FDAMF101 Final Pt 1

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Which of the following did Madison say in The Federalist Papers?

"A dependence on the people is no doubt the primary control on the government, but experience has taught us the necessity of auxiliary precautions."

Which statement represents a legacy of the New Deal?

"Big government" and a large federal bureaucracy became a permanent part of our political heritage

Which is a famous quote from John Maynard Keynes?

"In the long run, we are all dead."

According to President Wilson, the United States entered World War I to do what?

"Make the world safe for democracy."

Based on voter turnout, which group makes the use of the right to vote?

(Most) Older voters (Least) Young voters

Which of the following statements is true about the colonial response to specific policies enacted by the British government after the French and Indian War?

-A large majority of the colonists were in favor of independence from England as early as 1765.

Which of the following statements does describe a free- or pure-market economic system?

-A system where the government enforces laws that preserve an individual's ownership of property -A system where the government seldom interferes in the economy -A system where there are laws that protect private property rights

What should governments do according to D&C 134?

-Allow inequality of opportunity -Administer laws in justice -Have constitutions -Allow elections -Allow disparities of income

Which of the following is considered as part of "public virtue"?

-Commitment to the Rule of Law -Willingness to exercise reasoned self-restraint -Willingness to set aside private interest for the good of all -willingness to exercise economic temperance

According to Madison in Federalist no. 51, it is extremely important to ensure what?

-Division of governmental powers -The majority do not become tyrants upon the minority

Which was an action England took against the American colonies?

-Efforts to raise money to pay for the recent war -The Townshed Duties -The Intolerable Acts -An edict forbidding westward migration

Which amendment is correctly matched with its content?

-Eighth Amendment—prohibits cruel and unusual punishment -Twenty-fourth Amendment—no poll taxes can be assessed to vote

Which of the following is true of Thomas Paine?

-He had been editor of a Pennsylvania magazine -He swayed public attitudes with his writings -He was an immigrant to America

Which of the following is true about the New Deal?

-It created the American Welfare State -It was implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide relief to the poor, promote economic recovery, and reform financial markets so that the Great Depression was not repeated

Which of the following was one of the major debates at the Constitutional Convention?

-Large vs. small states -North vs. south -Federal vs. state

Which of the following statements is true of how a government would act under the Rule of Law?

-Laws will be fixed, certain, and known to the people -law will be made within the bounds of the authority granted; rulers must understand the limits on the power they have been given -The law must be based on the common good and on just and moral principles

Which of the following is considered to be a necessary principle that must be embraced by the people if Rule of Law is to exist?

-Liberty is a balance between freedom and restraint -People must conduct their private and public activities in a spirit of honesty and fairness -There is no way to force liberty -Rule of Law is the opposite of Rule of Will

Which of the following was a problem with American government before the Constitution?

-No ability to print money -No courts -No ability to tax -No executive -No ability to borrow

Which policy is usually blamed for bringing about the Great Depression?

-Reducing the money supply -Increasing taxes -Raising tariffs on imports

Which of the following has been a part of US foreign policy at some point in its history?

-Roosevelt's "Big Stick" -Isolationism -The Monroe Doctrine -McKinley's imperialism

Who of the following was an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century?

-Rosa Parks -Martin Luther King, Jr. -Emmett Till

Which of the following was a colonist response to stamp tax?

-Seized stamp paper -Boycott of British goods -Tar and feather tax collectors -Attacks on stamp distributors

What is a major challenge that technological advancement poses for the future?

-Technological advancement may mean a decrease in our right to privacy, as almost everything we do is tracked, monitored, wired, or recorded. -Increased reliance on technology for communication may destroy personal bonds and decrease the strength of communities. -Information pollution may adversely impact to overall morality of society with the proliferation of pornography and other products. -Private property rights become blurred as it becomes easier to copy or steal products based on information technology, since information is an infinite commodity.

Which of the following is true about technological advances?

-Technological advances allow Americans to participate in more markets with more speed than ever before -Advances in technology have allowed Americans to make more informed decisions that they could before -Technological advancement has increased the availability of information -Technological advancement has made American better off economically

Which of the following was one of the three arguments for remaining in the British Empire that Thomas Paine responded to in Common Sense?

-The English protected the colonists -The colonies flourished under English rule -The English were a parent country

Which of the following was a primary reason for creating the Constitutional Convention?

-The need to regulate commerce -The financing of the government -Law enforcement concerns -Currency concerns

Which of the following is an effect third parties have?

-They have no effect; they don't change the outcome of an election. -They can be co-opted by one of the major parties. -They can displace one of the major parties. -They can give an election to a candidate who receives less than 50% of the vote.

Which of the following was an action undertaken by the English government that led to a desire for independence?

-Townshend Acts -Proclamation of 1763 -Stamp Tax

Political parties serve to do what?

-Unite people into political coalitions -Provide potential leaders an opportunity to attain public office -Put forward platform and candidates -Raise money for a cause

Which of the following is part of the Lord's way of caring for the poor?

-Using family first to help get through the rough financial times -Self-reliance by being prepared financially for hard times -Service to our neighbor by volunteering time and donating money to worthy causes

How can a society lose the Rule of Law?

-Wickedness of the people -Subtle power grab from within -Well-intentioned mistakes -Naked power grab from without

Which of the following describes something that would cause a recession?

-Widespread fraud and corruption in business dealings -inappropriate economic policy action on the part of the government -World or national crises

The First Great Awakening took place between which dates?

1720 and 1740

Which Article of the Constitution explains that the Senate and House make laws?

1st Amendment

If a state had 50,000 free inhabitants and 50,000 slave inhabitants, and representation was one congressperson per 30,000 persons, how many representatives in the US House (not Senate) would that state have had in the federal government just after ratification?


What was the Glorious Revolution?

A 1688 English revolution that put William of Orange on the throne

What was Romanticism?

A backlash against the overly scientific Enlightenment worldview

According to Merrill J. Bateman, what accompanied the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

A burst of secular knowledge

Which best describes most of human history?

A cycle of tyranny and anarchy

What was the Magna Carta?

A document that King John signed that limited his powers

Which of the following was seen as a "miracle" in the American War for Independence?

A fog the prevented Washington's army from being destroyed in New York

How is inflation defined?

A general, widespread increase in prices

A republican government is defined as which of the following?

A government that derives its power from the people

Which statement represents a weakness of the market economy?

A market economy is subject to short-term instability

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

A means to determine slave representation

How did Federalist no. 10 define a "faction"?

A narrow interest group that works against the public interest

Which of the following best defines imperialism?

A policy of acquisition of colonies of dominating the economic and political affairs of a weaker nation

What is the minimum wage?

A price floor

What was Shay's Rebellion?

A rebellion of Massachusetts farmers after the War for Independence

What was the Renaissance?

A rebirth of lost truths

Which of the following best describes the Townshend Duties?

A series of taxes on product purchases

Which of the following best describes the New Jersey Plan?

A small-state counterpart to Madison's Virginia plan

What was the Cold War?

A tension between communist nations (led by the USSR) and capitalist nations (led by the United States)

The New Jersey Plan proposed which of the following?

A unicameral (one-house) legislature where each state had equal representation

Which of the following best describes "isolationism"?

A view that says the US military should limit itself to defending America

What is "unipolarity"?

A world with one, unchallenged superpower

According to Locke's theory, if government went beyond its authority to protect and secure the Rights of Man, those who are governed had the right to do what?

Abolish and replace the government

Who is considered the "father" of modern economics?

Adam Smith

Where did natural rights originate?


What did John Locke mean by equality?

All people have equal natural rights

What is Article V of the Constitution about?

Amending the Constitution

Which of the following best describes American economic history?

America's economy grew in the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries

Which of the following statements is true of American power?

America's military power approaches that of all other nations combined

Which best describes "containment"?

American policy during the Cold War

Which of the following best describes the melting-pot approach to diversity?

Americans are united by common values

Which best defines imperialism?

An attempt to dominate the affairs of weaker nations

Which of the following statements is true about tyranny or anarchy?

Anarchy is defined as no law, no order, and no government

Which of the following has NOT experienced exclusion by the American government through legislation over the last two hundred years?

Anglo-Saxon Protestants

At which of the following did state delegates plan the Constitutional Convention?

Annapolis Convention

Which of the following statements accurately describes the law of demand?

As price goes down, the quantity that consumers are wiling to buy goes up

Which of the following statements accurately describes the law of supply?

As price goes up, the quantity that producers are willing to produce goes up

Which of the following statements is true of the two-party system in America?

At any given time through most of our history, two large, moderate parties have existed, and seldom did anyone except members of those two main parties get elected to public office

According to Madison in Federalist no. 51, since men are not angels, it is necessary to insert what into government?

Auxiliary precautions

How does the world define "human"?

Biologically: a human has certain physical characteristics that separate it from other animals

Which of the following groups in America were first given the right to vote via constitutional amendment?


Which of the following landmark Supreme Court cases declared that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following battles was fought to defend Boston from the British during the American Revolution?

Bunker Hill

How did religious freedom develop in America?

By accident - the plurality of churches forced religious tolerance

How has America been a hypocritical nation with regard to inclusion?

By not living up to the high principles of the founding

According to Locke, how are governments formed?

By social contract

Which economic system promotes private ownership of property and has a positive regard for self-interest?


Which of the following is a system of economic organization based on market competition, under which the means of production, distribution, and exchange are privately owned and directed by individuals and corporations?


Which is a correct match of a principle of the Constitution with its definition?

Checks and balances—it is the idea that those who administer each branch of the government must be given the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments by the other branches

Which of the following was a British legacy of liberty?

Common Law Magna Carta Philosophies of freedom Glorious Revolution

Which is a reason that freedom of religion creates higher religiosity?

Competition creates a better religious product

Which of the following is found in the Constitution?

Congress shall make no law establishing religion

Which of the following best articulates the meaning of the phrase "consumer culture"?

Consuming goods and service has become a major focus on our society

According to the Clash of Civilizations thesis, what will create world conflict in coming years?

Cultural differences

Which best describes the Clash of Civilizations thesis?

Culture will increasingly define conflict in the future

How should government fix an economic downturn, according to Keynes?

Cut taxes and increase spending

Which of the following is a delegated power of Congress given in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution?

Declare war

What were the first two major political parties in the United States?

Democratic Republicans and Federalists

Which of the following correctly links a political party to the leading individuals of that party?

Democratic Republicans—Thomas Jefferson

The founders created a republic of continental size to do which of the following?

Disperse and dilute factions

What is the secret to freedom?

Division of power

Which of the following gives evidence for the efficiency of the market economy?

Economic growth in China since 1978

The Framers gave the power of electing the President of the United States to which of these?

Electoral College

Which of the following is NOT a natural right, according to John Locke?


Article 2 of the Constitution outlines the powers of which branch?


Identify the market weakness on display in the following: A man smokes in public and causes others to suffer ill health through second-hand smoke


Identify the market weakness on display in the following: A suburban resident pays to install and operate a street light in front of his house.


Which market weakness does the following government action address? Government puts up streetlights


What is a future challenge to the Rule of Law in post-industrial society?

Facilitated theft

A prophetic perspective on our age of science and plenty emphasizes what?

Faith and spiritual guidance are required to solve big problems and answer big questions

In which amendment is Congress forbidden to make laws respecting the people's freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble?


In which part of the Constitution is Congress forbidden to make laws respecting the establishment of religion?

First Amendment

According to Section 134:2, which of the following is something governments are supposed to "secure to each individual"?

Free exercise of conscience Protection of life Right and control of property

According to Locke's philosophy, what does it mean to be "free?"

Free from the compulsion of other people

What factor is most responsible for American economic success?

Free-market institutions

Which of the following events happened first?

French and Indian War

According to market theory, what will happen if the government decides that the price of gasoline is too high and places a price ceiling on gas?

Gasoline shortage

Who presided over the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

Why has the Constitution itself been referred to as "godless" at times?

God is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution itself

In periods of inflation, what happens to the value of money?

Goes down

Which is a "self-evident truth" found in the Declaration of Independence?

Government derives authority from the consent of the governed

According to monetarism, what caused the Great Depression?

Government mismanagement of the money supply

Which was an advantage the Americans had in the American Revolution?

Greater commitment to their cause

Who were the three authors of The Federalist Papers?

Hamilton, Madison, Jay

Which best describes American Foreign Policy throughout its history?

Has grown increasingly interventionist over time

According to Federalist no. 10, why did Madison think a large republic was superior to a small republic?

He believed that it is difficult for one faction to gain control of a large republic

In the colonial United States, how did John Adams demonstrate the principle of the Rule of Law?

He defended, in court, the British soldiers who perpetrated the Boston Massacre

Why was George Washington's presence at the Constitutional Convention so important?

He gave legitimacy to the convention and helped temper the emotions of the delegates

Why is Alan Greenspan credited for preventing a recession in 1987?

He increased the money supply until the economy stabilized

According to Genesis 3:22, in what way had Adam become like God after he ate the fruit?

He knew the good from the evil

What was Henry Knox's role in the American Founding?

He retrieved cannon from Fort Ticonderoga

Which of the following is true of the views of George Washington?

He saw political parties as organizing factions that would be dangerous to the nation

What was Washington's stance on foreign policy?

He wanted neutrality towards all nations

Which of the following is true of James Madison?

He was responsible for the basic design of the Constitution

Which of the following is NOT a market weakness?

High prices

Who were the two US Presidents who faced issues relating to the Great Depression?

Hoover and Roosevelt

Which of the following is the best description of the relationship between the three basic principles of the course?

Human agency means we have natural rights, and the Rule of Law is a government system that protects those rights

Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of government presented in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence?

Human beings are born with natural inequalities in their basic rights

Which of the following is correct?

Humans are beings to act; material objects are acted upon

What is the origin of ethnic diversity in America?


Which of the following legislative acts restricted immigration?

Immigration Act (1924)

Which of the following powers is given to Congress to help it control other branches?

Impeach and remove federal judges Refuse to ratify treaties negotiated by the president Refuse to give consent to a presidential appointment Override a presidential veto

Identify the market weakness on display in the following: A meat packing company throws rat bodies into their vats and then sells the product for retail as "pork meat."

Imperfect Information

Which market weakness does the following government action address? Government creates the Food and Drug Administration to inspect products for consumption.

Imperfect information

Which market weakness does the following government action address? Government requires warning labels on CDs that say "Parental advisory, explicit lyrics."

Imperfect information

A policy of acquiring colonies or dominating the economic and political affairs of a weaker nation is call?


Which of the following is an example of tyranny?

In a democracy, voters pass a resolution to have the government imprison all Jews

Which of the following is an example of anarchy?

In the aftermath of an earthquake, looters steal television sets from an electronics store when no police are there to stop them

If the demand for a good goes up and all else stays the same, what happens to the price?


For Federalists, how would an "extended republic" help to limit the dangers of factional politics?

Increasing the number of factions

How are people "taxed" when a government tries to cover deficits by printing more money which leads to more inflation?

Inflation reduces purchasing power

According to Keynesian theory, what causes economic downturns?

Insufficient demand

What happens when the supply of money is decreased?

Interest rates rise

Which of the following says that the US military should have an extensive role around the world?


George Washington's foreign policy as stated in his "Farewell Address" is best described as which?


Which of the following could be NOT considered legacies of the Civil Rights Movement?

It abolished income inequality

Which statement represents one of the reasons Dallin H. Oaks sees the Constitution as an inspired document?

It contains five great fundamentals or grand principles, one of which is the Rule of Law

The Virginia Plan did which of the following?

It created a bicameral (two-house) legislature where representation was based on population

How did capitalism advance liberty in the West?

It created large centers of private economic power independent of the government

Why does deferred gratification lead to economic success?

It creates savings and capital accumulation

What was one major weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

It did not give Congress the power to tax the states

Which is true of the Boston Tea Party?

It escalated the conflict between the colonists and Great Britain

Which of the following is true about Roosevelt's "New Deal" economic policies?

It expanded public sector employment and regulated markets

What is true of America's soft power?

It has declined in recent years

Which of the following is true of American economic growth?

It has made the poor richer

Which of the following correctly summarizes the Smoot-Hawley Act?

It imposed high tariffs on goods imported into the United States

Why did the French and Indian War matter to the American Founding?

It increased British debt, spurring unpopular taxes and restrictions on American colonists

According to the Founding Fathers, which is true of a republic?

It is a government where wise and frugal representatives would make and enforce the law

What is the relationship between the Law of Consecration and communism (and other kinds of socialism)?

It is the same as the relationship between charity and theft

How does the Bill of Rights differ from much of the main body of the Constitution?

It lists certain things that the government is prohibited from doing

Which statement represents a strength of the market system?

It operates in harmony with man's nature and allows the desire for wealth and profit to produce a natural incentive to work and produce

Which of the following are generally seen as strengths of capitalism?

It operates within an atmosphere of freedom It works in harmony with basic human nature It takes advantage of the "miracle of exchange"

Why is the market economy so effective in generating wealth?

It protects property rights and allows free exchange

Which is true of the Stamp Act Congress of 1765?

It represented the first unity of the colonies in common cause

Besides creating the United States as an independent nation, why else is the Declaration important?

It serves as the American Creed

Which way does a demand curve slope and why?

It slopes down to the right, because the lower the price of something, the more of it people want to buy

Which of the following is true of the Sugar Act?

It violated the principle of taxation without representation

Which of the following is true of the Monroe Doctrine?

It was an attempt to keep America free of European affairs

What was the Truman Doctrine?

It was based on containing communism

Which is true of the commerce clause of the Constitution?

It was reinterpreted by the Supreme Court in 1937, giving the federal government substantially more power

How will a government act when its actions are guided by the principles of Rule of Law?

It will only act to enforce laws

Who is often referred to as the Father of the Constitution?

James Madison

Laws that segregated schools and public accommodations between blacks and whites in the South were called what?

Jim Crow laws

According to Federalist no. 51, which branch of government naturally tends to predominate?


Article 1 of the Constitution outlines the powers of which branch?


According to monetarism, how did the Federal Reserve cause the Great Depression?

Let the money supply decline

What are our natural rights according to Locke?

Life, Liberty, and property

Which of the following describes "intelligence" as used in D&C 93?

Light and truth Independent in its sphere Was not created

The bulk of the Declaration of Independence is dedicated to what purpose?

Listing of grievances against England

What are the major critiques of technology in American history?

Luddite Critique Green Critique Romantic Critique Social Critique

Which of the following is NOT associated with agency?

Man as a creature must be punished for Adam's transgression

What is the name of the civil rights leader who effectively used civil disobedience and oratorical skills to overcome racial injustice in the late 1950's and early 1960's?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Which of the following has to be elected directly under the provisions of the original Constitution?

Members of the US House of Representatives

What are the three types of power that America has in foreign policy?

Military power, soft power, economic power

Identify the market weakness on display in the following: Albertson's buys out all other grocery stores and doubles prices?


Which market weakness does the following government action address? Government brings an anti-trust suit against Microsoft, who is the dominant firm in the market?


Which of the following most closely relates to our "special relationship" with nations of the Western Hemisphere?

Monroe Doctrine

In comparative terms, how important is religion to Americans?

More important than in other wealthy countries

Who of the following was raised a Quaker and is widely considered Washington's ablest general in the American Revolution?

Nathaniel Greene

Which best describes the "End of History" thesis?

Nations will converge on liberal democracy

Which of the following terms best defines opposition to immigrants?


Where do rights come from, according to Locke?


Which of the following plans at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 called for a strengthening (not replacing) of the Articles of Confederation and a one-house legislature with one vote for each state?

New Jersey Plan

Which of the following amendments gave women the right to vote?


What "great truth" did Elizabeth Cady Stanton say was the basis of the right to vote?

No just government can be formed without the consent of the governed

If a law-abiding entrepreneur in a free-market system becomes wealthy, which of the following statements is true?

Other members of society must be better off

John Adams said which of the following?

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other

Which of the following powers is NOT given to Congress to help it control other branches?

Pardon people convicted of federal crimes

What changed in the relationship between the colonies and England between 1763 and 1776?

Parliament began exercising control over the colonies

Which of the following was included in the five fundamentals of an inspired constitution as mentioned by Dallin H. Oaks?

Popular Sovereignty

Which market weakness does the following government action address? Government provides food stamps.


What coordinates activity in a market economy?


What coordinates economic production in a market economy and tells people what to produce and consume?


What ensures that there are no long-term shortages in a market economy?

Prices tell producers to increase production

Which of the following is a major foreign relations challenge for the United States?

Proliferation of nuclear weapons

According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the proper role of government?

Protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

According to Locke, what is the government's job?

Protect natural rights

Which of the following best describes Article VII of the Constitution?


According to Keynesian theory, which of the following is the appropriate fiscal policy to pull the nation out of a recession?

Reduce taxes and raise government spending

Which of the following is the appropriate monetary policy to fight inflation?

Reduce the money supply and raise interest rates

The "Great Compromise" at the Convention resolved debates about which of the following?

Representing people or states in Congress

Which of the following statements is true of Keynesianism today?

Republicans favor Keynesian tax cuts; Democrats favor Keynesian spending increases

What are "Externalities"?

Results of economic transactions that affect people not involved in the transaction

What does the Second Amendment guarantee?

Right to bear arms

What does the First Amendment guarantee?

Right to freedom of speech

What does it mean to have a right to private property?

Right to keep the fruits of your own labor

What are natural rights?

Rights you have in the state of nature

What was the name of the English Puritan who came to America for freedom of religion and separation of Church and State, but was banished and therefore founded Rhode Island?

Roger Williams

Which of the following best describes the Rule of Will?

Rulers use force to impose their desires on others

What does the "store of value" function of money allow people to do?


Which of the following is true about scarcity?

Scarcity implies that we face trade-offs and must make choices Scarcity is the reason we have opportunity cost Scarcity means that we must ration what is available

Which of the following define scarcity?

Scarcity is the reason we have opportunity cost Scarcity means that we must ration what is available Scarcity implies that we face trade-offs and must make choices

Under John Locke's theory, government's main purpose is to do what?

Secure human rights that exist before the government

Which of the following philosophical principles is found in the Declaration of Independence?

Self-evident truths Consent of the governed Natural rights Social Contract theory

How does self-interest compare to selfishness?

Self-interest means pursuing your own interest whether good or evil, while selfishness means helping yourself at the expense of others

Which event turned the opinion of many towards the need for a stronger federal government?

Shay's Rebellion

Which of the following is true of the United States in the early 1800s after the adoption of the US Constitution?

Some states had official religions, but the national government did not recognize an official religion

In the years right after the Civil War, where did immigrants primarily come from?

Southern and Eastern Europe

Why is free exchange so effective in making people wealthy?

Specialization and trade creates efficiency

What does the Bill of Rights contain?

Specific protections of individual rights

Which of the following best describes the economy of the late 1970s?


Which of the following was the US Constitution designed to accomplish?

Strengthen the national government

According to the scriptures, in what way can we use our agency to grow and develop God-like characteristics?

Submit our will to God's will

In the American colonies (pre-1776) that had an established church, what was MOST likely?

Taxes and laws to support an approved religion

Which amendment states that powers not explicitly given to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the states and the people?

Tenth Amendment

Which of the following is an example of the Rule of Law?

The British king fails to execute a political foe because the foe has political rights

What event in US history most closely marks the beginning of the Democrat/Republican two-party system?

The Civil War

According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the source of "unalienable rights"?

The Creator

Which of the following is NOT associated with Martin Luther King, Jr.?

The Emmitt Till Murder

What did the Declaratory Act say?

The English parliament had the right to legislate for the colonies

Which situation is LEAST compatible with the Rule of Law?

The Executive Branch has unlimited power to make and enforce laws

Which is true of monetary policy today?

The Fed plays a major role in economic activity

Which government body is in charge of monetary policy?

The Federal Reserve

Which of the following regulates the money supply in the United States?

The Federal Reserve

Which constitutional amendment sought to secure voting rights for all regardless of race?

The Fifteenth Amendment

Which event created a greater level of economic suffering in America than any other previous event?

The Great Depression

According to Paine, who introduced kings into the world?

The Heathens (and then Israel copied)

Which of the following is true of political parties in US history?

The Republican Party was founded to abolish slavery

What is necessary for the market to function?

The Rule of Law

Which of the following organizations helped lead the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s?

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Which of the following are associated with Martin Luther King Jr.?

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) "I have a dream." Non-Violent protest

Which action by parliament represented the most controversial attempt to raise money directly from the colonists?

The Stamp Act

What promised African-American rights after the Civil War?

The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments

Which of the following was true of the American economy at the turn of the 21st century?

The US economy was larger than the next four biggest economies combined

Which of the following best describes foreign policy interventionism?

The US military should have an extensive role around the world

Which of the following best describes isolationism?

The United States should stay out of the political affairs of other nations

Which of the following best defines opportunity cost?

The Value of the next best alternative when we make a decision

Which of the following best describes soft power?

The ability to get what you want through attraction rather than through coercion

Which of the following is true about the Federal Reserve's actions at the beginning and during the Great Depression?

The actions of the Federal Reserve at the beginning of the Great Depression made the depression much worse and may have been the primary cause

What is "federalism"?

The allocation of power between state and federal governments

Which of the following statements is true of US foreign policy?

The basic mission of the United States during the Cold War was to contain communism

Which of the following best describes "ethnocentrism"?

The belief in the inherent superiority of one's own culture

What is the correct definition of "human?"

The capacity to choose good from evil

Why do the colonists claim "no taxation without representation" ?

The colonists could not vote for representatives in parliament

Which best describes the relationship between the colonists and England before 1750?

The colonists were proud to be part of the British Empire

Choose the statement or phrase that Paine would NOT have written in Common Sense:

The constitution of England remains the bulwark of our liberty and the best form of government that man can devise

What is political liberalism?

The definition changes with time

Which statement about the Constitutional Convention is correct?

The delegates disagreed sharply about slavery

Which of the following statements best describes the demand curve for pizza?

The demand curve shows how much pizza that consumers plan to buy at any given price

In stopping state-sponsored prayer at public schools, the Supreme Court in Engel v. Vitale appealed to what?

The establishment clause of the First Amendment

What was the Battle of Yorktown?

The final battle of the American War for Independence

What happened at Lexington and Concord?

The first battle of the War for Independence

Which of the following best describes the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution

D&C 134:2 specifies inherent rights to protect including life, the control of property, and

The free exercise of conscience

What was Montesquieu's most important contribution to Constitutionalism?

The idea of splitting governmental power into branches according to function

What was the effect of Shay's Rebellion?

The inadequacy of state governments was exposed

According to the Declaration of Independence, where do rights come from?

The laws of nature and of nature's God

What is the primary reason a simple yellow, wooden pencil so inexpensive?

The many people who participate in making it

A hurricane destroys an oil refinery that produces gasoline. What impact will this have in the gasoline market?

The market price will increase

What is gross domestic product (GDP)?

The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a year

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's position on the economy before he was elected president?

The national government had no Constitutional authority to create welfare programs

What is the "unemployment rate"?

The percentage of people looking for work but are unable to find it

What is the equilibrium market price?

The point at which the supply and demand curves meet

Which of the following did the Anti-Federalists fear?

The power of the national government would restrict the liberties of the people

Which statement correctly describes a principle contained in the "auxiliary precautions" spoken of by Madison?

The power to make, to enforce, and to interpret the law should be separated into three distinct branches or departments

Which best describes the "interest rate"?

The price of money

Which of the following statements best describes a pizza market that is in equilibrium?

The price of pizza is such that the pizza restaurants plan on selling the same amount of pizza that consumers plan to buy

Which is the most accurate description of income in the United States?

The rich and the poor have both gotten richer, but at different rates

Which of the following is NOT a right that the government is designed to protect ("secure"), according to Section 134:2?

The right of provision of healthcare

Each of the following EXCEPT one represents a basic, natural right that would have been discussed in the serious political writings of colonial time including the Declaration of Independence. Choose the one that does NOT represent a basic, natural right.

The right to economic equality

What, according to Madison, is the "primary control" on the power of government?

The virtue of the people

Why did the colonies declare independence?

Their freedom, democracy, and independence were threatened

Which was one of the key problems under the Articles of Confederation?

There was no Executive

Which of the following is true of religion in colonial America?

There were religious tests to hold public office in many of the colonies

Which is true of the two major political parties in the United States?

They are considered middle-of-the-road because they must attract a majority of American voters

Based on their understanding of the nature of man, which statement correctly describes the Founders' view of government and its structure?

They believed that self-interest could be directed to promote freedom

Which of the following is true of political parties?

They emerged in the late 18th century during Washington's presidency

Why were Americans initially reluctant to create a national government?

They feared tyranny like they had under Great Britain

What are some advantages of science and technology?

They give new products and services

What are some of the advantages of science and technology?

They give new products and services

Why were the officers of the US Revolutionary Army angry towards the end of the war?

They had not received pay

Which statement about the Virginia Plan is correct?

They provided the ideas and framework for discussion in the early days of the convention

How do constitutions create political liberty?

They restrain the ability of sinful, corruptible humans to oppress

According to James Madison, what should auxiliary precautions do in the Constitutional system?

They should supply through opposite and rival interests the structures of government which truly "oblige" the government to control itself

Which of the following is true of the Enron scandal and other business scandals in US history?

They show that some people break the law in opposition to market principles

Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?


The increase in household income inequality over time in the United States implies what?

This is a complex problem that is not easily fixed

Franklin D. Roosevelt, while governor of New York, said, "The Constitution of the United States gives Congress no power to legislate in the matter of a great number of vital problems of government, such as the conduct of public utilities, of banks, of insurance, of business, of agriculture, of education, of social welfare, and of a dozen other important features. Washington must never be permitted to interfere in these avenues of our affairs." Which of the following statements is the most correct?

This statement suggests that in the view of Governor Roosevelt, the New Deal was unconstitutional

Which religions are most attractive to Americans as a whole?

Those that do not change to fit the times

Who of the following is typically considered a "winner" during unanticipated inflation?

Those who borrow money

How do we know what our natural rights are?

Thought experiment of the state of nature

How did the lower classes gain voting rights?

Through abolition of property-owning requirements

According to Ezra Taft Benson, what is the most important single function of government?

To secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens

What was the major problem with US Government before the Constitutional Convention?

Too weak to uphold the Rule of Law

Which amendment of the Constitution says citizens can vote if they are 18 years of age?


In theory, what is the most likely outcome from a large increase in minimum wage?


Which of the following is true of the United States during the Great Depression?

Unemployment reached 25%

According to Madison, what is the "most common and durable source of fractions"?

Unequal distribution of property

What happened at the Battle of Trenton?

Washington made a successful surprise attack that kept the cause alive

Which of the following conditions is necessary for a free-market economy to work well?

Well-defined and enforced property rights

Which of the following is the first line of the Declaration of Independence?

When in the course of human events

Which of the following is true about greed and markets?

When people act in their own self-interest, market forces generally guide them to act in the interest of others

How does the Industrial age compare to the Post-Industrial or Information age?

While machines did the work of humans in the Industrial age, in the Information age, machines also do some thinking for humans

Why could more people in the American colonies vote than in Europe?

Widespread land ownership

Which of the following is considered an attribute of "public virtue"?

Willingness to compromise politically

The Seneca Falls Declaration was a major part of which movement?

Woman's Suffrage

Is there cooperation in the market economy?

Yes, between producers and consumers

What did the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments do?

abolished slavery and granted citizenship and voting rights regardless of race

Designing government so that "ambition [is] made to counteract ambition" is central to the idea of which of the following?

auxiliary precautions

Elder Oaks speaks of the "miracle of ratification" in the sense that it happened:

despite doubts among delegates, substantial opposition, and close votes in some states

In proper order, what are the four technological ages of human history?

hunter-gatherer, agricultural, industrial, information

How are prices determined in a competitive market?

interaction of supply and demand

How did the Magna Carta advance the cause of liberty?

it put written limitations on royal authority

According to Natural Law, if government went beyond its authority to protect and secure the rights of mankind, those who are governed had the right to:

resist and rebel

Rule of Law is evident when:

the people restrict their own actions

Factions become a problem when what?

they become a majority and threaten natural rights

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