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TRUE or FALSE: Personality changes with age.

FALSE. In fact, the opposite is true. Personality remains consistent and are even MORE PRONOUNCED in later life!!! Maybe b/c they just don't care what others think anymore?

TRUE or FALSE: Older workers cannot work as effectively as younger workers.

FALSE. In fact, they are more reliable, have lower turnover, less absenteeism, fewer injuries, etc.

TRUE or FALSE: Clinical depression occurs more frequently in older than younger people.

FALSE. In fact, depression occurs most frequently in younger groups, specifically teens.

TRUE or FALSE: It is very difficult for older adults to learn new things.

FALSE. Although learning performance tends on average to decline with age, all age groups can learn. Research studies have shown that learning performances can be improved with instructions and practice, EXTRA TIME to learn information or skills, and relevance of the learning task to interests and expertise. It is well established that those who REGULARLY PRACTICE their learning skills maintain their learning efficiency over their life span.

TRUE or FALSE: Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are significantly greater problems in the adult population over age 65 than that under age 65.

FALSE. The frequency of alcohol consumption decreases with age. Just think about it, do you see older adults drink like crazy? No.

TRUE or FALSE: Older people are much happier if they are allowed to disengage from society.

FALSE. This view is based upon an early theory called "disengagement theory" which said that it is normal and expectable that the older person and society withdraw from each other so as to minimize the disruption caused by the older person's death. Although many people obviously do scale back certain activities, particularly if health deteriorates, there is substantial evidence that many who remain active and engaged have higher levels of function and happiness. For many staying involved physically, cognitively, socially, and spiritually in the social group is a basis for happiness.

TRUE or FALSE: The majority of old people (past 65 years) have Alzheimer's disease.

FALSE. Almost 90% of people who are 65 years of age do NOT have Alzheimer's Disease. Just think about it, most old people you see don't have it right?

TRUE or FALSE: All medical schools now require students to take courses in geriatrics and gerontology.

FALSE. Although it should be a requirement, it is only an elective in some schools currently.

TRUE or FALSE: People 65 years of age and older make up about 20 percent of the U.S. population.

FALSE. Currently people over age 65 are only 13% of population but by 2030, they will eventually be 20% of population!!!

TRUE or FALSE: Abuse of older adults is not a significant problem in the U.S.


TRUE or FALSE: In general, most old people are pretty much alike.

FALSE. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Not all geriatrics are the same!!

TRUE or FALSE: The modern family no longer takes care of its elderly.

FALSE. Families provide 70 to 80 percent of the in-home care for older relatives with chronic impairments.

TRUE or FALSE: Retirement is often detrimental to health--i.e., people frequently seem to become ill or die soon after retirement.

FALSE. Health decline is related to age or previous health problems, not retirement per se. Retirement may actually improve functional health by reducing stress on the individual.

TRUE or FALSE: Increased problems with constipation represent a normal change as people get older.

FALSE. If they eat right, then they shouldn't have a problem. In fact, incontinence is a bigger problem.

TRUE or FALSE: Grandparents today take less responsibility for rearing grandchildren than ever before.

FALSE. MANY grandparents help out. Free child care!! The longevity revolution has increased the number of three-, four-, and five-generation families. This, along with a growing incidence of divorce and remarriage, drug and alcohol addiction, AIDS, incarceration, and unemployment within the parental generation has resulted in grandparents stepping into the surrogate parent role with increasing frequency.

TRUE or FALSE: Living below or near the poverty level is no longer a significant problem for most older Americans.

FALSE. Many depend solely on SSI and that is not enough!!!

TRUE or FALSE: The life expectancy of men at age 65 is about the same as that of women.

FALSE. Men have a shorter life expectancy than women by about 4.5 years.

TRUE or FALSE: Participation in voluntary organizations (churches and clubs) tends to decline among older adults.

FALSE. More likely to volunteer. Think of those at the VA or TMMC. Volunteerism is correlated with life satisfaction, usefulness, physical and mental well being and a sense of accomplishment. Persons with higher education and income levels, histories of volunteerism and broad interests are more likely to volunteer. Health problems, lack of transportation and limited income may limit volunteer activities.

***TRUE or FALSE: Older adults (65+) have higher rates of criminal victimization than adults under 62 do.

FALSE. Most people are good and would not hurt an old lady. Although the media may leave the impression that older adults are a major target of violent crime, annual data from the national Crime Victimization Surveys consistently indicate that violent crime, personal theft, and household victimization rates for persons aged 65 and older are the lowest of any age group. Data indicate that this holds true for virtually all categories of criminal victimization: rape, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, and personal larceny without contact. Only for the category of personal larceny with contact (e.g., purse snatching and pocket picking) is the victimization rate higher for persons aged 65 and over compared to those aged 25 to 64.

TRUE or FALSE: Older adults (65+) are more fearful of crime than are persons under 65.

FALSE. No, older adults are not as afraid, have nothing to lose.

TRUE or FALSE: Research has shown that old age truly begins at 65.

FALSE. Old age is a social construct. Just think about it. The retirement age right now is 67. So how can old age truly begin at 65? Who even made up that idea?

TRUE or FALSE: Most older people are living in nursing homes.

FALSE. Only 5% of 65+ live in nursing homes, MOST live in their own homes.

TRUE or FALSE: Kidney function is not affected by age.

FALSE. The amount of blood flow through the kidney and ability of the kidney to filter blood is about HALF THAT of younger ages. This is caused by the age related structural and anatomic CHANGES within the kidney. Some studies show that as much as ONE THIRD of older adults have no change in their urine creatinine (creatinine clearance is a measure of how well the kidney is able to filter the blood, the glomerular filtration rate or GFR). However other studies show DECLINE that begins at 40 years. Age related kidney changes create more risks for fluid and electrolyte imbalance and renal damage from medications or diagnostic contrast materials. Disease, surgery or fever may stress and interfere with the kidney's ability to regulate and excrete fluids and electrolytes particularly in older adults.

TRUE or FALSE: Most old people are set in their ways and unable to change.

FALSE. The majority of older people are NOT "set in their ways and unable to change." There is some evidence that older people tend to become more stable in their attitudes, but it is clear that most older people do change. To survive, they must adapt to many events of later life such as retirement, children leaving home, widowhood, moving to new homes, and serious illness. Their political and social attitudes also tend to shift with those of the rest of society, although at a somewhat slower rate than for younger people.

TRUE or FALSE: The majority of old people are bored.

FALSE. They are usually involved in volunteering in churches, schools, hospitals etc.

TRUE or FALSE: Older people do not adapt as well as younger age groups when they relocate to a new environment.

FALSE. They can adapt just as well.

TRUE or FALSE: As people grow older, their intelligence declines significantly.

FALSE. Although it is true sometimes, current research suggest that intelligence in HEALTHY individuals hold up well into old age.

TRUE or FALSE: Most old people lose interest in and capacity for sexual relations.

FALSE. They have viagra now. Recent studies validate that more than 70% of men and women continue sexual activity after 65 years. Men and women over 70 are still considered potentially "sexy,"

TRUE or FALSE: All women develop osteoporosis as they age.

FALSE. Usually when it says ALL, it's false. Women are more prone to osteoporosis but not ALL women develop it.

TRUE or FALSE: Older adults have the highest suicide rate of any age group.

FALSE. Again, they could cope better Group with highest suicide rates are 45-‐64 years old. The second highest rate would be 85+ years old. The third highest would be ages 65-84 and teens.

TRUE or FALSE: As people live longer, they face fewer acute conditions and more chronic health conditions.

TRUE. The incidence of acute or temporary conditions, such as infections or the common cold, decreases with age, although those that do occur can be more debilitating and require more care. Older people are much more likely than the young to suffer from chronic conditions. These are long-term (more than three months), often permanent, and leave a residual disability that may require longterm management or care rather than cure. More than 80 percent of persons age 65 and over have at least one chronic condition, with multiple health problems being common. Arthritis is the most commonly occurring chronic condition.

TRUE or FALSE: As adults grow older, reaction time increases.

TRUE Reaction time is the interval that elapses between the onset of a stimulus and the completion of a motor response, such as hitting the brake pedal of a car when the traffic light turns yellow or red. When processing ordinary stimuli, adults do show large INCREASES in response time with increasing age.

TRUE or FALSE: High blood pressure increases with age.

TRUE AND FALSE. There is evidence that high blood pressure does INCREASE with age. However, there is controversy over the criteria for high blood pressure. Studies and physicians differ in their definition of high blood pressure.

TRUE or FALSE: All five senses tend to decline with age.

TRUE. -Eye lens are less likely to change shape to adjust for close/far objects. -Hearing loss begins at age 20. -Taste buds become less sensitive, that's why grandpa adds more salt all the time.

TRUE or FALSE: Remaining life expectancy of blacks at age 85 is about the same as whites.

TRUE. Although remaining life expectancy of black men and women at age 65 is about two years less than that of white men and women at age 65, by the time they reach 85 their life expectancy is nearly the same. One possible explanation for this convergence effect is that blacks who make it to the oldest ages do so in spite of many disadvantages and are "survivors" and have developed physiological and social psychological survival advantages.

TRUE or FALSE: Social Security benefits automatically increase with inflation.

TRUE. Beginning in 1975 Social Security benefits are periodically automatically adjusted to inflation. Current law ties this increase to the consumer price index (CPI) or the rise in the general wage level, whichever is lower.

TRUE or FALSE: Older adults are at risk for HIV/AIDS.

TRUE. Blood transfusions and unprotected sex put older adults at risk for HIV/AIDS as in other populations. EVERYONE is at risk for HIV!!! It is estimated that as many as 10 percent of all persons diagnosed with HIV/AIDS are over 50 years of age.

TRUE or FALSE: Older adults are less anxious about death than are younger and middle-aged adults.

TRUE. Generally older people are less anxious b/c most have come to an acceptance already. They've done a lot in their life time and are ready to go.

TRUE or FALSE: Geriatrics is a specialty in American medicine.

TRUE. Geriatrics refers to the clinical aspects of aging and the comprehensive health care of older persons. Study of geriatrics actually began in the early 1900s, although formal training in geriatrics is relatively new. A Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Geriatric Medicine or Geriatric Psychiatry is offered through the certifying boards in family practice, internal medicine, osteopathic medicine, and psychiatry for physicians who have completed a fellowship program in geriatrics.

TRUE or FALSE: Older persons take longer to recover from physical and psychological stress.

TRUE. Older adults do experience multiple losses of loved ones and friends, illness, relocation, retirement, income, change and decline in abilities. It may take an older adult longer to adjust to a major change or recover from prolonged and intense physical and emotional stress. The recovery of an older body from a traumatic event may be delayed due to age related decreases in cardiac output and heart rate ad more vulnerability to disease with a less effective immune system. However, the many older adults who have developed active and healthy lifestyles may be able to resist/mitigate some of the negative effects of stress or illness due to their physiological fitness. Likewise, coping skills that have been honed during a lifetime may lessen the damage of psychological stresses and ease adjustments to loss and change.

TRUE or FALSE: Memory loss is a normal part of aging.

TRUE. Older adults lose primarily their SHORT-term memory aka recent events. But good with old info. But just because older adults lose memory doesn't mean the majority have Alzheimer's!!!!

TRUE or FALSE: Most older adults consider their health to be good.

TRUE. The majority of older adults perceive their health to be good to excellent, as they do not compare their current condition to former states, but rather to their peers their ages and older who may be "worse off." The "ratings" are not a medical assessment. While chronic disease, frailty and disability are correlated with advanced age, the Myths and Realities 2000 study discovered that 84% of all Americans would like to live to 90 years and half of persons over 65 years described their lives as "the best years of my life." Disease and disability are being delayed and functional levels are improving, especially in persons over 80 years. Less than 10% of non-institutionalized persons 70 years and over are unable to perform one or more activities of daily living (ADLs). Disability does increase to 22% for those 85 years and older.

TRUE or FALSE: Bladder capacity decreases with age, which leads to frequent urination.

TRUE. The muscle of the bladder loses elasticity and tone. Hence, the bladder holds almost 50% less urine (causing more frequent urination) and empties less completely. The warning period between the urge and actual urination is shortened or lost as one ages. Muscular disability, spinal cord effects on the bladder muscle, tumors, infection, anatomic damage to the sphincters and/or bladder neck may cause incontinence in advancing age. Other risks for incontinence in old age include chronic disease, cognitive impairment, medications, smoking, pelvic muscle weakness, low fluid intake and environment.

TRUE or FALSE: Most older drivers are quite capable of safely operating a motor vehicle.

TRUE. Think of Jefferson's grandma. She can drive just fine. Some older adults do have visual, motor, or cognitive impairments that make them dangerous drivers. Many drive more slowly and cautiously or avoid driving in conditions they consider threatening in order to compensate for these changes. Until approximately age 85 older adults have fewer driver fatalities per million drivers than men 20 years old, but they do have more accidents per miles driven. Unsafe speed and alcohol use are leading factors in accidents for young drivers, while right-of-way violations are the leading cause of accidents involving older drivers--which implies a breakdown in such cognitive-perceptual components as estimating the speed of oncoming cars or reacting too slowly to unexpected events. Older drivers' skills can be improved considerably by specific driver training such as through the AARP "55 ALIVE/Mature Driving" program.

TRUE or FALSE: A person's height tends to decline in old age.

TRUE. Why? b/c of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and a lifetime of wear and tear, upper vertebrae are weakened; joint spaces and buffering tissues wear and muscles are lost. These changes foster decreased padding between vertebral discs, which accounts for a loss of height. The height changes and imbalances contribute to pain and stress on the lower back with advanced age.

TRUE or FALSE: Older females exhibit better health care practices than older males.

TRUE. Women are always telling their husbands to get a prostate exam. They like to check up on little things.

TRUE or FALSE: Physical strength declines in old age.

TRUE. Muscle mass declines, cartilage erodes, membranes fibrose (harden), and fluid thickens. These contribute to stiffness, gait problems, lessened mobility, and limited range of motion. From age 30 years, muscle mass declines to almost 50% in old age. Research shows that weight bearing exercise, aerobics and weight resistance can restore muscle strength, increase stamina, stabilize balance and minimize falls.

TRUE or FALSE: Older people perspire less, so they are more likely to suffer from hyperthermia.

TRUE. Perspiration is sweating. Older adults are less aware of thirst, and sweat less. This leads to decreased ability to regulate temperature, which leads to hyperthermia!!!

TRUE or FALSE: Older adults have more trouble sleeping than younger adults do.

TRUE. The quality of sleep declines with age. Think about grandma.

TRUE or FALSE: Older people tend to become more spiritual as they grow older.

True. They want to go to heaven!!!

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