FCD 1355 Exam 2

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The next two reasons for teen females not having sex in order of priority, are......

"don't want to get pregnant" "haven't found the right person yet."

The majority of teenagers ages 15 to 19 have their first sexual intercourse with someone that they describe as

"going steady" the percentage is higher for females 70% women 56% male

Less than half 47% of college students consider oral sex as__________

"having sex."

The next two reasons for teen males not having sex, and in order of priority, are....

"not having found the right person yet" "followed by not wanting to get a female pregnant"

Who Cohabits? - Race and Ethnicity

- About 48% of U.S. women ages 15 to 44 have cohabited before marriage. - This cohabitation rate is similar for Latina, white, and black women. - lower for Asian women at 22%. - Asian women have low cohabitation rates because marriage is the norm - Cohabiting relationships last longer for black women (27 months) and U.S. born Latinas (25 months) than for white women (19 months) - white women are most likely to transition quickly into marriage - About 45% of cohabiting whites, blacks, and Latinos are engaged when they start living together. - Fewer blacks and Latinos marry, however, primarily because of employment and financial constraints

Who Cohabits? - Gender - female

- By age 30, 74% of all U.S. women have cohabited, compared with 62 percent in 1995. - When it comes to living with a man, daughters often follow their mother's lead - Young adult women whose mothers cohabited are 57% more likely than other women to cohabit. - Women with college-educated mothers are significantly less likely to cohabit than women whose mothers have less than a high school education. - In this sense, attitudes about cohabitation—especially among women—may be transmitted from one generation to another

Some Costs of Cohabitation

- Compared with married couples, cohabitants have a poorer relationship quality and lower levels of happiness and satisfaction - Compared with spouses who didn't cohabit, cohabitors often show more negative behaviors after marriage - cohabitators are also more likely than married people to engage in law-breaking behavior - Cohabitation dilutes intergenerational ties - the longer people live together, the less likely they are to give or receive help from their parents - U.S. laws don't specify a cohabitant's responsibilities and rights - most cohabitants can't receive a partner's Social Security funds, pensions, estates, and financial aid for children in college - Partners are more likely to bring debt into cohabitating than marital relationships - Pregnancy while cohabiting can be stressful. About 7% of cohabitants, compared with 1% of married parents, separate before the baby is born.

Some Benefits of Cohabitation

- Couples can pool their economic resources instead of paying for separate housing, furniture, utilities, and so on. - Cohabiting couples can also have the emotional security of an intimate relationship but maintain their independence by having their own friends and visiting family members alone - Partners can dissolve the relationship without legal problems, and can leave an abusive relationship more easily - Couples who postpone marriage have a lower likelihood of divorce because being older is one of the best predictors of a stable marriage - Cohabitation can help people find out how much they really care about each other when they have to cope with unpleasant realities such as a partner who doesn't pay bills or has poor hygiene habits. - Among unmarried people age 65 and older, cohabitation may increase the chances of receiving care that is usually provided by spouses - Even at lower socioeconomic levels, children can reap some economic advantages by living with two adult earners instead of a single mother - Men who experience parenthood during cohabitation are more likely than single non-cohabiting fathers to become more committed to the relationship and to find employment whether the mother works or not.

Types of Cohabitation

- Dating cohabitation - Premarital cohabitation - Trial marriage - Substitute marriage

Why More People Are Single

- Many Americans say that they're single because they're not in love and are still waiting for the right person - social scientists, however, being single—especially postponing marriage—reflects an interplay of macro-level factors that affect demographic variables, which, in turn influence individual (micro-level) behavior

Who Cohabits? - Gender - male

- Men are somewhat more likely than women to believe that cohabiting reduces the chance of divorce, but differ regarding cohabitation concerns. - Women worry that cohabiting delays marriage, whereas men are concerned that cohabiting incurs restrictions they didn't have when they were single

Who Cohabits? - Social Class

- Race, ethnicity, and gender intersect with social class in explaining cohabitation, but cohabitation is more common among people with less education and income. - Cohabitation is more common in lower socioeconomic classes because people with high income and education levels have less to gain from cohabitation. - Those in the middle class and higher are more likely to have jobs, to afford their own housing, and, consequently

The Inertia Effect

- Some cohabitants drift into marriage because of an inertia effect. - Inertia in cohabiting couples occurs because living together imposes constraints on a relationship (a shared lease, etc.) that make relationships harder to end. - a couple often makes numerous decisions that make it more difficult to break up—splitting the finances, buying furniture, getting a pet, sharing possessions, spending less time with friends, and even having a child - Thinking about social exchanges, these numerous decisions up the ante a bit and increase the costs of ending the relationships. - getting married becuase they feel forced to not because they want to

Who Cohabits? - Religion

- The most religious Americans—those who attend church weekly—are less than half as likely to cohabit as those who seldom or never attend church because they believe that premarital cohabitation is immoral and increases the odds of divorce - teenage girls who attend religious schools and religious services at least once a week are less likely to cohabit than those without such experiences - However, about half of religious teenagers approve of cohabitation. - Such acceptance suggests that because so many teens have grown up with a cohabiting parent or have experienced their parents' divorce, wedding vows may no longer mean as much, even when youth or their parents are religious.

Cohabitation has

- increased - skyrocket

Cohabitation Trends

- increasing from about 430,000 Americans in 1960 to more than 8 million in 2016. - This number rises by at least another 594,000 couples when we include same-sex unmarried partner households. - Only about 10 percent of the population is cohabiting at any particular time, as in 2016. - During the 1980s, most cohabiting partners married each other. This is no longer the case. - Many people who are cohabiting break up, typically within a few years. - Although many cohabitors split up, a majority of couples (66 percent) have lived together before marriage. - Cohabitation is now normative and often a fleeting arrangement, but is typically a pathway to marriage.

Why More People Are Single: Individual Reasons (Distinguish examples):

- waiting for a soulmate - being independent - enjoying close relationships - making a commitment - having children - fearing divorce - being healthy and physically attractive

· Some Myths and Realities about Being Single

-Singles are selfish and self centered -Singles are well off financially -Singles are usually lonely and miserable and want to marry -Singles dont have sex -Singles worry about getting old and dying alone -Singles children are doomed to a life of poverty as well as emotional and behavioral problems -There's something wrong with people who don't want to have children

In 2017, _________ people died of AIDS-related diseases. The largest number of deaths was in_________.

1 million Africa.

More women (___ percent) than men (____ percent) have had sexual contact with a same-sex partner

12% women 6% men

The first sexual intercourse is at about age


Single men have more sex than women because they are more likely (___ percent) than women (___ percent) to have several sexual partners at the same time

17% men 5% women

More men (___ percent) than women (___ percent) have had extramarital sex.

19% men 14% women

teenagers ages 15 to 19, males (____ percent) are more likely than females (___ percent) to have had first-time sex with someone they had just met or who was just a friend.

28% male 16% female

By age 44, the median number of opposite-sex partners is

3.4 for women 6.4 for men.

Worldwide, ___________ people are living with HIV/AIDS

37 million

About (___percent) of U.S. teens talk with their parents about how to prevent HIV/AIDS.


______percent didn't use a condom during the last time


Nearly half of all high school students(______percent of males and____ percent of females) have had sexual intercourse.

49% percent of males 46% percent of females

Nationwide, _____ percent of males and ____ percent of females report having had unwanted first-time sex before age 20

5% males 11% females most being African American

More women (___ percent) than men (___ percent) live alone.

55% women 45% men

About (_____percent) of partnered women aged 60 and older are sexually active.


Of all age groups, Americans age_____and older are the most likely to live alone


Of all people who live alone, about____percent are white.


Home Alone:

90% of all Americans marry @ least once, marriage is still the norm; household size has been shrinking


A living arrangement in which two unrelated people are not married but live together and are in a sexual relationship

Why More People Are Single: (Macro)

A number of macro-level variables affect our decisions about matrimony. A few examples include war, technology, social movements, the economy, and gender roles.

Substitute Marriage

A substitute marriage is a long-term commitment between people who don't plan to marry. For many, it's an alternative to marriage

Meeting Others

About 62% of Americans met their current spouses at work, at school, or through friends and family members

Who Cohabits?

Cohabitants are a diverse group. Many of their characteristics overlap, but there are some general patterns in terms of age, gender, race and ethnicity, social class, and religion.

Same-Sex Couples

Cohabitation works out issues such as issues of communication, power, and household responsibilities, custody and child bearing problems as well, and racial and ethnic variations.

The Cohabitation Effect

Couples who cohabit before marriage (and especially before an engagement or an otherwise clear commitment) tend to be less satisfied with their marriages — and more likely to divorce — than couples who do not. These negative outcomes are called the cohabitation effect

Singles Are Diverse

Different kind of singles= those who are delaying marriage, small % who will never marry, the currently unmarried who are divorced or widowed but may be looking for new partners,

Cohabitation Trends Rates have risen

First, the census bureau doesn't tabulate all unmarried couples in a home but only the person who rents or owns the residence and the unmarried partner. Second: unmarried couple may be reluctant to disclose that they are living together (may describe themselves as roommates or friends)

Hooking Up

Hooking up is a casual sexual encounter, no strings attached

Equity Theory: Dating as a Search for Egalitarian Relationships

If both partners see it as equitable and mutually beneficial. - The greater the perceived equity, the happier the relationship. - When people find themselves in an inequitable relationship, they become distressed. The greater the inequity, the greater the distress. - People in an inequitable relationship will attempt to eliminate their distress by restoring equity.

Trial Marriage

In a trial marriage, the partners live together to find out what marriage might be like. This type of living together is similar to premarital cohabitation, but the partners are less certain about their relationship.

Reiss's Wheel Theory of Love

Ira Reiss described four stages of love: rapport, self-revelation, mutual dependency, and personality need fulfillment.

Across racial-ethnic groups, __________, ___________, and _________are most likely to live in extended-family households rather than alone because of cultural values that emphasize caring for family members and pooling financial resources to avoid poverty

Latinos Asian Americans American Indians

Lee's Love Style

Lee states there are six basics styles of loving (eros,mania,ludus,storge,agape, and pragma) they may all overlap and may vary in intensity

The biochemistry of love

Love is grounded in evolution, biology, and chemistry.

Does Cohabitation Lead to Better Marriages?

No it doesn't, generally couples who live together before marriage have a higher rate of divorce than those who wait

Who Influences Our Sexual Behavior?

Parents, peer & siblings, religion, media & pop culture, and sex education

Who Is Living Alone?

Singlehood is common, and singles are a diverse population. Nevertheless, there are some patterns in terms of gender, age, race and ethnicity, and geographic location.

Social Exchange Theory: Dating as Give and Take

Social exchange theory posits that people will begin (and remain in) a relationship if the rewards are higher than the costs. Rewards may be intrinsic characteristics (intelligence, a sense of humor), behaviors (sex, companionship), or access to desired resources (money, power). Costs, the price paid, may be unpleasant or destructive behavior (insults, violence) or losses (a lower social class, time invested in a relationship). Both rewards and costs may be perceived or actual

Dating Cohabitation

Some people drift gradually into dating cohabitation, a living arrangement in which two people who spend a great deal of time together eventually decide to move in together.

Is Cohabitation Replacing Marriage?

Some people maintain that cohabitation is replacing marriage, but there's little evidence to support such claims. - so no its not just more common.

How Does Cohabitation Affect Children?

They tend to have worse life outcomes than those who grow up in a household of married parents opposed to cohabitating parents.

Who Cohabits? - Age

Unmarried couples span the life course. About 34 percent of male cohabitants are 15 to 29 years old, 36 percent are 30 to 44 years old, 25 percent are 45 to 64 years old, and 5 percent are 65 and older

Filter Theory:

We shift eligible people according to specific criteria and thus narrow the pool of potential candidates.(filter theory of mate selection) 1) Propinquity - Geographic closeness 2) Physical Appearance - Once propinquity brings us --together, looks matter. 3) Ethnicity and Race - people tend to marry within their ---own ethnic and racial group. 4) Social Class - date and marry people of similar ---------(or preferably higher) social standing. 5) Religion - Couples who share the same religious beliefs and practices tend to be happier than those who ---don't. 6) Age - Typically, men are only a few years older than ---women 7) Values and Personality - majority of research shows that people tend to select mates with similar demographic characteristics, values, attitudes, and interests

Hanging Out

Whether hanging out occurs on a neighborhood street corner, at a fast-food restaurant, or in a mall, it's a time-honored adolescent pastime. A customary meeting place may be set, with people coming and going at different times

Involuntary stable singles

are primarily older divorced, widowed, and never-married people who'd like to marry or remarry but haven't found a suitable mate and accept their single status as permanent. This group also includes singles who suffer from physical or psychological impairments that limit their success in the marriage market.

Experiencing Love

for most people caring, trust, respect, and honestly are the central to love.

how much sex singles have depends on a variety of factors such as....

gender, age, health, appearance, grooming, and being in a partnered relationship.

Voluntary stable singles

have never married and are satisfied with that choice; are divorced or widowed and don't want to remarry; are living with someone but don't intend to marry; and have religious beliefs that forbid marriage, such as priests and nuns. Also included are single parents—both never married and divorced—who aren't seeking mates.

Getting Together

is more intimate and structured than hanging out. A group of friends meets at someone's house or a party. Either males or females can organize the initial effort, and the group often pools its resources, especially if alcohol or other drugs are part of the activities.

Why More People Are Single: ( Demographic )

macro level factors can delay marriage...Examples: - Sex ratios (more men born than girls), - The marriage squeeze = sex imbalance in the ratio of available unmarried men and woman, - Social class, and - Non -marital childbearing (out of wedlock)

young_____ are more casual about sex


traditional dating

males and females follow clear, culturally defined gender role scripts, at least among the middle classes. Both women and men expect the man to take control, including initiating the date, deciding where to go, picking up the woman, paying for the date, and taking her home. The expectation is unstated, but members of both sexes often assume that the woman will show her gratitude in some way—usually through a goodnight kiss, making out, or intercourse

Contemporary Dating

much of contemporary dating is casual and includes hanging out, getting together, and "hooking up."

Why We Have Sex

people have sex for pleasure and for procreation, but also to get rid of a headache,to celebrate a special occasion, to get a promotion and feel closer to God (physical, goal oriented, emotional, insecurity)

Why Do People Live Alone?

perhaps most important, many people are living alone because they're postponing marriage or deciding not to marry. That is, they have more options, including singlehood. They don't want to put their lives on hold until "Mr./Ms. Right" comes along.

Premarital Cohabitation

premarital cohabitation is a step between dating and marriage, and is part of the process of assessing compatibility.

Attachment Theory

proposes that our primary motivation in life is to be connected with other people because this is the only true security we will ever have.

Voluntary temporary singles

re open to marriage but place a lower priority on searching for mates than on other activities, such as education, career, an active social life, or self-development. This group also includes some men and women who live with each other but aren't married.

Heterogamy: Expanding the Marriage Market

refers to dating or marrying someone with similar social characteristics, such as ethnicity and age, physical appearance, and social characteristics.

Among teenagers ages 15 to 19, the most important reason for not having sex (for 41 percent of females and 31 percent of males) is that........

sexual intercourse is "against my religion or morals."

Exchange Theory

social scientists describe love as a social exchange process- romantic and long term love relationships involve social exchange in the sense that they provide rewards and costs for each partner.

Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

sternberg proposed that love has three important components: intimacy, passion, and decision/ commitment

"Singleton" households

those containing only one person - tend to cluster in urban areas. In the past, singletons were concentrated in large rural western states. Today, they're most likely to live in big cities

Singles constitute diverse groups of people....

those who have never married, are widowed and divorced, and who cohabit

Involuntary temporary singles

would like to marry and are actively seeking a mate. This group includes people who are widowed or divorced and single parents who'd like to get married.

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