Experimental Psych Final

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Between subjects

For a research study that compares problem solving ability for participants with three different levels of self-esteem (high self-esteem, medium self-esteem, and low self-esteem), what kind of design would be appropriate?


For the following data, what numbers are compared to assess the main effect of factor A?


How many conditions are there in a 3x2x2 factorial design?

100 participants

If a between subjects experiment produces 50 scores for treatment 1 and 50 scores for treatment 2, then the experiment must have employed

There is a main effect for both factors

If the means for a two-factor study are displayed in a graph and the lines in the graph are perfectly parallel (e.g horizontal lines), then what can you conclude about the main effects or the interaction?


In a 3x4 factorial design, there are ________ main effect(s) and _________ interaction(s).


In a study with a group of individuals being tested in a series of treatment conditions that extends over a relatively long time, it is possible that there will be systematic changes in the participants' physiology of psychology that occur during the tie of the study. If these changes influence the participants' scores, causing scores at the end of the study to be different form scores that the beginning, the effect is called

Between subjects

In an experiment on the effects of running on stress levels, one group of participants is tested after running on a treadmill for 30 minutes and another group is tested after resting on a bed. This experiment is an example of a ________ design.

To help control extraneous variables

In an experiment, participants are usually assigned to treatments using random assignment. The reason for using random assignment is

Dependent, independent

In an experimental research study, the researcher manipulates the ________ variable and measures the __________ variable.


In an observational study of a daycare center, you alternate between 10 minutes of observation and 10 minutes of recording behavior. This is an example of _______ sampling.


In an observational study of adolescents at a mall, you count the number of social interaction behaviors that occur within a given time interval. This is an example of the __________ method of quantifying behavior.

Contrived observation

In general, behavioral observation is very time consuming. However, this problem is greatly reduced by using

Low internal validity and low external validity

In general, case studies tend to have

Low internal validity and high external validity

In general, observational research tends to have

Prepare a list of behavior categories AND habituate participants

In order to reduce the risk that the participants' behavior will be influenced by the presence of an observer, establishing which of the following techniques would be useful

Regression towards the mean

In within subjects experiment, individual may have extreme scores (high or low) in the first treatment condition and have less extreme scores in the second treatment even when there is not real differences between the two treatments. In this case, the change in scores is due to _________.

Operational Definitions

It is possible for psychologists to study variables such as hunger, motivation and self-esteem because these variables can be measured by ______________.

Predictive validity

McClelland (1958) observed a group of children playing a ring toss game. He noticed that those who tried harder on the ring toss game scored higher on a need-for-achievement test. You have demonstrated

Medical Research with Humans

Most early attempts to establish ethical guidelines were focused on _____________.

Pros - real world data cons - Time consuming, observer influence, observation interpretation

Naturalistic pros and cons

Naturalistic observation

Observing the behavior of adolescents at the mall, you get some ideas about what may be causing the behavior. This is an example of getting research ideas from

Pros - unique perspective, observer is less conspicuous cons - time consuming, losing objectivity, observer influence

Participant Observation


Reaction time in seconds is an example of what scale of measurement?

Demand characteristics

Research setting that suggest what kinds of behavior are expected from a participant contain

Covergent Validity

a researcher is measuring social skills for pre-school children by observing their behavior during a play period. however, the researcher is concerned about the validity of the observational measure, so a questionnaire is sent home to each child's parents to obtain a second measure to social skill. the two measures are then compared to make sure that they agree. this is an example of establishing __________________.

There is no relationship between fatigue and reaction time

not a good example of a scientific hypothesis

Ratio and Interval

which scale(s) of measurement allow you to determine the size of the difference between two measurements?

Casual Observation

observing the behavior of adolescent at the mall, you get some ideas about what may be causing behavior. This is an example of getting research ideas from:

Points clustered close to a line that slopes down to the right

A Pearson correlation of r=-0.85 indicates that the graph of the data should show


A between-subjects experiment comparing four treatment conditions produces 20 scores in each treatment condition. How many scores were obtained for each participant?

There is an interaction between the treatment and client's gender

A clinician claims that the effectiveness of a new treatment varies depending on the gender of the client. Specifically, the new treatment has been shown to be very effective for females, but the treatment has little or no effect for males. In this example,

Nonexperimental study

A posttest-only nonequivalent control group design is an example of a

Time series

A prison psychologist measures depression for a group of participants each day for one week before and each day one week after the psychologist begins a series of group therapy sessions. This is an example of a(n) ________ design.

Participant observation

A research study investigates the experiences of mental patients and patient-staff interactions in psychiatric hospital. Researchers pretend to be mental patients in order to be admitted. This is an example of


A research study that finds that school use is strongly related to income level used the ___ strategy.


A research study that measures self-esteem for each individual in a group of first-born boys, and then compares differences with self-esteem scores for later-born boys used the _________ strategy.

Differential design

A researcher comparing attitude scores for men versus women is using a(n)

The third variable problem

A researcher conducts a survey examining eating and sleeping behavior as well as academic performance for a group of elementary school children. The results of the survey indicate that the children who eat a more nutritious breakfast tend to have better grades than the children who have a breakfast low in nutrition. However, the research suspects that the children's parents may be responsible for this relationship. Specifically, the better educated parents probably encourage their children to eat better food and work harder in school compared to parents with less education. If the research is correct, this is an example of


A researcher developed a new intelligence test for elementary school children. However, the researcher fears that the scores from the test may actually be measuring the children's reading ability. To show that the test may actually be measuring intelligence and not reading ability , the researcher must demonstrate ____________ validity

A longitudinal design

A researcher has studied the development of political attitudes for a group of college graduates by interviewing them at their class reunion every five years beginning in 1988. This research is an example of


A researcher is conducting a within subjects study that lasts for several days. If the weather changes dramatically during the course of the study, then the internal validity is threatened by:


A researcher is conducting an experiment comparing three treatment conditions. If the researcher uses a between subjects design, there will be _________ score(s) for each participant but if a within-subjects design is used there will be _______ score(s) for each participant


A researcher is interested in the eating behaviors of rats and selects a group of 25 rats to be tested in a research study. The group of 25 rats is a _______________.

Participant observation

A researcher joins a religious cult in order to observe their behaviors. This researcher is using

The directionality problem

A researcher reports an inverse relationship between weight and exercise for a group of 8 year old children (greater weight is associated with less exercise). However, the researcher cannot be sure whether the extra weight is preventing the children from exercising or whether the lack of exercise is leading to greater weight. This is an example of

Correlational research strategy

A researcher watches children on a playground to obtain measurements of their level of activity. Then the researcher watches the children's caregivers on the playground to obtain measurements of their level of verbal reprimanding of children. The researcher hopes to demonstrate that the caregivers verbal reprimanding is related to children's activity level. This researcher is using the

Stratified random sampling

A sample consists of 25 freshman, 25 sophomores, 25 juniors, and 25 seniors from a local high school. This sample is probably and example of _______________________


A scatter plot shows a set of data points that are clustered close to a line that slopes down to the right. Which of the following values would be closest to the correlation for this data?

Descriptive research study

A study addressing how many cigarettes a week are smoked by adolescents at high school is an example of what type of approach?

Progressive effects

A within subjects study measures motor skills by having participants assemble a wooden puzzle under different treatment conditions. During the study, the participants get better at the task simply because of practice. As a result, scores for later treatment conditions are higher than scores for early treatment condition. In this example, the study is confounded by _____________.

developing the hypothesis

After a research idea is found, the next step in the research process involves ___________________.


Artificial/lab setting

A causal relationship between temperature and activity level

Dr Jones systematically varies the temperature in her laboratory (70, 80. & 90 degrees) and observes that her participants' activity level decreases as the temperature increases. This illustrates:

No-treatment control group

Dr Kim is systematically varies the amount of caffeine in cola (1, 10, 20 mg) and observes that his participants' anxiety level increase. The 0-mg condition represents

Pros - less time consuming Cons - less natural


Participant Observation

Researcher engaging in the same activity

Research involving human participants

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for reviewing


The ____________ section Provides suggestions for the interpretation and applications of research results.


The _______strategy is being used when a researcher attempts to address questions about cause and effect relationships between two variables, however, the study contains a flaw prohibiting an unambiguous answer.

External validity

The degree to which your research results generalize beyond the specific characteristics of you study refers to


The following data represent the means for each treatment condition in a two-factor experiment. Note that one is not given. Which of the flowing values would result in no interaction between factors?

Learn of existing knowledge and identify a gap in that knowledge

The goal of conducting a literature search is to

Case study research

The multiple personality study focused on one woman in the Three Faces of Eve is an example of

Random sampling

The names of all students in the class are listed on separate pieces of paper. The teacher places the paper in a hat and mixes them thoroughly before reaching in to draw out five names. The teacher is using:

Smith (1995)

The proper way to cite a source in a research report, when the author's name appears as the subject of the sentence

What was done What was found How the study is related to other knowledge

The purpose of a research report is to provide what kind of information?

A positive correlation

The results from a research study indicate that adolescents who watch more sexual content on TV also tend to engage in more sexual behavior than their peers. The correlation between amount of TV sexual content and amount of sexual behavior is an example of

The results of descriptive and inferential statistics

The results of an APA style research report typically describes

Preferred labels

To avoid biased language, which of the following should be used in APA writing style

Public opinion research where participants compete anonymous questionnaires

Under which of the following circumstances is informed consent not necessary?

How much different there is between two individuals

What additional information is provided by measurements from an interval scale that is not provided by measurements from an ordinal scale?

To increase external validity

What is the general purpose for using simulations and field studies?


When an observer switches recording one behavior to another during an observation period, it is known as _______ sampling

Criterion variable

When students apply to colleges, they usually are required to submit SAT scores along with their applications. College officials know that there is a good relationship between scores on the SAT and success in college. In this situation, success in college is the

The method of tenacity

When you "know" that you do not want to eat fried worms, even when everyone around you says that they taste great, your decision is based on

method of authority

When your doctor asks you whether you have been sleeping at night, the doctor is gathering info by using the _________

A person may claim to be an expert when he or she is not An "expert" answer may be only a personal subjective opinion The question may be outside the expert's area of expertise

Which of the following is a potential problem with the method of authority?

Convenience sampling

Which of the following sampling techniques is most likely to result in a biased sample?

None of these should be used in APA style writing

Which of the following should be used in APA style writing?

Recoding whether or not a behavior occurs during individual periods of time

Which of the following would be an example of the interval method of quantifying behavior?

Employees of a company are classified as management or line workers

Which situation illustrates the use of a nominal scale?

Concurrent validity

You develop a new measure of depression and you find that your measurement correlates highly with an established measure of depression. You have demonstrated


You find some mushrooms growing in your backyard and want to find out if they are poisonous; so you eat a few and observe what happens. This is an example of the _____________ method of knowing or acquiring knowledge.

Practical Problems

Young children occasionally have temper tantrums. You wonder what the best way for parents to handle these episodes. This is an example of getting research ideas from ________________.

Rational Method

a group of students in a cooking class is trying to find a faster way to bake cake. They know that it takes 30 minutes to bake a cake at 350 degrees; so they figure that it should take only 15 minutes at 700 degrees. the students are using the ________________ to solve the problem.

results section

describe stats, describe IV and DV, report inferential stats, variability, significance, figure or results

It means that the research study or the results are not objective

if a researcher's bias or expectations are allowed to influence the results of a study, then the integrity of the scientific method is threatened because ________________________

Naturalistic, participant observation, contrived

three types of behavioral observation

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