FAID CH 11-16

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How should you control bleeding when a depressed skull fracture is suspected?

Apply pressure around the edges of the wound.

If you can safely reach the victim of electric shock caused by downed power lines, attempt to remove the wires:

Do not attempt to remove any wires

Flame, flash, and contact are terms to describe which type of injury?

Electrical burns

Which of the following is placed directly over an open wound?

Gauze pads

Which of the following is used as a dressing?

Gauze pads

Which type of dressing is useful for small wounds?

Gauze pads and adhesive strips

Should you remove the helmet from a head-injury victim?

Generally, no—remove the helmet in only a few instances.

When should you attempt to line up a fracture?

Only if the preceding two conditions are met, and you are more than 1 hour from medical care

The recommended treatment for muscle strains is:


The redness of a sunburn is caused by ________.

The dilation of small blood vessels

Under what minimal circumstances should medical attention be sought for the burn victim?

The surface area of a second-degree burn is greater than 20% of the body surface area.

What type of dressing is made of large, thick absorbent sterile materials?

Trauma dressings

Which bandage is most appropriate for use as a sling?

Triangular bandage

Which type of burn injury is characterized by an entrance wound and an exit wound?

True electrical injury

________ skin always burns easily and never tans.

Type 1

Under what circumstances should medical attention be sought for the burn victim?

When face, hands, feet, or genitals are burned. When only circumferential burns are present.

Which of the following statements concerning bandages is correct?

a bandage should be clean

Muscle contusions result from:

a blow to the muscle

A hip is usually fractured by:

a fall

A lumplike deformity on the back of the wrist, along with pain, tenderness, and swelling, can indicate:

a fractured wrist

Pelvis and hip fractures require:

a long backboard

A shoulder dislocation is most comfortable for the victim when:

a pillow or blanket is placed between the injured arm and chest.

Fractures of the humerus should be stabilized using:

a rigid splint

A device used to stabilize a fracture or a dislocation is called:

a splint

About ________ of head-injury victims also have a spinal injury.

15% to 20%

An elastic bandage should be worn continuously for ________ hours.

18 to 24 hours

What size elastic bandage is most appropriate for an injury of the hand, wrist, or foot?

2 inch

For chemical burns of the eye, flush the eye continuously for at least:

20 minutes

When washing chemicals from the body, the area should be flushed for at least ____ minutes.

20 minutes

How long and how frequently should cold be applied to the injured area during the first 24 to 48 hours?

20 to 30 minutes every 2 or 3 hours

Because widespread cooling can cause hypothermia, cold should not be applied to more than ____ of an adult's body surface.


What size elastic bandage is most appropriate for an injury of the elbow or arm?

3 inch

A tooth often can be successfully reimplanted if it has been put back into its socket within ____ minutes after the injury.


According to the rule of nines, what percentage of an adult's body surface is involved if both legs are burned?


What size elastic bandage is most appropriate for an injury of the ankle, knee, or leg?

4 inch

An ankle injury typically heals within ________.

4 to 6 weeks

Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a muscle contusion?

A black-and-blue mark appearing hours after the injury

What can be used to stabilize fractured ribs?

A soft object, such as a pillow

When applying compression to an injured area, the first aider should use:

an elastic roller bandage

What is the name of a condition in which the brain does not receive any oxygen?


Which type of nosebleed is the most common?


A type of nosebleed is:

anterior and posterior

For aftercare of a second-degree sunburn, apply ________ in a thin layer.

antibiotic ointment

Most nosebleeds:

are self limited

Fractures of the clavicle usually result from the victim falling with the _______ outstretched.

arm and hand

The pain and inflammation from a burn can be relieved by taking:

aspirin (adults only) or ibuprofen.

At what temperature does skin death and injury occur?

at about 133°F

The victim with a dislocated shoulder will almost always hold the upper arm:

away from the body

How should you care for cuts of the eye or lid?

bandage both eyes lightly

When should a fracture be stabilized?

before you move the victim

Closed abdominal injuries are also known as _________.

blunt injuries

closed abdominal injuries are also known as

blunt injury

When using a cravat bandage for an injured eye, cover ________ to prevent the injured eye from moving.

both eyes

What is the first step in caring for dry chemicals spilled on the skin?

brush off the substance and flush with water

The first aider should consider the ________ of injury (COI) in evaluating the possibility of a fracture and its location.

cause of injury

Before applying a splint, you should always:

check CSM

A(n) ________ burn is the result of an acid or alkali substance touching the skin.


Broken ribs usually occur along the side of the ________.


The C in CSM stands for:


________ occur when the internal abdominal tissues are damaged but the skin is unbroken.

closed abdominal injuries

In a ________, the skin is not broken.

closed chest injury

A fracture in which the bone is fragmented into more than two pieces is called


A fracture in which the bone is fragmented into more than two pieces is called:


In the mnemonic RICE, the C stands for:


Which type of brain injury occurs when a blow to the head alters the function of the brain?


A "shoulder pointer" is a ________ about the shoulder.


Which type of brain injury is a bruising of brain tissue?


A blow to the head strong enough to cause a contusion at the site of impact, as well as move the brain, causing it to hit the opposite side of the skull is a:

coup-contrecoup injury.

To treat ultraviolet light burns to the eyes:

cover both eyes with cold, wet packs

If an eye is avulsed from its socket:

cover the eye loosely with a moist, sterile dressing

For an abdominal wound in which organs protrude, you should:

cover the organs with a moist, sterile dressing.

What should be done for the unresponsive victim's eyes?

cover them with moist dressings

A ________ occurs when a muscle goes into an uncontrolled spasm and contraction.


An injury in which shaking or strong rotation of the head causes a tearing injury is called a:

diffuse axonal injury

The pain from a sprained finger will be ________ of the injured joint.

directly over the side

What injury results when a joint comes apart and stays apart?


Which type of chemical substance may be activated if flushed with water?

dry chemicals

The most appropriate bandage for sprains and contusions is:

elastic roller bandage

All ________ fractures and dislocations should be considered serious and treated with extreme care.


A spinal injury victim often describes the pain felt as:


The rule of thirds is helpful when checking the victim for ________ injuries.


Which method of applying a roller bandage can be used to wrap an injury to the ankle or foot?

figure eight method

An aloe vera gel or moisturizer may be applied to which type of burn?

first degree burn

Paradoxical movement is a sign of ________.

flail chest

How long should the injured part be elevated?

for the first 24 hours

A ________ results when there are breaks in the bone.


When applying a compression bandage to an injured area, always wrap ________ the injury upward.

from below

Shin splints is a term that describes pain in the ________ of the lower leg.


A fracture that commonly occurs in children whose bones are pliable is called:


To treat a loosened tooth:

have the patient bite down on a piece of gauze

If a nosebleed continues bleeding after pinching the nostrils, you should:

have the victim gently blow the nose , and then resume pinching the nostrils

Do not try to neutralize a chemical process because the neutralization process may result in further damage caused by:

heat production

When flushing an eye burned by chemicals:

hold the victim's head under a faucet, or pour water into the eye from a clean container.

Scald burns are the result of contact with

hot liquid

Scald burns are the result of contact with:

hot liquids

The mnemonic DOTS can help you remember:

how to examine an area

What is the name of a condition in which the brain receives some but not enough oxygen?


In the mnemonic RICE, the I stands for:


Hot, burned, or smoldering clothing should be removed:


A(n) ________ burn results when an area of the body is fully immersed in a hot liquid.


A spinal injury victim who is in water should be:

immobilized and kept in water

An estimated 80% of all burn injuries occur:

in the home

Always stabilize an injured knee in which position?

in the position found

The elbow must be splinted:

in the position it is found

Which joints are most often sprained?

knees and ankles

________ in the eye are the most frequent eye injury and can be painful.

loose objects

Which type of spinal injury radiates pain down the legs?

lower back

Stabilize the ________ with two boards that extend from the upper thigh to the bottom of the foot.

lower leg

Pneumothorax and tension pneumothorax are examples of injuries that can happen to the ________.


With proper treatment, the ________ of knocked-out teeth can be saved.


The painful pressure caused by accumulation of blood under a fingernail or toenail can be relieved by:

melting a hole through the nail with a red-hot paperclip.

For a fracture of the ________ third of a bone, stabilize the joints above and below the fracture.


A concussion is considered a ________.

mild traumatic brain injury

An injury to the shoulder resulting in complete loss of function is ________ to be a dislocation than a fracture.

more likely

The M in CSM stands for:


An injury in which a nail is partly or completely torn loose is known as a:

nail avulsion

Which type of spinal injury radiates pain to the arms?


When the fracture line crosses the bone in a slanting direction, the fracture is called:


Deaths and complications increase dramatically for burn victims from which age group?

older than 55 years

The two classifications for fractures are:

open and closed

If the fracture results in the bone protruding through the skin, it is considered a(n):

open fracture

Most ankle sprains are caused by the ankle having turned or twisted:


What is the primary symptom of fractured ribs?


If the chest wall moves in a direction opposite to that of the rest of the chest wall during breathing, the victim is experiencing ________.

paradoxical chest movement

A second-degree burn is also described as ________.

partial thickness

Open abdominal injuries are also known as:

penetrating injury

An injury in which objects such as a bullet, knife, or other sharp object enters the brain is called a:

penetration injury

To check for spine injury in an unresponsive victim:

pinch the victim's hands and feet

The condition where air fills a portion of the chest cavity is called ________.


In what position should the hand be placed when splinting the wrist, hand, and fingers?

position of function

In cases of scalp wounds, the first aider should expect ________ bleeding.


Once the initial swelling has decreased, discontinue immobilization of the injured ankle and begin:

range of motion exercises

If the victim has trouble breathing after you have sealed a sucking chest wound, you should:

remove the seal to let air escape, and then reapply.

During the first 48 to 72 hours after a bone, joint, or muscle injury, the victim should:

rice treatment

A rough guide known as the ________ assigns a percentage value of total body surface area (BSA) to each part of an adult's body.

rule of nines

For small or scattered burns, use the quick ________ to assess the extent of the burn.

rule of the hand

The ________ can help you decide what to splint.

rule of thirds

The first step in caring for a burn victim with a first-degree or small second-degree burn is to

run cold tap water over the wound as soon as possible

How do you care for a sucking chest wound?

seal the wound

Blisters, swelling, weeping of fluids, and severe pain are characteristics of which type of burn?

second degree

Burns that extend through the entire outer layer and into the inner skin layer are considered:

second degree (partial thickness)

The S in CSM stands for:


Which of the following is a sign or symptom of finger dislocation?

shortening of the finger

A ________ is a break or a crack in the cranium.

skull fracture

Clear or pink watery fluid dripping from the nose or ear is a sign of a:

skull fracture

An open triangular bandage can be used as a ________.


If a splinter enters the skin under the nail and breaks off flush, it can be removed by:

soaking the finger in water until the splinter swells, and then pulling it out with tweezers.

A(n) ________ burn occurs when a liquid spills, drops, or is thrown on a person.


Neglect and nonsupervision of children in the kitchen and bathtub are frequent causes of ________ burns in children.


Which method of applying a roller bandage can be used to cover a wound of the leg?

spiral method

If the victim has a possible spine injury as well as an extremity injury:

splint the spine first by stabilization

A ________ occurs when a joint is twisted or stretched beyond its normal range of motion.


A ________ results when the muscle is stretched beyond its normal range of motion.


Emergency care of a flail chest includes:

supporting the chest

A folded triangular bandage can be used as a ________ in conjunction with a sling.


Golfer's elbow is an inflammation of the ________ on the inside of the elbow.


Repeated arm movement, as in many of the throwing sports (eg, baseball), often results in painful:


The condition where air in the chest cavity cannot exit, causing pressures that reduce heart and lung function, is called ________.

tension pneumothorax

When using the rule of thirds when examining an extremity

the bone is divided into thirds

If an ankle pulse is absent in a knee-dislocation victim, the first aider should make ____ attempt(s) to straighten the knee.

the first aider should instead seek medical attention

When should you suspect a penetrating eye injury?

the lid is lacerated or cut

A hip fracture is a fracture of:

the upper end of the femur

Which type of electrical burn results when clothing or objects in direct contact with the skin are ignited by an electrical current?


Burns that penetrate all the skin layers and into the underlying fat and muscle are considered:

third degree

Which type of burn requires removal of dead tissue and a skin graft to heal properly?

third degree

An important fact related to chemical burns is:

tissue destruction will continue until the chemical agent is removed.

A fractured femur is best splinted with a:

traction splint

A fracture that cuts across the bone at right angles to the bone's long axis is called:


To remove a loose object from the eye:

try flushing the object out by rinsing the eye gently with warm water.

When splinting the forearm, keep the victim's thumb:

turned upright

_________ skin rarely burns and tans deeply.

type V

How long should cold be applied to the burned area?

until the burn is pain free

Which type of spinal injury radiates pain around the ribs?

upper back

Within 3 to 7 days following an ankle injury, the victim should:

use a contrast bath

An object caught between teeth is best removed by:

using dental floss

The deformity from a patella dislocation will be:

very painful

The first aider should place a victim with a scalp wound:

with head slightly elevated

To further stabilize an ankle after treating with the RICE procedure:

wrap a pillow or blanket around the ankle and foot and tie with cravats.

Tennis elbow results from sharp, quick twists of the ________.


Following a head injury, should the victim be allowed to sleep?

yes, let the victim sleep but wake him or her every 2 hours

The extent of a burn can be estimated by considering the victim's hand size to be about ____ of his or her body surface.


To use a contrast bath, submerge the ankle for ____ minute(s) in cold water, and then submerge for ____ minute(s) in warm water.

1, 4

Because widespread cooling can cause hypothermia, cold should not be applied to more than ____ of a child's body surface.


A second-degree burn that covers a minimum of ________ of the body surface area in children or elderly victims needs medical care.


Signs and symptoms of flail chest include:

abnormal movement of part of the chest wall during breathing.

The three types of chemicals responsible for most chemical burns are:

acids, alkalis, organic compounds

A victim with a dislocated shoulder will not be able to bring the dislocated arm:

across the opposite shoulder

Which type of dressing is used for small cuts and abrasions and is a combination of a sterile dressing and a bandage?

adhesive strips

Basic types of bandages include roller bandages, self-adhesive bandages, elastic bandages, triangular bandages, and ________.

adhesive tape

Which type of chemical penetrates the eye deeper and continues to burn longer?


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