Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

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After identification of expressive and receptive language delay in children with FAS, intervention is a key role in the success of the child. Which of the following factors negatively impacts language proficiency intervention for the child? a. Starting intervention at three years old b. Intervention plans targeted during infancy c. Providing the child and family with resources and education of FAS d. Family involvement during the intervention process


All the following statements are true of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) except: A. Diagnosing FASD is often complex because of the presence of multiple risk factors and negative exposures that are substantial contributors to the patient's symptoms. B. The term "fetal alcohol syndrome" (FAS) was first used to describe the cluster of birth defects due to prenatal alcohol exposure (including growth restriction, craniofacial abnormalities, and intellectual disabilities) with lifetime consequences. C. There are five neurodevelopmental deficits considered pathognomonic for, or specific to, FASD. D. The term "fetal alcohol spectrum disorder" (FASD) has since been adopted from (FAS) to describe a broader spectrum of presentations and disabilities resulting from alcohol exposure in utero.


Anatomical abnormalities commonly present in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) include: (A) Growth deficiency and craniofacial dysmorphology (B) Growth deficiency and syndactyly (C) Syndactyly and craniofacial dysmorphology (D) None of the above


FAS prevalence statistics range from 10 - 40 percent higher than the general population than in which group? A) Children in care, in correctional services or special education services. B) FAS affects all populations equally. C) People who are incarcerated have the highest prevalence of FAS. D) The prevalence is unknown due to the lack of correct diagnosis of the condition.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome causes neurological deficits due to alcohol intoxication in utero during the brain forming stages of pregnancy. Which statement best describes a person with FAS? A) Children with FAS show a wide range of total IQ values with some showing very high intelligence. B) Children with FAS show very low IQ total values due to neurological damage during development. C) Children with FAS have the same IQ total values as typically developing children but with motor skills that are greatly delayed. D) Children with FAS have neurologic damage that affects the ability to recognize cause and effect relationships.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a pattern of mental, physical, and behavioral defects that develop in infants born to some women who drank alcohol during pregnancy; the term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) are: A. Signs that have been linked to the mother's drinking during pregnancy and do not meet the diagnostic criteria for FASD. B. Signs that have been linked to the mother's drinking during pregnancy C. do not meet the diagnostic criteria for FASD D. Severe physical and cognitive deficits


John has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and the school administrators want to see how he does in a general education classroom to ensure that he is placed in the least restrictive environment. Classroom demands vary as activities change such as quiet group work time and following teacher instructions. Which answer choice below would not be a way that John might interact with the classroom and his peers? (A) Consistently following teacher directions and appropriately socially engaging with his peers (B) Following teacher directions on Monday but having difficulty doing so on Tuesday for a different classroom activity (C) Having difficulty working in a group of 2 other unfamiliar classmates in the morning but doing well in a group activity in the afternoon with the same classmates (D) Attending well to teacher-led book reading time in the classroom but easily distracted during book reading time in the library'


The study indicates that children with FAS/FAE often present with good superficial speech skills, but deficits in their language underlie which of the following? A. Poor peer relationships B. Significant behavioral problems C. Social problems D. Both significant behavioral and social problems


What behavioral disorder can become more apparent in school-aged children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? (A) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (B) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) (C) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (D) All of the above


What etiology best explains where Fetal Alcohol Syndrome comes from? a. Congenital b. Acquired c. Functional d. Psychogenic


What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)? A. An alcohol induced damage to the human brain, caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. B. A deficit in a person's attention to task, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. C. An autosomal recessive disorder of phenylalanine (Phe) metabolism associated with deficient activity of Phe hydroxylase (PAH) and elevated concentrations of Phe and Phe metabolites. D. A developmental disorder that affects many parts of the body from mild to moderate intellectual disability or learning problems, unique personality characteristics, distinctive facial features, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) problems.


What protective factor can help with reducing secondary effects of FASDs and help reach their full potential? a. Early diagnosis b. Stimulants c. Neuroleptics d. Counseling


Which of the following is not a characteristic of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? Syndactyly Limb/external genitalia malformations Prenatal/postnatal growth deficiencies Craniofacial/pulmonary anomalies


You have a child diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome coming in for outpatient speech therapy services joining your caseload. The history paperwork you've been given is limited. Based on your knowledge of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, what types of cognitive behavior/characteristics might you expect to see in your first session? Attention and executive functioning deficits Anatomical abnormalities Microcephaly Oral-motor difficulties


. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) share multiple social characteristics, but they have limited clinical presentations between one another that can aid in discrimination between both syndromes. Which of the following is a social characteristic that may present in children with ASD, but is atypical for children with FASD? a). Inappropriate social responses. b). Difficulty initiating social interactions. c). Unusual sensory interests. d). Inappropriate questions or statements.


. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) can occur when a fetus is exposed to alcohol in utero. The effects of this exposure can cause a spectrum of disorders. Which statement is the most accurate in terms of treatment outcomes? A) FAS is a disorder that causes permanent neurological changes that cannot be reversed. B) Choline supplements and proper nutrition in young children diagnosed with FAS can help reverse the cognitive effects of FAS. C) Early clinical interventions for a child born with FAS will reverse neurological damage D) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is difficult to avoid due to lack of education regarding the cause and effect of alcohol on a fetus.


According to ASHA, what are the three main language difficulties of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? A. Delayed speech and language, difficulties with social communication, and conductive hearing loss. B. Difficulties with social communication, difficulties with narrative discourse, and receptive and expressive language difficulties. C. Difficulties with narrative discourse, errors in nominal references, delays in language acquisition. D. Difficulties with social communication, difficulties with nominal references, difficulties with narrative discourse.


Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder often have social communication deficits. Which is not a neuropsychological area deficit that would impact social communication in this population? (A) Attention (B) Visuospatial acuity (C) Self-regulation (D) Executive functions


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is considered a: a. Inherited Genetic Syndrome b. Environmentally Induced Genetic Abnormality c. Chromosomal Abnormality d. Autism Spectrum Disorder


What is a common misconception about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? a. These children have difficulty maintaining social interaction and are hyperactive b. FAS only affects children and adolescents c. These children are disorganized and easily distracted d. Children with FAS perform similarly to their peers in the classroom regarding behavior states/dimensions


What percentage of individuals are diagnosed with FASD and a co-occurring diagnoses of a neurodevelopmental and mental health disorder? a. About 20% b. About 90% c. About 50% d. None of the above


When a child has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, they may present with language deficits. When do we tend to see more deficits in language for these children? A. In their pragmatics B. When language complexity increases C. When they say their first word D. In their semantic skills


Which component of language has NOT been identified as a difficulty among children with FAS? Oral Narrative Skills Verbal Expressive Skills Social and Pragmatic Skills Conversational and Discourse Skills


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome? a) Vestibular problems b) Outgoing and engaging personalities c) Hyperactivity d) Short attention span


A partner SLP at the clinic you work at writes the following treatment goals for a child diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): ○ By the end of the 9 weeks period, XXX will accurately produce bilabials (p, b, m, w,) in A.) words and B.) Words in simple phrases/sentences. Success will be measured using clinical observation, therapy notes and data at a rate of 75%. ○ By the end of the 9 weeks period, XXX will accurately produce final consonants in A.) words and B.) Words in simple phrases/sentences. Success will be measured using clinical observation, therapy notes and data at a rate of 75%. Using knowledge of FASD, are these appropriate goals for the client with FASD? A. No, the child most likely has more of a language impairment due to the signs and symptoms of FASD. B. No, it is not appropriate to work on articulation goals with a child with FASD as facial characteristics inhibit functional abilities to produce appropriate articulation. C. Yes, articulation is a common deficit for children with FASD, and can be related to physiological function of the speech mechanisms. D. Yes, as long as the articulation goals are paired with oral motor exercises to improve strength of the articulators.


Based on the study by Bolinger & Dembowski (2019), oral-motor deficits in the FAS population will result in which of the following: (A) coordinated tongue movement (B) low muscle tone (C) unusual patterns of articulation or degrees of misarticulation (D) articulatory groping


What are the three symptoms areas that Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) affects? a. Postnatal growth, craniofacial abnormalities, and peripheral nervous system (PNS) dysfunction b. Prenatal and/or postnatal growth and craniofacial abnormalities c. Prenatal and/or postnatal growth, craniofacial abnormalities, and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction d. Prenatal and/or postnatal growth, craniofacial abnormalities, and peripheral nervous system (PNS) dysfunction


What is the distinction between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Alcohol Related Birth Defects (ARBD) in regards to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)? A. Someone with FASD has both the physical characteristics as well as neurological characteristics of FAS while someone with ARBD only has the neurological characteristics. B. FASD includes all of the defects and syndromes associated with FAS while ARBD is a classification on its own. C. FASD is the umbrella term for disorders related to toxicity in utero. A person with FAS is characterized by deficits related closely to symptoms of FASD, while a person with ARBD may have some characteristics of FASD, but does not experience the same severity. D. FASD is the umbrella term. A person with ARBD has most characteristics associated with FASD and a person with FAS only has a few of the characteristics of FASD


What is the most severe form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)? a. Partial fetal alcohol syndrome (PFAS) b. Neurodevelopmental disorder c. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) d. Birth defects


Which of the following defines Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder? A complex genetic disorder primarily affecting the nervous system An umbrella term for neurological disorders that appear in infancy and permanently affect body movement, posture, and muscle coordination A medical diagnosis that refers to the physical malformations and cognitive impairments that occur from prenatal exposure to alcohol A congenital condition in which a person has an extra chromosome


Which of the following is not one of the diagnostic criteria for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders? (A) Facial anomalies that may include short palpebral fissures and anomalies in the premaxillary zone (e.g., flat upper lip, flattened philtrum, and flat midface) (B) Low birth weight, weight loss over time not related to nutrition, and/or disproportional height/weight. (C) Cardiovascular heart disease (D) Central nervous system abnormalities (at least one of these: decreased cranial size at birth, structural brain anomalies, neurological hard or soft signs)


Which of the following is true regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)? a. The relationship between chronological age and mental age tends not to differ b. FAS is characterized by PNS dysfunctions c. Children with FAS have physical malformations and cognitive impairments d. Children with FAS have developmental delays but do not have craniofacial abnormalities


Which of the following regarding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is true? a. FAS can be diagnosed by an SLP b. FAS only affects individuals during adolescence. c. FAS does not have a direct test for diagnosis. d. FAS can be diagnosed through one isolated test.


. Children with FASD tend to exhibit speech impairments that involve problems with: (A) Fluency (B) Articulation (C) Word formulation (D) All of the above


A medical diagnosis that refers to the physical malformations and cognitive impairments that occur from prenatal exposure to alcohol is? a. Dysarthria b. CAS c. Phonological Disorder d. FAS


Children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) have which of the following behaviors? a. Slower movement duration time b. Greater variability relative to neuro-typical children c. Slower response time d. All of the above


During the intervention process for children with FAS, it is important to take into consideration for the child to make growth in receptive and expressive language at an early stage. Which of the following would significantly impact these changes? a. Access to rich-language opportunities b. Environmental Changes c. Advocates for adult/peer models d. All of the above


How does FASD affect language and literacy in children? A. The performance of children with FASD is significantly higher than that of the healthy control group. B. The performance of a child with FASD has a higher language and a lower literacy skill then the healthy control group C. The performance child with FASD has a lower language and a higher literacy skill then the healthy control group D. The performance of a child with FASD is significantly below that of the healthy control group


How many medical disorders are labeled as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders? A. 1 B. 3 C. 6 D. 5


In order to diagnose a child with FAS, medical professionals must rely on: a. Blood tests b. Tissue analysis c. Chromosomal differences d. Observations and patterns


The symptoms that a child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) may experience may vary depending on... (A) Dosages and trimester of exposure to alcohol (B) Mother's food intake (C) Genetic factors (D) All of the above


The term fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) was adopted to encompass what? a. Only fetal alcohol spectrum (FAS) and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder b. Only fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) c. Only FAS, FASD, and Partial fetal alcohol spectrum (pFAS) d. FAS, FASD, pFAS, and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder


What type of development can fetal alcohol syndrome impact? a. Cognitive and physical b. Behavioral and social-emotional c. Cognitive only d. A and B


When pregnant, it is safe to consume alcohol at what point in order to avoid or decrease the risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? a. Only before the 6th week b. Only during the final 6 weeks of expected pregnancy c. Only before the 6th week or during the final 6 weeks of pregnancy d. There is no point in pregnancy where consuming alcohol is safe during pregnancy


Which answer choice best describes the behavioral phenotype of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? (A) Inconsistent articulatory errors with evidence of groping (B) Fixation on preferred objects or activities and decreased joint attention (C) mild-moderate intellectual disability and loquacious with receptive language difficulties (D) Disruptions in peer interactions with less social engagement


Which characteristic should be carefully considered when treating an articulation impairment in a child with FASD? a. Phonological processes b. Language Impairment c. Fluency Disorder d. Motor Planning/programming


Which is not a facial dysmorphology found in patients with FAS? a. Short palpebral fissure b. Thin vermillion border of the upper lip c. Smooth philtrum d. macroglossia


Which of the following characteristics have been associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)? a. Delayed motor development, intellectual disability, and microcephaly (small head size) b. Poor reading and writing, articulation delays, and oral-motor coordination issues c. Unusual facial characteristics, such as smooth philtrum d. All of the above


Which of the following is NOT true regarding children with FAS? a. Children with FAS have a higher prevalence of hearing disorders. b. Children with FAS often have associated dental anomalies. c. Children with FAS have had gestational exposure to alcohol. d. Children with FAS never have measurable differences in facial structure.


Which of the following is considered the greatest effect on articulation differences in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Prosody Pragmatics Laryngeal function Physiological deficits of facial muscles


Which of the following prenatal and postnatal conditions may contribute to the developmental delay and behavioral problems associated with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? a. Father's use of alcohol b. Maternal age c. Socio-economic status d. All of the above


Which type of interventions do children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder did researchers discover have long-term and transferring effects? (A) Self-regulation training (B) Social interaction training (C) Parent - children training sessions (D) All of the above.


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