Family Violence

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One element of treatment for DV is:

. Focusing on romantic styles - helping insecure daters feel more secure.

Stalking was not a crime in the U.S. until the:


In Belknap et al.'s 1999 study, what percentage of IPV court cases was dismissed?


Which was a motivation for rape?

A desire to hurt women.

In the study of rape resistance strategies:

A prior sexual assault in childhood predicted passive resistance by the victim.

It is possible that the strange behavior of hostages, such as blaming themselves for their "captivity" and being isolated reflects:

A struggle for survival

Malamuth (1989) found that?

About a third of college men might commit SA if they could get away with it.

Which of the following happens when a female victim leaves an abusive relationship?

Abusive behaviors stop.

Which type of stalker is LEAST likely to reoffend?


The second stage in Lenore Walker's "Cycle of Violence" theory is called the:

Acute (battering) phase.

A relatively long-lasting affectional bond typified by wanting to be close to one's partner is called:

Adult romantic attachment

Which is FALSE about early rape laws?

All 50 states had revised their definitions of rape by the early 1960s.

In a study of 57 sheltered and community women, Valera and Berenbaum (2003) found that among female IPV victims:

Almost ¾ of had suffered at least one brain injury.

According to some thinkers, early rape laws:

Amounted to institutionalized sexism.

Which statement is TRUE about perceptions of interpersonal control (IPC)?

An illusion of control refers to a victim's style of coping.

Which of the following was NOT stated as a reason for women's violence in the Stuart et al. 2006 study?


The most frequent rationale given for female-to-male DV in one study was:


A genetically-related abnormal personality trait identified in the intergenerational pattern of abuse is:

Antisocial disorder.

Some researchers have suggested that shame in adult batterers is linked with:

Anxious attachment during childhood

Buzawa and Buzawa (2003) argue that the most dangerous MFIPV men are generally violent men who:

Are almost unfazed by arrest

The most commonly used definitions of DV:

Are anchored in the CTS2.

Almost without exception, surveys have found that MFIPV men:

Are substantially more depressed than non-MFIPV men

Which is FALSE about the case history of Ari and Bernadette?

Ari called the paramedics when he saw he hurt Bernadette.

When RMA scores were removed from the data analyses in the voluntary/ nonvoluntary alcohol/drug study (AOD):

Assignment of blame rested on whether Cathy's consumption was voluntary.

Why are college SA prevention programs centered on attitude change problematic?

Attempting to change attitudes about rape may be of limited value.

Empirical studies of male socialization show that:

Attitude scales seem unable to detect some differences between MFIPV and non-MFIPV men.

Feminists criticize the view that violent maritally violent men have some form of psychopathology on the ground that:

Attributions of mental illness serve as an abuse excuse for batterers.

The first group of individuals to provide information about the behaviors of batterers was:

Battered women

Many mental health professionals, medical personnel, and police tend to believe that:

Battered women are indirectly responsible for the IPV violence.

Which statement about batterers' harassment in terms of employment is FALSE?

Batterers will lock their victim in a room so she cannot leave.

Which statement is TRUE?

Being stalked by an intimate arouses more fear than being stalked by a stranger.

Which of the following beliefs held by IPV victims was NOT mentioned as needing change?

Believing that children are damaged by IPV.

Which is NOT a factor on the Lanier & Green (2006) date rape attitude scale?

Belittlement by females.

In the Freedner et al. (2002) study of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) young people?

Bisexuals males are at greatest risk for dating violence

Among GLBT persons:

Bisexuals were more likely to disclose their abuse than lesbians and heterosexual women.

Which statement is TRUE when individuals disclose abuse?

Bisexuals who disclosed abuse received the largest number of negative reactions.

Holtzworth-Munroe et al. (2000) found the following about anger and hostility in MFIPV men?

Borderline/dysphoric men experienced normality mixed with abnormality.

In a study of Chinese students viewing "My Sassy Girl":

Both genders normalized the woman's violence.

Which statement about stress and battering is TRUE?

Both perpetrators and victims of IPV suffer from a high level of debilitating stress that affects cognitions, emotions, and physiology.

Studies of men who sexually assault women show that:

Both personality traits and specific situations contribute to SA.

In regard to gender specificity of DV, findings based on:

CTS score find that DV is primarily mutual

In order to leave, IPV victims generally need to:

Change their belief systems.

According to Goodman (2003), which safety measure was listed as the most helpful tactic by female IPV victims?

Changing the locks so the abuser cannot get in

D. Dutton et al. (1995) associated parent-to-child shaming and guilt inducement with:

Chronic adult anger, trauma, and IPV.

Advanced thinking about rapes committed when a woman is given date rape drugs is to:

Classify them as drug-incapacitated rapes

Which statement is TRUE of stalkers?

College administrators view stalkers as common criminals.

Which statement is FALSE about SA?

College students' conceptions of rape focus primarily upon female-to-male behaviors.

Which of the following was NOT a typical feature of fraternities?

Compliance with authority figures whether male or female.

Which is the LEAST likely definition of sexual misbehavior?

Compulsive sex.

Research about fraternities/sororities and sexual assault:

Consistently showed linkages between fraternity membership and SA.

A study of stalkers in the U.S. found that:

Criminal justice interventions appear to decrease stalking.

Which of the following is NOT a variable that academicians should take into account to understand female violence?

Criminal record

Using electronic mail or computer-based communication is called:


Of the following, which symptom is probably the most common among IPV victims:


Maritally violent men find it difficult to:

Develop intimate relationships based on mutuality.

Simoneti et al. (2000) linked childhood trauma with:

Dissociative (nonaware) experiences

The Anasseril and Holcomb (1985) study showed that men charged with either domestic or nondomestic homicide differed from nonviolent men in terms of having:

Disturbed childhoods.

Which is TRUE of male victims of sexual assaults?

Doctors need to provide treatment similar to that given to female victims.

. In regard to the role of alcohol in sexual assault, which is FALSE?

Drinking women regretted sexual behavior more than drinking men.

Which of the following was NOT a descriptive dimension used by Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart (1994) as the basis for identifying a typology of MFIPV men?

Duration of violence

Which of the following appears to be the primary reason battered women stay?

Economic dependency.

Studies of empathy and aggression postulated that:

Empathic responses might inhibit aggression.

Which statement is FALSE regarding the statutory requirements that police should fulfill in addition to making an arrest?

Ensure victims have somewhere safe to stay for the night

Which was NOT a trait that sexually coercive men exhibited significantly more than nonoffending men?

Excessive romanticism.

Couples typified by high relationship commitment:

Exhibit the highest levels of dating violence.

Children's Protective Services (CPS):

Expects women to leave home if necessary to protect children from abuse.

In defining stalking:

Experts say it is necessary to separate courtship persistence from ST.

An almost universal finding is that MFIPV is associated with:

Exposure to violence during childhood.

Which statement is TRUE about DV?

FBI data show that more males perpetrate DV than females

A study by Hines (2007) showed that:

Female-to-male IPV predicted severe stress in male victims.

Which statement is TRUE about legal definitions of DV?

Few legal definitions of dating violence exist.

What did a review of outcome research on rape-prevention programs show?

Fighting back physically is the best choice.

Shelter treatment is LEAST likely to include:

Finding a matching family to provide mentoring.

One study found that:

Four times as many sorority women suffered SA as did non-sorority women.

In regard to ST, victims were most likely to disclose to:


Which statement is TRUE?

Gender differences in anger expressions are most often minimal.

One expert claims that all universities:

Have the responsibility to engage men in preventing SA.

Across several studies the strongest predictor of staying with an abuser was:

Having insufficient funds to leave.

Three studies in the text did NOT mention which of the following as a characteristic discriminating between severely violent and less violent men?

Health problems.

Which is FALSE about the Hedda Nussbaum case?

Hedda did not leave Joel because no one would help her.

Which of the following was NOT mentioned as actions clergy should take?

Help victims understand how they became attracted to abusive men.

The most immediate feeling experienced by crime victims is:


If a victim is stalked at work:

Her employer is likely to pressure her to handle the situation.

A victim's decision to remain with her abuser appears to be very strongly associated with:

Her feelings of relationship satisfaction.

Which is TRUE?

High attachment is the same as jealous commitment in dating relationships.

In the vignette study about voluntary/nonvoluntary consumption of alcohol/drugs, which of the following was found?

Higher rape myth acceptance was correlated with blaming Cathy more than John.

In an examination of typology research to date, Dixon and Browne (2003) found support for the:

Holtzworth-Munroe et al. 3-subtype classification.

Which was NOT mentioned as a risk factor for male-to-female DV?


Which is NOT a subtype of MFIPV men identified by Holtzworth-Munroe & Stuart (1994)?


Which is TRUE of policy implications based on hypermasculinity studies?

Hypermasculinity is the strongest predictor of sexual aggression.

In the study of an offender, a bus driver, or doctor and the victim's level of resistance, which statement is FALSE?

If the victim did not resist physically both gender blamed the victim equally.

Research has shown that:

In most studies women have been stalked more than men.

Scholars are increasingly distinguishing IPV from other forms of interpersonal violence:

In terms of the gender of the perpetrator.

Which is NOT a stress-eliciting trait identified on the Masculine Gender-Role Stress test?

Inability to nurture

Which verbal/communication problem was NOT mentioned in the text as typical of batterers?

Inadequate vocabulary

Which personality disorder has NOT been associated with male-to-female IPV?

Independent personality disorder

Which of the following is NOT a type of attachment?


In an Australian study (2001), investigators found that:

Insecure parent-child attachment is correlated with college men's antisocial disposition and SA.

Which term is NOT related to the others?

Intermittent reward and punishment

Which type of stalker is most likely to be assaultive?


Including the "fear standard" in legal definitions of ST?

Is a miscarriage of justice.

College students often believe that jealousy

Is a sign of love.

A chief reason that society may hold battered women responsible for staying with an abusive man is that a battered woman:

Is an "adult" who can "give consent" or leave.

Exposure to interparental violence, direct physical abuse, or sexual violence during childhood:

Is associated with later aggression

Among IPV victims who suffer depression, which of the following is NOT a symptom?

Issues with control

Despite concerted efforts in the field of family violence:

It is clear that most advocate-scholars will not acknowledge FMIPV.

Which "fact" do college rape prevention programs need to teach?

It is dangerous to leave one's drink unattended at a party or bar.

Experts have more recently questioned whether:

It is necessary to consider gender strength differentials as causal in DV

. Which is TRUE of research on of dating violence?

It uses suboptimal data collection methods.

Which statement is TRUE about the role of jealousy among IPV abusers?

Jealousy and trust may be related to attachment disorders and dependency needs.

Research on jealousy has indicated that:

Jealousy has many meanings.

Which is NOT a legal problem affecting jurors in rape cases?

Juror's misperceptions of rape and its legal definition.

Bauserman & Arias (1992) showed that battered women tried hard to make their relationship work in order to:

Justify the effort already spent in making the relationship work.

Which statement is TRUE of the Latina/Asian dating violence study?

Latinas reported more victimization than perpetration.

Harsh treatment in childhood may:

Lead to development of antisocial personality orientation.

The study of rapists, violent non-SA offenders, and nonoffending men found that rapists were:

Less emphatic toward SA victims than toward car accident victims.

How does relationship commitment relate to a battered woman's decision to stay with her abuser?

Like other women battered women often believe they should stay "no matter what."

Battered women suffering from PTSD are LEAST likely to exhibit:

Low arousal.

Contrary to what might be expected, Umberson et al. (1998) found that:

MFIPV does not enhance perpetrators' sense of control.

Which was NOT stated as a relationship between IPV and depression?

MFIPV shows little causal relationship to women's depression

Which action would help the most in reducing SA offenses?

Making CODIS available to laws enforcement across the nation.

Which of the following are most likely to be biological components of male violence?

Male hormones and neurotransmitters.

Which statement is TRUE about methods of obtaining SA data?

Male participants responded better to a telephone- rather than a web-based survey.

Which is TRUE regarding findings about stalking victimization?

Males and females stalked males about equally.

Adler (1999) proposed that protective orders should be _____________ after an arrest for probable cause.


In the case history of Mandy - "I Was Raped?":

Mandy disclosed her rape when a speaker broached the topic in class.

Researchers comparing partner-violent only men to generally violent men discovered that MFIPV men are violent toward:

Many people (female partners, other family members, acquaintances and strangers).

Researchers comparing partner-violent only men to generally violent men discovered that MFIPV men are violent toward:

Many people (female partners, other family members, acquaintances, and strangers)

Both general and sexual entitlement attitudes mediated the link between?

Masculine general role and rape-related attitudes.

Which was NOT a predictor of DV in the youth/mother study (Ehrensaft, 2003)?

Maternal/paternal alcoholism.

Family violence experts think jealousy in dating relationships:

May be a sign of controlling behavior.

Some research suggests that male misperception of women's sexual in them:

May be related to gender differences in brain structures.

One consequence of being stalked is that victims:

May not feel safe even after the stalking has stopped.

One university study on alcohol misuse found that?

Members of fraternities/sororities drank more than nonmembers.

One study found in regard to jealousy that:

Men accurately perceived their female partner's interest in other men.

In regard to gender and jealousy

Men are more uncertain of women's fidelity than the reverse

In regard to learning and violence:

Men come to believe that their aggression will be rewarded.

Which statement is TRUE about dating relationships?

Men may use more control tactics than women but women try to control also.

Which statement is TRUE?

Men tend to misperceive women's friendliness as a sign of sexual interest.

Several studies have indicated that:

Men who approve of aggression are prone to commit MFIPV.

Which is NOT a rape myth about men?

Men who withstand rape are more masculine

Honor societies compared with non-honor societies generally feel:

More positive about wives who stay with abusive husbands.

In the large 3-question study by Whitaker et al., 2007):

Most DV was reciprocal.

Which statement is TRUE about SA victimization and relatedness to the offender?

Most assaults of females were perpetrated by friends/acquaintances.

Which statement about batterers' interference with employment is FALSE?

Most batterers wanted their partners to go back to school and work part-time

Several different researchers found evidence that:

Nearly all MFIPV perpetrators are "generally" violent.

Harsh parental discipline is related to:

Need to control a dating partner.

Research on DV is LEAST likely to include which of the following components?

Neonaticidal mothers

Battered women are most likely to use which of the following coping strategies?

Obtaining social support from family.

Which statement is TRUE about the physical consequences of IPV?

One victim suffered from "shaken adult syndrome."

A survey of battered women's shelter workers found that:

Only about 37.8% held husbands totally responsible for the violence.

Which was shown in the Bondurant (2001) study of SA disclosure?

Over 60% of the victims did not acknowledge the sexual assault as a SA.

D. Dutton's (1995) theory of intimate rage did NOT include which of the following?

Parental alcoholism.

In the multi-nations study:

Parental neglect was positively associated with dating violence.

All of the following childhood socialization factors were mentioned as possible precursor to MFIPV EXCEPT:

Parental preoccupation.

Two other recommended policy changes that might prevent SA are:

Peer networks and community-level factors

IPV victims often do not call the police when assaulted. Which of the following reasons "might" be most likely to motivate a victim to call the police?

Perception of IPV assaults as minor

In terms of intellectual impairment, (1987) found that battered women were:

Poor at general problem solving.

Of many vulnerable groups, which group of women is at greatest risk for assault?

Poor women.

Which is NOT one of the four prototypical attachment orientations?

Possessive attachment.

Hypermasculinity refers to a trait that:

Predisposes men to engage in power-assertive behaviors and dominance.

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a part of safety planning?

Priming children to call nearby relatives.

Which of the following is TRUE of anti-rape programs?

Programs aimed at all male groups are the most successful.

Even very clear cases of SA may not proceed to court because of:

Prosecutorial or police discretion.

Which of the following is TRUE of prosecutors' decision-making?

Prosecutors are influenced by extralegal information.

One newly discussed type of stalking is called:

Proxy stalking.

In the Parrott and Zeichner (2003) study, high-scoring hypermasculine men's' shock delivery scores were NOT correlated with which one of the following scales?

Psychological reactance

A study using a computer dating procedure showed that:

Psychologically abusive men preferred a date to have high attachment disorder.

Which type of technological stalking was NOT mentioned?

Publishing a love story about her.

One system of classifying stalkers is called:


Which is NOT a finding of the Hill and Fischer (2001) study of traditional male sex-role beliefs?

Rape-related attitudes were related to men's feelings of inferiority.

In the debate over whether women commit as much IPV as men, the best solution may be to:

Recognize that IPV is not gender symmetrical.

Batterers are probably unlikely to cope with their own abusive behaviors through the psychological defense mechanism of:


Stalking was LEAST likely to be correlated with?


Boney-McCoy et al.'s (1999) meta-analysis of low self-esteem scores:

Revealed an association between low self-esteem and MFIPV

Which statement is TRUE?

Romantic stalkers are significantly less normal than stalkers of friends

Which theory of stalking is particularly useful?

Routine activities theory.

Why is it important for physicians and counselors to screen for DV?

Screening enables them to intervene though treatment and prevention.

Laws regarding mothers who do not leave husbands who abuse children:

Seem to make a nonabusive mother liable for the offending father's abuse.

Which of the following was NOT listed as an example of stalking?

Sending important work notices.

Which relationship factor is LEAST likely to be a true antecedent of MFIPV?

Sex-role orientation.

Which statement about policy is TRUE?

Shelter workers need training about ST, especially cyberstalking.

Investigations of anger in MFIPV men:

Show fairly consistently that batterers are angrier than non-MFIPV men

Which statement is TRUE about learned helplessness and related research?

Some evidence shows victims believe they have no control over abuse.

Which of the following represents a real improvement in police responses to MFIPV victims?

Specialized IPV police units.

In regard to disclosure of SA, a pair of researchers found that:

Specific questions increased disclosure over ambiguous questions.

In the Barnett and Hamberger (1992) study using the California Personality Inventory, batterers differed significantly from nonmaritally violent men in all of the following general areas EXCEPT:

Sports interests.

Several researchers think that learned helplessness is not so much a personality/coping style as it is a:

Stage of problem solving.

The LEAST typical response to stalking by a victim was:

Stalk the stalker at his/her workplace.

____________ generated from negative life events contributes to FMIPV.


Which statement is TRUE?

Stress from negative life events is significantly associated with male IPV.

In terms of college students' level of sympathy for IPV victims who remained with abusive mates:

Students expressed less sympathy for victims who felt lonely or helpless.

Which statement is TRUE about battered women and PTSD?

Studies suggest that between 40% and 60% of battered women have PTSD.

Which statement is TRUE?

Substance abuse mediates the relationship between conduct disorders and DV

Research on attachment suggests that MFIPV men, compared with non-MFIPV men are likely to:

Suffer from preoccupied, fearful, or disorganized attachment.

Which term LEAST belongs with the others (does not refer to a similar condition)?

Symbolic interactionism

Which assumption did government statisticians make about self-report SA data?

That victims used legal definitions when responding to SA questionnaires.

Which statement is TRUE?

The California Safe at Home Program protects victims' addresses.

Which statement is TRUE?

The National Violence Against Women Survey reported that more than twice as many women were injured by DV than men.

One DV violence prevention law passed by the federal government is:

The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act.

Attachment theory helps explain:

The co-occurrence of love and violence in a dating relationship.

In the Sugarman and Hotaling (1989) definition of dating violence:

The couple had to be unmarried.

A serious impediment to successful prosecution of rape cases is:

The criminal justice system's mishandling of DNA cases

Which statement is TRUE about the cause(s) of DV?

The extent to which DV is driven by traits or situations is unclear.

Students' attitudes about gender and abuse showed that:

The gender (female) of the victims affected attitudes most.

Honor societies contend that

The honor of the family rests on the public behavior of women.

Behaviors such as praising the abuser, denying the abuse, and self-blame are most typical of:

The hostage syndrome.

Which is TRUE about definitions of date rape?

The legal definition most heavily addresses the issue of the victim's consent.

Which is TRUE about women's responses to sexual assault?

The majority of women take protective actions when faced with rape.

Research reveals that psychological abuse is:

The most common form of partner abuse.

Which statement is TRUE about rape myths?

The most common myth is that women who claim rape "are lying."

The National Domestic Violence Hotline showed that:

The second most pressing problem facing IPV victims is the combination of a large gap in legal resources and inadequate responses on the part of the criminal justice system.

Which statement is FALSE about the comparison between dating violence (DV) and marital violence (IPV)?

The study of DV and IPV commenced at about the same time.

Which statement is TRUE?

The study of dating violence now includes the study of ethnic minorities

Some evidence suggests that the ultimate motivator for a victim's leaving is:

The victim's recognition of the detrimental effects of abuse on her children.

Which of the following legally implies "consent" for sexual intercourse?

The woman tells the man she wants to have sex.

Aggressive and sexually coercive behavior among college students is correlated with:

Their acceptance of sexism and rape-supportive myths

Batterers most often explain their violence by blaming:

Their female partner.

Male IPV victims are LEAST likely to believe that:

Their partner's violence is self-defensive.

What can be said about police and medical doctors' responses to SA victims?

Their responses exacerbate the impact of sexual assault.

Which statement is TRUE about psychopathology in individuals involved in IPV?

There is a significant correlation between abuse severity and psychopathology.

Which is TRUE of law enforcement's response to ST offenders?

There is a winnowing down of cases from arrest to conviction.

Which is TRUE about the use of SANE nurses?

They are skilled at gathering evidence (i.e., the rape kit).

Which is TRUE of definitions of dating violence?

They center on decreasing age rates.

A basic reason that some victims are able to accept violence is that:

They continue to hope that the violence will stop.

In terms of approach-avoidance theory, victims remain with abusers because:

They have extremely high levels of fear.

Which characteristic LEAST accurately describes women who fail to seek help?

They have higher income.

Which is TRUE about the government's categorization of DV data?

They previously used "known" or "unknown" offender.

Which was TRUE of college students' attitudes about DV and gender?

They tend to trivialize female-to-male violence.

Which was a frequent finding about women in male-to-female DV relationships?

They think male jealousy in a sign of love.

Learned helplessness refers to an individual's failure to ________ after learning previously that he or she could not escape from a noxious situation:

To cope with pain

The most common psychological outcome of sexual assault is:

To suffer from a variety of post-assault fears.

Intermittent rewards coupled with sporadic violence seem to be the foundation of:

Traumatic bonding.

An event(s) in which an individual experiences, witnesses, or is confronted with an actual or threatened death or serious injury is the definition of a:

Traumatic event.

Which statement is FALSE about attitudes and DV?

Treatment strategies should offer services in mixed gender groups

One common reaction of stalking victims is to:

Undertake a number of actions to avoid the stalker.

Many women state that assaults increase their risk for:


Ehrensaft et al. (2006) found all of the following to be risk factors for MFIPV perpetration EXCEPT:

Usage of defense mechanisms

Neurological changes in the brain caused by chronic fear or stress are:

Usually temporary.

Which is TRUE of criminal justice responses to sexual assault?

Victims are challenged to receive effective and nonbiased treatment.

In addition to physical and psychological abuse by stalkers:

Victims suffer employment problems.

Which statement should be taken seriously by university administrators?

Violence against women is as serious as drug use or gambling.

According to situations mentioned in the text, dissatisfied women survivors:

Were more likely than satisfied survivors to be sexually abused.

Research on undergraduates (Puente & Cohen, 2003) indicated that:

When jealousy is the motive for violence it has another meaning

Which is FALSE in Durose's (2005) analysis of nonlethal assaults by race?

Whites suffer more family violence in each category of relatedness.

Which is TRUE according to the ethnic comparison study of DV/IPV?

Witnessing community violence was directly correlated with perpetrating IPV.

Which statement is TRUE?

Women underperceived male friends' sexual interest in them.

One study using a computer dating procedure showed that:

Women with higher psychological abuse scores preferred an abusive date.

Which statement is TRUE about nondisclosure of sexual assaults (SA)?

Women worry about stigmatization and not being believed.

In the case history of Zaida and Kumar:

Zaida was unaware of the real reason Kumar would not talk to her.


cannot conceptually be considered a type of interpersonal violence.

Researchers who conducted the study of intimacy levels and females' reasons for refusing to continue sexual activities as indicating that?

men believed women who resisted were not entirely sincere.

The Centers for Disease Control found that a powerful risk factor for DV was:

race and ethnicity.

Which was NOT mentioned as a type of ST pattern in one study?


Which factor is LEAST likely to influence victims' designation of an event as "rape"?

the victim's religious and moral upbringing

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