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When are the Sun's rays perpendicular to Earth's surface at the equator? Choose all that apply.

September Equinox March Equinox

On a day with half cloud cover, what happens to the visible light headed toward Earth?

The clouds reflect some of it back to space, and some still reaches the surface.

In which country is tropical deforestation a primary issue?

Tropical deforestation is an issue in all of the above countries.

Which of the following climate types is likely to experience the most warming?


Which of the following absorbs most incoming solar radiation?


Light-colored surfaces __________ than dark-colored surfaces.

have a higher albedo

Which of the following economic activities most closely coincides with the areas at risk of future drought?

livestock ranching

Assume that you wanted to give the impression that, although CO2 levels have indeed increased over the past 50 years, they have not had a significant impact on average surface temperatures. Which of the scales shown in Step 3 would be the best choice?

scale 4

The Vostok ice core curve shows CO2 concentrations over the last __________.

1 million years

What two trends are commonly seen in modern monthly CO2 concentration charts?

1) an up-and-down seasonal trend, and 2) overall increasing CO2 levels through time

Of the 50% of incoming solar radiation that is not absorbed by Earth's surface, how much is lost to space by reflection and scattering?


Which of the following is the best statement regarding the graph of atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased by more than 100% over the past 50 years.

What evidence is there that the O'Higgins Glacier is being affected by global warming?

It has retreated nine miles in the past 100 years because of melting.

Choose the list of predicted trajectories for CO2 concentration that matches them in order with the aggressive, moderate, and minimal control scenarios.

B, A, C

The areas of desertification overlap the most with which climate type?


Which of the following is true when comparing the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station and Barrow, Alaska CO2 concentration curves?

Both curves show an overall decrease in atmospheric CO2 over time.

The Cs (Mediterranean—Summer Dry) climate is largely associated with which of the following biomes?


More than half of which climate type averages between 40 and 59 inches of precipitation a year?


In which climate type is the most forest damage occurring?

continental midlatitude climates (D)

Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right.

1. Although their concentration in the atmosphere is lower than carbon dioxide, AEROSOLS absorb Earth's outgoing radiation and cause warming of the troposphere. 2. When a component of the climate system is altered, the possible responses are known as CLIMATE feedback mechanisms. 3. Effects that reinforce the initial climate system change are called POSITIVE -feedback mechanisms. 4. Because they reflect sunlight back into space, TRACE GASES have a net cooling effect on the climate system. 5. Effects that produce the opposite results from the initial climate change are referred to as NEGATIVE- feedback mechanisms.

Which range of population living on arable land is most closely associated with high water-resources vulnerabilities in southern Asia?

500-999 people per square kilometer of arable land

What has analysis of ice cores revealed about atmospheric greenhouse gas levels during the historic period?

A sudden rise in greenhouse gas levels coincides with the start of the Industrial Revolution.

What is the order, from most to least, of the total amount of deforestation among river basins in South America?

Amazon, La Plata, Orinoco

How might global warming affect cities that rely on glacial runoff for their water supply?

Cities may face long-term water shortages as the amount of water generated by glacial melt will decline as glaciers shrink.

Which of the following solutions would best address the threat posed to arctic wildlife as a result of drilling for oil?

Create a comprehensive arctic treaty that oil companies must obey.

Which of the following characteristics of Earth's relationship to the Sun explains the existence of Earth's seasons? Choose all that apply.

Earth's axis always points in the same direction relative to the stars Earth's axis is tilted relative to its orbital plane. Earth spins on its axis, completing one rotation each day. Earth orbits around the Sun, completing one orbit each year.

Polar and subarctic climates generally have small precipitation totals. However, these climates are classified as humid rather than dry. Which of the following statements help to explain this apparent paradox? Select all that apply.

In these climates, net precipitation is greater than the evaporation, even though there is little precipitation. In cold climates, low temperatures mean there is little evaporation.

Which city has the highest population, experiences poor urban air quality, and is located along a polluted river?


What is one result of the changing conditions in the arctic?

Polar bears must swim farther to find food.

How did the University of Florida help address the problem of global warming?

The athletic program used solar energy during games to remove carbon dioxide from the air.

The _____ refers to the portions of Earth's surface where water exists in solid form.


Which of the following areas where soil degradation is a serious concern has the highest population density?

southern Asia

More solar radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface than by __________.

the atmosphere

Which three gases are most important on Earth for inhibiting the release of longwave radiation back into space?

water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane

In general, what is the difference between the energy that comes into Earth from the Sun and the energy that Earth emits back to space?


Where does the length of day remain the same throughout the year?

at the equator

If the greenhouse effect ceased to exist on Earth, which of the following would result?

The average surface temperature would drop to below the freezing temperature of water.

Which set of statements is correct?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 250 years.

Why are countries like Russia, Canada, and the United States interested in securing legal rights to the arctic?

They want to access oil and natural gas found in the arctic.

Which of the following is the best statement regarding the graph of atmospheric CO2 and surface temperature changes over the past 50 years?

This data set represents the strongest evidence available for anthropogenic global warming.

What could be considered by some a positive outcome of the changing climate conditions in the arctic?

an increase in coal mining profits on the islands near the arctic

In a conversation with a friend, he expresses skepticism about global warning. When you inquire about his reasons, he responds by saying that the weather in that area has been the coolest he can remember. Using the information you have learned, what information could you offer to encourage your friend to reevaluate his position? Select all that apply.

Weather and climate are different. Cooler weather does not mean the global climate is also cooler. "Global warming" means that the average global temperature is increasing. It doesn't mean that temperatures everywhere are hotter.

What is an "exclusive economic zone"?

a marine area where countries have the right to explore and extract resources

Of the following climate regions, which includes areas that average over 60 inches of precipitation a year?

humid subtropical

Approximately how much of the world's oil and natural gas reserves are believed to be in the arctic?


From 400,000 to 50,000 years ago, the carbon dioxide levels fluctuated between ___________.

300 and 400 ppm

What mean July temperature range is most prevalent in the arid climate regions of Africa and Asia that are located in the Northern Hemisphere?

30° Celsius and above

The two main locations where ice cores are drilled are the Antarctic and __________ Ice Sheets.


Which of the following climate types is most prevalent at elevations of 4000 meters and higher?


How is positive feedback affecting the arctic?

It is causing arctic temperatures to rise faster than areas of lower latitude.

What happens to the energy that the ground absorbs in the form of visible sunlight?

It is returned upward in the form of infrared light.

On a cloudless day, what happens to most of the visible light headed toward Earth?

It reaches Earth's surface, where some is reflected and some is absorbed.

When do all locations on Earth experience equal lengths of day and night? Choose all that apply.

March Equinox

Which general statement is true regarding the population distribution in South America?

Population densities are high along the eastern and northwestern coasts of South America.

What is causing a decline in Antarctica's Chinstrap penguins?

Populations of the penguin's major food source are declining because of melting sea ice.

What impact would rising sea levels have on human migration?

Rising sea levels would cause enormous migration as people move inland away from affected areas.

How would a 50 percent increase in Earth's albedo impact average surface temperatures? Select all that apply.

Surface temperatures would increase, causing a decrease in surface water and/or ice on Earth, and would thus cause a further increase in albedo. A higher albedo means more of the Sun's radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface.

Which of the following is true about Venus?

The high abundance of greenhouse gases absorb most outgoing longwave radiation.

How does the inclination of Earth's axis change over the course of a year?

The inclination of Earth's axis does not change.

Which of the following explains why these climates are nevertheless found along the continental margins of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans? Select all that apply.

The ocean is warmer than the continents at these locations, so it has higher air pressure. Atmospheric circulation primarily occurs from west to east. These regions are more eastern; therefore, they are impacted by circulation from the west.

How does planting trees offset carbon generated by the University of Florida athletic program?

The planted trees will sequester carbon dioxide from the air as they grow.

The angle at which sunlight hits Earth is one of the most important factors impacting the average temperatures in a region. -Higher angle (more direct) sunlight warms Earth more effectively. -Earth's axis is tilted by ~23°. Earth currently makes a full rotation every 24 hours (the basis for our day). -The tilt of the axis is why latitudes greater than 66° N don't receive any sunlight in the winter, or have any darkness in the summer. It is also why equatorial regions are warmest―they receive the most direct sunlight year-round. Read the sentences below, and indicate which accurately describe the effects of Earth's rotation and the angle of the Sun. Select all that apply.

The tilt of Earth and the latitude of a city affect the degree and amount of direct sunlight that the location receives at the winter solstice. You see the Sun directly overhead in Anchorage, Alaska, at 60° N on the summer solstice. This indicates that Earth is tilted at a 50° angle.

Your roommate, who has not studied climate, says, "I thought the greenhouse effect was a bad thing. Isn't it what's causing global warming?" Which of the following statements might you use to help your roommate understand the true nature of the greenhouse effect? Select the two that apply.

When there are more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect is stronger. Some gases, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, "trap" the heat radiated by Earth, causing warming.

What is the term for the total radiation that is reflected by a surface?


Which of the following arguments could be made for NOT adopting an aggressive control strategy worldwide?

all of the above

The Moon has __________ because all energy is reradiated back to space.

an atmosphere that absorbs radiation

The Neutral Gator program used methods that _____.

decreased production of carbon dioxide and reduced the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere

Fans attending University of Florida athletic events are responsible for providing carbon offsets for _____.

fossil fuels used to get fans to and from the stadium

The greenhouse effect raises Earth's surface temperature (from what it would be otherwise) because the infrared light radiated by Earth's surface __________.

is temporarily absorbed by greenhouse gases and then reemitted in random directions

The temperature range of the past 7,000 years was __________ the temperature range of the preceding 30,000 years.

less stable than

The areas that are at very high risk of desertification are most commonly associated with which range of annual average precipitation?

less than 19 inches

The dense atmosphere of Venus is ________, causing most incoming solar radiation to be _________.

light in color; longwave

Assuming that increasing CO2 concentrations are directly linked to increased surface temperatures, which scenario should result in a reduction of temperatures to below their 1960-1990 averages by 2040?

moderate control

In the climate system diagram, modeling results show that observed changes in temperature closely align with __________.

neither natural nor human effects

If the USA adopted and maintained a policy of minimal control of CO2 emissions, what level would we expect its emissions to be in 2020?

none of the above

CO2 levels drop during spring and summer months because __________.

photosynthetic organisms are absorbing CO2

In addition to glacial ice, what other natural climate recorder is discussed in the SmartFigure?

plant pollen

In which of the following regions is extensive deforestation most prominent?

plateau of Tibet

The University of Florida's athletic program became carbon neutral because it _____.

promoted programs that reduced fossil fuel use and sequestered carbon

In general, which two factors determine the overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere?

radiation coming into and radiation going out of Earth's atmosphere

For which of the scales shown in Step 3 is the increase in CO2 concentrations less than 10%?

scale 4

The Sun emits __________ radiation, but it is radiated back off of planetary bodies as __________ radiation.

shortwave; longwave

The most recent spike of CO2 (over 280 ppm) in the atmosphere correlates to __________.

the last ice age

What is the December solstice?

the time of the year when Earth's geographic North Pole is leaning most directly away from the Sun

What is the June solstice?

the time of the year when Earth's geographic North Pole is leaning most directly toward the Sun

Global warming is _________________.

the warming of Earth's atmosphere primarily caused by the production of greenhouse gases due to human activity

Why are researchers from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland setting off explosions in an area of the arctic?

to determine whether the Lomonosov Ridge is joined to the Canadian/Greenland continental shelf

Which natural region dominates the Af climate type?

tropical rain forest

Who were the first people to profit from arctic waters?


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