fairness leve

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---- in the workplace is the main tool for employees confidence in management, and management's confidence in employees. one's action provide a record of trustworthiness. Building ---- can be difficult, especially where there has been a record of unfairness or other untrustworthy behavior


----- is one of the most obvious necessities for fairness. Yet the temptation can be great to tell "white lies" withhold information, and tell people what they want to hear


----- means allowing each member of the organization to have a stake in a wide range of activities, including gaol setting, problem solving, and helping make changes


------ means that the reward must fit the achievement; the punishment must fit the crime. the two extremes in violation of this quality are overkill and "looking the other way" by ignoring the situation when an infraction occurs


------ means treating everyone with the same rules. if a culture has both consistency and equity, all are threaten in a way that is fair


------, or a deep sense of high regard for people is the basis of all fairness when you believe that others truley value you, you tend to consider their actions fair.


---------- means remaining predictable and fair. stability is threatened when there are apparent contradictions in the behaviors of people whom others are depending on, especially managers. With unpredictability and lack of stability come high stress level.

overall fairness

----------- means much more than simply treating nicley -------- is a central issue in psychological contract .


as used here, refer to those that come from management, Through their expectations, managers allow the employees to know exactly is what expected of them both individually and in groups


is way of describing the extent to which managers and others are truly willing to put the shared values and expectations of a culture into action. It also means maintaining an ethical code-- which is basic to all cultures, as well as organizations

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