FCS 3140

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Preterm and low birth weight infants may have some deveopmnetal disabilities and sensory impairments. The risk of such disabilities increases as gestational age and birth weight __________.


Which of the following is not a component of pretend play?

deferred imitation

Crying is.....

designed to reach the ears of adults.

Which of the following is not a role of the teacher in play?

directing the children's play

A 14 month old is handling foam paint. He squeezes the paint in his fist, then smacks his hand onto the table smashing the paint. After seeing the splatter of paint, the toddler smacks the paint in between his hands and then repeats the action. This toddler is using ______.

discovery play

__________ is an infant's inability to see from the perspective of others.


Peter, a 10 month old infant is babbling. Katie, a 9 month old infant, hears her name being called and looks at her caregiver. Peter is displaying _____ language skills and Katie is displaying _____ language skills.

expressive, receptive

Ninnie reaches for a cube of finger jellow from the serving on the bowl using her neat pincer grasp. She touches one cube grasps it and brings it to her mouth with ease. She is demonstrating her use of __________________.

eye-hand coordination

Lucy finishes her food, then brings her two hands together to signal to her caregiver. Lucy is using ____ to communicate.


A newborn baby's stomach is the size of a _____.

golf ball

Kelley, is 18 months old and likes to wipe his nose with a tissue then throw the tissue in the trash. This happens several times a day even when his nose is not running. Kelley has been learning what to do if you have a runny nose through


FFT can be identified by ____________.

inadequate human contact, lack of attachment to a caregiver, poverty and or abuse or neglect

Being objective when doing observations of infants and toddlers implies all of the following EXCEPT

include your impression of the purpose of the child's actions.

What is the true driving force for a child's achievement?

intrinsic motivation

People permanence __________________. (Which statement is not accurate?)

is seen at the same time as object permanence in the normally developing infant.

The term "Authentic Assessment"

is used to describe a way of documenting children's means looking at growth and development over time by considering each child in his or her own developmental pattern also considering the environment of the child.

Caregiver behaviors that encourage __________ development in an infant: 1. Mom holds Heidi and reads with her 2. They listen to music regularly and sing and clap 3. Mom holds conversations with Heidi while holding her, feeding her, changing her 4. Mom supplies noise-making toys that hold Heidi's attention


When a child cries in distress adults often, instinctively

make soothing sounds and movements to calm the baby.

An infant is resting quietly in its bassinet when the family dog rushes in and bumps the bassinet with its tail in its enthusiasm. The infant instantly reaches in an upward and outward manner with its arms and looks as if it is trying to roll over. In a moment the child returns to it starting body positing with limbs relaxed and is calm. The family dog gives a welcoming sniff and returns to its resting place on the rug.

moro reflex

_______ connects the emotional domain by strengthening relationships, communicating feelings and fostering a sense of comfort.

music in the life of a child

Beth sits on a bike and alternates her feet to push the bike forward. What new skill is Beth using to move her bike?


Mom asked Sam "What is this?" and Sam said "Taylor's book. I look at it. "Mom said "Yes, you're looking at it. What's this?" (pointing at a picture). Sam named the picture.

turn taking

Children who benefit the most from kith and kin care (kinship care) are most likely to be

under age 3

At 3 months Entone can reach toward an object but seldom can grasp it. At at 4 months, he can bat at and hit the desired object regularly. At 5 months he will grasp the object and move it from hand to hand and then put it in his mouth. He is demonstrating a growth in __________.

visual acuity

Learning opportunities for infants can be created and used

when care providers are doing routine activities such as feeding, toilet training, playing and sleeping.

A child by 2 years can typically speak from ___ to ___ words.


Which of the following responses is NOT an example of a caregiver encouraging prosocial skills in a toddler?

"Addy, you did not make the basket, you missed!"

By 9 months most female children weight about _____ pounds.


The child that was 21 inches long at birth with be approximately ____ long at 3 months.

24 inches

A premature baby is a child born before the ______ week of gestation.


What age does Howard, Williams, and Lepper (2005) suggest be the earliest age children receive a label of ADHD?

5 years of age

Irene can crawl, hitch and pull herself to standing position. She does not walk yet but she is starting to cruse. Approximately how old is Irene?

9 months

Jeorge is actively reaching for toys out of his reach. He may tumble over but will roll from his chest to his back or vise versa and return himself to an upright position with the toy in hand. He is approximately ______ of age.

9 months

which of the following is an example of constructive play

A child uses playdough to with the intent to build a snowman.

__________________ is a definition of habituation.

A decreasing response to a repeated experience, sound or item

Family care is distinguished by which qualities? Check all that apply.


A child's ability to make mental representations and mental combinations are signs of _______ development?


Your philosophy of the care of infants and toddlers will be influenced by

All of the responses are correct.

When is it appropriate and advantageous to observe a child?

Any time you are with the child is a time to observe.

Check the statement that is not true of the hormone cortisol.

Cortisol threatens brain development because it shrinks the dendrites and lessens the myelinization that allows clear and quick thinking.

Which statement does not describe the sleep of an infant?

Deep sleep characterized by REM eyemovements is typical of children 2 to 3 months of age.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an essential experience?

Enjoying physical proximity, comforting, and cuddling

Mark the statement that is not accurate.

Most toddlers are successful at kicking a ball by stopping in front of the ball and kicking the ball.

A social smile may include _____________.

Options 1 and 3

Which of the following individuals have theories supporting the relationship between play and cognitive development?

Piaget and Vygotsky

Which of the following is an example of active play?

Playing catch with a basketball

A child's ability to control herself is mall ways is called self-regulation. Which statement is not true about a child's ability to self-regulate.

Self regulation is seldom seen before a child reaches the age of 12 months. At that time they can begin to control crying and reactions to unexpected sounds or experiences.

An infant of 8 months is play a repetitive game of peek-a-boo with her father. Even though the infant is playing, development of what cognitive process is paking place?

Sensorimotor intelligence

Which of the following is not one of the eight ways to be intelligent?

Spatial - kinesthetic intelligence

As a caregiver, you can help a toddler improve his self-regulation by using positive guidance strategies or techniques. Which of the following is NOT a suggested technique?

Telling a child what not to do

Temperament is the manner in which a child interacts with adults. Which statment is not true?

Temperament cannot be determined in a child as young as 3 months. It takes time for a child to develop a noticeable temperament.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that can decrease resilience?

The child experiences the support of a caring adult.

Values are beliefs of a person in which

The person has an emotional investment.

A teratogen is NOT

a bacterial infection.

Complete this sentence. Massage for infant toddler and children ...

all choices provided are true

You must _________________ to build trust in an infant.

all of the above and more.

The anti-bias curriculum will introduce children to

all of the above. opportunities to become confident in their own identity.; learn to stand up for ones self; addresses potential bias in the child's experiences

As a teacher, you are looking for ways to introduce sensory play into your classroom. ______ is an example of sensory play.

all of the above: jello, oatmeal, water

An example of a toddler practicing manipulative skills is ______. p. 232

all of the above: picking up cherries, helping to put on his or her shoes, pretending to talk on the phone

Which of the following is an effective strategy for a caregiver communicating with a parent?

all of the above: talking at pick-up or drop off, creating a child portfolio, holding transitional conferences

What skills are enhanced through play?

all of the choices: language development, social competence, creativity and imagination

Owen is often using the word, "No." What can Owen's parents do to reduce the No's?

all of the choices: offer the toddler choices, encourage him to attempt self help skills, celebrate his attempts at independence

Freda can sit up independently with only a few tumbles. She has a very straight spine and seldom reaches for toys that are out of her immediate area. She will hold items and pass them from hand to hand and put them in her mouth. How old is she?

approximately 6 months of age

Which of the following is not an example listed by ZerotoThree on how to grow your toddler's vocabulary?

ask close ended questions

The social smile often appears _______________.

at about 6 - 8 weeks of age

Sam told me about how she got a juice box out of the refrigerator and put the straw in it all by herself and then drank it.

basic function of language- informative

While a child's sharpness of vision is typically developed by 6 months, _____ continues to improve.

binocular vision and visual perception

Which response is the most correct phrase to complete the sentence, "Infant abuse could be....."

caused by parental depression, adult frustration, and the infants innate vulnerability and dependence on adults.

Characteristics of reciprocal communication is not__________________.

constant talking so children can hear words and make connections between words and items

Heidi made sounds like "oooh" quite a bit during my visit: at her sisters, at me, at mom and at toys. Mom reports she often makes sounds now when she's happy.


happy baby is one whose

cries are responded to quickly

Children demonstrate expressive language by ___

crying initially but cooing in later months.

A newborn child is lying quietly, snuggled in its father's arms watching the father's face and eyes as the father quietly talks to the infant. The child's older brother comes to sit close by the father and new little brother. When the older child leans in and touches the infant's hand, the infant grasps the finger of the older sibling. "He likes me! He's holding my finger!"

palmer grasp

Joseph reached for the block and grabbed it with his hand. He did not hold on to it for long, but he could pick it up by closing his fist around it.

palmer grasp

Two children are playing the sand box. Both are sitting near each other and digging with shovels; however, neither child is interacting with the other. What kind of play are the children engaging in?

parallel play

Often it is difficult for teachers to "buy in" to the need for physical activity because of all of the following EXCEPT ___.

parent disapproval of outside play because of the dangers inherent in the setting

A 9 month old infant uses his forefinger and thumb to pick up a piece of cereal. What grasp is the infant using?


Ana learned to control her arm movements after holding her head up and before learning to grasp a block. She is demonstrating the ____________ sequence of physical coordination.


Bobby lays swaddled in a blanket and sleeps with few movements of hands, legs, fingers, eyes or head. He is experiencing _____________ sleep.


A newborn is placed in a warm bath but during the course of face washing the child repeatedly turns its head toward the washcloth and gets part of its face under the level of the water. The nanny says she would rather not give the child a full water bath because she is afraid the child will drown.

rooting reflex

A caregiver is working with an infant to help guide them in learning a new skill. The caregiver is using _______ to support the child in learning.


Jeri sees her mother leave and begins to cry. In a few moments she seeks out her favorite blanket and puts her cheek on it. The crying soon ends and she proceeds to play with other toys. Jeri is demonstrating....


"Let's take the children's clothing off except for diapers and let them splash in the baby pool filled with warm blue water and natural sponges." This is an example of ________.

sensory exploration

Ruby, an 8 month old infant, started crying when her mother left her in the care of her reqular child care provider. Ruby is showing signs of _____.

separation anxiety

An infant caregiver, Kassey, had been with Lauren since she was a newborn. Today, 10-month-old Lauren has been fussy, demanding and wants to be held all of the time. Kassey has two other children to care for this morning and is frustrated with Lauren's behavior. To address this situation appropriately Kassey should....

should watch Lauren's ques and signals to determine what she requires.

The number of incidents of SIDS has been reduced by ______.

sleeping children on their back.

Today Orthea build a complex tower of brick blocks. She ran excitedly to get her caregiver to bring her to see the new accomplishment. While they were returning to the building area Paul kicked down the tower and laughed loudly as the blocks tumbled all over the floor. Orthea yelled at Paul, "That was MY tower!" and began to cry clinging to her caregiver. She quickly turned and pushed Paul down on the blocks and he began to whimper. Orthea saw his tears and went to the shelf reaching for a tissue to give to Paul. "Feel better now, Paul. Share tissue?" Orthea is demonstrating _________________.

social emotions

Lola is playing with her friend Clyde. Clyde is laying on the couch, and Loa covers him with a blanket and pats his back. Lola is displaying with type of play?

socio-dramatic play

Which of the following is not a task a child is doing between the ages of 2 and 2 1/2?

speaking approximately 500 words

Which of the following is not a way to identify gross motor skills?


Early intervention

supports the child and provides the family with information on development and how to be an advocate for their child.

Kenneth pointed at the dog and said, "Sammy dog". Later he looked at the toys and said, "see car".

telegraphic speech

Complete the sentence. SIDS is ...

the an an acronym for sudden infant death syndrome

The more we observe ...

the better we can respond to children's wants and needs.

In most circumstances a child is considered a toddler when...

the child is 12 months and/or walking.

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