FERRANTE AP Biology Unit 4 Review Questions

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An organism that is able to produce its own food is known as a(n) ________ . A) Autotroph B) Heterotroph C) Consumer D) Decomposer


As you go through the trophic levels, ______ and other matter get recycled while ______ does not. A) nutrients; energy B) energy; nutrients


Based on the following reactions. (A) glucose—> ethyl alcohol + 2 CO2 + 2ATP (B) glucose + 2 ATP —> 2 pyruvic acid + 4 ATP (C) 2 pyruvic acid + O2-> CO2 + H2O + 34 ATP (D) 2 pyruvic acid —> 2 lactic acid Which reaction occurs in mitochondria? A) C B) D C) B D) A


CAM plants keep stomata close in daytime, thus reducing loss of water. They can do this because they A) fix CO2 into organic acids during the night B) use photosynthesis I and II at night C) fix CO2 into sugar in the bundle-stealth Cells D) fix CO2 into pyruvate in the meso


During the process of photosynthesis, energy from the Sun is converted into A) chemical energy in the bonds of organic molecules B) chemical energy in the bonds of inorganic molecules C) enzymes used to produce inorganic molecules D) enzymes used to produce organic molecules


Fat molecules typically contain long chains of carbon atoms. Animals tend to store fats for use when food resources are scarce. This is an advantage to the animal because A) much energy can be gained by breaking the bonds between atoms in the fats B) fats give off carbon dioxide that can be used by the muscles C) amino acids from fat synthesis are more easily digested than carbohydrates D) energy can only be created by digesting fats


In the human body, carbon monoxide reduced the amount of oxygen that can be transported to cells. Breathing in too much carbon monoxide will most likely result in the production of A) less ATP B) less glucose C) more DNA D) more protein


Oxygen consumption can be used as a measure of metabolic rate because oxygen is A) necessary for ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation B) necessary for fermentation to take place C) required by all living organisms D) required to break down the ethanol that is produced in muscles


Process in which CO2, is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions A) Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle) B) Calvin Cycle (Light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) C) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis D) Glycolysis


Process in which sugar is oxidized to pyruvic acid A) Glycolysis B) Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle) C) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) D) Chemiosmosis


The diagram below represents a cross section of a leaf of a green plant, showing an opening (stomate) in the lower surface. A stomate in the lower surface of the lead has a function most similar to the function of which cell structure? A) cell membrane B) vacuole C) ribosome D) nucleus


What does the chemiosmotic process in chloroplasts involve? A) establishment of a proton gradient B) diffusion of electrons through the thylakoid membrane C) movement of water by osmosis into the thylakoid space from the stroma D) formation of glucose, using carbon dioxide, NADPH, and ATP


Where does the Calvin cycle take place? A) stroma of the chloroplast B) thylakoid membrane C) cytoplasm surrounding the chloroplast D) chlorophyll molecule


Which of the following occurs in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell? A) glycolysis and fermentation B) fermentation and chemiosmosis C) oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA D) citric acid cycle


Which of the following statements best represents the relationships between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle? A) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns ADP, Pi, and NADP+ to the light reactions. B) The light reactions supply the Calvin cycle with CO2 to produce sugars, and the Calvin cycle supplies the light reactions with sugars to produce ATP. C) The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the carbon fixation step of the Calvin cycle, and the cycle provides water and electrons to the light reactions. D) There is no relationship between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.


Which of the following statements statements describes the results of this reaction? C6H12O6 + 6O2—> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy A) C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced B) O2 is oxidized and H2O is reduced C) C6H12O6 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized D) O2 is reduced and CO2 is oxidized


A figure shows a process in which a cell might absorb food from its surrounding environment and break it down for use as a source of energy and matter. The process involves lysosomes, which are membrane-bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes. Activation of the hydrolytic enzymes requires an acidic pH, and lysosomes maintain an internal acidic pH by using ion pumps. Which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a loss of ion pump function in the cell's lysosomes? A) The internal pH of the lysosomes will decrease, which will prevent the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and interfere with the intracellular digestion of food. B) The internal pH of the lysosomes will increase, which will prevent the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and interfere with the intracellular digestion of food. C) The internal pH of lysosomes will decrease, which will activate hydrolytic enzymes and enhance the intracellular digestion of food. D) The internal pH of the lysosomes will increase, which will activate hydrolytic enzymes and enhance the intracellular digestion of food.


A plant has a unique photosynthetic pigment. The leaves of this plant appear to be reddish-yellow. What wavelengths of visible light are being absorbed by this pigment? A) red and yellow B) blue and violet C) blue, green, and red D) green, blue, and yellow


Aerobic cellular respiration occurs in which organelle? A) chloroplast B) mitochondria C) cytoplasm D) nucleus


An intermediate electron acceptor for oxidations that occur in both glycolysis and in Krebs cycle reactions A) FADH2 B) NAD+ C) NADP+ D) oxygen (O2)


Base your answer to the question on the word equations below and on your knowledge of biology. The equations represent two biochemical processes that occur in living organisms. The letter X represents a molecule produced from process 1. Process 1: oxygen + glucose —> carbon dioxide + water + X Process 2: carbon dioxide + water —> oxygen + glucose Identify the molecule represented by letter X in process 1. A) ADP B) ATP C) NADP+ D) NADPH


Bread rises as a result of ______ . A) cellular respiration B) alcoholic fermentation C) lactic acid fermentation D) glycolysis


Carbohydrate-synthesis reactions of photosynthesis directly require A) light B) products of the light reactions C) O2 and H2O D) chlorophyll and CO2


During respiration, most ATP is formed as a direct result of the net movement of A) potassium against a concentration gradient B) protons down a concentration gradient C) electrons through a channel D) sodium ions into the cell


Each time a molecule of glucose (C6H12O6) is completely oxidized via aerobic respiration, how many oxygen molecules (O2) are required? A) 2 B) 6 C) 12 D) 38


Glycolysis & fermentation are _______ processes A) aerobic B) anaerobic C) both A and B D) neither A or B


How is photosynthesis similar in C4 and CAM plants? A) Both types of plants make sugar without the Calvin cycle B) In both cases, rubisco is not used to fix carbon initially C) Both types of plants make most of their sugar in the dark D) In both cases, thylakoids are not involved in photosynthesis


In animals, the organelles in which aerobic cellular respiration occurs are known as A) chloroplasts B) mitochondria C) nuclear membranes D) ribosomes


In cellular respiration, the Krebs Cycle uses ______ , which is made during glycolysis A) glucose B) pyruvic acid C) lactic acid D) alcohol


In which step of cellular respiration is the most ATP produced? A) Kreb Cycle B) Electron Transport Chain C) Glycolysis D) Fermentation.


Intracellular digestion of proteins is usually immediately preceded by which process? A) hydrolysis B) endocytosis C) absorption D) elimination


Leaves of a plant appear green because chlorophyll ________ red & blue light & _______ green light A) reflects; reflects B) absorbs; reflects C) reflects; absorbs D) absorbs; absorbs


Organisms, such as hawks and leopards, that obtain energy from the foods they consume are called A) thylakoids B) heterotrophs C) pigments D) autotrophs


Photorespiration lowers the efficiency of photosynthesis by preventing the formation of A) carbon dioxide molecules B) 3-phosphoglycerate molecules C) ATP molecules D) RuBP carboxylase molecules


Respiratory enzymes are present in A) neither animals nor plant cells B) both animal and plant cells C) animal cells, but not in plant cells D) plant cells, but not in animal cells


The O2 released during photosynthesis comes from A) CO2 B) H2O C) NADPH D) RuBP


The carbon that makes up organic molecules in plants is derived directly from A) combustion of fuels B) carbon fixed in photosynthesis C) carbon dioxide produced in respiration D) coal mines


The continuing series of reactions in cellular respiration that produces CO2, NADH, & FADH2 A) Calvin Cycle B) Krebs Cycle C) electron transport chain D) glycolysis


The main result of aerobic respiration is the A) conversion of radiant energy into chemical energy B) production of ATP from the breakdown of glucose C) storage of energy in a polysaccharide D) production of lactic acid as an end product


The name given to the cycle of dark (light independent) reactions in photosynthesis. A) Kreb Cycle B) Calvin Cycle C) Glycolysis D) Respiration


The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to A) yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory chain B) act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water C) combine with carbon, forming CO2 D) catalyze the reactions of glycolysis


The process in which autotrophs make their own food using CO2, H2O, & the energy in light A) Glycolysis B) Photosynthesis C) Fermentation D) Cellular Respiration


The products of the light reactions that are a source of energy for the Calvin Cycle A) PGAL & lactic acid B) ATP & NADPH C) sunlight & O2 D) pyruvic acid & glucose


To recycle nutrients, the minimum an ecosystem must have is A) producers B) producers and decomposers C) producers, consumers, and decomposers D) producers, consumers, carnivores, and decomposers


What is the term for metabolic pathways that release stored energy by breaking down complex molecules? A) anabolic pathways B) catholic pathways C) fermentation pathways D) thermodynamic pathways


When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis, is a by-product of which of the following? A) reducing NADP+ B) splitting the water molecules C) chemiosmosis D) the electron transfer system of photosystem I


Which group of organisms in an ecosystem fills the niche of recycling organic matter back to the environment? A) carnivores B) decomposers C) producers D) predators


Which of the following is not correct about the Calvin Cycle? A) Rubisco is an enzyme that bonds to CO2 as well as O2 B) The Calvin cycle produces very small amounts of ATP C) The product of the Calvin Cycle is PGAL or G3P D) The Calvin cycle only occurs in light


Which process is directly used by autotrophs to store energy in glucose? A) diffusion B) photosynthesis C) respiration D) active transport


Which process occurs at each link in a food chain? A) All the energy is stored in a newly made structure B) Some energy is released into the environment as heat C) Chemical energy is recycled D) Atoms cycle among living organisms, producing energy


Which type of organism helps to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide? A) carnivores B) producers C) decomposers D) herbivores


A corn field includes corn plants, mice, hawks, and various insects, fungi, and bacteria. Which nutritional role is correctly paired with organisms that carry out that role? A) heterotrophs- corn and bacteria B) producers- insects and fungi C) consumers- mice and insects D) decomposers- hawks and bacteria


Based on the following reactions. (A) glucose—> ethyl alcohol + 2 CO2 + 2ATP (B) glucose + 2 ATP —> 2 pyruvic acid + 4 ATP (C) 2 pyruvic acid + O2-> CO2 + H2O + 34 ATP (D) 2 pyruvic acid —> 2 lactic acid Which reaction could take place in human muscle tissue? A) A and C B) A,B, and D C) B,C, and D D) A and B, only


C6H12O6 stands for ______ in the reaction for photosynthesis 6CO2 + 6H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6O2 A) pyruvic acid B) lipid C) glucose D) lactic acid


Cellular respiration is a _______ process A) aerobic B) anaerobic C) both A and B D) neither A or B


Energy released by the electron transport chain is used to pump H+ ions into which location? A) mitochondrial outer membrane B) cytosol C) mitochondrial intermembrane space D) mitochondrial matrix


Food eaten by animals are most often composed largely of macromolecules (polymers). This requires the animals to have methods for which of the following? A) elimination B) dehydration synthesis C) enzymatic hydrolysis D) regurgitation


In a food web, which type of organism receives energy from the other three types? A) producers B) carnivore C) decomposer D) herbivore


In addition to ATP, what are the end products of glycolysis? A) CO2 and H2O B) CO2 and pyruvate C) NADH and pyruvate D) CO2 and NADH


In any ecosystem, terrestrial or aquatic, what group(s) is (are) always necessary? A) autotrophs and heterotrophs B) producers and primary consumers C) autotrophs D) green plants


One function of both alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation is to A) reduce NAD+ to NADH B) reduce FAD+ to FADH2 C) oxidize NADH to NAD+ D) reduce FADH2 to FAD+


Organisms contain compounds such as proteins, starches, and fats. The chemical bonds in these compounds can be a source of A) amino acids B) simple sugars C) energy D) enzymes


Process in which O2 is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions A) Glycolysis B) Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle) C) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis D) Chemiosmosis


Process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules A) Glycolysis B) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) C) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) D) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis


Produced in the muscles during rapid exercise when body can't supply enough oxygen to tissue. A) alcohol B) citric acid C) lactic acid D) water


The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree celsius. A) adenosine triphosphate B) electron transport C) calorie D) nutrient


The direct energy that drives ATP synthesis during respiratory oxidative phosphorylation is A) oxidation of glucose to CO2 and water B) the final transfer of electrons to oxygen C) the difference in H+ concentration on opposite sides of the inner mitochondrial membrane D) the thermodynamically favorable transfer of phosphate from glycolysis and the citric acid cycle intermediate molecule of ADP


The process in which glucose is broken down. A) photosynthesis B) fermentation C) glycolysis D) respiration


The process that involves oxygen and breaks down dood molecules to release energy. A) photosynthesis B) glycolysis C) cellular respiration D) fermentation


To leave the digestive tract, a substance must cross a cell membrane. During which stage of food processing does this take place? A) ingestion B) hydrolysis C) absorption D) elimination


What are the proteins of the electron transport chain located? A) cytosol B) mitochondrial outer membrane C) mitochondrial inner membrane D) mitochondrial intermembrane space


What happens to the amount of energy as you move up an ecological pyramid? A) stays the same B) increases C) decreases


Where do the catabolic products of fatty acid breakdown enter into the citric acid cycle? A) pyruvate B) malate or fumarate C) acetyl CoA D) succinyl CoA


Where is ATP synthase located in mitochondrion? A) cytosol B) outer membrane C) inner membrane D) mitochondrial matrix


Which byproduct of the light reactions is released & doesn't participate any further? A) carbon dioxide (CO2) B) ATP C) oxygen (O2) D) pyruvic acid


Which factor would have the greatest effect on the flow of energy into an ecosystem? A) a small increase in the number of decomposers B) a small decrease in the amount of minerals available C) a large decrease in the amount of sunlight available D) a large increase in the number of carnivores


Which of the following is a product of lactic acid fermentation? A) beer B) wine C) cheese D) acetic acid


Which process is an outcome of photosynthesis? A) Complex molecules are broken down to form simple molecules B) Water is absorbed into the root hairs C) Light energy is converted into chemical energy D) Water is transported through vascular tissue


Which process is most directly driven by light energy? A) creation of a pH gradient protons across the thylakoid membrane B) carbon fixation in the stroma C) removal of electrons from chlorophyll molecules D) ATP synthesis


Which process produces the greatest quality of ATP per molecule of glucose oxidized? A) lactic acid production B) photosynthesis C) aerobic respiration D) fermentation


Which process used energy to combine inorganic molecules to synthesize organic molecules? A) respiration B) digestion C) photosynthesis D) decomposition


______ is a compound that stores energy in cells. A) electron B) calorie C) adenosine triphosphate (ATP) D) pigment


An enzyme known as rubisco enables plants to use large amounts of carbon dioxide. This enzyme is most likely active in the A) nucleus B) vacuoles C) mitochondria D) chloroplasts


Autotrophs might survive when heterotrophs cannot, because autotrophs are able to A) reproduce asexually B) become dormant C) exist without respiration D) make their own food


Base your answer to the question on the word equations below and on your knowledge of biology. The equations represent two biochemical processes that occur in living organisms. The letter X represents a molecule produced from process 1. Process 1: oxygen + glucose —> carbon dioxide + water + X Process 2: carbon dioxide + water —> oxygen + glucose Which process occurs in the cells of a green plant leaf? A) process 1, only B) process 2, only C) neither process 1 nor process 2 D) both process 1 and process 2


Energy in a pond encounter passes directly from the Sun to A) herbivores B) consumers C) heterotrophs D) autotrophs


Glycolysis occurs in the _______ . A) stroma B) thylakoid C) mitochondria D) cytoplasm


How many turns of the Calvin cycle are required to produce one molecule of glucose? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6


In what way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar? A) They both require sunlight B) They both require oxygen and produce carbon dioxide C) They both occur in chloroplasts D) They both involve organic and inorganic molecules


In which organelle does photosynthesis occur? A) mitochondria B) ribosome C) cytoplasmic D) chloroplast


Inside an active mitochondrion, most electrons follow which pathway? A) glycolysis—> NADH—> oxidative phosphorylation—> ATP—> oxygen B) electron transport chain—> citric acid cycle—> ATP—> oxygen C) pyruvate—> citric acid cycle—> ATP—> NADH—> oxygen D) citric acid cycle—> NADH—> electron transport chain—> oxygen


Muscle cells in athletes often have more mitochondria than muscle cells in nonathletes. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that the muscle cells in athletes A) have a smaller demand for cell proteins than the muscle cells of nonathletes B) reproduce less frequently than the muscle cells of nonathletes C) have nuclei containing more DNA than nuclei in the muscle cells of nonathletes D) have a greater demand for energy than the muscle cells of nonathletes


Process found in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration A) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) B) Calvin Cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis) C) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis D) chemiosmosis


Substrate-level phosphorylation accounts for approximately what percentage of the ATP formed during glycolysis? A) 2% B) 10% C) 38% D) 100%


The end product of the Calvin Cycle is _______ . A) CO2, NADH, & FADH2 B) ATP & NADPH C) pyruvic acid D) glucose


The ultimate source of energy on Earth (photosynthesis gets its energy from this). A) the earth's crust B) the moon C) hydrothermal vents D) the sun


To prepare for an experiment, ten different sources of good were sterilized and kept in a sterile container. Bacteria of the same species were placed on each of the ten different food sources and kept at 26 degrees celsius for two days. During this time, bacteria grew in nine of the containers. Based on this observation, the scientist could conclude that A) all ten food sources used in the experiment are capable of supporting this species of bacteria B) the temperature varied greatly in nine of the containers during this experiment C) only the container that failed to grow any bacteria was prepared correctly D) this species of bacteria synthesizes enzymes needed to digest the food in nine of the ten containers


What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle? A) use ATP to release carbon dioxide B) use NADPH to release carb9n dioxide C) split water and release oxygen D) synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide


What type of microorganism causes alcoholic fermentation? A) amaeba B) autosome C) lactobacillus D) yeast


Which activity is an example of a decomposer recycling organic compounds back into the environment? A) A tree synthesizes starch from simpler molecules. B) A bacterial cell performs photosynthesis C) A bird digests proteins from its food. D) A fungus breaks down the body of a dead animal.


Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin Cycle? A) CO2 and glucose B) H2O and O2 C) ADP, Pi, and NADP+ D) ATP and NADPH


Which of the following processes removes carbon from the atmosphere? A) combustion B) cellular respiration C) death & decomposition D) photosynthesis


Which of the following produces the most ATP when glucose (C6H12O6) is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water? A) glycolysis B) fermentation C) citric acid cycle D) oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)


Which of the following statements is a correct distinction between autotrophs and heterotrophs? A) Only heterotrophs require compounds from the environment B) Cellular Respiration is unique to heterotrophs C) Only heterotrophs have mitochondria D) Autotrophs, but not heterotrophs, can nourish themselves beginning with CO2 and other nutrients that are inorganic


Which statement correctly describes part of the photosynthetic process in plants? A) Oxygen is used in the dark reactions B) Alcohol is produced by the light reactions C) Carbon dioxide is released in the dark reactions D) Water is split in the light reactions


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