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Types of searches

. The two most commonly used searches by NSF are the standing and prone searches.

Discuss the steps to perform a vehicle search.

1. Look for devices designed to kill rather than harass. 2. Whereas a bomb in a building is normally set to detonate at a specific time, an auto bomb usually has a triggering device. 3. The initial action in a vehicle-involved incident is to evaluate and secure as much information as possible from the driver/owner (any threats, evidence of tampering, suspicious noises, unfamiliar objects). 4. Find out when the vehicle was last operated; whether it is locked; and who may be the next person in the vehicle (who is the intended target, driver, or passenger?). 5. C Check the area around the vehicle for signs of tampering (marks on the ground, bits of tape, wire insulation, etc.).

Discuss the steps to conduct a personnel/detainee search: Search of suspects

1. NSF searches suspects for weapons or evidence. All apprehended suspects shall undergo a search prior to transport to ensure the safety of both NSF and suspects. The apprehending NSF member makes the decision to search. A search may escalate if NSF members detect an object that they believe may be a weapon or other instrument likely to cause death or bodily harm. At that time, NSF may begin an intrusive search into the garment, etc., to retrieve the item. Base this decision on the situation. Searching is potentially a dangerous time for NSF and, if not properly conducted, may result in serious bodily injury or death. Search techniques exist to minimize these dangers. NSF who fail to take full advantage of these techniques pose a threat to themselves and their fellow NSF members. A good rule of thumb is to remember that all apprehended suspects are potentially dangerous; NSF should afford themselves all possible protection.

Standing search. The standing search is used primarily on suspects who do not appear dangerous or violent or are not so drunk/drugged that they cannot stand under their own power

1. With one patrol member at the suspect's right rear, the assisting NSF member should take an over watch position in front of the suspect, opposite the side of the searching member, to maintain surveillance of the search procedures. The assistant must remain close enough to physically aid the searching NSF member if necessary. 2. As the searching member, instruct the suspect to turn his/her head facing the opposite direction of intended approach. Next, grab the handcuff link chain with the hand palm down. Keep your weapon or strong side away from the suspect while placing your foot directly behind and centered between the suspect's feet. Instruct the suspect to keep his/her head up and knees flexed. If the suspect becomes uncooperative or aggressive, control is gained by pulling the handcuffs down and back to keep the suspect off balance. 3. Search the suspect's entire side from the position you are in. If the suspect is wearing a hat, remove it and search it: Carefully check the hat for sharp objects, weapons, and contraband. Pay particular attention to the area beneath the sweatband and seams. After searching the hat, drop it on the ground behind the suspect. Use the hat as a container for any items taken from the suspect. 4. Run your fingers through the suspect's hair and around the left side of the head. Then search the back of the suspect's neck. 5. Work down the side of the suspect's back, checking across the spine to the left side and down from the collar to the waist. 6. Search the suspect's side to the armpit and down the underside of the arm to the suspect's hand. 7. Check the rest of the suspect's arm from the hand to the shoulder. Search the suspect's throat and chest working down to the waist. 8. Search the suspect's side to the armpit and down the underside of the arm to the suspect's hand. 9. Check the rest of the suspect's arm from the hand to the shoulder. Search the suspect's throat and chest working down to the waist figure. 10. Starting at the suspect's waist, in front, search the waistline to the small of the back. 11. Move the left foot back for balance and crouch down. Pull the handcuffs downward and back to maintain control. 12. Search the suspect's buttocks and groin area. Search down the inside of the suspect's left leg, inside the top of the left shoe, under the arch of the shoe, and back up the outside of the suspect's left leg to the waist.

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:Assessment Zone

1. around an ECP includes the visual range of the base gate guard, pies watch, or Quarterdeck watch.

Discuss Antiterrorism/Force Protection Plans

A plan that documents the specific measures taken to establish and maintain an antiterrorism/ force protection program, ensuring readiness against terrorist attacks.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Raids or Ambushes

A terrorist raid is similar in concept to a conventional military operation, but usually is conducted with smaller forces against targets marked for destruction, hijacking, or hostage/barricade operations. In some cases, the raid is designed to allow control of the target for the execution of another operation. An ambush is a surprise attack characterized by violent execution and speed of action.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Environmental Destruction

Although this tactic has not been widely used, the increasing accessibility of sophisticated weapons to terrorists has the potential to threaten damage to the environment. For example, possible tactics may include the intentional dumping of hazardous chemicals into the public water supply, poisoning or destroying a nation's food supplies through introduction of exotic plants or animals, destroying oil fields, or attacking an oil tanker to cause ecological harm. The use of exotic insects, animals, or plants to poison or damage the food supply or ecosystem is a potential low-cost weapon

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.. Assassination

An assassination is a deliberate action to kill specific, usually prominent, individuals such as political leaders, notable citizens, collaborators, or particularly effective government officials, among others. A terrorist group will assassinate people it cannot intimidate, those who have left the group, people who support the "enemy," or people who have some symbolic significance to the enemy or world community. Terrorist groups may refer to these killings as "punishment" or "justice" as a way of legitimizing them. Assassinations are an effective psychological tool of terrorist tactics.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Threats or Hoaxes

Any terrorist group that has established credibility can employ a hoax with considerable success. A credible threat causes time and effort to be devoted to increased security measures. A bomb threat can close a commercial building, empty a theater, or delay an aircraft flight at no cost to the terrorist. Threats may also be used by terrorists to probe and observe security procedures. Repetitive or an inordinate number of false alarms may dull the analytical and operational efficiency of key security personnel, thus degrading readiness. For more discussion, see Chapter III, "Intelligence."

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: The attack

Attacks can occur in an installation, unit, exercise, port, ship, residence, facility or other sites.

Discuss criticality and vulnerability assessments.

Criticality and vulnerability (c/v) assessments help planners determine which assets are critical to a unit's mission and which are most vulnerable to attack.

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:Interview techniques

ECP personnel shall develop interviewing techniques that can be used as a tool to determine hostile intent.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Hijacking.

Hijacking involves the forceful commandeering of a mode of conveyance. Normally associated with aircraft—often referred to as skyjacking—it may also include ships, trains, or other forms of conveyance. Hijacking normally is carried out by terrorists to produce a spectacular hostage situation or provide a vehicle for carrying out a lethal mission (e.g., using an aircraft as a weapon), but is also employed as a means of escape.

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:Suicide bomber Techniques

It is imperative that sentries be familiar with and alert to suicide bomb indicators which include: 1. Surveillance, particular focusing on the ECP 2. Rehearsals in or around the ECP 3. Information about purchase of or illicit access to facility blueprints 4. Unseasonable, conspicuous, or bulky clothing. 5. Obvious or awkward attempts to blend into crowds. 6. Repeated and nervous handling of clothing items.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Kidnapping and Hostage Taking

Kidnapping is the unlawful seizure and captivity of one or more individuals. Kidnappings usually result in the individual being held hostage in order to extract specific demands, but may be for intelligence gathering or execution. A successful kidnapping usually requires elaborate planning and logistics. Similarly, hostage taking is the seizure of one or more individuals usually overtly, with the intent of gaining advantage: publicity, ransom, political concessions, and release of prisoners. Targets of terrorist related kidnappings and hostage taking are usually prominent individuals such as high ranking foreign diplomats or officers; or of symbolic value such as government, military, or law enforcement personnel; foreign businesspeople; or tourists. Because the perpetrator may not be known for a long time, the risk to the perpetrator is less than in the overt hostage situation. Hostages can also serve as human shields, increasing terrorists' chances of success in carrying out a mission or to use in exchange for other government detainees or prisoners. While dramatic, hostage and hostage barricade situations are risky for the perpetrator. Killing of hostages may occur once the terrorist group believes that it has fully exploited the media coverage from the situation.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Arson

Less dramatic than most tactics, arson has the advantage of low risk to the perpetrator and requires only a low level of technical knowledge. It is most often used for symbolic attacks and to create economic effects.

Precautionary check.

Make a precautionary check of the suspect prior to the actual search. The precautionary check will consist of verbal communication with the suspect. Ask suspects if they have any sharp objects on their person (e.g., needles, razor blades, or knives). Regardless of the suspect's reply, proceed with caution to determine the location of any objects. Remember that this is a high-risk environment for health hazards such as exposure to HIV, Hepatitis B virus, or other blood-borne pathogens resulting from a stick or cut.

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: Selection Surveillance

Mobile and fixed personnel and devices. Mobile surveillance means following targets to discern this patterns and routines. Fixed surveillance occurs when both terrorist's personnel and devices stay in one spot to observe that target.

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: Detailed Surveillance

Multiple signifying of the same person vehicle or activity, separated by time, distance or direction. Individuals who sit in a parked car for an extended period of time. Individuals wearing improper attire and does not fit into the surrounding environment. Exhibiting unusual behavior such as starving, taking notes or pictures.

Decision to search

NSF must make an on-the-scene decision and assessment of each situation to decide which search method to employ. No matter which one is used, conduct it quickly and thoroughly. For quickness, search systematically; for thoroughness, never pat or run hands over the suspect lightly—grab or squeeze every inch of the suspect's clothing during the search. Although a NSF member can start a search from either side, it should always start from the same side the hand rotation technique is applied to maintain effective control over the suspect

Discuss the following in regards to ECP: Obstacles and Barriers

Obstacles obstructions employed to disrupts channel, turn or block the movement of personnel or vehicles and barriers should be constructed using defense in depth principles.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Sabotage

Sabotage is defined as deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, and/or destruction. The objective in most sabotage incidents is to demonstrate how vulnerable society and its critical infrastructure are to terrorist actions and the inability of the government to stop terrorism. Industrialized societies are more vulnerable to sabotage than less highly developed societies. Utilities, communications, and transportation systems are so interdependent that a serious disruption of any one affects all of them and attracts immediate public and media attention. Military facilities and installations, information systems, commercial industry, human resources, and energy and communication infrastructures are examples of attractive targets of terrorist sabotage.

Patrol safety

Search apprehended suspects as soon as possible after apprehension unless the situation dictates otherwise. NSF members should not search an individual without the aid of another NSF member. The assisting NSF member participating in the search provides additional suspect control and reduces the probability of the suspect's escalating the risk. For MWD teams, the dog is considered the assisting member and is positioned as required. Do not draw a weapon unless its use is imminent or the reason for apprehension would justify its use.

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Seizure

Seizure usually involves occupying and holding a prominent building or object of symbolic value (e.g., a US embassy, DOD Web site, or cyberspace node). There is usually considerable risk to the terrorist because security personnel have time to plan and react. Security personnel are more likely to use force to resolve the incident, if few or no innocent lives are involved.

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: Training and Preparation

Sentries or watch standers should have the ability to note the descriptions and details of any suspected surveillance activity. Detailed descriptions of suspicious personnel to include: 1. Gender, height, weight, hair color, build, race, identifying marks. 2. Clothing 3. Equipment, camera, phone, or notebook 4. Time of day 5. Exact location of suspicious activity 6. Detailed description of vehicle

List and discuss tactics used by terrorists.Bombing

The IED is the terrorist's weapon of choice. IEDs can be inexpensive to produce and, because of the various detonation techniques available, may be a low risk to the perpetrator. Another common method of attack is suicide bombings. Advantages to these tactics include their attention-getting capacity and the ability to control casualties through time of detonation and placement of the device. Announcing responsibility for the bombing or denying responsibility for the incident, should the action produce undesirable results, generates media interest and may lead to increased coverage of a terrorist group's agenda/activities.

List and discuss the FPCON

The force protection condition (FPCON) system describes the progressive level of protective measures implemented by all DOD components in response to terrorist threats. The FPCON system is the principal means through which a military commander or DOD civilian exercising equivalent authority applies an operational decision on how to best guard against the threat. These guidelines will assist commanders in reducing the effect of terrorist and other security threats to DOD units and activities.

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: Target Selection

Watch schedules entry controls procedures periodicity of rowing patrols and volume of traffic, citizenship of security guards, and the presence of defensive weapons

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:

a. Assessment, warning zone, and threat zone.


applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence is received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent. This FPCON is normally declared as a localized condition. FPCON Delta measures are not intended to be sustained for substantial periods.

FPCON Normal

applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists and warrants a routine security posture.

FPCON Charlie

applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. Prolonged implementation of Charlie measures may create hardship and affect the activities of the unit and its personnel.


applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. Sustaining Bravo measures for a prolonged period may affect operational capability and relations with local authorities.


applies when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable. Alpha measures must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:Warning Zone

at an ECP is a physically separated area closer to the critical asset than the assessment zone where unknown and unauthorized personnel are inspected and identified.

Describe the following phases of terrorist attack methodology: Target Options

terrorists closely examine all details of a target, including watch schedules, entry control procedures periodicity of rowing patrols, and volume of traffic, citizenship of security guards, and the presence of defensive weapons

Discuss the following in regards to ECP:Threat Zone

the area past the post. ECP standoff zone to the protected asset or area is the treat zone.

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