Excel Exam 2022

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To freeze rows 1 and 2, and columns 1, 2, and 3, which cell should you highlight before selecting Freeze Panes

row 3, column 4

You would like to filter your large worksheet down to only sales from January. Which action must you take before using the Filter feature

Make sure your date has no empty rows or columns.

Which type of chart is preferable when you are dealing with a timeframe

line chart

You hide three worksheets in a workbook and need to unhide them. How can you accomplish this

Right-click any visible sheet, then select which worksheet you want to Unhide.

While it might be considered "old-school," which action should you take if you are unsure how a page will print, even after looking at Page Break Preview

Print the first page.

You manage the worksheet shown below that contains a list of employees and a list of building numbers. The employee list is 1500 rows of data. What is the easiest way to sort the employee list without affecting the building number list

Add a blank column between columns B and C, click in cell A2, and select Sort.

The worksheet below has the split feature active as shown by the vertical line between columns B and C. Which cell was selected when split was chosen by the user


Which shortcut can you use to rename a worksheet

Double-click the sheet tab, and then type the new name.

You have data for Regions, Products, and Customers. Which option on a Pivot Table will you find in the Fields list


What does it mean that the right mouse button is "context-sensitive"

The menu items available will differ depending on the context of what you are right-clicking.

How can you access Track Changes in Microsoft Excel Office 365

Track Changes is located under the Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

What is a good rule-of-thumb for using color backgrounds in a worksheet

Use a light-color fill.

What is the best practice for entering dates and times in Excel

Use slashes for dates and colons for time.

You manage the worksheet shown below and it contains information for the company's 1500 employees. You are asked to provide a list of all of the employees who are full time and make more than $45,000 per year. What is the best way to create the list

Use the Filter option to filter by full time employees and use the Numbers filter to select greater than $45,000.

You created a formula in cell C8. When you copy the formula into cell D8, which action are you taking

You are changing the content in the formula to the content in cell D8.

To use AutoSum with a row of four values, where must your cursor be to have the sum appear in the row if you have not highlighted the cells

on the first empty cell to the right of the last cell containing a value

Where can you access the format cell's Dialog Box launcher

from the arrow to the right of Font on the ribbon

You resurrected an old worksheet. It appears to contain most of the information that you need, but not all of it. Which step should you take next

Check for data you have previously hidden.

You have a workbook with multiple worksheets and want an exact copy of one of the worksheets. How can you duplicate this sheet within the same workbook

Click in the tab name of the worksheet, hold the Ctrl key, and drag the worksheet.

You are creating a chart using the data shown below. What is the best chart type and style to use in order to make the upward sales trend most obvious

Create a line chart and make the chart more narrow than the default.

Which two keys are commonly used to move or insert data

Ctrl and Shift

Which shortcuts can you use for Undo and Redo

Ctrl+Z for Undo and Ctrl+Y for Redo

Why would you set up a workbook to be shared if you are the only one using the workbook

You can track changes.

What statement is accurate in regards to sharing workbooks

You must add the feature to the Quick Access Toolbar.

How does tracking changes relate to sharing a workbook in Excel

You must share the workbook to track changes.

As you are working with a pivot table, you decide to change some of your source data. How will the pivot table recognize the change

You will either have to click Refresh on the Analyze ribbon or click Alt+F5.

Although it is not a term Excel uses, how do most people think of Excel

as a spreadsheet

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