Expansion of European Power and the New Imperialism

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Monroe Doctrine

-1823 -made entire Western Hemisphere American protectorate -Cuba's revolution against Spain made US involvement in international affairs

Leopold used his own wealth and political guile to realize colonial ambitions

-1876-formed International African Association -recruits English journalist and explorer Stanley to go to Congo -Stanley made treaties with local rulers (no idea what they were signing) -Belgian govt gave him interest free loan to pay for activities in Congo

Belgian Congo

-188s -personal property of King Leopold II -he was determined that Belgium would get colonies

British Expansion

-1910-Afrikaners and British form a pact that guaranteed ruler of Europeans over Blacks -Africans denied right to vote, excluded from positions of power, separateness

Goal: Stability

-Egypt needs to repay debts -Britain needs to retain control of Suez Canal -Britain built naval base at Alexandria and large garrison in Cairo -establish municipal govts -prevented Egyptians from establishing textile industry that would compete with England's textile mills

Justifications for Imperialism

-Europeans had duty to bring their higher culture to others -religious groups sent Christian missionaries -it was a social policy -profit -colonies attract European surplus population

Egypt was never an official part of Britain

-Khedives still reign but British had control through small number of British administrators and soldiers -use experience from India to run Egypt

Japan became a threat

-Russians built railroad across Siberia to Vladivostok, afraid of threat to Manchuria -Russia, France and Germany used diplomatic pressure to force Japan out of Liaotung Peninsula, China -Open Door Policy (1899)-US oppose foreign annexations in China and entrepreneurs can trade there on equal terms -Russia did not help win acceptance

North Africa

-a lot of it still part of Ottomans -Europeans secure interests: economic penetration and diplomatic pressure -1914-controlled all of North Africa -France, Algeria and Tunisia, Morocco; Italy, Libya; Britain; Egypt


-called a conference in Berlin -mapped out European controlled Africa -African territories become bargaining chips

European Expansion

-control over 10 million square miles, 150 million people -French-Algeria and Indochina -British-parts of Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand -GREAT POWER

Effect of Selling Cotton

-cotton prices were high and Egyptian economy boomed and govt revenues soared -when cotton prices fell so did revenue -govt became entirely dependent on European creditors -Suez Canal completely demolished finances

Effect of being under British Control

-economy grew and tax revenues increased -growth of Egyptian nationalism, demands for British to leave

South Africa

-fertile pastures, lots of coal, iron ore, gold, diamonds and copper -Afrikaners/Boers (descendents of dutch settlers) lived around Cape Good Hope -Britain settled there during Napoleonic wars

All imperial powers had the same goal in the race

-gain control through diplomacy or superior force -bring civilization to savage natives

New Imperialism was mostly driven by economic reasons

-imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism -competition eliminates inefficient capitalists and leads to monopoly -powerful capitalists soon run out of profitable areas investment and persuade govt to gain colonies in less developed countries

Vicotry in Spanish American War

-informal protectorate over Cuba and annexation of Puerto Rico -drove Spain out of the Western Hemisphere -Spanish had to sell Philippines and Guam -dominate Hawaii -America made an imperial and Pacific power

New Imperialism for European nation

-invest capital in less industrialized country -mines, farms, railroads, bridges, telegraph -employ natives -safeguard investments by loaning money or intimidating local govt

Direct Political Rule

-make colony -protectorate status-local ruler was puppet, military power -"spheres of influence"-special commercial and legal privileges w/o political involvement

Why was it possible for Europeans to impose their will on others

-material advantages -commanded loyalty, service and resources of inhabitants -considered their culture to be superior to others->arrogant


-not usually important markets for great imperial nations -control of new colonies may not have been profitable -businesspeople hoped colonial expansion would cure depression

Suez Canal

-opened in 1869 -built by French connect Ned to Red, direct route to Asia -1876 Khedive bankrupt and most of shares in company that ran the canal were sold to Britain


-policy of extending a nation's authority by getting territory or by establishing economic and political hegemony over other nations


-semi-independent province of Ottoman Empire under rule of Muslim dynasty (Khedives) -Khedives tried to modernize country with new harbors and European style army -borrow money from Europeans -repay by forcing farmers to plant cash crops (cotton) to sell internationally

Goal: economic exploitation (brutal)

-slave labor, intimidation, torture, mutilation and mass murder -try to get ivory and rubber from Congo Free State -Heart of Darkness-by Conrad-photos, eyewitness accounts, newspapers

British ruled the oceans

-trade and invest overseas without annexations -prepared to interfere forcefully if less industrialized country interfere with trade

Congress of Vienna prohibit Atlantic slave trade

1815 -British naval patrols enforced along African coast -Africa no longer source for slave labor, more important for raw materials -resources: ivory, rubber, minerals, diamonds, gold

Scramble for Africa

1870s-1900 -maximize control of territory and resources -imperial powers divided almost all continent EFFECTS: Africans integrated into modern world economy , new social organizations

The Egyptian Rebel

1881 -took over the govt to defend it -Britain sends a fleet and army and defeats them -70 years of British supremacy

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