Excel Ch. 1 Study Guide

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The ____ area on the status bar includes six commands as well as the result of the associated calculation on the right side of the menu.

Auto Calculate

You can apply the Bold font style by pressing the ____ keyboard shortcut keys.


How many chart types does Excel offer?


The ___ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destination area with formatting.

Auto Fill Options

Excel's _____ function, which adds all the numbers in a range of cells, provides a convenient means to calculate a total.

Auto sum

You can click the ____________________ button arrow (HOME tab | Editing group) to view a list of often-used functions.

Auto sum drop down

______ corrects two initial capital letters by changing the second letter to lowercase.


The ______ feature works behind the scenes, fixing common spelling mistakes when you complete a text entry.


The default font for a new workbook is ______ 11 -point regular black.


Press ____ to select the entire worksheet.


Pressing the ___ keyboard shortcut key(s) selects cell A1.


What effect does the Comma Style Format have on the selected cells?

Displays cell contents with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators

What effect does the Accounting Number Format have on the selected cells?

Displays cell contents with two decimal places that align vertically

____ properties are associated with all Microsoft Office files and include author, title, and subject.


To erase an entire entry in a cell and then renter the data from the beginning, press the ___ key.

ECS or Delete

Clicking the ____ box completes an entry.


A given range contains the data that determines the size of slices in a corresponding pie chart; these entries are called the category names.


A single point is about 1/32 of one inch in height.


To use the AutoCalculate area, select the range of cells containing the numbers for a calculation you want to verify and then press and hold or double-click the AutoCalculate area to display the Customize Status Bar shortcut menu.


You should press the SPACEBAR to clear a cell.


You ____ a worksheet to emphasize certain entries and make the worksheet easier to read and understand.


As you type, Excel displays the entry in the ____.

Formula bar

Which of the filling is the Ribbon path to the Cell Styles button?

Home-tab Styles Group

The range of cells receiving copied content is called the _____ area.


Careful ____________________ can reduce your effort significantly and result in a worksheet that is accurate, easy to read, flexible, and useful.


The automatically adjusted cell reference in a pasted formula is called a

Relative reference

____ is/are used to place worksheet, column, and row titles on a worksheet


Modifying the column widths usually is done last because other formatting changes may affect the size of data in the cells in the column.


To add a pie chart, first select the data to be charted and then tap or click the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart button (INSERT tab | Charts group).


With Excel in Edit mode, you can edit cell contents directly in the cell.


The _____ button allows you to erase recent cell entries.


While typing in a cell, you can press the ______ key to erase all the characters back to and including the incorrect character you just typed.


To enter data in a cell, you must first select the ____.


You can enter the correct range in a function by typing the beginning and ending cell references separated by a ____.


The range of cells receiving the content of copied cells is called the ______.

destination area

Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the end of data in a cell?


A pie chart with one or more slices offset is referred to as a(n) ____ pie chart.


______ involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using computers, mobile devices, and related technologies.

green computing

Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the beginning of data in a cell?


Like an area chart, a(n) ____________________ chart often is used to illustrate changes in data over time.


Combining two or more selected cells into one cell is called ____ cells.


________ cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.


The active cell reference appears in the _______ on the left side of the formula bar.

name box

The easiest way to select a cell is to move the block _______________________ pointer to the cell and then click.

plus sign

A _____ reference is an adjusted cell reference in a copied and pasted formula.


Pressing the ____ key to complete an entry activates the adjacent cell to the right.

right arrow

The first step in creating an effective worksheet is to make sure you_____.

understand what is required

An Excel ____ allows data to be summarized and charted easily.


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