What did facebook develop in 2013?
a search feature- search by hashtag
What are some secrets of facebooks success?
Active users (once every 3 days) Ease of use Accessible features Memorable name Advertising model Financial injections received from Li Ka-Shing ($60 million)
What are some social issues of Facebook?
Can make or break relationships, the number one cause of divorce, and can make or break businesses
When and what did Facebook start as?
Facebook started in 2004 as a Harvard only social network
What companies has facebook acquired?
Friendfeed, Instagram- 2012 for $1 billion
How many users does Facebook have and what problem does that cause?
Over a 1.3 billion users and it makes it difficult to shut off
Who invested in Facebook?
Paypal in 2009
What are some criticisms of Facebook?
Privacy and security concerns changing at a rapid pace literacy bullying terrorism, crime conspiracy Facebook users feel more secure but are truly not
What did facebook do in 2007?
launch their app store
What differs it from MySpace?
never allowed the same customization as myspace, added chats apps, wallposts, and had a layout that was static