film analysis final

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most films shot before 1907 were short films called....


a parallel is when a film emphasizes the similarities between characters events or locations through the use of a a. narrative element b. visual device c. sound device d. all of the above

all of the above

a wide angle lens will.... a. exagerrate depth b. appear to accelerate movement c. make parallel lines appear to bend d. all of the above

all of the above

according to the director of meeks cutoff the square aspect of ratio the square frame is meant to a. create for audience the experience of seeing with the limited vision imposed by the bonnets the women settles wore b. look at beautiful and be aesthetically pleasing c. focus attention on the present instead of on the past or the future d. all of the above

all of the above

in psycho, hitchcock a. shocks his spectator with visual assaults b. presents norman and marion as doubles c. sets the geometric(graphic) and orderly hotel against the evil and chaotic looking house d. all of the above

all of the above

increasingly short average shot lengths change the way viewers experience film because..... a. they allow the audience to respond only to the rhythm of the editing b. they do not allow audiences to fully comprehend the visual information in each shot c. they may explain why younger audiences dont appreciate older films d. all of the above

all of the above

narrative sequencing allows filmmakers to shape the audiences perception of time by a. condensing or expanding time b. suggesting that events in different places are happening at the same time c. rearranging the order in which audiences see events d. all of the above

all of the above

the function of setting is to a. establish time and place b. introduce ideas and themes c. create mood d. all of the above

all of the above

the short film small deaths a. has three part narrative structure b. explores anne maries coming of age c. implies that between men and women sexuality is often linked to violence and pain d. all of the above

all of the above

two points of similarity shared by the birds and the contagion are that a. social disorder is linked to aberrations in the natural world b. social disorder is liked o domestic family crisis c. the plots resolve when families are reconstructed d. all of the above

all of the above

when audiences go to the cinema they bring with them expectations about a. how the film will be organized b. the type of story the film will tell c. the kind of character the star will play d. all of the above

all of the above

which of the following describes the us congress's house committee on un american activities a. charged the hollywood ten with contempt of congress b. it was concerned with charges that communist propaganda had infiltrated hollywood films c. it called on many people in the film industry to testify before congress and provide names of acquantances who may have been involved with the american communist party d. all of the above

all of the above

which of the following does not contribute to a balanced composition a. distributing bright and dark areas equally across the frame b. placing actors symmetrically in the frame c. distributing actors and objects equally across the frame d. all of the above

all of the above

which of the following is an effect of breaking the 180 degree rule? a. the direction of movement onscreen is reversed b. the background of the shot changes c. characters will switch sides of the frame d. all of the above

all of the above

an allusion to another film of work of art is called

an intertextual reference

the origin of the term genre can be traced back to

ancient greek philosophy

last night at the alamo: a. offers a hopeful portrait of working-class life in texas b. incorporates many of the conventions of the western c. was actually shot in CA d. all of the above

b. incorporates many of the conventions of the western

citizen kane invites the spectator to .... a. be actively involved in the interpretation of the film b. understand it is about neo realism c. regard susan as a sex object d. boycott the newspapers published by wr hearst

be actively involved in the interpretation of the film

according to bill nichols author of documentary ethics documentary ethics should not a. promote the well-being of the film subject b.promote the well being of the audience c. be mandated by law d. respect fact

be mandated by law

during a flashback in fruitvale station oscar thinks back on

being in jail

in the documentary side by side, commentators discussed how the role of the actor has changed on a DV set. Which of the following describes the change? a. which of the following describes that change b. work of acting can be harder because takes can take very long c. a&b d. neither a nor b


actors who adapt their look mannerisms and delivery to suit the role are those who are known as a. gender bending actors b. actors who play themeselves c. chameleon actors d. method actors

chameleon actors

grizzly man a. chronicles the events leading to the death of timothy treadwell b. solves the mystery of treadwells death c. included an interview with amy hugenards parents

chronicles the events leading to the death of timothy treadwell

leland asks thompson for a ....


audiences typically expect fiction films to offer


which of the following is an element of costuming and makeup that contribute to the character a. clothes b. design within a shot scene c. color d. all of the above


the three modes of filmmaking are

commercial fiction, documentary, and avant-garde

the night of kanes and susans first meeting susan

complains of a tooth ache

the arrangement of visual elements in the frame is called


steven soderbergh directed


sacred places... a. focuses on unemployment in burkina faso b. asks why african cinema is rarely seen in africa c. incorporates archival footage of colonial-era, french films d. all of the above

d. asks why african cinema is rarely seen in africa

which of the following is a visual technique associated with direct cinema? a. interviews with experts b. intentionally bringing the subject of the frame in and out of focus c. the filmmaker appears onscreen and forcefully approaches those he wants to interview d. none of the above

d. none of the above

dr. humphreys lecture described four types of actors. which of the following is not one of them? a. extras b. the star c. non-proffesional d. unionized actors

d. unionized actors

the ..... is a series of events in the third act of film that gradually ties up the conflicts that have arisen


details that are part of the story world the characters inhabit are


film stock is composed of a. emulsion and a base b. a base and grain c. emulsion and grain d. none of these

emulsion and a base

in ...... narratives events are not tightly connected in a cause and effect sequence and characters do not focus on a single goal


the standard shot pattern of continuity editing usually consists of

establishing shot, shot/reverse shot eyeline match

nichols explains that the imbalance of power between documentary filmmakers and their subjects a. only exists when the filmmaker is someone as famous as herzog b. exists because the filmmaker holds the means of representation c. refers to the subjects poverty or lack of education d. none of the above

exists because the filmmaker holds the means of representation

the opening of a film during which a great deal of information about characters and situation is imparted is known as the ....


the russian term ..... refers to the complete chronological story of a film including events that occur on and off screen


after murdering marion norman the protagonist of psycho buries her in the backyard


t or f documentary filmmakers are just as motivated by profitability as their commercial fiction film counterparts


t or f loose framing refers to shots in which figures have a short narrow space around them.


t or f soderberghs objective directing style is characterized by emotional intensity semtimentality and close identifcation with characters


t or f a long take describes a shot where the camera is placed at a great distance away from the subject the subjects entire body appears in the frame.


t or f a telephoto lens approximates the vision and perspective of the human eye


t or f alternative modes of filmmaking and spectatorship including documentaries have only come into existence in the last 10-20 years of film history


t or f animated films like wall e are able to avoid restating dominant gender ideologies largely because they dont focus on human characters and thus dont have to adhere to arbitrary standards of realism in the terms of character development


t or f annie a character in the birds is killed when her car is attacked by birds and crashes


t or f classical hollywood filmmakers commonly used first person narration throughout entire films but the technique has fallen out of fashion recently


t or f filmmakers anticipate viewers expectations and always fufill them


t or f in citizen kane, kane finds and breaks a snow globe in susans room in a fit of anger when susan leaves him


t or f in general documentaries capture an unmediated reality


t or f in last night at the alamo cowboy redeems himself by saving the bar from demolition


t or f in the birds melanie daniels visits mitch brenner his daughter his mother in bodega bay


t or f john wayne plays cowboy in last night at the alamo


t or f jules cesar the djembe player in sacred places compares the djembe to the african epic


t or f marion crane the protagonist of psycho runs away from arizona because she has stolen money from her sister


t or f on her way to california marion is stopped by a police officer for speeding


t or f one drawback of the genre films is that their adherence to fixed conventions prevents them for addressing contemporary concerns


t or f open ended conclusions or circular narratives often leave audiences with a feeling of closure


t or f oscar the protagonist in fruitvale station has a close relationship with his son


t or f sam tells marion that he cant marry her because he hasnt legally divorced his wife


t or f the film stagecoach is a good example of episodic narrative


t or f the ornithologist in the birds speculates that the birds are attacking people because they have been exposed to a toxic chemical released into the atmosphere by a local factory


t or f to be included within a given genre a film must exhibit all of the characteristics and conventions associated with that genre


t or f zoom lenses appear to lengthen the distance between the subject and the camera


t or f in battleship patimken editing emphasizes the brutality of the tsars troops by juxtaposing extreme close ups of the soldiers grimacing faces with long shots of their anonymous victims


a character who occupies the ..... of a scene gains visual prominence through their apparent proximity to the viewer


the narrative technique used in the cabinet of dr caligari in which a character narrates an embedded tale to someone onscreen is called

frame narration

which of the following is not a light position around the camera a. key b. front c. back d. fill


...... eliminates virtually all shadows and provides an even illumination of the subject

high key lighting

the final girl is a familiar character type which appears in many

horror films

system of beliefs values and opinions based on underlying assumptions about the way the world should be are known as ....


in citizen kane, thomspon interviews leland

in an old age facility

a tableau shot common in very early cinema gives the audience a perspective that .... a. is constantly focused on microscopic details b. is similar to what it would be if the audience were watching a play c. produces brechtian distanciation d. b and c

is similar to what it would be if the audience were watching a play

a film stocks speed refers to

its sensitivity to light

the director of meeks cutoff is

kelly reichardt

the principle that the meaning of a shot is determined not only by the material content of the shot but also byy its association with the preceding and succeeding shots is known as the ......effect


which of these actresses is credited with the invention of film making

lillian gish

fiction films that pose as documentaries by using its familiar conventions are


any detail that takes on meaning through repetition is called


which of these is not a major component of mise en scene? a. lighting b. music c. composition d. human figure


editing in the climax of the godfather compares images of mob hits with a. a wedding b. state sanctioned executions c. buzzards flying d. none of the above

none of the above

steven soderberghs films

often are issue and idea driven

when a narrative concludes without resolving its conflicts the film is said to be

open ended

the director of citizen kane was

orson welles

a..... occurs when the audience temporarily shares the visual perspective of a character of a group of characters

point of view shot

documentaries that promote a single position without allowance for competing perspectives are called


most films employ a system of .... narration which conveys external events as well as the knowledge thoughts and feelings of one of two major characters without the intervention of an explicit narrator


narrative that limits viewers to a single characters knowledge and understanding of events is known as

restricted narration

the introduction of which character in stagecoach marks the introduction to the second act of the film


.... colors are vibrant rich and bright


which of the following is not an attribute of editing a. tempo b. collage c. timing d. scale


grizzly man could best be categorized as a .... documentary because it calls attention to the process of filmmaking in order to expose the ways the medium constructs reality

self reflexive

which of the following is not an element of cinematography a. camera movement b. lenses c. film stock d. setting


a single uninterrupted series of frames is known as a


one of the acting methods is referred to as the british method who is the actor who is credited with being the best at using it and who also trained and taught other actors to use it in their acting a. sir laurance olivier b. rudolph valentino c. humphrey bogar d. gloria swanson

sir laurence olivier

to produce ..... the camera records images at a speech faster than that at which it is projected a. fast motion b. go motion c. slow motion d. time lapse

slow motion

the following are features common to film noir a. overbearing mothers b. female hard boiled detectives c. snappy dialogue d. all of the above

snappy dialogue

editing in the godfather draws from the tradition of a.soviet montage or associational editing b. french new wave c. german expressionism

soviet montage or associational editing

in the breakfast scene from citizen kane a .... is used to indicate the passing of many years of marriage a. jump cut b. swish pan c. iris effect d. cross dissolve

swish pan

the russian term ..... or plot refers to the selection and ordering of events as they unfold onscreen


documentaries that rely exclusively on interviews are called ...

talking heads

grizzly man uses which rhetorical strategies:

talking heads

one possible explanation for kanes insatiable appetite for statues and other artifacts is a. he intends to donate the artifacts b. the artifacts and statues help fill his need for the lost love of his mother c. he plans to bequeth him to his son d. the artifacts and statues represent his deep knowledge of love for european art

the artifacts and statues help fill his need for the lost love of his mother

experienced film actors know that the essential relationship is between them and

the camera

depth of field refers to .... a. the horizontal scope of the image b. the distance between foreground and background c. the number of complex characters in a screenplay d. the degree to which the space in front of and behind the primary subject that is in sharp focus

the degree to which the space in front of and behind the primary subject that is in sharp focus

which of the following is true of digital video a. it is more expensive to shoot than 35mm film b. the digital video camera sensor translates changes in light to binary code c. digital video images like film images

the digital video camera sensor translates changes in light to binary code

oscar micheaux was ..... a. the first african american director to make a feature film b. a white filmmaker who helped the naacp c. a white fimmaker who was sympathatic to the african american cause d. a french cinematographer

the first african american director to make a feature film

which of those is not an extra diegetic element in contagion a. credits b. date and place superimposed on the image c. the flashback at the end d. the music motif

the flashback at the end

the musical reached its creative and economic peak during

the late 1940's

it was .... who invested the cinematographe which allowed film to be projected onto a screen for public viewing for the first time

the lumiere brothers

a turning point is a moment that signals an important shift in....

the narrative

in psycho after the scene a. the police come to the hotel to question norman b. the narrative switches from marions perspective to normans c. sam is held by the police for questioning d. all of the above

the narrative switches from marions perspective to normans

anxiety of the frame as represented in hitchcocks films refer to a. the use of off kilter framing of shots to create tension in the spectator b. the use of shaky camera to produce anxiety in the spectator c. normans anxiety about his mother d. normans voyeurism

the use of off kilter framing of shots to create tension in the spectator

one reason hollywood studios liked producing genre films is because

they could reuse sets

in the documentary the story of film mark cousins visits the workspace of

thomas edison

the standard pattern that shapes narrative films is the ..... structure

three act

a ..... is accomplished by moving a camera along a specially built track a. tracking shot b. crane shot c. swish pan d. aerial shot

tracking shot

t or f eadweard muybridge invented the kinetograph


t or f the federal government forced film producers to accept abide by the 1933 production code


t or f the pattern indicated by horizontal lines is introduced during the opening credits of psycho


t or f a narrative is an account is an account of a string of events connected by the logic of cause and effect


t or f a single film can contain multiple sometimes even contradictory ideologies


t or f according to sonny carl davis one of the things actors must do is forget the lens and find the light


t or f according to the psychologist who appears at the end of psycho norman bates killed his step father and his mother


t or f at the end of sacred places bouba the owner of the video parlor goes to a retail store to admire a flat screen tv


t or f bill nichols in documentary ethics argues that reason alone is insufficient to move us to alter our beliefs


t or f cinematography can include many non photographic processes such as computer generated imagery


t or f digital delivery of movies is less expensive than the delivery of film


t or f digital video explained director danny boyle in side by side allowed him to use ten cameras to shoot part of 28 days later something he would not have been able to afford if he would have shot


t or f during the late nineteenth century technological advances in photography contributed to the development of the recording of moving images on film


t or f fruitvale station is an example of crossover cinema


t or f if a filmmaker can exercise a great deal of control over the light as in the case of a studio set then she would likely choose slow film in order to achieve a sharp, fine grained image


t or f in addition to sharing similar narrative characteristics films from the same genre often exhibit the same visual and sound techniques


t or f in the frames composition diagonal lines carry more visual weight than horizontal or vertical lines


t or f jean marie tenos sacred places includes talking heads


t or f jean maries tenos sacred places establishes a collaborative relationship with his subjects


t or f jed leland was fired by kane because he refused to write a positive review of susans performance


t or f last night at the alamo can be analyzed as a critique of toxic masculinity


t or f on her way to california marion buys a new car


t or f one of the benefits of using a studio constructed set is that the director and set designer control enviromental conditions


t or f one reason why filmmakers rely on editing is because its easier to work with the actors who might forget important lines of dialogue or blocking


t or f sonny carl davis is the director of last night at the alamo


t or f stagecoach made john wayne a star


t or f the birds appear at moments of high emotional intensity or tension


t or f the birth of the baby in stagecoach is a major turning point


t or f the end of the odessa step sequence in battleship potemkin fuses shots of three different statues to create a metaphor for the slumbering people waking u to fight tyranny


t or f the exchange of meaningful looks is a typical feature of john fords films


t or f the focal length of a lens is the measurement of the distance from the surface of the lens to the surface of the film


t or f the lumiere brothers were the first to recognize that the grab advanve mechanism from a sewing machine could be used to expose advance and pause eastmans roll film


t or f these hands is an example of direct cinema


sound is credited with having brought...... to film a. better acting b. improvisational acting c. realistic role playing d. verisimilitude to film

verisimilitude to film

in the documentary side by side, commentators discussed how the role of the cinematographer has changed on digital video set as opposed to a film production set. the cinematographer on a dv set.... a. was no longer regarded as

was no longer as " the genies on set" the person with the almost absolute control over images & is able to see his images during the production (filming) process & was not "betrayed" by his "dailies"

which is not a type of shot transition a. dissolve b. fade out/fade in c. wipeout d. iris


most film historians link film noirs initial popularity with a period of cultural cynicism and dark mood following americas involvement in

world war 2

john grierson described the documentary mode of filmmaking as a. "an unflinching glimpse at reality" b. "the creative treatment of actuality" c. "the truth behind the apparent" d. "the objective view on the world"

"the creative treatment of actuality"

which of the following is NOT a theme is not a theme in stagecoach a. a critique of the treatment of native americans by settlers b. the frontier seen as a space open to democracy c. depicts democracy as a social system that is inferior to class based european culture d. journey from civilized town to the unruly outside law town to lourdsburg

a critique of the treatment of native americans by settlers

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