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Molly watches television and learns that crime in her state is decreasing. This is an example of

First order effect

Marxist thinkers who believed working-class oppression was due to corporate-owned media have been called the

Frankfurt School Theorists

_____________ were teachers of public speaking in ancient Greece.


The introduction of a speech should gain the audience's attention, suggest a connection with the audience, and provide an overview of the speech's purpose.


When a relation exists between a high-power source and low-power media, the source is able to set the agenda.


To empirically demonstrate their belief that television has an important causal effect on culture, cultivation theory researchers use a four-step research process. Which of the following activities is associated with the first step, known as message system analysis?

doing a detailed content analysis of a television program

The group that holds the power in the culture is referred to as the _________ group.


The meetings your boss organizes each week in order to help the employees in your department experience less ambiguity about upcoming projects is an example of a

double interactive hoop

Gramsci's work was based on Marx's idea of ___________, the notion that people are unaware of the domination in their lives.

false con

Uses and Gratifications Theory has been criticized

for its notion of the active audience

Janis's research on group dynamics, which led to the development of Groupthink Theory, resulted primarily from his investigation and analyses of

foreign policy decisions

Whereas the rational world paradigm requires that arguments adhere to specific criteria for soundness and logic, the narrative paradigm argues that

good reasons are determined by issues of history, biography, culture, and character

According to Burke, _________ is the primary motive for human communication and action.


The two primary tasks that an organization must perform in order to manage multiple sources of information are

interpreting external information and coordinating information to make it meaningful

Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using the narrative paradigm?


Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken with Dramatism?


A speech should contain


Cultivation theory is a critical theory because it

is concerned with the way media perpetuate the dominance of one group over another

Uses and gratifications theorists argue that activeness

is relative AND often varies by time of day and type of content

A common criticism about FST is that:

it is rooted in essentialism

Scholars term McLuhan's work "media ecology" because

it views media as an environmen

Social Identity Theory, which influenced the development of Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT), states that a person's self-concept is comprised of both

personal identity and social identity

Which of the following categories of audience gratifications refers to using the media to reinforce individual values?

personal indentity

Louie's partner left him several months ago. Now when he arrives home, he turns on the television for companionship. This is an example of using media as

personal relationships

The material objects of an organization, such as the your school's logo and buildings, are called

physical symbols

Which approach to knowing characterizes the research done using Aristotle's ideas about rhetoric?


Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using FNT?


Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using OIT?


Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using ST?


Feminist Standpoint Theory focuses on the central concept of _________ and how it shapes our communication with others.


Cultural Studies Theory argues that media are

powerful tools for the elite

To illustrate the hot and cool media, McLuhan analyzed

presidential debate

McLuhan claimed that the content of a message is what gets our attention, and that the effect of the medium is largely


All of the following are methods of investigation used by ethnographers to examine organizational culture EXCEPT

survey questionnaires

Burke argued that some of what people do is motivated by their animal nature (such as thirst and hunger) and some of what they do is motivated by


All of the following statements about symbols are true EXCEPT

symbols include only the nonverbal communication that takes place in the organization

A response is a reaction to equivocality.


A single message can both support and threaten face needs simultaneously.


According to Cindy Reuther and Gail Fairhurst, white men's experiences dominate the world of work.


Agenda setting is a limited effects theory.


Cultural Studies Theory is a theoretical perspective that focuses on how culture is influenced by powerful, dominant groups.


Which of the following is considered a rejection of one's place in the existing social order?

the negative

Structuration is defined as

the process by which systems are produced and reproduced through members' use of rules and resources

All of the following are true about Face-Negotiation Theory (FNT) EXCEPT

the theory has been criticized for overlooking the impact of cultural differences in conflict management

Hall refers to the notion that various ideologies in society compete and are in temporary states of conflict as a

theatre of struggle

A _____ is an explanation of the intricate layers of meaning underlying a culture.


What phrase represents the notion that people cannot see beyond what their words lead them to believe?

trained incapacities

Kosenko (2010) studied ___________, concluding that they are rendered mute by a biomedical discourse which does not include their experiences.


Consonance is produced from a tendency for news people to confirm their own thoughts and opinions, making it look as if those opinions were emanating from the public.


Cultivation theory has helped to explain the implications of television viewing habits in a wide variety of areas including racism, fear of victimization, affluence, and alienation.


Cultural Studies would support the claim that the professional code of television broadcasters will always operate within the hegemony of the dominant code because professional codes reproduce hegemonic interpretations of reality.


Fisher believes that everyone applies standards of rationality to the stories they hear.


Hegel and Marx were influential in the development of Feminist Standpoint Theory.


New research has found that although the Internet is a new medium, people seek out its content in much the same way that they previously used other forms of media for that same need.


Outside pressures are stressful for a group that is involved in making a decision.


Steve is a 53-year-old male from Chicago. Based on these demographics, Spiral of Silence Theory predicts that Steve will be more willing to speak out on issues than others.


The Chinese have been found to use compromising as a management style more than other cultural groups.


The cultural approach to organizations takes into account members at all levels - superior and subordinate - in understanding the development of the organization.


The ratio of the senses refers to how people adapt to their environment through balancing their senses.


Weick proposes that members of an organization must work together in order to reduce the ambiguity of information. It is not the sole responsibility of one person.


Message strategies, storytelling, apologies, and speech making are associated with which element of the pentad?


"The medium is the message" suggests that

media content is secondary to the channel

The person who engages in behavior in the group is referred to as the _________ by structuration theorists.


One ultimate goal of Muted Group Theory is to

change the system of language that serves men more than women

The research on interruption patterns shows that men and women are pretty much the same with respect to interrupting others.


Uses and Gratifications Theory counters the limited effects paradigm.


Vincent listens to the traffic report on his car radio when he is stuck in rush hour traffic. This is an example of activeness.


When a culture values personal expression, independence, and privacy, the culture is collectivistic.


Cultivation theory is concerned with what people do as a result of too much exposure to violence on television.


_________ is defined as the ability to adjust, modify, or regulate one's behavior in response to another.


___is/are used to refer to the notion that group members withhold their input in meetings rather than stating their opinions and risking rejection.

Affiliative constraints

All of the following are questions the listener asks about the narrative regarding a "logic of reason" EXCEPT

Are the patterns of reasoning in the narrative based on emotional or logical appeals? THEY ARE: 1. Are the statements that claim to be factual in the narrative really factual? 2. Have any relevant facts been omitted from the narrative or distorted in its telling? 3. What are the patterns of reasoning that exist in the narrative? 4. How relevant are the arguments in the story to any decision the listener may make? 5. How well does the narrative address the important and significant issues of this case?

In this classic syllogism, which element is the minor premise? "All humans are mortal. Aristotle is human. Aristotle is mortal."

Aristotle is human.

_________ was a later addition to the pentad and refers to the manner in which the agent positions her- or himself relative to others.


Horace Newcomb, an early critic of Cultivation Theory, believed that Gerbner failed to move his work out of the laboratory into more real-world venues.


Which of the following is a criticism of Communication Accommodation Theory as presented in the text?

Conversations are too complex to be reduced to convergence versus divergence.

Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using Media Ecology Theory (MET)?


All of the following statements about the cultural approach to organizations are true EXCEPT

Culture is something an organization has, not something it is.

Which one of the following is NOT one of the assumptions of the Rational World Paradigm?

Decision-making is based on "good reasons."

To empirically demonstrate their belief that television has an important causal effect on culture, cultivation theory researchers use a four-step research process. Which of the following activities is associated with the first step, known as message system analysis?

Doing a detailed

All of the following are assumptions of Organizational Information Theory EXCEPT

Equivocality of information is useful for assisting an organization in achieving its goals.

Media framing is defined as how the media generates the list of important issues that comprise the agenda.


The prominent sense organ used during the print era, according to McLuhan, was hearing.


An individual who is able to accept a dominant ideology and operate with some expectations of the cultural rule is said to be operating from a dominant-hegemonic vantage point.


Aristotle's Rhetoric has been criticized for encouraging speakers to avoid focusing on logos but then also incorporating it as a strategy that he recommended.


Avoiding and obliging are both active in their attempts to manage conflict.


Collective rationalization refers to a group member's tendency to minimize his or her doubts and to refrain from presenting counterarguments.


Cultural studies is a single doctrine of human behavior.


Gender polarization refers to the allocation of work on the basis of sex.


Gerbner believed that the media directly influence people's behaviors.


I in the obliging strategy of conflict management, interactants try to collaborate with others to find a solution to a problem in order to satisfy the expectations of all parties.


Organizing is viewed as a structural process in Organizational Information Theory.


People tend to share their opinions with those who disagree with them because they wish to persuade others to their point of view.


Solidarity facework allows others the freedom to behave according to their own will without imposing restrictions.


The goal of the cultural approach to organizations is to create a generalized description of life that can be applied across a variety of organizations.


When a group is closed-minded, it tries to entertain all options before a final decision is made.


Sometimes in conversation when we say something that embarrasses the other person, we try to change the subject in order to reduce potential face loss. Such actions that are taken to deal with the face needs/wants of self and others are called


Condit (1992) suggests that Burke's Dramatism Theory needs extension and modification in the areas of

Gender and culture

The theory that describes the influence of information that is received from an organization's external environments, as well as the interrelationship among various units in an organization, is

General Systems Theory

The fact that group members must continue to understand the many alternatives available to them and be able to distinguish among them, as well as not only understand the task at hand but also the people who provide input on that task, illustrates which assumption of Groupthink?

Groups and group decision-making are frequently complex.

All of the following are assumptions of Dramatism EXCEPT

Humans are rational beings.

________ occurs when two people overlap in terms of their substance.


All of the following statements about convergence are true EXCEPT

If one converges to be similar and enhance communication, it will likely be perceived as being negative.

All of the following are assumptions of Structuration Theory (ST) EXCEPT

In employing the processes of agency and reflexivity, group members are equipped with the ability to articulate reasons for their behaviors.

_________ are the central focus in Muted Group Theory (MGT).

Language limitations

The argument that UGT does not address ethical concerns about journalism (such as reporters inventing quotes) relates to which criterion for evaluating theory?

Logical con

________ occurs when television's symbols dominate other sources of information and ideas about the world.


All of the following are assumptions of Media Ecology Theory EXCEPT

Media cause more problems than they solve.

All of the following are part of the Mean World Index EXCEPT

Most people are inherently violent.

All of the following are assumptions of Organizational Culture Theory EXCEPT

Organizations are produced and reproduced through the use of rules and resources.

When journalists' agenda is influence by other journalists, it is referred to as ___________ journalism.


_________ is a broader concept than _________.

Paradigm; theory

All of the following are assumptions of Spiral of Silence EXCEPT

People draw the strength of their convictions from a variety of sources.

Accommodation is not necessarily a worthwhile or beneficial process.


Agenda Setting Theory is associated with the interpersonal context.


Any nondominant group can be considered to be a muted group according to Orbe.


Aristotle believed that there are five subjects on which people deliberate: revenue, war and peace, the defense of the country, commerce, and legislation.


Burke's goal was to theorize about the whole range of human experience.


Convergence is influenced by the attractiveness of an interactant.


Groups are generally better at solving problems in the long run than individuals because members have access to more information.


Groupthink is associated with both the small group and organizational contexts.


In the process of priming, what the media presents influence what people think about afterwards in processing additional information.


Individuals who are dominated frequently use the same resources to challenge that domination.


McLuhan based much of his thinking on Aristotle's works.


People from marginalized cultures are usually expected to accommodate to others.


Postman's work hypothesizes that technology negatively changes the fabric of society.


Second-order effects involve hypotheses about general issues and assumptions that people make about their environments.


Structure is the term that is used to refer to the rules and resources that group members use to guide their behavior and sustain their system.


The initiative in linking need gratification to a specific medium choice rests with the audience member.


The logic of good reasons presents a listener with a set of values that appeal to her or him and form warrants for accepting or rejecting the advice advanced by any form of narrative.


The pattern of guilt and purging guilt is as follows: order or hierarchy, the negative, victimage, and redemption.


The Simpsons can be considered through the lens of Cultural Studies. From this perspective, all of the following statements are accurate descriptions EXCEPT

The Simpsons were created and put on the air by powerful groups who wanted to influence American culture and society and maintain their hegemonic position.

Which of the following is NOT true about potential factors identified by Shaw as influencing group decisions?

The cultural background of members has little influence on decisions that are made by groups.

Which of the following is NOT an assumption of cultivation theory?

The influence of television is limited.

Which of the following is NOT consistent with the main ideas of Muted Group Theory?

The language differences of the muted group and the dominant group are discussed, and a common language to use as a reference point is negotiated between the two groups.

The major criticism of Organizational Culture Theory noted in your text is that

The theory lacks consistency because stories may not have shared meaning.

Members of the Students for Environmental Concerns (SEC) organization submitted a request to university administrators to obtain a permit that would enable them to hold a demonstration on Parents' Weekend. The university has agreed to issue the permit, but has designated that the demonstration can only take place between 8 and 10 a.m. and must be located on the far end of campus, away from the student center. If the SEC wants to demonstrate, it must follow the guidelines. Which of the assumptions of FST explains social life as experienced by SEC members?

The vision of the ruling group structures the material relations in which all groups are forced to participate.

"Drunk driving can kill people. College students drink and drive. Therefore, college students can kill others (by drinking and driving)." is an example of a syllogism.


According to Weick, organizations and their environments change so rapidly that it is unrealistic to show what they are like now, because that's not the way they're going to be later.


Although Burke's theory has been influenced by Aristotle, Burke's ultimate purpose was to displace Aristotle's original thinking.


Another word for social integration in Structuration Theory is reciprocity.


Aristotle and Plato valued logos (rational argument) above mythos (story and narrative).


Standpoint epistemology is based on the assumption that no knowledge can be truly objective.


The act is the goal the agent had in mind when engaging in a particular behavior.


FST is grounded in a second set of assumptions about knowledge, in addition to the assumptions about the nature of social life. All of the following are accurate statements of this second set of assumptions EXCEPT:

We can know women's experience in part by looking into men's interpretations of this experience

To say that the research participant is an active partner in the endeavor is to agree with which of the following statements contained within FST?

We can only know women's experiences by paying attention to women's own interpretations of these experiences.


_________ refers to the perceived character, intelligence, and goodwill of a speaker.

The pro-life and pro-choice groups want to make their meanings concerning the product of conception (e.g., fetus or baby) the dominant meaning in the debate. Their struggle to promote their desired meaning takes place in the courtroom, the media, and the classroom. The pro-life/pro-choice debate is a good example of

a culture war

In order to test social conformity effects, Asch's research utilized

a series of lines

One assumption of the Aristotelian theory of rhetoric is that effective speakers must consider their audiences. This assumption underscores the notion of communication as

a transactional process

The Violence Index is

a yearly content analysis of violence in primetime network programming.

When it is said that those in the lowest positions in the hierarchy are best able to understand the social system as a whole in addition to their own place in it, those in the lowest positions are considered to possess the greatest:


Marx believed that being powerless can lead to _________, or the psychological condition whereby people begin to feel they have little control over their future.


Blumler offered several suggestions as to the kinds of audience activity in which consumers could engage. These include


Other non-dominant groups to which MGT has been applied include:


The power of the media agenda is dependent on which of the following factors?


Which of the following statements can be used to support the assumption that people's use of media and the gratifications they seek from it are intertwined with the world in which they live?


Cultivation theory

all of these answers


all of these answers

The narrative paradigm asserts that

all of these answers

For cultivation theorists, _________ is the best predictor for how people will answer the three Mean World Index statements.

amount of television viewing

Gerbner noted that resonance ____________ cultivation effects


Gerbner noted that resonance ____________ cultivation effects.


Michele realizes that it is time to discuss the decline in production at the factory with her shift managers, Alice and James. She decides that the best way to approach the discussion is to emphasize the prior quality of work and to attempt to minimize the amount of blame for the decrease in numbers. Which type of facework is Michele using?


Convergence is a selective process that is often based on


The five bases of social power are considered to be _________ resources.


Negative face is associated with a desire for


Feminist Standpoint Theory assumes that the dominant group often has a clearer vision of social life because of its hierarchical position.


As the decision whether to launch a new product to prevent tooth decay was being debated, one of the product development specialists commented, "What a great product! We have created something that will help Americans maintain the enamel on their teeth. I don't know why those health critics are accusing us of putting a potentially harmful product out on the market. After all, our goal is to help people, not to hurt them. We're interested in doing what is in the best interest of the public." She has demonstrated which of the following symptoms of groupthink?

belief in the inherent morality of the group

Which of the following is NOT one of Gerbner's 3 Bs of television?


One of the primary benefits of Muted Group Theory is that it

challenges us to review what we accept and reject from public speakers

After seeing the movie Next Stop, Abigail tells Ruthie that she did not believe the characters. In fact, Abigail thinks that the actions of the characters in the movie were inconsistent with their motivations. The basis on which Abigail judges the characters in Next Stop is known as

characterological coherence

One's ability to exert influence over others based on his/her ability to penalize group members who do not comply, such as a boss who can require workers who arrive late to do undesirable tasks, is called

coercive power

Dan and Mona want to install a new window in their bathroom. They go to the video store and rent "How to Install Windows in 30 Minutes or Less." Dan and Mona are satisfying which of the following needs?


The narrative paradigm argues that the criteria used to evaluate stories are

coherence and fidelity

McQuail, Blumler, and Brown (1972) and Katz, Gurevitch, and Hass (1973) discovered that people use media to fulfill a need to either ____________ or ____________ other people.

connect with/disconnect from

The notion that audiences are not always willing and compliant pawns of the dominant class relates to which of the following concepts?


Isabella is working on a project on rhetoric for her communication studies class. She has to observe an example of forensic rhetoric. Where should Isabella go to complete her assignment?


With which approach(es) to knowing is Cultural Studies most closely associated?

critical and interpretive

Communication Accommodation Theory is primarily concerned with which context of communication?


Maria reads in the morning paper that the price of gasoline is about to increase. On her way to work, she hears the same story on the local radio station, and, when she watches the evening news, she hears the story again. This is an example of which characteristic of the news media?


With which of the following communication traditions is Structuration Theory associated?


With which communication tradition is OIT most closely associated?


Shirley Ardener discovered that women explain their mutedness as being a result of men's


When people agree on a common set of values, the fear of isolation


When U.S. senators debate on the floor of the Senate, arguing for or against a particular policy that the body is about to vote on, they are engaging in which type of rhetoric?


While running for president of the United States, Barack Obama gave many speeches advocating health care reform in the United States. These speeches were a form of _________ oratory.


As they try to assimilate into new communities, newly-arrived immigrants may feel subordinate because of an inability to understand language and cultural norms. According to Communication Accommodation Theory, this may result in

dependency overaccommodation

Burke struggled with negotiating a space between complete free will and complete


When you are assigned to a group for a class project, your ability to express your thoughts and goals in a language that other group members are able to understand is called

discursive consciousness

When using the pentad to analyze a symbolic interaction, the analyst first labels the elements of the pentad and then examines the

dramatistic ratios

Comparing your personal reactions on physician-assisted suicide to how the media report the issue represents which principle of the Spiral Silence Theory?

dual climates of opinion

One of the criticisms of FST is that it is organized around a set of ___________, which imply a hierarchical relationship between two terms.


Which of the following is NOT one of Aristotle's canons of rhetoric?


Kendall's project team is reviewing the information that it received from other teams in the organization. They focus on assigning meaning and interpreting the information they have received in order to determine its level of equivocality. Which stage of the process of reducing equivocality is Kendall's team experiencing?


_________ refers to the perceived character, intelligence, and goodwill of a speaker.


Burke asserted that words, thoughts, and actions have

extremely close connections with one another

Developing a standpoint usually requires little or no effort.


Fisher argues that there is no way of knowing what individuals consider when judging whether to believe a particular story because individuals differ too greatly in their life experiences, perceptions, biases, etc.


Gender polarization refers to the allocation of work on the basis


Groups that have a clearly defined plan for the procedures that should be followed in the decision-making process will be more susceptible to Groupthink.


Groupthink has been criticized because it has not withstood the test of time.


Hartsock's theory has its beginnings in the writings of Aristotle and his mentor, Plato.


Muted Group Theory is a social scientific theory.


Perception is the process of judging a conversation.


Structures are viewed as having both temporal and spatial qualities, and Giddens maintains, in understanding them we must try to ignore the time-space relations inherent in the constitution of all social interaction.


The canon of delivery is concerned with knowing what to say and when to say it.


The hard core are part of the vocal majority.


The research of Radhika Chopra showed that muting can also affect


The stereotype that women talk more than men has been found to be true, as recent research has found that women's talk time exceeded men's in the vast majority of cases.


Uses and Gratifications Theory has had little application outside of television.


A person's interest in maintaining one's own face or the face of others is called

face concern

Lilly knows that Shari did not do well on the exam she got back in class today, so Lilly avoids bringing it up at dinner. This effort to prevent the occurrence of events that may elicit vulnerability or damage one's self-esteem is called

face saving

A field journal is used in ethnographic research to record experiments performed on the people in a culture different from one's own.


A system is a group or organization, not the behaviors the group engages in to pursue its goals.


Dwight Conquergood's research examined the rituals and symbols of the homeless in Chicago.


Effort is a rule that is applied when organizations choose to employ a plan of communication that in the past has helped to reduce the equivocality of information.


Equivocality involves the process of engaging in complex communication behaviors in order to reduce the ambiguity of information.


Poole and his colleagues conclude that the key to understanding groups is through an analysis of the rules that underlie them.


The information environment is identical to an organization's physical environment.


The only way to apply dramatistic ratios is by examining the agent-act ratio.


_________ occurs when two people overlap in terms of their substance.


Hall argues that ________ include(s) the languages, concepts, and categories different social groups use in order to make sense of their environments.


A group's belief that it is special enough to overcome any obstacles or setbacks is referred to as:

illusion of invulnerability

As a member of a task team at work, Faith really feels her group has been on a roll. The group's final report has been welcomed enthusiastically by supervisors, they were all given a small bonus for their efforts, and the group members feel a renewed sense of commitment to their company. If the group was assigned a new task, they may be prone to which principle of groupthink?

illusion of invulnerability

The form of audience activity in which consumers may actively avoid certain types of media influence is called

imperviousness to influence

A culture that values personal achievement, one's own preferences, and initiative could be described as


Which of the following is NOT one of the power bases identified by French and Raven?


The ________ environment includes the many channels that are used by an organization to send and receive a vast amount of messages.


All of the following are symptoms of Groupthink EXCEPT

insulation of the group

_________ occurs when television's symbols dominate other sources of information and ideas about the world.


Cultivation theory (CT)

makes a causal argument linking television viewing and perceptions of social reality

In the simplest formulation of the agenda-setting process, _________ agenda affects the __________ agenda, which in turn impacts the ____________ agenda.

media; public; policy

The central premise of MGT as given in the text is that:

members of marginalized groups are silenced and rendered inarticulate as speakers.

All of the following are antecedent conditions to groupthink EXCEPT

members' ability to step into the role of group leader at a given time

Which of the following canons refers to having a basic understanding of material and techniques for a speech?


All of the following statements describing how women experience the communication process when interacting with men are true EXCEPT

men engage in storytelling in an attempt to assist women in finding words to describe their experiences

McLuhan felt that _________ is a "corporate image" that relies on society for its status and sustenance.


Pacanowsky has noted that values derive from


The _________ similar we are, the more willing we are to accommodate; the _________ similar we are, the less willing we are to accommodate.


Following publicity of the scandal that ended his political career, New York governor Eliot Spitzer said, "I have begun to atone for my private failings. ¼ The remorse I feel will always be with me." In another speech, he said, "I have acted in a way that violates my or any sense of right and wrong. ¼ I apologize to the public, who I promise better." These are examples of


Kameka is an assistant district attorney in a small New England town. She is about to prosecute Parker, who is accused of blackmail and fraud. To establish guilt, Kameka will

need to establish Parker's motivation for doing wrong

Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies identified by Houston and Kramarae for resisting the process of muting?

negotiating a shared language that can be understood by dominant and subordinate groups

Face threat occurs when

one's projected self-image is challenged

Shortly after the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, photos and news stories were published showing Iraqis cheering in the streets, pulling down statues of Saddam Hussein, and greeting U.S. soldiers as liberators. Some anti-war groups, however, rejected these images and accused the military and mainstream news organizations as "staging" these events and reactions, even to the point of paying actors to appear in these scenes. These groups could be described as engaging in decoding the mainstream war coverage from which position?


Each summer NowBank hosts a picnic for the families of its employees. This is an example of a(n) _________ ritual.


Media Ecology Theory, as proposed by McLuhan, has been criticized as being

overly optimistic

The approach to knowing that characterizes the research undertaken using CAT is


Which approach to knowing characterizes the research undertaken using SST?


Because standpoints are defined by specific social locations, they are necessarily:


The main idea behind Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) is that

people actively seek out specific media and content to obtain specific gratifications

Rather than emphasizing the structure of organizations, Karl Weick highlights the _________ of organizing.


Narrative rationality

provides individuals with a method for judging narratives that is different from traditional methods found in the rational world paradigm

The ____________ agenda is the result of the media agenda interacting with what the audience thinks.


Which of the following is a hot medium, according to McLuhan?


Which of the following is NOT one of the consistencies used to judge the coherence of a story?

rationality coherence

All of the following are examples of communication accommodation EXCEPT

repeating a sentence for a non-native speaker

According to FST, standpoints come from:

resisting those in power

The stage of reducing equivocality at which the organization makes a note of what worked or did not so that it can make a good decision in the future is


When you do what your boss asks you to do because you recognize that she has the ability to promote you following next month's performance evaluations, you are acknowledging her

reward power

Aristotle's definition of ___________ has become corrupted over the years and now is used as a pejorative term for words without substance or action.


Aristotle's ideas about rhetoric

rhetorical/pub+rhet/postive+emp and interpretive/herm

The events that take place in a wedding ceremony are often perceived as serving the function of silencing women. This exemplifies which process of silencing?


The guidelines that an organization has established for analyzing equivocality of a message, as well as for guiding responses to information are called


All of the following statements about rules are true EXCEPT

rules limit our ability to create structures in groups and thus increase uncertainty

_________ refers to verbal threats of men and their nonverbal control of public places.


Learning values and assumptions from the media is also called

second order effects

Which of the three stages in the process of reducing equivocality requires an organization to make a decision about the rules and cycles that will be used for obtaining or understanding information?


Group members who shield the group from adverse information are

self-appointed mindguards

The act of not voicing one's own opposing views and of utilizing in-group rhetoric to bolster the decision of the group is known as


Face is a metaphor developed by Goffman and Ho for examining


the communication traditions most closely associated with MGT are

semiotic and critical

According to FST, the assignment of people to different tasks on the basis of sex and the exploitation that results from inequities in wages is called:

sexual division of labor

Renaldo always has a smile on his face when he enters the workplace. His colleagues comment on how much they appreciate his taking the time to stop and ask how their day is going as he passes by their desks. Renaldo is engaging in which type of communicative performance?


The workers at Zeideco Products often go out together after work on Fridays for "happy hour." This kind of organizational ritual would be classified as


According to Uses and Gratifications theorists, using e-mail or instant messenger satisfies which need?

social integrative

The third assumption of CAT states that language and behaviors impart information about

social status and group belonging



The communication tradition most closely associated with UGT is


the communication tradition most closely associated with UGT is


Which communication traditions are most closely associated with MET?

socio-cultural and critical

_________ refers to a location, shared by a group, within the social structure that lends a particular kind of sense making to a person's lived experiences.


The use of language to express ideas in a certain manner is called


Cultural Studies would support the claim that the professional code of television broadcasters will always operate within the hegemony of the dominant code because professional codes reproduce hegemonic interpretations of reality


Fisher argues that all communication is storytelling.


Giddens views all group members as having some sort of power.


Hunt called the dramatistic ratios "the interaction effects of two or more elements" and argued that observing these interactions is one criterion by which to judge the worth of a piece of rhetorical criticism.


Individuals in all cultures hold various self-images and continually negotiate these images.


McLuhan felt that the media was broad enough to include money.


Negative face refers to a desire to be autonomous and unconstrained.


One of Janis's suggestions for avoiding Groupthink or its negative consequences is to have a contingency plan for failed recommendations or suggestions.


Social hierarchy and class are often factors used to determine whose language will dominate.


Some of Ting-Toomey's subsequent research has revealed some discrepancies in the theory.


Some researchers agree with Noelle-Neumann's view of the role of the media and claim that the media may provide the force behind the spiral of silence because it is considered a one-sided conversation, an indirect public form of communication where people feel helpless to respond.


Stereotyping is at the root of intergroup overaccommodation.


The available means of persuasion are known as ethos, logos, and pathos.


The pentad allows us to analyze various speakers and speeches.


The primary concern related to Groupthink is that the group may arrive at a flawed decision if the desire for unanimity overrides the desire for a thorough consideration of all relevant information.


Ting-Toomey found that the Chinese use higher degrees of avoidance as a conflict style than other cultural groups investigated in her research.


spiral of Silence Theory assumes that people remain silent because of a fear of isolation.


Rebekkah is responsible for balancing the cash register at the end of every workday. This is an example of a(n) _________ ritual.


When Neil Postman states that we have become a technopoly, he is stating that

technology dominates our thinking

Gerbner argues that most stories in modern society come from


A 2008 study by Jennifer Brubaker concluded that:

television viewers and Internet users ranked issues differently than the general media.

Structuration theorists believe that all social interaction in an organization is comprised of a ______________ and ______________ dimension.

temporal and spatial

The Rhetoric passes which of the following criteria for theory evaluation?

test of time

Noelle-Neumann believes that the very fabric of our society depends on people to jointly recognize and endorse a set of __________, and public opinion will determine whether they are equally embraced across the population.


Organizational _________ are used to inform members about what standards and principles are viewed as being important by the organization


Organizational _________ are used to inform members about what standards and principles are viewed as being important by the organization.


All of the following are given as examples of media framing in newspapers EXCEPT:


Joshua Meyrowitz contends that

what was once private is now public

an employee who is willing to report unethical corporate practices to other is called a(n)


Rules explain both __________ something is done and __________ a goal may be accomplished.


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