Excel Lesson 7 Quiz
A(n) ___________ is a line of text that appears at the top of each page of a printed worksheet.
document theme
A(n) _____________ is a predefined set of colors, fronts, and effects that can be applied to an entire workbook
b. on the home tab, in the cells group
In which of the following locations are check boxes that you can select to view or print gridlines? a. in print preview b.on the home tab, in the cells group c. on the page layout tab, int he page setup group d. on the page layout tab, in the page setup group
The ___________ is the line between rows or colunms
column header
The identifying letter at the top of a colunm is called the ___________.
a. right-click anywhere in the column and select format cells
Which of the followiing statements describes how to increase or decrease a column's width? a. right-click anywhere in the column and select format cells b. use the page setup dialog box c. drag the bountary next to the column heading d. select a width setting in the scale to fit group on the page layout
c.column width
Which of the following dialog boxes is used to transpose rows and colunms? a. page setup b. paste special c. colunm width d. row height
a. select a range of cells in the row or column, right-click, and select unhide
Which of the following statements describes how to you unhide a hidden row or colunm? a. select a range of cells in the row or column, right-click, and select unhide b. use the page setup dialog box c. remove all page breaks d. select the rows/colunms before and after the hidden rows/colunms and then right-click and select unhide
___________ refers to shrinking or stretching printed output to a percentage of its actual size
row height
______________ is the top-to-bottom measurement of a row, measured in point