION Polytheistic / Catholism (Christianity) -CLOTHING Animal hides / Fabric

What type of products did England export? What type of products did England's colonies export?

-Manufactured goods -Gold, silver, foodstuff, and raw materials.

-Have the Wampanoag been successful in preserving their native culture?

-They have helped by organizing the empire by adding rules -Punishment for anyone who goes against the rules -Planning on fixing the land after the war

compare and contrast one native American tribe with one European tribe

-compare: Maryland and the Powhatan's both knew how to farm. they were also both a very important tribe and they both started off successfully and started with peace. -contrast: their way of living was different. Maryland was more professional and had schools and education, unlike Powhatan where staying alive and hunting-gathering and farming was their life. not to mention that Powhatan was allot older than marryland.

what did france do?

1. Capitalize on the fur trade 2. Have a new life 3. Hide from thieves/ killers 4. exported goods like gold silver and animal fur 5. Interactions were good

what did spain do

1. Convert Natives to Christianity 2. gained wealth 3. Expand their empire 4. exported goods like metal gold silver and gems 5. Interactions were horrible (the natives had to spread the bible and convert or else punishment)

what did england do?

1. converted the natives to Christianity 2. exported goods like tobacco and rice 3. Good interactions at first. when the settlements expanded they began to fight 4. ended up with bad interactions 5. During the war, they kicked the natives, wrapped, their heads, put them in spikes, and enslaved them

name 3 native American tribes and talk about each and their similarities or differences

1. the Patuxet: it was a part of the Wampanoag confederation. a young man called Tisquantum belonged to the tribe. he left his home to learn English, when he came back, he found out that the whole village was wiped out by a disease. so some diseases did hit the tribe and caused allot of people's deaths. Tisquantum ended up living with the Wampanoag's since that was the end of the Patuxet tribe, the plague struck them. they were doing really good though, before the disease. 2. the pilgrim settlement: they were an actual tribe and were ended up settling in the same place the Patuxet tribe ended. the pilgrims started their journey after the Patuxet tribe ended and they also interacted well with the Patuxet people that were left. Tisquantum, a Patuxet person because friends with the pilgrims and introduced them to the Wampanoags. the Wampanoags and the pilgrims had a great relationship. 3. the Powhatan: they started in Virginia and started well. their settlement took a big part of virginia. a leader made the tribe stronger by organizing 30 more tribes. they lived wealthy because they had hunters, gatherers and farmers. they were also safe and protected by walls. they didn't interact well with the English as in the English killed chief Powhatan after his daughter died while being married to an English person.

Why would people choose to become indentured servants? How did they benefit?

Because if someone is doing nothing and has nothing and I suffering in life, they have no other option but to work so they can maybe get a bit of money but more importantly, have shelter, food and water. Its better to live harshly then to not live or to suffer.

-What reasons might Native Americans want to begin to live as the Colonists?

Because the colonists were new and exciting to them/ their lifestyle was different

Why was there a shift from Native American slaves to African slaves?

Because then they realized racism, in the beginning they just made all the poor Native Americans become slaves but then they realized race color and they started to become racist and they freed all the Native Americans and put most of the African Americans to slavery. Also because of their looks, religion, and language was different.

Why was there a need for labor in the colonies?

Because they needed land and they didn't have many things to help them in life so they needed a solution

Explain why landowners felt they needed an alternative to indentured servitude.

Because they probably needed a servant to work for them and do their work. Maybe there's a wealthy old man that needs someone to do his stuff for him. What landowners needed was an alternative form of labor that would provide workers for a long period of time (4-7 years). Also to keep the supply of workers constant.

what is the Economic Interdependence of the triangular trade

England and its colonies traded with each other and depended on each other for resources. they traded with each other and got specific resources they wanted by giving resources they didn't want to others that wanted it. they traded things like raw materials, slaves and manufactured goods

Based on your understanding of the system of mercantilism and colonists' reactions to mercantilism, do you think this policy was fair towards the colonists?

England as you can see is being treated very well and is being gived and is getting stuff it wants. But, the colonies are doing all these things for England, their giving them their things and their foods and their not getting things in return but raw materials, also in the whole triangular trade and economic independence, England is always the one benefiting the most and getting more money the easy way.

-How would King Phillip feel about Puritans establishing colonies in New England?

He wouldn't support it because he wasn't a Puritan

hero or villain? John Eliot (1605-1690): Educated at Jesus College, Cambridge, in 1622, by 1630 Eliot became a Puritan minister and immigrated to the New World in 1631. Inspired with the idea of converting the Indians, Eliot learned and preached in the Native language, translated the Bible and founded "prayer towns" where converted natives could live.

Hero, because introduced a new religion to the place. And he translated the bible and the founded "prayer towns"

hero or villain? Massasoit (1590-1661): Massasoit was the grand sachem (intertribal chief) of all the Wampanoag Indians who lived in Pokanoket, 40 miles from the Puritan colony. After his death in 1661, he was succeeded by his son, Metacom, also known as Philip.

Hero, he kept the country good and then his son succeeded too

hero or villain? Samoset (1590-1663): An Abenaki chief, Samoset learned to speak English from fishermen who visited his coastal territory. The first Indian to greet the Puritans, he entered their settlement and announced, "Welcome, Englishmen!" He introduced the Puritans to Squanto, an emissary of the great Wampanoag chief, Massasoit,

Hero, he was the first Indian to meet the puritans and he. He introduced the Puritans to Squanto

What is the result of King Philip's War? How do you think this will impact the Wampanoag people?

I think that the relationship of the Wampanoag and the English will now be horrible and that the Wampanoag will hate the English. The English ruined everything for the Wampanoag. The Wampanoag were doing good but the English ruined it all and killed a lot of the Wampanoag. Also King Phillip ended up dying and that just made everything a lot worst.

How is mercantilism an example of economic interdependence?

It means like for example England's colonies sold blocks of wood for $4. So England's colonies needed England because they bought the wood, without England they wouldn't have gotten the money. Then England made the wood into a table and sold it back to England's colonies for $24. So England needed England's colonies because without them they wouldn't have gotten the wood to make the table, and who would they have sold it to if England's colonies werent there. also englands colonies need these manufactered goods and they get them form england. So both England and its colonies needed each other.

-Was Jamestown a success or failure?

It was somewhat a success but still a failure at some events. There were many diseases, which caused people to suffer and experience death. Although, they found a large amount of gold, silver, and metals. They still had great leaders and they had tobacco and rice which helped them survive. they also had combs, needles, weapons, glass beads, and lots more. their weapons upgraded greatly, they went from bows and arrows to guns and swords. Many people were sick and weak. even though they had to suffer war and loss, they were still a great tribe that had everything they needed. they ran out of food and water sometimes but they still managed to make it threw. they became very hungry that they ended up eating each other and drinking from dirty salt water. that was very hard and a failure event but i still think they succeeded at some things. they also had religion, not all agreed on the same one but most people were catholic christians. so i think jamestown was somewhat a success, even if they had to go through rough things throughout their life.

How did triangular trade benefit England and its colonies in North America? Explain.

It would help them because that way their getting the recourses they need from each and other country. They can get a specific thing from a specific country, instead of everyone just trading together. Triangular trade made it allot more organized for the colonies. It benefited England because England got allot of the stuff it didn't have like fish, whale oil, lumber and tobacco. All colonies got new recourses that helped them developed more and helped them become richer and have a better life.

what is the relationship between the "mother country" (England) and the "colony" (colonies) ?

Mother country as you can see is being treated very well and is being gived and is getting stuff she wants. But, the colonies are doing all these things for her, their giving her their things and their foods and their not getting allot of things in return.

-What were the differing perceptions between the colonists and the native americans

The colonists were scared of the Native americans in the beginning. The Native americans thought that the colonists were invading their area. (They were nice to them in the beginning but then they started fighting).

Describe the job of an indentured servant.

They farm and grow on other people's lands. They're treated harshly and live on other people's land. They work with agriculture.

Describe the labor system of slavery. Was it the same as the labor system of indentured servitude?

They weren't the same; in fact they were completely different. Servants had much more rights. The servants had the option of working for someone else but the slaves were forced. Slaves worked for a lifetime, nonstop, unlike the servants who only worked 4-7 years. The servants were probably treated better and got better shelter; food and money were the slaves probably got almost nothing.

hero or villain? Squanto (b-1622): Also known as Tisquantum, Squanto was kidnapped in 1605 and spent several years in Europe. He returned to the New World in 1619 to find that most of his tribe had been killed by disease. He eventually settled with Massasoit at Pokanoket and acted as a mediator (go-between).

Villain, he didn't think of the others and he was selfish and a liar

Based on triangular trade were England's colonies, England, Africa, and the West Indies economically interdependent? Explain.

Yes, the colonies received slaves from the West Indies who received slaves and gold from Africa. England received timber, fur, tobacco, indigo, rice and other raw materials from the colonies and the colonies got manufactured goods from England


a system of trade where colonies sold raw materials to England who used those resources to produce manufactured goods that were sold to the colonies.

why was triangular trade influential in the development of the colonies

because trade between england and its colonies would lead to economic independance

Economic interdependence

depending on another for resources, goods, or services

explain the reason for the european colonization

for trade, they wanted resources and land so they went to america and started a colonization. also they wanted gold silver and other gems and materials. they also wanted to spread christianity

what is the native american gender roles?

they called the men as lazy, and women as over-worked.the men only went hunting. the women did things like farming and harvesting the village crops of corn, squash, and beans. they collected firewood, took care of children, cooked, fetched water, and made clothing.

what would they do to a servant that is caught trying to escape?

they were given a longer length of servitude

-How was the relationship between the Native Americans and Colonists changing?

with most colonies It became worse and worse because they had war and started arguing but with some colonies it just stayed friendly

for England and its colonies? • Crime and Punishment

• Crime and Punishment - the colonies and England peoples were punished and small and big crimes were treated with the same punishment - they got punished the first way by not eating anything for a day. their second punishment would be whippings and 6 months of rowing in the colony's galleys

for England and its colonies? • Food and shelter

• Food and shelter -it was not safe to drink water because it was dirty. they made alcohol tea and wine. they ate mostly corn and made bread out of wheat. they also ate vegetables and meat when they had some. - they used wood stone and brick to build their houses and the furniture inside it

for England and its colonies? • Geography of the region

• Geography of the region - they had farms, forests, rivers, mountains, and lakes. they also had allot of highlands

for England and its colonies? • Trades/Professions and farm life

• Trades/Professions and farm life - they traded with each other and England's colonies sold raw materials to England and England sold manufactured goods to the colonies - the colonies grew and farmed crops like tobacco and rice. everything they grew they either kept or sold to England

for England and its colonies? • What was life like for children?

• What was life like for children? - kids usually helped their mothers give birth. - they didnt have allot of education - girls usually stayed indoors and did at home stuff - boys usually went outdoors to play outside or learn things with their dad

for England and its colonies? • What was life like for women?

• What was life like for women? - expected to help men. they did normal women things like run the house, take cate of children, and farm.

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